TIIE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY; FEIUllJAItY 17, 1915. HOUSE REFUSES TO MAKE STOCK DEAL Xttport Killing Bill to Prohibit Combination! Among Commit ion Firm it Rejected. BILL i GOES TO GENERAL FILE (From a Staff Oorraxpor.dnt ) tA NCGLf, Neb.. Frh. 14.-Brctal Tel iram.) The house rftfed this morn Ins to adopt the report of the llv stock committee Indefinitely pontponlnr house mil No. l.TS..thf bill prohibiting romblns tlnna In the buying of stock on the South Omtht Live Stork eehejie;e. Th house did not take kindly to th reemnt Made hy the committee with tha officer! of the exchange, which peclftert that there would be no rise In commissions for the next two year end turned down the report hy a rote of M to 84. Howard. Hunter. Miner and Negley of the Douglas i-ounty lrlfatlon voting yea. and Bur Seen, Chamber, Druesedow, lAindgren. Palmer. Richmond and iArsnn voting no, with Barrett sXsenL The Mil waa placed on the general file, , Had Aepted Agteeneat. The committee had accepted a written guarantee from tha flouth Omaha Live Stock exchange that commission charge would not be raised during the next two years, aa a ssUafactory adjustment of the situation. It considered that this would preserve existing conditions until the next legislature meets and at that time a law could be passed If the need for it- was felt. Chairman Dau of tha live stock and grating committee had t written guarantee In his possesion in the form of a lelter from the secretary of the Live Stock exchange and a resolution formally adopted by tha board of direc tors. He proposed to have theseentered In the house journal aa a, record which would Insure the carrying out of the Kouth Omaha organisation's pledge. Oapoeltloa Maalfeat. This, however, was ont satisfactory to the Introducers of tha bill. Mr. Regan moved not to concur In the report and to place the bill on the general file. Mr. Nichols. In a speech to the house, claimed that the committee hed not considered the merits of the bill at alt. He declared that Its Importance would warrant Its being brought before tha house for dis cussion. 8a Id Mr. Nichols: An agreement was made whereby the committee was to smother this bill If the commission men woulcwouM not raise their rates for two years." "There ss no contract between the committee and the live stock commission men," responded Mr. Dau. "They said they would not raise their rates for two eara and sent a yetter to that affect. "That a all there Is to It I want to say that thesmall shippers are not for this bill and they will not be benefited by It They need the protection which the Live Stock exchange afford them." i "How are the shippers protected, I would like to know?" demanded Regan. "By a bond of 110,000 which every com mission dealer haa to live," Dau an swered. ' "I have talked with shipper up In my country," continued tha latter, "and all of them say to me, 'For God's sake, don't pass that bill." A roll call was asked for. end, showed fifty-four voting to place the . bill on Iteneral lllc, h(te .thlrtr-foof voted, to auetaln tha committee. Vat Meaaere.. The vote was us follows: For the bill:-, Alnley, Barker,' Blaueer, Brant, broom. Veuitwrs of Thurston, t lay burn. Conley. pa foe, Dalhv, Kber n.an. Fries. Fuller. Harris, Hoffmetater, lioinby, HoHteltler, Howard Howarth. Hunter. Hynek. Jeary. Kline, Koch. Ug Hctt, Lindsay. Mstteson, Meurs, Merellth, .Myaenbum, Miner Mockett, Nayior, Naff, Negley. Nirhoia. Norton. Orr, Patterson, 1'clcreon, liaarn. Kueler, Reynolds of Red Willow, iUilrhick. lludeelil. Hmlth, r-nyder, ' f tarna. Tihheta. Trumbel, Van LiiHn, Ward, Mr. Speaker. -M. Against the bill: 11 tee Burgess, Cham I vra of Dundee, Cox, Dau, Dreusedow, Klmelund, Kvans. Foster, Fox, Fults, tloriuk-y, Oreenwalt Hut Ion, Kauffman, Korlf. IiBounty I .arson, Lundgren, Moaeli-y, Nciaon. rainier. 