TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 14, 1915. VA 3E3 LI1IC0LH SAItiT OF THISC0U11TRY He. Joieph Newton Telli of At . tribute! of Great Leader in Unirertity Club Address. SO OTHLR HIS EQUAL HERE , . . , Starting February 17, Ash Wednesdsy, Rt. Joseph Fort Newton. D.D.,:W, oecw th forly y of unt I.U.D., or Cdar Rapids, la., delivered an oration on "Abraham Lincoln" lest evening at the third annual ban quet of the University club before an audience consisting of members and their women. It waa a striking fart that the speaker who delivered this .t - ihuli.M f.lnonln ,..... ua c.i i is a eon or a confederate soiaier. ne waa Introduced by F. A. Brogan. "Tha face of Lincoln rives a glimpse of what It meana to be a man," aald Ir. Newton, "tha lines where the smiles fell asleep when they were tired, tha deep set eyes that never lied, tha firmness that never waa hard, the gentleness of a treat pity. It waa a face not unduly msscultne nor softly feminine, a fsee that makes us think of the mother back of tha lv. '"Tolstoi when he heard of Lincoln's death, said. "lis was a Christ In minia ture.' "The church hss Its calendar of saints. And tha nations, too. Moses, Julius Caesar, Luther, Masslnl, Toiatol, aU typify their nations and aces. And Abraham Uncoln typifies America, com bining In himself tha attributes of two antl-thetlcal natures the astute, canny, practical man who forces ahead, and tha extremely sensitive nature like John 'Wootmao, that good old Quaker who couldn't ride In a carriage If tha driver whipped the horses. "Rarely do wa find these two In one man. Before Lincoln and tha civil war these states were not a nation. A man was a citizen of Virginia or of Masse chussetts, but not of the United States. "Lincoln's great task In grappling with slavery waa three-fold. , Ife had to thlUk tha problem out, ha had to convince tha people that ha was right, and ha had to lead them In putting his solution Into effect. . . "Lincoln's Intellect, his sheer power t think Is, and always has been underesti mated. It was obscured by hla rich gift ef humor. When ha described an argu ment of Douglass as being 'a thin as soup made out of tha ahadow of a pigeon that had starved to death,' ha stmok tha highest not .of humor. A man with a rich gift of humor is not easily deceived. Lincoln thought In continents, he dreamed in age. "In the business of convincing Lin coln waa pre-eminent Ha could put mora flesh on the skeleton of an Idea and Use less words In doing It than any other man In our history, "Hit other leader tha equal of Abraham Uncoln has ever risen In this country, for he was both a great state man and a shrewd politician, a very rare combina tion. II had been schooled In that great university of politics. Springfield, III. Ma was possessed of wonderful executive ability. If had an almoat uncanny In sight Into human nature. Ha was a mar velous strategist In International affairs. We must Inevitably hav been drawn Into war with, England during the civil war had It not been for him. Ha saved tb situa tion with a story. H waa sven a master military strategist "The shrewdness, the sagaetty, th hu maneness'; the patience of this marrol o'is man makes him undoubtedly a pro vidential character raised up to meet th problem of his time." Americans Leave Lusitania and Will Return on St. Paul LIVERPOOL (Via London). Fab. lt Th Cunsrd Una steamer Lua Hants, th vessel which flew th American flag across th Irish sea on Us last trip In ss a measure ef protection against Ger man submarin. sailed from Liverpool for New York at Its usual hour