TItR TflTR: OMATTA, TTTTTRSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1915. WHITE CORN FLOUR IJAKES GOOD BREAD ,J?atha.n Merriam Declares it Could Be Substituted for Wheat Flour (-: . to Large Extent. DISFAVORS EMBARGO ON WHEAT Tb eonneitlon with the Now Tork In (suiry Into the fooil supply, and especially In connection elth the a heat and flour situation, Mr. Nathan Merriam ha writ ten th folio Inf letter to Mr. O. i Perkins: "Noticing the anxiety of j our New Tork food committee reepectins auppllei of tiraadstuff, particularly wheat, for United JPtates consumption, and that you favor an embargo against further exportation of wheat from thia t-ountrr, at the aame time having In mind a possible reduction In the price of wheat, which an rmlwrrn weald likely brine about, I beg to sug rat In place of an embargo agalnt the exportation of wheat the general use throughout the United States of whit corn flour aa a substitute for wheat flour to th extent of about (0 per cent. The merit of white com flour aa a food are not generally known and do not be gin tq b appreciated In thla country. I know personally, having used It for yearn, that It makes the most delicious bread Jad Is much preferred to wheat bread, particularly when hot. are Millions of Dollars. "Before, the next crop of wheal can be expended on to any material extent the consumption . of whest In this country Will approximately be about 200,000,007 bushels. If lflO.OOO.ono bushels of white rota eouJd be substituted for wheat, then w would have for export 100,000,000 busli. tf mora wheat than under ptesent con euons. The price of wheat Is doubia the price of corn, henos tha saving oa ac count of this substitution would ba about 7,0.oa during th next five months, as aondltlona now exist. "We ean possibly export with safety a boot 7t.OilO.0O0 mora of the .present crop. Tba substitution referred to will enable to export 175,000,000 more. This would likely be ample to supply tha necessities ef Europe until tha next harvest. What an act of charity It would be If we could supply our European neighbors with all the wheat thay need, especially since we would profit thereby to tha extent of t7e.0CQ.O0a, WmII Prereat Advaaee. . That Is not all. This substitution woui4 prevent further advance In wheat, and possibly bring about a small reduc tion from present prices. I cannot oon celva a mora practical or better way to bl reduce the cost of living, and at the am, time add wealth to tha country. Europe would likely follow our example, and thereby make a much larger and better market for our corn. Immensely benefiting this country and the world. "I therefore suggest that you urge tha government at Washington and the press generally to assist you In. the effort to popularise tba Urge use of whit corn flour at this time, indulging tna hope taat demand may spring up all over the United States for white corn flour to uch an extent that the mills of our country may equip themselves f6r pr. duclng thia product In sufficient quanti ties to supply the demand." CHICAGO OBAIlf AND PROVISIONS TradL, aa4 Cl..g , . Price. Baau f Trad. 9",CAOCl' p,b' ".