THE NEE: OMUUIA, FEBRUARY 1915. WANT ADS Want ads received st any time, but to Insure rroper riawtneation must be V tented betnro 1! o'clock noon for evening ertltion and 7 30 T. m. for morning i Sunday editions. Want a'e twivfl JJ,'or j sucn noun win ow onuer mi "Too Lat to C!."lfy ' CASH RATF. Seven consecutive Urn-. 1 cent a wore, each Insertion. . ... . Three times wltMn on wee. H ceni wotd each Insertion. One time, t rents a word. CHARGE RATKS. Feven rrmecutlv times. I cents a lino .,"V?. ...M- . week. cent a . ' ' .'r ..' "VT ".n ' n'.."-Tr;. . tin. I Count six average words to n Un. ! Minimum charge. W eenta. An advertisement Inserted "-'tt- I) discontinued must b slopped by wru ten order. All claims for errors mnt n " ( within fifteen dsy after th l ( Hon of th a-lverttsement. Tou can plac your want ad In Th Be by te.erh&noNE Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column'' i m . m (ir.M have been railed for and delivered durlna th last weoa. It Is rcaaonahle to suppose thai al! of tho reo.le below have made the d.alrad swapa. therefor do not call 'or tha hslanr of their answers Ba want fT. ItT V r ill PI r , n HI i? rt rt SfJ w no n tut H 0. lf Hll 1412 1414 141 1424 142 14:1 14tJ Hr 1441 145 14 14 4 14(4 I1i. 1KJ 14.0 14TI 14H1 SC. 14W iy 1..11 InlJ ir.n 1i-M ir.25 15 I&40 lf.45 1Vi4 irss 1W7 ir,7 1572 u.7 i',5 IMfl 1V7 19 BinTII AD OKATIIs Hlrths-John and Julie Taoler, Dr- .. girl; lia and Jessie rillvers. 31414 Mouth ,.' i M and M. rUhroeder. I i-ss, TKl 2..wi M. - Mary a avenue, noy; jamra inn Jlary Fugllese, 1706 riouth Seventeenth, hr.v: . I. and Htclla l.uce, 2223 Miami, gin: iirold and Hertha llanaen, iPOl North Forty-fifth, glti: Ixiuls and Nell Hurt. tX f4eward, girl; W alter and Laura l.'ughea, 2211 St. Marys avenue, girl; trills and Mary Bexlrr, 4t)l Camden ave nue, hoy. Heatha Verda Walklns, I". TW North Thirty-sixth; Mamie Skow, HI. 2.1 South Thirty-fifth; James M. Collins. 73. hos pital. James llonry Baker. 44, 2014 Charles; Norrla Dahlherg, 6, 1H13 irhy; Mae New- hnni, ?:!, Fortieth and Jones; George Willis, 63, 43I& F.rsklne. MtRHItOK U( 'E.HIKH. Anthony J. Monaghnn, Vull, la., over., 21 Marie C. SherldHn. Vail, la., ovr 1H Theodore Mockclmann, Klkhorn, over.. 21 Wllhelmlna, Backliuos. Hennlngton. over W Thomas W. MilK.nuld. Blair 2-'- lora Kichler, Herman..., 24 Johnnie Harhin, Omahit 20 Mra KM wants, OmahH IS Kllxa Williamson. Bsgley, la 21 l.cla Stratton, Baglcy, Ja 11 TOIIAVH OOMPI.KTK MOV IK lIUMJKAtS I-'.kcluaively In The lire. Cent Tat. CAMEROI'llUNE, 140S DOUUIAB r.unsway June. 2-real Keystone comedy. F.LITB NO. 2, lillS FAKNAM. Hearst-Kellg No. 11. Oh. Where Is Xty Wandering Boy Tonight? I Mcl terniott. The Homecoming of Henry. (Hid Drew.) FARNAM THEATER. I415.FA RN A M. The Inst and final epls.wle of the Mil- lion Dollar Mxsteiv. No. n. will lis shown next Sunday end Mondsy. ... . . jr. . -- HUVP Til EATEIl, I6TII AND HARNKT Home of Paramount Pictures. PAlii; iill.A'i cK. , Featur progiam dally Ke alone Cornedifia. il N. UTIC I AI!Ull THEATER, I4i KOI C.LA.S. War. 2-recl Vitagrsph comedy. Biom-lio PI ly and the Baby. Kss. W. ur. Milady's Hoiidolr. Blumujih druina. PRINCESS, 1H7-1 IKlfLLAS. I lie aiasirr iey. Thirteenth story. II lAookrd Serloua, Nestor comedy. Animated weekly, latest War Nena. rlc Nurlau AIJKMO. "4TII AN'H fc'ctttT Environments. Malestlc iliunm. The Master, 2-reel K-B. drama. As a Man Thlnketh. Beauty -omeily. 4 1.IFTHJN MILITARY Ae. & iTurdette. Who Shot Bud Walton. 2-r. Reliance. The Itw-ord Broker. KoinU' Com. DIAMOND. 2II0LAk5! Animated Weekly. Father Was a l-oafer, -r. UKn. Com. Kllolta of Elaine, t-r. Special serial. FRANKLIN, 24TH AND FRANKLIN. ast Up by the Sea. s-reel. Kal. Dra. The Hair of Her Head. Vita. Com. A W ues I Ion of Conscience, l.uh. lira. Grand, t Theater Beautiful!. 16 & Blnney. Runaway Juno, Episode No. 4. Coala Of Fire. Dr Fatty's New Roll. Key. Cum. iT i rpon iTTim k" ;ti i a n Dct7 mTng! leKenn Snioers Ttevenue. Sn'cll 2-re-l Sawyer leaiure. Aparlmeni to lt Bathe -omed IT. . IHTII AND UtCUST. The Girl Telegraphers Peril. Kal. Dra, .Till Death li Ua Part. 2-recl. Set. Dra. Alia (1 reaped Liahtnliig. Mlna. Com. 1 A IT 1 1 K P, S212 N.-Ili"24lli Stret. Cloeed all this week, while making al terations and Installing an up-to-dat a-reen. Watch paMr tnr opening. loyaU iicA ldvv ell The Awaited Hour, J-reel. Imp. The Bribe. Victor. l.iity'a Imksv I'ai-ecr. Ntcst. fnn. P ALA C ii 2Ji J 'TiAVKNI-OUT; Itw of the Range, J iel. Biaon. ' SUBURBAN, 34TH AND AMES. Treasure Temple of Ithotin. Vita. Coin. The Cabaret Singer. I -reel. Kal. Dra. Out of the Storm. I.uli. Dra. awatk. AUDUK, ISi'D AND ARBOR 'No aiiow Mondays and Tuesdays. liegolur tT.Kiin rest of week. -PLl-0. :'.4 LEAVEN WORTH. . Lmd iroin iho Water Tor, Kal. dr. Ti. Aoiliitlun of thr Haron. 2-r. Kas dr. The iilitGlii.Vjltai(rspli comedy. OLIMUIA. ino"lwUTlinvTHT T he Swiudlrr. 2-rerl Kalem drama. -' lie Broken Circuit. Kalem drama. Cufly Concerning Males. Vila, c .in. 4'OMFoKT. HTi; ANlTvlNTuN. ait i. Ixve. 2-reel 1'hanhuuser. The Croeiiixion of Al Brady. American. Kvi.m LiK-ky Day. Beauty. a v oi ; i t itu vTn"tc)nT j'car il liiri. Esaanav drama. l ui Me Off at Wayviile. Kalem comedy. Tne Ssio Ring Vltagrapii drama. KM. lA Si iUTil13flT. .M siier Key No. 1!. I reel topecU!. i i ilOren cf Chsnce. Kex drama. .XII over the Kixcuits. Nestor comedv. 1.1 hiC. ll VINTON. II of Feur. 1-reel Imp- A l-n l.ddy Took a Bath. Ncelor i om. I'Aelilii-.. 