today under the British flag. Whether er not this emblem will still be flying when the Lusitania .reaches the Irish Sea was a question to which the keenly Interested passengers found it. Impossible to obtain an answer. j The Lusltsnla carried a large list ef passengers. Including many Americana. Prospective American passengers to the number cf !08. however, cancelled their bookings en the Lusitania at the last moment and took the- American tin steamer St Paul,-which sailed alao for New York today. Th St Paul had th largest pessenger list sines th rush of American refugees last fall. Youth of Twelve, t ; Son of Official, Page in Senate LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 11 -Complaint was made today to State Labor Commis sion Coffey, by the Uncoln truant offi cer, that a son of Lieutenant Governor Pearson, a boy said to be less than It years old, .was employed by hla father In the atate senat chamber, contrary to the Nebraska law en child labor. The labor commissioner said If an In vestigation he hsd begun satisfied him the law was being violated he would tube such actios as wss necessary. Other alleged violations of the child labor law by members of th legislator hav been (barged. Getting Ready to Entertain Editors A. special committee of the general committee having; la charge arrange- ments for th forthcoming annual meet ing of th Nebraska Slat Press associa tion met yesterday afternoon with E. V, Parrtsb. of tb publicity bureau of tn Commercial club, sod deckled oa April 1 II as tbs dates. Members of th sps i il committee are L A, Medlar, J. a Uuodtsin. C. K- Corey, J. M. Tanner and H. L. Tostevln, Visitors wtU be entertained at theater and U automobiles. Another meeting wiU be iield a week from today. Tb si- a Wing program baa not beta cut PARIS DEPUTIES PASS ' A.NTI-A.3SINTHE BILL PARI 8, Feb. 11-Th Chamber of ! !utle today adopted th bill prohibit tut th ! of absinth. TOPICS FOR ADAY OF REST Say it Sunday Before Lent and Spe- cial Lenten Serricei Will Be Held. TO PREACH ON BELLY SUNDAY Bunds? will be qulnqtisgestma, tha Sun day before Ient, and In many Omaha churches apclal service wilt be held. March . which la Eaater Bunday. Spa i rial lenton services win b held in sev- eral churches on Ash Wednesday alio. If. W. Byere, former attorney gen i eral of tha atata of Iowa and a Billy 8unday convert in Des Moines, will speak I at the morning services of tha First ," - """"" til Till. Dr. Hlllman of Des Moines will speak on th, work of Buly gunday at tha even Ing aervlces at th First Christian church. The congregation ef tha First Bap tint church will Join In a union service with the Chrlatlsna on this occasion. Rer. If. L. Targsr, president of the Lutheran General Synod of America, wilt preach at two Lutheran churchea Sunday. Ha will preach tha sermon at the Grace English Lutheran church Sunday morn ing and' at the Kountse Memorial church tn the evening. President A. B. Marshall of tha Omaha Theological semtnsry.l and one of th ablest evangelists In th country, wilt hav charge of th Gospel services at the Covenant. Presbyterian church, Pratt and Twenty-seventh streets, all nxt week. Increasing Interest and attend ance hav marked thia campaign, of which next week will be th third week. Services every night except Saturday from I to , preceded by a flfteen-minut song service. - e "Th Aspects of th Divine", will be th subject of a lecture given Sunday even ing before tha Olrott lodge by Judge J. J. Points la Arlington block. Rapttat. Zlon. 171 North Twenty-sixth, Rev. W. F. Hotts PsntorMomlng. 