nn: OMAHA. FRIDAY, FEiBItlTAIlY 12, 1015. ATTACKING OREGOH PLA1I OFELECTIOH Wilsoh'i Measure Repe&linj Present Method of Election Exported Out of Senate Committee. rOB RECALL OP OFFICERS (From 4 Pfafi Correspondent) LINCOLN. Feb. 11. iPpeclnl Telegram.) rep.! of the Oregon plan for the flection of I'nlted Ftates senators met with th pprova! of - th house thl afternoon In committee of the whole. The action u takeit en mnte file N. M, by Wilson of Frontier. Should the bill pmi eventually. It will repeal the law requiring candidate for the lealnUture to pledge themselves for aitr particular candidate. . , t" Blll'fwr laU House roll No. JO. by Norrls. providing for the recall of all state efrieere, wa retorted out by the committee on constl-' tuttomtf amendment thla evening for pa r nice. . The Mil permit a recall of an officer upon a petltloa of 2 per cent of the voter. That da a far a It goes, as there I no provision for filling; the place at the-same eleotion and an election will have to be called In rase the recall car rira to fill the vacancy. For Mallet Re. Although Qulnby ot Douglas wa un-etir-cesaful In getting a recount of the ballot on the constitutional amendment before the Joint sesxlon when the legis lature canvassed the Tote, Hunter of th bouse delegation ha won a partial vic tory, th house committee this evening reporting; out favorably hous roll 800 by Hunter, calling for recount of the bal lots. I Child Labor Worker Delivers Speech to Health Officers (F"rom a Btaff Correspondent.). ,.! LINCOLN'. Neb., Feb. 11. (Bpeclal.) The granting; of an hour time to Ml J. J. Eschenbrenner, membership swore Ury of the National Child Labor as sociation, while two scheduled addresses rwere put over until a later time, got a rise" out kf B. B. llanna of York at the session of the State and Local. Health officers' meeting today. Dr. Hanna char acterized such an action by the board, "a the prize bonehead" and state a that lie wa sore tl)at such good time should be given to a discussion of a subject, -which bad no bearing on th work of the association, at all. Miss Eschenbrenner )oh at length on the work of the organisation In securing favorable legislation pertaining to the employment of children In the factories of the east and south, and asked th association to adopt a resolution ask ing congress to pan a uniform child, labor law, which wa done by the board. Aside from the add res of Ml Eschen brenner, Btate Superintendent ' A. C Thomas, gave the principal talk ot th day meeting. House Restores ': , , . Sqiiato Bills to r. :i - -Efeiilar Place (From ft Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN,. Fob. U.-Specl,) Wnen the lower house of th leglKlatur met Thursday morning. It proceeded to beak up the action taken th day- befor. send ing ail senate , bill to the foot of the general fii.v. Xt dlii this, without taking ' a formal vote of reconsideration, but merely on, a point of rrder that the mo tion Lsd oven offered and adopted Ir regularly In commlttoe of-he whot which rendered It tef a effect. Mr. Trumbie, more a ik than, any. think eisa, moved that senate file two, the lloweit bill, cots solids ting Omaha, fcoutu Cmaha,' DunJend Florence, be teten from the committee on e'.Uee and town and' placed at the bead f the suite file, Th fun U.rtud at oncew Sir. Norton insisted that th bill take It rrgular course, and Mr, Neglcy of Dong las cotmty, demanded that th people are Interested should be given a hearing before th committee. The nao (rn wee defeated. End Indigestion or. Stomach Pain in Five Minutes Time It! In five minute all stomach distress will go. No Indigestion, heart burn, sourneas or belching of gas, acid, or eructation of undigested food, no dftslae, bloating, foul breath or head ache. Pape Dtapepsfn 1 noted for It speed In regulating upset stomach. It I the urest,' quickest and most