BRIEF CITY NEWS ! Fidelity Rtorare Tan Ce. oaf. tSB. W. Z. salty tt Bob, general Insurance. Xave m FtIb It Nfw Beacon Press rrse-Oranaaa Cev LltMine; tts turee. - Teated Choice rsal aetata Inane, f. Ik Thomaa. S? Stat Bank Bid. Julias OrkU llec Julius Orate hu returned from a four days stay at E celslor Springs. OeUe te rruok Uek E4 Getten af tlia Freecrlpto Drue company and Qetten Wlckharo leave tonight for French Lie. Ind. ' "Today Complete Kevls mfiui rlasalfled section today, and appears In The Be EXCUUSIVELT. Find out what tha various moving picture theaters otter. Sna-kaa Oat of Hospital Tom H-uahes, trayallnff passenger agent for tha MIs aourl Pacific, la out of tha hospital. where ha was confined ten day, following an operation for cataract on one of Ma eyes. To Shoot TMs aTpTlas; Sportsmen of Case county who coma to Omaha from time to time cay that they will Indulge in spring; ehootlng thla year, and they expect to hare soma great sport on ac count of the certainty of plenty of water. (Hrtm to Bepreseat Xeocanees Omaha tent No. 75 of tha Maccabees at its meet ing Monday evening elected Thomas B. Gerln as representative to tha state con vention which will ba held in Omaha, April R and (. Al. Samuelson was elected alternate. OTester Applies Heavy naes police Judge Foster attached a fine of $100 to George Randolph. Forty-seventh and Pierce streets, and a fine of 140 to Jennie Johnson, 4006 Hamilton street. In police court. Officer Sudds arrested the eouple in Hanscom park. e Bemodel Bachelors Hotel Tha Bachelor apartments at Twentieth and Fare am streets are to be remodeled at a cost of some $5,000. Right new store fronts are to be built. W. H. Parrleh Is the contractor and George Prlns ia the architect. Tailor la Bankrupt Frank A. Tomp kins, proprietor of the Tompkins Tailor shop, 1M Sooth Fifteenth street, filed a .Voluntary petition in bankruptcy. His liabilities are $4,012 and his assets $1,269. Among tha former are a n0te for $1,000 due to IJsxle C. M. Ruth of St. Peters burgh, Fla. and three weeka wages to an employe, Oscar Anderson, at $30 a week. ' Foolish Lot of Bills, 1 Says Mrs. Preigh "The publit. school system is all wrong, in my opinion," -declared Mrs. .Mary I. Creigh, leader of tha 'current topics de partment of Vie Ornaha Woman's club. Tuesday afternoon. "Children should not be encouraged to work for a hlglv mark, but for the absolute good of the com munity. They should learn to help others. There ahould be greater co operation between parents, teachers and children. The atfhool and social settle ment and neighborhood centers have been suggested and as auch, they ought to be encouraged." , That tha bills Introduced into the pres ent session of the legislature are a' fool ish lot of bills, was a statement made by .Mrs. Creigh. "I think It Is absolute folly to spend thousands of dollars to have these laws passed, three-fourths of ' them being necessarily only to cor rect errors In other bills," she declared. Mrs. Creigh urged the women to 'famil iarise themselves with the Billy Sunday movement, which, will be- discussed at the next meeting nf'the department tn two weeks. - i v . I ' .'-, ? ' Censor's Error Causes Search of Steamship NEW TORJC, Feb. lO.-The Danish, ateamahtp Eelllgolar arriving here to day from Copenhagen and Christlanla re ports that on the outward voyage from thla port, which it left. December 30, the ehlp waa boarded at Kirkwall, Scotland, by armed . marines and detained for eight days, pending investigation - aa to the character ot Its cargo. , , Captain I Hoist master of the Helll golav, a Scandinavian-American line steamer.' said tha reason of the detention was ultimately traced to a slip of the British censor handling cable dispatches. A cable explaining that the ship carried no copper bad not been believed. British Cruiser Badly Damaged by Turks BERLIN. Feb.' 10. (By Wireless to 8ay vllls, L. I.) Among the items given out for publication today by the Overseas News agency were the following: "A British cruiser, according