Tim BKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1915. '13 ( f I Y i'IAN.K-ln (jrxd order, will swsp for an auto o make a trurk out of. Will pay some difference for iin extra good car. AriMresa s. ;, ft p,,, I' I A NO a first payment or an old run down house and lot. must be cheap and well located. I will pay tha balance monthly. I am a carpenter and ran fix l'LAYEK PIANO A good stamlaril iayr I'l.tim 10 mi aacriucea at once or wouii trade for diamonds r cow or horee as wo are going to tha coast. Must dispose o f at once. Addreaa 8. O. 816, Bee. RESTAURANT PISHES About 600 pieces of hotel or restaurant heavy weight china platea. cupa and eeuotra, sugars, creamers, aid dishes, bakers, etc., all or any part of it, to trade tor anytRlng that I mlaht be able to ue, or cheap for cash. What have you? Address 8. 0. 603, care Omnha Hee. KUBHER BOOTS Have good pair of rubber boota almost new will eell or trade for something I can use; In food condition; alr.e 8. C. i.M. Bee. SASKATCHEWAN farm landa to trade for horses, automoblka or city property. HI. F. NORR13. fl34 iee Bid-.. D. WIT. SOLID BRASS Jardlnter, a beauty, worth 126, brand new, to trade. What have you to swap? Alao one braaa candelabra, new, for five candles, and one combination candelabra, heavy quadruple-plated silver, can be used either as single candlestick or for three candles, a fine ornament on th table or on the mantle or on top of the piano. Will trade for used furniture, or anything of value to me. Address1 8. C. ftttt, care Omaha Bee. fcOLID copper chaflnr diati. with cier bordered delft blue tile tray and alcohol filler, all In copper, famouesternau New York make, to trade for furniture, dishes or anything that I might be able to use. Address 9. C. 601. Omaha Bee. TVTPUWRITER Oliver Standard Visible Writer, only slightly used and a good fis new Cheap for cash or will trade. What have you? Address. 8. C, 452. Hee. fclGNS. showcards. Clark & Son. U. lil. TEN ACRTCS fruit and garden In gulf coast country; cost H50; will sell for 130) or trade tor whnt have you? E, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. TWENTY ACRES OP LAN1-Unln-cumhered, located In the famous John Pay district, near the Columbia river In Oregon. Title perfect; valued at $50 per acre; will aell or exchange for clear Omnha lot, or what have you. Address A m. Bee. TWENTY acrea rich truck land, neur Oulf, t miles from Robstown, Tex. Address. S. C. 1522. Bee. WOULD trade 10 acres of good land real close to Lake View, Ore., for car, road ster preferred. Address O. E. J., 1128 3 St., Lincoln, Neb. FOK RENT Apartments and Flats. Fidelity' Storage Co Ptorage, moving, packing and shipping, lath Jackson 6ta Phone Douglaa 28. OODEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, rooms with kitchenette, (trim neat, rnone m 6-r., modern tlat AH S. 24th. tzt. 11. 471L FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-dato 8, 4 and fc-roorn apartments In city. Building Just fln- Ished. Flora Apartments. aul Jones at. EIGHT-ROOM bricks, 42.60. ia nortn l ntnietn. . 113 South Thirtieth. O'KEBFE RBAli ESTATE CO., J0l Omaha Nattlonal. Douglaa 2715. 6-ROOM heated apt. on Weat Harney, sleeping porch, and just aa desirable for summer as winter. Call Harney 10B7. Furnished. Apartments. p The New Traverton ' ' FIREPROOF BUILDING, 24th and Landon Court. ' We have a furnished apartment for rent; all modern conveniences; console wall bed, kitchen, private bath, splendidly furnished. Our "Golden Rule" lease pro vides for cancellation on two weeks' notice. See owners. . Traver Bros., . Doug. 1153. 705 Omaha National Bank. FURNISHED ROOM, seated. 4614 North Sis' Ave. NICELY furnished rooms, 821 S. ISth. Apt. U, MADISON 21 at and Chicago; steam heat; IIP mo. and up; cats In connection. D.6W3. OGDEN HOTBL, Council Bluffs, steam heated rooms, $2 per week. Phone MS. La Verna, 1M2 Cap., front ring. Stem, he ONE1 large room, private family. D. 643. 616 So. 22d. BINGLE or en aulte. 611 N. ISth St THE COLLINS, steam fct.. nicely (urn. loons, . Good location. 3406 Harney.. FarnUaea UoaMkerfiag (looms. North 24th, 4768 Steam-heated fur rooms. DAVENPORT 201S TWO NICELY FUR NISHED HSKP. RMS., 3.50 WEEK. Housekeeping ilooms. ELEEPINQ and housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat T3 8. 18th. Tyier lllil-W. tela ana Aysrtnrai. CALU'UttMA Hotel. lath anu calKornlSa Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglaa 7083. DODQE HiTh.Lr- Wixtcrn iwaauuaola Farnlahed Hawses. NICE furnished a-room cottage. 8915 U St., South Omaha. Webster 6630. - lloaaea and Cottages. ALL sixes. S3 per month up. SO? Paxtoay. e-r., modern. 71 9. 37th 8t. 7-r., modern. IM14 Leav. St., good location. Web, fctm l-ROOM stone bungalow I30.U0 6-rooin. Cor. 18th and oahler.w .....$.& .00 -room. fine location 30.00 6-room, mod. ex. heat 30.00 t-rooni, never occupied 22.50 k-room, mod., paved atreet -5.U0 AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Douglas 0013 or W'alnut iC37, Harney 2M. tili Woolworth Ave.. 8 rooms, mod., J-U A16 Seward, 6 rooms, barn, 1U. 1.6 N. 20th St., 4 rooma, $1X60. 