1'a.rkenson, Par rlott, ltoifenrath, Kelsner, Reynolds of Lincoln, Richmond. Haas, Beudder, Netr rra. 8'in riaon, tflrbblna, Bielnmayer M. Ahaont: Anrterain, Andn-rsen. Barrett t'tinklaw, Cronln. Nulaman, Oaterman, hcolt. Mndetar, filevenaon, Taylor, Woud-hurat-lj. , Ends Dry, lloarte or Painful Coughs Quickly A Simple. nia.Ha1 ffomedy, I ars piastre bat laeajaalrd 4 4 The prompt and positive result given by this plesasnt tasting, home-insile rough syrup has caused it to be need in more homes than anv other rernedv. It f ives almost instant relief and will unuat r overcome the average cough in 24 hours. Cet 2 '4 ounces Pinex (SO cent worth) from any drug store, pour it into a pint bottle and till the bottle with plain granu lated sugar syrup. This makes a full fiint a family supply of the most el ective cough remedy at a cost of onlv 64 cent or lens. You couldn't buy a much readv-made cough medicine for 12.50. Kasilv prepared and never spoils. Full directions with I'inex. Tha promptness, certainty and ease with which this Pinex fiyrnp overcomes a bed rough, chest or throat cold i truly remarkable. It quickly loosens a dry. hoarse or tight cough and heals snd soothe a painful cough In a hurry. With a persistent loose cough It stops the for mation of phlegm in tne throat and bron chial tubes, thus ending the annoying backing. Pinex is a highly concentrated ermv pound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in giiaiscol and is famous tha world over for its splendid effect in bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma and winter cough. To avoid disappointment in making this, ask Tour druggist for "2H ounces of .Pinex," and don't accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfac tion, or money promptly refunded, goe with this preparation. Tbe Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. SENATE STEPS OH CLUBLICENCES Feature. of Senator Marshall Faili to Secure Endorsement in the Upper House. LAHNERS AND FISHING PARTY at all general and primary stste elections. A yea, 67; nsys, 21. Ills Postpoaed by Seaate. 8. K. 110. Holt of Robertaon Authorises employment of private counsel In state pdosecutlons. H. F. I."2. Marshall of iAm-aater Re quires clubs serving liquor to tske out llcenaes. Bill Heroanmeaded to Paaa by - B, F. 13. Wilson of Dodge Require non-resldcnt executors and administrat or to appoint an attorney-in-fact In this state upon whom service may he had. 8. F. H, Brookley of Clay Mskes the department of pharmacy at the Mate uni versity a college, capsule of Issuing diplomas. 8. F. 12. Galea. Kuchel. Marshall, Rudon and Phumway Reincorporates the arand lodge of Free and Accepted Mas ons of Nebraska, curing a technical Taw in present incorporation. 8. F. 42, 9humway of Dixon Provides for special rural school teachers' course for tenth-grade pupils In state normal schools. Amended. H. F. H3 Robertson of Holt Rural tel ephone lines with capital of leas thun &. not required to make reports to Halle, ay commission. 8. F. Id, (J ul P by of Douglas Kxemplf fruit trees from taxation. Amended. 8. F. Jib, Pyglard of Boo.ie Provides for lury service by mail. Amended. 8. F. 1W. Byglard of Bone 1'pon re moval of any Incumbent of fee office, he can collect only pro rata proportion of fees and cannot take exceaa. K. F. HI, Wllnon of Dodge Joint reso lution for constitutions! amendment for election of supreme Judges by congres sional rilstrti t, H. F. 1M Mstts of Otoe Repeals require ment that supreme judge file opinions within sixty daya after decision. 8. F. 13ft, "andoll or York Abolishes county assessor In counties less than lt.000. ate Committee of Whole. 8. F. SO. liygland of Bone Reduces the population neceeaary for the formation of village school district from l.tOO to 500. A yea, SO; neys. 0. 8. F. f. Wilson of Frontier Raises the registration standards for nurses to comply with standards of other states. Ayes. w. nays, it B. f. ins, Fhumway of DIxon-Fxteni tne nismci court ruie against judges sit tins In case where Interested In mi man. ner personally. Ayes, ; nay, 0. Investor with money read th Real DTstata ada In Tbe Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. Legislative . . : 'Proceedings Bill Pasaea la Jleaee. II. R, SX,, I'afoe and Patterson In cieaira nutnber ol weiiihta and meaaures innpectoia' under food commlaalon from twu to' six, and amends weights and measures -law In minor features. Ayes, ; naya, tl. ti. k. i, Kruftibach Authorises the treaa urer of polk county to pay certain war ranta Ave, m, nays, none. II. It &4. INjugiaa County Members I'icatea a municipal court for