-4- THE 13EH: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FKHl.UAUY 13, 1913. Bringing Ujp. Father Copyright, 114. IcteroaUoual Mw a Drawn for The Bee by George "McMahus v. r TJ 1 ' T f " " f I C j ( S f HOW DOES I : C nVanti f ( ' t WANT THf 1 1 - HOWDOOO JS5,E.'rE I VDURS. ( IT LOOK iFvT I COST J cmaTSS A' '-; J y ' r 'VSTt ' the Hf BUSKER FIYE WINS FROM AMES EASILY anaaeaaawaavaw Speed, Team .Work, and Accurate Basket Shooting: Oivei Ke braaka Game. v TRAY IS KOUGimOUSE AFFAIR AMEf, I., Pet. lJ-3peclal Telegram.) NebraskA; urrlvernlty Cornhusker made another significant ' advance In their Hawkey - campaign thl , afternoon ' by winning; the ' first game of the dual e rlea with Ante' Cyclones. The icore u 1! to t, Nebraska, end flrt half, and the final ecore wa to U, . ' The mail harvester had It on the Ames flve,k which we badly out of trim, o closely following the loia of moat of the squad, by the final examination! and the Infirmary. They had apeod, team werk and the banket hitting- knack down to a touch finer point than the Cyclone. Their rushing- down the floor away from the Ami defense was the aeerct of the core, ( . .., ,- 4 The Cyclone dissipated away the re ulta of their offensive work by biasing away .at the hoop : when it was no far away that1 an .astronomer could not find It with a tc.ope. ' Game la Jlaaa-ku ( ' The Ames aim . was ,b?d jaost of . the time, but when it waa good .tho. luck pulled" the ball over the edge of the bas ket The game was a roughhouee af fair. poof, thing to hioH at, foot, ball tramHMiuded't a beard floor. The lehv surely VamU defermlv twork ft rtufhorf iu:u wee nra j'jr.tno .cyclone. to break up. llugg' pertna from the foul line helped out the Nebraska aoore to the ex tent or thrc point. Ames' Jong' suit waa falling overboard on the foul line opportuniUfw. Campbell' put the 1nm hoop around the ball five times from the field. JVebraskft began scoring early and had a -ora of six before Bwlney landed a foul iaaket for tho first Ames score. Lineup; " NKK KAFKA. AMES, "Wl -,..F.IF n... KmiHrfoM F.P Cramer l'rT .....C.C..., ' limine ' nwii . ....... ..it. lt., ..... '-ilrcy Campfteil U.U kioroan Hli haaketa: Hutherfi.rd 2, laino bell r. tiardlncr u. I'mmrr Z) boyn t"n. twinry. Foul birnkptx. Swiney v Hii a) Thleen at. Koferre: MarW llyihn-1, Iowa. Kuhititutrn- V orterdcld lor Marfan. Card'.ncr for Thirscn. AMATEUR BALL MEN ..' TAKE I'A FIVE NEW CITIES CtcretANT. O., Ffb. .-Th Na Uonal Amateur Base Hall aosorlatlon at a jnef5r.j tere today voted to take in flva new cities. Bacramento, Cat: Rich mood. ' Va.; PHUburgh, ra. Detroit, Mlrh., and Akron, O., were admitted to rcembereblp. Several minor changes were mada In the oonetltutlon. The representatives from the various elUe were informed that: on Marth .1' Trwldent C C. ratt?reon will notify each city aa to the e&uut IU for t!.i Uurt of the Intercity aeries of elimination i !, ThU will enable each rlty to arrange Its srhclulo without running the rU.s of a conflict In dates. The following officers were elected: S. C Patterson. New York, president; CUyton C. 