3 Nebraska ! Saturday will be a wonderful day for you at this store COMPANY TO PAY FOR WIRE ERROR Supreme Court of Kebmka Oirei Final Judgment in Cate of Mistake. as well, as for hundreds upon hundreds of other Omaha men who are fortunate enough to share in our greater ARAWAY The most important cloth ing event in the history of Omaha retailing. 1 ji OMAHA SUITS ARE SETTLED THK BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1.1, 1015. MA CI SALE (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOWf. Feb. 12.-( Special. )-A tele graph company li responsible for the de livery of a ncmwe over the lines of a company with which It haa an agreement to transmit messages, states the supreme court In affirming tha Judgment of tha Douglas county district court In tha ease of the American Express company against the Postal Telegraph-Cable company of Nebraska. The case .Is one trowing out of the failure of theteender ta the Chi cago office of the telegraph company properly to transmit a messaga to the New Tork office. The suit is one growing out of the filing 'of a telegram at the Lincoln office of the telegraph company by the express com pany for Watson, Woods Bros, tt Kelly company. Importers of horses, in which the telegraph company was ordered to pay ,000 franca? to Joseph Watson, who was In Antwerp, Belgium, purchasing horses. Instead of sending the message as eighty thousand the letter "y" was dropped and but 8,000 pent, which necessi tated the stopping of delivery of thirty five head of horses which had been pur chase for a sale to be held In Decem ber, 1905. . Jadament Reverse. Coupling together two wagons and driv ing them through the thoroughfares of a city does not constitute contributory negligence held the supreme court In reversing the finding of tha Douglas county court In the case of Herman Zig- ltian against the Beebe & Runan Furni ture company of Omaha. Zlgman sued the company for the death of his child, who was killed While stealing a ride on a wagon of the defendant company. A judgment of 13,000 was secured by the plaintiff during the trial of the case In the Douglas county' court riamaa-e Case Dismissed. One hundred bushels of potatoes, which were warranted to grow, but which upon delivery were found to be unfit for use, formed tho basis for a damage suit to (.collect on a promissory nota in the su preme court. The case K brought by Wenry J. Backes against 1. C. Cook from the district court of Boone bounty. The rime nrlBinallv was for 1235. but was dis missed for the want of a cause of action by the trial Judge and this finding was affirmed by the supreme court. Nevrmaa Grove Wet. The supreme court today declared the Village of Newman Grove in Madison county to be a wet city. In affirming the Judgment of the Madison county district court, in tha case f the state of Nebraska, ex-rel Charles Olson, against Herman M.' Claney. et at., tha court upholds the election board, which -declared a ballot that would have re sulted in a tie, being declared Illegal for the reason that four trustees were voted for Instead of three, as. the ejec tion called for- Two hundred and thirty- three vote -were cast at the election, April 7, 1914, 117 favoring Via granting of the lioenses to the saloons and' 11 expressing themselves as, against such action. . . j ' GtveV Egraa Ckaaee. . Criticising ; the , county attorney ..af Dawes county, for not being at all times rea-ardful of the Interests of the accused during the course ol his trial and finding that three separate complaints were leged In tha Indictment against Michael 3Zgan, sr., his conviction for grana lar ceny was reversed and tha case remanded for retrial, by the supreme court. Egan was charged with stealing, re ceiving and concealing a horse belong ing to William Haima. a fellow ranch man, and later aelllna it to a horse Jjuyrr. Kadner Jndarmeat Vpkeld. Judgment for 14,1:5 received by Adam ' Kadner against the Omaha &. Council muffs street Railway company, for m- flurtes received while a passenger on one v of the defendant's cars, waa upheld by th auDreme court today. Kadner re ceived the Judgment in , the Dougl Bounty district court and tha supreme court haa affirmed the finding of the lower court. . . . Kadner was riding on tha, front step Df a car, while on his way to attend the Lake school and in turning a corner as thrown from the car and had hla left leg amputated. The accident oc curred In September, 1310, when the child was but 12 years of age. , ISotes fraa Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 12. (Special.) Joseph 