-Misgiving, over the fh1!'''Df cr'als brought aCoul by thl at? te.i.pted starvation duel botween Ori- JVi"n7 Sui ,U? " Br""'n h'", demoral izing affect touay n the wheat trade IT.k t.it0 t0 V.4-t,e under last ntgnt. Other net losm-s were; Corn. IVWdHu to )(. oats. ltfi'o and provisions i.i,:((k. l.xeltement in wheat started when It ecmed t-ertaln that both tho British gov rrnntent and ta Uermaa would trove un. yiiluing and Uiat meanwhile a mulorlty of the dealer at Liverpool were dis-1-oeed to adopt a waiting pulley in regard to buying. Most of the aelllng that ensued l.era waa in the shape of liquidation on the part of holders whose Investments ere made during the strong swell which vaa to progress Monday and part of 1 uesday On break after another took rise In l.et until in th last hour of the sea alon word came that some exporters were attain becoming venturesome. Other so thoritles aeaertod that foreign sales of )u,(Mt bushels said to have been mado -were largely for Belgian relief and thera gure not. of real Rig nit lea nee. Other prices suffered from a storm of telling induced by th downward plunge jt th wheat market and by the great load of stored com in sight. I.ale signs of some revival of Kurop.n rail halped to rally prices just before the close. Oata gava way with corn and wheat. Much of tii selling of oats was of a stop-loss charavtxr. Weakness of grgln and hogs carried provisions heavily downward, what sup I'ort developed was mainly from shorts, ket. Following Is tha rang of prices: Artlelel Open. I lllgh.l lw. Clo , Ys y. Vheatl May. . July. Corn: May. July. Oata: May. July, fork: 1 ?H IO 1 S7 1 1 cs; 1 3M. IM 1 SUV. 1 UHl 1 So:, T Vv TS T!K ' 7'4 OH S 71 , SH . r4 MS 6, ii t 6:s 4 46 67 1 40 11 00 IS T7SI It : 19 1 1 40 IS 40 IS 17l! 10 Si 10 86 I 10 7? 10 77U 10 W : Wrj' j lOl. Wi lOW 10 to 10 Si 10 ? 10 15 I 10 IS 10 27' 1 10 60 10 m h r.'V 1040 10 6CS May. Jiy- Iaro: May July Sllhs: Isy. July t'hii Kin Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 red 1.7'a"I.a!!: No. I hard. SI.6stafil.tSL Corn: .o. 4 yellow. 7Hi7UV. No. 4 aliile, 73Wt ivac. u: rso. I wiuie, O.S.tioi'c; No. 4 while, b;T&; Hye: No. M. II. Barley: !('. em): Timothy, SA..'i(Nf4.6o;- clover, lHgM) rrovb-lnns: Pork. $J7.0uii m.ii; lard. K'.'-; libs. 1.2J4iI.7b. MITI KN-lawrr; creamery, I4ase. '. HTATOK-U-r; recvlpi. 13 cars; SH hlgan red, 1mi4::v. Michigan and V Is cen.sui white. a0 4l;. l:i.JS Higher; receipt. 6.47S cases; at mark, caara Included, ;C.'ic; ordinary lirMs. J4i.Sc; first. T'itSo'tC. fuL'li KV-14ve, higher; springs, 14c; fowls, 14'c 1 ' t New York General Market. NEW VUKK, Keb. 17 bl U A K Futures wer tinner early today on Ova buying ' ly vomnitneion houses and trade Intejeets. . prompted by unfavorable weather advt fioin Cuba, i'rtiea at midday wer Kj-t Mmts net l.ulier. Kaw sugar, strong; .74v; centrifugal, i.iu; rvllnad, aicMiiv.. , bl ri TF.R-Wesk; receipts. 4,411 tubs; rreaiiwry extra ti s-ore. "i)4c; cream- . er- (nifcii-r sioriiiK '. iltj-'T"; tlrsls. M tfj.W:; -onils. su.'sc; ladles, ourrent riike, flrsls. 'HW'if, aeeonds. S!c; pack . li str,, k, current make, Nu. 1. MVjJ. f.'iUrt Klrmer; receipt.- 7.1.H tases: - freeh gslliered, extra Him. TKnZlW, sslrw UrMB, Z'-; llrivla. 1LW'i;.h.-; aenils. S4 -j ix: slate, I'cnnsyivam and n.srby .rnnry. waites, tine to fancy, $4c; aame, gath sred, w lilies, imilc; aani. knnni-i, browns, lc, same, gathered, brotni arid mixed 4-oU.ra 0!j6i. ('htl..-h.-Mnii; receipts, 1 ',xA boxes: a t iL. whole milk, lie IJ, specials I 0 i'.'tci ii. aversie, fain y, IS'ei'c; am.r, niurr export t'!e, specials, 1iV..( i'j--.r; earn-, sviriage fany, ImiS'.. f'l'l.i It V-I.lve. firm; western ihltk- fut, JAuif: fuwla. LHli turkejs. 14 4a ''; (licHi, quiet; western rtmtilng ti.i Kens, I " '!; Irtak fuwis, H't.jxv.; OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Light and Prices Steady to .Same Strong-er -Good -Ron of Sheep and Lambs. . HOGS SLOW AND TEN CENTS OFF SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 17, IHli. Receipts were: -a:la. line Sheen. Official Monday 1.241 !.M .llt Official Tuosdae 1.444 .Jtl 11. sis Kstimate Wednesday.. 