Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Ealeimen Often Are Forced to Talk
to Several Prospective at
Same Time. '
Armored Cruiser on Exhibit at the Auto Show
Wednesday IealerV night.
ThuixUy Society nljriit.
rtday Cabaret night.
Saturday Cloning night.
It was a buying crowd that
thronged the Auto show yesterday.
On the firit day between 14,000 and
15,000 people entered, but they came
chiefly to see.
Yesterday the buying had started.
Monday the crowd kept to the
alMes. Yesterday they were In every
booth and in the .evening salesmen
sometimes had to talk to several
prospective buyers at once.
Fathers with anxiously expectant
families about them listened to ex
planations of points of various cars.
And there were many sales. One
car, and it's a high-priced one, too,
reported three sales before 6 p. ni.
"This Is the greatest Auto show held
litis year In point of enthusiasm, and I've
forrn to all of them," said one man of big
affairs. "There is the real "pep" In this
show and that In something that was
largely lacking In the New York and Chi
cago shows. Tli people out here In the
west have the money and they're going
to buy more cars this year than In past
Clark Towell. manager of the show, was
here, there and everywhere at once. He
bubbled with enthusiasm at the success
of the enterprise.
"There's the biggest crowd of dealers
here that we've ever had," he said. "In
quire of the hotels. Every one of them
ls crowded to capacity.
Factory torn "omr.
"And now the factory men from the
east are flocking In to an unprecedented
number. It la really astonishing to see
o many of them. And still it Is not so
astonishing after all. because we know
the reason, which Is that the manufac
turers look to the west as the buyer of
many more cars this year than ever be
fore. "It Is the truth that the farther west
you go this year the more automobile
life you find, at least as far west as
Omaha. We are doing the business here.
"Another straw showing which way the
wind Is blowing is the big crowds of
dealers that flocked Into the stores on
automobile row yesterday and today. I
never before saw anything like It.
"Even the weather Is Ideal for us this
year. Observe, If you please, that the
streets were frosen up until all the cars
were safely In the Auditorium. For this
reason there's not a speck of mud on one
of them. Directly the cars were In, the
weather moderated to an ideal tempera
ture." Last Evealnar Maaleal Mailt.
Lat night was "musical night" and
there was music nearly all the time.
Oleaen's orchestra dispensed melody of a
lively nature. This was supplemented
by "The Quartet." ' led by Jerome E.
I.atsch, arid Hal Oreer sang many solos,
sending his notes to every corner of the
great room by the aid of a megaphone.
Down In the basement among tho big
auto trucks wa an exhibit about which
an awe-stricken crowj gathered all day
long,, This was the heralded Packard
armored war car. Jdolllgerent youths
explained to admiring maidens Just how
the thing is maneuvered In time of war.
Some older folks looked at It disapprov
ingly. One small boy climbed up on a
wheel and then proclaimed to his mother
that ho would like to sit Inside It and
"shoot Rooshlans." He was promptly
ordered off of the war car and reproved
for his bloodthirsty ambition.
The car is so built that it holds only
a driver and a marksman, both, of
course, fully protected by the armor
plate, which Is about one-fourth of an
inch thick. The marksman sits on a
Mrycle eeat with his head up in a tur
ict in which a Colt automatic machine
gun firing 600 shots a minute is mounted,.
The turret can be swung around so as
to shoot In any direction desired. The
armor on the car Is proof againHt rifle
fire from a distance of 300 yards.
Jitney tars on View.
The swiftness with ,whlch the auto
mobile trade adapts ltselt to new condi
tions s Illustrated by the presence in
the basement exhibit A several Jitney
buses. Here is a thing that isn't named
i h. .li.ilnn.rv: that wasn't een
known in the language and hadn't been
seen or heard of six months ago. And
now Jitney buses are cxhlbted and sold
in an automobile show!
