TITE TIEF,: OMAHA, WKDXKSDAV. FK1M.KAUY 17. I'M... ( Recipe to Clear A Pimply Skin Pimples are Impurities Seek ing; an Outlet Through Skin Pores. Pimples, sores and bolls usually re sult from toxins, poisons and ImpiirlttoJ hlch ir generated In the bowels and then absorbed into the blood through the very ducts which should absorb only nourishment to sustain the body. it it the function of the kidneys to filter Impurities from the blood and Cast them out In the form ot urine, but in many Insiames the bowels create more toxlne and Impurities than the kid neya can eliminate, then the blood tines the skin pores as the next best means of petting rid of these Impurities which often break out all over the skin In the form of pimples. The surest way to clear the skin of these eruptions, says a noted authority, Is to get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts and take a table (poonful in a glass of hot water each morning before breakfast for one week. This will prevent the formation of toxins In the bowels. It also stimulates the kid neys to normal activity, thus coaxing them to filter the blood of Impurities and clearing the' skin of pimples. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent drink which usually makes pimples disappear; cleanses the blood and Is excellent for the kidneys as well. Advertisement. Yon Wfiirt tb rry bt value for your money when you bur diamond, watch r other Jewelry ei lFTlrt BltOl?. A IX). Come in today and open a charge account. Loftis "Perfection Diamond Ring A wonderful stone of gen erous proportions and full of fiery brilliancy, set In 14k solid a-old. cased In handsome velvet ring box. TERMS Only fU Week We have wonderful barmfni In Watchaa cm Credit. Terms as low as fl a month. Open Dally Till I V. M., Saturdays Till M. Call or writ for Illustrated caulog No. 103. Phone D. 1444 and saleanaa will call. I10FTIS THE NATIONAL Sredlt Jewelers JU-J BK055CU IS.., Ivht Sts.. Osaka The Brightest IVomcn Find sometimes that they are dull in mind, depressed in spirits, and that they have headache, backache, and sufferings that make life seem not worth living. But these conditions need be only temporary. . They are usually caused by indigestion or biliousness and a few doses of ECE.Al.TS FILLS will quickly, safely and certainly right the wrong. This famous family remedy tones the stomach, stimu lates the liver, regulates the bowels. Beecham's Pills cleanse the system of accumulating poisons and purify the blood. Their beneficial action shows in brighter looks, clearer complexions, better feelings. Try them, and you also will find that they ay Be Relied Upon DfaftctioiM of ftpcil value with vtry box Soid vrvwher. Im boiM, 10c, 25c, r o n 1 u 11 dl of. lm- A4l bCtkUM uf Ur of itchnuil ktcwIrriR up ih. art of lit contra;- tor., it's aoilr in .ur pkm kH to WDioy export texnnlr! uptrvttv ton such mm I am able ta rvidr. Call pbuna or wrtta. S. G. PETIGOLAS Mwnber Americas lualltuts af fclactrtoml Kusiaaars. 1104 W. O. W. Bldg. lhon Dong) 6037. Everybody reads Bee Want Ads 17 ,1 n A IT BRIEF CITY NEWS ridsUty atorag fc Tm 0o 9og. as. W, t, Stlby a Robs, genera! Insurance, ava Boot Frtat It New Beacon Pre"" argvis-Oraaasa Cev Lighting fla tures. Wanted Choice real estate loans. W . Thomas, 221 State Bank Blag. Xsbraska tUrtags loaa Asa'. ( 'pen for business in Its temporary loca tion with the X'nlted States National bank, 1H09 Farnam "Todaj'g Complete Morle FwHrraas" classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. All Saints' Church Herrloee Ah Wednesday services will be held in this church today at 10:30 a. m. and at 4 p. til. Regular services will be on every Wednesday and Friday at 4 p. m. Vesper service every Sunday with the full rnoir at 4:. p. m. Council Awards Contract The city council has awarded to the Omaha Print ing company a contract to furnish 200 steel engraved bond blanks for $lW.nn. These blanks ill be sued for the annual Issue of llflO.000 sewer and HOO.tfiO Intersec tion bonds which will be sold next Thurs day. Father Quinlan Makes an Address To Woman's Club "Woman has always been the guardian of the ethics of the race, but her position is endangered ty her Immoderate craving for equal rights. Because of the physio logical difference between men and women their duties are different. There can be no equality of rights where there Is no equality of duties," declared Rev. Father W. V. Quinlan, who gave an ad dress on "Woman In Literature and In LiTe" before the Woman's club Monday afternoon. As If sensing the perking up of dosens of suffrage heads in the audience, the speaker, then qualified his settlement to preclude equal franchise, w.lh which he declared himself to be In favor. "With the vice and Irrellglon that Is rampant, it Is difficult for a mother to see how she can properly bring up her children. 