2 .ANiJ l.r.A V EN VV( lUTIl I'en.a of I'auinte, No. li. Ueni and liernta. i-o. t ctiMrOy. jumsncr n Hear Creek t.islr 'J ha I'er Old 1 1 v im rtle, Big U ' k.;-.i.j.iA. 1.11 JTii7liiT taut reels of MatuaJ ficturaa. r jrt lesulta. B d SC. " G. ,V 4S 1MI r v i-"tt ffl 411 ICT ft 41S 1VJ 4t '" Ifl 417 IS44 .1 4H IKl 12X 4: Hb a 41H JW! i 4?7 IWJ 41 41t IT4 :!4 4JU i:tv S I ISM X.VI SOT IW n im 1-1 m iim 14 m )vx ivn 171 ?)7 171 It1! 14" TOIIAVH COMPI.KTK MO IK I'ROiillAMS r xrlusliel) In The w mi. MONRO k. FARNAM. of i,rrHmB lren.' Hnwleyl. 2-reel. Kprl .My Mncle. Gallantry of Jlmmle ll"in fcstuilng Frsncjs X. Ilushmsn. Benson. I'F.NSilN. MA I N KT Mxlrnn uik en of Ureilshnf frn. Ford- I'unnH l Thief and the Chief. Eclslr. i Eiery Inch Hero. . I.. Kn comedy. I naacll Bluffs. ELITE NO. I. MS RROADWAY. The Fssl Mall's Danger. Kalem d.ama. The Xrange rase of Princess Khan. Hel. Sweedie and Sultan's Present. Ess. com. NICHOLAS. r,i; BROADWAY. A llnre for t.lfe. Vltsarstih comedv. The Lieutenant Governor. 2-r. Kaa. dra. The House of Horror. ni"grphdrm RoPER. 617 BROADWAY. Wolves of Society. 2-rec Rex. Hon of His Father. Imp. Fooling Father. Joker comedv. I Wnnfia limtlia. itKSSE THKATKIt, 24TH AND N. Th t.Htl Engineer. Kalem drama. A Night's Advnture. 2-r. T.ubln Tama. The .Chief Host. Vltagraph oomeoy. MAUI)'. HTM AND O. All Ahonrd. !-reel Neslor comedy. Clue of the Portrait. Kol. ( aaaevillr. :iTH AND N 8TS. ORPHEl'M, Zudora every Wednesday A x xor ct;m i: xts NOTICE. Ladles Kolnr to coest should place their orders early to avoid any delay In their plana. ANNA SISTEK. I.adirs' Tailor-Inn and I 'ressmaklnf . 201 203 City Natl.mal Bank Hliiar. i FOR your choice home-made saussge of nil kinds at the rlht price, call al 1W Ijeavennorth. which Is now managed by Sam Fisher, the only home-made saii-SHa-e nmniifaclurrr of lunaha. Fhone loun. .t?.. We nmke It fresh every dsy. UKNTlTi: V--AII kinds of dental work done under careful aupcrvislon at the Crelghtnn I.'nlversitv College of Den tistry, 210 S. Kth Ht.. Omaha. Fees very moderate Kn Irani Inn free. HHKHHMAKIM1 and tailoring, work guarant-ed. 24(s1 Cass Ht. Tel. Hed. 72JJ. Wedding announce inenta. ioug. Ftg. Co. HAZlTu Laf I'ile Coiiea. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies; M)u poetpald: samplea free, bnerman it Hi(roiin.ll Lrug Co.. Omaha. -uDrif r. w u r a . I k i akMl L ' , ' ' - l-LCKY ww .llng rinas at ltndegaard s. SPRING announcements should contain notice of your new office location In The Be Building, "the building that I always new." AUTOMOBILES ONE Cadillac, tn good condition. ttOO. H.'h itArtrtUK. 22(15 Karnmn St. AUTOMOBILE Overland io, i passenger touring, overhauled I ec 1914, I (car Urea new, nobby tread. Will buy til to make deal. Extra tuhes and Urea cheap for cash. L. 1- IK, P. o. Bos 144, boulh Omaha. 1100 REWARD for any maKneto we can't repair. Co'H repd. Havsdorfer,210 N.IK. o CARS painted, accord I ng to six (Ford 1.2) work Kuaiant il. Hsnsi-om Hsvk Uaraga. FONTENELLE Al'TO CO.. dealers In used enrs that guarantee service. 210 So. Mh St. AUTO PAINTINU. FORDS, ll.'i; CADILLACS, $25. VriKgs at Win. Berg Co., 1441 N. lUth. K III T rumlptcr, IHM iiumI.-I, 25 11. p. for sale, Address F ta"2. Bee. Ciieeiiough Omaha Rs1. Rep. Co.. 2U20 Far. AUTO Clcsiirnt I Ion J 22 Fainam. buva and sella ureil inn. Phone tfouglas 3310, C. El.8Abfr,R, expert radiator and laiop repairs. Ty. V)i, 2W1 Leavenworth. litoiiairlel Uaiwge Co., aith at Harney Bt. L A R O h" lop-'do'Tor tltney. Call Web. M. yOfl SALIC My II3 -U cylinder Chiilm- era car. In first class condition. Car tan be seen at 2oM Farnam St. Splendid , In for cash buyer i Kolt SALE 7-passcngcr automobile. J 'h ,,,'" f,,r -J ,n"; 4 "?l 0", " NVIH sell for WD simt cssli. Car In I aod running order. t an be seen at . . ' i a v iu.u u. gaiage. 224 N. ixt H St., Omaha. Mslomirl H MILKY-DA VIDSON MOTOKCYCLE9. Ha ri. a Ins In used nutchities. Victor Rooa, "The Mntot-t'Vi.e Man." 2M1 lavenwoitn. fJii INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now readyf liamalns ;li u-el inaclilnea. OMAHA iBICiCLK CO.. ifill and Chlwago. D. 272. llliKIMKMSj CHAXCICS A I TO ii phIi' xliop. garage and lilacH-sm-lli n'io- for rent or for aale, Clmrles Hii.hxhI. i'uiiillion. Neh. AN M l . Ph. ! . ruudiictlug a drug store In connect. on with the practice of medl- leiiie. would dlpo.-o of the stock cheap a 1 1 finds "It not prsctleal to conduct th '; purcnaser nee a mil ue regisierea rtilrexn Y SP'J, lii'e. Ul.iiOil BUYS GOOII l.l'SINES8;r BIG , MONEY MAKER; EASY TO HANDLE; ! SI ITABI F. Will. Y l" Nil MAN. IK liiii iia I', .lit i. .Mirr.t a .m i niiuAiS BUSINESS. AID'(I"-S II ;7, Hlr,E. BIG nioueymukl to run. ki.ouu l money and nieiii. Hee. fl'lce business, eajiy .1. It you have th .. tnesa, address L mi C J. Canan can sell your farming land. TO GET In or O'U of business. Call on OANGESTAD. 4i4 Be Bldg. , D. MV. LIST bin In ess chain es. property for rent aalo or eacl:ange with m. I will writ all iimim'-r of insurance. W. G. Teni. plei(.-n, tirn. HROKKR. ij Be. 'I"y. LEASE an. furTiUur of" Hotel Tlhlen. Imiulre of Bill llrogan, Til. ten, Neb. ONE ol . i. immI rvtull bakeries in th city; no competition Call Web. 7tt or address I.' He. YOUR business or real estate quickly sold. V rite Jim Wray. Sioux City. f.lGNS. snow cr4 "IsrK Ai rum D. MIX LIST YOUR Bl SINF.sW with ua tor dulck action and squar treatment. QUICK SALIS COMPANY. 18 Bee Bids. Phon Red 3254. THEATERS buy, lease or sell your th- ater, machln and sue til lea through 1 neater r.xrhauga Co. li farnam hi. iMjuelaa lw7. MERCHANTS' stink reduihig and clos ing out sales successfully promoted: ad vlc free. Harry Bull. Sl! West th St.. Kansas City. Mo. t C. M. EATON, Bus. Broker, 11(1 W. O. vt., win neip you in or out of business. EDUCATIONAL The Van 8a nt School Stenography Day achoul. s.uu iu 4 ut. Night school. 