2 Tin- BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, .1015. INSURANCE BILL IS RESURRECTED Howell Succeeds In RehuUtin j the Anti-Diicriminatioft Me More Killed Thursday. ACTION SEVXHTEEN - FOURTEEN (Trotn a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 11. (Spe cial - Telegram.) After energetic work among the senators before the eenato convened this morning Sena tor Howell was able to resurrect his Insurance bill, Senate File 4ft, and send It back to the committee for another hearing. The vote was 17 for and 14 against. Deal, Brookley, Bnhrman. Bushee, : H o a g 1 and, Klechet, Lahners, Mallery. Marshall, QulD.br, Robertson, Sandall, Bhura way and Wllsoh of Dodge voting aralnstrelnstatfng the.bin.' Dodge and Wilson of Frontier were absent. Bms TikN Man. The fine Italian 'liana of General John C. Byrnes of Cohimtru a, 'democratic leader and patriot, was shown In tha rout of the opponent of Howell's Mil. a. Mil which waa charted on tha floor of tha mat yesterday as being In tha Interest f an tnauranca trust. - ; , It la said that Pymea wa sent for yes terday to ae If something could not ba, done to bring back to life tha oorpae. Aa a result of hla vlalt eentlment thla morn ing had changed among; certain senators who voted acainat tha bill yestarJay and when Wllaon of Frontier, who voted acainat tha hill yeaterday, moved that MmU flla No. 4t b resurrected. It was promptly dona. Peareaav Feare Troable. lieutenant Governor Pearson warned tha senate that t. might ba getting into trouble by bringing1 out a bill which had been legally killed yesterday. He said ha was fearful that tha thing could not ba dona and mlsht bring oa legal compila tions which would place tha bill in bad, but in the face of jio specific rule cover ing tha propoattloa ha would five tha bill tha benefit of the doubt and allow tha senate to vot oa It. Tha vote on tha bill showed that Grace, K rumba" ft, Spirit' and Weeaner, who had voted to ltltt the bill yeaterday, voted to day to brinjr.lt bacK to Ufa, while Saun ders and Wink, who wer absent yeater day when tba vote waa taken, alao voted Jn favor of tha resurrection. Erookley and Randall, who voted for the bill yea terday. voted against It today.. A public hearing: wUl'be held next Thursday afternoon. CRAWFORD KENNEDY ILL WITH PNEUMONIA (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb., Fab. 11 (Special.) Crawford Ker.nedy was this morning taken to a local hospital, where It is said ho Is threatened with pneumonia. Ha has not been well for several weeks and It I feared that his jlckneaa may con fine him to tha hospital for an Indefinite period. Para Meat Preaeeattoa. LINCOLN. Neb-.-Fehi li (Bpadal.W Food CommUoloricr" Uamiafl " r;ela wonV-Uila warning, that man. "named Train, living at Ord, Neb., had been proa edited for selllntr a calf for food pur Ioscs which had tuberculoeoa. Prehi pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined 175 and coats. Legislative . Proceedings Fas Paeeaae, teaate t'aaalltea at Whole. H P. US, Bedford of Douglaa Henutraa ownnra of wsreiioue4i to obrnll llal of atored go-da lo odiinty swor. W. Y. M. I)oila relegation Olvea Oiittiha a city pUaniua- uuimittHlan. . H. K. 