to Turk ish headquarters, was badly damaged In the Turkish operations on the Suea canal. "The . Reich bank's gold reserve is X136. Of 0,000 marks (1648, 750,000), ., or. $1,226,000 narks (7,80S,26O) more than last week." STEARNS SILENT CAR DRAWS ATTENTI0N0N THE STREET J, A. Mclntyre, local distributor of the Stearns' automobile, had an unusual ex perience yesterday In front of a local hotel He had Just received a car1 load of Stearns,: consisting. of a big six and two fours, and could not resist the temp tstlon to drive the six about town a bit. Ha stopped at .ho hotel for a mo ment and when he came out there was such a crowd around his car that he bad difficulty in getting away without run ning down some of the Stearns' admlr. ers. Mr. Mclntyre explained that the silent Knight engine, which when run ning cannot be heard, was that which interested the crowd. .1 VILLA WON'T HEAR PLEA OF PEACE CONVENTION SAN ANTONIO. Tx.. Feb, W.-Kren-cisce Villa declines te heed tbe appeal of the Mexican peace conference held here last Saturday. In a reply received to night by FTederlco Oainboa, chairman of the committee named by .the confer ence to, transmit te tbe leaders of the warring Mexican factions its resolution asking them to lay down their arms and proclaim peace, Villa bitterly arraigns the ' men who called the conference and re jects the plan proposed. YOUTH ACCIDENTALLY SHOT HANDLING GUN RECOVERING Carl Vom fftl, axed tl. son of William Win Weg. sr., shot, accidentally near the I heart while handling a revolver in his father's store, il:; J Leavenworth street. Monday, will recover. It was learned last nlsht from V Im Memorial hospital. It was thought at first that the wound as fslsU SULLIYAN 'CLEARED' DENIED BYJUHULTY Wilson's Private Secretary Asserts White House Never "White wuhed" Kinitter. SUSPICIOUS OF ALL CHARGES WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Joseph P. Tumulty, seeretary to President Wilson, and Representative James A. Hamlll of New Jersey were wit nesses today at the Investigation Into charges against James M. Sulli van, minister to the Dominican re public. Secretary Tumulty testified that Representative Hamlll Introduced Bulllvan to him and that he "simply acted as a medium for transmitting the endorsements of Sullivan to the secretary of state." He said that he knew of no "flood of debts" which were presented as an argument against appointing Sullivan. He had heard of personal debts whfch it was claimed Sullivan owed, but asserted "that is a usual thing In candidates for office." Only Real Artamrat. The only real argument presented sgalnst Sullivan, Mr. Tumulty said was his connection with Jack Base, a wttneas at the trial of Lieutenant Becker, In New Tork and a letter from Governor Whit man dispelled that. Mr. Tumulty declared he never knew of any connection between Mr. Sullivan prior to his appointment snd the Jarvls interests in New York, W. C. Beer. John O. dray or the Banco Nactonal of the Dominican republic. "The White House is a great clearing .house for rumors," said Mr. Tumulty, "and when these charges began to come In about Mr. Sullivan, I heard about the Jarvta (interests and the Banco Nacional. I asked Mr. Vlck (formerly receiver gen eral of Dominican customs) to watch Mr. Sullivan closely and keep the White House advised. I also told him to warn Minister Sullivan that the president would be displeased If he beard of Sullivan growing too close to jrny Interests and would take such action as became neces sary." i Sasplrloea af Chararea. He waa Inclined to be auspicious of all charges coming from the Dominican re public, because Mr. Vlck had told him. In relation to accusations against the letter, that the "atmosphere there was charged with recrimination and throat cutting."' Mr. Tumulty denied that, the White House hsd ever exonerated or "white .washed" Minister Sullivan. He said that J. Franklin Fort, who had headed a com mission to settle a Dominican revolution. had told the president that Minister Sullivan was a "big- hearted Irishman ana -mat there waa nothing against him. . He declined to express any opinion as to Sullivan's fitness for office, but criticised Vlck as a "sorehead." , Representative Hamlll told the com missioner he had never discussed Sulli van's candidacy for the Dominican Post with W. C, Beer, John O. dray or any oiner representative of the Jarvls Inter. eats. He bad been an Intimate friend of Mr. Sullivan and gave him his support as a oriena, he said. , J Whs "Wmm Dfie toe Beer. 