8. Stanek was appointed guardian over Emll Hubka, a prominent Bohemian farmer living near Virginia, by Judite tValden Thursday. Members of his family ' testified" that during the last few months he has made a number of trades which caused him to lose a large amount of money. ... t. -..., TKurartav set aside the JUUSB rcjiiUTiwii - decree of divorce Issued January i- last In the case of Edith E. Stone against John A. Stone. Mrs. Btone was given the de k. w.ii.Ha nf Metaertlon. but I crc un n.c . mm, few days ago her husband returned and an amicable settlement waa reached. J. E. Wetrler of Oketo, Kan., aiea Thursday evening at a local hospital of cancer, aged 43 years. He leaves a widow and four-children. More ' inen ?nwr nrnr r i: c.:.- i r- Together Than mnu-riiuv vduaiiiy juitb mm vvciuuaio with Our entire stock of NOVELTY MIXTURE TOP COATS and all RAINCOATS and GABERDINES . ITS THE ONE SALE YOU POSITIVELY CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS Again w ay See ;. . Oar Window will make you the owner of any winter weight KING-PECK Quality Suit or Overcoat onMixtuvretv Top Coat and any Rain Coat In Our Entire Stock Which fT tf r. T "1 TN Positive Saving of From $4.00 to $6.00 on Every Garment in the Lot Our entire stock of $10 and $12 Mackinaw Ooats have been included in this lot number is limted so be here early. "i ... V ' Choose any one of the several hundreds of Quality Suits & Overcoats SsS Top Mf a and df 1 ' ' 1 J ' - ' - a Coats Gaberdine or Raincoat $15, $18 - $20- r and any In Our Entire Stock Which We Have Been Offering All Season at ....... . Every Price Reduction Whether $6.00 or $11.00 oh This Lot is a Genuine Saving . You'll experience no difficulty in finding a garment to please you in every particular from this great lot. j a a Mo Bait All Carme't in Win dom are . i- i or ajBtsb ' 1 ssBsjWBjspsmsaWsstaffaaVs)i 1 - -4 buys you any one of the hundreds of wauu Quality Suits Overcoats MwSiS.Top; Coats (Si Qaberdines ?2'5. $30. $35 In Our Entire Stock which We Have Featured All Seasonal "P kSJT p Positive savins of from $13 to $23 Get your share The world's best, hand-tailored quality garments are the sort you'll find in this most unusual offering. , Ha! Ha! Ha! Same Sale "BcUeveMe" f Did you see Uiat 'crowd last Saturday, Oomo down with your friends & watch them again to morrow. All Aboard! READ THESE FACTS- 3976 Suits and Overcoats at opening of sale. About 1950 suits and overcoats for tomorrow's selling. All novelty mixture top coats are incorporated in sale. More than 300 rain coats and Gaberdines have been added. Sale represents a saving to men of more than $45,000.00 Entire main floor clothing section devoted to Bale. Plenty of experienced salesmen to serve you promptly. Size and price plainly designated on all window garments, Many suits in sale are correct weight for spring wear. No garments laid away or exchanged." Original prico plainly, stamped on every garment. , tJome, get your share v , Slight Charges for Alterations . ' V Charges will be made for all alterations .or customers may tace garments to their own tailors for altering. - a. - jt ? Saturday-A Great Derby Sale $cH Hats worth to $5.00, yours for All broken lines of Derbies have been assembled for a complete clean-up Saturday. Take your pick of the lot J Saturday "Velour Hats, regr $ fT7 45 ular $3 to $7.50 values, for ll imported and dnntle lonr Hats niaat icmtm oar sbelrea at once. Price Is not copaidtcod all oon now her. get on. (or 8ft 16 tb al HOWARD tti . Lis V5s - ;-: v.-. . j r- t a a lj w . w m b 1 1 a 3 a- ,. : j TWO U. P. MEN ARE KILLED . --... . Koadmaiter and Conductor Lose Livei During Test of New De. , riceto Catch MiL CHAmE ; BUEAES SIDE OF CAE s BUI. XI. Sp- iraat lslaad flab Ops UIIANU 1SUAND. Neb., Feb. ci(l.) That the people oj Nebraska's tavr Blctpalttira are amplr able to eontro! their own distinctly local affairs, anil that the legislature should keep hands on tii the gist of a resolution unanimously adopted by ' the executive committee of the Commercial club at a banquet en joyed by the committee aa the arueata of Manager Word of the Koehler. boUl last Xilght. The action was takea with tefer ence to the several publio utility cor poration bills Introduced at Lincoln to thwart municipal ownerahlp. . GOTHENBURG. Neb... Feb. li. (Special Telegram.) Testing a new mall-catching device this morning two- miles east of Gothenburg with a test car running fifty miles per hour a crane struck a car. kill ing freight Conductor N. F. Akeyson of Kearney and Roadmaster C. M. Johnson. lso