certain In digestion remedy In the whole world. and beside It I hsrmlces. Million , of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear they know Tape' TMapepsIn will save them from any stomach misery. ' Please, for your ak. get large fifty. cent, case of Pape'a Dispepsln from any drug tora and put your stomach right Don't keep on being miserablelife . Is too short you are not . here long, so mak your lUf agreeable. Rai what you Ilk and digest It; enjoy It, without dread of rebellion In the stomach. rape' Dlapepaln belong In your "home anyway. Should on .f he family eat something which don't agree with them, or In case of an attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia gastritis or stomach derange ment at daytime or during the night. It I handy to glv th quickest, surest re lief known. Advertisement. TO REDUCE LEGISLATURE Meaanre Ajain Fretted to Advan tage Cutting; Down Membership -in Lawmaking- Body. HAS 02TLY SLIGHT MAJORITY (From Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nob., Feb. 11. (Special.) Senator 8prk of Saline pulled a brand from the burning; thl morning When he again put hi smaller legislature resolu tion to a vot In th senate committee of the whole and thl time carried It by a margin of on. . ' The committee of th whole yesterday afternoon on a motion to put the bill on i It third reading, defeated. It by a margin of several votes. No motion to dispose of th bill was made at the time, however, I tisusly don and It was thus left open, although the senate thought that It had killed the bill. Senator Ppirk made another motion In the committee of the whole this morning to put th bill upon It third reading. The original bill called for a legislature with a hou of fifty member and ft sen-' ate of eighteen member, serving four- year term instead of two at present. It wa amended hi the committee) of the whole so a to Increase th number ot senator to twenty-five. Another committee of the whole amend ment make th session 100 day Instead of sixty day and pay the member no ft day. Thla would mak a salary of 11,000 Instead of on of Woo as at present. The second (notion to recommend th bill for passage carried by a vot of It to IK, there having been two absentee. Th closeness of th rot render th passaga of th bill on third reading still uncer- INSURANCE BILL KILLED Hi SENATE Senator Howell's Anti-Diicrimina-tion Meann Indefinitely Post poned After rig-lit on Floor. ATTACKS FROM TWO SIDES (from ft Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 11 .-(HpeclaU-Seflator Howell's antl-dlscrlmlnation Insurance bill, 8. F. at, waa defeated on third read ing In th senate today. Th bill had been recommended for passage earlier in th week In th commute ot th whole by a substantial majority. Th vote on third reading was, seven teen against th bill and thirteen for it Pens tor Bushe and Mallery led th at tack on th bill on the ground that It abolished competition In th Insurant- business.- Bplrk and Lahner Joined In on th ground that It hurt the. farmer' mutual. ' . Vot la Detail. Th vo.t wa a follows: ' Ayes: Bedford, Brookley, Rygtand, Dmhett, Catea, Henry. Howell, Kohl. Mattes, Filler, Ruden, Sandall and Spen cer la. . Nays: Beal, Btihrrrtan, ' Bushe, Grace, Hoagland, Klechel, Krumbach, Lahnsrs, Mallery,. Marshall,, Qutnby, Robertson, Hchumway, fn'rk, Weeener, Wilson of Dodge and Wilson of Frontier 17. Explanations of vote were numerous. Senator Bushe explained that he was opposed tho bill, a Its paxsasre meant the formation of a gigantic Insurance trust. Kansas had had such a law. hi explanation ran, and there, rate were from to to 75 per cent higher than In Nebraska. Further, he was opposed to the bill because none but Insurance agent were asking for It. To itlfl Competition. Senator Mallery of Box Butt deemed It th most dabgeroua bit of lea-lalatlnn yet offered In th senate. It