There were people Interested In every
thing '. yesterday from the five-ton
trucks and Jitney buses to the high
powered, seven-passenger tourlna cars
and magnificently appointed coupes and
And everywhere the note of serious
buying Interest was apparent. There
were many family groups with minds
evidently made up to buy and bent on
solving the problem which to buy. The
many beautiful chassis In working or
der were constantly surroundtd by
crowds. In the evening, especially, the
beauty of the exhibits was further en
hanced by the presence of many fair
and handsomely gowned women. And
here let it be recorded that a certain
elderly gentleman did ninke a "bon mot."
A salesman expounded to him the merits
of a certain car which sell around
$.000.V In the care were seated three
nomen and they were fair to look upon.
And the elderly gentlemen said to the
salesman: "The car is probably worth
f.'.OuO, but with the ladiea that are in
it I think It Is worth two million."
Whereupon he bowed and departed. And
the ladies didn't seem displeased.
Tonight will be "lealcrs' night," so
called, though, of course. It la Just as
much open to the public as any other
Sluggish bowels and torpid liver usually
to together and It doea not take long for
constipation to produce a bad condition
a feeling of languor or laislnesa the
blues." headaches, palpitation or other
malady. Indeed, when In thta condition
the system invites more serious Illness
and is not able to throw off disease. Foley
Cathartic Tablet are a wholesome laxa
tive and cleansing cathartic. They act
without Inconvenience, griping or sicken
ing. Bold by all dealers everywhere. Ad
vertise meat
The J. S. Davis Garage company of
North I'latte InaiiKin aU! a novel gurss
ttig contest last- Friday when the public
was Invited to guesn how many hours,
minutes and seconds the motor of a C-37
Bulck would run on ten gallons of gaso
line. The motor was started nt 2:.10 Friday
afternoon and run continuously until
Sunday evening until 9:.'.rt:3l, making a
record of fifty-five hours, twenty-six
minutes and thirty-one seconds. Tho
speed of the motor was at the rate of
six and four-xeventlis miles an hour, the
average mileage per hour from a pallon
of gasoline was thirty-four and six-tenths
and the total mileage was 346. The motor
during the test turned over nearly 3,0n0,000
The test created much interest, and the
number of guesses each of which was
written on a printed slip and deposited
In a ballot box reached 331.
The prize offered for the nearest guess
was a pair of tires, and these were won
by Mrs. John Burgner, whose guess was
fifty-five hours, twenty-nine minutes and
ten seconds. Others who made close
guesses were F. I Mooney, lw:22:10; M.
K. Leonard, K:20:15; J. E. Fillion, 66:30:10.
and E. W. Mann, 55:35:15.
The guesses ranged all the way from
seven hours to 200 hours.
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Ford Sales Show
Larger This Year
It was stated at the local branch of
the Ford Motor company that tho first
two days of the show this year resulted
In the closing of more actual business
than during the whole week last year.
As the first two days are usually consid
ered quiet as far as business is concerned
this record Is remnrknhle. Nlnr the an
nouncement of the Ford profit-sharing
plan to Ford purchasers last summer it
Is said that Ford sales In the United
Ptates show an Increase of close to 100
per cent. Now that this rebate la prac
tically assured, and with the Increase In
biiMlness wlilrh will undoubtedly lie made
with the classy new models, the big
question confronting the Ford company
Is to make all the model Ts that the
public lll buy.
CAKSON CITY. Nev.. Feb. 17. The bill
providing for a six months' residence for
divorcees passed the senate shortly be
fore noon today by a vote of 12 to 10,
Senator Hrsdshaw of Humboldt cast the
deciding vole.
Banks in Chicago
and Duenwig Robbed
CHICAGO, Feb. 17,-Four men entered
the Western Pavings bank, a private in
stitution on the westslde today, forced
President Hotl in a closet ana ran away
with K., which they took from the
DlKNWICi, Mo.. FM. 17. -Three un
mankeil men held tip the cashier of the
state bank here today and obtained 12,000.
The robbers fled, but are reported to
have been captured, by a posse near
LlTeP Complaint Makes Von
No Joy in living if your Stomach and
Liver don't work. Stir ycur Uver with
iDr. King's New Life Pills. All druggists-Advertisement.