10.30 to 11. devotional; 11 to 12, preaching. , Subject, 'Faith." Evening: 6 30 to 7;30, Baptist Young People's union;- 7:0 -to-S, de votional; 8, preaching. Sunday school, !1:H to : 1:30 to 1:30. paster's Bible clues. Wednesday night, ml J week prayer serv ices. Mount Morlsh, Corner Twenty-sixth and Seward. Rev. W. H. DeClaybrook, D. D Pastor Preaching at 11 and 7:46. Hubject In the morning, "The Surrender of the Heert." In the evening, "Good Hope, Through Orac." Sunday school St 1. Midweek meeting Wednesday st I. Bsptlsing at tha close of the morning service. Olivet, Thirty-eighth' Street and Grand Avenue, William A. Mulford, Pastor Morning at 11. Kvenlng at 7:30. Sunday school at 10. Church membership dsy In Sunday school. . Kvery church member urged To be present. Other services: Han- tint Young Peoil a unloa at :. Psstor' training class or boys snd girls Wednes- day at l:M, Plcnlo lunch at t. Prayer service at 7:10. Grace, Corner Tenth and Arbor. K. B. Taft, Pastor Men's ' prayer meeting at :. Sunday school at 10. Morning wor ship at II: subject. "The Art of Being Kind." Junior meeting at 15. Baptist Young People's union at 7. Kvenlng wor ship at T:4S; subject, "Ths Conversion of Timothy." Mission Sundsy school at s, 2010 South Fourth street Cslvary. Hamilton and Twenty-fifth, J. A. Maxwell, Pastor Morning, "The Believer's Deposit." Evening, "The Life snd Death of the Soul," sermon by Dr. 1). D. Itrnper. Bible school at noon, O. W. Noble, superintendent. Young peo ple's meeting at f.30, led by Miss Nell arpnter. Prayer and conference meet ing of tha church Wednesday evening; subject, "The Indwelling ef the Spirit" Immsnuel Twenty-fourth snd Plnkney, Arthur J. Morris. Pastor Morning wor- hln st 10:30. Topic. "Their Rock and ur Rock." Bible school st noon. Young people's meeting at :30. Evening service l 7:w. Htinjec? selected, junior meet- n on Wednesday nrtemoon at 130. Men's supper snd Blbls study at ths htirch on Wednesday evening at a no. Midweek prayer and praise service at S. First. Hsmey Street and Park Avenue. H. O. Rowlands. Minister-Morning. 10:30, tibject of sermon. "The Strsnge Conduct f Jothsm. Kvenlng, 7:30. 'The Christian htirch unites with the Baptist church to hesr the addreaa by Dr. Hlllman of Des Moines on the work or ' Hilly ptinflay. Sunday school at noon, George Water man, superintendent. At : Mrs Dr. Foots will give her fourth lecture on the Ufe of Jesus Christ." , Cfcrlstlaa. North Bids. Twsnty-second snd Lothron, George I Peters, pastor Bible school at :jp. Morning service at i:ts. t. t, Rowlands of Des Moines. la., general frolsht agent of the Rock Island will peek o( th ntindsy meeting., t'hrietlan indeavor at Evening service at 30. Theme: "Th Bible. . Hew -.to Study It'.' . . First. Twentr-slxth and : Harrier. Charlea E. Cobbey, Pastor Morning wor ship at 11. Fubject' "Chrlat'a Dependence on Treycr." Evening worship st 7:'5a. Mnn service with First Rspttet church. Meeting to be eddreased by Dr. Hlllman of Dea Moines on the Hilly Sunder mect- ng. Touna Peon Toung People s Society of Christian Endeavor at 4:i&. Junior Endeavor at Blbls school at :. ' . Christian Selene. ' First Church of Christ. Scientist. St. Mary's Avenue and Twrnty-foOrth Serv ice at U and a. Subject "Soul." Sun day school (two sessions), l:6 and . 