title mis represented, he said, and Instead of being ft bill to prevent fire wast and equalise rates. It was a bill to tlfl competition a between the Insurance companies. He quoted a letter from an Insursnce agent, a former member of th legislature, la his support , ' , Senator flplrk of Mallna and ftenatA Lahner of Thayer saw in the bin hi directed at th farmer' mutual of th Mat. Th bill has been fn other lea-lalaturea paaslng one house sometimes, but never paseing Dom nouses. There I ft similar bill in th house at present. tain. ,1 Bill for flotation On Ballot is Saved (From ft Staff Correspondent.) ' IJNCOLN. Nb.. Feb. ll.-ftpeclal Tel. eg-vam.) H. T. C by Baunders, calling for the rotation t name on th gen- ml election ballot, a at h prinuu-y, tirsrly went to dWeat In the hous this afternoon and waa aavpd from death t.v Nearlny of Doujfiaa. wtus acnnde4 tie bill so It would only apply to' Doug la. county. Cronin ot Holt had voided the semnir sentiment -of the house, when r-e said that there was no call for turn anion except In Dougla and Lan caster counties. I . . Legislative . Proceedings MISS ROOT CF NORFOLK ... FI I ES D 1 V C H C . P ET1T) 0 U MADISON, Neb., Fb. ll.-Specl!.) Mr. Etnma B. Root cf Norfolk ha brought action In the district court for divero from her husband, Joseph I Root She allege In her petition as grounds for such action cruelty and non support They war married at Norfolk In 1.PJ. Mr. Hoot I ft plumber. The couple have two rhtldrwn, a eon and daughter. Mrs. Boot aah In addition to ft divorce, custody of the children and temporary and permanent alimony. No Monopoly Upon 1 , Veterinary Work (From Staff- Correspondent). LINCOLN. Feb. U.-(SneclaL)-AlmoBt alone and unaided. Representative Rei. nei of Thomaa county made a -valiant tight to aav hi bill which would , bar from practice all veterinarian In th tate who had not taken a re aula r e&uraa and passed an examination in profes sional tranche. Charge were made by opponent of th bill that th veterinari an f th tat were attempting to gat monopoly on h business by crowding out th less Kjrtunat brethren who had hot had th benefits of great ucatlon and long aervtc. The 'bill wa killed.. rv KEY STERILIZATION BILL Senate ', Committee of the Whole Agrees Upon modified Meaiare . Along Lines of Old One. WILL PROBABLY BE AGREED TO From ft Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Feb. 1 WSpecial. -A modi- fled sterilisation bill, ft substitute for th original bill, wa recommended for passage by the senate committee of th whole, today. . Th .committee substitute wa offered by Senator Shumway, Introducer of th original bill, a F. No. I. U said that It wa drawn by Superintendent Fast of the fUate Institute Tor Feebleminded at Beatrice by Superintendent Williams of th Lincoln hospital for th Insane and by Judge Howard Kennedy' of th Board of Control for state Institutions. Th new bill - eliminates anything compulsory about the operation, hut put ft premium upon It. in' that tt allow In mate In soma case , to gain their free dom by ubmitting to it Th opera tion must be performed In all ease upon th consent of the Inmate' next of kin and upon hi own consent insofar a he I capable of' giving It Th new bill applies to defective dis charged from th penitentiary, the feebleminded institute, the Insane asy lum, and th industrial school. A board of flv medical examiners I created. Th bill only applte to feebleminded and Insane inmate of state Institutional It doe not specify those criminally de fective, unless d facto they should be considered feebleminded a well a criminal. There wa no oppoHltlon to th substi tute bill. Generally th recommendations of th committee ot th whole ar fol lowed on third reading. Hunter Suggests , Pipe Lino Built By Two States (From ft Staff Correspondent) UNCOLN. Feb. ll.-Bpecial.)