1 have no doubt that her task would be groa'.ly facilitated If the franchise were granted her," he said. A one-act French play, "Madame Kst ! Sortie," was given with the following cast: Misses Anno Glfford, Marguerite ' Macartney and Wynne Fairfield, and I McMdames F. A Shotwell. I.. M. txrd, F. ' G. CM el I and Blrgtr Kvenlld. Miss Mar garet McPherson sang "Flalsir D'Amour," accompanied by Miss Clretchen McC'onnell, and Will Hetherlngton. Edwin Clsrk and Kenneth Widenor gave musical numbers. The program was given under the direc tion of the French department, of which Sirs. hotwcll Is leader and Miss May Mahoney Instructor. Chalmers Averages But $24 Yearly for Adjustment Costs The Chalmers Motor company has just finished a canvass of the entire United States, with the object of proving the sturdluess of the modem motor car. The Investigation (-.shows that 1 each owner of a Chalmers "Light Six" pays approximately four-tenths of a cent per I mile lor repairs and adjustments. I In other words a Chalmers owner can I drive his car In one season an average 1 distance, say 6,000 miles, with a repair and adjustment expense ot only J-4 a year. George W. Dunham, consulting engi neer and designer of the Chalmnr sixes, has long maintained that automobile de sign, weight, style and construction should always follow the lines of giving he greatest possible service to the owner. For several years It has been the rule of the Chalmers engineers to solicit sug gestions from owners and from dealers and to consider these suggestions when a new model was being designed. The object of soliciting these suggestions is to get the public's criticism and find out exactly how Chalmers cars perform under all conditions and so make any improve ment which can be made In the product Acetylene Plant Explodes; Two Workmen Hurt With a roar that shook adjacent build ings and smashed windows, the acetylene gas generating plant at the shops of the Monarch Manufacturing company of Council Bluffs exploded at 6 o'clock last evening. The small building in which it was located was scattered over the sur rounding territory, and two men. J. Umble and H Umble, who were In the apartment at the time, escaped with only painful burns. Klre followed the explosion, but the main building is entirely of concrete and fireproof construction, with the exception of the roof. This became ignited and it required some work by the firemen to suppress the flames. Nearly all the win dows In tho main building were smashed by the concussion, but no other damage was sustained. The building was form erly used as a garage and workshop by tho Uertschey Motor company, but is row used for the manufacture of tanks and metal barrels In connection with ihe -Monarch Manufacturing company's oil refining business. It is the thlrj seri ous explOHtnn that has occurred In the uildlng since It was constructed. Soar Stoma. cb IwdlsTeslloa Cared. Your stomach and bowels need clean ing out. 1'r. King's New Life pills give out. k relief. Only Kc. All druggists. A dV vcrtiaement. JUDGE SEARS POSTPONES MAGEE PARTITION SUIT Hearing of the partition suit bi ought by Jerome P. Mugeo ssainst his father, lleniy W. Magee of t'liii ae.o, and brother, Weyland, involving t'M.VOa of property formerly owned by the late Colonel J. H. Pratt of Omaha., was positioned until next Monday by District Judge dears after a day of argument on a motion for a con tinuance. TIm) continuance until Monday was granted at the request of Henry W. Magee. Proper Trealwrat for Biliousness. For a long time Miss Lulu Hke.tou, horchvllle, N. V., was Lillc.ua it. 11 Ic k headae-hs and duly spells. i'laniler Bins Tabids were the nl tiling Hint i'ae her !" niaoent lelief. i il-taiou ii c v ii where. -Adveriisemi nl. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Anti-Annexationists Are' Staking Whole Came on Hearing Before House Committee Today. OFFICE-HOLDERS TO MAKE TRIP Pouth Omaha politicians are making a supreme effort to conserve their Jobs by defeating the C.reater Omaha consolida tion bill. A number of men have been working among the members of the state legislature almost since the time the sen ate passed the measure. Today another delegation of picked antls. mostly office holders and city contractors, will appear before the committee on cities and towns to try to bury the bill In committee. Another committee of local business men favoring the Greater Omaha measure. Is said to have taken up the matter, and the politicians may get some surprises at Lincoln. At the IJva Stock exchange building yesterday antf-annexatioiitsts were busy trying to get aid and comfort. A visit from Representative Regan of Tlatte Is said to have leen expected, and the local antls were to have a meeting with him It Is said, at Ihe exchange building, but Uegan apparently did not materialize, at least not at the Exchange building. In a private communication to friends among the worklngmen of the? city. Rep resentative Jerry Howard declared that anti-annexationists were working desper ately among the house members at Lin coln. As Howard expressed It. the "minds of honest representatives outside of Doug last county were being poisoned against the consolidation bill." Prominent democrats both here and In Omaha expressed the opinion that the house would not stand for the work of the city contractors and office holders any more than the senate did. It Is hinted that two prominent Douglas county legislators In the house are looked to by the sntis as their last hope. At least one of these members was known to have been elected with the under standing that he favor the measure. "The consolidation bill will be defeated In committee by a vote of 7 to 6," ven tured a well Informed citizen yesterday. "The bill will go through the house as through tho senate admitted one ot the antls. Brass bands are nix with this legislature." Mayor Seem. IMeeaed. Possibly with the idea or Instilling courage Into his faithful companions in office Mayor Thomas lloctor expressed hmself last night .is being "happier than In weeks." In ct the officeholders were almost jocular so confident are they of the success of the leaders now working against the consolidation bill. Three new lighting districts were designated. As was expected they will extend from J to O st rents along Twenty fourth street and from the Kagles' home on N street to Twenty-seventh street near to where the dark town brigade holds forth. Along O street the new jlghts will be studded from the city hall to the stock yards entrance so thatolks walking to the yards at night may not stub their toes. A very strong spasm of public order struck tho council last night and that body ordered a few chicken coops re moved from Twenty-second and D streets. The coops are said to be the property of V. A. Agnew, who happens to be a very strong annexationist Unofficially it la understood that the order against the chicken coops Is In the nature of re taliation for Agnew's activities in seek. CATARRH GERMS EAMLY KILLED Only Way To Oar, TWi Disease Zs To Destroy Its Cause. , T A Specialist. If you have catarrh and want to get rid of It you must kill the germs which cause L-atarrii. Stomach dosing, ointmunts sprays, creams, douches, etc., fall be cause they overlook this fact. They all help by giving temporary rellof but they uo not reach the arerm Ilia ihui i.-. odi-cment in your head, nose, throat, and Tne beat known way of destroying the diingerous germs of Catarrh and conse quently ending the disease Itself, Is to breathe into the air passages or your nose and throat tho pleasant, penetrat ing air of llyomil (pronounced Hlgh-o-me). Hyomel is made from purest oil of Kutalyptus combined with other power ful, healing, antiseptic and germicidal In? grediema. You breathe it through a lit tle picket Inhaler which Sherman A M... Council lrug Co. and other leading drug- sines iii unmiift ann virinny are furnish ing with every complete treatment sold. IOvery lime you Inhale the sweet, fra grant air of Hyomel through this little devlco you are ('rawing Into your swollen. Inflamed, germ laden membranes a med icated sir which will not only reduce all the swelling and Inflammation and open your clogged nose and stopped-up air parsaea. but will absolutely and posi tively destroy every trace of Catarrh germ life it reaches. Druggists are so sure of the blessed, lasting relief that Hyomel brings to catarrh sufferers that thev sell it invariably on the positive guarantee that money pxld will be re funded If successful results are not se cured from its use. (ret a Hyomel outfit irom vsiir druggist today and begin at once to drive this dangerous and dis gusting disease from your system