'lownn, rlvoland. first vice ).,.i.i.nt; Uooik auret.la. lUiulsvllle, eWorld vlc prescient; k.rnoat tx-atim. Ci.li-a. unrriiuy and tieaurcr. UVi'l MEXICO MIUTIRY ' HOLDS SHOOTING LEAD SAYAGE BUYS TOPEKA CLUB .... . ; . . New Owner j Expected to Poit Nec enary Guarantee Today and ' Sale Will Be' Ratified. . . . - - SCHEDULE : MAY BE. POSTPONED CH1CAOO, Feb. 11-The Topeka West ern league franchise has become the prop rty of John Havnge, secretary of the Kansas 'City American association 'club, according to a telegram received today by Tresldent O'Neill. .. The ,deal between Savage oh one side and the stockholders of the Topeka club and the bank, which hold a claim against the club, waa com pleted last last night and must yet be ratified by the club owners of the league. In sesnlon her.' O'Neill was Informed that the new owner and Castile Benson of the bank expected to be here today, where, with Simeon Baer. one of the old directors, all Interests will be represented. If Sav age can produce the required guarantees the purchase will prove acceptable and the team will be kept In Topeka, It waa ild. The magnates hoped today to wind VP their session the longest ever held by the league, according to O'Neill ';t. , waa said that the adoption of a schedule might be put over until April 1. some of the club owners beUevtnf If advisable: to: watt for a decision In the anti-trust ault In the United BUtee district court here. . ' O'Neill said ' there-1 waa nly . the -remotest possibility thut the league would suspend-for a year,' but admitted that the financial outlook, following a rather poor season in 1911 waa not bright. This statement was. made In ntsciiMlnar a pu tshed report that snme pf.the rnurcates favored "laying of?" fW 4 Adm Maino-High School ,.. Rifle, Team Makes - New High Record WASHINGTON. Fob. K.All previous tcshi records for the high sohool ahdwlr.e; cnamplonh!p this Season1 were broken by leering. rortlind. Me.. 1th a score of 9M out of a ro"!Me !,. a'rcordtn to results of the fifth match' announced to day. Scores: f . Claw A-Dterinr, Porfland, Me.." e4." sgMnst Iowa City, mi; Btoneham. Mass.. against Hlah. PorUiid.vAle., K7;.Nw. Tork. WO. against Manual. Washington, D. C. MO; Bale IaVo City. MH, .. agnlnat lolytechnio. Baltimore. ; Auburn. California. Ki, against Manual. Brooklyn. 904. mm Gate riy Uiim. RUMOURS. 1st. 2d.- 8d. Tot. Teal 1M 1K9 1T 612 Llndsey ....W2 m IS 4M Corson 1 VA 19 400 Dudley 144 21J l'i furshouee .121 VO iz Totals... . 711 1 m 821 2421 AMERICAN EXPRESS. lirt. 2d. 3d. Tot. flwlft ' 1R 12 If tM Vf. Wlllad'n.lW K3 1 448 Dooley US Ibl 1 421 MaUoy I'M) 164 142 4'M Hamxman .1D0- 17 ' lii 471 Totals.... 727 826 750 VM KI5RS1IEIM SHOE) CO. lt. M. 8d. Tot. A. fltora ;,.ih8 1MMS3 fi Drumond ..1"9 1M 1S2 414 Htora....l44 1 VA 4HO Ross 1W lfcfi K.l m Radford ...lt4 157 lf MO Totals... .818 797 848 24GS LEWIS' BtTFET. let. 2d. 3i. Tot Phuw m 1R3 a b Hoffman ..1K1 lfi iss Kl Norgard ...144 W W7 M1 McCs.be. ....218 180 1SS . 6f3 w iiey ih i jo( mi Totala....890' 879 U SSn 1.1 1 hoarrstpfcr. H. A E. PRESS. ' . let. Sd. 8d. Tot. R. Pallow..1 144 188 600 Osborn 1HS ,143,122 . 448 H. Paetow..2U 191.180 ' 6RJ Total.. ..6i8 482 ,490 .1630 KL.OPP-BARTLETT. let. 2d. 8d. Tot. Redfield, ...1 1W.148 411 Anderson ..1 1a 174 4H1 Kobtnsotv 12S 15 111', till 1 Totla."u6. 407 In; 1238 A -a i, . . aaderland Lea(t. MARRIED L.ADI - - 1st. 2d.4d. Tot. Mrs, Ogdei. 