'Mr. Hamlll added he had secured "for Mr. Beer two appointments to the naval academy, one for Mr. Beer's son. who faled to take advantage of It. He said he met Mr. Beer several time, but that he had never discussed with Beer con tracts In the Dominican republlo, and had never been preaent when money waa de-. livered by Beer to any one. He said he had never acted for the Jarvls interests or the Banco Nacional as an sttornev. and had never benefited or sought to oenent fronv ls acquaintance with Mr.' Beer. Representative Hamlll declared that In his acquaintance with Minister Bulllvan he had never seen anything 'that would justify a statement that Sullivan was "a heavy drinker." Half of the Serbian Children Dying from Hunger, Cold, Disease NEW TORK. Feb. W.-Famlne faces war-awept Serbia unless the neonU ... obtain grain for seed In the spring and farm tools to work with, according; to a statement issued tonicht by a commit. newly organized to seek aid la this coun try tor the destitute Serblsn women and children. ' Eight hundred thousand Inhabitant. will starve If these things cannot) be secured, the committee affirmed. In six of the most fertile districts of Serbia 60 per cent of the children now are dying from lack of nourishment and muiiHn. from cold and exposure. "All of the able bodied men of Serbia are at Jhe front." said the statement. "The women and children must and cultivate the crops in the spring or there will be no grain on which the nation can live next winter, nut the farms are devastated buildings and implements Burst, and live-stock des troyed. Under these conditions a famine la Inevitable." Consuls Must Haul Down Their Colors AMSTERDAM vim. Lsonrintti wis ia " ' f w, The Telegraaf today published a dispatch saying tbe German commander at Bruges, Belgium, ordered all the consulates there to haul down their flags and remove the coats of arms. Tbe consuls, the dlsDatch adds, includ ing the representative of Turkey, pro- lea lea nut the order was enforced. In some esses with violence, and In addition the consuls were compelled to eurren all their arms. - Cat This Oat Now. If you don't want It today, von maw next week. Fend this advertisement and i cents to Foley Co., Chicago, 111., writ ing your name and address clearly. Toti receive In return three trial packages Foley'e Honey .and Tar Compound for coughs, colds, croup and grippe; Foley Kidney Pills, for weak or disordered kid neys or bladder: Foley Cathartic Tablets, a plessant. wholesome and cleansing pur gative, Juat tha thing for winter s .!. gtsh bowels and torpid liver. These well known standard remedies for kale by all druggists. Advertisement Announcements" ads' bring coud results. TJ1K BKE; YON JAGOWVEXPLANATION Confirms Earlier Reports that Oer man Naval Pro pram it Not Blockade, of British Waters. SOME MISAPPREHENSION ARISES swawsssswaasB BERLIN vla The Hague to London. Feb. 10. OoUlleb von Jsgow. the (lerman foreign secretary, who is paring a short visit te Berlin, during the absence of Emperor William, on the eastern front, received the correspondent of Tbe As sociated Trees today snd explained to him the nature of the recently announced German naval measures to be taken against hostile commercial shipping ever which he said there seemed to he some misapprehension s broad, owing to the delay In the transmission af the raemo randum accompanying the proclamation. The phrase, ''submarine blockade," as used In the press discussion of tha proclamation abroad, tha foreign secre tary said, perhaps els') was responsible for