Unuht, with ihrve JuiiKua, aud one for Kouia Omaha with one iudge. whose jurisdic tion in those cities shall be the same aa that of the county Judge. Aye, KB; nays, none. II. R. S3. Douglas County Members Makes Omaha and Hoiith Omaha one )us- tu-e or the peace district, and all outaid territory of louglaa county another, with one juatire for each district. Ayes, W; nays, none. 11. R. Revenue and Taxation Com mittee Makea it unlawful tor banks and trust companies, whiin reporting to tha .HM-or, to deduct real estate mortgages from capital stook. Ayea. ho: nays. 1. li R. 1K7, Broome Allow cities of ,000 to JI.UJU population to levy a special lax not greater then I mills for a rommer i lul and advertising fund, when submitted to popular vote and ratified. Ayes, IM navs. 17. H. K. S3. Wilson I Frontier) Beneala Ore gon plan law, which haa been made obaev. trie by constitutional amendment for dl re t lKtk.o of aenatora. Ayea, to; naya, none. II. It. 137, Douglas County Membera rrlea a publiu weltara coinmlaaion for the illy of Omaha. Ayea, 7; nays. nona. II. It. 4. Dafoa and Patteraoa Amends l ure food law by requiring Imitation Jl- liet and Pith to be lauelud with names of iiiKrodirnts: alao. mlscelianeoua other siix'iidmrnta. Ayea, it- naya. IX il. l. x. louKiaa t ounty Members 'retes the oftii of Jury comiulKsionrr In ltougliui. county and provides tor lis adniimatiNtion. Ayes. HI; nays, none. 11. IL 17, lloatctter Forbids giving or receiving lip tn hotels, cafes, railroad dining tars and Pullman cars, saloons, LrU-r ahopa, shine pariora and other i l. ea wheie the public la served. Ayes, M- nays. 21. H. R. 13. Ha Provides that road taxea shall go to tlie county and be expended buder the dlrwtlon of the county board. In the respovlive comrilaaloner or super visor districts where assessed and paid. Avea. hi; nays, t. If. R. J3, Hues Makes read overseer u!jjx-t to removal from olfke If they full to comply with InatrucUona of county 'oinn-,)aa1ner or supervisor In rhsxge of diiii-t road work. Ayea, 83; reya, lo If. R. 151. Fuller Puts townaMp road fund In charge of th township board. Area, f7; naya. none. H. R. l7. hmiih and Wevere Allows Ktale l.anV to rxliouiit paper to the full e mount of their capital and surplus. Ayes, , 2. 11 H. v. Smith Pro v He hr willa r lA wiaa.Mb.a aaat USI KABARET j I BPtfT ms Ml 10119 it A TDU CAN KKT THC KSM CROSS. HE SHCbLo bls-rurr ucrry wnrw-rl e " fZl&fZZA - (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. !. (Special.) enstor Iahncrs of Thayer county has been given authority to give fish dinners with Dutch lunch trimmings Just as often as he wants 1 to and Invite In his friends to sup with him and make merry, senate flla No. loZ, by Marshall of l-sncaster, to the contrary notwithstanding. Th Marshall bill would prohibit clubs, etcM from serving beer, whisky, cham pagne and other mild drink without first having secured a license In the manner provided by law for saloon licenses. The senate took up tha bill this morning, and, after much discussion on and off the sub ject ,ln which Senator Lahnera aald It waa the right of every American cltlsen to Invite In his friend and have some fun and beer and thing without being com pelled to take out a license, tha senate rudely stepped on th bUl thla way: Aves Beal, Douthett, Hoaa;lnd. Kle- chel, Mallery, Marshall. Qulnby and Shumway g. Naya Bedford. Brookley, Buhrman, Rushee. Bygland, Ostee, Orace, Henry, Kohl, Krumbach. lAhners, Matte. PI Her. Robertson. Ruden, 6anda.ll. Saunders, tfpenoer, Hplrk, Wcesner, Wilson of Dodge and Wink 23. Nat Real Teat. The vote cannot be taken a a teat of th relative atandlng of the dry and weta In the upper house, however, a many voted aaalnst. the bill who were opposed to allowing clubs to have liquor under any condition. Lahnera won laatlng fame for a certain fishing psrty by citing It a an lntanc of personal liberty that tha proposed legislation would remove. At thla par ticular fishing party, held down In Thayer county one Sunday afternoon after a hard week' work In the field, the sena tor wa host and had furnished keg of beer. Th aenator admitted this. Moreover, he aald that they had an "adful" good time and that It wa per fectly Innocent. He even