64 7H MS 2?7 Nfm. HKh..Uj. M VI ?2 ifrs. ftwln.. M , 73- 2't9 Mrs. Ven t-. 64 64 93 201 97 1( K4 204 I Norrnan 138 '148 184 418 I Dunn 146 73" lo 441 McQreer Total 28 ' m r.l 930 STEAM ' KOALfl. ' -1st. -2d. 3d. Tot. rurran 1S9 14 148 464 Mohsky ....1.18 137 4.H Wat en be; ..129 1 1 tM 3M Total 42 404 4C 123 TBXTIliBfs . let. 2d. M. Tot. Ptrothes ...1S4 138 143 413 Hennet .....lit 115 13S S!S Colvln .190 204 100 494 ToUl ......461 VS 379 1385 CONCRET.. let. 2d. Sd. Tot. Lagerstrom 130 121 VH 34i Parker l4 128 123 8 Bock .026 U 1U 377 Total Smyth .. 3rant .... Urix .... Total .. James Jenfcs O win . ......379 3fi3 367 1099 NAVAJOK. ) 1st. 2d. Sd. Tot. .....'.132 178 182 4P2 ..148 IKS V 444 162 139 1U3 m ' Tptalej., Schenk Neby ., ftevena Ptroeasor ...432 4fJ 4461330 Wt6HTB. - , ldt. 2d. 8d. Tot. ....112 lrt 14 824 .... M 118 97 808 ....114 108 100 2 ToUl .318 24 346 4 SINGLE LADIES. . 1U 3d. 3d. Tot. r.udertiack, fS 'tit- KJ in; -4linlBon .... M 49 V'S 2A Kooianan .. ti6 74 Kl 24 Votal 314 S34 801 949 MAKBL.E TOrrt. , , let. td. 3d. Tot. Anflereott ...101,148 160 387 Blchle 131 'll 14 Zil Ogden 131 123 181 434 .Total ..;.363 384 446 1303 Mooaa Leagae. OMAHA. let 2d. 3d. Tot Dotaon ....IflO Titt 168 441 Anderson -.:i29 14 133 '400 Straw- ,.....-.113 i:B J13 Sf.7 Ward! ''...W .147 IMW'fe Orlfflt ,,..123 138 3 TotaSi.'.'r..Jt TOl .2U23 MOOSE. let 2d. M. Jpt. Wleea ...V..146 132 1 23 4-ld Ilavdork ..132 1 44 1 23 . XO Nebe 113 148 VIM 8!0 Hperry .'....IM IMi 141 4l Ulgofosa ...173 m 141 49) Totals 715 79 658 -iT5 ORDER. let 3d. Sd. Tot. Redmond ,.1) V-9 144 446 Kocpflo ....158 15 Kl 471 Netarlg 119 1H6 162 V ...728-785- 761 226 MO. 90. 1st 2d. 3d. Tot. K9 133 '470 ...184 lb It6 . 445 ,.1n3 lfl 140 43 7.126 1"7 13 SS6 Ketim M 1T0 .630 Total.J.'..7T.' 788 790 2323 mooskhear't. " let 2d. 8d. Tot. Oottys M.J78 170 13 611 Kranda ..; J2S 146 147 419 Likens .....111 W W 4 Edm'nds'n .168 96 130 3x3 Westering .109 148 149 406 , Totals 743 63 w3'20b3 LOYAL. 1st Kl. Id. Tot. ..128 148 163 438 ,.142 111 120 - S73 ..129 108 138 1M5 ..91 rnr .m s-o ,..146 IfiS 160 471 TENNIS STARSJN THE GAME Platen of International Bepnte in Opening Boundi of Indoor Tourney af New York. DEAW FOR SINGLES INCLUDES 73 NEW' YORK, Feb. U.-Tennl players of international reputation -played through the opening round of the Na tional Indoor championship, toddy on the ccairta of the Seventh regiment. The draw for the .tingles Included seventy- three competitors. O. F. Touchard, holder of the title; Karl Behr. T. R. Pell, W. C. Grant and E. W. Peaaclee. former Yale champion were all, successful. V. C. Tllsner - Wheeler Hall .... Flftscher Lenselcr Totals 636 634 726 1996 Mi Deia pater' Leaaaie. ' DEMPSTERS. 1st 2d. 3d. Tot. Clab&ugh '148 14S 4T4 Boyd 128 12rf 134 38 Monlln 140 lf3 118 410 Burkland ..172 Ik 667 Prloonsky .126 199 114 441 : Total.. Y.7U' 718 2250 KENNARD ffRARKS. 1st 2I. 3d. Tot. Hoye .137 116 1R7 49 Shall 183 lit 158 407 Fritton ....1 14 110 ?3 Pardy 129 in 148" isl Oroaeback .133 146 123 449 Totals 637 62 775 3088 ' ' . l .? Irt - 3-12 Tot. .76rnlsori ....148 : 1 464 i.evine .... 140 163 163 Wells 159 lfS lrt2 479 Peo....14A J5(177.. 40 fengele ....178 146 141 471 Totht.:...770. 