1"5 8. ?tU, 6 rooms, 10i Others. R1NOWALT. BrandeU Theater Bldg. LVROOil modern bouse, with barn, hot water heat, 'Hit Harney St., vacant March 11 Inquire T. J. O Brien. H. low. It. 1211 Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, pa'; us. kluiH: 4-hv.rs .an and 2 men. $1.26 per hr.; storatie U ier mo. 6aUafactlo guar. D. 4S3 A Ty. ftp. J. C. Reed isxp. no., iiauvlaa packing as storaua. Van Farnain. D. la GordonVanGo. S 11 N. Uth Ht. - Phone U IBM or Wab. I ng, nil. Storaga I if. room and laundry, all mod. except jiace. fi!7 Chicago. Call H. IkM. Uo In all parts of the city. reian aona u Co., Bee Bldg. Magzard's Van and Stor age Co., Large van, I men, $1.64 per hr. KU per nr., Webster. I ms. 44K )R RENT We have a el.,.,i... .... . .. . apartments and" , VT ,hT, "". n t n.. l lULui tnat are for nmt ..lh fet- 10- Hl Wamut J 71 North 2943. Ml 8 Wlh Aval,?' mod- 1.r.ll'o.tl MvKKD FAMILIES. Oil- L'..l,l... AM " ! ' sa 1 '4 A ft I T W I V I. li' Jr. XMESC COMPANY, D. 415. -TV s-th.t'r.MiI TO!.-i jl Fowler Ave. Vr-.r Part mod.. 15. ail 8. 2.-th.. J-r, BIRKETP 43 Ik-o Bldg. rrt mod., $13.40. part mod., f. tt COMPANY. , iouglas B3. 1 R poms'-1-1 I i ixm RKXT Stnrea Bad Ollleea. lHwntown stores. U H. 1TIH. tn Bran. Th- RKADY February 15th, A very desirable office, with reception room; now being decorated: 270 sq. ft.; IH. THR BEri BUILDINO, "The building that la always new." 1017 N. 17th. warehouse, 1-story brick. ii.. nn iracKsre: I ARMST FIOKO-W A I ,S H COMPANY, STATE BANK BLDG. FARMS FOR RENT Farm For Rent 58 acres on south side of Q St., two miles west of South Omaha: rich, level bottom land; no Improvements, $8 per acre; -half March 1. half October 1. Last year's crop, 60 bushels corn to acre. The Byron Reed Co Phone Doug. 297. 212 South 17th. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SALB California. MONEY-MORE MONET, can be made dairying, hog raising and growing alfHlfa In the famous Sacramento vaney or California. You are within a few hours' ride of the best market on the Paciflo coast. M Q reaervea you ten acres or more. In spectlon can be made Any tlma within six months: balance In nine an nual payments. w. T. SMITH CO.. City National Bank Bldg. Colaraao TO SETTLERS ONLY 320-acrea for $200: rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land, no sand. J. A. Tracy. Ft. Morgan, Colo. 3-tl ACRES No. 1 wheat land for sale, $20 ' per acre. mall payment down, balance your own tinted Owner J. F. Shannon, Iiirt, t'oio. o Iowa. Farm Near Council Bluffs, For Sale AAA akftttaa ttaisi xnU.J ..A 1 I - - 1 1 " """I " JIIUTTsl A I Ulll . UUlIL:i I HI IB. Oood buildinR and fences, good orchard. Priro. $uo per acre. Oerman neifthbora. Just the place for a farmer with a large nnttnm I at ri r, at wa.11. a. m a- 4 4JllJt J. H. Dumont & Co. Ifi03 Farnam St., Omaha. SMALL FARMS NEAR TOWN We have recently had some very good bargains Hated In Improved tracts near Council Bluffs, from 10 to 28 acres, which we will be very glad to show you. DAY" & HESS CO., 123 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. Ia Minnesota. 240-ACRE Improved farm near town In corn belt of Minnesota. Has a good 8-room house and other buildings. 200 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture with running water. 160 per acre, easy terms. Farmers Land Co.. Palace Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. o. Mlssoorl. , GOOD lr.nd, elos to R a town, 2n acres, 2400, $5 monthly; 40 acres, $700, 810 monthly; 80 acrvs. 11,200; no Interest, no taxes, no forfeiture; best bargain- In South Missouri:, literature free. D. Mer- riam, cms . .nemon, Kansas Olty. Kan DRAINED bottom land. Richest In the world. 825 acre. Four caah, balance ten yeara. O. P. Stebblns. . Mtbraska. SECTION Kimball Co. Oruaa. 1101 Paul. Wiarjoasta. - Upper Wisconsin" Best uairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wonted. Landa for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let No. 24 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Excellent landa for stock raising. If Interested in fruit lands ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Addreaa Land and industrial Department. Boo Lana Hallway, AtlnnAapolla. Minn. " WANTED TO RENT A OOOD farm close to Omaha, not larger than 160 acres. Addreaa E. 630, Bee. WANTED TO RENT A farm of 80 or 120 acres In northeast or east centra! nart of Nebraska; must be good land with good buildings; no hills. Address o 646 Bee. WANTED by the week, email thoroughly modern furnished housekeeping apart ment with private bath by couDle with one well behaved child, 2 years old. Ad- areas x one, xsee. , FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE or Rent. 6-room cottage, 671 North 4th St. Teims. 8300 caah. And monthly payments. Inquire at once. Walnut 2943. ABSTRACTS (if TITTJa, REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 3K B. 17th tit. rnone Douglaa 847. REAL KSTATE LOANS CITY anil iam loans, a. Ms, per cent. J. H. Dumont & Cc.ltoo t arnam, Omaha Faiuum Smith at Co., 133U Farnam. tiuo to llO.owi iuau proinpUy. V. D. Weed, Wead Blug., lth and Farnam 8ta. WANTED City loan Peters Trust Co. OUAHA homes. East Nebraska tariOA. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 1718. (loo to 10,Oou made promptly. F. D. Wead liiug., lain and ''ainam bis. it. Vvea'J, UAltVIN BEOfcj otnatank: SEE us first for farm loans in eastern Neb. United States Trust Co., Omaha. 6 I" I T V Ti'AM.4 r n j"--it. 210-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY property. Large loans a speciuty. W. H Taomas. State Bank Bldg. MONEY on nauo tor city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Matl. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE WANTS OMAHA PROPERTY. or acreage not over H.ooj for eqolty In Central Mo., ltki a. Mtg. only Great iruii ana artiry tana. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat Bldg.- - Douglas 271S. YVOL'IJJ enchange a good rich farm for &o to 75 barrel flouring mill. Must be money. Aiidrrss Y. 36i, Bee. WE HAVE good Omaha Income property, consisting of dwellings and apartment houses, to exchange for good Improved farm land In Nebraska. Iowa or Eastern South Dakota. Ulve full particulars as to Improvements, price, etc. BCOTT AND HILL CO., Wi McCague Bldg. WANTS CLEAR LAND or clear lots tor equity In 818.600 home, mortgage only 28.800. write for descrip tion. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat Doug. 2718. REAIi ESTATE: ACREAGE An Acre Tract Riverview Park District Only-$600-Only $50 down And S3 per month. .Located about one block from car line. A splen did place to raise rhkkena. Phone Douglaa 43 for particulars. Shuler & Cary 224 State Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS These Harney Street Houses Are Going to Be Sold In a Few Days at a price which it is safe to say within a few years will bo 1cm than half their actual value. YOU CAN T OKT AWAY FROM TIIIS FACT The 'last chance to buy close in income property on Harney street at a bargain price. 2621 HARNEY ST. Brtck houw, 1J roomg, with brand nw heating Plant, renting for $80 per month. 65 ft. frontage, 88 ft. back. Price $90 per front foot, - bouse $lt850, total $7,700. 2627 HARNEY ST. Splendid frame house, 16 rooms, genuine mahon ... any finish, on ground 65 ft. front and 98 ft deep. Price $90 per front foot, house $1,750, total prfc $6,700. Convenient Terms Payne & Slater Co. Douglas )016. DO you want a fine apartment alte el nee In: blocks west of P. O ; 8S ft front, on Dodge; fine corner. Prioe t,m. 3 4T3, Bee, REAI ESTATE ACREAGE Acre , Bargains Now Is the time to think, of buying that suburban home, . We are headquarters for acre property. We have some real bargains that are sura to advance in ralue. . Listen 16 acres, West Center. 6 blocks from car. i mt improvements, cost over siv.uw, Prloe, i,000. X) acres, a little further out. Good im provements. AH In fruit and conceded to be the equal of any fruit farm In the state. Frlce, (15,000. 10 acres. N. W. of Florence. Very fair Improvements, lots of fruit and shrub bery. This land Is rolling, but fine for fruit, poultry or hog raining. Price, $7,000. ) acres, north of Florence, about three miles. Improvements not very good, but all right Price, f.000. t acres In same locality. Improvements fal. Price, li.000. 0 'Neil 's B. E. Ins. Agency, IK FARNAM ST. TEL.- TY1ER 14. t TO 10 acres near car lines; good for piaiuug. xj. REAL ESTATE: NORTH SIDE Must Be Sold Good Home at a Sacrifice No-reasonable offer will be refused for a good 7-room, i story and attlo, strictly modern house, having 4 bedrooms on 31 floor and a full cemented basement; ad Joining Kountie Place; In first class con dition throughout. I.ocated on east front lot and paved street, with paving paid In full. Practically new garage. This place la cheap and well worth M.300. but owner must sell at once and wants an offer for quick sale. Ioan Ass'n holds a 12.000 mortgage on this place.- What will you give for equity? Investigate if you want a bargain. George & Company 02 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 7B. 7 Room AH Modern 'New House This houae is located in one of Omaha's new resluence districts, where everything Is new and where bcUldtng restrictions insure high claas homes In neighborhood. House is complete In every way, fur nace heat and cement walks all built. TERMS: W CASH , AND $30 PBR MONTH. Telephone me today for description. E. P. Wright Call Walnut 6S3 today. Call Douglaa tHii any day next week. HOT WATER HEAT 7 rooms, rec. hall, living room, dining room, sewing room and kitchen on 1st Moor, t bediooms and bath on 2d floor, birch finish, all modern, cement basement and walks, east front lot, paved atreet with paving paid. Price $3,6w). Located near 38th Ave and Mason. C. G. CARLBERG, Sit Brandels Theater Bldg. PAY 628.60 AND ' MOVE INTO A HOUSE OF YOUR OWN. I have a pretty k-room bungalow, M block from school and I blocks from car line, which can be purchased on these terms. HOUSE IS NEW AND ALL. MODERN Phone Walnut 6S2 for further Informa tion. FOR 6 A LB Five-room, modern bunga low, in best condition; low price fur quick sal. 1318 Maadersoa bt. Tele phone Wrb. Ml. A SNAP B rooms, all modern, furnace, located near Ust and Ohio Sta. close to 24th SI car line. Pries only $2,000. C. G. CARLBERG, $13 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE South Eleventh St. Six Fine Rooms and Hall Lot 66x135 Feet All Special Tax Paid located lust south of Arbor on Boutb 11th boulevard, atrlctly modern, full 1 story, reception halL living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor: $ fine bedrooms and batb on 2d floor. This borne ran be sold with the full lot, or will sell 23x136 ft- Very convenient to e'hools and churches and one block from Kamam car line; absolutely complete and ready to occupy without one cent of ad ditional expfiwa. Here's a bargain for somebody, r'or further information see Hiatt-Fairfield Co. tin Omana J?1 bn"- Doug. iifll AN1 LEAVENWORTH. Sj0. t good rooms and all modern; also Urge garage for 4 machines; a good oppor tunity for a taxi ovtnrr. PA YN K INVESTMENT COMPANY. Duualas 1TM. Ware lilock. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Harney St is showing unmistak able signs of a small boom. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank. L ESTATE SOVTH SIDK Buy This Place Now! Is at Z3TS Dupont Bt., has rooms with water, gas and toilet. . One block to srhool, stores) and ear. You can buy for $100 caah and $1 per month. It's worth tha prloe asked. Owner might take a vacant lot aa the first payment. Creigh, iSons & Co. Douglas 200. m Bee Bldg. ' . REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE 5-R00M ALL MODERN BUNGALOW FOR RENT $22.50 PER MONTH This house Is brand new and Is located one-half 'block from car line. House faces east, has plenty of shade, cement walk, furnace neat, cemented basement. You can choose your own decorations and fixtures. , . If party who rents this house Is pleased with It he can make arrangements to buy on Uie easy payment plan now or later. Phone me today If you wish to inspect this house. E. P. WRIGHT, Call Walnut 683. Call Douglaa 292 any week day. a REAIj ESTATE: SnSCELIiANEOUS Gallagher & Nelson Real Estate and Insurance 644 Brandeis Bldg. D.3382. REAL ESTATE WANTED WK can't supply the demand for houses that can bought for from $1,100 to S2.6UO on terms from $100 to $2o0 c&an for quirk sale. Bee ua today. THU VOOEL. REALTT AQENCT, 101&-M W. O. W. Bldg. o RAILWAY 1D1E CARD UHIOJI BTATIOIf Xeatk aad Maaoi Chicago Nortawestera KORTH. . Desert. Arrlva. Tula CHr Iinw., jjftsata rasaeaser Blow Cllr looal. -ol a pm a urn " f all:Maa Lrfouua. a tJ pat a T:U wa Mtnosapolls Tvlm lt suor. Dnm Bpwlel .., Carroll Loal Hk7 Kaorsas ( .hlcAfla LmaI ............. ... tlnia ..a Td am a 10 pa ..a 7 4 am all pm ..aJJ:Mpm a I to pm ..a Mpm alt .0 am ..a su pm a i o pm ..A I lw a na m 1 A i a . Csiroll Local Ot-easo (cctl Saa frenclaoo L4nIU4 i . . , . i vwriww ,.wv i lmi sal Onra-Wulilniiu LimlL4. ..a I II pra stt:U a Los absvm. iJaauoi....t....a l:U gm aU; u WXLRT. ..ft :W pra a 7:M m Cham Lsoal ..a l:2S am L4o cola-Dallas a sra a I JO pra Elaoola-Loag Pla. .....a I U pm alO:l pm Hutlais-buprior k 1:1 pm b 0 pm lMavue-Hot tlptlais a I.M pm a :M pm CMPM-Lanow a I ts pm all:w am Albloaoalutal b t:M pm k 1:H pm Chicago, Milwaukee Bt. 1'aal Paolflo Uraltee aT:Mpm aU:ll am Chloae-o spwlsl IUp tMlia Ctikseo IwrUslU 8pelal....a t ie am al2:Uam Calltorala Mall a : pm a I n pm Manilla Local I.M pa aUiMam Cklcaco Groat Westexa Twin Cltr Lmlto4 a US pm iliau Tall CltT Eao (""hlcaaA Haaraaa - sb w.rv Wtm a I.M pm a pm as:am a M pm Mtsaoart Faelft K. C. ft St. U Bxpras a. C- A St. I Kapraaa a. a A W. Paul ...a l:l am a 1:11 am ...all It pa al:Upm ..a 1 w pm a l:M pm Cklcag;-, Hock Ulead raeiiio EAST. Raekr Jaouiala taautad....s1! It am all:0S pm Cbloaao Lauk.1 Paaaaagar.n..bl0:00 am sill:U pm .... .blQ.W am fcialu pm a Astern a4 opm 1 4:1U pm a 1:21 pm aaar.a in pm aU .ai ,a i'ftv" " rhiru. Miaht kinmi Imh aioluae uu warn. CbL-VJab. Limited ts Unoalr4 1:41 am a 1:47 pm uuiaiMKSla a 1:47 pm rala gap...a lit pm a 4 au km iupraaa...a 4 0 pm all.it am jBll . .11 II 1 .. . toionwo ai wii.1.1. iii hn ...a a Thai Kecay jaauntala IUialia4.. rHt aaal am - 00 am a 1:41 pa ..a 4.M pm all tt am ,.. .. m a L., . llaloai Paciflo Ovarian Uail4 Cailtorala Mall ....... Onaaa gapraas Auaaia avipraas ....... t . Lamltaa. . all :16 am it tl ia Coloo k.ipraas s 4 -SO pm a 4:u pm oouwa HpMial ail w am a 1.W am tiaa Knacuu timlt4 alS M am raolfla Uaiiil ...au:am a T:U pm Orasoa-Waeuiuetea Llailla4..Ui M am it:Uu Norltt flail Lcai... ....... .a a la am a l.a u. Uraa4 latas Local I. so pm els e am blramaburs Local ...bij.41 pm feu.w pm Iliiaswa rhtcaaa Limit a urn Limit a a leo pm a I M am Kapraas .el. Warn a le pm baaa Chlcas w Omabe-ttt. Lola Kxpress ..a :U pm a I 41 am n4T.Hu all:ss?Z mail aae BCBUSGTON ITATIOlt fa.,, tl sfasoa. BarltBKteav V Davart. ail ii am Arrive, ail ti am a I . at pm a I at pm a J M pm I pm aU 14 pB a 4 k am 4 It pm k t in am It M am a I aa aui w pm '' a I s am kU.w am all it'aia a 14 pm a :M am a I p rwa t.imiiaa : f. mA f'j.liraeaiav. . .- I It pm 4 It pm ..a I k am a I II pm ,.k 114 p. .all 14 am i-s I U am a t pm ..kIMpa am ,.ai3 mi p a 7 .4 am ..a 144 pm . .a I at p. b I.J pm .a 4. a pm "a 'i'ii'am ..all .14 pm ..a I.M pm rusai Sua4 gipraaa..... eturaaaa rmna Slack Ullla Unvala atall frorUiwaM Kapraaa ......... hakraaaa gipraa Iiiuuin I u.l .............. gckurler-fUlLaawtUa ....... j- lanafl?"1 BaUavua-rlattamauia t bUacs Spat ial tklcaao fcraaa r kiu.ii k'aM express Iraaum Lal St. L. ft a- -' opaaiai.... ac Lul bpaclal g C. Si- "P" it C. a St. Juaavb LaAcela-J'leuaawuiri WHITER STREET STATION Pf. leeatk aa Wekater. Ckleago Uaaakav- Paaia, SflaaeaaUs ft Dnart. arrlea its" k 1 2b p klt:a am a I at am Twla CHr Paeaaasar. Maul l'U gram. . wa Cltf faa. raaa Lavcal Cltr Faaaausar.. to kStpm kill am a dail. b aallr apt Saa&. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Light and Trade it Active at Steady Prices Pat Lambi in Good Demand. HOGS BIO FIFTEEN CENTS UP SOl'TH OMAHA. Teb. i. 1915. Ilerelnta .r. ' r.m. vi gkmr Official MonHav S ir ' 1 .ni im.v.0 trri(-ial Tuesday Official Wednesday ... 