THE BEE: ' OMAHA, FRIDAY. FEDttt'AUY 12, VMX 3 Nebraska CITIES SUGGEST CHANGES League of Municipalities Propose! that Provision Be Made in Case of Municipal Ownership. WATER POWER, IS DISCUSSED Nebraska. (From a FUff Correspondent.) , MNOOLN. Neb., Feb. ll.-(8peclal.r-Tha Umu of Nebraska &taniclpalltls today rerominendcd changes In several Fills fcefore tha legislature, chief - tmnnl which is H. R. No. UTi, Railway Commls alonr Hall's bill, "requiring a certificate of necessity and pnhllo convenient from tha State Railway commtslon, before a corporation ran set up business. It was recommended that aftnr the wor1, "cor poration," In this bill, the. words "not municipally or publlcally" owned bo In serted and that the following be added: "Nothing in thla act shall affect or apply to municipally or publlcally owtied cor porations." ' ' At tt Pnlii Matters. Ia 8. F. No. 21. relating to a threo flfths petition of front foot property owner in paving districts, amendment waa asked to permit the council to sstab- J . liah arbitrarily a paving district, whera It deemed such irftprovarnont necessary, and that after due notice, had been given pro party owners, to procaod with, such 1m - rTOvement unless petition by a majority of the property owners. It Ja also recom mended that In paving the Missouri law be followed, which permits a majority j of the property owners In a district to foroe paving, regardless of whether they 'own a majority of. tha foot frontage; ' meaning pure numerical majority rula. Ffrcaaea's Injartc. ' It is recommended that senaU file Noa. U and S be amended so aa to require an Injured fireman to file claim for damages within sixty days after such injury, and to file also a certificate of such Injarjr from the fire chief. , Water Power Development.,. Water power development-" to up the time of " the second day's session,' Joe . Burnt and Tom Hall getting Into the ring sarin. Representative Wright of Fremont went on record as opposed to water site development, declaring that If there were such profits In It aa is claimed capital would not have hesitated this long. ' ., ,CnsttattoaaI Convention. Attorney General Reed appeared- before the convention and argued for a .constitu tional convention. Ha also declared that tb state, through his of floe was consid ering assisting Wyoming In the United , States supreme court in lis fight against . Colorado over the use of water on Inter . state streams Mr. Reed, declared that ' the penny-wise and pound-foolish policy - of the state was hindering proper develop ment, citing an incident that the state of ficers were handicapped by the lack of proper health. - - ' Senate Places Chiropractic Bill ; on General File (From a Staff Correspondent.)-' 1 tJ NCOLN, Neb.. Feb. ll.-(PpeclaI T1e- ram.) After a warm dlacuaalon this morning oyer Senate File No. 36 by Beal ofc-Cneter. ' recognlilng the profession of chlropractlcs. the snate voted to place the bill on general file by a vote of ; to 11. Bygland, Grace, Howell' kahnera, Qulnby. Ruden, Sandal!. Fhumway. Wtar tier and both. Wilsons v6ted against the bill. Dodge end Bedford were absent Brookley In a warm speech called the gal lery for attempting to Influence legisla tion by applause favorable to the bill, but voted to place It on general file. Nebraska ' Fart of Band Term Away.. STAPLETON. Neb Feb. 11. (Special.) OUver Dubry. .son. of, a farmer. Who lives near here, had part of his right hand torn away by the accidental discharge of a shotgun which he was attempting to put into a wagon while holding it by the muxsle. 1 . . I . v , Fear Expressed Banker Is Dead (From a Ptaff Correspondent.') 1 UNCOliNrf Feb. 11. (Special Telegram.) Fears are entertained here tonight that Joseph Armstrong of Omaha, who had a hearing before the ' governor' this after noon In the matter of an application by the governor of Arlsona for extradition papers on charge of embeiilerrvnt, has committed suicide, and tha matter, has been placed In the hands of .the ' Lincoln police, who are working on the case, t y Armstrong, who Is - cashier of a bank m Arizona, left : there , for Omaha last week, taking with htm about S-W.ono inse curities. He claimed to the governor that it was for 1 the ' purpose 'of . disposing' of them that he might maka up the defi ciency In the bank. However.