7T3 809 2303 V.'AltJ'KT DISFT. ' let 1. Sd. Tot. ritnowsky .117 181 103 401 Kellogn; ....162 148 145 , 443 inonipeon .vn 135 lrij 4n5 Inllaugh .138 ? J45 t 6"t Wartshow .1S6 Jul 1S1 677 Total..... 763 KS2 743 2383 Louisville Club ' ' : , : . Releases Burns LOCISVILLE; Ky., Feb. ll-Preident O. H. Wathen today announced 'that' he had civea Fltoher WUIIatn Burna ot the Louisville American association club Ms unconditional release, "Burna came to Louisville ut year from the Minneapolis dub, . 1 r. 1- r t- WASHINGTON. Feb. ll.-New Mexico J!::!tarr Institute retains Its toad for first pUr in X!s A of the national hoot ing competition for mU'.tory arhools. ac (or.r.r. to the scores ot the fourth week nat htj, made public here tonlaht. (!u4 ' A : New MIxiTi Rniiwell. ' w, 1 eM.ni forinwfMtrn iiikiiimki l ark, 111., V New Vork. Cornwall, leii. Stfalual ht. .1 ..i:n. re!ali-id. Wis., KJ4; lni-iitown. N'. J . UJ2, tmsiiiHt i. Jotitis. &!rllua N. i ., h.i K ii,i..i r. Koonvtllr; M , 913, , tr.t f ird. Lei Anne'.'-, K2. ' irus I.. Nn.tworth. lxtitpt'jn. to , f 1. B. ii..t lilt. I.ioch b4in K(mpI. Cal . 7 ; !.. . n I'niK, 1.1. aint Nmearth 1 '-i:l, i S: Miami. iJormmitown, ., riniitksl Tttiin. hm-taler. y4; V .! t., Aatievfi.. N C., fc.'4, aaatuat t iU . -a.r;bauit. Mltiav., "l." A.,,C3T REFUSES TO MEET rr.n'.vrhAT superior, wis. fL l . r:iOft. Wis., S.h. It pal Brown ii t either Red Wutaon of Callfurnla r 1 rn f-uyUr heie r'bruary 3. A 'a la unl hklnot Urown to take t 4 1 v of Joe i'.K.i J..t. vwiio abandoned 4 1. , i n a't r agii-t-nif to terms. The . r .l.i nl pt-.jlrat ,to the Ftfcte : 1 1 '--iiiulMiun Kaint Mandot ; - in V- !-nam ' ' . YORK DROPS OUT OF STATE BASE BALL LEAGUE SORK. . Neb.. ' Fb. U.-tBpeclal.V-Th'e base ball board has decided that thera will be no league ball la York thta season. 1 President Klldow made the foliowing etatement this afternoon: "A good many people ot Yrk w!l read with regret that the baaw baJl board has de Ided to throw up tlje, club In this place. Nq3 enough Interest Is being manifested by the dtisena to Justify further attempt to assemble a team. "When the club la ejone, and the fence torn down, will we be aorry then that we let tha only aroueement that we have dur ing the summer months get away from us?' ' . L A.1 C; FLIPPERS UTRIU: TOWHSBHDSiS . . , . - t. Plata. Foul goals: Johnson (6), Bur- w. .:, f reesler-.TO. L.O Korsn 11. K. lTleUjig..R.a. R.o Pi Substitutes: IVIoe for Hughes, Ritchie i ism, 1 ian ior is o ran uoals: John Eaiket Ball Players from Chicago Put Up Wonderful Exhibition and Win Handily. HARK HUGHES 13 LOCAL STAR kenroad. Referee: Fins. Umpire) Leaks. i - i i 1 lirti-iii Drebts Baw. . A. ,v o , Krb. U iSne- vu--r County ColUe :rt.m tn-ie ir..krn mw riad , m.i! . iM-ing a i'-i. ly fur 1 ! 7. At t'.e inline tiina Itti uuii a - ID CHARLIE WHITE AND FREDDIE WELSH MATCHED CHICAGO.' j Feb. 11 Article - were slyned here today for a ten-round match between Charlie White of Chicago ah 4 Freddie eleh. the lightweight cham pion, to be d Ided In Milwaukee on Feb ruary Si, They agreed to welah IM pound at t o'clock. It will be their arc ond meeting, the first bavin; resulted la a draw. - , iTercheatce) there la some place ln. this wide, wide world:, team which can bira the Illinois Athlotlo club team, but one would have difficulty forcing the Omaha Townaond to