'il, Howell of I Ku iHe Halora the eniariea of Umuha polka per man or officer. ..... II. R. 8S. JUohmnnd of.Douviaa Pee rnitj county boiu-da upon putltlon of so l-r cnt of the voter to levy tax of not to eiwd rive mills for court bouna or jilL Kmergenoy. . f. X'i. iNinniul of York Makea fnr HTf elt;ita more gmeial to rover let xrri, -docunionta and btlla of oilier coua- , A, F. 7, BeaJ of Culer--PTOvldee for conatrurtlva arrvk-a under certain clr cuiiitiiitnccn on non-reetilente of the state. o. . V, liygland of Boone lteducea the population neceaaary tor the forino i"n or a vtllaga achool dlatrict from 1M to SU9. H. V. I. Qulnhy of Ioug1aa Frpvkles for aw-Knicnt at actual, Irialcad of. oiia fiilh vaiuaUon. . for Peataoaemeat by fteaat Siaad B( rammlttee. rv. r. iiuu of CougiA rruiuuiu offt-lal murt rpii-ra In lnorlea county fruin taking dpoitlona Utve others IS a ilsy tor euch work la adUlUon to M ceiua per nw wuraa. rm4 by Seaata a Third Readtaa a V. VA Bunhee of Klmlatl KnuhleM retiiRtnlng mernlxra of fllmrU't boad of IrrlKtUlon to elect to fill -ni y, Inatead of ouunty board. Ayea, ; nay. S. S. F. i, Klotliel of Nemaha Provides that a common, carrier cannot require en employe to furnlah any Hjet'lflo com i'ny on his bonds. Ayes. ll. naya, 11. m. F. 48. lilti.J of Hoone liaises the lfin:t of the villa' tax from ten to lt!i!y-ftve mllla Aye. St; nays. a. K. to. Gnu of Harlan Kerala ver tl' l rraln trt. Ayes, 30: nays, . 3. f. . liyiflauJ of 1'onne Requires that vllliire trusiera Le residents three iMtmiha tiir unciuiu. Avtia, m: itays, 0. c. K. te. J.uiif!rs of 1'ouKlaa Enables rtiaritabie wutlin to eaiand period of In. orixjraiton. Ayes, :C: nays, a Hiilw of Klmt-all Provides fur tha t.f. yn.riit and cantrilatlon cf Ir r gat.on Qmirnt bunas, taiei unoy. Aya. i.. iiya. ft. S. It. Bushe of K I m hall-?. rtens irnaailon snowm. Ay vs. S.'. navK. 0, 69, iuohe of Kitnball Kadurea C"l..lioa Ice on Irrltfatiun district funds. !: ttx vs. U. ' K f. Tt. Ki.h.. of Nemaha and Bua hm of K tnihall Makes It prima fails eviiirnce of luifnt lo defraud, to taaua ct. k when niKrr baa i credit at the Ayes. 14, nays, IL MU Defeated tm Third Read is- ay Seaata. , 8. F. TS, Howell of Pou-laa Rxtends Ixiialor.e to all i:iy wnployvs la Otnaha. y. 10: nays. Z2. . K. l-.urhaiii bf BoonRequlra all 1 1-ri Wr a IJ In lli slats to conlorin lo "iiin staiularils and measurements. I'rotitira a v-ntty ai.d puis ai.iorut.ii.eut In Unij of food 1-. art cnat. H. Jt. t, li'n.Ki.ia ix l.auiiori--Amendinir lav aritu rtsard to driii- jurors. To y li. R. i'. Amandine. tm law, irrraas lurf iiomocr of sbiiio ardeiuL To he it tt. 10. f-Mi!th-Po!ui to ba open from I a, iu. u S p. r.:. 1-11 1 t Ht i a Tii li mvt l'ri,t.u rrfund uiooy if faao CMnU tneol lu euro lUhir.g. Blind. Biead. lxi -t I rotrudli.g Illta. f irst appllcatios a :e 4 it. bt icMta. "THREE DAYS TO NEW-YORK BY AIR," Says Zeppelin: - "I -have always hoped to be the first to pilot an airship across the Atlantic, and I want to sail on a peaceful mis sion when I go to America. The trip would take about three or four days, according to weather." Count Von Zeppelin made his first balloon ascension at St. Paul during the civil war, and not on the firing line, he said. He used the balloon of a major of the union army. - - . ft COSIER COOm DELEGATION Three Men Bepresent Three Types of Membert Very Well DU- , tributed Orer Assembly. HOW THEY ABE PROGRESSING (From a Btaff Corrspondn.) LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. U.--(f!rclal.) Custer county'a dnlenatlon of three men In tha stats leglalature has attracted a rood deal of attention from the fact that It represents threa men of different type but largely representative of tha mem bership of tha entire ' assembly. Tha honest farmer, the lawyer-philanthropist and tha agriculturist banker are repre sented. Tha first type is found in the parson of Qeorsa Washington Oreenwalt, a farmer, honest, capable, eloquent and resource ful, While his colleagues from Cuater srs trying to get through, legislation upon which neither can agreel this farmer by liia eloquence and convincing' manner charms the members and accomplishes ths things which ha desires purely through tils ability to convince the mem bers that ha believes what