Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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ttaelitv atorage Vaa Co. of . M
W. Xb Sjelby ft Bona, genera! Insurance,
moot Frlat tt New Beacon Preei
argess-Oraaaea C Lighting fix
I urea.
treated Choice real estate loane. T.
tt. Thomas, 228 State Bank Bid.
ITebraaka Bering's h Loan Ass'n.
Open for business In Its temporary loca
tion nith the t'nltcd States National
bank, 1609 Far nam.
"Today Complete Movie VrefrSJ
classified section today, and appears In
The Bee, EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Quickly located and easily accessible
are two prime requisites of a desirable
office location. Tenants In The Bei
Building, "the building thnt is always
new," find these two conditions of great
service In building up their business.
Cacto Club Danes The Cacto club will
entertain at an Informal dancing party
at Chambers' dancing academy on Mon
day evening, February 22. The commtt-
teo in charge of this affair Includes Jack
Suchart, Adrian Lund and Clint Hamil
Social Center Meets A postponed
meeting of the social center of Monmouth
Park will be held at the Monmouth 'Tark
school Friday evening, when R, F. Burke
will talk on the "Railroads and the
People." Muelo will be furnished by a
mixed quartet and the Sallander Man
dolin club.
Two Upper Floors of the Board of
Trade Building Condemned
Balance 50 Per Cent Loss.
President Wilson
Admires Script of
Omaha Jacksonian
President Wilson has complimented the
penmanship and artistic flourishes of an
Omaha man. That man is C. C. Red
wood, secretary of the Jacksonian club
of Omaha. Redwood wrote an invitation
to the president to stop In Omaha on
1 1 in western tour. Redwood is a good pen
man and is capable of some specially fine
flourishes when he cares to take pains.
V. F. Baxter, who was in New York
and Washington during the last two
weeks, carried the message to the presi
dent personally. In company with C. B.
Ycst of Omaha Mr. Baxter called -n the
president and presented the formal Invi
tation. The president was greatly struck
with admiration for the handwriting and
had some complimentary remarks to
make about it, according to Baxter. The
president made an indefinite reply to the
Invitation, however, leaving the Omaha
delegation in doubt as to whether he wll
or will not appear here for an address.
Women's Clubs Plan
for State Meeting
The program committee of the Nebraska
Federation of Women's Clubs Is in ses
sion at the Loyal hotel. Mrs. A. O. Peter
son of Aurora, state president, and the
chairman of the different subcommittees
are In attendance and will make up the
piogram for the next state meeting. The
Omaha club women gave a luncheon in
honor of the out-of-town delegates pre
ceding the meeting.
Mrs. Harry Llndsey of Lincoln Is chair
man of the program committee and Mrs.
K. M. Syfert Is the Omaha member. Other
members of the committee" are;
Mrs. T. J.. Lees of Lincoln; chairman of
art committee; Mrs. C. F. Leetham, St.
Paul, civics; Mrs. V. M. Cameron. Omaha,
civil service reform; Mrs. Emma R. Mil
ler, West Point, education; Mrs. Joseph
."parks, Chadron, conservation; Mrs.
Katherine Edholm, health; Mrs. A. E.
Davlsson, Lincoln, home economics; Mrs.
N. M. Graham, South Omaha, Industrial;
Mrs. C. W. Hayes. Omaha, legislative;
Mrs. D. E. Wherry, library; Mrs. Edgar
B. Penny,. Fullerton, literature; Mrs. J.
H. Corrick, Culbertson, constitution; Mrs.
O. W. Dorsey, Fremont, credentials: Mrs.
Cieorge Beels, Norfolk, music; Mr.. F.
H. Cole. Omaha, scholarship.
City Commissioner C. II. Withnell
has given orders that the two upper
floors of the Board of Trade building
must be torn down at once as a mat
ter of public safety. He states that
the damage beneath these two upper
floors is about 60 per cent.
Owing to the new building laws, the
building can only be repaired up to three
floors In the event that the owners de
cide to repair rather than rebuild at this
The board of directors of the Board of
Trade building are holding meetings for
mal and Informal trying to decide
whether to rebuild or to tear down and
put up a new building where the fire
Tuesday gutted the old one. The board
Is very secretive abovit these meetings.
"There is a complicated situation that
makes It difficult to come to an agree
ment," said one of the members. The
meeting was set for 9:30 at the Thomas
Kilpatrlck Company sitore.
"I can't see you now," was the hasty
reply of E. M. Morsman Jr., when he ;
was asked what was done. "We have I
nothing to announce yet,"
C. E. Yost, a member of the board of
directors, was asked when and where the
meeting was to be held.
"I haven't heard of any meeting," was
the reply of the president of the Ne
braska Telephone company.
Morsman Moat Active.