11. Wednesday evening meeting at s. renervseretlenal. St. ' Marv'a Avenue. Twenty-seventh Street and St Mary's Avenue Morning service at 10 JO. Rev. J. J. Parker wilt preach. Subjeet, "t-nrletia.n fattenoe." Kelly chorus choir. Sunday school at 11 First, Nineteenth snd Dsvenport Fred erick T. Rouee, Pastor Morning at 10 Hon. it w. Hyere or Lea Moines, a Hill Runriav convert former attorney genera of Iowa, will apeak at 10 30. Bunday school st II. No evening service. Plvmniith iTIahteenth and ITmmet Frederick W. lravut. Mlnleter bcrmon theme, "From the Windows of Ply mouth" 10 i. mnie scnooi at ii. r;ius W. Cass, superintendent. Young !eih prsyer meeting, ft. 30. Sermon, ' Hec.slor and Destiny," 7:30, HUlaldo. Thirtieth and Ohio. W. S. Hamilton. I'astor Morning servlc st 10 30. Sermon by pastor. Thernn, "Be lieve.' Kvenlng service st 7 SO. Sermon by pastor, "htudies In Mark. Sunday school at noon, I- Stegrew, aunerlntend- t. Senior Endcsvor st s:jo. intrr- medlat todeavor at 4. Junior Endeavor at t. Ketseeital, K Mstthlss . Tomer Wortblnstnn Ave nue and South Tenth Street Early com munion at a Runflav scnooi at lu. Morn ing prayer and sermon at 11. Public In vited and cordially welcomed. Beats are free. Rev. Albert K. Wells priest tn chars. Church of th Good Shepaxd. Twentieth and Ohio. Rev. Thomas' J. Collar, Rec tor Uulnquagealma. Holy communion at t a. ro. hun.lsy achool at I io. Morn ing prayer, litany and sermon at 11. Spe cial muittcal servlc at 4. Aah Wednes day. Kebruary 17th. Holy communion . a m. and It a. m. t'vening servio at 1M o clock. Lntkeravsi, St. Ps.nl's. Twenty-fifth and Evans. Rev, B. T. Otto. Pastor Servl at 10, in i--Uh at 7 to. subject. "Scriptural Keasn hy so Many Ierlve no Ietlng benefit rroin uis Hriiig or tna won oi uoo. Sunday school st 11 :M. Zlon. Tbirty-sUth Street and Ifayette Avsnus. A. T. I.orlmer. Pastor S uud e y si'hool at t:. Kervli'c at 11 and t. The I.uiiier HMistia will invet at ths home o Kliner snd Jenny FHfn, KJJ Hamilton street. Tuesdny evening. The conftrms tien class will meet on Saturday efter- uoun, Urac. KnglUh. 1C South Twenty-eUth ktreet. tlarrnce N Swihart. Mmister Sruion by Hev. H. L. Yarger, 11 I) president of genersl synod at UL '"Th Mistiest Prrsuual lJrty." at t. tAitli lesgu at I. Bunday school at I bO. THREE REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO MINERS Left to right: . Frank J. Ilayea, Edward L. Doyle and Jarces Lord, leading officials, of the forces conducting the miners' strike in Colorado, who conferred with John D. Rockefeller, jr. v-4kmik '- fhv :&A '?' J J. Fred Smith, superintendent. .Confirma tion cissies Frlitny at t andi7:3". Asn vveanesday porvlce at s. St. Mark s Knsllsh. Twentieth and Btir- dette, F. Oroh,' Pastor It a. m "Charity llovel as Rule of Life;" 7:S0 p. m., ''Man and Angels as God's .Creatures:" Fstur day, 9:45 a. m : Young Psople's Society of t hrletlsn Endeavor. 8 45 p. m. St, Matthew's Kngllsh, Nineteenth and Csjtellar. Ilev. G. -W. Snyder, Pastor Mornins s.rvlcn at 11 stihlect. Trie Oreatest of All. Evening service at .SO. aublert, "Joseph to Monet." aunany school at 10, subject "Semtiel Made Prophet. The Ladles' tAUI society will meit Tliuradsy atternoon at the resi dence of Mrs. John Falconer, 2223 Hewrd atroot. Catechetical claaa on Friday st 4:1 o'clock. Kountse Memnrlnl. Farnam Street and Twenty-alxth Avenue, Bev. Oliver' I). Bsjtny, j h. IJ., l), D Pastor Morning worship at. 11. sublect. "Crucified Today." The beautiful Inten program wilt lie dis tributed at this service. Kvenlng worship at I o clock. The president of the lu theran General Synod of America will preaoh, Sunday school at :45. Oscar P. Ooodmsn, sliperlntendent. I.uther league t T. Confirmation classes Thursday snd Friday evenings at 7:46 and Friday after noon at 415. Special Lenten service Wednesday evening at o'clock. Immantiel. Corner Nineteenth and