hs contends for, that he practices what he preaches and gets what hs goes after. Senator Charles) Wellington' Baal is a hard worker, a good speaker and is well liked try his USow senators. He does not always agree with the majority party of which he la a member, but ha la goner- ally credited with being honest in his con tentions and his speeches are always listened to. . Notwithstanding hla rollearuca in the house. William Jefferson Tsylor has been fighting- for a bill to restrict the Incomes of attorneys, of which Senator Peal Is sn able member, and cut them off to a certain . extent from their base of 'sup plies, .Mr. Beai has applied tha golden rule, and Instead of restricting the Income of Mr; Taylor, has Introduced and ' la fighting for a .publlo warehouse measure.' whl.-h will permit Mr, Taylor to hold the grain ralaed upon hla farm so he can get a blsger price for It. Thla will enable Mr. Taylor aa a farmer to make more money, so that -aa a banker he can accommodate Mr.. Keel and the' other lawyers) In . Cuater county when1 they need the money to pay for the last month'a grocery bills. . ' MORE NAMES ATTACHED TO LOBBYISTS' REGISTER (From a ataff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Nab.. Feb. 11 (Special. ) E. W. Rrown of Lincoln, haa registered as a lobbyist representing ths Farmers snd Merchants bank of Verdoni U 15. Hurts of Lincoln, manager of the Lin coln Telephone and Telegraph company, as a representative of the Nebraska In- Of The:: 'DAQGAK3S in the Gurrcni Season's Styles of nisn-GnnPE fcqtuear Vour last chance to buy Perfect Shore of the World's best makes, at Bargain Priccav Look over the list below- then come baturUay and get your har. FOR WOMEN Tjilrd Srhober-s 11.40 Talent Colt full laif M Import ad Ulatk Uuckakln, now SW5 J. dc T. Cousins' t 00 Black Katln aik Katln S3.75 Muiion, t udaii. l.oula heal, bench, wads, now , I-our.sbury A Matbewson's J to '', itrowa and Uray Buoi. iouia, uuuan ana Mili tary heals, go now at 83.75 trnt t'olt. 83.75 Kid. Dull v. right ft Fetors' IS 00 patent Colt. iuii i air and batln le lalne Laathar aud Louie, Cuban hsela, at n jr Grav e H ID Dull Kid. Dull lau. raianie an.l 8ue1as Iiula, CuUen and Mili tary hssls, now ...83.45 I.lndner Hhoe Co'e tt.60 an It OS S2.S5 an ana ran nusala liutton, new., it. li. uray-a Hon 14 CO Oun M.-tal ouiion, ixw, walking and Upara Itaela, now S2.S5 11 lines, all good makea. II 60 shoes, some lilKlier; falenta, mm a Lulls and Klda, l1Bllt 9 aud heavy aolaa, at .Oi.,4 J TOE FDV 8E30E. 6., m 'I: ..... ' . ! - iV- "TSlU J fiy-v, dependent Telephone association; Will iam Ritchie, Jr., of IJncoln, as a repre sentative of the achool law revision com mission; and W. H. Campbell of Clarks, as represenutlng the Farmers congress In regard to school laws. ' ' - . i - 'McCarthy Refnsea Job. Bcout Thomas McCarthy of the Red Box has turned, down the offer from the Uni Qeal Bargains for Saturday At BEATON'S 10c Renaissance Soap 5c 1 dozen. .0c IBe 4711 Glycerine and Tar 8oap 6c 25 4711 Glycerine and Car bolic fioap i . Oc Per doxen . . 70c 10c Turkish Bath 8oap....6o Doz of 1 dozen. .70c 25c Orangln ...18c 60c Kptol Massage Cream. ,3;c 25c Peroxide of Hydrogen ... .7c 60c 1-lb. Peroxide of Hydrogen for , . . . 1 Ac 11.00 Swamp Root, . ,,7o 50c Mecca Compound. .".84 $1.00 Llsterlne .......... .flc 60c Llsterlne 2c 60c Kodol Dyspepsia tablets. 25c Woodbury'g Hair Tonic. 19c 60c Jordan Almonds, per pound fl.SO t-i'J. box Lowney Assorted ALL JITNEY HACKS Fifteenth and R.'uisrAjriiTaiS.rtisgaif? . proved ita nierlta in over 450,000 caaea. I. We give value received, and that Is the reason we are at the head ta our epeulalty. . The 'only Keeley Institute In the state of Nebraska Is located in Oma ha. Correapondance confidential. . Tlie Kcclcy Institute . OMAHA. NEBRASKA Cor. asth aad Cass Bta, Omaha. Take Xtaraty treat 0a front eitaa Depot mi Glepn-Up SHOE Dig D:rin Tabto cf cmicren'i and mnv Shees t'p to IS O v a I u e s. on ; values, on v a 1 u e a, on '.,...45iiC,..05ei:f.'