Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Hare Ma&nificent Dliplsy at the
Anto Show m Well at the
Rome. Hotel.
Nothlp In show history vcr nall"l
th rlaborste preparation! made for the Automobile show this jrrar by
the Msswrll Motor company.
At the Auditorium exhibit will t found
th famou Maxwell rut-out chassis
wlilch made such ttvrrwndous bit at the
New York show and In without doubt a
wonderfvl tlearture from anything of
Its kind ever bofore attempted.
The chasslc la a work of art, a master
piece, all aertkmed and every part
lighted with myrald of tiny electrb:
light, every aeon-t of the motor rar la
rxpoard, motor .turnlnK. transmission
eari mephed and the reor wheels spin
nlnr. If you don't clrarly understand what
takea place when you shift tho (tear, a
ftlanm through, the, window In the aide
of tho a will allow you. Tf you want
to know what h floating axle la, a glance
In the rear of the chaaala will allow you;
differential llkrwlae la expoaed to -lcw.
The motrr la moat completely auctioned
to ahow the working of the valves, the
platona and the crankahaft. Kvery work
ing part la open and In ulaln eight. In
short, there never was a cut-out chaaala
like thla year's Maxwell: every part of
the motor and its operation la open to In
spection and moat easily explained and
comprehended. It Is an education In au
tomobile operation that any amateur can
readily understand and appreciate.
Fxhlblt at the Home.
In addition to the splendid exhibit at
the Automobile show, tliu Maxwell Motor
company has openod special headquarter
at the Home hotel where the executives
of the various departments of the Max
well Motor company can be found by
dealers and others who have special ques
tions to ssk.
Tho Maxwtll headquarters are flttcJ
tip for the comfort and entertslmiient of
all automobile dealers regardless of
whether they are member of the Max
well family or not. Special provisions
have been made for their entertainment
with the usual Maxwell hospitality and
arrangements have been made' to show
the wonden'ul motion pictures entitled,
"From Molton Bteel to Automobile,"
daily. Tucse pictures ahow every process
In the manufacture of a Maxwell from a
steel bar to complete car. Here also
may lie found a duplicate of the famous
cut-out chaaala for the convenience of
those who are Unable to get close to It at
ti e Automobile ahow.
New Paige Car for Assistant Fire Chief
1 iilUJ VVT
ts L i far
malum that no "reckleaa. law-dcfylng"
rider will be tolerated In the club.
I'resident A. B. Coffman of the fed
eration of American Motorcyclists Is
making a business trip to the wet coast.
i and will vialt many of the motorcycle
clubs in thu cities cn route.
Two motorcycles have been ordered by
thu Indlanapolla police department for
use In answering emergency calls at sub
stations. In the spring the department
expects to Install a motorcycle at each
A campaign to Increase the member
ship to -V0 is being waged by the Port
land (Ur) Motorcycle club. The club
now lias "20 live members, hut It is the
hope that by New Year's day this will
be ralaed to WO.
"A real hack-to-naturv vacation, such
as can only be enjoyed by a motorcy
clist." That's the way Eddie Perrln of
Stockton, Oil., describes hie trip this
Jacksons Have Full
; Elliptic Springs
'ilsny of, the people who look over our
esrs." says John Mark, superintendent of
the Jackson 'Automobile company, "ash
us why we use four full elliptic springs
The use of other types la so general, that
the prevailing Idea seems to be that they
provide all the spring action that la
necessary or dealt able In a motor car.
"If you stop and think for a moment,
you will remember that the eaaiest-rldlne;
carriages ' are fitted with full clllptld
Springs all around. 80. In the esse of the
Jackson, we have simply taken the car
riage bti!M r' Idea and applied It to our
cars. It Is a fact. too. that the full
elliptic spring equipment gives an action
3 to lt ptr cent greater than other types
commonly used; and the action la castor
and softer.
"This equipment Is quite unusual, so the
questions we get on the subject are quue
natural. I know of but one other car that
carries . full elrHulo springs front and
At the Automobile show there Is prob
ably no machine that Is attracting more
attention than the Paige car, one of
which is on exhibition at the Ilenshaw
hotel, purchased for the chief of the
Omaha fire department. It Is In the
ladles' cafe.
