) TH1J BKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1915 SCANDIA to protest, Father Merely Forgot the Gasoline r . Three Kinjdomi of the North Will Send Notes on Shipping Situation to Britain and Germany. HOLDS NEUTRALS HAVE EIGHTS STOCKHOLM, Fb. 16. (Via London.) The government of Sweden. Denmark and Norway, hav ing exchanged views last week, are prepared now to present to Germany a note expressing opinions concern ing the safety of-neutral shipping in war xone waters, identical with those set forth in the American note on this subject. This communication will claim Indemnity for any damage or loss of life resulting from torpedo attacks delivered by the German warships and it will be accompanied by a general declaration protesting against the blockading of British waters. At the ism time a not to Great Britain will fipmi tli disapproval of these thrre powers or the abuse of neutral flags. fterard Hrru llollwra. WASHINGTON. F-b. !. Ambassador Gerard at Berlin today reported on his Informal conferences with the German chancellor, Dr. Von Bethmann Hollwes" and other high German officials, since the. delivery of the American note warn ing Germany against submarine attacks on American vessels. The ambassador made no mention of any conference with Emperor William and waa unable to determine the trend of German official opinion. For the most part those with whom he conferred were noncommittal and reserved, which Is not unusual In advance of the framing of a diplomatic communication.' . i Thioushout the', ednferenoee, however, the ambassador reported, he' observed a friendly feeling- on the part of officials In contrast to the rather antagonistic utterances of the German press. The ambassador transmitted some of the edi torials. . : ' ' Officials here continue to decline to dla. cuss the situation to-any extent. No an swer will l made to Count Bernstorff e note of yesterday until a reply has been received from Berlin to the American note sent through v Ambassador Gerard. Both communications will be dealt with In another note from the United Btates, It was understood, taking tip further the iusUon or the war sonee sua especially the proposal of Germany to Strew mlrs In the new war areas. Hitherto the United States has declared Its Inabi'ity to make protests against the strewing of mines In the North Sea In contravention of International lew be cause the American government waa un able to leajn which belligerent waa re sponsible for the act. The announcement of Germany's Intention to strew mines, especially if they are Hoe ting and not anchored, may reopen the elntlre ques tion, it waa said by some officials. The whole situation resulting from the diplomatic enxchangea with Slreat Britain aa well as Germany was taken up by President Wilson today with Secretary liryan and later at a cabinet meeting. OMAHA OFFICERS WITH MANY AIDS HUNT GONZALLES '(Continued from Paga One.) j ' As It Was Expected The Verdict of the Auto Show k The Stearns -Knight THE MclNTYRE AUTO CO. 2427 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska the man came upon Assistant Chief of Police Carl H. Pllger. Noticing he waa an officer by the star on his coat, the man opened fire, the bullet striking the butt of a revolver Pllger carried In his hip pocket. , ; . , The bullet glanced from Pllger's weapon and wounded him slightly In the left side, but It struck In such a manner that but for the revolver the Norfolk, off leer would undoubtedly havei been Vllled. . Pllger was shot .at a point ;oiily , four blocks front the heart of the business sec tion of the city. From there the des perado turned on his tracks and made for the railroad yards, dodging In among the cars, with officers who saw him close In pursuit Kane lata S-flM Houe. An empty section house appeared to offer shelter and he dodged Into it with the Norfolk men firing at him a he went or a brief Interval there was an Inter change of shots. The Norfolk offlaers believing their quarry safely at bay, de cided to await the dawn before. any at tempt waa made to rout him out. In a. little' while engine headlights were brought to bear upon the house and It was not believed possible he could make his eecape. ..'.'.'. About 4 o'clock a rush waa made upon the shanty, which was found to be empty. Third Cnngrkt la Ktuu City. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Feb. 16. (Special Telegram.) A Mexican ar rested here by Detective Frank Mur phy of Omaha admitted late tonight that be la Reuben Trevino, alias Joe Contaea, ' Trevino ia one of the three men sought by the Omaha police In connection with the murder last week bt Detective Thomas Ring. He denied being In Omaha at any time daring the last two weeks. Declared la Moo a. Contass, as Trevino was known here, is declared by the local police to have been in the room at the Madrid lodging bouse when Tom Ring peered over the transom and received the) bullot tnat ended his life. John Oonsalea, who la said to have fired the shot, and Joe Cantono, the one who waa injured by leaping from a second-story window, made their escape from the North Fifteenth street rooming house by a rear exit. - Contaaa made hU way out In a more leisurely way after Special Officer Caahman bad fled for help, witnesses told the police after the tragedy. Investors with money read the ' Real Estate ads In The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick' sale. ending thsm off to various points along the line. Officers Williams and Emery were as signed te Fremont with Bherlrr- Condlt and his men: Officers Thomas and r aim tag go to West Point, Van Deusen aad Lowell go Jto Scrlbnor. Richard and Franc! to Pllger. aad Fleming. RUaseM, J. T. Murphy and Wbeeter atay at Norfolk for emergenctee. '.' Joe Cantono and Ruben Trevtno, two of the three Mexicans Involved in the murder of Detective Tom Ring at the Madrid lodging house on North Fifteenth street, have been captured and police are hot on the trail of Juan Gonxallca, third member of the trio and the one who ! thought to have fired the shot which waa fatal to the detective. - Cantono . waa taken at Norfolk shortly after midnight Tuesday and Trevino was arrested at Kansas ; City Monday.. Gonxalles was in company with Cantono when the lat ter waa captured; and" police are searching diligently in Norfolk and the adjacent .territory,, with high hopes of affecting an "early capture. Trevino, the man arrested at ' Kansas City, denies be was a party te the Ring murder and denies lie was even In Oinelis. i.if uf Detectives Maloney. however, haa i oidercd Detective Frank Murphy to hold' tte man and bring him to Omaha im mediately. Uonsailes In making his escape at Nor folk fired upon and wounded the assistant ililef of police at that place. Northwestern trainmen In searching the yards at Norfolk Junction shortly alter midnight came upon a Mtnli-un un dr a freight train. He was pulled out by Fpeclal Officers Hodgson and Ell, who rcognlsed him as Cantono. While officers were holding the cap tured man, a searchlight was flashed further under the car bringing to light another man who snapped his revolver at the detectives as soon a discovered without effect. The trigger "was pulled thee tiniea without a reoori. The man dodged cut from under the nr and ran through the yards with seven policemen, In pursuit, la anneirad to have some cartridges that would rxptode for he fired at a num ber of tnrti working about the yaids aad rn toward the ctiy of Norfolk about mile away. Kiitermg tne umir portion of Norfolk HOW MUCi MONEY WILL YOU PUT INTO AN AUTOMOBILE ? SPSS Will It Be a Four. Six or an Bight-Cylinder ? GO DOWN THE CENTER AISLE TO SECTION; 7 AUTO HOW THIS WEEK Take a little time to look these cars over, then you can decide intelligently. For mbodied in the lines dis played in that space you will find the practical, efficient, dependable things, with finish, class and quality,- neces sary to the finished product, and the up-to-the-minute car. Oalclaods 'Six-49. Queenof the Sixes. ...v $1,685.00 ' rour-p7. , Best Four Built for the Mom-y $1,200.00 Four Cylinder Runabout $395.00 Six Cylinder Touring .$785.00 Light, easy going, dependable and economical. King ElgfEnt The Car of No Regrets. $1,350.00 ISlPlaBCO Four Cylinder Clover Leaf Roadster. .. .$785.00 Four Cylinder Touring ..$785.00 Easily the monarch of the light fours. One type of car that's here to stay built with the "trouble left out." LIMNGER IMPLEMENT COMPANY, omaha, neb. DIOTRIBUTORS yTreat Your Money, if With Respect If Was yon buy aa jLpperson you treat your money Ig I with re pact. m I ml Ton do not spend too much and yon secure s ear ll I ml capable of doing the utmost. m IB f The new Appereon six cylinder, fire peseenrar car lj I 111 188 will pro-re a rerelatlon to tnose who seek I sjl I ml quality at tne minimum price. I II 11 In addition to the abore ear the line inolndee an 19 f Ifa 1 Ideal Year at 913001 a seTea-paesena-er six at 91M5 I I . .. nad a Je X.uxe six at $aaoo. J V. Apperson Jack Rabbit Auto Co. hi ,.e Nw Iiocntlon, 2417 Fnrnam Bt. . - -'.. ftfl 3. H. D Jons, Msniacr, ' 10,000 Hudson Light Sixes 10 Million Miles of Road The test of the road is the only true test Only a few motor-car buyers cana&ordto experiment with novelties. The average man shows his wisdom by choosing a car that already has "made good". The Hud son Light Six-40 is now in use in the hands of ten thousand private owners. At a low average of 1,000 miles per car it has covered over 10 million nulea ' of average roads. This test is worth more to you than an engineer's hope or a de signer's dream. It proves the Hudson to be an attained success not an experiment. !iuiiWo;i See the Endaon at the jaotoraoU Show. DesmsMUaliuiis) daily. Caa by representative at tbm OUT I SMITH, 'Herrlce Mrsl" SSA3-A5-7 rarnam 8C. Omnh, TVess, Bee the Hudson Six Bpaca J it Ul Auto Show,