Cass, Adnlph Hull, Psetor Bernhard Johnson, conductor of lmmanuol choir. yuinqagesime Sunday, Sunday before Lent. Morning service at 10. Sunday school at 11:45. Kvensong at t o'clock. Omaha's largest church chorus sings at both services. Men's society Tuesday at home of J. P. Jerne. ltt'J6 Snencer. sub ject. "How a True Hlble Study can b Conducted." Wednesday evening Omaha Istrtst mission meeting. Thursday same continued with prayer hour at S:S0 and passion service at S. Visiting pastors and pastors or ureater Omaha participate in these services. Choir songs. . . Metkodlst. Walnut Hill. Forty-first snd Charles, Oliver M. Keve, Minister Services at 11 and 7:t0. Sunday school at 10. Epworth lesgu at 30. Swedish. Corner Nineteenth and Burt, Gustav Krlckson, Pastor Hundsy school st 10. preschlng service at 11. Epworth league at t:W. Preaching at 7:30. Pearl Memorial. Twenty-fourth Street and lrlmoie Avenue, Earl O. Bowen, 'aetoi Morning worship at 10:30. bun day school st noon. J. V. Msynard, su perintendent, t nllilren s meeting at s. Kpworth league at 30. debate sJid spe cial music. Evening service at 7.JK Prayer meeting. Wednesday evening at 8. lileti Memorial, Tenth and Pierce, C. . lawson. I'astor Bunday school at t:4u. Dr., J, L. Frans. aupntintendent. Preach ing at 11. sutiject. "Abraham Lincoln." Epworth league at 6: SO, J.- H. Usten, leader. Preaching at 7:80, subject. "The Sons of Ham." Brotherhood business meeting Tuesday at A Prayer meeting Wednesday at l :w. s First. Twentieth and Davenport. Rev. Tttua I.owe, Minister Sunday achool at t SO, T. F. Hturgeas superintendent. Morning worship at 10. subject, "A Di vine and Welcome Proclamation." Ep worth league at 8:30 a live meeting for young people. Evening worahlp at 7:80, aubjeot, "A Man and Hie Faith.'1 At this service Flrrt church will be host to. many members of the Masonlo . frater nity. Benson, A. J. McClung, Pastor Sunday school at' 10. Morning worahlp at 11, the sermon subject Is. "Christian Steward ship?' Junior Christian Endeavor at t. Christlsa haideavor at 6:30. Dr. Hansen will address all Young People's societies st the Methmllat church. Kvenlng wor ship at 7:1Q. Union service st the Metho dist church. Dr. Hansen win speak on A WELCOME RELIEF .. .. i SI 1 Jo . j -A '. -s"" 4Vctitssite'' r w fe g m isbi 1 1 I 1 r-.Vrr-' See that our Privet Stamp ver th neck of Set tle) It tinbrolieii. "Putajo Welfare." " -Prayer . meeting Wedie-sdgy evee'ng sj 8. Hanscom Park, Corner Woolworth Ave nue and Twenty-ninth Ftreet.T". W. Mc Casklll, Pagtor Pree.ehlng services at 11 and 7 45 conducted by the pastor. Morn ing theme, "For a Great Door and "Effec tual Is Opened." Wvenlng theme, ''Adain-T The First Man Was, he a Hlstorlo Character?" Sunday school af 11:46. Ep worth league at :. Brotherhood Mon day evening, Dr. A. F. Jonas will apeak. Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday evening at t o'clock. , . . - ; Preeby terlan. , C as teller, C. C. Meek, Paator Services st 11 and 8. Sabbath achool at 10. Junior Christian Endeavor at 3:3. Intermediate Christian Endeavor at 7. Senior Christian Endeavor at 7. ' North, Twenty-fourth ana Wirt, M. V. Illgbee, Pastor Morning st 10:8j; sermon cn ' l.lto B txjriy Movements. r.venina at 7:80; sermon, "WalklnB Humbly;" Hun rtsv school at noon: Young People's 8o- tlety of thrlstlsn Kndesvor at 6:8.1. Prsyer meeting Wednesday evening at i o now. First, Seventeenth and lodge, ' Edwin Hart Jenks. D. D., Pastor Morning serv ice at 1:30; subject. "Optlmlem as a Dynamic." Evening service at 7:80: sub ject. "One Hundred Ycers of - Peace.' Sunday