Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    o , THE BKE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1915. -
An fil.1 rnmtfii Crmnti Z
f Remedy, Home-Made
J Realty. ressres' feeta Yecy
LHtlat feat la rroaipt, Im
e mm4 Effective
Tly making thin pint of rld-time cough
s-erup at home vmi not only eava about
t2. as compared with the ready-made
kind, but vmi will alsn have a much mora
JTompt and positive remedy in every way.
t overcomes thr ttsoal conjfh, throat and
chest cold in 24 hnnri relieves even
whooping rough quickly and is excellent,
loo, for bronchitis, bronchial asthma,
hoarseness and spasmodic: croup.
Jct from any drug store 2 Mi onnee of
riwx St) cent worth), pour it into
pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain
jrrsnulatcd stipar syrup. Full direction
with 1'inex. Keepa perfectly and tastes
Vmt ran feel thta take hold of a touch
or cold in a way that mean business. It
?nickly loosens the dry, hoarse or' pain
ui rough and heals the inflamed mem
lranes. It alxo ha a remarkable effect
jn overcoming the persistent lore couch
hv stopping the formation of phlegm in
the throat and bronchial tubes.
The rffect of Tine on the memoranea ( slmoet every one. Pinex ia a
most valuable concentrated compound of
genuine Norway pine extract combined
with gusiacol and other natural healing
pine elements.
There are many worthless imitation
of this famnua mixture. To avoid dis
appointment, ask your drwreist for "2V4
minces of 1'lnex," and do not accept amy
thing else. ... ....
A guarantee of absolute satisfaction,
or monev promptly rfunded, goes with
this preparation. Ths I'inex Co., Ffe
Vayne, Ind.
AS3AR girls in Omaha
V r
Thursday, February 11, 1915.
1 T
ill ba delighted to learn that tba time-
honored cactora, tha daiay chain procession, which haa always been
distinct feature, of Vasaar'g graduation day ierclsea, Is not to b
A scheme was launched a year Mto to do away with this spectacular
class day exercise and to arrange an elaborate garden fete In Its place.
This characteristic event Imbibes the very atmosphere of the closing
day celebrations, so when it was announced that this year th traditional
exercise would be abandoned, a protest quickly arose and the scheme was
deafeted. So the daisy chain, will be held next June.
The Vassar club of Omaha, which is keenly interested in the doing! of
Its alma mater,, includes Mesdames W.-'C. 8hannon, Frank Crawford,
Warren Black w4l, N. P. Updike, Isadora Zlegler, Arthur Outou, C. "W.
Poynter. Samuel Rees, Jr.; Arthur Rogers, Llyod Osborne, and the Misses
Hilda Hammer, Elizabeth Bmca and May Copeland.
Wedding Announcement.
Miss Ann Taylor and Mr. Alfred Old
dings war quietly married Tuesday even
ing at the home of the groom'a parent.
Mr. .and Mrs. V. H. Olddlnga. Rev. M.
V. lilgbee officiated. Misa Taylor la tba
only daughter of Me. and Mrs. James
Taylor of Rlverdale, Neb. Mr. and Mra.
Oiddtnga will reside la Omaha.
The wedding of Misa Lulu Watt daugh
ter of Mrs. Bamtlel Watt, and Mr. Hiram
C. llnuKhton, of Red Oak, la., was cele
brated Wednesday evening at the rectory
of All Saints' church. Rev, T. J. Mackay
offiulAted. Mr. and Mra. Watt left last
evening for a western trip and will be at
home after July 1 In Red Oak. Ia.
msn'a club, aad haa given much time to
Mr. Hewitt was formerly of Lincoln,
where he graduated, ia the. law depart
ment of the Nebraska university. H
fa now practicing law In Eugena, Ore.,
where the young couple will make
their home.
Mr, Hewitt and hla bride leave for th
west and will visit th exposition at fian
Franclsco before going to their . new
The out-of-town guest wer Messrs.