-Th building of a pipe line from Casper, Wyo., to-Omaha as ft iolnt entnrijrls by the state of Nebraska and Wyoming for th purposo of .transporting oil to thl state was proposed In th legislature Thursday In ft resolution offered by Representative Huntr f Douglas county. It call for a Una 600 mile, long and two feet In dia meter and capable of transporting 10,000, 000 gallons every twenty-four hour, at an estimated cost tof lE.OOO per mile. ' The resolution suggested that th gov ernors ot th two state arrang for ft Joint delegate convention to forward this project in order that Nebraska may be enabled to draw supplies of oil from tho Wyoming field without depending en railroad companies for It transportation and making thl tat independent of th Standard Oil company. A notion by. Mr, Blauser to taks the resolution was lost Under th rule th Hunter; resolution went ovet for two day HOUtE COM.'.imEE FAYOFii . NEW SUPREME COURT BILL (From a, Staff Correspondent.) , LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. lt-( Special Tel egram.) Th proposed constitutional amendment providing th election of su preme court Judge by district, waa re ported out by th house commute on constitutional , amendment thl after noon. . Th bill also provide for the divis ion of th court Into thre sections. Anti-Tipping Bill To Pass In House (From ft Staff Correspondent.) "LINCOLN, Teh. U.-(i5peclal.)-That the Hnstetler antl-ttpptng" -bill ha (enough backing 'to' pas Uie lowetf-iio'uee el .Uu legislature waa demonstrated thla morn ing, when it met all attack of It op ponent and rallied two-third of the member to It support In committee of the whole. Th bill rorblda th accept ance of tip by any employes in any rail road dining cars, ohtels, restaurants, barber shop, saloons and - other public plaoes. Th employe accepting tip are made liable to ft penalty. The bill orig inally mad the cbployer liable, but thl feature ha been changed 7iK rS LH- V. nm fpai4 1 Hesse. li. K. I '(jimlifli any forrlKn born (.-.r h Ifiiia lo comiieu hi .turll-x.i-.n t'i-ia to fVfn mi. ii. li. t.ji'.cairicii!! .rd of ai'tnmn-!-,.. i. a . "nuy n.aj..l al tiistil tu ltn an tur. , .... , ( . H. H. r.O. Taylor Wpuld set the', foe t'.t iiUijriuya. , liitss Ke la HnM, 1'. R. 3S-l'.r.uH fctnunc-ye ad ii, i, i.d tu r -j in" jmu!ji c-ii'it. Ay -. : re, i. 1L Kl, 1'.':!H Cci'inty. IeleMlon Al! t'Uir .f frutrl JUKlHe ' 'ml t twiirt it..ii liiUlfil '..ul rourts ill ' ' I . i it 1 j t, A . .y 1... V,... a. n.i! . li, 11. kj. tniiu) . tulLtit Jus- 1 ' tli J.r ui .D Jil.ull to llLS own -'v i'aaaaife. H. V. 1U. hirn of Kaln Provide for ii - -j M, -i:t ti loiiiiiuiwn fur aiuallsr i' . ... ii.t- iti four-)ar tern;, t . 71. 1m-- he! t;f e:nl Iro1,l f r I !.., I . i.o..j trim itt Irea than nine i t -! tf.aa t.V.11 IHIlll. wtiei i v -l ! ;! . ft a ini't aitvnd .a ji -i e I I-"' ( 'C t fti-.iai.a or rnuii ; . I . : t t y .( I :aiu-i'ruvide. f i at-M-. . i-.-i'4i.ea will coti- i .I rui ut ki t h a '-'ii.llis.a bEtvf f'):i i.i' ull:. f.,r tj .-ir i'tftran"si r ...u a 'o iiioiuutifju. iruusutuie Xor i . k. i-r.Kiltl-v .f Clay pjiia the '.. i., ' t - '..r i'i.irh .Wit pur1' In hin . t l.'.j'i lyj $i pr wek. V ' ' ' of !.,) - I' nuUtfa - ' f ''... '!. .i I .,.. ,; AI.1I-.1!- ' ' ' I I i t a d . (.. 1 Ifliai UCl-UIU ill Uiv iriiU The -vrlieat yield of tlie United States for 19H reached tlio cnormoiia figure cf nearly 900,000,000 bushels. ' . ' . ... .. . ' t . . 1 " . 