school at noon. Endeavor meet ing at :30. Parkvale. Thlrty-.flrat and Gold, Rev. A v. t-hmsnn Minister Morning Bible school at 10. Morning worship with ser- i men at 11. Junior- Christian Endeavor i society at 3:80. Senior Christian Endeavor society at 7. Kvenlng service oi sermon and song at 7:45. Benson Sixtieth and Main, Rev. Arthur Atsck; Bible school at 10 a. m.; morning worship st 11: anthem by choir. "The Heavenly City.1' Marcus Nielsen will sing "The Publican." The paator will preach a special sermon. The evening meetings lll be union and addreased by Rev. 1. Hansen of Kansas Cltv. Lowe Avenue, im North Fbrttetn. A. P. Ernat, Ph. If., PastorThe pastor will preach at 10:80 and 7:80; morning subject, "Why Study the Bible;" evening, "Peace. Sabbath school at noon. Junior Endeavor and pastor's Instruction class at 8. Senior Endeavor meeting at t:46.i Clifton Hill. Grant and Forty-fifth, B. R. von dor Llppe, Pastor Preaching at 1L reception of new members publicly wel comed. Christian Endsavor at :80. Ser mon at :, "A Call to Salvation." Sun day achool at 10, . H. C. Korgy, superin tendent. Meeting for men at 2:46. Church of the Covenant.. Pratt and Twenty-seventh. Charles H. Fleming, Paetor-Mornlng worship at 10:80, "Re cruiting the King's Army." Bible school st noon. Endeavor at :45. Evening wor ahlp at 7:80. "Your Favorite- Goapel Hymn." Gospel services all week under the direction-of, Dr. A. . u. marsnau ui the seminary.' Wsstmtnster; Corner Mason Street and Georgia Avenue. Jamea Franklin Young, Paator Morning worship at 10:30. Bible achool at noon. Young People's meeting at 30; topic. "The Solid Foundations of Life." I Cor.' 8 8-16. Evening worship at 7 80; themtf, "The Unending Soveretunty of Christ." ' 7 Midweek prayer' service Wednesday evening at 7:45.. . Falrvlew. Pratt Street and fortieth Avenue, Charles 1. Fleming. Pastor Bible school at I. Afternoon worship at 8. "Light On Hell From the European War. The evening service at 7:80 will be In charge of tne young minister from the seminary. Tuesday evening th midweek service will be at the home of Mr, Mo Mlchal. led by Mr. ,Bartlett. Third. Twentieth and Leavenworth, Robert Karr. Pastor Sunday school with adult and young men's Bible classes at 30. Sermon to young people, "Ths Value of Self-control," at 10:48. Inter from that awful distress after eating can be obtained by careful diet and the assistance of IIOSTETTER'S STOLMCl! BITTERS It tones, strengthens and assists the digestive system in everyway. It is for Poor Appetite. Belching, Bloating, Nausea , & Indigestion. Try it, mediate and Junior Endeavor meetings at 3. Christian Endeavor prayer meeting at 6:80, "Decision Day" services. Even ing worship and sermon, "Why Halt Ye Between Two Opinions." at 7:46. Church prayer meeting Wednesday evening at I. " t'alteel Presbyterian. . Cenltal, Twenty-fourth and . Dodge, Hugh B.' Speer, Minister Morning wor ship, st . 10:30; theme,- "Christ's Call to Separatlon.'" Evening "worship at 7:80;' theme, "Jesus of Naxareih Passeth By." Sabbath' school at noon. -Young psople's meeting at. 6:30. . . - i First, Twenty-first 'and Grh met,' A. ; C." Douglaes, Psstor Morning worship at 10:80; theme, "The Great Gospel Invite-' tlon." Evening worship at 7:80;" theme,', "Wronglns One's Own Soul." Hlble school at noon. Young peoprc prayer and Bible study meeting at 6:80. . ' , '...- I nltarlaaj. ' ' Services at the parish house. 