1.700 1000 14.409 Three days this Wk. S.SVt 117.707 fame days last wees. .12. 7.11 ' heme days I w'ks as-o.12.iM 1.74 feme days S Whs ago. 14 430 . Hume days 4 w'ks ago. 7,2 81. Same days Isst Jeer. .17.411 M.7M Th fellnwlna- tahl. (lu raealat of csttle. hogs and ahep St the South Omaha Uva Stock market tnr the year to-date, as compared with last year: 1i. 1914. Inc. rie iiu4 m.oTi m Hogs u) sut ; m 4.YTK.1 Kbeep isTUTI 842.377 3S.S01. Tha following table ihrn ma averase Price for hues at tha cu.uih Omaha live stock market for tha last few days, with comparisons: Date, ii:i4,UU.iiit.iil.l!tlo.iy'. rb. l IBiM I , 4 U.I 161 T tOi 'j 21 40 1 04 14 11 a 07 It M m ii 13 21 18 ft Keb. I.., Feb. .. f m ew 7 w 1 Ml 1 reb. 4.. Ir'b. I.. Feb 4 M I t 171 J 4i 74141 I CM 4 ( I 74 I Ml ) Ml I W 7 tfi l I T4 I 32 I Feb. T.. 1 1 as! 1 121 a ow I 3 I J 4 W I '.el m 40 o I 46 T ) 121 1 42 tu rev, s.. Feb. a. Feb. 10. Keb. ll.l reh. 12. Feb. lit Feb. 14. 1 ail s 47 7 l I 471 7 Ml 411 t 41V 4oi g 4ii I in 1 7 21 6ri i n, 7 Mil 4 08i I 71 77 I 7 40-lkl I 2 T 96 I M i S 2k 7 Ml OK Sf I 7 Hi Ot ( 44 M M I ;! 01 M1 V) IK) Feb. . Feb. 14. 1 Feb. 17., 7 01 7 11 7 04 74; Mil 'Sunday. Reoelpta and dmposillon of live stock al tha I'nlon Block Ysids. itouth Omsha, for the twenty-lour hours ending at I o'clock yesterday: . . O H lei 1 ogs.Phef p. H'ses. RKCEITTS CAHIXMUS. . C. M. Ut. T 1 14 HVebssh 1 3 .. Missouri Pacific 1 1 t'nlon Paflo ....... 87 " ' M ' ' 14' C. N. W., eaat... 4 M C. A N. W.. west... 87 71 ., . ' 4 C, t. P., M. O.. 14 .1 ' .. ('.. B. A Q., east.... 2.7 t . .. C ..B. Q , west.... 1 41 11 1 C, K. I. P., east. 1 ti ' .. i 1 c. n. i. a p., west. .. i llllnota Central 17 .. .... Chicago O. W 14 Total receipts ...10 Si DISPOITTON-HBAD. rin Itm Morris Co ftwlft aV Co Cudahy Packing Co. Armour A Co flchwartx A Co 11A 1.001 1.M0 621 b.U4 1.1 Wl lt 5.106 l.HM 427 4.47 1,071 .... 130 ' M 40 a 34 ! at 24 12 ..... 1 Ill 7 M ' 10 ..... 1 t 4 ; n 7i J. W. Murphy W. H. Vansant CO...-. Benton. Vansant tt L... F. B. Lewie J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla U F. Huas..... Kellogg H F. Ham U ton Sullivan Bros Rothschild Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... Christie HUrglng .Huffman Meyers Baker. Jenea A Smith.. Tanner Bros John Harvey ennla A Francis $10,000,000 First Mortgage Sinking Fund 5 . ' " ' ISSUED BY Dfcted July 1,1114. -! ' I" "TJutj July 1. 14 ' Interest payable January 1 and July 1 ta Cblcago or New Tork, at the option of tha holder.' Authorised $51,000,000 . Outtandin 115.000,000 - Redeemable at lOlH-aad Interest on any Interest date upon three months' notice. FIRST TRUST 4 SAVINGS BANK., CHICAGO. CORPORATE TRUSTEE. .' . Wi ifamnuriii Jt UUovinf ftalart csxcgrninf tiis iuue: ' .,' (1)" The bonds are secured by a' first mortirage upon the property and plants of the Company,. located at Chicago, .East St Louls,8outh Omaha, Kansas City, South " St Joseph, South St. Paul, New York, Boston, Phlladelphlai Denver, Milwaukee, . St Loulg', and dlstrtbutlng branch houses In sixty-two of the principal cities of ' the United States. KrXm appraised value of property mortiraKed is over '. 947,000,000. : .' . : ' . j . " '(J) ' Te Company oorenants that It' will maintain Net Quick Assets equal at all'tlmes to the amount of bonds outstanding. Aa of September 26, 1914, Net Quick Assets . were'4t.ll2.l4. , : (S) 1 Net Earning for the fiscal yestr ended S4ptmber SO, 1914, applicable to bond la tcreat, were f9,S87,SOO, or aeavrly eight times the Interest rcqtitrenMHts on bonds sow otrtatMeifog, .... ' ,'(4) Bonds' are .followed by 176.000,000 Capital StotV. all sold for cash at. par. Cash Dividends have been earned and paid continuously for twenty-nine years, and for 'the past sixteen years at the rate of 7 per annum. '..'