6:16 la S.Li. Iflh and Karnam sts Oour tMl. WINTER TERM MOSIIEH-I.AMPMAN COLLEGE. NOW OPEN. Unsurpassed classes In business, short. hand and English oranchea. Graduates guaianteed good pcslliona. Pisces pro vided f-ir young peopl to work for board. ror ire cata-iugu aot Mohher-Lampman College 1th ana Farnam Str. Oinsba. Neh. iiOYLES COLLEGE Day School, Night School; complete business courao; t-omptet aborthand or stenotyp course: .complete telaiiraphy courae; civil servU tranches and Kng h. ftaoeots aomitted al mv tuns. Write, phone or call for lSla catalog u. BOY I. La 1'uuL.t.iit.. H. B. bo Y LEU. rTMiusnl. Bldg . Omaha. N Tel. Douglse lUi EXPERT ld at.iOKraphr will lake puiita SHORTHAND touch tyiwrtt lug, stalling, punctuation, tc, taught and eumplet training aivaii for buaioeas a reer. Frl ale instruction If desired ts.4 WuaUs L Tel. W aluut IUL fcni'CATIOXAL (UK eale me (Jiiownirf echolsi snips In a first rlHi Omaha Business College: un iinilriiliel conihination business and sltsrtl shd course. On unlimited business rsurse. On unlimited tnogrsphlo court. One three month' business or slsn. Bi Motili; course. Will be aold at a discount at th offlo of the Omaha bee M astral lastrarlloa. HISTORY of music taught by mall. Senl stamped, self addressed envelope for full particulars. Mrs. Helen Van Decar, ftudlo 414 10th PL. Brooklyn, N. Y. FOB BALE Farallare. New 2d-hand furniture, cash or term: reasonable. Amer. Furr. Co.. 60S N. 1th 31 na tea I laatraiaieaita. Slightly usid high grade piano. D. 2017. Typewriters. R'ONT Remingtons, Monarclia and Smith Fremlera of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Oouglas IM Rental credited If you pun has and oniy very newest snd highest grad ma chines sent out. Kates, three months for ti for understrok machines or t par mnntli for latest model visible wrltere. TYPUft'KITUKH o.d, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter fe.change. 307 B. 17th RUNT An Oliver typewriter, H months for U. Th Oliver Typewriter Co.. I). 2V19 Mlaellnnesas. 2-hand ifirh. Orosa Wrck V.. "t Taul. Foil HALK-Nw and aecoau-hand carom atiB pocket billiard tables and bowling allrya and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; essy payments. The Brunswick Barke-Collender Co., 407-408 8. luth lit. TRAVF-LINfJ salesman, through with hi western trip, has a few pieces ol Im prrted eemple lac curtains, consisting of Irish Point. Brussels and Clunys. only two pairs of each. Call Room 313, Karnam l.Otel. i BASKKT8 coal. II. Wagner. 0l N. 16th. U NEW automatic weighing scales, W and 110. Match machine and lifting machines. On hors wagon, buggy and harness, also tools, lumber and other miscellaneous articles for sa'e or trade, J. C. 1S1I, EXECUTOR 703 Bo. 31st Ave. I'hone Harney 243. PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. PHONB DOL'OLAH 4S29. 2 CALIFORNIA ST. CJNDKRS 1.50 load. iHmglas TM. Harry Anderson. ONE roll beer wagon, Blats Co. In good repair. BICYCLE! for sal. Tel. Tyler 224 W. HELP UANTKIe FEMALE Clerical auw orflf. STKNO. AND BOOK KISEPKR, LAW EXPERIENCE. PERMANENT POBI- TION, r.". CO-OPERATIVE RKKKIt- KNCK CO., 1015 CITY NAT. BIV. BUJU. VIIRITE 8TKNOOKAPHKRH. 4l, 450. HOTEL CHECKER W and BOA III.' MANICl'RIST 45 THE CANO AGENCY, WO BEE BL.DO. NO FILING FEE. hEeT COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. Kt.-novr.ti her. hnndtmx oxDerlence. Rogers Itcf Co., blM-H Stale Bank Bldg. NO USUAL FILING FEE. l"t- i. a good stenographer or tn. BlSINFB M KM' RlCFI I IENCE ASS N. 1319-20 W Iman of the World Bldg. HK K PR. and Steno Saleslady, Hardware 110 Watte Rcf. Co., Mh-40-43 Bran. Theater. WANTEI At once, law stenographer. Apply 13m Woodmn of the World Bldg. Ask for Mr. Beebe. A arents and saleswomen. WANTED A woman to take orders for easy seller; will pay salary. 214 H. 18lh. Faetwry ami i rase. LKARN ha'rdresslng. Oppenhalra Parlor Hoasekrepera aa( Oomeatlc. THE Servant Girl Problem Molved. Th Bra will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FKKB until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bring ad to The Bee office or tele'phono Tyler luoO. GIRL for general housework In a small apartin nt. Apply lol tl. 42d St., or phone Harney 4M9. . WANTED A girl or woman to do general housework (German or Scandi navian preferred, must be good cook. Apply between hours of and R In the evening at Sii Webster St. or telephone Harney t.Vk'l, NEAT and reliable white girl or wonnto for K'neril housework. Web. KM. GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; best of wages. Rcf. required. 824 8. OTith Ave. . GIRL to assist with general housework. ." Harney rit. WANTElk A good girl for general house woik. Tel. Harney 900 or call at 3322 Harney. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing, no Ironing; four In family; A rooms; sleep at home nights. 3344 Lari- more Ave., I'hone wen. tm4. WANTED A girl who attends school liHlf day to take rare of small child for board" and room. Muat be one 18 veara of ago. H. im. WANTED A girl, lit or l years of age. Io assist with housework, excellent home, go. Ml pay. Wal. 1229. WANTED A maid for general wortc. 9W So. J7th St. houa WANTKD, an experienced nurs with references. 4J N. 8Mh St. girl WANTEI At once,, a young girl be ' tween the ages of 15 and lis. to assist with general housework; small family; suburban hum with every modern con venience: good, permanent home for good girl. Writ V, T,:, car Bee, stating wages and references. WANTED A girl for housework. Park Ave Harney S3A6. 1303 W A NTEI White maid for general liousewoik; family of two. In email apartment; good wagea. Genoa Apart ments, Mlt Ave. snd I ass St. Harney 'Jifi. A MAID wanted for half day's work acii dsy. (icman preferred. 