'r Yet ia spite cf the -wonderful nutritive value of this grain, much of its value will, be lost as human food. "Why! r -. . ... Because many wheat products (white bread and many so called breakfast foods) lack the nourishing mineral qualities of tho 'grain found directly under the bran coat. Ttieso vital elements are thrown out with the bran-coat to make the flour white More and more, thinking people are waking up to thi3 fact, and are now obtain ing all the grain nourishment by eating - ' i - ,' - - v li I I ! - FOOD TliisfarnoTiR wheat pnd malted barley food, retains all the nutriment of the grain, including the rit h mineral values bo necessary in building brain, nerve and muscle. I Grape-Nuts ia nil foodno vaste! It is easily digested, andvilh cream or rnili: affords completa noumhment, at tts cost .than any other food. . " i Tliis, together with its dolicious fiivourfresh-scakd, has made Grape-Nuts a home-hold word the world over. . ' . ' '. "There's a Rcacon,, for Grape-Nub - llo raise in price bold by Grocers everywhere. Anti-Dopo Bill Passes tho Senate (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Feb. ' 11. (Special. Senator Brookleyt antl-dop bill, senate file No. t backed by th Omaha Commercial club and th State Druggist' association, pasted th senate this morning on third reading without ft single dissenting vot. Th bill regulate th sale of hablt formlng durga, providing thst they shall not b sold eicept upon prescription and thst a public record of thee prescription b kept for two year. GOVERNOR WILL. SUGGEST . . SPECIAL APPROPRIATION (From a flaff Correspondent) ' LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. U.-iPpeclal Telegram.) Juet after tho clone of the afternoon seeslon of the house today Governor Morehead held a consultation with about twenty house member an 4 In formed them that he would tomorrow end up ft special message asking for an emergency appropriation of B.W, tho sum needed by th railway commission to carry on th Joint railway rat rase now under Investigation. This wa don after a conference, with Chairman Clark of the commission over ft message sent by Clifford Thorn ot the Iowa commlsalon. urging the appropriation of th amount Governor Moreheafl Informed tho roenj ber that he desired th amount appro great Britain will HAVE MORE WAR NEWS LONDON, Feb. 11. The British govern ment ha capitulated at last to th In-, Istsnt demand for more new from the front. Prima Minister Asqulth promised today that arrangement would be mad to publish communications from Sir John Ftanchv tho British commander-in-chief, twice weekly. . - x. . THOMPSON, BELBEN & GO. - ; .' . An Exhibition of Millinery and Apparel Dresses for street wear and formal , occasions L Suits for travel1 and morn ing wear exclusive Fashions for Spring Suitable for Palm Beach, the Mardi Gras and the California Exposition Fridayi and Saturday : Apparel Section - - - Second Floor : 5 A saw not la aTpiinr Xllllnrr beeft. weeur 1 said to be tb waaxlns; of th hat forward oa th head, so that th hack of tb hair and neok are eea ia etlier worn, shape wCl be op aad away from th neok, in eontrart io the bats omiiur low dowa over th hair, ft we hav been wearlB- theta of lata. Thl yen will fin 4 Baaoft oooleT for th stuxu nr saonth. Thar 1 not aanoh trimming a feather or ribbon signal perohea en th dr of th brim or crows odd, tiny wheel, or eookad affect la tailored Oengette rlb bonsi ft email feather novelty of th salutary character, or a beautiful rreaon roe are eoaalderea snf fioleut for hat of th turban order. Kats of broader brlaa plotore type .will develop later I flowers aaft rlbboaa wtU A ased freely. ,. Qaalnt Bonnet shave are elUag ran. Idly ths most dresey ntodel whloh are low -oa eaeh ide o tho Xao like to .JUana of uo). ..... ,: , And, by th 'way, ntoh atyle are caU to be eomlag la for oonMrabl notlo thl sjoasoa. x . The New Millinery '; ' Beautiful Trimmed Hats se cured from the leading New ' K York and Chicago Modistes. ; A Iso our owft showing of Chic Models specialty triced. , v. $8ZS,$10 ,$1250 and $15 Remnant Sale of Embroideries Friday morning we will place on special, .sale . a,ll remnants of Embroideries in Swiss, Cambric, Nain sook, Edges arid Inser tions; also Flouncing; prices ' From 5c apiece to $3 White Goods Specials LINEN