Edwin- Hewitt of I Molnee, Bamuel
Hewitt of Portland, Ore., and Mlsa Lucy
Hewitt of Lincoln. -
official Virginia hostess at
1915 San Francisco fair.
Dnrell-Eiley Wedding.
A very pretty wedding last evening was
that of Miss Martha Lillian Riley, daugh
ter of '. the lata Mr. and Mr., Andrew
Riley, ., and Mr. Erneat Milton Durell,
which was celebrated very quietly ' at
the home of the bride on Georgia avenue.
The ceremony was performed In th
living room before an improvised altar,
v.hlch waa profusely decorated - with
palms, potted plants, Interspursed wttn
Klllarney rosea, llltee of th valley and Ram Werthelmer,
narcissus. Miss Loretta Dellone, harpist, ?"mf T5n"
, Give Her
Happiness Content
Huebands you-rea.Hr. what a bless
ing it In to have a- happy ontent4
wife. Why not do everything possi
ble to keep your wife soT
1 Buy Her
A "Whirlpool" , .
Sanitary Dishwasher
Watrh the smile of hspplnen rsdl
aie her face. la nulhlng a
woman baton so iniicli m.u to dri'.lut
over lnt steaming grenxy dlsli water
three tltnea a day. She rtilns lisr
I h i) i) . couiplbXlon atut ll ip(ittt.iii.
Jircuti-a elm rsn't use watr h't
enisiiKh to destroy pnrsKltes and (liatl
cloths bre-d contusious surma.
Seven Minutes
Time He quired
To wash sterilise dry the dishes
no matter htpt many If a Whirl
pool'" t-.aiiUu.iv lilsli Wsshnr Is la
your hoiii,. ltrlnti our wifa and sea
a practii'itl demonstration of tld
womiejful llm saving machlna.
Itemonetrsttoa Sally.
Bring Till Ad Get lo CUoOUSt.
Writ (ox oskte.
Ybone Dotia- 131L 1110 FarBaia fit.
Basciss Parties Tonight
1 Th Coronado club will give a dancing
party this evening - at Chambers' acad
emy. ThS.Pagalco Dancing club will enter
tain at th Metropolitan club tonight
Th members of th Thursday Evening
Subscription Dancing! club will meet at
the Metropolitan hall thla evening. Th
member include all those formerly be
longing to th Just-for-Fun club. Th
members are:
Messrs. and Mesdames
Harry Felsheiraer,
I.H V T.' . . I . I .
.l. . . i ..lJ nils, roi Ls. UGKTL.
is)ra in. Lwiicnann weauina nuicn ana t. Z4tsier. . Wtlli.m ui.m
'O, Promise M" during the ceremony. . I Henry Rosenthal. Louis Hliler.
Rev. Father McCarthy of fiL Water's Ni.ManJ1' Arthur Lauudauer,
church officiated. ' . i -"''
The bride waa lovelv in a sown of white I Messrs. Messrs
crepe charmeuse. The aklrt was la ruf- Morl?r lln'r Roeendale,
. .... I r rea Hern, liiirrr t,oets.
ilea flounces and maaa round length., and Jerome Mevn. Kdwln Klrsehbraua,
ttie Dotsice waa or silk net. elaborately r ran a teoeti, Ninon uvmsstone.
irimmnd with nA n..rta ' Umr .iiu .n -onn. Meruert Arnsteln.
was held in place with real orange bios- Informal Dinner
which belonged to her mother.' She oar- -,.n 7 i ' .w,
rled'a shower bouquet of brldW roses fr., mm it inn r .. n
1,11 .1 i, ... 1 v.",.
'r- house est.v Rnrini flow.r. wilt
""e iniey, sister oi vm onoe, M,-r. th. tsbU nd th. wtn h-.
wh ma nisia oi nonor. rne wora a gown I ,. mnA ulim,L.
of white charmeuse embroidered la gold I Hsrry V. Borkley, T.J. Mahoney,
passementerie. Hh carried a ahowar bou-l Mra, u. hiii.
quet of pink sweet peas.