4,474 Official Thursday ,WS KIM 24,!4 1I,2JS li.ooo m.Ms 10.TM $.0 t-sumaie r rmay 4fl0 riv dava' tnlala 1 ul tn UKtl fame days last week..2loW W,'ll t.M fame 2 weeks mm o (Y Kill M.K1T feme t weeks ago li-'J s.tM c-arna weeas ago 1.4 4.t) .iw 8ait days last year...l&,4$ M.M0 The following table shows ths receipts or rattle, hogn, and shj St the Koutk Omaha Uva Stock market tor the year to-datt, aa compared with last year: lata iaii Iha r"tU 110.6431 .1 40217 J.4f 40,41 8rt $40,807 S08.1WT $1,810 The following table shows the average prloe for hogs at the touth Omaha live stock market for ths last few days, with comparisons: Dare. liS. ID1. ,1011. illl.llllO. Jan, ) 4j l, i a a Ul 1 n tu, t k$ an s l an. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Ken. .. eb, heri. 7 ts! fl I, V i $ OTl T HI t M I $ 04i $ M t 7a)a $ SI J K, t (4 U .!L .t, I 7 Ml W I 47 I 13 ' 24, . 7nui $ $si "I " I I Obi 7 t 01 i.i .y is, t 81)1 05 7 $xi s , 1 a., a pu (la7S0ul7feiltO$l t..llu 1 a ', .1 : A'i. a it a,k, a a na Fep.. B... , 7bV. $ 7 w 4 odj 1 jo 14 r eb. b.i a 74 1 I Ml t mi t mi t i I 11 1 e w t IPti 0 T 7 U) 00) 7 Feb. T..I I $ Ml 7 U 0(H t 44 1 11 1' mi. Kel. Kiel ' ( "H 11 T k i S VI I 18 I 40l Ox 7 tfi $ 471 IS 6 41) ( 4& 7 Sl 12 7 l 48 $ W niel j 'i iui I Ki 7 . k i 1 VI Feb. Feb. Feb. 4Hi $ 4ti 7 Ul i 7 21i $ til HI BTTfcl g S3 1 7 OKI 8 711 H IX bunday. Receipts end disposition of llvs stock t the Union 8tock Yaida, Houth Omaha, for tha twenty-four hours ending at $ o'clock yesterday: RKCKIPT8-CA RLOT8. Cattiallogs.Sheep.Hses. C, M. Bt. P. s Missouri 1'aclflo.... Mlaaourl FacUlo.... I ... ' .. I ' a n 1 13 1 1 ,w :: " s . . 0 Union Paciflo C. as N. W. east.. C. ft N. W., west.. C. St. P., M. ft u.. C B. ft Q , east... C, B. ft u.. west.. C, R. I. ft P.. weat t .. R. I. ft P.. east Illinois Central c. u. w Total receipts 147 14 1 lUar-UMlTlON-HKAD. C, ttle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co.... 1,447 t.lht $.04 ntvlft ft Co Cudahy Pscking Co.... Armour ft Co -.. m Sthwnrtl ft Co... 270 ixon J.. AV. Murphy F. U. Lwla J. H. Root ft Co Kellogg ei tueliner ft Degen.. H. F. Hamilton Pulllvan Bros Mo. ft Ken. Calf Co.. Christie Huffman Baker, Jones ft Hmltn Tanner Bros John Harvev Other buyers 87S Totals 1,142 23,203 .n73 Cai i LJS Receipts numbered only nine teen cars, which brings the total for ths five days this week up to 1,42 head, being smaller than most reoent weeks, but larger than a year ago by over LOOO head. . Ths offerings of beef steers wars very light and, as there was a good buying demand, ths market was fully steady. Here and there it wss possible to find a salesman who thought he secured possi bly a little mors money than yesterday, but the Improvement was not sufficiently pronounced to be of much Importance. There were no tight good beef cattle In sight, but there were steers good enough to bring $7.20. There' were very few eows or heifers on sale snd prices showed little change. The earns wss also true of stockers and feedera For the week killing cattle are around 2MHOo lower than last week's close. Stock ers snd feeders have been slow and dull all the week. Quotations on cattle Good to choice cornfed beeves, $7.tC7.TO; fair ta good cornfed beeves. $.8RftT.a0; common to fair cornfed beeves, $. 00448. w; good to cnoloe heifers, $6.7Fxgd.&i; good to choice cows, lo.6tVa6.C0; fair to good cows. S4.7Mj6.lO; common to fair cows, $3.MKo.7S! good to choice stockers and leeaers, H.Dwn.i'D; , I A ,AA A .- hteC inn it, vkWKv.B nw ,uni m. vv.wr 4 (i0: common to fair stockers snd feedera, $5.00tQ.00: afock heifers, $6.36$4.00: stock cows, l4.7M16.7fi; stock calves, $H.0)(a7.60; veal calves, $7. 00$ 10.00; bulls, Slags, etc, $4.75.0O. 4 Representative sales: BE IE IT STEERS. Na 4 17 14 1 2 I 10 t I II 111...... I i 1 I 10 At. rr, Na A. Pr. r a 124 M ,4. w It Sbl la att I la .... Ml 40 XIO 4 44 M r 1 4 4 44 ....111 4 40 .... 44 4 M ,...in 71 ....ViH 171 ....1110 0 74 I... is..., 14... 30... 4... 34... 1001 44 IM 40 IV0 101a 44 11K7 I 10 1173 6 laot 7 oo UU 1 0. IT 17 4... SO... I... I... 11... l... II... (.H...1UW I 1 1044 J5 T II 1211 ltwt 14 T II 13-0 T 34 1IM I M .... 143 M ' 8TK1CK8 AND HEIFERS. $... 1... IT... a... I... 4... I... 1... II... 41 IS 10 707 II Ink I 10 ,1077 I 40 Ml 4 10 II ! I at OiUCrvh-rtd AN u I)' HhiVn-tili. 711 I M Si.... 447 4 lit 4 00 11 aki a aa .441 t II 13 t I 41 7141 26 20 It" I U4 T H ... S4 I 14 ... tu3 40 WESTtCHNa-WYOMINO. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. W feeders. .1010 146 2S feeders.. Oil 185 JiOUS Receipts were very fair for Friday, about 167 cars, or H.uuO head, being received. Total for the five days la aa.OG head, being $4,000 larger than a week ago, and i!7,0uu heavier than fur; the same week last year. lie porta of a sharp advance at other points, along with a considerable falling off in receipts, caused the local market to open sharply higher this morning, and yesterday's strong close was followed up by a big lo advance today. Early offera were hardly this good, but nothing aold until values had reached a flat 16o higher basis, while at the .beat time prices were somewhat better than that, so that ths average trade can be quoted as a big 15o up. Shipping demand was not ao large as on some previous cays of the week, but packing orders were large enough to take rare of the supply easily, and while the close waa hardly as good aa the best time, last sales ware steady at tha general advar.ee. Movement was active at times, and a pretty fair clear ance had been made by shortly after 10 o'clock. Representative sales Ka A. II til 40 Ill is h. Pr. Na A. SB. Pr. ..34 ... I7! ..si ... .,111 ... 