Tim BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY- 11, 1915. . Bringing Up Father Copyright. 1S14, International News Barvioo. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus sXL'rW WIT, f-y FATHER- ) ' ' ' f H0W1. L A WELUTOrUUTTI f ' ) ' HERE - PUT OM "YOUf L XOtfvfi DiiCACtO i tXiWH-M , V0OVTA.T V ( in ) M TRUTH IT ISA r ' ' ,T L HV, LIKE 1 DlO AND J t ENOUGH I WAMT warp- TMCMEAO VU-iL. OCCOCOA 1 LITtTi COLIV 1 I 6UT ILL YOUR COCO WILL. IbC I TOOTOBttyCEEoWv V & tHRdlf ( I HAV TO VAE1? ( COLD- J RX THHT , 1 , TOUR CSP WILL RE J caeou at the "table, V y the table, j CARVEIM i; , V y ..ut.. l I ?9 warm r Tonight ah o M?5. V oin-to rl WZ i Lve will ce A ' f take, me ' r00 c S ) ,-?.. -i " "-""'l ' , - i , . i ' -- - - ' 'i - - 1 1 1.. 1 1 i in " 11 1 , : 4 -!..'.. ' . ' ' . .. .. - ..:-. -.. . , '. . '., - - ' 4 I Official National League Schedule, 1915 J AT AT AT ' AT AT AT AT AT . BOSTON BROOKLYN NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH CINCINNATI CHICAGO ST. LOUIS j " ; ' ; ' . ' ' ' Marl-3-(S April ?7SS.? A rrtl ?5-M-54-?fl Jun-,V11-12 Jiin-7- June lS-lt-li-H! - Jun 17-1R-1H-M BOSTON.. Mil) July .V-6-s-i-7 June iA-in-.a June 3d. July 1-S-J Aug. 7-3-4 r July W-a-W-Sl Aug. fc--7 Au iVS-10-11 Rt. - tiei)L6-fi-7 " Aug. 13-1-1 ept. 10-23-24-26 fcpt. 11K!-21 Sept U-12-18- Sept. 18-H-18 April 17-1-1ft-20-21 April H-IM1 . April 27-2S-W-30 .lnrt -MV-7-X June MO-11-12 Juna 17-1MS-24 Juris 1s!-14-1&-16 BROOKLYN J u r K.-2A-.M TKX May 2Mll-ai . June 2V-2-2-a Uuly 2K-29-30-S1 Aiur J-2-JM Auk. --10-U Au. fc-R-7 Bept.2-a-4 Ants. 17 Ot. 4-IV-7 Cfpt. -l-22 ffpU 23-25-W BcpL IG-17-1S Sept. 11-12-1J-14 Sept. 29-20, Oct. 1-2 . ' ; : -i i ' ; ; MayS-T-4-M A prl! 22-2.1-24-3 Myl-.1-4- June 17-1W2 Jun 1V14-15-M Jnn lt-7- Juna 9-1M1-12 N'EW YORK.... Jur-el-2-S June i. July 1-2-2 BKS July IMI--7 July 27 Ausc. 6--7 July 2K-29-20-U Aug. 1-2-3-4 Oct. 4-iM-7 Auf. l-14-l4 riept. a-S-10 , Ann. HlVH-12 Sept. 11-12-13-M bpt. 19-20-21 Sept. 23-25-2 I . . hcpt. 18-17-1S j " Juno 7.isi8;o ' . ApH!H-1M . May-7-S-10 April 17-1(1-20-21 J tie 14-1B-16-21 July20- . Tune 9-l-ll-12 : JuneB--T-S PHILADELPHIA May 2 rt.-Jl-Sl Junel-2-S June2i23-24 TQM Au. MV-7 . Au.8--10 Aug. 1-2-2-4 ' July 229-30-31 Hopt. 2U-30, Oct. 1-2 Kept. 41-4-T-ip . Kept. 1-4-4-4 tiept-11-18-14-5 Sept. 1H-18 8t pt. 23-2V26 ttept. l-2-21 " " 1 1 1 - 1 ' i ' 1 1 i- Ma V IV 17-1. in May 2S-2t-27-W . lay 20-21-22-J4 May 11-12-13-14 Ap-tl 14-1S-1-17 April 1H-1M0-21 April 5K-2-27-28 PITTSBURGH Julr 1 H4-ir.-lii July 17-1!--"VJl July 2J-2.V24-3B July -t-l0-i2 SOOmCB May 9-30 Mny2-3' June OT-IM-ZI -30 y Al f. 21 -23-21 i Aug. 28-00-31 AO. 2i-26-27 Aug. 18-1U-?) ' June 22-23 July 1-2-2-4 , Sept. 30. Oct. 1-2 - ' ' ' Aug. IP-16, Oct. 3 Kept. j ' My2RM-2T ' .May '.17-1-1 Mar ll-'2-13-l1 May SO-21-22-24 pill 22-22-24 May4-5--7-8 April 29-20. Oct. 1-2 CINCINNATI. ...,....1 .ulv 17-l!t 2-21 i July IH-IHti-ie July H-ll-10-1? July 22-23-24 June 24-2IV-2ii Ol JtilyS-i-a . MaySl-Sl Au. 2-:)-31. 8opL 1 A i . 21-23-24 . Au. 1S-19-20 Aug. 17-2A-25-27 ' 13-14 Kept. 27-28-29 ' June 1-2-S , v tept. Mt-7 . . - - Sept. 9-10 .Vy 21V-21-22-24 . May 11-11-13-14 May 1W7-1H-T9 May2S2ft ?7 April .10, May 1 . A prit 25-26-27-28 April 22-22-24 CHICAOO July222.1-24-2tj July 9-9-10-12 July 11-14-15-1 July 17-1-2V21 May 10-3KU My 29 TXEBB Ar. 13-11-14-15 Au. 2iA-2i-7 Ai g. 1S-1&-W Auf. 2 WM1 A ug. 21-21-23-24 June 1-?. July 7 June 27-28-7M0 . Bpt.e--7-8 . ' AutT. 17. Sopt. 2-4 Oct. 1-2 " i . May 11-12-12-14 May HV21-2J-24 May 2S-2tl-27-2a May 11S-17-1M9 Mav 44--7- April l-1-20-2t April 14-16-14-17 - - ST. L45CIS July-lVI2 July 22-23-24-20 July 17-l-2w3l July 13-14-16-u; May 29 Julyl-2-4 May-80 AIDES Aug. 119-20 Au(t. 2S-24-27 , Aug. 21-23-24 Aug. SA-30-21 Julya-t-4 Hept. 1-4-6 June 23-24-25-26 bept. 1-2 Oct.23 . '. . . , . 