1813 Capitol Ave. FAMILY of two wants capabl maid for general housework. 11. TuA A tilRL for general housework. 32i H. ITlh St. H. T7I- EXPERIENCED girl wanted for genaral housework In small family. H. JSHi. WANfKD An experienced sextnd girl; references required. 411 So. 40th St. I WANTEDA girl for housework. lfc-U N. I IVth St. Wetutter 1. WANTED White woman for general housework: four In family. Mra. Arthur Htanitish. 34IN Francia St. H. OM. I allaerllanrama. LADIICS' ft miskea iota. auita. dresses skirt samples at wholesale prices. Bon of f New York Sample Store. 306 N. Isth. YOUNG woman coming to Omaha as stranger ar Invited to visit th Young Womait'a Christian aeaociatton building al St. Mary's Ave. and lith St.. whar they wll! b directed to aiiitabl boarding places or o'htrwia assisted. l.ook for our traveler's gu'd : I'nlun station WANTED Elderly woman aa companion to vnnnff ladv. referents rennlerf A,4- ! drea-4 B -i. Bee. W OMEN get government Jobs. $; month. List free. Franklin lnaUlul. Dpt (M B, Rocheater. N. Y. IIKI.I WANTKD MALE lUrleal and Uffle. HIGH-GRADE rommer.'ial positions. WEST. REF. at BOND ASSN.. 7t' oiiisha Nat l Bank Bldg. YOUNG man for drug store; experienced. Apply Ml Bee Bids. SALESMAN, Huig. Matevis.1. .$1 : and ec. Steno., 75. Sienn., $nl Steno., tit Watts Itef. Co.. kSS-40-l-i Brsn. 1 Heater. Y'iil'N.) MAN with railroad experi-snc. Aeply at once. MUweat Bfndii g Co . SIS B.-e Bldg. lrl. sialeaaacai anal aollellar. A YOUNG man for soliciting snd collect ing. W ill be taken in aa a partner If thrifty. Addiess A ma. Bet. BILLY sUNDAY'ai M ESSAG E Author ised, tiraat onportuulty for tnaa or woman to msks M In $i.60 a dev. Un usually liberal terms. Star tun may b id. Particulars and samples fie. Unlveisal Blbl HnuH, tu2 Elusion Bldg., I'lilladslphU. UK 1.1 WAXTKD MAKK A Beats, Saleamea aad olleler. Traveling Salesman Man with several years experience, either In Nebraska or Iowa territory, and who ran show successful record, with hlxh standing among his customer, can secure highly lucrative position. Applicant must be over So year of age, of good appearance and character, as well aa have d'-mnnstrated ability. Only such application considered aa Is accompanied with fu'l particulars, age. references, etc. Address B-4U3, care Bee. WANTED-MAN TO REPRESENT US IN NEBRASKA OR IOWA. Man acquainted In some portion of N btaeka or Iowa can secure steady posi tion which will pay from 140 to 175 per week and better. Prefer msn who has had experlen.-e selling building and loan stock, as this proposition will appeal strongly to people who make this class of Investment, while it offers a much better and easier money making opportunity to the salesman. Applicant must have best references. r uil pHrticiilars as to past experience, references, etc., must accompany first letter. Address K.-15, care Bee. WK have an opening for a specialty sales man who Is capable of muking JS.0C0 or more venrly; a man possessed of an en raging personality and energy. To such wo cun otier a, permanent position pre senting great possibilities. Write, giving exrrlence and references. National En graving company, J54 Narsau St , New York City. SALESMAN to call on physicians. Estab lished trade. Eixpensa and commission. State age. Also one for outside city. P. O. Box 121. Philadelphia. o Drug store snaps; jobs. Knelst. Be Bidg. HIE first payment now covers Insurance till July 1. 1.015. This makes our policy easy to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit. Health and Accident Assn. 423-23 City Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Ne6 Factory aad Trades. AUTOMOBILE TvSB OR OTHFjRWISH Be wis a I Independent in 4ualneas for yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped school and shop will produce this result for you. Get our unusual Interesting offr.' with Catalogue "C." Day and night classes. Phone D. 3043. 1413-15-17 Dodg St.. Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. LEARN BAREICU TRAftB. Be Independent; wagea and toola given. Electrlo massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barliera. Call or vtrlte. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Douglas St., Otn. 1032 N St . Lincoln. MEN WA N T ED To learn th barber trade, spring rush soon on, position waiting, worid'a fair taking barbers away, money earned while learning, tui tion Includes best tools. Write for Illus trated catalogue. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. Miscellaneous. GOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magneto. FJeo. Starter Auto Graduatea. Too many un trained tinker repair men; good men posi tively needed. Big spring rush. rc catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL LEGE. 2053 Fiirnam St.. Omaha. lie an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go Into the i. to business for yourself, our com pletelv equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Write for free booklet. - Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 214 N. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTEI s-l.ODO men to eat ham and eggs, 15c. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol Ave. WE ARE looking for a big. strong busi ness man to handle all our culvert pipe business on a commission basis in th state of Nebraska. If you cannot handlo and place men, do not answer. Address Y 270. Bee. HELP'WAKTED MA LB AND FEMALE. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women; $i to 1160 month. Writ for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. SUB, P.ochesler, N. Y. I OMAHA government clerk examinations I April 28. 