exhibited a pic ture of th party, the same belny passed around among the aenator. Tha picture showed a good catch of fish, but there was no beer In eight The beer, explained the senator, wa Inside. The explanation from th satisfied faces of the happy fishermen was hardly necessary. For Personal Liberty. . After describing th flawing party. Sen ator Lahnera wound up with a peraonat liberty plea, asking the senate not to abolish fishing parties of tha future, to which every member of tha senate had a cordlcl Invitation. Senator Marshall, author of th bill, e. plained to th aenator from Thayer that unless ha considered himself a social or ganisation, any party that be might wish to give would not be affected. However, th day wa lost. Tha Lanoester county member aald that there waa not a alngl email town In Lancaster county that did not hay It club and that these cluba were many time worst than th open saloon. Ray mond, Malcolm and Rpragua war among th town he mentioned. Beal of Custer said that ha was a mem ber of a number of club and that they had managed successfully to eonflna their conviviality to grape Juice parties. Bandall of York aald that he would be more la favor of licensing a aaloon that h would of licensing a elub. date of Sarpy, author of tha bill for th repeal of th Fort Crook saloon limit aald that he waa bitterly opposed to th sal of liquor by club, Inasmuch a th sam could not be regulated. Although h apparently spoks for tha bill, he voted aaalnst It Veterinarians Deeply Interested In New Measure 'From a Msff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Fch. l.-(frpeoa.-Houee roll No. 772 I attracting considerable attention because of the fight In veter inary circles In this state. It changes the old law somewhat In that It provides for on meeting of the examing board each year Insteed of tao and that any one re ceiving a license ohall file a copy with the county clerk of his county before the may practice. An practicing veterinarian who has practiced In this state for the last ten years may continue to practice without a license provided he shall file on or before September 1, 131.1. an affi davit setting forth that he he prsrtlced In the stste ten years. Licenses may be revoked for the fol lowing causes: The employing of the fraud or decep tion In exemlnatlon. For failure to file copy of license with county clerk. For conviction of crime or misdemeanor Involving moral turpitude, habitual In temperance, etc. Issuing certificates of Inspection or bills Of health without lawful authority. For selling or offering to aelJ .worthless so-called remedies, claiming them to be valuahle. For Indulrlng In fraud in their practices In any way. HOUSE KEEPS EXPENSE DOWN T0L0W LEVEL (From a 8toff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 16. -(Special. )-The ex pense Incurred by the lower house of the legislature, according to a report by Chairman Patterson of the committee oil expendlturea shows a total of $4,630. Of thla sum $1,875 was for employes' Wages In January and $2,545 for supplies and miscellaneous Item. The sum expended for supplies during tho last two weeks was $753., During th last two week Chairman Tavlor for tha committee on empolyes reported an ex pense or il.ezg.M not Included In th re port of th committee on aismir,t. an expenditures above. of this amount $1,10..23 waa for regular time and $.'.22.82 for overtime. There are thirty-two am- ployes oi! the pay roll. Marshall Saves His Bank Measure i From a taff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 1.-(fpeclal.) Senator Marshall of Lancaster this morning saved hi hill, making It a felony to circulate derogatory stories concerning the finan cial condition of a bank, from Indefinite postponement, as recommended by the committee. The bill Is 8 F. in. It provides for a heavy fine or Imprisonment not to ex ceed two years In the penitentiary. Qulnby of Dotiglaa was of the opinion that If he wished to warn a friend con cerning the standing of a hank that he should not be forced to Incur any such risk as that proposed In the bill. Henator Marshall, who Is a banker, ex plained that the measure would not apply to such an Instance where the statement would not be malicious and might not be false. A motion not to concur In the re port of the committee wa carried. ROME, Feb. 1. Another earthquake In the province of Aqullla today damaged many house, rendering a number of them dangerous for habitation. The pop ulation was greatly alarmed and ha even abandoned tho undamaged houses, fear ing another catastrophe Druesedow and Larson Seated (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Fab. l.