1 Huturdayi 1 12Hnturdaya 1 USatunlaya 12 flaturdaya ' i f-aturiaye May 31. Chicago 12 ftatnrdy 12 Paturtlaya AT HOME April 19, itmoklya July 5, Honlim May 21, Hrooklyn July S, New York .uly 5, Bt. Loula , 12 Paturdaye 15 Sundaya 12 Bundaya May SL Phlladxl la Kept. t. Philadelphia Kept. , Boston Ktpt. . Cincinnati 18 Hundaye . , July 5, Cincinnati May 81, Cincinnati . ' ,' ' 1 lep. rt, Chicago ABROAD 13 Saturday! i Sundaya July 8 at Brooklyn eept. ( at New York 13 Saturdays Bundaya May 21 at New York April 19 at Boston 18 Baturdaya ( Sundays July 6 at Philadelphia 13 Saturdays 7 Sundays May 31 at. Boston Sept. 8 at Brooklyn v 1 sj ij is i sy A GOOD NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION 10 Saturdays 10 Sundaya 12 Saturday - 1 Sunday May 31 at Bt. Loula July & at Chicago Sept 8 at Pittsburgh 12 Saturdays 8 Sundaya May 31 at Pittsburgh Sept 8 at St. Louis 12 Saturdays -9 Sundays July 6 at Pittsburgh ' Conflicts; 'At Chicago 4). May 8, 90; September I, Ootolier 2. TOPEKA WILL HOLD PLACE IN WESTERN Bank Transfers Topeka Franchise to Geo. P. Benson .. a . m . a? r A.-J J it uisi oi izuormauon vonuuaea in topeka, Kan., Feb, io.Ths final ef Eisratchet froia EoLh Chicago a fort to keep Topeka In the Western and Topek. 0'iamx nuLs isn unrm:s That Topka will probably retain Its franchise in the Western league Is the information gleaned from Chicago and Topeka dlnpatchea. In Topeka. It is said, a deal has b-aen consummated which will , transfer the club's stock to George A. Benson, cashier of the German-American bank. Which recently foreclosed its mortgage on the club. Both directors of the club and officials of the bank notified Westerns league -magnates sltUcg In session In Chlcmgo to recognise Benoon a sole owner ofyths clut. . However, th manTiat.es refuse to sanction the transfer of the franchise to Penaon unless that party deposits Sft.ono with PrKt O'Neill as a- guarantee of good fsith. Attorney Sloan of Kansas ' City, who rpreenU the bank assure. the rlub owners that the required guar antee would be forthcoming upon arrival ef Benaon in Chicago today. Tile mshlrr P cf a e-f-e-Vi'e was t layed another day. due to the Indefinite state of Topeka. It is ei;c trd that ell matters of difference will he settled to day anl the echt-Juie d.an, ITei O'Neill fewt a bomb In Chicago by fieclarlng that Ms orranliatlon would sl every club to the Federal league if the light amount of cSFh was preented to view. While Preilo was lnterprete-1 as -tii.g in an entlrt'ty facetious mooj, his sta-iem-nit Is probably not ery far fmm the truth O'Neill Ftrea tsaafraa. It il a ism learned yea tor-day thai ONelll has offklally dec-orated a few j( i-U lii yuxium watt tiawsje. M J, j-ux-kvUla. J-unes Cullera. Charles Me-Cfcfft-rty. Lo)ta ryfe and our own Jack ara tXiom ,ho were gtveA th kuifa. yyfe has already signed wb the Keaf.ral league so he is probably not worrying an Haskell (Wan t care, but the other chain are out of it entirely. lirr and Van Kyckle are thus who Wf-re ril firwi. Van Kyckle is aura of a Job, but OWetil has not yet made his appoint irwrits. so it is not known who will be the art I u a tors lit this circuit next year. tialph Wlllla. the Omaha pitcher, has tx-ru awarded u1smt-iit aaiuat lha Kau City ciub. Willis was relraaed to Omaha from Kay See and he had soma Willi oomtiig which he preaentcd to the National boaid. His claim was allowed. Hollas After Itwaiu. Omaha fans may see Artie Thomason, te ipa'.ar Rjurke cntr fielder, lomp aroui.2 Kuurke park next suniMirr in a j bt. jo - (! ut irorm. Jack Holland Is after lliuuiaaon and is satd to have off-red the OiTiaha owner a rice induce--i - ut. lioliaad u hot aft-tr an outfUUlir (,d will n.ake a strong bid for Toiiimlo 'A h. 