admit It For last night that Illinois Athlotlo club team, which last year copped the Amateur Athletie union rhantptrmehlp of tho United State, howed th Omaha men how the same of basket ball la played.. When th Town- send had completed their course of In struction the score Stood 49 to 29. , Jit 1s. not to the discredit of the Town-1 sends that1 they were beaten, The'Chl caxo boys put up about the fastest exhi bition of the gam posalbU under the Amateur Athletic union rulea. Their teamwork waa auperb, and whenever they i nnehed the ball Into their half of that field-shoot." and Into the basket or mighty close to It They flipped the ball appar ently without deliberation at all. and ever shot waa cioae. Olven half a ec ond for poise, not a player seerm-d to mis the hoop If on his aide of the floor. Long shot from th middle of the floor were such frequent ccurencea the aaaambly of fan present forgot to applaud,, Th visitors didn't pay eo much, atten tion to fcuardlng. but concentrated their attack on acortng. Result, the bus acore. Johnson and Preseler, forward, and Feeney, center, made basket ahota that Wer well ilh mirevculou. Mark Ilusr.es. while not In NEBRASKA CITY COMES '.' ) . FOR RETURN- CONTEST Nebraska City High school basket ball team will be In South Omaha this even ing for a. .game with th . Maala City High school five. Ttv local' team defeated the vlsttln; team on It own (round aeveral week ago, by a. close acore. The gun will open at 8.15, sharp, and no preliminary will be played. Arguimbau. an Austrian, and P.- 1 Treanor of Washington lost their first match. The most Important matches In the flrot round were: J. M. Stelnacher beat C. F. Watson. Jr., 6- 4, 6-4: E. H. Hooker beat P. t Treanor, 7- 6. -3: E. W. Peaselee beat , V. C. Arg-ulmbau, 7-6. 10-8; R. J. Sommer beat H. A. Brookmorton. Princeton Inter gcholastlc ..winner, 7-6, 6-4. , Sceond found: T. R. Poll beat J. Weln iteln. 6-1. 6-1; K. H. Behr beat Lincoln Barker, 6-1, 6-1; Remsen 8chenck beat Count Otto Salm. 6-4. 4-0; O. F. Touchard boat A. Baeeford. Jr.r 6-4. 6-3; F. W. Peawlee beat R. J. Sommer, 6-1, 6-0; H. A. Plummer beat Preston Cuttmtn;, Jr., 4-, 6-0, ti-4; W. C. Orant beat 11. Bwaln, 6-4. 6-0: A. M. Lovibond beat W. 3. Gal ton. 6-1. 6-1; C. T. Johnston, Jr., former Amherst and New England . champion, beat W. H. Wood. Columbus, S-6, 6-8. 11-6; B. 8. Prentloe beat O. O. Grenx, 12-10, -. 6-4. ' Third round: C. L. Johnston. Jr., beat U II Rogers. 6-1. 6-3: H. I Bowman, Jr., Metropolitan Indoor champion, beat . A. Cotton. 6-3. 1-6. 8-6. . . Cubs Will Start With Old Lineup CHICAGO, ( Feb. 12. -The Chicago Na- , Uonals will tart th season with prac tically th same lineup as last year. Man ager Bresnahan announced on hi return from. New York today. He admitted hi failure ft get two player for whom th club offered 330,000, and at the same time criticised th twenty-one-men rule, which, he declared would prevent th club de veloping youngster. John Gibson of Mo bile, who caught for the Penaacola team laat summer, ha been signed by ' the Cob. : i aUui'iPdl A REMARKABLE SALE OF WOMEN'S ;. - ' ;AND.GIRLS' ; . -. ,v t it' For Women 1 Several hundred house and , porcli j dresses1 In striped . percales, -( striped ' ginghains, delft and navr percaleSa djambray -gin;ghamai wpjoua. 