-(8pecial.)-The contest made against the seats of Repre sentative Dmesedaw and Larson of t-..!.. xoiintw ena thnae aentlemen soma anguish and $1 according to on of j th gentlemen in a speech thla morning when the house by a unanimoue vote agreed that they should retain their eat. The gentlemen were called upon to aay somethlnp and Druesedow said: 1 knew yon were fair-minded men. but I knew that the evidence In this rose waa too ridiculous to give any grounds for a real contest. On our lde we sub poenaed no witnesses." "Yes. we did." contradicted, Larson, "one witness testified on our side and It cost a dollar and I paid the dollar." Rent room quick with a Bre Want Ad. Anti-Tipping Bill Pased the Houso LINCOLN, Feb. 16. The Nebraaka house this evening, by a ovt of 61 to 14, 1 assed the bill making tipping unlawful. Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad. Urlaaell Defeat Ceraell. ORINNELL, Ia Feb. 1 (Special.) In a slow, . loosely playeg game, Qrlnnell iyeeterer defeated Cornell by a score of M U) J5. The rest of tha week will do devoted to practice of the hardest kind to get the team on edge for the Iowa game Friday night. r iww Mi-. : '''viii iiimiiiiimim , J ' miiiaaiM emmmmtMimm'" ''la. There is real mileage in Marathon tires More by far than in the old type tires. ' The Marathon tread is heaped up where the wear comes. The real solution of the mileage problem is found in the- MARATHON CONCENTRATED TL1EAE5 MILE GUARANTEE a Akron-Marathon Rubber Co. 2522 Ftrnam Street, Omaha. Neb. at the : See these Tires Show Take Advantage of the Many Special Price Pieces in Furniture Pieces that ate what you want and that we are will ing to sell at a reduced price because they represent separate pieces l'rom suites and broken lines and must be moved to make room for the carloads of new furniture coming in. HKRR ARB A FKW TYPICAL ITEMS: $34 $44 Chiffonier, Bird's-eye maple. , $39 Dressing Table. on Bird's-eye maple.. J3U $68 Dressing Table, rf) CtrcaMlan walnut.. pJavs $35 There are hundreda more. $4S Sreaaer, gen- nine mahogany . $39 Prince Dresner, nn grnuine mahogany Pa J $39 Drawer, quar- 0050 ter4 golden oak V-' 7 Guaranteed Sunfast Over- CQ Draping Materials, yard. . . OJC variety of shades, 60 Ins. wide, goods regularly $1.50 and $1.65 per yard. Edgings yard, lc Ecru curtain ,edlnga,. alao ,. edglnga if or over-draperies and .fringes, . qualities 10c to 25c yard. Remnants, each, 19c ' 1 yard cretonne sample an even docen half pair of Lace curtains . odd ends of curtain yard foods big bargains. Pillow Tops, 5c all 25 ins. square reps and damasks. In brown and greens all goods that sell ror 7oc to 11.50 by the yard. 25 Pairs of $1.25 and $1.75 Lace Curtains, Pair, 49c a final closing out of broken lines In these grades genuine bargains. 30 Days' Free Trial on the Range You Want 17 p$i. if -V- 11 After 30 days if you decide it is all we !ftr27 claim for it you can nav at the rate of Our low cash price is all we ask. Cent la and See tht Biggest and Finest Display f Ranges ia Omaha We are convinced that Beckwith Round Oak and Copper-Glad Malleable Iron Ranges are unexcelled. For this reason we do not hesitate to send any of these Ranges to your home on 30 days' Free Trial. ORCHARD & WILHELM COMPANY The Sugar Question Will It go down, will it stand still or will it keep on going up? The past few weeks have seen a steady rise of about 75c a sack wholesale. Thanks to the carload buying power our patrons' sup port gives tis TH BASKET STORES No. 21818 North 18th 8U No. 84 .2081 Fai-roun St. No. 2 108 No. 24th St. No. 'M iifllH No. 24th bt. No. 23 1807 Vinton St. ' No. 8 4108 No. JMth St. are selling a limited amount Beet, $5.75 sack. Cane, $5.95 17H lbs $1.00. Limited. Wholesale cost today $6.10 and $6.20. 