this misapprehension. ' The announcement of February 4. of Admiral von Fohl. chief of the admiralty staff,- was not a derlarstlon of a block ade," said Herr von Jagow, confirming an earlier statement by tha admiralty to The Associated Press. s Cermsay's Faraoee. "All questions as te Its validity pre mised on thla theory therefore are ex cluded. The" admiralty proclamation by a designation of Waters around Great Britain and Ireland as a war area, an nounces Germany's intention to conduct wsr operations In this region, snd par tlculsrly to destroy commercial ships of the enemy. "England months ago declared in simi lar fashion the whole of the North Sea a war area. "German warships heretofore have destroyed merchant ships belonging to the enemy only when there was every certainty that their pastcngers and crew could get safely away. But in the fu. ture thla forbearance must be subordi nated to military considerations and to the consideration that England by a measure inadmissible under International law haa paralysed neutral commerce with Germany in an attmept to force upon the German civilian population death by starvation. . Risk of Neatrale, "Any(how," continued Herr von Jagow, "hostile merchantmen have no claim to consideration If, aa in part already has been the case, they are armed or offer resistance to the German naval forces Since the British admiralty on January 1, Instructed British merchantmen to us neutral flags, neutral ships, even with' out taking Into consideration the un avoidable accidents of war, run the risk of being mistaken for hostile mcrchsnt ships and cf falling victims to sttacks intended for these ships. "It was to this danger that the an nouncement particularly called attention "The German naval forcee have, of course, received orders to use no violence against neutral ships, so fsr as these are recognisable as such, but this confidential Instruction by the British admiralty aa to the use of neutral flags makea such identification a' matter of extreme dif ficulty. "Neutral shipping can therefore only be urgently warned again, aa In . tne earlier announcements,, to avoid the In dicated war sone until further notice." , No protests, according to Herr von Jagow, have been received from neutral states concerning the admiralty measure. although several of. them, he said, had applied for Information as to Its soope. Cardinal Sure Deity Fights Godless Gaul And Orthodox Euss COLOGNE, Fsb. 10. (Via London. )-Car- dlnal Von Hartman, archbishop ef Co logne, In addressing a meeting of Catho lics today, said: . ."The emperor's words. 'I no longer know parties: I only know Germans,' haa found unanimous echo among the Ger man people, who are united for king and country. . "The motto for today Is Trust In God and hold out.' : Our armies protecting us in the east and the weat are In food posi tion. God will not permit athalstlo Francs and orthodox Russia to crush the flourishing religious life In Fatherland.' "Trust, therefore, in our Just cause, our brave troops and the noble emperor, wfco la adorned with all the virtues ef hla Hohensollsrn forefathers. Trust, above all, In the Ruler of Battles, to whom we faithfully . snd continually pray." To Teach Maimed of French Army Trades PARIS. Feb. Mi-The French cabinet haa decided to create a national school at which .mutilated aoldlera will be taught trades. The school will ba located at St. Maurice, near Cnarenton. Washington Affairs Secretary McAdoo'a activity In connec tion with the ship purchase bill was crit icised In the house by Representative Humphrey of Wsahlnxton and Repre sentative Moore of Pennsylvania. Foreign trade for the week ending Feb ruary 6, as reported to the Department of toramerce by the thirteen principal cus toms orts, showed a bslunce of 37 134 2SS In favor of the United States, the larg'ast weekly balance on record. Exports for the week totaled M.Ml.lofi and imports Representstlve Hobson of Alabsma In troduced a resolution calling upon the eitate department for any Information It might