70 month. Common education sufficient. Sample questions free. Apply immediately. Address Y Ml, Bee. . WANTED SITUATIONS W ANTED Plain sewing, 2U California St. Phone D. 4S2. WANTED to make change, by April 1; now asslnlant purchasing agent with one of the largest concerns In the middle west.-, fourth year. Had wide experience in office and road work; thirteen years' business experience. Address Y 7S, Be. YOUNG man wants piau to work for board while altcudlng Boylcs college. Telephone Douglas 166j. WTI .Buim1i washing. Meddle. Wf 6665, WANTED Employment by mlddl-gd man, several years, railroad and office experience; prefer position aa traveling salesman or offlo work; can us ypwritr; not a steno. K g-tt. B MOTHER and daughter, with experience, desire position aa first and second cook In a commercial nous out of- city. Ad dress C HJrt, lies. WANTS position doing general house work or chambermaid. Mrs. , Weston. Webster 747. MAN and wife want houaaclaanlng. 11.4840. DAY work or bundle wash. Web. 7467. YOUNG man. 2S, experienced aa cashier, bill and of lie olerk, desires position In Omaha: am college gradual: good cal- I rulator and excellent penman; best of references: win atari at a moderate sal ary. Address M si, Be. DAY" WORK WANTED. RED 0N. YOUNG exp. chauffeur wants position In private family; punctual to duty and a very cautious driver. Phon Tyler 2Q4. PRACTICAL nurse wishes) position tsk Ing ear of invalid. Harney 4467. Beat references. DAY work wanted. Web. 8267. POSITION wanted aa hotel clerk, by a man of middle age. alngle, experienced, good habits, beat reference M. Ml Bee. DAY WOR wanted, colored lady. D. 8110. EXPERIENCED colored girl wan'a work of any kind. D. 2rt. Aak for Carry. FIRST-C1.ASS fireman wants work; can gK reference. Webster 6708. RELIABLE) colored girl wants position of anjr kind. t. Z2. Ask for Mildred. UYR KTOCK FOR SALE Harnas and Vebtele. MA NT well-matched teams; young mar: soma In foal. Call at Brewing Co s aalooo. 1214 So. ISth St. ATTENTION! Must sell this week four husky mare In foal; 1,200 to I.4u0 pounds each; have been takin on a debt This la a bargain. Call and Investigate. btM S. Mth St.. near Howard realdunce. FOR SALE Th beat team; weight $.000. on In foal; aleo a team of nk-, chunky farm maraa, weight VauO pounds ach. In foal; must be sold within th next few daya; cheap for ready cash. Inquire James Henry. 1-3 Dodg. TWO learns cf wU-maluhd. chunky mares, weight 1 2U) ach: agea $ and T years old: sound; trial given ir iiceaaary, piivat realdenc. Kl lodg. PAIR bay marea In foal, weight I any owner. ir invmport SHIP llva stock to South Omaha. Bev tnileag and shiinkag. Your eonsign menl icelv prompt gad careful allaa- tion. PAIR mares cieap. 4UT N. kith. klust all my splendid big team and $ fine mares In foal. heap, ties. X14 N. liin. TWO teams of ouug. wall-matched. 'chunky larm nurai. heavy in foal; weight from l.liO to 1.4u0 pounds; all good, ound mares, right out ef haid work. J Hb. manager. Out Farnam. KeKATED uty for sal. HJ Cher man v. FARM waxona W and up; harnaaa, $. JehnsoB-Daaiurtli Co., Utk Clark Bta. LIVE STOCK FOR HALE Horses and Vehicle.. FOR FAT.!? -20 had of horses and mares. ago from 4 years to yers. all weil broke to work. Call telephone South 302a IS22 Harrison Ft.. South Omaha. II" 'liM-k Cetaaaalaatoa) Merekaat. MARTIN BP.OS. a CO.. Excnarut Bldg. iXiST AND FOUND OMAHA COI NCIL BM'FFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street ears. Many articles each day ar turned In and the company la anxious to restoro tl em to the r1gh.l owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST On a Hanscom Park car, black fox collar. Harney 2757. Feb. i. LOFT Saturday erenlng on 32d Ave., be twen Pacific and Center sts , lady's brooch, gold wishbone design with enam eled violet, diamond center. Reward will be paid for return to Mrs. A. B. Marriott, 1720 S. 32d Ave. STRAYED or atolen. white Scotch Colli dog with yellow head; a very liberal re ward If returned to 2.r6 Farnam. D. LOST Small diamond ring. Saturday night; reward. Mary Ammons. D. 57T4. LOST English bull with white face and breast. Reward. Call Walnut 2672. MONET TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See ua Quick service. Halt usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. tCi Paxton Blk. Douglas 1411. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured Without 8URGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION lrom BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given In every case treated. Patients must come to th of fice, 48--li Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam streets. DR. WILLIAM CREIGHTON MAXWELL, ' Twenty-eight vears In Omahn. Gradual of Bellevtie Hospital Medical College, New York City. N. Y. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and tther rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal dlseasea Willi testimonials. DR. K. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldr T?iirtiir Cured tn a few days without nupiure n Call or wrlt(I Dr Wr4y KM Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1194. o PERSONAL YOUNG women corriint,' to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. B. THOMPSON of 946 Crescent Place, Chicago, 111., wishes to communicate with stockholders of the Coliseum com pany of Chleano, ill $7,000 to Pension Invalids If w receive W) subscriptions to The Ladiea Home Journal 11.50 The Saturday Evening Poat 1.60 The Country Gentleman 1.60 Each month till April to equal last year business, the original IS.OOO becomes tha progeny or me invalids raiuion tno., making $7,000 to pension Invalids. W must have 1(17 subscriptions in February. Your order or renewal adds W cts. Phon Doug. 7161 or address . , Uordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA. NEB. . THE Salvation Army Industrial bom so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. Ve tollect. We distribute. Phon Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1J13-1114 UOCB M. HEIRS, friends or relative of Olaf G. Remlen, shoe salesman. We desire pres ent address of above party as we nave Important matters to forward to him. Address V 367. -Bee. . o FRANK DROESSEL desires to communi cate with Mrs. Ralph Drocssel and fam ily. Direct or indirect Information should be addressed to E 6S7, Bee Office. PET STOCK - . Dogi and Cats. PCOTCII collie pups from pedigreed stock. Inquire nt end of Benson car lino or Phon Douglas 4U. POtXTRV ART) SUPPLIES DON'T forget that three times ror chickens have been hatched In Oil Trusty lnctihulors than In any other In cubator. Caialogue Iree on request Ad dress. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb. STEREOTYPY matrices make tha best and cheapest lining; for poultry houses They ar 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable then tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7oo a hundred at The Be offlo. LET chickens ray your rent; send for free book. "Turning Eggs Into Chick ens Into Hollars." and free samile world s only hatching chart; book describes Rayo Incubatora; glv moat chicks: hatch on one gallon oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 1015 8. 12th St, Omaha. Neb. Phone Red 33x. Lt gliorn hatching egg. Tel. Floren e 21 1 FOUR pairs fancy ring -neck pheasants and extra male birds; also some Rhode Island Red cockerels . W. 2996, 1801 N. 24th. LIVE WIRB BUSINESS MEN OV OMAHA A B C of Omaha N EW and 2'1-hand motors, dynamoa. magnetos, etc., and mech. repairs. L Bron Elect. Work a, 318-30 8. 12th. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Iwu7 Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovatea feathers and mattresses of all kinds, make feather mattresses and down covers. V AOl'UM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning don In th home, banltary Service Co., 806 Be Bldg. WB rent repair, aU needle and parts for all sewing machine. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO , "Mlcke-l's,' 16tg and Harney. Douglas 1663. Aecvaslaats, K. A. DWORAK. C. P. A.. Address 433 Ramg Bldg., Phon Douglas 740. Adding; Machines. Dalton Adding Machlnas. 411 8. It. D. 1441 Adder Men. Co. t Wales). W. O. W. D. $338. Area it vela. Kiverwtt 8. Dodds. 813 Psxton Blk. D. H81. Aata and HmmIs tteualrlnaj. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 8411. Anctlanee-rs. Dowd Auction Co.. lU.6-16 W. O. W. R. $288. A timet less. OMAHA rum Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion Plctur macnina ana mm bargaina Bin Priming!. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 80$ Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Barbara, 18 Chair. 10c shav. neck sr.avn. 161 T Far. htraa. Faandrie. Paxton-Mltcliell Co . 27th and Martha Sts. tsrKBttn and I slrsvlors. STEVENSON. 83 B." txd. Douglas tot. t ali lam la Lada. W. T. Smith Co.. UU City Nat'l Bk, D. 2818. China Palatine CHINA for deooratlag. Mra Chambers' Art ntiiaio. u-ii w. O. W. Hldg. Firing. Ruth Lstchford. decorating, firing, R. 484t Clatera and Well Ulaslna. KEKD wall or cistern elianed or dug? Si HAFFER does It Phon Web, sail. 572- RICKEBTT Wall Coo.lructloa Co.; nothing too big or Impoasioie: aiunat furnished. M N. 21st t-L. Omahs I'reasa gesNaratara Th Bharplta 8parator Oo 12th Y Farn, livk wmrc BIHIXKSS MEN OK OMAHA 4 ItIi F.nsrlneera. M. 3. LACY. 618 BEK RLDO. DOUO. 4TIS. W. J. McEathron. Tel D. 601. IHHOro. Nat. Coal Dealer. r.ii Johnson's special, also Victor nut, K OO Phon Douglss 1702. Dasrisg Arademles. DOUG. AUDI. Spec'l rates for clubs and prl. dances. Call or tel. Mgr. D. 2424. Turpin's Dancing Academy, Wth A Farn. Markle's Academy, 11 Harney. D. 644, CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 187L Deesrsten as Paper Hangrera. B1IX1ER does It. Phon Walnut ISM. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No palln. 1808 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 40 Brandeia Bailey, the Drnttst. ;ot City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. 21M. Pyorrhes, Dr. Fickes, 724 City Nat. Bank. Iteteetlres. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mexico, i Paxton Blk. Doug. 137S. Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLAN. II 2 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler llv Dressmaking;. Terry Dressmnk'g college. 10th & Farnam. EXPHRI ENCED dreaamaker wants work by day. Phone Florence ,1ns. WATSON aV LUND. 21107 Casa St. MISS STURDY. 2416 Cass. Bed 7330. Klertrle Supplies. LEBRON' Elec. Wks.. 31 8. 12th. D. 217. Drna-s. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman Mo C'onnell Drug Co., Omaha. Nsb EverytalnsT for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and atyles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 1936. SWITCHES from combings. $1.60. Psyche free. Mrs It. M. Eck. V Marcy. H. 6646. HA1RDRESSINO at your home. R. 6&31. Fnrnnee and stave Repairing;. FIRE PREVENTION CO. Douglas 454. Farler. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. 24th St W. 7777. Florists. A. DONAGHUE, 1622 Harnay. Doug. 100L BATH'S florists, 1804 Farnam St, HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. L. HKNDBHSON, 151 Farnam. D. 1265. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. Mnlr Dressing;. Harper method. R- . Bah Bldg. D. ATl. Llsjktlns; Klmtnrea and Wlrinar. TIIOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 261. Live Stock Reined l. OMAHA Remedy Co., 607 8. 