Mr. Homer O Bhe. was beat man and Jjew, from the Wayfarer,
.. "r. rWv.,r . m . Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McVana
V. . 1 Mourning at Escalator Springs. Ma
r. iwnaaon. an aunt or tit bride. Mr. .nd Mra. J. B. Rahm. Mra Euawna
was gowned la black lace made over I Duval and Miaa Alice Duval are guests
wniie cnarmeuse. Mra Cornelius Riley . t the Aleut, hotel In Rt- Aususttns Tim.
wor g gown or American beauty crepe I Registering at Ilotal McAlplae. New
In chine and carried an arm bouquet of York City, from Omaha during th last
American oesuiy rosea. I wee nav been Messrs E. BtolBport, K,
A wedding supper followed th cere-1 W. Hall and John F. Btout.
mony for the guests, who were only the
members of the Immediate family. Th I Appear In Concert.
table was decorated with large baskets The Misses Cora arid Haiel Evans left
of Klllarney roses. (today for Des Moines, .where Miss Haoel
Mr. and Mra Durell have gen south I Bvans will appear In two eonoerta ia
on their wedding trip and will be at homo Ith I Moines Auditorium tonight and
In a few weeks at the Fontenclle hoLel. Friday. The young women will then go
Mr. Frank Burkley.
Dealer All Along Highway Prepar
ing for Entertainment of Thou
sand of Visitor.
Auto row is one of the busiest
places In Omaha just now. Every
body from proprietors to Janitors of
the auto shops is working night and
day to get things ready for the visit
of the 3,000 dealers and 8,000 pros
pective purchasers of autos, whom
Manager Clarke Powell expects to
come here next week from all oyer
Nebraska and adjoining states for the
big Auto show.
"It's going to be a big thing tor Omaha.
as well as for all auto dealers, owner
and prospective buyers." Powell
'Besides bringing tn thousands of high
class visitors, who will see our city and
go away boosters, the show means busi
ness of all sorts for Omaha business men,
bav been given In the evening. Prof.
Holbora will speak on 'The Scriptur of
th Fourth Century."
For the Future.
The regular weekly chicken pie dinner
will be given by th women of the First
Presbyterian church, Friday from 11 :
m. until 1 p. m. In the church parlors,
The Daughters of Isreal X?3 society
will give a dancing party at Chambers'
academy Sunday evening.
Mrs. Franklin Bhotwell will give
valentine party Friday afternoon In honor
of her small daughter, Margaret. There
will , be thirty little girls present
In tnd Out of the Bee Hive.
Mlsa Rhea Baumley, now of Los An
gelea, but formerly of Omaha, left Sun
day. February 7, for her California home.
after a month's visit with Mrs. Isabella
Drake. ;
Mlsa Rva Bench left yesterday for
Orlando, Fla., where she will remain dur
ing the balance of the winter. Sh goes
by way of New Orleans and will vlalt
there during the Mardt Oraa festivities.
Pa Taa
with Every
outside the business that will be don on
auto row."
aek Meek of lslli.
Every dealer on th rew la getting In
a fresh stock of cars ana supplies, ana
msny modal aad articles will Im shown
In store rooms, ss there Is .not room
enough for all In the Auditorium exhibit
space. In fact, although the Auditorium
will noun th big, main show, every vis
iting dealer and customer Is liable to
spend mors of his time-on the row, look
ing over the complete line shown there.
Blnee the last show four firms have
completely remodeled their bustnoas quar
ters th Mitchell, Jeffery, Apperson, Ne
braska Bulck and Overland-Omaha com
panies. Kins new concerns bavs Joined
the Auto Show association since last year.
Including th Fred C. Huffman. Murphy
O'Brien, W. T. Wilson. Mclntyre and R,
E. Davis companies, - which have opeped
up new plates of business recently. Only
Wednesday night ths Standard Motor Car
company (opened up, with Carl Ch ang
strom of Des Moines In chargs.