14 ...HI ... 4 44 ..24 ... M I 40 ! 10 4 IS 4 II It... 14.. 4.. 41.. ....lit t U Pit.. IS 100 ... t B , 611 KLF Favored by a light run for a Friday , sellers were able to get fully steady prices for ths bulk of the lamba. While trade was mora active the packers apparently had an to limit for lambs, as no offerings sold on packing account be yond that figure. There were several decks of lambs that sold as shearers at la .06. Outside demand on ehtuulni ac count was limited. Owing to the scarcity or Killing graaes tne neavy and handy weight offerings moved in sbout ths same notches. Without any material Improvement In ths eastern dreaaed mutton trade, which seems Improbable as long as hogs snd LEGAL. KOTICE NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET- laN Cla Notice Is hereby given that ths regular annual meeting of the stockholders f the south Platte Land company will bo held at the olfioe of said cumi.aoy at Lincoln, Nebraska at eleven o'clock a. m. on ths third day of Mar h, A D. 116. C. H. MORRILL, President A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln. Nebraska, February l. 151J. F-Vd-lt rattle are an iew, traders feel that very moderate receipts will be necessary to keep the market In an active snd healthy rendition. A week ago the bulk of the lamba sold at n UMit W. with a top at $.7. as aaainat most of the lambs mov Ing yesterday and today around $, with a lop at H 15. Quotations on sheen and lambs: Iambs, Meilran, $s.lfoS aOi lambs, fed westerns, $7.T.'.tiS.10; lambs, shearing, $7.jvtjti.30; yearling, light, $7.1v7.W. yearlings, neavv, $r.60!r7.1O: wethers, good to chol -e, i Kt).4(; wethers, fair to good, $.0Ojy tJO; ewes, good to choice, $6.7fl.J6; ewes, fair to good, $8.90tf.76. No. Av. rl. 247 fed lamna SO s On 1M fed lambs 7 W lj Colorado ewes "7 I so 0 Colorado ewes M I 10 314 fed yearllnga 1". TS vt fed yearllnga 1H 0 7$ 19 fed yearllnga 103 0 7$ '. Wyoming bucks 134 $ 00 1V9 fed ewes K il M8. D. feeder lambs 4 $00 0 fed ewes 113 2S 314 fed ewes 1 tH fed lambs $4 $ 16 CHICAGO LIVC STOCK MARKET Cattle law sad Wealr -Hoga SfroasT. CHICAGO. Feb. li-CATTLE-Recelpta. 1.IW0 head; market slow and weak; na tive steers, $.i.4(f.70; western steers. $4 0 i13; coas and belters, M.lnfiT.TB; csJvcs, $7irio.25. HoiW Receipts, 22.0no head; market strong and KutrJOc higher; bulk of sales, $v70:uv; light, $s7f.U.90; mixed. $n.Mrf 4 90, heavy, $a.4.Eii.9v; rough, $.4outi.o; pigs, $., ,Vi).0. SHEEP AND LAM B3 Receipts, ,000 head; market, lamhs, IMj'c higher; sheep, strong; sheep, $ 2fWI.uo; yearlings, $7.XI,'7.76; lambs. r7.0PUH.a, St. Lamia Live Stork Market. RT. LOUIS, Mo. Feb. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 800 head: market steady; native Reef steers, $7.rtK&.M: cows and heifers, $5.0ifl.i5; stockers and feeders. $.V2!a7.2.r; southern steers, $ft.8;(8'7.7r: cows and nelt- ers, ituKBfi.iS; native calves. ia.ury nun. JIOUB-Kecelpta. I3.4t head: market steady; pigs and lights, $1.0Ofr.9S; mixed snd butchers, $.7iVa J.00; good heavy, 1 IjT.fln. SHEEP AND LAMPB Receipts. I.lWO head: market steady; native muttons. $.r..0iK!M; lambs, $8.0y.e0; yearlings, Kaaaaa City Llva tock Market. triucia p.Tv r-h tt riTTt.r Receipts, 20 heart- market, steady; prime atoers, $8.w4i.rjO; dressed beet steers. H.5tjiOO; western steers. 18. SO J $; stockers and feeders, li.fawo'i.00 bulla, $5.00tl.36; calves. $6.Mt 10.75. hoos Receipts. 4.wu neaa; market higher: bulk of sales, $fi.6cvurt.&'.; heavy, ad fiiiA. m. ..L... K. . , v. aaaiH-.a fo.miTiiiu, i,i.ri. nil" .ul' " " 1 , m , 70; light, $..oirj.T0; pigs. $&.0U(4M. HIIUil' AnP liAHUS iteoelpts, I.vv head; market higher: lambs, $7.7Mm.l8; yearlings. IS.TOSjl.tO; wethers, $.0iul7i; ewes, $u.W.16. OMAHA OErtttRAli MARKET. ' BUTTER No. t, X-Ttj. cartons. Be; No. 1 Mb, tubs. Ivc. CHE ESIi Imported Bwlss, 2)4e: Amer ican Hwlss, 2c; block Bwlss, 23c; twins, lttc; daisies, lie; triplets. 17o: Voung Americas, 19c; blue label brick, 17Ho; lltn burger, 2-lb., Mo; Hb., 80o; New York white, 19c; imported French Roquefort. 40o. FISH Trout, too; large crapples, lEo; halibut. 14c: channel cattish, 14c. riElSK CUTtRibs: No. 1. like: No. 2, Hc: No. 2, imc. 1olus: No. 1. lso; No. 1. lOVkCj No. 2, l$Vc. Chucks: No, 1, Wc; No. t, c; No. 2, 8V4c. Rounds: No. 1, 12io; No. 2, UVie: No. 8, 11c. Plates: No. l. tu; No. 4. No. $, 7V4e. POTATOUH Colorado Rural, iso bU-t Red River Ohios, sua bu.; Minnesota, whites, 6o bu. BW'EET POTATOF.S-Ksnsas. $2.74 bbl. POULTBT Broilers. 14e; spring chick ens, lie; bens, ktillc; cocks, sc; duoks, luu: geese, 4c; turkeys, lc; pigeons, per dos., Oo: ducks, full leathered, luc; geeea, full foalbsrsd, so; squabs. No. 1, $Lav; No. I Mo. . B'lKAWBERRIF.-40o qt. t Market quotatloaa lurolabstl by 3 11 leak! Fru.t co mn any: FltUlTrt Oranges: Extra fancy. Alpha betical, alt sines, $2,76 box; extra fancy, Olendora Homes, all slses, $2.06 box; extra fancy, Bnnklst, sll slses, $3.1x1 box. Lemons: Fancy BunkUt, .ls. Vuo, $400 to $6.00 box; choice Red Rail, $340 bos. Urapelruit: s4a. 4a snd . $3.60 box. Apples: Extra fancy White Winter Pear maines. $Zt) box; extra fancy White Win ter Prarmalnes. xi. 75 box; extra fancy Washington Wlnesaps, $1.60 box; extra fancy Washington elpltsenburga, $1.