...SI- 0 !-a ; 1 versity of Vermont to coach Its ball team this year, as it would demand his serv ices until June, and he- will have consid erable scouting to do for the Red Eox in April and May. i - The Beet Medietas for Caagha. The first dose of Dr. King's New Dis covery helps your cough; aoothea throat. Get a bottle today. 60c All druggists. Advertisement . . 18c Steam's Sandalwood Bath Soar) 7c Box of 1 dozen. .80c 25c Packers' Tar Soap.... 14c 25c Jersey Buttermilk Soap, . 3 cakes for 10c , 1 dozen cakes. .40c Collates' Soap Chips, ,1b. i . 12c C0c Bell's Podolax 30c 50c De Mars' Shampoo Llq. Green ' Soap for f 20c 25c '.DeWltts'i. Arnica' Sarve: .1 25c Menthoiaum , . . . ... .14 50o Je6eco 'TootH Pastel' 810" J -lb. Powdered! Borax.. . IJ. d 1 35c Castorla .2le 75c Jad Salts..t,.. ..64c 50c Fitch Hair Tonic ...... 20o Chocolates. ...80c ..OOo PASS OUR STORE. pur o, J Farnam btrcots lit- . a : wfc. iaytB.sse.is.JnfTaa.aa. X. SritukannssB, Opium, Morphine and' other drag addiotloas are dlaeaaed ooadlttoaa. Z. Therefore, sclentlflo Tmedlcal treatmsnt Is neo aasary. . . , . , - Z. In rae of alckneaa, none but the best should he accepted. .4. Our treatment Is known the world aver and haa Tour Biaa ie Here. FOR MEN Johnston & Murphy'i Calf and Tan Kusaia, button and iaeea, now MIO French S4.75 VfTT ilorrell's MOO Tan Russia. Ruaala. 4.45 auis to lieal. go cow at MacDonald A KUey's 110 Tan Bue- llal. I 11 I F Bt rill Dulalii Colt, button, go now at ...S3.75 7 palre. our 18.50 Genuine Kangaro.. Cunlilon aola. rinubl. . e Kanjaro.1 ..S4.25 soles to heel. Bow at ,;, lioward Foater-e II 00 Gun Metai ".ii uipuuii avis to lieel. go now at S3.75 Howard Foster tt 10 Tan Ruasla an Rusnf S3.45 ir Ski iletaa a.11 va. ii u aisiai. uuiioa ana oiucnsr, now "nee 4.0 and t.0 values, all puix, f i k pd ana. l'uiis and I'atsuts, so at lines 13. t0 shoes, euiue hislier, button aud bluiher, go at... ......S2.Q5 52.45 stress THOMPSON, BELDEN S CO. Our Display of Spring Apparel is Attracting Much Favorable Attention Suits Dresses Goats Skirts The Vogue of the Separate Skirt is Returning It commends itself to women who desire neat,, at tractive apparel for street, office and school wear. An excellent offering of wash corduroys, serges; gabardines, mixtures, rampourchudda cloth, poplin and taffeta; over thirty different styles. . ' , Priced From $0.50 to $22.50 ; , Our Entire Stock of Women' Cashmere Hose Bqth Regular and Out Sizes, Goes on Sale Saturday. Our $1.00 quality - 75 85c quality, in both . white and black - 50 50c quality - - 35 Also Children's Cashmere Hose, 35c quality, 19 , Saturday Toilet G oods Specials Rubber Cushion Hair JJrushes, triple bristle, regular price $1.45 spe cial Saturday - 69 Velvet Powder Puffs 5, 10, 15? Nail Enamel - - , 10 l' Watch th windows and the Sunday papers for announce ment interesting to all women who desire distinction in dress for little money. ;a We never disappoint you. 11 AM era's sc. m F Pi Saturday we offer the best sale of Clothing of the year. Suits and 0 'coats made by HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX that were marked from $25.00 to $35.00, will be sold at $15.00 The qualities of Hart, Schaffner & Marx $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 suits and over coats are far superior to the clothing you see advertised at these prices. They are every one actually worth the former price and the guarantee that the firm puts on these clothes stands back of every garment at these sale prices. " ' , , Overcoatsin all styles and colors. Suits ' that are even good style and colors for early spring wear. All sizes, 34 to 50, Suits or Overcoats, sizes for stout, tall and short built . , men. Saturday choose from our $25 to $35 Suits and Overcoats at $15.00. 