'liK JwuAa wni d;iKn of the little f-ilif it Is not known, but in llie das -'f t.'tiul U--ine times sufficient coin will t v an lody. league, an agreement was consumated late today whereby' the franchise, held by a local bunk, was turned over ' to Oeorge P. Benson of Topeka, and both the old club directors and the hank noti fied the league owners to reccKnlie Ben son as the sols owner of the club and franchise. Boxing Commission Measure Favored (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 10.-8peclal Telegrahl ) The pure snorts bill, known as House noil 214. which will regulate boxing ex hibitions tn this stats aad make It un lawful for any spectator to use profane language and prohibits th saJe or una of Intoxicating liquors on the- grounds or In buildings where such contest is taking place, was.' reported ..for passage by the committee on miscellaneous sub jects this afternoon. , - Maurice Cbstello Famous Moving Picture Actor, taya: "The great thing about Tuxedo is the fact that it gives full fragrance and flavor together with extreme mildness. 1 1 find Tuxedo not only the height of pipe enjoyment but a distinct benefit because it gives just the proper degree of relaxation. Tuxedo is undoubtedly an exceptional tobacco." I -. . ' "As Popular As The Movies"-TUXEDO rf- ! s m ' . n i THIfWJr'KinfcJ -v 5 ft - a fc . U .Jlll.'..llafl' fetlf 20TIU9 IN 90 FtVPwSKR w"Ssr 'KJVVv.v All Through 1915 Drink Tf? WHISKEY WHEN YOU WANT A PURE, WHOLESOME DELICIOUS' BEVERAGE 1 ' ,v 07 ' . s-a fTKta - ClrSrtA XfV 5Tr(r'jT-c- . ii vai jf'- ' g mm vwwy ? i sixtfaavj J J ;, -contains the same strength: 'as1; a0 glasa; bfinc- IXim V iit. 11 IUUUU 1UIU C Uifcll-M4ii . tT vtiiwv ing witii mineral water or m a not toaay or ima , rnilk punch, makes an ideal drink aod the pur est of all stimulants. - , - v High and Pipp Refuse to Sign With Detroit OKTUOIT. MJch.. Feb lO.'-Manager "Bill'1 Donovan of the New Tork Ameri can legue base bail team was unsuccess ful to-lay in his attempt to Sign Hugh Hlfh and Walter Ptpp. inwmbers of the Ietrolt club. Ka' h' player asked Donovan for a higher salary than he was willing to offer. Donovan expected to return to New York lata today. President Navin Of the Detroit club aald he is willing to release the two players to New .York, pro 1U1 they and Donovan agree upon terras- BAN JOHNSON LND COMISKEY LEAVE FOR SAN FRANCISCO i CHICAGO. Feb. 10. Thai-lea A.' CuniU key, president of the Chicago American league Base Ball club, and Jt- li. Johu sun, president of the American league, left tonUht tor Ban Francisco, Uie fliet of the White rox contingent to leave for the spring training grounda. They will tjenj a day In Seattle and Portland be fore going to San Franc'ero. The players will leave the first of next week. i - Coiuiakey kaitl ha believed he had a win ning team for thlaa eaaon and declared that t-ddle Collins at scnd base made the club sure of a place In the first divi sion. . , frttre IbrMl aad Cheat. .,y r's-iJ I y Dr. lulls 1 Itie-Tsr- it t"- i threat. S440thc the t lis , !.! i- m i.ly V. 4 . Ail -iP . --:..' - il.. :.l FRANK NOEL MAY REFEREE JOHNSCN-WILLARD BOUT KAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Feb. 19-Accord-tng to Islrst advices frofn El Paso Frank Noel, a ran Antoni-9 sport