13th. Red 4K3. Bfesaenajer anal Tfsnitrr, WHITE LINE. S0 8. 11th. Douglas 8314. Mask, Coataanes and Lodg-e gnnnllee. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. Th largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben oV Son, 1614 Howard. D. 411S. CORA BELLINGY ; netlo treatment Invigorating baths, mass sages elegant and satisfactory; hrs. 10 to 10. 107 S. 17th St Notion Entrance down stairs, basement, corner building. MIPS WALTON, bath, massage. Tel. D. 4297. Hours to 9; Sunday 11 to t MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve., p. m. : Sundays, 12 to . MISS JACOBS, mass., manrcurtng. Phon Doug. 42!7. Hours to ; Sunday 11 to MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge, Mrs. Steele. Miss Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red 803. M ASS 4 OP i 620 BKB BUILDING. JMAOOAUJi UOUGUA8 6872, BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. 1801 Farnam, K. 1. Douglas 175L Open evenings and Sundays. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 870. Kathleen Mack, masses; A bath. P. 7582, BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. Moving;, Moras; and Cleaning;. W. C. FERR1N, 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1209. Ocallata. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as tou ran. Dra. McCarthy, UU W. O. W. Bldg, Osteopathic physicians. Dr. Rei-ncha. 203-4 McCagu Rldg. r. t36. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandels Bldg.. D. 3144. Printing, WATF7RS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 B. 13th St DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY M'KEWJE PTG. CO. D. $644. r.IES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1630 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 8754. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 11" 8. Utn St Pateals. H. A. Sturges. 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Earnell, Paxton Blk. Tl. Red 7117. Roach Eataranlnatos. B. B. B. Roach powder at Beaton's. Painting; and Faaerlag. HUGH M'MANUS. 1T N. 4Cth. H. $728. Plants Renovated. PLUMES t: flower mad over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, Paxton. p. 8394, Bat and Tins Isseat Barninrts,- SAFES Shoe Renalrlngr. . Electrlo Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St. Mary's At. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. $11 8. 14. DESKS, safes, scales, ah owes sag, shelv IIS civ. m uuf. won, vninj and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th Ws buy, sell. Omaha Fixture u. Z724. Blajs and ghoweavda. E. M CLARK ac SON, 113 8. HTH 8T. teel (elltncs. CARTER Sheet Metal Oompisy, 119 8. 10. Tnt gnppltes. OMAHA Towel Supply. SfrT 8. 11th. D. $28. Trnnka and tntkeaawa. FRELING 8TEINLK. 1808 Ftrnin 8t Ta liars. CHAS. C. IJINDERTOU. 108 N. lth St OLSEN at HOL'WJHiC, 15U6 Harney. D. 69U8. Veterinarians. DR. O. R. YOUNG. 4601 Center. Wsl. 80 Wise and Llajaar. ALEX JETES. 301-1 8. i$tb St. Wines, iiguors. cigars, nsre dinners, il to a, loo. Glob liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine, l. Zu per gal. write (or price Hat. HENRY POLI.OCK LIQUOR HOUSE, wn anq ' apuoi ve: ten-cent luncii. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House, sd N. loth. Douglas 1809. SWAPPER'S UOLUMN A FINE larg Kedpull cow, will trad for diamond or good ulano. Coming fresh soon or would sell. Address H. c. Si:, Al'TO 6 pass. auto, fully ajqulpped aad iu line anape, jail mooei ana cost ft, new; wui trade ror omana lot worth (uw. Addrasa 8 C. 1W8. B. AUTO Empire, in good shape, can b used as roadster or truck (or light nauung. w rial nav your Address B. c 6J6. Bee. ATTENTION. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. Auto tire, nearly new casing, six 36x4 demountable rim and inner lube: will aell very cheap for rash, or w hat bav you to swap. Aoores p. . , imi, nee. AUTO Truck, light delivery, two-cylinder Maxwell; fairly good condition. Would trad for oak floorings or any- ining you nav oi equal vaiu ir takn im;ioiaiiy. Aaore, b. c. H. Be. AUTOMOBILE W hold a bill of lading for an International automobile which a expect to b her by Saturday over tr tui llnjton road. W bav not itrg this car and will sail or trada tain t0 anybody who Is loosing for a bargain. t will trada for a oow, diamonds or -esm horses or buggy or whtiaver you ttsv to offer. Address. S. C. 174 Bee. AI'TG Will fad autoinublia'or will (.y ash for depndbtl pisuo not prl eu inn high, tail Monday, Addraas H i a. Be. 1 AUTOMOBILES FoT other autornoblla bargain ae tha "Automobile clasalil-tatlon. BIS. CH. $li.4) dothing, furnishing and shoe stock, good east Neb. town.. Hurry If you want this. 'Will trade,1 What ha you? Address. 8. C. 61. B HANJO and mandolin, extra grade, for concert; want to trade for diamond worth 8. C. 632. Bee. CORN PLANTER What have you to trade for corn planter, disk harrow. Flying Swrede cultivator. 10-ln. breaking plow or 7-ft. weederT Will trad 1 or all for anything I can use. Address 8. O. . Bee. . DIAMONDS Eight for automohll or Ford. nirie-Wlncheater 25-20 for typewriter or diamond. Address E. V. R. Box 11 Phone 17. Glenwood. Iowa. DIAMOND ring, quarter carat, Tiffany ; trade or sell cheap, only 25. S. C. 637. Bee. . 2 DIAMOND RINGS, 130 and $125 each; one banjo, $55; one mandolin, 128. 611 one or all. or trade for larger diamond, or might trade on for typewriter. 