E. M. Morsman, who la one of tho very
active members of the board, has been
busy calling on board members and stock
holders Individually. So the board Is In
a constant succession ot little meetings
between Morsman and individual mem
bers of the board and stockholders.
When Fred W. Kayser, member of the
board, was asked about the meeting place
and time, he replied:
"I think It Is better not to express any
opinion, unless It comes from Mr. Mors
man." Incidentally, Mr. Morsman la one of
four who some time ago gathered up
fully 60 per cent of the stock of the com
pany and who therefore rules the af
fairs of this company.
These four are E, M. Morsman, W. H.
Koenlg, Fred J. Adams and the Captain
H. E. Palmer estate. The property Is
one that has been rapidly growing In
value. In 1912 the ground was assessed
at a $100,000 valuation, and the building
at 175,400. It Is said by real estate men
to be worth a great deal more now In
view of the development and promised de
velopment of Farnam street since that
time, and In view of the general Increase
in values of Omaha business property in
the last few years.'
Dr. Groh to Speak
at Midland College
llev. Dr. 1 Drub, pastor of t. Mark'l
Lutheran chur. h, h:is received mi Invita
tion to :lellvrr the annunl aildiT-ss before
the Young Men's and the Young Wom
en's Christian association of Midland
college, Atchison. Kan. The Invitation
came through llev. Dr. M. rt. Peeiy.
president of the college, which is a Luth
eran co-educational institution and theo
logical seminary.
Dr. Perry stated that "student and
college unite lc tlie Invitation and ask
yo.i to be the guest of the college during
Dr. Uroh expects to accept the Invita
tion. The address Is to be given June 1
Keep Handy fop Rheumatism.
Don't suffer and try to wear out your
Rheumatism. .-'Winn's Liniment goes right
to the spot, kills the pain. ic. All drug,
gists. Advertisement.
A. A. Bylander has been recently added
to the sales force of the local branch of
the Firestone Tire and Rubber company.
Mr. Bylander Is special motor tire sales
man, and In addition to Omaha. South
Omaha and Council Bluffs will assist
Firestone motor tire representatives in
Lincoln and Sioux City.
Third Mexican Declares He Hat Not
Heard from Gonzales for
Some Time.
Toniaz Zanchez, better known as
Reuben Trevlno, alias Joe Contass,
who was brought from Kansas City
by Detective Frank Murphy, spent
the greater part of Wednesday morn
Ing sorting over two trunks loaded
with stolen property, which were
brought here with him by the Omaha
The contents of the trunk comprised
wearing apparel, ornaments, pictures and
other articles which had been stolen and
sent to SCnnchea hv the two Mexicans,
who killed Detective Tom Ring. Among
other articles In the trunk were three
cartridge belts, one of which contained
six .44-callher shells ot the same Identi
cal make and appearance as the one
which killed the veteran detective. ,
Zanches denies absolutely any connec
tion with the two other Mexicans, whom
he asserts he met In Kansas Cltv when
employed at 81. Mary's hospital. He sa s
he made the acquaintance of Oonrnles
when the bitter was Confined In the hos
pital with a broken right arm and also
met Contami when he called upon the In
lured man. llecoiulng pretty good friends
during ionxales confinement, they had
their pictures taken together, but after
hi leaving the hospital Zanches denies
hearing from Oonnales That Znnchei is
King fiom start to finish Is apparent
from letters In the hands of the police
that he wrote o both of the other Mex
The poll''' have received further reports
from Norfolk that a swarthy complected
Individual had been seen beading ton aid
the IUark Hills on horseback. It Is be
lieved that Uonisles Is making bis get
away on the hore stolen from the I'll
ger fanner as reported Tuesday nlnht.
Officers Johnny Holden and Arthur Cun
ningham have gone to Ploux City, where
they will work with authorities there In
search for the desperado and stand ready
to relieve the Omaha officers farther
Serretary Lane of the Interior depait
ment went west on the Overland limited
yesterday, en route to Pan Francisco,
where he will represent President Wil
son at the orenlng of the exposition.
When the train passed through Omaha
Secretary lne was still asleep.
I'nlon Pacific officials are not Inclined
to take much Mook- In -the report from
Chicago to the effect that within a short
time the company will add to its service
two new througli trains from Omaha to
Han Francisco.
Officials here assert that the only In
formation they have with reference to
the talked of increaau in service is the
Chicago report. Tuesday night, Director
of. Traffic Winchell passed through on
his way to the coast and was met here
y a number of the local officials and,
while many mutters were discussed, Mr.
Winchell made no reference to any In
creased train service.
A petition is being circulated by friends
of the Howell light bill asking that all
the members of the Commercial club,
numbering 1.600. be assembled to render
s referendum vote on the attitude the
Commeicial club should take toward the
bill now pending In the legislature. Re
cently the board of directors of the club
refused to i ndorse the bill by a S to 1
A going business Iran be sold quickly
through The Bee's "Business Chances."