5olor -' and checks; also the styles known aa( 'Bungalow aprons," sizes 34 to 44, , . For Girls School, play and every day dresses, 'dark or light Btripe'd percales, plain pink Talne'or tan chambray ging- . 'nams," piaia gmgaatas auu. rttiwco, "'"dainty, yet very serviceable;, sizes y 6 to 14 yciars - ' ;: V'v v t Four Lots forWomen. Four for Girlsas Follows: Regular SI .95 'Kinds Reduced to 95c Regular S2.25 Kinds Reduced to SI. 15 Reuliar S2. 75 Kinds Reduced to S1.65 Rctmlar S2.95 Kinds .Reduced to S1.95 Shown in East . on New 2d Floor. OMAHA rS FASTEST GROWING STORE. bra .t WW 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. Wise Womsn. Will Pick ; Out Several and Do It Earlyi LlVwJ ftrf lVM4WJ Juat the Help Nede! to OVer cotxt49 Worat Trouble. : V , si jb. . , a" fc., . i. A V s .. M .,"1 V . mm i '1 rrv 'MS M Let Me Releaae You Forever From the Cruel Bondage of Steel Springs, El&a be Hands, and Leg strap Harness. Let Me jShor You How You, Can LQc!:YczsrflzspizssQ Co it CAN'T Como Down TWIN CITIES ONLY ONES REPRESENTED AT P!N MEET MINNBAPOUS. Vina . Fab - U St. Paut and Minneapolis were tpe only eilie represented on today's program ct Us International Cowltua Muoctatlon h tournament wbli-tt opened a twelv-dav sesloa here last night Bowler from other cities will make thetr appearance tomorrow. , . . game,, put Hp ft nifty exwbuion, tor me local The ranty forward flipped five baskets. whlch,ls some flipping against the Illinois) Athletlo club crowd. He' played a good floor game, too, and wa constantly following the ball. All of his si:ots wits' len one.- .' ; Burktnrtiad waa a bit ot a dlaappolnt- Ia B. S. B.; "the fasjeo bleod parlflar, I I tn greeteti natural repair crew know, the entire I jt la aa aolldota for g-rma. that once tot Get My Illustrated Book ::, -.: FREE , Take the trsukla to o4 e rone asm aa4 ad- 4rue a4 m tbw hook, h cmioui aaauth to fir. 4 wh.t thla wonderful ROHL'lLJNvJ M V TI HB IXKiK. u ilka, ria ant ttw aa it I m :k4 u buwl In tk abdautva share It b lnnn aa4 than aland uar4 avr tha rupture oawitna IAY ana HMJHT aa4 arrnt tha raw lur cmia a. riu4 aui ka OUa taatoua HI'PTl KB U K rr tkla aa aastlf aod mom-f.K-taUIr that tha Mrr mmiq fortta ha baa aa a attaaMtft. KI-4 out bow ii4 wur it la Uiat oaca thia lo.k la llll4 ta tba aaoa of tha rr. It de aut alia aut ot ataea, a akaitar kow much a ay Ll. tug. twtat, anairai. lut. na. iuaia. Nature la tlotsg kee beet but Nature Craaid lalaad Wl GRAND lrtLAKD. Neb. Kb. 11(g, ctal Trli-arram r.rand laUnd colleae on In baakfl tail from tha Ktarney S.rnv.l atjtia Young. M3 UhriuliSirt aaauual.ua a ui;iwm litre. U to 24. riient. He made but two Ila goals, ya made but one gnal following touis. i- th, Mm tlni, caMlng for help, and la thouah he had ten vt such free chancaa. p. 8. & a Juat tbe kind of help Natere Generally he U good for 90 per cent of hi Omand. for it Is a pure vegetable remedy frtio throws, end hia failure bad Quite a bit to do with the team' failure-. But Burkenroad la to be excused, for th CM iinrrta. e Identic aware of hi aklil. Uuiig to- blm tenaciously tnruugnoui the game. , All of the Omaha men played good ft basket ball, but they were outclassed tvery man on the Chicago five was a wUard. and If pretty hard to beat five wUarda t loose, aoUtpJjF so. faat that ft Oeflalie dla- I t-cuh. anaaaa or atraia. rma out kow thla L ' I. ..,,.,.