Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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: By MELLIFICIA. Friday, February 12, 1915.
HEARTS are aure enough trumpa these daye. Every function, no
matter how Informal, moat be fussed up with red hearts and val
enUne favors galore, or It Is not a real party.
St. Valentine, the dear old priest of long ago, has been dragged
Into tbli frivolous celebration of his name's dajr, and I wonder, bow he
likes the view.
' There was a time when a shy little card, muchly beruffled with lace
and artlstln paraphernalia, was all that was looked for on Valentine's day,
but now the time seems not to hold Its own without a formal fete ot soma
And the modest little card Is being evolved Into the heart-shaped
floral boxes 6f violets, the February flower; candy, In all guises possible,
and even occasionally diamond rings.
More substantial gifts are Interesting other matrons and maids and
axe made with their own deft fingers. A particular favorite Is the fancy
doll who hides the telephone under her petticoats. Little did St. Valentin
over dream that he would become so pretentious and gay a cavalier
Jlr. Jolw C. Daughert to Wed.
Aa engagement of greet lntwet to
Ornahans wu made Thursday in Oreler,
It la that of Mr. John Crelghton Paugh
erty. sou or Mr. and Mra John M.
Daugherty, and Mlas Mary Eulalle Kerj
rlKnn of Oreelay.
The announcement .was made at a
luncheon Thursday given by Mra Ker
rigan at her home In Qreeley. Mr.
Cauglierty la assistant cashier of the
' First National bank In Greelry and until
a couple of years ago resided In Omaha.
Miss Kerrigan la the daughter of Mr.
and Mra. reter Kerrigan, one of the
Honeer families of Oreeley. Mr. Ker
rigan is cashier of tha Oreelejr Plate
bank. No plana hare aa yet been made
for the wedding.
Annual Lincoln Day Dinner.
The University club win entertain at lt
annual dinner this evening eommemorat
. fng the birthday anniversary of Abraham
' Lincoln. Dr. Joseph Tort Newton will be
tha speaker of the evening and will de
liver the address on Lincoln. Dr. New
ton la af southerner by birth. Ilia father
was an officer In the confederate army.
The dedication of hta book, "Abraham
Lincoln." reads this way: "To rpy father,
who fought Abraham Lincoln, thla eseay
is Inscribed by one who severs the mem
ory of both." Tha dining room and tables
will be decorated with red flowers and
the American colors and flags. At the
speakers' table, with President and Mra
Herbert Kors will be:
Messrs. and Mcedame
Jonerh barker. . T. Eeatman,
Charles T. Kountae, I raok 11. Oaiiiee,
F. A. Rrogan,
Dr. Joeeph Fort Newton.
Mrs. Warren llor.
Xa and Mrs. James A. Tancock.
JUr, and Mrs. 11. M. Davis.
Elks Dancing Club.
The Elks' Dancing club entertained at
one of their "mi-monthly dances in the
club rooms last evening. . Those present
Mcenrs. and Mesdames
3. J. Mc.Mahoa, ' Kdwerd Rdcn,
Will Plainer. K. A. Devlne,
Harry ilranrit. U. W. Johnson,
A. v, Fitaxlmons, p. w. Kent,
For Miit Deuel
Complimentary to Mies Blanche Deuel,
one of the winter's debutantes, Mrs. Mil
ton Barlow gave an attractively ap
pointed luncheon today at Her noma.
Bprlng flowera decorated the table and
Mrs. Barlow entertained;
Misses- Mlssee-
lii.nrhn Deuel. Janet Hall.
Frances Hochstet- Klella Thiimmol,
Flrenor Meeker,
Luclle Bacon,
Ann Ulfford,
Kii(rpnla rstterson,
Helen Clsrke.
Dorothy Hmith,
Merlon Kuhn.
O. W. Wlnteraon,
Karl Ward,
J- rank Iient,
I'ratt llarwood,
Harry If. Lt ker-
fcl mes
Jifli-n Hlfrhee,
Jielrn Hrady,
Jliith Fatteriwn. .
Anna Merrn,
K. U Winston,
Henry H. Clal-
bn n, r .
O. Oooflrlrh.
Harry Thorpe, .
I'm hi Themanson.
Ml sees
Andrea Hmllh,
Mahel Monet-men.
Mnrsaret KiiKllsh,
Mary r nKllnli,
Maisaret Orwinoush.fc.iii. tspansenberg.
l lixrciia Howe,
Meinrs. Messrs.
Freeman Bradford, O. N. Moulin,
Claud. Hi fa. C'harlea I'owell,
iiiience Hall, . Bert L llron, ' '
"U mnle Front. Waller I love.
!in-t W'llilnms, F. J. Kossbach.
Arnold i.duu.nston,
Cinojaa Party.