have concerning the demands Japsn is reported to have made upon China, and asking whether these demand. If enforced would imperil the open door policy or the integrity cf China. Mr liobaun aaid Japan's attitude toward C hlna waa of more sls-nlficsnce thau any other event of the war. Cold Gone! Head ' Clear and Nose Open It's Fine! Tske 'Tape's Cold Compound" every two hours until you have taken three doses, then all grippe misery goes and your cold will be broken- It promptly opens your clogged-up noatrlla snd the air passages ef the head; stops nasty dls chargs or nose running; relieves the head ache, dullness, feverishness. sore throat sneesing. soreness and stiffness.' Don't stay s'iffed-up! Quit bloving an snuffling Ease your throbbing hesd nothing else In the world gives aucii prompt relief ss "Papa's Cold Compound," whtih costs only Z rents at any drug store. It acts without astan.e, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Ac cept no substitute. Advertisement. OMAHA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY. 11, 1915. RUSS EVACUATING BUKOWIHA, STATE Complets Isolation Fate of Sear Hosts if They Do Not Retreat from Austrian Soil. PETR0GRAD TELLS OF REVERSE LONDON, Feb. 10.-The Dally Telegraph's Bucharest correspondent ears: "rresh particulars received here from the Bukowlna frontier Indicate that the Russians have commenced the evacuation ot that province." Alvaaee la Creat Fares. PETROQRAD. Feb, 10 (Via London.) By their advance toward Nadvorna and Kaloza, which ta evi dently being made la treat force, the Auatro-German armies threaten the Russians In this quarter with the al ternative of Isolation or the complete evacuation of Bukowlna. Aeatrlaa Statemeat. VIENNA, Feb. 10. (Via London.) The following ofrictal statement regarding the campaign was Issued todsy: "There has been no change la Po land and West Oaltcia, where artll lery engagements have been In prog ress. "The Austro-Qerman allies yester day, after a battle of several days. took a village north of Volovee which the Russians had stubbornly de fended. Numerous prisoners and much ammunition and war material were captured. ' - Many Prlseaere Taken. "On the other Carpathian fronts severe battles occurred. In the west em section the Russian attacks were unsuccessful and 340 prisoners and three machine guns fell Into our bands. "We continue to advance in Buk owlna and have occupied Warns." Missouri High Court Fines Packers Ovr Hundred Thousand JEFFERSON C1TT. Mo.. Feb. lO.-Flnee aggregating- 1 125,000 were levied by the Missouri supreme court today en five Targe packing firms, snd under the de cree of the court, the right of the com panies to continue business In Missouri Is conditioned on the 1 payment of tha fines by March 1L Otherwise, or If they violate the anti-trust law,, they must leave the state. The decision of the court was In ous ter suits against the packers, brought by Governor Major, then attorney gen- sral In Ilia The companies affected by the deojeion are' Armour, ft Co., Norrls aV Co., Swift and company, the Hammond Packing company and the St. Louis Dresssd. Beef and Provision company. The suits 'were an ouster proceeding; directed against the companies 'on the ground that they had violated the atate anti-trust law through the organisation of tha National Packing company, as a holding company for the other concerns. Insect Bites lafeetlea Daasenai, Apply Kosn's Liniment to any bite, sting or bruise. It kills the poison and heals the wound. Only Sic. jTl drug. gists. Advertisement. TWO HIGHWAYMEN GET NOTHING FOR THEIR PAINS Two highwaymen who sought te hold up the clerk of the Flomar hotel, Sev enteenth and Capitol avenue last night, got nothing for their daring for tbs clerk hsd Just put the day's receipts Into a safe and turned the combination. A STRONG DEFENSE against general weak; ness can only, be estab lished and maintained by keeping the diges tion good and liver and bowel 8 active. IIOSTETTED'S STOf.l ACir BITTERS will help wonderfully in restoring the 4 inner