.' t ..... v , () Beginning July 1. 1915, the Company Is required to pay annually to the Trustee a , Sinking Fund of 3 of the bonds issued, either In cash or in bonds at par, all ' cash pay nients to be applied to the purchase or redemption of bonds. Bonds so ' acquired are to ba cancelled. () Based on .'gross sales of 1435.000,000 the Inventory shown in the following; state me?t represents only about a forty days' supply. Owing to the liquid character, of this Inventory the Company is enabled to turn over Its net working capital about ten times' In each year. , f ' ' ' . . , I I , ' ' tOMLX8K BALAXCK SHKKT AS OK 8EITF.MBi:B 26, 1914. .' I' 'AimU, i Real Kstate and linproveutevU, v imludUig Branch Hmues. . .;. Mocks tutd lionds . . . . , ; Cah e. . ,-t y. i . . . . . , . J, Accotints Receivable .. , .'. ... Inveotwry J . ' ' . " " ; First Trust & Stfisp Bank CLicajo Kline Other buyers 12 1,296 Totals IW 1s,f4 4 CATTLB Receipts of cattle wer very light agHln this morning, only 111 cars being reported in. This makes the total r-ipta tor the three days tnls week only . bead, being sbout half a normal run and omy about one-third as large aa for the corieapondlng period a year ago. fndcr the Influence of the very light receipts prices on all klnde of cattle were fully steady, and here and there sla men who happened to hove something that buyers especially wsnteit thought tney secured In some cases es much ss Wo sdvanca over westerday. Th demand, however, waa by. no mean very broad and as there was nothing encnuisging In astern advices the feeling waa general that the strength shown by the market eaa due entirely to light receipts. Most operators on the market were expressing themselves as of the opinion that with liberal receipts It would have been hard work to hold the market steady. Thia will Indicate that the feeling is hy no means strong end that free shipping on the rart of the country might result In further declines. What has been said would apply to alt kinds of killers, cows and heifers, aa well as beef ateers. Btockeis and feeders were very scare, but feeder buvers took a few of the warmed-up cattle at good firm prices, wtjch also helped to relieve the pressure on the beef market Quotations on Cattle? Oood to cbotce cornfet beeves, 17.2.'i7 70; fair to good corafed heve. I ltxfi1.Ti: common to fair eomfed beeves. lo.76(K.M; good to choice hl'ersk f.7ffj.i0: good to choice cows. tft-foi!f .ou; fair to good cows. U.'to ICO; common to fair cows. $J.604r4 76 : good to choice stockera snd feeders. M 60fr7.2i: fair to good stockera nn feeders, M.txra (in; common to fair stockera .and foli ar. ti.on4i4.00; stock heifer. IS.25fl 00; stock cows. 4.7ii5 7fi: stoca calves, wn.m 7. SO; veal calves, t7.0010.00; bulls, stags, etc., 14.7&W00. Representative saies: BKBK HTEERB. tio. At. Pr. Ko. A. Pr. .104 to . m i i .m 4 . im 7 i .i: t .tut 7 it ,i;4 ; , W 1M .1221 7 4S S TK S . 4 '(T 4 1 14... f 10UI 4 14... M U4 4 4 It... 1 1 V 4 m n... I a 4 14... -, , Ml .4 (4 Ti... S 10-53 4 71 14... M 1IM 4 14 4... BTKKR8 AND HEIFERS. U un 4 a l li 474 4 m 117 I m l. 1 11 '....1044 4 46 , . COWS. 4 '.... 4 en l ..., ii li ti I inns 4 u I..... It M 4 44 4 t tna 4 M 11 4 M l 1 I Ml ill , 14 1 1IR 4 s 4 -....I) 11 1...,. 1144 ( 14 !..... 1 1144 4 14 , HEIFERS. IAN 71 4 IOTA is n to r 4 44 I . 