- aa soon as the papers were granted by Governor Horohtad, Armstrong left the office with out his coat and has not been, seen since. It waa thought he hsd returned to Omaha, but when It waa discovered that he had left his coat. Sheriff Howe of Ok lahoma, who waa to take charge of the banker, became alarmed, as Armstrong had talSed of dying on the way from Omaha, add Is fearful that he has mafe away with, himself. ' WIFE OF EDITOR DUNDAS ' ' . OF AUBURN IS DEAD ATTBTJRN, Neb., I Feb. it (Special) Wealthy Dundas. wife of John H. Dun das, editor and proprietor of the Granger, died at her home this morning, aged 1 years. Mrs. Dundas has been in falling health for some time, but was not gener ally thought serious, and her death was a great shock to the community. She Is survived by her husband and two sons and two daughters, all of whom. have reached their -majority. Mrs. Dundee is one of the best known and, best loved members of the community and took a; keen Interest in Its affairs. , Notes .from Beatrice. r : : , And Gage CoUnty , ' BFJATR1CE, ' Neb., Feb. 11. (fpecla.) Sherlft Aoton went to DeWItt Wednesday In- company with Henry XTntMe, .who- is being) held here on the charge of com plicity In the robbery of Bonehrlght , Bunta's store at Cortland January '. SO. where they, unearthed some i more silk gr-ods arid other . articles taj(n from the store. . Vntlde was given- an' opportunity tt fettle his business affairs at DeWItt and was brought back and lodged In -the city. jail, - i ; ' ; . Mrs. v Mary Dewey, aged : SS years, dl4 here Wednesday afterfioon. ' fehe Is sur vived by four daughters.. The 'body was taken to Kills ' today for Interment, ' William Marsh.a pioneer of tba C)a tohla vicinity, died in a local hospital afly Wednesday morning, aged SS-years. He la'tunived by five oh lid reft. vt,-1 Mrs. Mary . Cain. . probably t he , nlctyrt Woman In Gage county, died at. her hofne four miles southwest Of' liberty, Wednes day, aged H years. ' She had beeen a resi dent of Gage county.' tor . nearly f6ry years and M survived by, oft sen ,' and four daughter. ' . ,' , George M. Cola of Sedille. Mo., lad Hiss' Emma Vaught were ; cnaried on Wednesday st the Home of the bride tr parents, Mr. and Mra ir. S. . Vaught. They will make their home In Sedalla. Miss Anna Marlow, tied 4S y4rs. died at her home la thla .city ' Wed needSy morning' after 'a prolonged Illness. ; ;. v. -r i --; Y ' ', . , Jfewe -Voteo of Itdgar. ) .'-y'' ZOAtt, Neb.; Feb. ll.-Speclal.)-th annual Edgar farmers' Iristltuta was held In? the opera house yesterday afternoon end last night. Rev. V. . E. Shirley of Nelson , spoke in the afternoon On' "The Breeds of Chickens" and M.-W. O'Donnell on "The Vnsoundness 6f Horses." Mies Frances Wyman of Lincoln gave a sew ing demonstration and a lecture en 'Practical Hints on Houae Dressmaking" to the , w,omen in Fraternity ' hall. The following officers were elected: President, Barney Kollman: ; vice pmaldent. Ward Staay; secretary, Stewsrt Gait; treasurer. Guy rhelpe. Miss Sadie Carr, author of "Golden Rod" and assistant on the staff of the Rdgar Ftwt, has purchased the D. B. Hart residence- property, whera she and her mother will make then home,. , ... , . Bvokeax Bow Rejeeta Sewer Bonds.1 BROKEN BOW, Neb., Feb. It (Bpe-i etal) The .proposition to vote 'sewer; bonds In the sum of C7.O00 came up at a special election Tuesday of. this week and was defeated by a majority of 141' votes. The total vote cast was 427.. Ouch! Pain, Pain.v , Rub Rheumatic -Aching Joints r Rheumatism It -"pain " onlt.'