(0 box; Washington extra fancy Hoovera, $1.86 box; fancy Washington Jonathans, 176s, iws and 200a, $1.36 box; .Idaho fancy Crimea' Golden, $1.60 box; Idaho choice Grimes' Uoldrn. $1.26 box; Idaho extra fancy Jonathans, $1.60 box; extra fancy Black Ben Davis, $1.26 bog; extra fancy Black Twigs. L60 box; fancy Iileck Twigs, ll.au box; extra fancy Uanos, $1.35 box; fancy Ganos, $1.36 box; fancy Rome tieautlea. II to box: fancy Rome Beauties. 6-box lots or more, $1.40 box; extra fancy Black 3'wlgs, VI 60 hhl.; extra fancy fiis sourt Ben Davie, highly colored, ti 28 bbl. Grapes: Calllornla, Einperora. $3.60 bbl Malagas. bbl. Pears: Anjoua, $2. box; Lawrence, $3.00 box; Jerseys. $3.36 box; Uomoo, $3.36 box:, hhuldon, U.ia box; Kaster. 1 box. Bananas: Per bunch, $1.76 to $3 60. Htrawberrles, 40o Qt. VKOETAHLUS Cauliflower, per crate; $3.10; near cabbage, per lb.. 2c; cucum bers, per box. $3 .26; red cabbage, per lb., 8"jc; celery. Jumbo, per dos., two; peppers, per basket, 60c; leaf lettu, per dos.. 40r: ortloca (shallots), per dos.. 6oc; head lettuce, per dos.. $1.00; tomatoes, per crate, $0.00; onions, yellow, per lb., Sc; garlic, per lb., 26c; onions, red, per lb., 2c; radishes, 'per dos., Wo; onions, white. lr lb., SVfcc; turnips, per dos., 6Uc; onions, Spanish, per crate. $160; spinach, per dox.. We; endive, per b., 86o; parsley, per dos., 60c; artichokes, per dos., $1.V); Deans, per hamper, $4.60. brussel sprouts, per lb., 20c Potatoes: Colorado rurala, per bushel, 75c; Red river Ohlos. per bushel, HW-; Minnesota whites, per bushel, tuc. Mweet potatoes per hamper, $1.86. NCTS No. 1 California walnuts, per lb., 18c: black walnuts, per lb., S'.ic: fil berts, per lb.. 16c; pecans, per lb., 11 y-; Braslla, per lb., 12Mc; almonds, per lb., 2c; 12-12 ox. figs, per box, 66c; U- os. figs, per box, $2 00: sugar walnut dates, per box. $1.40; Halowl- dates, per lb., sc. MISCELLANEOUS fchelled popcorn, !er lb., 4c; limes, per box, $1.76; cracker ack, per case, 1X60; crackerjack, per lalf case, $1.76; checkora. per case. $3.60: checkers, per half case, $1.76; honey, per case. $3.7t; New York cider, per keg, $3.60; coooanuta, per sack. $3.60; cocoa nuts, per dos., 7 to; cranberries, late Howe's, per barrel, $7.00; peanuts, raw, per In., 7c; peanuts, raw, sack lots. Jumbo, per lb., 8o; peanuts, roasted, per lb., $Vko; pea nuts, salted, per can, $1.60; mushrooms, per lb., 6uc Waol Market. ' BOSTON. Feb. 12. WOOL Ths Com mercial Bulletin of Boston will aay to morrow: "Hlnce the announcement Feb ruary 6 that the wool embargo had been replaced absolutely In Australia and that no shipments would be allowed except where permits had been Issued, prior to that date, wool prices have been climbing upward steadily and rapidly. Reports that ths embargo, had been lifted again early thla week have -been denied. Transactions Included almost every grade and class of wool available In the mar ket. Scoured woola of all klnda have been especially active, particularly medium and low pulled wools." Loadea Stock Market. LONDON. Feb. 13. -The American de barment of the stock market oiiened quiet, with most of the attention being paid to Canadian Pacific snd Union Pa cific. United Btatrs Kleel was quoted at frtziO'V The close was dull. BILVER Bar. 224d per ounce. MONEY 1 rer cent Discount rates: Short bills. 1 1-14 per cent; three months. 1 6-l per cent. 4iaatkm Hmw Markst. OMAHA. Feb. 12. -PH AIR1S HAY Choice upland. $11 OO. 11.60; No. 1, $Ui6ift 11.00; No. t, $8.vV3 10 .00; No. I, $6.0038.00; choice midland. 110 6tn 11.00; No. 1, $1000 ft 10.60; No. $, $8.K14.00: No. 2, W.&Vfis.oO: rhoice lowland. 8.MaW; No. 8s.uwag.6u; ALFALFA Choice, pea green and leafy, neaa , ww., -1 ' --to, y . an i i.uo; yearllnga. (I.WtnM: lamba. 80.7o.4t3.i6.. , Liverpool Oral a Market. LIVERPOOL, Feb. IS.-WHEAT-Spot easier; No. 2 hard winter, 13s Hd. CORN Hpot, easy; American mixed, new, is 2d. ' HOPA In London (Pacific coast), $ la t? 10s. ask Clearlaga. OMAHA. Peb. 12 Bank clearings for Omaha today were tVHHtJI and for ths corresponding dsy last year 82.W4.0.T.9ri. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH. OMAHA Anti-Annexationiitt. Hake All Sortt of Claim! About the Bill in the Lower Home. HOW THE FIGHT 13 FTNAlffCED Politicians snd offtce Tiolderg fighting ths consolidation bill, asserted yesterday that all doubt of their efforts to best ths measure had vanished in a difference between the house and senate over ths Liggett bill. "It waa beaten In the committee on cities and towns," ssld a prominent sntl. "A majority of ths committee Is against ths bill and Chairman H. C Richmond Is alright." Tha impression was given that Rich mond was against tha bill. Offers to bet a new hat that Jerry Howard would be against ths bill ware also mad. "If only ws can get a regular raise In salary, we'll run this town as It ought to be run," Is ths way a city official is quoted by a well known taxpayer. Assertions are now being made that tha sntls had no money to fight tha bill no slush fund. As a matter of fact, police men, firemen and office holders war taxed. Saloon keepers, at least soma of them, are slso said to have contributed to ths fund to help beat tha consolidation measure. The anti leaders give ths Impression that whlla tha senate could not be reached tha house members were much Impressed