46j 4 n w i 944 7 40 ..tew 4 40 ..li 4 fin ..1174 ISO ..1014 4 4A . . S27 4 ;o ..U"S 4 74 ..lost I K ..114 4 40 . IIM It ..10U II ..1314 14 .. a 4 s .. 470 4 IS .. R4 I 40 4 tst as I 3 4 14 1 1414 4 74 1 1n I i l m 4 n l 144 i 1 W..1HJ0 4 1ft , 1 III'.' I 4S . 1 lint I K 1 iitl 4 74 t. ,..VX 4 44 ; 1..... M0 4 14 1 174 4 44 1 m 4 40 CALVES. 1 7 4 M i la 14 Ill IM . 4 144 I M 41 sn 7 1 100 I 74 1 W 7 4 1 144 14 ) 1 40 4 4 STOCK ER8 AND FEE7DET18. I lt 4 4 4.. tl ST I M IK 24.. W lit 1 1 SrtA 7 SO 14 Ill 4 14 44 441 J 14 14 417 14 WESTERN ft COLORA DO. 1 bulls ...1197 660 IIOOS Supplies war tha largest of the Week to date, and under th Influence of a liberal run, and bearish advloea from others points, all buyers started out bid ding fully 10c lower. Bhlppers bought a number of bogs early on this basis, pay- 50. 4a 4, .HO 7 854o2,OOl 8,470,100 4 7ra.7 T 7 , 45,800,0011 ,-----B-----saaaaBaaaaaaaa BBBaa 4H87r04.7a Swiff: & Company ' . Lili7ifies t'apitaj HUH-k' I Ihmdts ltebt . . . . , Kills Payable . 'Account Payable Accrued Intrreat and IMvidends . Reserve Surplus PRICE 96. AND ir-TEREST, YIELDING Circa lars ceaUiaotf fmplet Potter, ViTate, VhH h C:t Cbicajo ; Ing from to Km for their kind. Killers' early bids ware made on a basis of 4MH. and aelltra. thinking they aught to get better money, held on in aa effort to strengthen the trade. Buyer, how ever, had everything In their favor, and after the later messages from fhlcsgo re ported that market as a dime tower. some hogs started to move at prices thst might have been a pinch better than th figures offered earlv. but at that wer about 1V lower than Tuesday's kfller trade. Even after some hogei had been sold th movement remained very draggy. T rela continued on about the name basis until towsrds the close, when, with moat buvers filled no. snd onlv on wu-ker left who really wanted anything, the lack of competition allowed value to mm off a little. The close waa probably th low est time of the day, and prices were at least a shale under the genersl market. or 10 16c lower then yesterday. Best hogs aold on the close st P.624), while th less desirable ons landed around I4..V).. -At noon there were still a few scattering losds In first bsnds. Representative sales: Nt . th. Pr. Ne. . Sh. "r. 17 IM ... 4 1 ". ipi ... 4 H4 74 U ... 4 44 l. !?4 ... 4 44 41 ?H 19 I AO it 1MI ... 40 14 ? ... 4 4Hi , J4 Ml 40 I 4 14 147 ... 4 t!V I PiCtS. . t W 100 ... 4 74 HIIF.EP A tlbarsl run for a Wednesday showed up today, the estimate calling for I4.0IO head. For the week to date the re ceipt foot up 31.042 head ss against 47.H7 last week and 39,777 for the corresponding weK last year. Today's trade was pretty much like yes terday In that there was nothing doing during the early hours aside from the fill ing of orders on shipping and sheering account The packers did not vn try to buy much of consequence until well along toward tha noon hour and when they did get down to bunine their bids were lower. Finally the bulk of the lambs was disposed of on a basis weak to a dime lower, while anything in th line of mutton held about ateady. Tho early trade on shearing account Included a five-car bunch of Idaho lambs at 1H.2V The first ewes to sell moved around 10 t.15. The packers prefr lambs welsh ing from 70 to K0 pounds and anything oxer that mets wttn slow sale ana nas to sell at a disadvantage. - Bulk of the killing purchases was mad at S4.62Vd.e6. the long string moving at W.U'A. and -quit a sprinkling of shipper sales landed as nign aa .u. uurreni value are a good big nickel lower than at the close of last week, aa the alight advances mad Monday and Tuesday amounted to less than -half of