of Kearney. GRAND ISLAND, Neb, Feb. 11 (Spe cial Telegram.) Conductor N. F. Akeyson a ad Roadmaster Johnson were killed at Gothenburg, Neb., this morning when a number of f.'nlon Pacific officials were testing a mall catcher patented by Dr. Plrkofer. f that city.' The inventor. Trainmaster Stephens, the superintendent of tha railway mall service of this route and other officials were present to wit ness the test. The test was made rith only an engine and . one car on a side track. The arm of the mall catcher gave way and went through the side of the car with the result stated. Roadmaster Jrhnson was badly Injured and died on tha train on the way to this city. ji 1m CO OV CO A Paraaaal State-meat. Thera . are ao-called "honey and tar" preparations that cost tha dealer half as much but sell at the saroa prioe aa the original and genuine Foley's Heney and Tar Compound. Wl never after these Imitations and substitutes. We know yon w.ll buy Foley's whenever you aeal a uiih syrup If you once use it. People come long distances for the true Foley's over iblrty years the leading remedy for roughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchial and lagrippe coughs. Sold by ail dealers everywhere. Advertisement. Hica Teat taw Batterfat. STAPLKTOJf, Neb.. Feb. 12. Special) D. J. rison, one of tha local resi dents of this city, had the milk from his Jersey cow tested and found II per cent butter fat of milk. This was the result of a friendly controversy among bis neighbors, who also, have cows. Tha ( ( ctkaasnatlaaa. Use . isloan's . Liniment and . you won't cars what causes . it. Tha first applica tion helpa Good for sciatica, neuralgia. Kc. All drueglals. Advf rtlaement. Arliaataa Ptoaeev la Deal. ARIJNUTON, Neb.. Feb. IS Special.) Jefferson L. Rostmbauin. an"bid resi dent of ' this county, died Wednesday evening at his home five miles northeast of here, after having bn operated upon at an Omaha hospital for cancer of the intestines. Mr. Rosenbaum came here In 1872 and was ona of Washington county's progressive farmers. He was born In Vir ginia In 1847 and Is survived by his wife and ten children. PLANS FOR BIG BRIDGE AT NORTH PLATTE FINISHED (NORTH PLiATTE, Neb., Feb. 12.-Spe- cial.) The county clerk has received from State Engineer Price plana and specifica tions and blank bids for tho construction of the bridge over the Platte river, one mile east of this city. The county clerk haa already begun to advertise for bids for tha construction of this bridge and these bids will be received until noon March 17. This Is to be the only bridge to be built over a river in Nebraska along the Lincoln Highway: $50,000 has been provided to pay tha cost of the bridge; of this amount the city of North Platte and Platte precinct, east of tha bridge, have voted $26,000 In bonds and the state pays the balance. For tha first time In fts his tory North Platte will have a direct high way to the east - Palrkary News Nates. FAIRBURT, Neb.. Feb. U-(Speclal ) Owing to the high price of corn and feed Jefferson county farmers are ship ping out their cattle and hogs. Practically all of the live stock Is going to market after being short-fed. Division Superintendent W. O. ftheahao ie in Lincoln this weak attending tha Ne braska legislature. - Mr. Sheahan Is reg istered as a lobbyist for the Rock Island tines. t ' Pure, Rich Blood Made by Hood's Pure blood enables the stomach, liver and e titer, digestive organ to do . their work properly. , Without it they are slug gish, there Is loss of appetite, sometimes falntnesa, a deranged stste of the intes tines, end. In general, all the symptoms of dyspepsia. Hood's Karsaparllla makes pure blood, and this is why it Is so very successful iu the treetment of so many ailments. Get It-today .Advertisement. Get What Through The YburWant ee'sWantAdGolumhs The Want Ad Section of The Bee is Omaha's greatest clearing house. It is; a section that is read every day by thousands of people who either want to buy, sell or trade. A Bee Want Ad will sell any thing from an accordion to a spotted zebra, for mother, father, wife, husband, uncles, sisters, brothers, little sister, little brother, and all the aunts, uncles . and cousins read The Bee every day. The circulation of The Bee is of the responsive kind. They have been taught how to read and use Bee Want Ads. You will find the replies f o your Ad will be exactly the kind you are seeking. N Try it Tomorrow Telephone Tyler. WOO THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads EVERYBODY READS THE BEE ..WANT AD COLUMNS i ! i i t f U