Tha Clnosam Dancing club, entertained
at the Scottish Rite cathedral on Wedn.s
clisy evening last. Tha following guests
were present: f
Marrs. and. Mesdames
K. H. Freeman, Julius Lyon,
3. A. Me.iUr.
y. I,, rtiii'i'.
(nine Tudor,
Mery t;iitr..
f atrica Gilinsky,
A. W. Sydney,
'l'irn e Mead,
H. R. Miller.
, H. -lnn,
am f;illnky,
i Powell,
Dr. N. ii. Atwood
U. C Kuvnne.
t'lara Schubert.
Mary Jacobean.
Eva Hvons of
Flnulay, O.,;
Jarnea Allen,
It fctodnnburg.
Joaen Younta,
TUk Diitner. . ' :
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. UcConnell enter-
tnined at a beautifully appointed dinner
last evening at their home.. Mr. and
Mm. Mcfonnell have been giving a series
cf T.'.y. tfinnTS this winter and this ras
the sixth. The table was decorated with
a huge basket of Mrs. rihaw roses, and
covers were placed for:
a!ui. and Meadanws- ,
V. J. I!iiiK-a, A. H. Mernnnell.
l or-mi iioniit, jr.; C. L. Kariiswonh.
V. ,..iun liill t1rke.
i'r. and Mra. biadbuty.
Informal Dance.
One of the Informal and small daneln
clubs ot the winter will be entertained
this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Tag. The gueets will Include:
Meeers. snd Mesdsmes
joePh Baldilge. C.' M. Wllhelm.
Meadamcs- .,M.T JTUT
Charlea Offutt, Mabel rgdea.
Meenrs Meears
Frank Burkley, Lucius Wakaley.
Bridge Party Postponed.
The benefit bridge party planned for
Saturday at the Banford hotel by Major
laaao Badler chapter of the Daughters of
the Amerlnan Revolution has been post
poned until Washington's birthday, Mon
day. February a, .when It will be held at
the Banford.
Pleasures Past.
The Sterling club was entertained
Thursday at luncheon; complimentary to
Mrs. C. W. Ban borne of Kansas City.
Mrs. Banborne was a member of the
Eterllng club for twelve years. After
the luncheon the guests played bridge at
the' home of Mra "W. W. Bowser, Mre.
Sanbome wu given a beautiful guest
prtae by the club.
The Scottish Rite Woman's club gave a
crd party and keaslngton this afteroooa
at the cathedral, .
Miss Esther . Holnvjulet entertained a
number of her friends, of Uie Adams A
Keliey company, at her home Wedneeday
evening. February 10. The evening was
spent In muslo and various gamea. Thoae
present were: .
Mleses ' Misses
Mildred Murray, Arthur. Orunwald,
Kills liormn. Artnur Anaeraon,
Matty Farmer. John rLary,
nna iTints, iiw uranaea,
Katherlne liter, Alfred 'hard,
Huth Holqulst, lenn Boolt,,
Esther llolqulat, . ari Lof,
With the Dancing Clubs. .
.The Friday Eveninr Dancing club will
entertain this evening at Chambers'
academy. Thoae present wlif be:
Urun. and Mesdames
W. Kighler Wood, H. P. Boyer, '
1'aui tiurieian,
Oeorge llr,
llRr A. Balrd.
Meae re
Alex Kutherford.
v ' ;
7 " ; ev v. ' -. 7
1 : '
wwrswfiw ' ' 4
x : . .
In celebration of her flfty-etxth birth
day anniversary Mra Therissla Kla
bunde, who haa lived in Irving ton. Neb.,
for thirty-our years, found her entire
family and the biggest part of her large
number of close friends there to help
make the anniversary one which will
long he remembered In Irvlngton. Mrs.
Klabunde la the real pioneer of Irvlngton
and she Is known all over the county.
Her children all live in Irvlngton or
near Irvlngton ..and they, with their
friends, packed the big house from top
to bottom on the day of the event:
Mra Klabunde's children who. attended
are Mrs. Ida Haas of Elk City. Mrs.
Minnie Thompson of Valley, William
Klabunde - of Bennington, Ernest Kla
bunde, August and Augusta Klabunde of
Irvlngton and Henry IClabunde of Omaha.
guest of Miss May . Mahoney for two
Dancing- Parties Tonight
The "Blxty-SU" Dancing club will en
tertain this evening at Chambers'
The Phi Rho Blgma fraternity will give
a dancing party this evening at the Chap
ter house.
To Excelsior Springs.
Mr. end Mrs. N. P. Updike, Mr. and
Mra C J. Hynea and Mr. and Mra Frank
Judton left hls morning for Excelsior
springs, Mo., for the week-end.
To Honor Visitor. .