man" to a strong and Pull thm Tteth and Btauty Fadtt In Knsland it la common practice to pull all the teeth to cure pyorrhoea, or Kts-gs' disease, fclr John Qoodheart, the famous suaon, raleea an earnest pro tt aaalnat thla. lie aaid in the Lancet: "To one not aa expert it seems more rea sonable that so long as teeth are in their at kta, free from intense pain and ser vrable for mastication, there Is some thing lo be said on the aide of keeping our own rather than take to others that we know not of." Store teeth detract from health and beauty. When you find the teeth or gums sr sore, painful to tourh of food or tona-ue. aenaniva to ht or ( cold, loose, brittle, get en edge eaally, tender, or gums ahrtnk from the necks of i the U eth. It Is time to begin the work or destroying tlx mlcitihes that Infest the cracks snd crannies of the teeth, i Von ran readily overcome thai conill. tlons bv settlna four ounces ef fluid ersan Iroiu tue druKnat (you don't nead morei. using a teaapoonful morning, neon and nislit, simply gsrgllnc the mouth aiih thla a minute or so. Tns mk-robes will m waahed out. tne crarks tiasned, tt.a teeth become strong and firm In the gums and the ellow peel off. AdvertiaciuenL START OF GERMAN POWER Prof. Fred Morrow Fling- Explains How the Nation Made Mots Toward World Power. FIRST OF SERIES OF TALKS An outline of the Matory of the German nation, preceding the union of tha va rious states which now comprise the em pire, formed the substance of a lecture delivered before the Equal Franchise league by Trof. Fred Morrow Fling cf the University of Nebraska last evening, rest night's discourse by Prof. Fling, which took place In the council chamber of the city ball, ,as attended by a very large crowd and waa the first ot a series of eight talks on Germany, the remaining seven of which the professor will deliver on dates In the nesr future. Prof. Fling showed that only a short time before 1871 when the final unifica tion of the German ststes took place, had the German people begun thoroughly to arouse themselves te tbe fsct that Kng land, France and Spain were already united Into powers, whose future strength would demand an equal or greater strength on the part of the Fatherland. The organisation of thla alliance was dwelt on In detail by Prof. Fling, who also explained briefly the workings ef German legislation. ' The government la really In the hands of the upper house cr diet, whloh Is com posed of the ruling class and though the lower house Is strong In representation of the people. It has no voice In the establishment cf reforms. "The kaiser can declare war without the oonsent ef anybody, providing It Is te be a war of defence. If the hoatlll tlea are to partake of an offensive na ture the aanctlon of the diet Is required," explained the professor, The subject cf the second lecture will be, "How Germany Developed World rower." and will be an explanation how despite the seemingly Impossible legis lative cond'tlons, the German nation be came one of the world's greatest powers. Prof. Fling waa Introduced by Mrs. Halleck Rose. Following Ms discourse, the Fuller sisters delighted those In at tendance with aeveral English and Scot tish peasant aongs. whose origin sprang from the nation's great wars. Sick Children Love Cascarets For the Bowels Gat a 10-cent box no" Most of the ills of childhood are caused by a sour, disordered stomsch. sluggish liver and constipated bowels. They cstch cold easily, become cross; listless, irri table, feverish, restless, tongue coated, don't sat or sleep well and need a gentle cleansing of the bowels but don't try to force a nauseating dose of oil Into the little one's already alck stomach It is cruel, needless and old-fashioned. Any child will gladly Uke Cascarets Candy Cathartlo whloh act gently never gripe or produce the slightest uneasiness though cleanse the little one's system, sweeten the stomach and put the liver and bowels In a pure, healthy condition Full directions for children and grown ups In each package. Mothers