with tha South Omaha delegation. Orok Boaad Over. Charles Oroh. accused of having killed a man some months ago In flotith Omaha, wa bound over to the district court yes terday by Police Magistrate H. W. Reed under a $1,000 bond. Oroh Is said to have thrown a brick which struck his victim on ths head causing death. Ha escaped and was captured at Lincoln a few days ago by Chief of Polio John Brlgfa Debate wltk Liaeala. . A rattling good Oehate is promised tonal enthusiasts tomorrow avenlng. when tha local ' high school debating team maeta tha Lincoln High school debating team on tha state question for debate, "Re- i solved.' That ths Railroads of tha United States Should , Ba Owned and Operated by the Government, Last year, In two . debates with ths Capital Cltr trio, tha . locals divided honors ' evenly, each team drswlns a I to decision at their hem ' towns. Auburn, Havelock 'and Tempi High ef Lincoln have already been defeated by the locals, and tt la hoped that they will again reap tha laurela tomorrow avenlng.. Ths debate will ba held at ths school auditorium at Twenty-third and 3 streets. 'Workman Drops Dead. While rushing to quell a disturbance among workmen at the loading dock, W. R. Blttner, bead watchman at Cudahy'a , plant fell dead from heart trouble. Bltt ner lived with his family at 2427 Valley street, and waa an employ of Cudahy'a for many years. Shortly afternoon yesterday Blttner . heard two or three man wrangling- near , tha loading docks and ha rushed to quell tha trouble. As ha neared ths gate ha staggered and fell. Assirtanra cam to -him and Dr. A. A. AUtnghatlf was sum moned. Blttner lived about thirty min utes after ths attack. He had been under , tha doctor's car for a weak heart Tha body was taken In charge by Undertaker B. J. Larkln and later turned over ta Hulse At Rlepen of Omaha, There will bs no Inquest. , I Iaqaest Over Data. What caused the death of Charles Dunne and why h died in tha police sta- , tlon will oonstltuts part of tha Investiga tion before tha coroner's Jury this after noon at J o'clock. . Tha - city physician says he ordered the man tq tha hospital . I yesterday evening at f o'clock. . The po-. Ilea, It Is understood, did not so under stand the order. Dunne died In ths sta tion at 1:80 o'clock after h had told a woman visitor that he had taken arsenio. ' Dunne was a heavy drinker, tt Is said, and his condition was thought to hava been due to Intoxication. K has rela tives In Hastings, Neb. . Miller's Prsltsntauanr. George Miller, bath-house ("tar, who shot and dangerously wounded Harry ' Patrick, another Austrian, . when the tatter refused to sign over his wtfs to him, wss given a preliminary hearing be fore Judge Reed yesterday. Tha hearing waa continued, until today at 19 o'clock. The testimony was contradictory. Wit nesses testified that Miller waa la their , company during air tha period between 8 and 11 o'clock. Others testified that ther had been bad blood between the men. Deputy County Attorney Ramsey acted . (or the stats. , Free School Lacckes. Free hot lunches in public schools were given a boost Wednesday nlxht. when the high school auditorium was crowded with 890 people, who cam to help swell the school tunoh fund. The affair was In -ths natui of a benefit entertainment. A neat sum was realised. Ths hot lunch school movement means a great deal to some of the children of South Omaha schools. Many of these tots ars said to bs actually In need of ' something to eat Mrs. N. MVOrahara and members of th Woman's Club ar behind the movement. Baa Oaly an feeders. South Omaha's live stock market Is open to sll kinds of stock from every where so long as tha stuff shipped in is. ' for immediate slaughter. Ths baa Is against the feeder shipments. Death of Mrs. alllvaa. ' Mrs. Edward O. Sullivan, formerly Miss Essie Curran, died guddenly yesterday ' afternoon at I o'clock from heart trouble. Mrs. Sultlvsn had been ill only a few days and her death cams as an unex- ' pected bloV. She was 27 years of aga and Is survived by ber husband aad twa children. Her husband la now In Colo rado for ths benefit of his health. Ths funeral will bo held Saturday morn ing at 8 15 a. m,. from ber lata rest- . denes, 1701 W street to St. Agnes church. Interment will be mad la St Mary's cemetery. New Bank Of fleer. , Charles Shaah of Papllllon wss elected assistant cashier of the Packer's National bank yesterday, to succeed T. J. Bhanav han, who becomes head of the Farmers' -f-tate bank of Papllllon. Shaah, the new officer has been a director of the Pack ers lor some time. He Is well known In Papllllon and South Omaha. Maarlo City Coaais. Trade In horses at the local horse and mule market at the stock yards waa : liberal. Offlrs spsc for rent In Bee office, 2718 N etreet Terms reasonable. Well kuowu local on. Tel. bouth 1. The Columbian club will give a dancing party this evening at the clubrooms at Thlrty-sUth and R streets. Want ads for The Bee may be left at The Hee' a branch) office, tllh N bt- Kates In a word tor one time, l'-ao a word e li day for three days and lu a Word each day for a week. Prompt and courteous service. - The local order of Eagles will gtvsj their danc tomorrow evening at the Eagla hojne at Teuty-thlrd aud N streets. On the same evening tne la?yal Order of 6 loose will give a dance at their Oanoing floor at Tncnty-lUU and at etxeeu. t