Mies Mary O'Connor entertained at
bridge thla afternoon at ,he home In
honor of Mlsa Mayme Zack of Aurora,
III. Five tablea of players were enter
A going business can be sold quickly
through The Bee's "Business Cbancea"
Big Meeting at the First Methodist
Charch Here Next Sunday
Two Dee Moines men who "hit tha
trail" with Billy Sunday during the evan
gelist e revival campaign In that city,
will be srenkers at the First Methodist
church Sunday at 5: p. m. It will be the
second puhllo meeting In Omsha to boost
the Billy Sunday revival to be held here
in May.
WebU Byer. ex-attorner aeneral r
Iowa, and O. T. Rowland, general freight
aent of the Rock Island railroad, are
the Des Moines "trail hitters" who are
coming here to tell of Billy Sunday's re
viral and Its influence in the Iowa cap
ital. With them will be Rev. Jh t.
Hlllman, pastor of the First Methodist
church of Des Moines. All three will
speak at the afternoon meeting Sunday.
iter. wr. Hlllman will also soeak Sim-
day morning at Westminster Presbyterian
church and will address a Joint meeting
ef the First Baptist and First Christian
congregations at the former church Sun
day evening. In the morning Mr. Byers
will speak at the First Congregational
church and Mr. Rowland will talk at the
North Side Christian church.
Various Proteatant congregations of the
city ere expected to show rivalry in at
tending the special booster meeting Bun
day afternoon and the large church will
probably be filled to ccpaclty.
Isaac Battln, for many years tresa
urer and engineer 6f the Omaha Qaa
company, died yesterday at Bwarth
roore. Pa,' and will be burled on Tues
day In the family lot In the Frlend'e
burial ground at Mlllvllln, Pa., where he
was born. Mr. Battln was In his eighty
third year, and wae perhaps the oldest
gas engineer In America. He has man
aged gaa properties at Yonkera, N. T.;
Mlddletown. Conn., and at Albany, N.
T., before coming to Omaha In 1887. " He
Is survived by Ms widow and the follow
ing children: Mrs. Henry V. Shelley at
Walllngford. Pa.; II. W. Battln of Min
neapolis, Minn.;. Mra Ralph Lewie of
Florlston. Cel.; J. W. Battln of Omaha,
Prof. B. T. Battln of Bwarthmore college.
Mlse Nancy Battln 'of Swarthmore,' Pa.,
and W. I. Battln of Ifayette; Ind.
W !'
;iil ';' j
If TTil1
-1 Liii
Another big lot of slightly
soiled ajid muss- ef! f
ed waists; one to H -J
a customer ft SfJf
Including our very best
suits and coats;
$39.50 to $65.00
values, choice
u vcijr uesii
or Final iean-0 p Sale of the Season
Offers Rare Bargains that Ulf ill Bring the Crowd
Evory Garment in tho Store Will be Included in This Sale at a Price Low
Enough to Insure its Disposal Before the Doors Close Saturday Night
These values here advertised should bring you here early tomorrow to share in this great distribution of the year's
most wonderful values. Remember It's the last call! . ....
Over 100 VoncnY snd
nines' Costs. 75 ScnarrJo
I7a!king Skirts. Over 300
Ocsutifisl Vizists of all Hinds,
150 Separate For Heck
Pieces, Jest a Few Suits
end Dresses, end Over 100
Silk Petticoats, in all Col
ors and Sizes ... . . . .
M 1
46 Tailored Suits
53 Silk and Cloth H
114 Uomen's and
Hisses' Coats .
20 Fur Sets . .
50 Cloth Skirts . ..
William Ii. WOOO,
Jai-k tiltarp.
VN'llllnm MrHugh,
Jamra Alirn,
MUs Nan Murpny.
a.,JiaiJ.L;jaSSai U..-J..:.",J .'.''. , l mmw m imfvv9!lm,mSmimgAa n,.!ii!!it.ii,.1..umll...ii ,.,.).! .... i. ... . .u,..M... .a . M,
I ii i i i '
list mlmmmm - Mh; hMiflflLEr!!!
f "" '"""""" , , ., ,, T1 TT-i-t rn minri i ii ht-tiit inn I'm- in1 1 r 1.1 isiiTiispsjii'sjsiije.iiiss.j.Lj)u.--CT--w,,,, a ' ' " '
ni,il,i i -i m iiiiii i in imirr-iiri -nrr ,M"'r n sii friseswsMaenaMijeisjesssaiMSMeesswMesa ''"'mmmmHnm
Coinus Club Entertained.
The Comus club as entstialned at
the home of Mrs. J. W. IIoo4 Thursday
aftarnoon. Mrs. J, C. Curran ef Oales-
burg. 111 and Mrs. J. F. Ooerna were the
guests of tha club, Mrs. Goeroe wtonlng
Uie pi Us. The decorations- were sug-
grstlve of Valentine dar. The club will
be entertained In two weeke by Mra. A.