A going business can be sold quickly
through The Bee's "Business Chances."
II I III III Ml 1 1 II I T-t'"' ' ' I Mil
Read Tnw Bee'a "Business Chances"
M& et Into your own business.
Keep Liver and
Bowels Regular
With Cascarets
Get a 10-cent box now.
No odds how bad your liver, stomach
or bowels: how much your head aches,
how miserable and uncomfortable you aro
from constipation, indigestion, bilious
ness and sluggish bowels you always get
the dortreit results with Cascarets. '
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels make you miserable. Take Cas
carets tonight; put an end to the head
ache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness,
sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and
all other distress; cleanse your inside
organs rif all the bile, gases and consti
pated matter, which Is producing the
A 10-cent box means health, happi
nesa and a clear head for months. No
more days of gloom and distress if you
will take a Cascaret now and then. All
druggists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the
children their little trinities need a gentle
cleanHlng, too. Advertisement.
Rub Omega Oil gently oyer the ach
ing nerves; then cover with flannel
aoaked in the Oil Put a piece of dry
flannel over this and bind tightly
against the face. This srmple treat
ment has brought peaceful rest to
people who have tuncrcd agonica-
We have just taken
the agency for the
in this territory.
Quality First SV .
Ay To hulld a car to meet a price Is a dangerounN.
If I thing. W
j ml The Anperson 1 not built that way
If I Apperson quality always comes first Apperson '
I ml price second. 1 .
In I P'iry of making; automobiles is twenty-two I
ll years old. I ml
I ll Three sixes and n four. A four at $1350 and fa J
v Apperson Jack Rabbit Auto Co.
New I location, 2117 I'arnam Ht. I mf
Biggest Attraction
Do Not Fail to See the
New Light Six-40
It is Attracting the Attention of the Show
Ask Us to Show You Through This Car
Stewart-Toozer Motor Co.
SALESROOM 2048 - 50-52 Farnam St.
5j l0wrto
OriOa and
You ean't relas
where it's cold. You
can't really rest in a
"shivery' outdoors.
Florida 'a aunny cli
mate is the nutJJut
thing in your cam
paign for recuper
ation. Plan to go
$ 4.0
The Frico has on sale daily, winter tourist tickets to all of the
Florida and Cuban resorts. Good (or return passage until June
1st. 1915. Liberal stopover privileges.
rvmntas kaxj to: m, mui
Jacksonville and return, $ 42.S0 Kay Wast and return,
St. Augustina and return, 44.S0 Tampa and return.
Palm Beack and return, 61.00 Havana and return,
uooa return log six Bonus iron oate o( sale.
Correspondingly low fares to other resorts in Florida, Cuba and the
Isle of Pines.
There is an all-steel train, through from Kansas City to Jacksonville, over the
Frisco Lines and Southern Railway with steel coaches, dining care (Fred Harvey
meals) and sleepers. It's
The Kansas City
Florida Special
mnA it t&kjta ,u iIimii.Ii iL. fL If .
Detailed information and profusely illustrated
descriptive liteiatuse may be had by oddreaeing
J. C. Lovrian. Division Passenger Agent.
609 Waldheim Bldg, Kansas City
Los Angeles-Phoenix
Road Race
Moving Pictures
to be shown at the
Henshaw Cafe
Week commencing Febuary 15th
to 20th from 6:30 to 8 p. m. and
10'-30 to 12 p. m. every evening.
1 y w
Nothing Else Will Satisfy Him
Popular that's the word with all true Americans
with all classes physicians, laborers, mechanics,
bankers, business men. Blatz Beer is best In quality,
taste and purity Good for ycu Good for your friends.
Pur, wholesome, snappy and individual in taste. If ye
navo osen ennaing oitter Dears, it s because you nave
tasted BLATZ BEER.
i i .
lasted BL-A I BtXK. f lit
Ordmrm MMiri en ree. ! wr wmjmr Mu M
Blatz Company, Omaha, Neb. I rs
".V"lT SJiZ " ssiwissor V
For Reoulta
Bee Want Ada