? ' Not 'one case In fifty requires internal treatment. Stop ' drugging. Rub soothing, penetrat ing "St? Jacobs Oil" right Into, your sora stiff, aching joints and muscles, .and ; re lief comes ' Instantly. . "St. Jacobs Oil" Is - a harmless rheumatism cure which never . disappoints and i can1 not burn the skin. .. -. . v .... v V Limber up! Qutt eompialziingl ( Get a small trial, bottla of .old. -honest ."St Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and in just a moment- you'll'. be free from rheumatic pain, soreness, stiffness.' and r swelling. Don't suffer! .Relief awaits . you. "St. Jacobs Oil" 'baa cured millions of .rheu matism sufferer 'fa the .'last, half cen tury, and. Is Just as good, for- sciatica; neuralgia, .lumbago, backache, sprains. Advertisement.1 .' ' ' i " Nebraska . Xlgbf reeah Melteved. Dr. Beirs Pmo-Tar-Honey eases your cough, ' soothes ,e lungs and Invites kleep. Only S5o. Advertisement. New High Scfceot at Barwetl. BURWKLU Neh.. Feb. 11 Special.) The new I high school building recently erected, at a eost of 130. 0W wss dedi cated last night. A program consisting of addresses by members of the board and faculty end song and -tsarclses by the pupils wss given, after 'which there Were two basket ball games and a basket supper. The proceeds ofxtha' supper will go to furnish the 'gymnasium. The new. building will relieve the con gestion in the grade school so that moch better work may be done, Burwell now uses eleven teachers and two mora prob ably will be engsged the coming year. Nebraska Jaokson.Rules. 7 j Action Aimed at , i Senate Improper (From a sff Correspondent-) ' LINCOLN, Fsb. .lt.-P.aeclsi.)-f peaker Jackson took the, bit In Ma teeth this morning and ruled out of order the action of the houaa yesterday. In committee of the whole placing all senate fllesat the bottom of the list In . retaliation of the senate defeating the normal board Mil, aa contrary to-the .rules and conld not be dona in committee of the whole. Colfes Lets BrldgO Poatrart. SCHUTLEB, NeK. Feb. U.ffperla.)- The noara or commissioners reieivei bids for the budding of bridge In Ootfai county for. IMS from the following com panies: Klkhorn ' Construction company, r.lkhart Bridge snd Iron company. Mon arch : Engineering company,, Western Brides and Comstructlon company and Vlncennls Bridge company and awarded the contraot ta the Elkhom Constnictirxt ccmpany of Fremont, Neb., fV-r the ninth eonsenitlve year. The eatimate for the year la tX.OOn. County Treasinr M. F. Shonka ap pointed Georg W. Smith as deputy county treasurer for two years. These Fleeted eaHeemt. . FONCA. Neb., Fe. ll.-Speolal.-The county Board of Supervisors at their meeting Wednesday elected Prof. Roy Oiasa of Dixon county superintendent of schools to fill the vacancy raused by the resignation of A. V. Teed, who has been appointed aseletant state auperlntendenU Prof. Chase enters upon the duties of the office on Februsry SO. . Here Banks Consolidate. HEBRON. Neb, Feb. lL-(Sperl.) The First National bank of this city dis posed of its banking Interests yesterday to the Hebron State bank. The new or ganisation will be Frank Sloan of Geneva, preskleat; W. H. Rhodes of Hebron, cash ier. The rest of tha officers hero not been chosen. , Gross, Feverish, Sick Children Need "California Syrup of Figs" Your ; child Isn't naturally cross and peevish. See If tongue la coated; this Is a' sure sign that Its little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't at,' sleep or act naturally, has sour stomach, . diarrhoea, remember a gentle liver and bownl cleansing Should always be the first treatment given. v Nothing equals "California, Syrup of Figs" for children's Ills. Olva a teaspoon ful and In just a few hours all the foul waste, ' sour Nle and fermenting fyd, clogged In the bowels, passes out of the system and you have a well and playful child again. All children leva this harm less fruit laxative and It never falls to effect a good "Inside cleansing. Durec tlon for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on each bottle. Mother, keep