F. Hoover. The member are planning
to entertain their husbands at an evening
party at the home of the president, Mra.
B. F. Marti, Wednesday evening.
Future Aff.irt
Mrs. w. L. Belby will entertain the
Dundee Worn an a club at her home Fri
day afternoon, February It, between the
houra of I and I o'clock. In honor of the
cast, which will give Tercy MacKaye'a
"A Thousand Tears AgV Tuesdsy even
ing at the Young Women's Christian
With th Visitors, ' ;
Mr. W. G. Oorts of Chicago arrived thla
mornmg and will be the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. ohn P. Klauck for a week or ten
Miss Ella O'Connor of Rendvtlla, Minn,,
wilt arrive Sunday morning to be the
a lew years ago -wmie in Liverpool, England, we seemed to be attracting a great deal of. attention. . We noticed where group of men were gath
ered that there was considerable nudging and shrugging of shoulders and frequently some were rude enough to point towards us. Nor was the curiosity
confined to men only. Women and children even turned around andgazed upon us, sometimes staring rather impertinently. This was such a new
on Bond street, the explanation came. A poor
seedy looking individual approached and touched ns lightly on the shoulder, Baying, "This is the Mysterious Mr. Raffles," and when we denied
the soft impeachment and attempted to-prove an alibi, he said, "For heaven's sake don't deny if you are he, for there is a prize of 5 pounds for
the person who will make the discovery and pierce the incog." The explanation then was that they were running a sort of a Dolly Dimples stunt
and while of British birth we evidently did not look to the manner born and they ' thought we were surely it.
There Has Been Considerable Mystery Attached to the
Windows of Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. for the
, Last Several Days '
! A Bower of
. f-7
Beauty and Wealth
Awaits you hfre. Wo were never more thoroughly
prepared to fatisfy the-deiuauds of the particular
and exacting person.
A Few Suggestions
That M ill be appreciated by the recipient
Vi.,!s. I.Hr tif the Vallrv. Fnwli. lf..!Pl. ui
I i U!ir, ll)a Init.K, 1U -, t'arnalious. All VUids .
MyFii a iicss a: otvouoaa
Here is the explanation: We own
a-big lot of Kid Gloves at very low
prices. We decided to have a sort
of a Lincoln Celebration Sale, and
fixed on Saturday, February 13th,
for the event. We wanted all
Omaha to know about it, and from
the comments we think most of the
people are informed. Now for tho
particulars of the sale
Five Great Big
Filling two entire windows with
Gloves of many kinds Kid, Lamb,
Mochai Suede Black, Brown, Red,
" Blue, White, Sand, Tan, Cham
pagne, Etc. One-button, 2-button,
3-button, or clasps if you prefer.
Wrist length, 8-button, 12-button,
18-button, 20-button. ALL1N ALL,
Divisioir or Square No. 1
About 33 dozen pairs White,
Black and Tan 5w instead of
' It is our belief that you will not
have another opportunity this year
to get Gloves of this quality for so
low a price.
Division cr Square No. 2
About 125 dozen pairs of Kid and
Lamb Gloves, various colors, at
89 instead of $1.25 and $1.50.
Splendid value, and guaranteed,
of course.
Division cr Square' No. 3
About 50 dozen pairs of extra fine
Kid and Lamb Pique and Over
seam. The wanted colors, at
$1.09. Usually $1.50 per pair.
There will be a rush for these, for
the brands are well known.
Division or Square No. 4
About 135 dozen pairs the Creme
de la Creme, as the French might
say. The best brands carried by
us and, as far as our judgment
. goes, there are no better. Many
colors, all sizes. To be sold at
51.29 per pair; formerly $1.75
and $2.00. , . . -
Will sell up to 6 pairs to a cus
tomer NOT MORE.
Division or Square No. 5
The Long Gloves Kid and Lamb,
mainly White, .Tan and. Black;
16 and 20-button lengths; $3.50
the usual price some were more.
Saturday they will go at $1.98
per pair. About 55 dozen pairs in
. this lot.
We will have an extra force. The
Gloves will be distributed on five
squares, so as to have an abundance
of help and give all a chance to get
to the store.
Sale Wifl 'Not Start
Till 10 A.M.
No fitting till the Wednesday fol
lowing. Every pair warranted.
This promises to be the biggest
Glove Sale ever held by us, and we
have had some stemwinders. As
far as possible, please have even
change, and if needed promptly,
kindly take Gloves with you. As A
BOR. ,
Should the weather be unpropi
tious (that's a good word), we will
have four telephones in operation
to take your orders.
If Colonel Welsh smiles on us, no,
telephone orders will be accepted
after 12 noon. k "
, v . , HI5 1
1(13 l anmfti Ht. I'luriats
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