SHEETINCr 72-inch $1.75 Linen Sheeting, ... $1.50 a yard 81-inch $2.00 Linen Sheeting, - - - $L75 & yard 904nch $2.25 Linen Sheeting, , , , , $2.00 a yard ' ' ' ' ' ; ,4 .. . .. ' " ; NAINSOOK BY THE BOLT 17c 36-inch Nainsook,' . - " $1.75 a bolt ot 12 yards 20c ;S8-inch; Nainsook, ' :-$2.00 a bolt of 12 yards EXTBA SPECIAL UNDEEWEAR CEEPE 3,000 Yards White Underwear Crepe, 15c a yard nnnfor First Ka!f wu KSt, o for tell tdi"'on! slla therv f.er tr lh s.sUnci yoa 'rids. Wo ehtrjs lor call ins r re'uirsliij. WalUag Tlmo at Sat ef tUO Koar. "That's) Our fterviee" Telepboa Dong. t0. Uzti Tsxl Ssnrlc3 Go. 2104 Fa mam St. OMA1IA IF YOU ARE A DRINKING L1AN Tou had better stop at onco or you'll lose your Job. Every line of buslnam Is ciuin Its doors to "Drtuklns" men. It may be your turn next, by the aid of OKKINE thouaan.is o( nM have bn rrtored to lives of aobrl. ty and Induaary. We are so sure thatOUtUNK will bn fit you that we say to you that If after a trial you fall to est any benefit from Its uae, your money will be refunded. Vi ben you etop "Drink ln." think of the money you U have; teaidra. sober mro are worth more to their employers and set bift-her wa-c. COM) only II 0 a box. We hav aa lntereatlnr booklet about ORHINIS that w ere giving away frre on requtat- Calk at our store end talk It over, iierniaa ' KloCrnQell lru I'o, corner loth aad locie bt.. Owl Irua" Co. corner lath and liaraey blreet. PIANOS FOR RENT $3.50 a Month Tree "Funfair, rasuraaoe, Kttnol and Bcarf. Uln mouths . rest ' aUowed U r Cecla to par chase. ... c:::.::lle2 & mum PIANO CO. 1311-13 reraarn UU Deaf. D!OGl:.Vl-i Bexl Santera but tit up-t-data boalueM plan la Osaah c3 th 4rertlttig ol ttsua of TU lira. ANNTAL BANQUET On Saturday ' night January SO, 115 N. Z. 8nelU President ot TUB MIDWEST LIFE, gav th seventh annua banquet to th arenta and directors of this com pany. Porty-avo were Dresent. somo coming from a far away as Bayard and Bcottablurr. Th subject discussed wa nonpartlcl Dating Insurance, which was presented from various point ot view by Vt'm. Horley ot L'nlversltr Place, George Crocker ef Omaha. J. H. Mockett. Jr.. N. Z. Snail. II. J. Klrschstela and M. A. 11yd of Lincoln, Oeorg O. CYonkleton, Cashier ot the First National bank of Bayard, and also an agrot of th company, spoke on Life Insurance front a banker's stand point. Better becom aa agent of this company and attend the annual banquet next January. TiieMidwestLife N. Z. 8 NELL. PBlllDlVT . A KLSRASX4 STOCK COM?AKT sbjjx Koa-riinaraTiac un nccu-ia orit mil iurc.NL uxt lummc. Lracout OMAHA AtNCV CITY NATIONAL SANK BUII.DIN) CI"ltit setRTit I9I oecKia. AMI'IEHENTI. A fiight of Dig City Lifo wTth All RliilEi! At AH Omaha Thsaier at th ruurr ajhh uax, Fete and Grand Ball Omaha lodge So. ta. ' r n n Trtaatrloa! I. Li- iL M)hailMl la Isaa ai. A,.oc,,t,on CrmdcITkei!cr,fr,FeJj,12 Uncoloa Birthday. ",'"" " Tha at age. The Ballroaa J tok KOft Now fielllns; i et UUU rants at Principal Hotel Clear Btaade aa4 AH Ttiaatara. yrelimlaary Taoderlll Show at ttM Ctasa "A" Ail tho Way OMAHA'S XOIT TOWlOat. MAiAIAa VOtKOMMOW DOVD DIG Jin GAOOlTr rmla Kata. Born, Wd, Thara, Sat. as ISlght aae, oo. Added AW traaaoa Xvery erfrmaa. Xalea Kroner-Kerry Walker la latest aaaae Weok-A Woman' Wav XKtiiaf. Pally Hatlneo, t:ls eights, a :1a. aUkCaS kuj "OtSae aa: Th. Kir. U4'Ott7?AAt"' ." "- ABtt'SEMENTa. tisf, VCBDAT AMU Tuts OAT. MAT. lUlafiiT, CilAUflCCY OLCOTT sa "ta au-Ain or mot waa ex.- Ua., alurt.l Hidj.7, auriinx. trwla, lia.e Prica ' Hat.. OaL. 10c best seat fevoept sat. A Bun.). 2 bo. Ktahta. lc itta. o 24 oauvti ruar oraTim, Cmryriri ft iatiy tut. imim Aavthcr airaad Hew a&sw I cIS". GLOBE TROITERS rtllad to oerflowlng with JoJUty, briar, tty. girls and , Jh two-act Alu- k1 burlesque, "The Dowry baeaeia.' lig Wuty t noma. Wim' Ttme Xatlae Weak Tye. Aat laMT V i 'u Uy Haw leraere"