It handy ta your home. A little given today snves a sk'k otuid tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist- for a SO cent bottla of "Call, fcrnla Syrup of Figs." Then look, and see that It Is made by the "California Fig' yrup Compsny." Ws make no cheaper alse. Don't be fooled. AiMWorth, Nebraska, "August 20, 1914. Bankers Life Insurance Company, : ',". . . , Lincoln, Nebraska, ( ' ; 'Gentteiaen: . ' - ' ' . r v, - ' This letter is to acknowledge receipts of your check No. 35781 for $1,574.92, just handed me by your special agent, J. H, Boasen. This is . the full cash surrender value on a $1,500.00 twenty payment , policy which matured today, -t , . . .; V. ' -' It is indeed.very gratifying to me to find after.having twenty years of the safest kind of protection without cost, , to- receive a , profit of ..' $460.32 on my. savings. , ; ) - After having twenty years' experietce with thisliplondid company," my advicST rvould be to all persons seeking life insurance, to buy old line insurance and I know of no better company to place same with than the Bankers Life of Nebraska. . My only regret is that my policy was not a TWENTY PAYMENT LIFE POLICY Matured in tr Old Line Backers Life Insurance Company v . of Lincoln, Nebraska i n Nam ...... . . ... .... .Frtdriick 8. Kiniier Itenldmc , k . . . . . Ainsworth, Nehr. ' , Amount of rollcy ...... ...... (1,500.00 Total Premlnma ... . . ... f 1,1 14.0O larger one. Yours truly, F. S, FINNEY. fiETTLEMEJJT Total Cash Paid Mr.'Fintier, ..... l,5T4.Ba And 90 Year Inauranca (or Nothing Ask the, man who owns one of our policies. ' I - i We want you for an agent. ' f u Writd us. : Assets, $3,900,000.00 I i I U lill m p. : - -'- "."t '' ''' '" z Q ' V "i St . T; . 1 f. u .v. , j ' ify Pi) H . i , n rt i i v t f i y . . i n n m f m wmmmm m m mm . Baby Grand , Model Five-Passenger, Tourics, ' $375. MONROE MODELTvo-paBsenc;er, .roadster, a beautiful, roomy, powerful automobile;-a ral cav at a Teasotiable, pricp. Built to give service. - Averages 30 miles to the gallon of'gaso ; , line. 'Has streamline body, left-side drive, center control, the . famous Chevrolet valve -in-hend motor and all r js 'Jf9- the conveniences found in high-priced carb rZ.u'i 1 ' electric lights and alj... )v. ROYAL MAIL MODEL Two-passenger roadster a car far ahead of anything on the market, even at higher prices.' In power, quietness, simplicity and sturdiness of construction -it cannot be surpassed. Handsome, rjromy, fmm i streamline body, with modern refine- ' y ' ments. .v ........ .'. . . . . 7. . .". . BABY GRAND , MODELFive-passnprer touring, a typical Chevrolet product, combines grace, beauty and comfort, with " strong construction, including the powerful, quiet Chevrolet motor. Long experience and large factory pro- C fy Ti duetioil alone make it possible at the 4T Jt " "AMESBURY SPECIAL" Built to meet the demand for a , "classy," up-to-date roadster, with foreign tpe body found A on no other car at anywhere near the price. Very rooniyand . comfortable, with unique dust shield and top, and spacious -compartment at rear of seat. Painted French gray, with gren yamui ivmuvr upooisrenny ana mcxei iruu- C mings. Price, including electric lighting and PjSa ; tKeiwhole Stow building will yoti firtd handsome lines,1 Equality materials, ; - expert workmanship and fine iimslY at stich-modest prices as in the Chevrolet -..Yv The rld-f W - ingajte of each . : y y ; ' A "7 fMA:.;M : L: " : t-J i If Hi 1 r-v X r"V it r r 9' "f 'e was.-. LnJ idL ;y iJQKUJ f j , V;: 1J ; plicity, stardincss W economy His not surpassed I .ssasl starting system N ............ Y .... . eslsBTsw3 Don 9t rn iss seeing this splendid line at the Sow 7b try one means yo u will buy one r IV, - . - - I ' i " ... ) ; yH , Monroe Model Two-Passenger Roadster, ZIZO. y)vS)' U Ar ' incorporated : , si i ... mm r . . i , . Ycu and your friends arc invited to make my booth your hcddquaricrs at thc showBoth 41 U;:CJU UUCJU UU- xjLU Y f i i .x