-. V, ,,-.,, ..j i holno Malura ta HEAL, ruaturea aaa about tha T . f f? . J ' ' of ala ao aar It baa aaiulr Ot Ro powerful la the talluaace ct Bk a. It. thai , ,, huplur Kind out bow te ca ataaia Ilka vast artsy it spreads all tbrpunh vm at tkas Uacka and lua Dioou. coecaa tuaraaa, opana na an in a ; . v valvee of escape and threw put dlsesae TCSl 11 TOUrSCIl tbmurh the lungs, khlneys, bladder, bow is . . . aadakla. VVIthOUt RIsK- De not becorae peal atrlckaa If ft rash l er bolls or erupt Iods laname tb klu.lnP a pdnn V is at - " aa aa year aaava aai a- draaa taoay rbt bow. RIOHT .' Wkr bo tha aarbanloaa atava at aa Ill-tttUaft OTar-ailpplaa. torturaaooa tnuait uo mow m. PROVB u raa Ua4 you' CAN bw fraa from tha trouble, acaoyaoea aa4 aitaofV your ela-Uahloood truaa or appliance ta Mumr ioa. Vmt mm T&UU roe. UHOW you. J'KUVB a ya wbat ' ; TJtxo .Wonderful Cchulllng Rupture Lock haa no aa4 la dotag far weraoaa vln trial far YSAiui aa4 ooul4 fla4 NOTH1NU that wouia (ire thm vcnilortabJa and aucooaaful aupaort. Doubtiaa aaww of your ruptuxMi tnaoda era at thta Biomeat aa)oylng Ua aoaoilta. I aak ao ataa to fill, air word. ' I want yoa ta IMVfceiTlOATIt aa Judsa for YOCPUsKLaT. ckwi a rour aajaa a4 addraaa lalnlr wmtaa) oa ttia roupoa bolow, or wn mo a latter or poet eerS. l aa aad yoa anaoluWlT free my lliue Uatet boA aa4 tna4 otftr. I'o thla MOW, H4 bow while yoa ha to tha edarwae befora yoa aa4 are tbiakia . . . The swore: IXC TOWNSKNPB. W. T i. hnaJn Jtr rVe'.... .burkarcMad a. r'-ra .r..,a-K i iu',-,. . ; ." W, r. auey...C.C. Mcv, Uuuuy wltk aa arttoa that vlgorouaiy foiloars the blood cLaunrls and cleaoa and repair a It goes aloug. la every coiaaeaity are people who kaow this to be true. Tbey have nsed S. M. B. and are blood cleao, tbrouga eud tkrotigh. Ot-t a bottle ot 8. 8. 8. today at any drug store. Drive out those destructive 1 germs ttat rauae able eruptions, sore throat, awulioa glaedc, bluod rlalaga. painful rbeu tnatle jotcta, cbroatc broaculile, and raoat . all roodltiooa of diseaaa. Head tha folder I around tta bottle taat tall about lb great work being don te ana lot suHrrura. If yoa would kaow Dior about tu blood snd It treat uiout, write tor apec'.il book to Tbe t-arlft taciHc tri, 63 fcwiU Biog atlaaia. Orr. aad let an aea yoa thta h 8 OOK. TRIAL, OFFKH, aaaaaa of patiole who Ware tried th' BCHl'lUNO RLTTVKa UM'K aad full particulars ooa coraUia at. . , , . Director, ICBTuTUyd TtUf THAJ IWTITUTB, i. ' B3a 3s. Creovgle tH sadiaaapolla, lad. - Hum aend m f'RElS. In plain wrapper, youi book on Rupture, trial otfer plan and full particularav Nam , ... City ""I i aut I l! ? 5r If- t a FARMER The Missouri Valley' Greateet Farm Paper. mCQO Copies Weehly' 75.909 mitkU 15$ mVm f OateA :pAY.uns.:CDnED lai ftftd All KecaaJ fclaaaaa u VrtaavewS tba kuue. mi aar4 naraataH. writ low a-roe iiiuatraaeel W oa lao4al aVaaaiaaa aal taiUmiia- ta.a ct htuaareA ei aexea ftauaataai l ' kalxaaia aa4 iva. DR. C. n..TAHlY - 240 Ceo Clils.. Orniha, Hab, ta n iO r n n V J u w J. COMMERCIAL ENGRAVERS PHOTOGRAPHERS ELECTROTYPERS AUUNDER ONE ROOr OMAHA -DEE DMGRAVINO'DEPnC OMAHA-NEDR.