forever. Try Thi. If You Have Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. )Thls destroys it en tirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary' liquid arvon; apply It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most. If not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It, no inatUr how much dandruff you may hare. You will find, too, that all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly and your hair, will . be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get l!iuld arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces Is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known tq fall. Advertise ment Omaha LIQUOR -and DRUG Treatment Phone D. 7885 Ink to deprive the fathers of further -on-liectlon with the public crib Lastly, but not least the payroll c allowed. This last was expected In vle of the fact that the train for Lincoln leaves shortly after noon today. It Is said the firemen and police will on." more show their love f country by com- t log through with a hit of coin to brat th ', merger bill. I rntgrlnn (lab Da ace. 'Vlth the Omaha postoftire hand' to j lend grandeur to the event the Centurion flub will give a dance and entertainment this evening at the club rooms at Twenty sixth and V street. Officers of the club announced last night that the occasion would be celebrated as the last event of the season. Mr. Olcott has promised to arpear before the club and sing. Joel de la Tour will be one ot the entertainers. Priest Robbed of t'najt. An enersetle thief entered the parson age of Rev. Chaiice Mugan at Thirty sixth snd Q streets sometime Sunday night and stole a new overcoat and a pair of gloves. Father Mugan had Just nad the coat made. No trace of the robber was found. Magic t it y t.osl. The young men of the St. Rridget's parish will give a special entertainment and card party this evening. The Mystic Workers of the World will meet this evening at the Odd Fellows hall, Twenty-fourth and M streets. The Oavel club of the hlRh school will meet this evenlrg In the Hoard of Edu cation room of the high school. The Boys' cluh of the local St. Martin's church will have charge of the Hesse theater this evening. A program of their own has been arranged. The local high school debating team will meet the Lincoln High school debating team next Thursday evening at the high Omaha is This ts a new, 0-room residence of Mrs. E. V. Jones, at 4817 Farnam street. A glance at the plans shown hero shows the very convenient arrange ment. This house Is finished In the prin cipal rooms in Oak, having a flre- 1 7 11 St, ' fat. Sfaaaasmai MS snaii 4- j I IV-- , , j sU M I I - -J i & L. DENTAL COMPANY HIGH QUALITY DENTISTRY ) Indorsed hy -uj!e in pvpry walk of lift hecuuse of the excellent work uiitl service. We ilo only one grade of work, the best, und lu:ve only one price for it. Work inspected, guaranteed and protected for 10 years. Latest and Jiest Methods of Extracting Teeth. TfAiiii Q-on a mr o u c.. i n a . Ivuio, u.civ ex. i'i. tu o ouuutvjr, j.u iu j.. & L DEUTAL COdlPOriY 0 ) 4th an 14th and Farnam Sts., Over school auditorium. Twe';--thlid and J streets. M II Olson, known ss one of the heav iest uhli'iTS in the state, wss n visitor nt the nioi k arils lu re yestetihiy. He came on a business trip ami expects to return home very soon. The local I'.anli- Io1kc will give a big; entertainment and dance this evening to I the membeis end their wives st the I Ksale Home. T ent v-thlrd and N streets. The local Woman's club will bold a I meeting this afternoon at Ltbrarv hall. Twentv third and ,M eticct. The m o- iionucal department of the club will hae charge of the progiam. .1 S. Steele of ln eland. Colo., captured ..... ,.,...a l, .til., lumti. v..tt.rilttv anil I soid a lis consignment of the stock at J ;.. at tne local mat set. lie also reports that feeding In bis home Country Is on a very favorable basis. The funeral of Kniunmi Knlllna. son of Pastor and Mrs. K. J. Knlllna of the Itobemlan Presbyterian church, will be held thl- afternoon from the residence, IIS North Twentieth street, to the Ro henihm Presbyterian church. Twenty-first and W streets. The body will afterward lie sent to Auburn. N. Y for burial. Catarrh Leads To Consumption Catarrh Is as much a blood disease as scrofula cr rheumatism. It may be re lieved, hut It cannot be removed by sim ply local treatment. It breaks down the general health, weakens the lung tissues, and leads to consumption. Hood's ftarsaparllla Is so successful In the trestment of catarrh that It is known as the best remedy for this disease. Hi purifies the blood. Ask your druggist for It. Advertisement. Growing 25 it i I JEQ23P -napr ft place in the living room. This room is 14V4 feet wide by 23 feet long. This house was built by the Hank ers Realty Investment company, which is the institution that is en gaged in the building of many homes in Omaha and nearby sur- 1 rounding cities and towns. Very liest Heavy am a a (Jold Crown, L'Jk . . . .VaUU Best 1 ridge Work, (f M A A per tooth...'; tfsUl Finest Htiek-titp n r A Ifubber Plate $I3V Best Silver Filling 50 Union Pacific Ticket Office. 