Bitten by Dog Lad
"Slept Upside Down"
Joseph Bataglla, I years old. whose
father is plaintiff In a suit In Judge Es
telle'a court against Mra Minnie Buua,
1104 South Sixth street, on the ground that
the lad was bitten by her dog, testified
of the pain he suffered as a result of
the Injury.
He wss ssked If he was able to alt
"I had to sit on half the chair," the
little boy replied.
"How did you sleep?" he was asked.
"Upside down," said Joseph. .
Get competent help through The Bee.
Railroad employes st ths headquarters
ar going to get s half holiday tomor
row. Lincoln's birthday. The offlcee wilt
does st noon.
Tae Best" Med let e for Coagka
The first dose of. Dr. King's New Dis
covery helps your cough; soothes throat.
Oct a bottle today. fOc. All druggists.
Gilbert M. Hitchcock and J. Franklin
Fort of New Jersey are to be the speak
ers at the Omaha club Monday night.
February 22. when the club will hold Its
annual celebration In commemoration of
the birth of George Washington. This
will be the 183d anniversary of ths birth
day of Washington: ,,'.'
Fla Faalt
bodyt '
An Irritable,' fault-finding disposition
often . due to a disordered stomach. A
man with good digestion if learly always
good natured. .A great mnny have been
permanently 'benefited by Chamberlain's
Tablets after years of suffering. These
tablets strengthen the atomach and en
able it to perform Ita function naturally.'
Obtainable everywhere.-Advertlsment.
Recent Affair.
Mrs. E. Paulson waa hosteas thla week
at the meeting of the Tuesday Afternoon
C hina club, lhose present were;
W. . lloiighten.
U. W. llsrlinaii,
Mesdamsa .
Lr'J,k. 'nnlnghoff.
A. C. JmIIsou, .
O,' Moore.
A. Jtlanrhard,
T. t fullen.
K Hmyth.
H. J. Bohncldera,
from sufferipe means true hap.
pineas. The trouble due to indi
gestion and biliousness, ia remoed
quickly, certainly and aafely tj
Joeoph Joiinson.
W. J. Cusb'k.
J. J. Walker. -K.
T. PaulS'io,
O. D. Talbert,
J. U. Bruuilt.
Mia T. J. O'Brien gav a luncheon, fol
lowed by an Orpheura party, Wednesday
The P. J. C, a Central -High school
club, gave a bobsled party on Wednesday
evening. Mr. and Mra. Raymond Cross
man entertained and chaperoned ths
crowd. The guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. ltaymond Crosstngn.
Misses Mlsaea
Helen olsen, . F.ihrl (kinnan.
Helen Wlnctalr, Mary Madann,
Florenco Anderson, Pauline Davla.
Neoina Lowe, Dorothy Pogua.
Adalyne Kolladny, Marlon Jones,
I on to Ames, where they will spend Sun
day with their brother, who Is at school
Fiaa Art Lecture. '
Prof. I. B. Stoughton Holbora, xtenslon
lecturer for Oxford snd Cambridge unl-
versltlra, will give the last of a series of
lectures on "Greek Art" before the Omaha
Society of Fin Arts Friday afternoon at
4 o'clock at the Toung Women's Chris
tian association. Attention Is called to
i th ohang In time, as'the other lectures
' Over 2,100 new accounts were opened
with Omaha retail establishment during
th month of January, according to J.
W. Metcalfe, secretary of the Associa
tion of RetaCers, who submitted report at
the meeting at noon. Mr. Metcalfe added
that he believed the opening of th new
aocoun's signified growth in Omaha's
population, especially as most of th
reference turned In wer from out of
th city. MetcaJfe also reported that he
had received 1.(9 calls for information.
. V. Parrish of the Commercial club
addressed the meeting and advised the
retailers In order to encourage stop
overs In Omaha by easterners gotpg to
the exposition, that the retailers adver
tise Omaha and ita virtues In the east
ern dailies.
i t ?
Slj ljtrt.- JW e'Aey flewM in (As Wmrii
1 ! -
.' i f . i
fhou B.