The Murphy-O'Brien company -has the
agency for the Paige, having several on
, I .
exhibition In their show rooms, Kigtf
teenth and Karnam streets, and others
at the show. In the car shown In tho
picture In The lice It will be noted that
a man occupies tho seat of the roadster.
Thla man la J. F.. flood, who has come
from the Paige factory to remain during
the Automobile show, aiding the j Murphy-O'Brien
company and . also appear
ing as one of the speakers at the banquet
at the Ilenehaw at 7 o'clock Wednesday
At the banquet the Paige Automobile
company will be the host. Covers will
be laid for 180 people and all those In
this territory who have to do with the
pushing of the Paige car will be the
J. J. Cole Sees Wonderful Benefits
from Touristi Trayeriinf Vari
ous States.
114 Blasts Cams gelatlra.
' Sloan's UnLment will help your sciatica.
Oet a 2&j U now; It penetrates, kills
the pain, stops many aches. All druggisi
"The var 1315 will be I he greatest
touring year that the I'nlted Rtatea of
America ever saw," writes J. J. role to
the Automobile company of Philadelphia,
the local Cole dealers here, "it will re
sult beneficially to the entire country,
too. California will not reap all the bene
fit. Every . state w II come In for Its
share, Tlie wholesnie personal education
relative to every state traversed will
result in a distribution of wealth up to
this time unknown. It will result In In
terstate Investments which could never
come from merely looking out of car
windows. Americana as a rule, don't buy
sight unseen. Once they have crossed
the country In an open rar they -will
see for themselves many, waiting oppor
tunities to Invest profitably srtdg. fram
the fact that they will spend a great
deal of transit purchase money, from
which every state will benefit.
"Manufacturers of motor car now have
a ren,! chance to show their appreciation
of the. publics patronage. They also
have a chance to prove openly the per
manence and unlimited and practical
benefits accruing from the Industry which
they comprise. I believe they will grasp
the chance, too. I believe every public
spirited, builder of cars In the natloa will
throw his txwer into the aituatlon and
help the country to realise the need of
the great trans-country highways and to
educate the people themselves to such an
extent that they can predetermine with
their vutes and their Influence Just tiow
their goid roads taxation shall be spent,"
Robertson Buys
Stearns-Knight Car
M. M. Robertson, the weU known busi
ness man or Omaha and proprietor of the
up-to-date Kvana steam laundry, stepped
Into the Mclntyre Auto company booth
at the show Monday evening and bought
a Ktearns-Kolght eari Mr.. Robertson
says that he has failed to rind anything
In the automobile Une that suited hint
Hi W
f .
f' ... 1
Motorcycle Notes
"It was the best vacation I ever had,"
said F. E. Karslake of Oakland, Cal..
upon his reutrn from a 700-mlle motor
cycle trip to Mount Lassen.
S. C. Uogga, engineer for tlie deaf and
blind Institute of Bt. Augustine, Fla.,
has Just returned from a l.uOO-mlle motor
cycle trip to his home at Seneca, S. C.
The Kentucky Motorcycle Touring club
of Ixjulavllle, has sent out an ulti-
like the Btearns-Knight hand made car.
lie expects to do considerable touring
this summer.
fw -rN CoasBtoa la Bfaauastr.
Jack Compton has signed a contract to
manage the Dayton base ball club of the
Central league. He succeeds John Nee,
who resigned recently to go Into business.
Compton, who is a pitcher, has been with
the Dayton club for five years.
The Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation is
exhibiting at the Omaha Automobile Show at
the Auditorium, all three Models' of the
Maxwell "Wonder Car," and a Special Exhibit
iv ill be found at Rome Hotel, Rooms A 39
and A 40.
This gives the public and the automobile
trade an opportunity to compare the "1915"
$750 Maxwell with its. J 7 new features)
with other automobiles of every price.
The "meeting place for all dealers will be
the Maxwell Headquarters at Rooms A 39
and A 40, Rome Hotel.
Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation. J
Cars '
Dollar for dollur, tho
Ol-almors Lijrht Si-4H of
fers the most real auto
mobile value.
In beauty, in power, in
'8re.l and mechanical fea
tures it stands clear abovc
all others.
. And it has proven itself
to drive, because its up
keep cost is lowest.
Inspect this car at the
Motor Show and let us
answer those questions
which are bothering you.
, Our Salesroom m -also
an exhibit of
considerable interest
to you, and you will
be cordially received.
Stewart' Toozer
Motor Co.
Also Ageatj for
2048-50-52 Faruam Street.
If you want to keep your hair In
good condition, the leas soap you use
the better.
Moat Ron pa nnd prepared ahampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries
tho scalp, makes the hair brittle, nnd
Is very harmful. Just plain miilaifled
rocoanut oil (which Is pure and en
tirely greaaelesn), Is much better than
soap or anything else you can use for
shampooing, as this can't pusalbly in
jure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with water
and rub It In, ; One or two teaspoon
fuls will make an abundance of rich,
creamy lather, and cleanses the hair
and scalp thoroughly. The lather
rinses out easily, and removes every
particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and
excessive oil. The hair dries quickly
and evenly, and It leaves It fine and
silky, bright, fluffy and easy ' to
You can get mulslfied coccanut oil
at moat any drug store. It la very
cheap, and a few ounces is enough to
laat everyone' in the family, for
months. Advertisement.
summer through Bhaata and Crater Lake
National parka.
With his wife and 4-year-old daughter
riding In a sidecar. J. H. Needham of
Brlstow, la., has )uat completed a 600-
mile motorcycle trip through Iowa, Mln
neaota and Wisconsin.
Both Detroit and Grand Rapids are ask
Ing for the 191$ Michigan state F. A. M.
"Th StmmdarJ of VWu. ainef Qmmlily"
THE Paige "Six-46" is more than
merely a beautiful carit is
a distinctively beautiful car.
See this car once, and you will
never forget it.
Ride in it once. Sense the wonder
fully flexible power of the 32x5 x4
motor. Sink luxuriously into the deep
leather upholstery. Experience the
gentle undulating sway of the large
Cantilever springs.
Then, remember that the price
of the "Six-46" is but
Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company
Detroit, Michigan.
Muiphy-O'Brien Auto Co.,
Farnam, at 19th St. Space 23 at the Show.
(The World-Famous Glcnwood "Four-36"'at $1075)
Trog Bowte, Mgr.
Set if side by side with
any FOUR amid dJtmdg
That's the way to buy a car: see what each has
' to offer at its price before you make up your mind. .
1 it s tne only way to be sure you re getting just
what you want and it SURELY is the only way
to appreciate how much you get in this Stude
baker FOUR at its price of $985.
And it's just such a test that Studebalter is eager to have you make.
For when you stand this Studebalter FOUR side by side with other
cars, youll find that at $985 it gives you all that you caa get in any
FOUR that costs more and more than you can get in any FOUR
that costs you less.
Youll find over-abundance of POWER and a FULL-floating Rear
Axle and a COMPLETE equipment of Timken bearings and a per
feet balance and alignment of the chassis that makes it EASY-riding
and EASY-driving. You'll find it one of the handsomest cars you ever
laid eyes on but above all, a car that is LOW in upkeep cost.
Why not look at this Studebak'er FOUR today? Even if you are not
going to buy until May, it's worth while knowing now what yon
CAN get for $985, and how needless it is to pay more. And you may,
you know, decide not to miss the pleasure and the conveniences of a
car this Spring. So see it and test it and be CRITICAL, Well
welcome arty tests you care to make
Omaha Factory Branch. 2550-2-4 Farnam Street
"Studebaker Wilson" Local Dealer. 2429 Farnam Street
Studebaker Features
Elsctric Lighting snd Starting Full Floating
Rsar Axto Timksrt Bearing Safsty Tread
Rear Ttxs Ona-man Typa Top.
Studbkar ROADSTEK. . . SS
SudbJtr UGHT SIX. . 13SS
tuUbkr UX-Tvumriw, . 100
F.O.D. Datroit