today' de cline. RecelDta this morning assumed very liberal proportions, something like 272 cars, or 19.000 head, being reported In. The three days' total of 32,307 la mora than 26.000 short of last week's big run, and is about 1,400 smaller than for th corresponding days last year. Mlsunder stsndlng of the new quarantine regula tions was probably partially responsible for the comparative lightneas or th re ceipts on Monday and Tuesday. Quotations on sheen and iamb: Ltmm, Mexican. tS.2.Vfr.60: lambs, fed westerns, lS.00ftS.60; lamha, shearing, 17.7tvjM.:."i; yearlings. light, g7.WKt7.7i; yearling, heavy, lfl.75fj7.Fp0; wether good to crteAce, .fxt6.7fi; wethers, fair to good. "KM 130; ewes, good to choice, SS.28'u'156; wes, fair to good, Sf.0Oe4.J5. No. Ay. Pr. 4.'. fed lamhs 1 40 1401 Idaho feeder lambs M S 23 HORSES A big run of horsee arrived at the yards this week, a large proportion o' them Intended for the Italian war trade. Contrary to expectations the mar ket outside of tha war horse fleai was alow and unevenly lower. Recent atonns nave Kept the country trade tiea up ana the outlet on that account was very lim "S.fr aa4 Liberal tatnnat Vlei Threugli DlTsninratlon." An artlnta whlek shsuM Is rA tr ersrr thnrtr (aMstor. la th ourreat Ism of TH Vj OTn LOT RBVIBTW. II a jmmr. aen for ssaipl tnr. 74 BeMdvsr. M. T. Clr. Gold Bonds 75,000,000 10,000,000 &0,5li8,ftSO 18,010.001 , 1 ,437.500 aoo.oaa 87 ,200,000 f 187.0O4.87S ABOUT 5.27 rti$t. Choate & Prentice New York ited The southern demand showed no Improvement. Owing partly to the fact that horse markets In different parts of the country ere all bidding for foreign contracts there has been a tendency on the part of foreign buyers to cut prices rather than raise them. The Inspection Is becoming more rigid and buyers are buy ing at cloger figures The Italians want go rid boned, ragged horses, weighing from 1.000 to 1.100 pounds and standing fifteen hands hlsh. They have been paying 1126 for anything that passes Inspection. Any offerings that did not sell on war ac count were a drug on the market. CHICAGO I.rVR STOCK M.tRKRT Cattle Stroag ng. Weak Sheep Weak . CHICAGO. Feb. 17.-CATTLB-Reeipts. s.nn head; market strong; native steers. I6.2ni40; western, l4.Sfvn7.20; cows and heifers I.TIOfi'r.r.O; calves, SC. SOIO. 25. HOGS Receipts. 42.000 head; market weak. 16c to 20c lower; bulk of sales. 14.fi64-.; light, Sg.40tfil.S6; mixed, Mji .; hsavy, $.20tf.60; rough, SS.209a.36; pigs, $ri.2ffc.t. HHEEP AND LtA MBS Receipts, ltonfj head; market weak; sheep, S8.Jfv317.2O; yearlings. S7.26'7.0; lambs. 7.256. Kansas City I, Ire Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo., Feb. 17. CATTL.F. Receipts. 2.0H0 head; market, higher; ' ' -' Vi.it-U9.aw, gi UIUCQ Brer steers. S8.50ra7.76: western steers, $6,609 7.7R: southern steers. 16.7..if7.00; cows and heifers. 14.2u4J.76; heifers, S&.607.60; etockers and feeders. I.Y6OS'7.50; bulla So.25(tii.s0: calves, J6.6OfJ10.60. HOGS-Recelpts. ll.ono head; market lower; bulk of sales. SS.fKaji4l.65; heavy, lfVff70 peckers and butcher, l.Sf. .6; light. M.f.'d.90; pigs. lS.2fyjfti.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12.000 head; market weak; lambs, $8.0fg8.46; THURSDAY SALES OF HITEIISE ECOHOMICAL I UTERES! 