csn rest easy after giving thla gentle, thorough laxative which costs only 10 cents a box at any drug atore. Advertisement ( Steel Trains via Illinois Central R. 0. to -a Chicago, Rcskford. Frcoport Dubuque, Waterloo, Fork Cadge Servicd East ni Seith Information, Tickets, tto., it City Ticket Gfiise 407 Go. 16th Gt. Phone Douglas 204 G. riORTH Cisfriet Pmcnjer Jent Omaha, Reb. Whatever may "militate against abso lute safety to our deposi tors, this bank declines. n """" ' i ii i . i a a i is ! I,, , i Omaha Is . ek. Tha eTe is a I ' t " ef the imut:fiil bungalow home ef Xtr, ft, It, Cosby at tSOl North rorty-ntnth street. TM llousw IS not only- twiawnilenily artmiaesl ltiatde.. s exterior Is vory Thw frmniHrtlhn ta rf- bvloUt; frmn rfnindatton line to window mil line stunra Is used with nlMwtn effect: above the MUQcn narrow tvwtwnod siding la used, and the porch, nnlnmne are ot brick and atuocn.. Tile liuusw Uaar six: large ranrns with vwrtlbula, hauk. entry ami a larsw pantry with hulUria- oahlhaUi and chests' of draarerav Taw tf rfna rsom, dining den. at! .... 'V-i ' r ii. ORCHARD & WILHELM COMPANY ' If You Are Concerned You will Never Regret Hundreds of tha Very Best Pieces are Being Sold at Very Special Prices. Their room is needed for the carloads of new goods coming in. Stickley Bros. Brown Fumed Living Room Furniture 25 NOTE THESE 23 Oak Din- f rjf ing Table . . plOti O fas Oak Din ing Table , . $18.50 $55 Oak Birf- J4 0 CA fet, gdn wax tPtaCsseJU $3 8 Poster Bed, mahogany, three-quarter else . . . $27.50 $0 Poster Bed, solid ma- -.Sr?'.,. $42.00 One Lot of Lace and Scrim Curtains $1.50 and $2 Values, Choice Thurs., pr. 49c Alt 40 Inches wide. 2ft yards long. 3 and 4 pairs ot pattern, really wonderful bargains for 10c a pair. Edges, Fringes, Gimpes, yard, lc A Bargain for Thursday these sold up to 15o per yard and Include furniture gimpes, over-curtain edgings, fringes Cor; spreads and rugs. . .. Pillow Squares for pillows In silks and damasks, attractive col ors, and very fine materials at an extraordinary low price, Remnants, each 1 9c and 39c -Scrims, nets and over-drapery materials In quantities ot one to four yards of a piece pieces would sell for several Do You Need a New Worn. Out -Come in and Investigate Our Big Range Offer Thirty Days' Free TrluJ. -$3.0O per month tf yen keep the Range. Beckvrlth Round Oak or Copper-Clad Malleable. 1 We say they're the Best the Best we sell them ORCHARD & WILHELM COMPANY hj o a May go higher any minute the price at the SIX BASKET STORES No. 21-S16 North 16th. No. 221406 North 24th. No. 23-1807 Vinton St. . Dcst,100-lb. Scclt, $5.05; Cane, $3.15 17J Lbo., 01-00 Whokmale Price Today, for llewt. We limit the amount to each customer. Our prl.e mav be higher be fore you set your or-r In. Tuosuay all lay we aold S.?a Autlreas mail orders lo offke, si, Theater Uli. " " See real estate column for bargains Growing v 4 va r.. vaallluitn nre finished In oak, with colon nade npenlngs anrf brsm ceilings. Tha kitchen and betlrenms are finished In haed pine. The heme la modern in every way and has built-in window seats and rablneta and cupboards where needed, Thm Sour cf the mat etoset In vesti bule la fitted with a lone; mirror. There ta a full rement bashnsht, and the house ia heated by furnace.. . Thta boat wtu fteasewt ami butt cetnpjer by tbe rtanlkeru' Realty Iavat aient Company ef tMnafaaw MVt weodwoHr aaaxf bat tnrecew wast eumpanvlK own. p liming; tnilL. n About the Days to Be Buying Good Furniture Discount EXAMPLES: T 50 Chiffonier, mahogany.... ..$39 1 85 Dresser, wal nut, colonial. . . $60 $68 Dressing Table, (Jpr) walnut vum $45 Dresser, curly red birch. $45 Dresser, curly (jjr red birch.... UOO $84 Napoleon Bed. Bird's $64 Napoleaa Bed, JCO Bird's-eye maple. . J)sJa& $24 Chiffon- (jiit rn ler. maple. . D I f eOU Tops, 9c Measured by the yard these time tbe price, asked. Range Is the Old One and because we believe they're on 30 days' Free Trial. U. No. 24 20G1 Famam St. No. 2S-2518 North 24th. No. 254108 North 24th. SI