Walter Crumbley. Twelfth and Capitol
avenue, grew so angry at being ordered
away from the residence of Mrs. E. Phil
lips, 822 North Fourteenth street, because
he quarreled with his sweetheart who
lives with the Phillips family, that he
attempted to aet the house on fire.
He was discovered building a bonfire
under the porch, directly beneath the
girl's window, and was brought to police
Judge Foster bound the offender over
to the district court on a charge of at
tempted arson. Bonds were fixed at $750.
"Ever Pictur
Tells a Story."
'. fcX Child, commissioner of the 8ioux
City Commercial club, - Is In the city to
give testimony In the rtailroad rate case
on before Kxnminer Dowe. Mr. Child
was foimerly connected with the Omaha
Commercial club and was assistant to
E. J. McVann of the traffic bureau.
" Will I ever ft over thUT"
Don't say: "It's Just a cold.' It mav
turn Into rheumatism, or dropsy, or
gout, or other serious sickness that
comes from weak kidneys. Because,
colds are due to congestion. Congestion
makes the kidneys over-work to flltor
the blood. Colds often leave the kidney-
weak. First, break the cold; then use
Doan's Kidney Pills to avert the kidney
dangers. For backache they are espe
cially well recommended.
An Omaha Man's
Henry Netwlg, retired farmer, 840 S.
24th St., Omaha, says; "Now and then
I my back ached and I could plainly tell
from my kidneys acting Irregularly that
they were disordered. The secretions
scalded in passage, too, and It was plain
to be seen what kind of medicine I
needed. Lean than one box of Doan's
Kidney Pills fixed me up in good shape.
Work Is to be started soon on the con
struction of the Burbank apartments at
SS28 Cass street. This Is to be the prop
erty of Byron G. Burbank, the attorney.
John Herts has the contract for the con
traction of the building. It is to be a
four apartment brick structure to cost
somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000.
Cat This Omt ,.
If you don't want it today, you may
next week. Bend this advertisement and
I cents to Foley Co., Chicago, 111., writ
ing your name and address clearly. Tou
receive in return three trial packages
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
coughs, colds, croup and grippe;, Foley
Kidney Pills, for esk or disordered kid
neys or Mac", ir; Foley Cathartic Tablets,
a pleasant, wholesome and cleansing pur
gative, just the thing for winter's slug.
kVsh bom els and torpid liver. These well
knows standard remedies for sal by all
..,.r ... -titv.rtlum.BL
50 al !! Drug Stores
FosUr-Mllburn Co.a Buffalo. NY
A Remedy
For All Pain
"The efficiency of any drag" says Dr. C. P.
Bobbins, "is kDown to us by the results we
obtain from Its use. If we are able to con
trol palaand disease by means of any pre
paration, we certainly are warranted In Its
uaa. na of the DiinolDal symptoms of all
diseases la pain, and this is what the patient
most often applies to us tor, 1. e. something
to relieve hi pain. If we can arrant this
premplly, the patient la most liable to trust
In ns for the other remedies which will effect
e permanent cure. One remedy which I
have used largely tn my practice Is Anil
kamnia Tablets. Many ana varied are thol
uses. 1 have out them to the test on many
occasions, and have never beea disappoint
ed. I found loam especially valuable tor
headaches of malarial origin, where uulnlne
was Del lis taken. Tney appear to prevent
tbe bad after-efleets of the aulnlne. Anti-
kamnla Tablets are also excellent for tbe
headaches from Improper digestion! also
for headaches of a neuraigle origin, and es
pecially for women subject to palm at certain
times. Two Aott-keronls Tablets live
fironipt relief, and In a snort time tbe patient
sable to go about as usual." Tbese tablet
may be obtained a all druggist. Ask for
A-K Tablet. 1 bey are also unexcelled for
headaches, neuralgia and alt pains.
Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M.i
urgess-Nash Gompmsy
Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1013.
rhbtie. Douglas lit".
Clearaway of Waists at 69c
For Thursday Selling of Unusual Importance
ITS a big lot of lingerie waists in a great variety of pretty styles.
Tlio materials are voiles and lawns, trimmed with laees and em
broideries, long or short sleeves, and low neck. There are a score or
more of styles from which to make selection, some are slightly muss
ed, waists that were $1.00 to $1.50 in the clearaway Thursday at (We.
$2.00 to $2.50 Waists, 98c
Another lot of waists in the clearaway Thursday, including line
voiles and lawns, made in a variety of desirable styles and trimmed
with laees and embroidery, were $2.00 and $2.50; very special Thurs
day, choice, 98c.
Barges-JTah Co. -Second rioor.