writer, prub ably will be the third intu in the ring in the Johnson-Wlllard champion boxing cor.teat in Jurs on March . The pro i.n.ti r of lha fight a'd Noel had agreed to fvre for a nominal fee, The matter ' will te lul up to Jnhncon on his nrlni ' In Ju.ir. i , Tuxedo answers every smoke desire every little palate craving, every longing for the one Perfect Pipe and Ggarette tobacco. No matter when or how you smoke Tuxedo it sends light into your heart a glimmer of. Gladsome Sunshine. And you can just about hear the honeybees buzz in the far-ofT . v fl'iinff) (Vi)' ' Ta Parftct rotacc for pip mnj Cigormttn , Sings into your system a song of keen v delight. It spreads real happiness and cheer because it's smokable, lovable, all day, all night no matter how the weathef fits. Tuxedo's flavor is so en ticingly mild and delicately fragrant it will not irritate the most sensitive throat. Simply the choicest mild .leaves of grand old Kentucky Burley ripe, rich, fragrant and mellow- made into delicious tobacco that smokes as smooth as cream. That's Tuxedo. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Cowrwoient. gUeeina wrapped, taoi proof (wn.li U Tut llumUun 40c mnj 80 Uaaino t- Famous Croosi Tua f iititra- Hp with golj Utteriwff, llfl . . curri ta fit pocket V aa In CZost HvmiJef S0 W 90 T1I AkJOUCAN TOBACCO COMPANY jaeaw"' en, "m - Get into business via the "Business Chances ( Every one phould have a bottle of "Golden Sheal" in the medical cab- net. In cases of colds or chills it warms the blood and relieves congestion wheii other medi cine? fall. NOT The Use of Alcohol j on the ; Battlefield .0 .10 .80 .30 .40 .00 .60 .70 8 I I aciau Dirsngrn contauisa XS - I i i i i i - i i 1 Olaas of 14 ess.- Bherrr Win - .aS.iJMiAiiiii.a at 20 strength I I ! I I I 18 1 (Mass of S owe. XHrfc Win gp - .Tifls.lnftia, .i l2 aUeuatU I I 18 I Glass of 19 oss. ser ' i ' g?t-. -18-100 OS. . at 4 strength ' ' I I I I I 1.8 I ' 1 Glase of 1 fc. Whiskey , . .T" aBMB'.jKtrfl A-1 oa rm. at 4a strength , Dr. H. Iyon Smith, an . Eminent phyalciaa and barterloloKist of Lon don, on October 1st, 1914, published . letter in th 'Lancet," recognized as the leading medical Journal of Kngland, , on the subject of "Th I'ae of Alcohol on tlio liattlefield," arrived at his con clusions . from clinical ' observation, ln yeBtigaUon and experiinenta extending over twenty rears of active practice. In which many able practitioners agree with him; he states In part: ' "It is conceivable that, an Injury, snob, as an Infected wound or the geruts of iafluenaa, pneumonia. Intestinal disorders, eto., of watch apparently healthy people are often aawtttiagly oarriera, may tnroaarh prolong ed exposure, sold sua damp, hunger or ex treme fatigue, result la acute infections with fatal results, and ia severe ; epidemics where large cumbers are herded together, Z have at the eughtaat aoubt that ia the first stages of tula group of diseases, moderate : goa.s of wbtakey. which need not exoeed one and a half euaeee, will prove a valuable aid to the natural reeiatsnoo I tn niooa. and that without same the patient's Viasa.s may become tilled with excess toxins. After that attempts to aave dying tu.a by the adnUnlstratiaa oi alcohol wnaa too Mte, must prove f utile, giving lnipatug to ths pre ludiea, arwlnat tta bso at any n r 3- -i 'in " ij Vi;" -i ' . 1 - 1 tw3?siii, -r'3 ia.7'- 4 J .. a I s r l ILER& - . THE WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY" . 4.111 I' V v w . - 80TTIID Pt 0 WvP ,,4 .1 - The "Want Ad Columns of The Bee Are Read Daily by PeopU in Search of Advertising Opport unities,