2 special discount. on all orders of $25.00 or over for any , goods we sell. No charge for delivering orders of $6.00 or over.' send man orders to Basket Stores office, 515 Brandels Theatre Bldg. HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS Wednesday White Goods Specials Nainsook By the Bolt 18c 36-inch Nainsook $1.75 a bolt of 12 yds. 20c 36-inch Nainsook $2.00 a bolt of 12 yds. 30c 40-inch Japanese Nainsook $2.50 a bolt of 10 yds. 30c 40-inch Ayesha Nainsook $2.50 a bolt of 10 yds. 35c 44-inch Sea Island Nainsook $3.75 a bolt of 12 yds. Longclotli By the Bolt 12HC 36-in. Longcloth $1.35 a bolt of 12 yds. 10c 36-inch Longcloth $2.00 a bolt of 12 yds. 20c 36-inch Longcloth S2.25 a bolt of 12 yds. 25c 36-inch Longcloth $2.50 a bolt of 12 yds. With such Low Prices as These you should buy now for Spring'. 9 1 FIRE Important Announcement By C. 17. Hall Co. To correct any Impressions made by reports of the Board of Trade firf , w hich appeared in all the .morning papers. We are very glad. Indeed, to inform our customers and the gen era! public of greater Omaha that our retail office at 1805 Farnam St. is entirely clear of water, or other evidence of fire. Our telephone, Douglas 429, Is working fine and we are doing business the same as though nothing had happened. The usual and orderly conduct tft our retail department' positively has not and will not be disturbed by anything that may have befallen other and less fortunate tenants in the building. First reports written under the stress of excitement are always grossly exairgerated and the Board of Trade fire Is no exception to the rule. Call us up asking for the department, or Individual, wanted and you will be served with the same courtesy and promptness so well known to those who deal with us. Our electric sign "Burn Torrid Nut OoaJ" shines as brightly today as yesterday. C. Ulf. Hull Company Main Office 1605 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 429, A few desirable offices ro Omaha's Best Located FIREPROOF BUILDING Thoroughly modern Well lighted- Easily accessible NEW SANITARY PLUMBING LAWYERS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE SEVERAL PLEASANT SUITES Now For THE BEE BUILDING The building that U always new" AMISEMKHTS. AHl'lEHEilTI. fMlli.lTimj'tliHJSit..ft.wiian.J.ia.).aaU,.T. 1 ft'H 1. Prmahss. Oataaa. Morphia aa Craa: aSSIaalaaa as Slasst eoaoittoaa. s. Tharafora. ecUaMAe madlcai traatmant ts nac- s. In rasa of aleknsea, aaae but th bast sheuld b accaptad. 4. Our traatmant U knawa th world arar aad has provad Its martts in oar 414,000 eaaaa. I. Wa Siva vain raoslvad. aad that la Ui reason wa ara at th head la our apaclatty. 4, Th only Kalr Instltut la th stat f Nobraaaa ts laeaiod la On as. uarraapoaaanc coanaonual. . Ttic Kcclcy Institute OMAHA. NEBRASKA U C. stta a4 Oaaa eta Oifca. Vafca Xra- aiss Oa Cava otthaw Xa 3 O Y D OVLkMA"U MOST av w w ii asm) wc Ka. Today til 5. Toalfht. AU Wk oavaoa axoavaca uccxss A WOMAN'S WAY Mats. I Wod., Tkank, Bat, ate. aTlfhts. Sao and SOo. BTsry rarformamoa Xalsa. XroaaoKarrr Valks ta Iafst Paao . STazt Wsak HVII BATS." Tao Sooiaty aTlfht, KUt SaUly Olav. TioUnlat. lalu. Ant. -oatAMATi ruaT oaarrzm- tCrtlttyit "r Mat. 15.aS.BOa. A-iT--lr "vasrs, isvaa40.TSo. rarpaosly Bookad for Aato Show Wosk. CAY UYI YCSXEKS r0,, iH'al- MOLLIE WILLIAMS Lianny Murphy, Morrtsaey Slaters, Irv ine; Uear and a Cast of pU Maniacs. Joy-Hldlns Beauty Chorus, ladios Biaa ataUae Weak Bya. BR AND El O- Zf.?3 THEATER "t. laeo atoaday Th Dramatlo Maaattem of ISIS "OriDEH COUEn" . P. nHHWfcS Onloasro Company FEB J4TH ajto rto. in satvsdit skat. POTASH & FERLM9TTER Alexander Cirr, Barney Bernard Aad tha Orlfiaa! BT, TOhleaco . Oo. BBATfl ON BAX.B TOKOaMW. m i Fhoaa Boa. 4M A 4 to. WaadaTUle i Dally luu. a as! lif 111, BUS: Other Acta: Prlne. : esa Radjaii. Moure' and Haaser. 8ebaa II.. A. R.nll.ir i linm. A Liaj-raa Broa.. Al Hovar. : . I - J KImm llrnh.lim Tr.M.I I. jlir.uiu.r uivw., ' . ... - - - - j rKKia- felallBM. fH"y Saat S"U (uaagt Saiwaar aa4 Saaaajrl aM. MKht. Js Ska, Ma. la. Masoi & Kesltr HIPP TJtELER IRIaJIDaanT XJLBT TTSCXB TO DAT Coloooai mm aWvtyal of "EAST LYNNE" Wertd'a Mast ram as Xva Brama. Auto Show NOW OS AT Auditorium -aBaam I Admission 25c ei.all open at S a. in. a ad cloe at I p. ra. 1