1 4J I I I I ll.l I I I BEGINNING MARCH 1st In every section of Omaha, South Omaha, Benson, Dundee and Florence, the better, class of stores everywhere, will make it worth your while to pay cash for the things ycu must buy. In the territory above indicated, there is one dealer in each line of business, in each community, who is going after your casht expenditures "hammer and tongs." And in return for your patronage these deal ers will give you something more than a rock ing chair, reading lamp or picture album. The Better Class of Dealers Everywhere Will Issue "SHOPPER'S MILEAGE" "Shopper's Mileage" means Free Railroad Tickets, Think what it will mean in your home for you and every member of your family to mako every penny you spend earn free railroad transportation over any trans-continental railroad in the United State? of America. Keep posted, because here is the greatest free travel op portunity ever offered the readers of this paper. Write or phone, for our Travel Booklet. SHOPPKH'S MII-KAiiK AHSiX"IATION 1:11:1 Viit Nat' I liana liUlg. Phone I long. 1313. Omaha. Neb. WaU Ii the NowMitaiHTw Walrh th Hillhoards. Ask Your Dealer About FREE FARE (HIT? U Fast trains on convenient schedules arrive' Englewood Union Station (63rd St.) and La Salle Station most convenient locations in Chicago connecting: with limited trains for all Eastern territory. The amcaw in .N5sas If T T1 aasasass alsVaV Ieavct 6:08 p. m. daily. Have dinner on the train arrive La Snlle'Station, Chicajo-'-in the heart of the business district ready for the day no time lort. Carries sleeping car for Tri-Citie may be occupied until 7:00 a. m. Other Solid Through Train Qaily "Rocky Mountain Limited" 1:35 a. m. "Chicago Day Eaprass" V. 'O m. m. "Chicago-Colorado Eapross" 4:10 p. m. Autmmtie Block Signal rtiMsf Modtrn Alt -Stiit Pangvr Equipmmnt Aktolutm Safuty Write, phont or call at Rock Itland Travsl Bureau, IJ2J Farnam St., OT bcketi, rtiemtioni, information. J. 5. McNALLY, Division Paasangor A(nt Phona Douglas 428 m iptpi ci . d im, W fl thmi trv tin hava oom t9 deul rotBititicil uris r ' : 'tftfngafiv. lltiirMerinf bWw that il mil Dvver rwvrt rwr tlu pur I -a u ."''iX h vupaHaWi.it thti'.UMnd mi mum of t jurt m f M , ,'"' drmorattrfaJ tor mAi and tul Utat, r imtmuMm -blavc ia pi m I llivcly hm Piwst whistkey tVrosHt-o4aT, W ititrnd MI-rv, thai Pels ft-Mttf rLuakuf Oiwf Vvtar tsUtd. fs-at..i.l.fca. aM.ast ., - si fW.li u'ayoura, al.,iull. 4' ' S '.."in- -; ' i HiKPXlf). and .n S Ilia aaa llhml tann. -OrFmm 1 1 stss slrwhaa ouy appropriation for t l.a M.i-b.ia a ffooa dia aur stfar. lata aJ.ai'Latia md it k.ja itlu.a a mi a alow I daUiyl alaka rwaaltkaiMMa pajrabia to 1 PELS DISTIIXINa EVERYWHERE 0 1 trust 4m htAuiaM knywKcr in v' " to etrnvuici U.,tvO noor) fjrhtakr oMn, at our qwi ta (Its) Aitssit, most wfotolii anj MMfl ttWnllM Thai ( smreh.no to gt in tan tra tiusit yigftuitsi 1- . ... fc.;,. .7 4 . - u j. p. -) rrtj You tVIust Act At Once Toa'rvnotsalnvtorxfuMtaaMiits Sua. laatha m pocaat Sua af tttla ftafat cf ail wiikis ba it 'a ljtrally piMI la your banJa fro. a iol-T JV.ll tUyyu nued do ia la r.ul ua lo. and wawill alup rouatoaea. Ell KKsS t il AIi;i. i KU-fAil). ( Full Uuarta of ur .1. hear Whlkv and nilh your Snt etoWr anciuM a handw.ma UuW Csvcnd fuckH rlk Slinl Willi tha ma bukiy, aiuo)utl rM tut UutX mnn. i'nnk 11m ml.krj la tlia do kuut what roudowlih luai auart boltloa. It udoti t nui it puitivl tlMM vhtakny yoq aver taUod. rvvardieMul prica. latratura thaaiaht botilaa at ur aapviwa, and rou'tt sd your mmmi y tkrl ml em aiut .lh...t ru,.n-..t lir uK t. A f..t1 IVlll.j asauas. kuLL. aa uuilwaal boUia ioi swi la Uat liua aoaaaituaal nauoaKa fra di.tributioa slrar Is for a rimitaS tins Sou ra aliail I .a " " a in il L ara altail nava ta autt. and aawl ia yow ain CO, at ran Saawa). Kmwm City. Ma, i i - t ! j ; i i i ' ! t. i