1" Don't Miss Our Final Clearance Sale of Men's Winter Clothing. See Special Ad Page Special Display Thursday on Fourth Floor The Most Exquisite Line of High Grade . Embroideries and Lace Flouncings ever shown in Omaha, including sheer lawns, organdies, chiffon handkerchief cloth and crepe and lawn cloths. An immense sample line. No two -pieces alike. Pur chased direct from the importer. ' " ., At Half Regular -Retail' Prices The finest goods made and in this season's most popular widths. Just the tiling for evening and party gowns, bridesmaid, graduation, first communion and wedding gowns. . , Remember the Day, Thursday, February 18th, only. Lace Stock Room, 4th Floor. All cordially invited. Oar Cloak and Sait Buyer Has Retarned from New York After Painstaking Selections of Our Spring Garments Beaatiful Silk Waists, $3.00 to $4.00 values, all sixes and colors, Thursday, choice 9105 A Complete Clean Up of All Fabric Hats j ......... . . , . , ; ' At prices considerably less than cost of production. We need all the room for display of new spring goods; the most beautiful and varied-stock we have ever shown. . Thursday We Offer All the Trimmed Fabric Hats That sold to gg $7.50; at one $ UU price to close . . . Hay den' t Make the Grocery Prices for the People The Talk of Omaha. Is Their High of 3 to 60 oat 17 lbs. best granulated sugar, $1 48-lb. sacks best high grade Dia mond H flour, nothing finer for bread, plea or cakes, sack. .91.90 10 bars of Beat 'Km All. Lenox, White Russian or Laundry Queen Wblte Laundry soap SiSe 8 lbs. beat white or yellow corn meal for 17e 7 lbs. best rolled white break fast oatmeal 23e 4 lbs. fancy Japan rice ..... .230 6 cans oil sardines 2t5c V-lb. can Alaska salmon .....10c Advo Jell for dessert, nothing like It for quality and flavor, per package 7 He Tbe beat domestic Macaroni, Ver micelli or spaghetti, pkg. ,.1M Gallon cans Golden Table syrup for n -ow M PAYS "y U yearling". l-.7.Vo.00; wethers. S 26r7.0rii ewes. (6.76ii .; storkers and feeders, M.VqS.1'.. St. Itala l.tve ntoek Market. PT. IXJl'IP. Mo.. Feb. 17.-CATTLK-Recclpts. l,f head: market higher; na tive beef steers. 17.0ttf.6O; cows and heifer. $6.006 . 26: storkers snd feeders. S6.2Vff7.26; southern steers. $f.7Mf7.76; cows and heifers. l4.OWu6.7d; native calves,. St.00 H 10.00. Hi.MS Receipts. S.100 head; market stesdy; pigs and lights. Si 60ti 76 mixed snd butchers, $S.fy&.8i; good heavy, .7nT.fin. CHBKP AND lAMBS-RcMpta. $.200 head: market steadv: native muttons rvva.75; Ismbs, S.0fnj.70; yearlings. $7.00 447.76. St. Joaeph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSBPH. Feb. 17. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,600 head. Market strong; steers, SS.6ox8.26; cows and belfers, $4.0043 S. 00; calve. SS 0ftfrf.7S. HOGS Receipts. S.M0 head. Market lower; top, SS.S6; bulk of sales. SS.66g4.en. SHEF.P AND " LAMBS Receipts, 1,600 head. Market steady; lambs, $7.76j.60, Coffey Market. NFjW TORK. Feb. 17. COFFER A f ter a quint and somewhat Irregular early ses sion, the market for coffeer futures be came more active today, with prices ad vancing on covering trade and European buying. The opening was 1 to 1 points higher, and active months sold I or I points under lsst night'a closing figures during the early trading, under a renewal of near months liquidation, but the mar ket closed at a net advance of S to 12 points. Sales, Including exohangea, 31,600 bags. February, 6.65c; March, 6.90c: April, fi.Wc; May. 6.77c; June, 6.80c; July, 7c; August S.93c ; " September, 6.96c; October, 7.08c; November. 7.12c; December, 7.1c. Spot, steady; Rio No. 7, 7c; Santos, No. Ulany of tbe charming, new style Ideas for Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists and Skirts are now on dis play and everjr express adds to the' rarlety of Spring DressesA Several Fortunate Special chases at Bargain Prices Will Add Greatly To ' the Interest of Thursday's sales. f 4 275 New Spring Tailored Suits -Makers' Samples, made to soil to $35.00:: Strges, Gabardines, Cov erts, Poplins, etc., in choice new styles and color ings. , On sale Thursday in Three Lots H2.75-m.50j25 Hundreds of Pretty New lreeees, $12.50 to $18. SO values, in clever new designs suitable for street or party wear, including a choice lot of Silk Crepe de chine Dresses, values seldom equaled in any store, t ........ v..-. ...$8.05 200 Handsome Winter Ooata left In stock which we are offering during the next few days to close at less than cost of manufacturer. Children's Cloth Presses, made to sell at $1.50 and $3.00, on sale Thursday . .- 794 Standard of Quality,, and Saving the Cost of living. - 2 9-ounce Jar pure strained honey for; .'.5c 32-os. Jar pure fruit preserves for .... E. C. corn flakes, package ... .5c The best soda or oyeter crackers. per pound " 7 He Grape Nuts, per package .... 10c Hershey's Breakfast cocoa, lb. 20e McLaren's peanut butter.. 13 He Golden Santos coffee, lb. ...BOo Fancy country butter, lb. .,'.81e Fancy dairy table butter, lb. 2Ac 8 lbs. good butterlae ....... .Ve Full cream. Young America, Wis consin cream o N. Y. white cheese, per pound 20e The Vegetable Market for the People of Omaha Potatoes. II lbs. to the peck, 0e Pi7 fnDI u LUraUJ 4. $c. Owing to the holiday ther were : no milrcls quotations from Piuill. Metal Market. NEW TORIC, Feb. 17. METAL" t-esd. steadv. ?; london. i.19 3a d. Spel ter, firm. $.6niW; Indon, 39 17e M. TIN Dull, St $.fVr;K.60 Copper, dull electrolytic. $14.6M?14.S7; casUng, $14. S 14.SJ. Iron, quiet and unchanged. At london: Spot opper, l 7s d: fu- 1 tures, 63 Us Sd. ipot tin, 17S; futures IM. ST. TiOnS, Mo.. Feb. 1T.-METAT.S- , Isd, higher. 93.71. Spelter, higher, $ M 76. ('1 tow Market. NEW TORK. Keb. 17.-,OTTON-pot quiet; middling uplands, 8.660. Sales 2f bales. Cotton futures closed steady; February. . 108c; March. S..TSc: May, S.4c; July. .S3e: August, S.SJo: September, S.!Jc; October, 1 $.0e; December, S4c; Jsnuerv, S.S3c. 1 LIVERPOOU Feb. 17. HIT TON Spot, easier; good middling. 6.06d; middling. 4M; low middling, ,4.61. Soles, 6,"" bales. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK, Feb. 17.-DRY OOODS Cotton good w-ere quiet today, regular print cloths selling; at 27ic Mills were re luctant to accept late contracts at cur rent prices. Men s wear waa qutet, with . prices strong. Embroideries were In bet ter demand. Lining fabrics were mote aetlv and worsted yarns were firm. at. I.oat Grata Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Feb. 17. WHEAT tta S red. 11.67: No. S hard. $1.68fffl.S0; May. $166; July. $1.17. rnnv-No 2. 71r: No. 2 white. 76V4 7c; May. 77c; July, 79HC. OATB-No. 5. 6767Hc; No. I white. 6rV,4c. Crowds of Thrifty Home Furnishers Are Taking Advantage of the Savings Here on Furniture. Pur New Spring Coats, the new styles that you most admire, values you'll keenly appreciate at prices from JRT.flS. i 310.00. 812.75 d 825.00 I Women's Long Kimonos. $2.50 I and $3.00 values. In Flannelette J and Crepes,' at, choice . . .81.45 Thursday We Offer ' All the Untrimmed Fabric Hats That sold to $3.00; in two ilS.1: .98c4U9 75c Embroideries, at 39c To open the season we will of fer Thursday a special lot of Kxtra Fine Swiss Flouncings and Allover Embroideries suit able for graduation and com munion gowns, regular oq $0.c and 75c vsls., yd. 37C Specials In Underwear Kin broideries, yard Be, 7c, Oc, Iftc, 19c and ... ....29c The best Wisconsin cabbage, per pound ,.lt Jersey aweet potatoes, 3. lbs. 10c Fresh beets, carrots, turnips, shal lots or radishes, bunch 4c 3 large soup bunches 10c ioC- it U II o& pJYS