'.Alt aoa rariuua.
kmiiu s. Haidritfe Bldg.
St llofL IM) (!l.
I i ,tt"' 'i r-i' tuTimnntr
a cadi::.! y
(l K l.ov ) i'i.tit.-.j to the
' - ! .1 i. atl(ii). f. csti
It bl il, , M i,.-Sv Mil l-
'J 1.1 A( ' 4ll i , the fl..l
iff--,, ...: boys and
" I Ley lieed.
5 " - Li u i iii time to
r i. t.yru. ion tliOi.e
li IVW AT. li,
Kinma lirenuneoei).
Klittore Ltailey,
Norris Ogle, '.
Percy Dh1xII,
Frank Hunter
Kloyd paynter.
William Boyer,1 '
Richard frirady. .
I .a Verne Kvereon,
Willtam Campen,
H d fctmrnermsn.
Birthday Party.
Mr. and Mrs. C'hsriej A. Jenson enter
tained at their home, North Twenty-
seventh avenue. In honor' of the twenty-
seventh birthday of Kdwgrd M. Fleming,
Tuesday evening. Those present were:
Mahe!ie Massey,
i. rare tiros an,
Mdna llailun.
Anna KJim.
Jack Muk v,
lioril .Maton,
li. Kk.
A. B. Krtuy,
Frank Murphy, ar.;
YA MiH'ormlck,
Howtu-tl Mason
It. 11. Kerkowlt-h.
J. II. Hnall of
Cil sun.
R. II. fcbersteln.
Oracs Klemlng,
Hula a Pearson,
nna Anderson. '
ffliMbeth Peterson.
Alex Cainphell,
Charles bituanick,
J. 1L lladeu.
Fi ank Kltia.,
Charles Juily,
W alter Conroy,
K.tifar tAt(ty,
Krrd Hushes.
b f ....
1 olit.
Luncheon at Hotel Loyal.
Mra Earauel and Mra. Iuia Potnmerl
entertained at a beautufllly appointed t
oVliK-k lmchon today at th I total 1
lujai in ivonor of Mra Samuel Cohen I
or ianucsn, Ky. The guests were I
seated st small tables and each Waa I
d.vorated wltb quantltiea of rd rose I
snd aeiragus fern and Valentin novel
ties. Auction brldse followed the lunch-
on and aixty guests Were er.tertajned.
The out-of-town guests were:
Mesdsniee MeiHiunea
Hnititiel Cohen, J. Newman
11. t-ot'uiiwr of Moui City.
vt CliKhgo.
Hswitt-Gutlirie Weddhi?.
The wedding of HU Uargarel Quthrl
and Mr. lrenasua Hewitt of Kugene, Cr ,
took place at the honte of the bride's
iMtrfnte tills afternoon at i o'clock. The
reroimmy will be performed by Dr. D. K.
Jeijklns of the I'nlverslty of Ouvaha.
Tr.a we1jlng will be a very quiet af-
f,lr olr tk a recent ' death In the
sroou's family, and only relatives will i
te i n b. -it. Alias Uuthrie Is a graduate
of ii.-H Hall and the I'nlverslty of
Nt-i.-i act., and tauKttt fur two yeam at
set d9 apart for us to favor tlis
"girl cf our dreams'" witK a token of
cur dep regard. TK Letts? tK
li, tK bsttair ths deed! You
coulJ sslext tutKiru more fitting tKan
ricK, delicious, pure cg Cream, for .
it rwU to tK rwawt and o) to
tKs oyous, . Dut, for your own sals,
Lt ur to ask foe
1 f
Tnif Tj iiLj-
1 .Vwy CI
A '"JojliKl" on ths HosJ to HappLvr
WilMl P( -(Wl
r Q -fl f tt1
"XSwn &
l,i-l.a. I
1,1 .r
V.- I l-. ri!ty of .(iiiiMi.a. tt. 1 a.
j j r. nam ut nn intji-r of tne tw,a Wo-J