18 to $25 SUITS and OVERCOATS at S 10 ' Nothing reserved. We are going to sell all Fall and Winter Clothing. Our Spring Goods have begun to arrive and we must have the room. Every Suit and Overcoat up to $25.00. Regular cut, stouts, long or short cut Suits. Clothes to fit any build of men will be in this sale. Many Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats included. Be here Saturday morning early and get your share of these wonderful bargains. ALTERATIONS WILL BE MADE FREE. BOYS' $5.00 KNICKER SUITS, $3.75 Boys' All Wool Suits, Norfolk style, many have two pairs of knickers. Good patterns to choose from. Saturday choice of all Boys' Suits that we have sold at $5.00, One Day, $3 75 JUST RECEIVED New Spring stock of Boys' Blouses were just received. The IC & S. Tapeless Blouses in exceptionally good values (On sale in Clothing Department) at 50 to $2.00 HAYDEN BROTHERS .4. I V.I a . L THE OMAHA BEE TITE HOME PAPER Sale of Men's "Gloves Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Reindeer fabric, Chamois Gloves, slightly soiled, Saturday at - - 75 Men's Sweater Coats, Outing Flannel Robes and Pajamas at cost N prices Saturday. Men's Underyvear Greatly Reduced Men's $2.00 and $2.50 Wool Union Suits, Satur day . - - - $1.39 Men's $1.50 Cotton Union Suits, Saturuay - 98t 25 Discount on all Su perior, Sterling and Amer ican Knitting Company's Wool Underwear. $25 aiid tS85 Suits ....... . a mm oouernontsr BOYS' $3.50 and $3.95 KNICKER SUITS $2.45 If it is a -school suit that your boy needs then you do not want to miss seeing these suits. They are made for just such wear as this. Sizes 6 to 17 years, all colors and styles. Sat urday your choice of $3.50 and $3.95 f 0 A C Boys Suits . . AMUSEMENTS. DOYD OH1KA1 MOST rorULAB Tbeate Mat,T4aval tila Tisst Verfona. Mat. To47 at a to Blah of eaoe to Blah of the eeaaattoaai Arajo dig Jin ummi Mats., lit., Wad.. Tfcurs., Bat, tSo Mights. 8 So au4 60 o. Added Amaatina . Walaa Kramer ad Marry Waiaar ta latest Paaaaa. Taxi Waak A Wasaaa'a Way. Tom. Social His lit. Mrs. X.aaa Kllawonh ' - rbeaa Sooa-Ua . Advanced Vaudeville BLAIiCU miSQtrc Karl Curtain. 8 oYlork Sharji. MaUnee 3: 15. Valentines . hi Price A great number of Volland's Artistic Val entines to go at lA reg ular prices. Art Pspartmens Third rteot New Tub -Silks A special showing of tub crepe de chines and pongees, large line of fast colored stripes particularly dainty and pleasing from $1 to $2 a yard. 811k Section Main . Floor. Between Season Gloves These" first bright, sunny days in between seasons create dissatis faction with winter . clothes and accessories, and a desire, particu larly for fresh, clean, handwear. We have a very fine assortment of moderately priced num bers: f One-clasp Capes and Chamois Gloves, to sell at - $1.00 One -clasp Washable Doeskin and Natural Chamois Gloves $1.25 and $1.50 a pair. The Store tor Shirtwaists 1 f An Extra Value. More of the Florishaw Blouses for $3.75 , $5.00 values. ih AMl'IEMEXTS. LAST TIMES TODAY ft! Aaotssc Bread sTew Bhovw co VlVk GLOBE TROTTERS Xadiea' Dltae lfatiaaa Weak Days. Aato tavw Wii "Ylta bay Msw Toxkars Vi'.lh U. Lyric Cj ua. Mollw Wllllaai.. HIPP THEATER Sonrlaa MM 18TK AMD BLA&JTET 31 XiAST TTati. lOBil, FarasBeaat Actlom saA SuastUxM. "DUCKSHOT JOMf4" Wlta Heaart Bosworth and Coartaaay Soota ORAtibEIS "iR'Sj.?; MAT. TUAbDAT. CHAUNCEY OLCOTT U -THA ttCaAT OT liSST WXACK." I