8. C. 62S. Bee. ' DIAMOND For watch or shotgun. S. C. 647. Bee. EARLY ENGLISH FURN ITU RE Ll brary table, rocker with leather seat, seven braas trimmed bookcase sections, two tops and two bases with drawers; beautiful finish, brand new. Will trade for solid mahogany, or what have you? Addrfss 8. C. 65, Bee. FINE new twin motorcycle to gwap for Ford chassis. What have you? Address K-666. Bee, FURN1TUR1C Heavy mahogany muslo cabinet for Dlaver rolls or aheet ..luste. Cost I8 new and used but three months. Will swap for anything I can use actu ally worth $16 or more. Address S. C. 037, nee. GENTS gold watch and solid oak alde-i board, exchsnge for piano, ray aitrer- ence. 8. C. 5R7, Bee. OAS RANGE Garland cabinet gaa ran go .used one year, leaving town, will sell1 or trade for kitchen cabinet or davenport, i Addrees S. C. 611. Bee. GUITAR Washburn guitar, with canvas: case. Good aa new. Cost I33.a0. Will trade even for kodak or picture card i projector oC equal vaiue. Aaareea o. o. : 638, Bee. , INCUBATOR On 300-egg Mandy Le , first-class Incubator, almost new. wtlli exchange for electrlo fan. sleigh, or will ! sell cheap for cash. Address S. C. 843, care Be. MANDOLIN Cost 333. and $. banjo. w 111 trad one or both for diamond nog. - Address S. C. 618, Be. MINTJTB REPEATER Gold hunting! case. 14-karat strikes th hour. Quarter hours and also minutes, also atop watch, attachment: cost new $600; for auto, dia monds, lot, merchandise, new or seconds hand furniture, or what hav tout An swer 8. C. 634, Omaha Be. MOTORCYCLES Twin Excelsior motor- , cvcl with aid car. swan for auto worth $225. Ford preferred. Address 8. C. 369. Be. PAINT Have bbl. of Sherwln and Will iams outside house paint: 1st class. Will take part trade and Dart cash. What hav you 7 Address 8. C. 633, Be. PIANO Wellington piano, used 6 months. 8lfS. guaranteed 10 years, want trade for diamond or sell for cash only. A bargain. Flano cost W new. Address s. c. 614, Be. PIANO Swap on a lot, balance monthly. Adnresa s. c. st". Bee. PIANO Have 1st class upright - Swick;! piano.acost $390: will take $60 cash and. balanc in chickens, now. or horse: will trad on fair basis. Address 8. C. 628, Bee. 1 PIANO In good order, will swap for an I auto to mak a track out of. Will pay aom difference for an extra good car. Address 8. C. 609, Bee. PIANO aa first payment on aa old run-' down house, and lot must be cheap and' wall located. I will nav the balance monthly. I am a carpenter and can fix, vp the plaoa myself. Address S, C. 610. Be. PLAYER PIANO A good standard player. piano to do aacruicea at one or would, trade for diamonds or oow or hors a w ar going to th coast. Must dispos of at once. Address S. C 61S, Be. RUBBER BOOTS Hav good pair o( I rubber boots almost new will aU or trad for something I can use; In good condition: six 9. S. C 461. Be. ! SIGNS, show-cards. -Clark A) Son. P. 1378.! TYPEWRITER, ETC What hav yoa for typewriter and .45 caliber riflaT Ad ores a S. C. 631, Bee. VACUUM WASHING MACHINES Gava i 600 well known vacuum washing ma-1 chines, alt new and up-to-date. A guaran-1 teed maohlne. Agents here is your chanca i to mak a clean-up this spring. WT11 swap ' lor auto or what hav your Aojiress B. C. 620. Bee. VICTROLA 108 records, $2S. Record cabi net almost nw. Tremendous saorlitcet $50 for all. or would trad for diamond or what hav yon. Total cost nw ovr $m Address, . C Bt Be WATCH To trad for 1.009 tobaoo tan stats Ml particular in anawajav AA dress 8. C 822. Be. WANTED to trad violin, eaasj and bowf valued at $7S, for diamond or wtaai InMigV you. Address S. C S24. B. WANTED TO BUT GET Kaplan' prions for sd hand I shoes, clothe, beior selling. Wctx Yal buys everythlnsT $d hand. TyWt OFFICE furnltur boucbt and aaki. JU C Meed, um f arnam. pons;, gm. WE BUT $d-hand clothe. 14 W. ttilaf HIGHEST pries for furnltur. Ww"iiiT ' 1 asaaasaaasanssa? FOR RESIT Apartaatgats auad STxttn, - j Fidelity Storage Goi Htoraga, moving-, packing and shipping. 16th ds Jackson Sts, Phon Douglas tss. BIX-ROOM steam heated modern flat will decorate to suit tenant. 825 In win- ter. $18 In summer. Fell V Plnkerton Co 213 Board of Trad Bldg. 7-ROOM, best residence district. 4160 Da v- en port; vacant March. TeL Walnut 266S.e STRICTLY modern brick flat, 1 rooms ' and bath. 831 Park Ave. Phon W. 814. i OGDEN ANNEX. Council Bluffa. com' with kitchenette, steam heat Phone IV -r.. modern flat. 33uS 8. 24th. $23. H. 4711. town t. t? -v. ... L . . ... , ... 1 . . i . . . r -' n. xJm i ir.i umuiuui, inidii . . , . lahed and up-to-date 3. 4 and 6-room apartments la city. Building Just fin ished. Flora Apartments, g.61 Jones St. GEORGIA APARTMENTS. Five large light rooms, tiled bath, gas stove,- icebox. Only $40; located 1040 Goorgla Ave., firm floor. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1623 Farnam St. Douglas SI'S. tsJ STJ Vl nsfw bnN'Jj uiiji (8i ty. Rooms' FURN18HED ROOM. fcatd. 4614 North lis Av. MADISON list and Chicago; steam hea'.; $10 mo. and up; cafe In connection D.tit CALIFORNIA Apartments, 17th and Cass; nicely furnished ateain-heated loorna; every convenience, Tyler 2073. PLEASANTLY FURNISHED ROOM in private home. Call Harney dial. ONE large room, gas plate; privatu fam- lly; Uli S. ad St. D. 6te3. REEDHL-RST. hfi N. Zlth St.; warm, J" nnyroom: meala unexcelled. D. !). N. 35. 214 Nicely turn, warm room. tJMii MOD., well furn. rooms, also housekeou-" ing. Tel. 11. 573. 116 S. 21th St. OC-DEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, stea n mieq pmi, s per fhon fciv. I -a Verna. ml Cap., front rins Stein, bt. THE COLLINS, ateain l.t., nicely furn. rooms Good location. 840$ Harnay. HARNEY ST.. :4u7-Front room, newly furnished, hot water heat; walking dlstanc. ei lTR OF TWO ROOMS IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. EXCEPTION 4 1 CIiETS. NICE HOUSE. CONGENIAL) M'RROUNDINGS. WITH BOARD REASONABLE. ADDREHSA feBE.i NICE room In I'intali Apts. Harnev 'i'j'- 7C r a rnam Quietly moderu ruoiua. $12; gentlemen.