Women's and Children's SWEATERS
at 50 Off Regular Selling Price
THAT'S the way we offer a great lot of good, warm sweaters Thurs
day exactly half the regular price. Just these as examples:
Child's ttl.OO Sweaters for 50c Choice r Women's $3.50 Hweat's, t.7S
Child's $i.rn Kwewter for 73c
Child's 92.H Sweaters, $1.00
Child's $2.B0 Sweaters, $1.23
Women's $3 Sweaters, 91.50
Women's 94.00 Sweat's, 2.00
J Women's $1.30 Sweat's, 92.23
Women's 93.00 Sweat's, 92.30
Women's Sfl.OO Sweat's, :MH
Surresa-lTaah Oo. toond floor.
These Specials in MUSLIN UN
DERWEAR at 95c Arc . Unusual
A BIO table heaped high with
dainty pieces of muslin under
wear is offered at the very special price
if l5c.
The offering includes:
30WNS of nainsook muslin and
repe, trimmed with Uce, embroidery
nd ribbon: $1.26 and $1.60 values, 5c
COMBINATIONS of nainsook
trimmed with lace, embroidery and rib
lion: $1.25 and $1.60 values. 95c.
1 UNDERSKIRTS of muslin and
nainsooK, neatly trimmed with em
broidery flounces, some with ribbon
Burgess-Mash Oo Heeead Floor, beading; $1.25 to $1.60 values for 03c.
aVKHMMOMBkl-t ef 11 1 f I
The Shoe Clearaway
Continues With Un
usual Values for the
Entire Family.
AN excellent preparation for
cleaning gloves, which
will appeal to every woman.
You can clean your gloves at
home, easily, Quickly, cheaply
and safely. Bring in a pair ot
soiled gloves and see how easi
ly they may be cleaned,
argess-stash Oo. Main rioor.
Four Drawer Drop Head
Sit Straight Model
Special Thursday
1 Hot
im Toast-
1 p 33?
Swift's Premium'
Fine Flavor-Clean-Economical
Terms $1.00 a week..
Thirty exclusive models $12.75,
$22.60 and $24.60.
Bargess-jTaeh Co Third noes
Specials in Enamel ware for Thursday
J 2c Enamel ware at 3c
"N2 lot of gray enamelware, lnclud
ing milk pans, jelly cake
cups, etc., In good assortment
for selection; were to 12c, very
special for Thursday at the ex
treme low price of
Wo Telephone or O. O. D. Orders.
35c Enamelware at 10c
INCLUDING handled dippers,
pans, wash basins, soap
large milk pans, preserving
kettles and 2-quart Berlin
kettles with covers, were to
35c; choke, Thursday
Burgess-Wash Co. Basement.
Demanded III Q
tTery- f 4 f
J where Ij'wJH
Quality I II
maintained I. 11 la
for "79 years. xl Q ZJ
Bottled in Bond I " 1U)
has always led all others I ss3sd'
C in popularity and its lead 1 - ms t)
today is greater than ever. r fjfl
Made in Kentucky- l jgSSM)
Vk the old-fashioned, lS J V
'SVV hand made way. ApsJvi
' I Ta- ' DISTRIBUTING CO, VW ijf Jr 4 if
f irJ'' Lawremceburg, Ky. a Sji jtf 'v'i
Vl afel " WESTERN OFFICE! iSmmf tSA $
Special VFvl L w U
a - 1 1 1
sauce ill rr,ji
dishes, III ILnl
ill i
f" m ii mm - mm
'."X ,';";', .,',' t'r
1 -jr- J
eTsL. . ii
We oTfer a bank
large enough to in
spire the confidence of
ita customers but not
too large to give every
consideration to the
interests of its customers.
ag-s i . i i i
1 1
and the Gulf Coast
is near and offers splendid attractions
to winter tourists.
Low Fares
Reduced rate round trip tickets on sale daily
from Omaha via Chicago and North Western
Ry, to all the famous southern resorts :
Jacksonville $50.68 Orlando $58.43
New Orleans. 41.18 Tampa 62.23
Mobile ...... 41.18 StPetersburg 62.28
St Augustine 52.98 Miami 72.78
Palm Beach. 69.18 Havana 87.18
Carraapoodinsl law rsla t. ether poiats 0
Favorable Stopover Privileges
Choice of Scenic Routes Liberal Return Limits
i, . Seven fast modernly equipped trains
J VSf arrive at the new Passenger Ter-
"sfi f minal, Chicago, daily, making con
r : venient connections with through
3- trains on lines South.
iravei via tne famous
double track, automatic
electric safety signal line
to Chicago.
Tbe Best ef ETerything
Reservations and particulars
on application to ticket offices
Chicago and
North Western Ry.
40 1-1 403 Farnam 8treet
Omaha, Neb.