428" North' Fortieth, Sunday afternoon at 4:30. Miscellaneous. - Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Twenty-fourth and Ohio Sunday school offlcsrs" and teach ers' normal at t. Sunday achool at B:4S. Preaching at 11. Prayer service at 1 Rellglo at 6:30. Preaching at 8. , Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. 1 miif n I BUT H 1 PRICE Nebraska's largest and oldeet Piano House is remodeling its entire building. If yon wanted to replastcr and decorate your home, yon would quite naturally have to remove the furniture. The same rule applies here. Our. floors must he , cleared at once. The plasterer and decorators need the room, so -vt have placed these. Pianos' on the market without considering tost and at term so low that no family need to be without Piano or. Player Piano. ', '. . ... : . . Home are new, . other slightly used and discontinued styles, but all in A-one condition , Your selection can be made from such world-famed instruments as Steinway, Weber, Hardman, Steger ' & : Sons, Emerson, McPhail, Lindeman & Sons, Schmoller & Mueller and -many others; also the Aeolian -'Pianola ' Pianos.?: -V ' t ' v t .-. ; ? HERE ARE THE FHICES $1 .0 0 TO $2 0 0 ; A WEEK BUYS, AST OF THESE BASEA1SS fOOO J." A C." Fischer Square, now luioo.voae, Sons Hquare, now 'SO McCammon Vpright, now $300 KinKPT Vprlght, now . . . . . 3(K Davis Hon Upright, now 000 Hardman L plight, now 9400 Hteger & Sons Upright, now : $300 Schmoller &. Mueller Upright, now ' J ' ' FREK LIFE INSURANCE FRKE STOOIj FKER SCARP. Free Pianola and Virtrola Recital Every Friday, 8 to 4 P. M., in Our Auditorium. . $3.60 A MONTH RENTS A COOP PIANO. SMALLER 1 MUELLER PIANO CO, 1311.13 FARNAM STREET.' , r HIT T. Vat ller. fine sol id gold, per fect rut. bril liant lUamond sen ulna pearla. ll-tu. clial $24.50 ta.iS g, Moatt s W Sfc. M ja.'g hi 3Mh m lii T 6 Co. CaaBSS G. O. P.TO SAY IF MOOSE X0L1E BACK Medill McCormick Aitertg Propes livei Won't Fail Republican if Latter Reciprocate. . CONTRASTS BRYAN AND ROOT QUIXCT, 111., Feb. 13. Pledging that the progresBlvea would not fail the republican party In 1916, If the republicans did not fall the progres sives. Medill McCormick. former head of the progressive party tn Illinois, delivered the annual Lincoln day ad dress to the KIckspoo club here to- ! night. He declared the republican party held out the greatest hope of the progressives, but Insisted that It must be the party of progress and added that If the republicans failed demp crats would wla the greater portion of the 2,000,000 progressive votes cast in 1912. , x He ' declared that the republican party must Insure the following legis lation: National child labor laws. .Regulation of tne nation's large Incomes. A fair and universal tariff. Discussing the administration's foreign policy, Mr. McCormick ex pressed the belief that the country would be better off If Eilhu Root in stead of Mr. Bryan were secretary of state. , ' MANUFACTURERS'AGAINST SOME LEGISLATION Chairmen of the standing committees for the Omaha Manufacturers' associa tion for the ensuing year were appointed at the meeting Friday at the Commercial j club as follows: Membership James-Allen, r . . Kntortalnment R. W. Besley. . , Interurban W. F. Burgess. ' Advertislng-W. H. Clarke. '' Insurances and Tnxes R. A. Hlggtns.. , Home Patronage F. S. Knapp.- - , . v Trade Extension R. A. ' Leussler.' . (Iegislat1on W.' J.-Monashan. ; Transportation Paul Skinner. ' The manufacturers went on - record In favor' of the-road tax and the highways commission ' bills, H R, Nos. 261 and 263. respectively. They opposed 8. F. No. 189, concerning stock food shipments,' which they held, would Injure certain well-established manufacturing Industries 1 In Omaha. They opposed H. R. No. 288, which provides for a change In the lien law. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. PIANO OR PLAYER PIANO AT HALF DURING OUR REMODELING SALE S 25 1 o $100 11& m 8155 e LH59 ( 'Loftis' "Perfection" Diamond Ring trr.S Our No. (II. price tie, credit terras ti a month. Is the most popular. all else from tit. 140, 7S, 10. lUt) and up. and full of flerr Drlillancjr. W are offering alle-Winter Bales. YiMja credit la good with T Bears Via. solid geld, platlnu m top.T Dia monds. 525 Wj- .MM' Ufa Ear Screws. 14k solid gold, S fin brilliant rta monda. Very f ft ft epeclal at.. VU es-OO'a sfontX. . Tk Tssaf Naa'i leS Indies' Ring 1 fin Olamonda aet In platinum; bant of rlnr 14k enq solid gold.. VwO a Meata. TtT Man's Diamond King, six-prong touih mounting, 14k aoild gold Koiuan or f7 C polish finish. . I Q 9IM a. Keatk LOFTIS BROS. CO. 1U CII leiiakk Or riwl Diiat.i & Witch Credit Nous! Mala neee atr-Sasloaal Bank Bleak. 40 Be. ltk St. . Cemse let and alarmsy ate, Ossaaa. Onpesn kajgtrae-Maek Git. Bevartmsat . Stere. it is lust Ilatura! To Adrnire Babies Our ahrustlo nature )ape Vave af the eoolng Uijint And st o puis thne the subJecof' motherso4 e ever before us. To know what to ue tnat. will add te the physical oomror ef stsaotut ested most women oi aS tfaaea Om f the real helpful things im aa external abdominal application saU in mes dawn tores under the fas pX, Mothsae Prlond." We have k&oMk so many goeud-. mothers who fat toj$ yeunaae dys) reHed upon this resaes?y and wu seoesa-. mend H to theia ea vavhtera ha H eertatnly must be what t ftaas tadK eatea. ' They, have uso4 t fo tta (tlreot tawueaee VPn tt yiusoiea, eorija ga-. meats and tendons as ijt abns o afford rcltet fron tae strata and pain so often tinneossaarlly severe Cracis tbo petod ef expectancy. Every woman should) saatkMs bar's, Friend''1 when the ator 'u, V euajeet e conversation. A a, kiXrasktoa littta VoojR i ti mailed free.vpoa apfaa,tka; t Bsed-i Sold SegiUator. Co... .mm.w. Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga. H rahwe, V many- thinu that women like f$ feed: about Get or raoonunand a Vott H " Frtead ' to-day- as ww 8a ae, gt)ek Why Remain a Slave to Drugs? THE EUREKA Drug Treatment Olvea by the Doctors at 838 South 89th Ave., la a positive, guaran teed, harmless and painless rem edy for all drug addlotions. It re moves permanently all desire and, craTlng' for opium, morphine, oo oalne or other habit-forming- drag's In five days. - . THIS 18 TOTJB OPVOBTTJsTXTY to be freed from the slavery ef drags.- ... Pay When Satisfied that all dsslre gad craving has been removed. Call or write. PHOXTB KAJtlTXT 3396, EUREKA DRUG TREATMENT ' -: 888 SOTTTK 9tTK ATX. . OXAKA, NEB. Address, S. B. Ooreham. Advertising . it the pertdw lam that keeps baying and selling in motion. . . i $275 KImbaU Upright, now SlOO $1,000 Ohickertng rions Grand, now ."...$200 $1,100 Steinway Grand, now .$45Q $250 Pianola Cabinet Player, now 50 $ASO Clough 4 Warren Player Piano, now $200 $5S0 Technola Player Piano, now $375 $000 Schmoller ft Mueller Player Piano, at $350 Stuyvesant Pianola Piano, now $350 Headquarters for Victrolas and Grafonolaa. lsrge Illustration shows ttall or trie graceful toltd gold mounting. aoular. elthourQ wa hava Una, brilliant diamonds, perfect In cut extra special values during eur (Teat us. i mam mm noon axonr 120 a stoatk a Koatk. Fiiwib Ve. S8S Cas aie double stock gold tilled, warranted for 25 yrs , polished or boaullfully I 1 sngravad Via, h.ae Xene-las a Oar K1U Call. Call er write for Catalog Na tti. it $4 n P 1 xz)) I