THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. FEBRUAItY 11, 1015. SSI1: TIBBETS ENLIVENS TEDIOHOF HOUSE Growi Emphatic Over Criticitm of County Unit System Embodied in BiU He ia Pnshins. ' LATER APOLOGIZES FOB TALK (From a Staff Correspondent.) IJNCOLN. Feb 1ft- (Special) -Cum wurds enlivened ths discussions la the hi.un today, and, strange aa It may seem, they were used by a newspaper man. The offending gentleman was Tlbbets of Adams, who became Incensed baeauaa amendments to bta Mil wrre not being considered and because a person whom he said was not registered was lobbying against hla bill "If you fellows are so da A prejudiced that you can't give the amendments to thuf hUl your attention 1 will withdraw It." said the gentleman from Adams. Later Mr. Tlbbets moved, to give the gentleman. W. It Campbell of Clarke, the floor of the bouse so that ha might have a ehanoe to stats his objections to the bill, which was House Roll 24, which provides for the county unit system In school management. , ' , Talks f Coaaty Unit riaa. The motion prevailed . and Campbell made a talk In which ' he declared that the county unit system was something contrived by A. CIMonahaa of Washing, ton, the representative of the National Bureau of Education, . which the latter Is trying to force on ten different states at once, whether they want It or not. At the conclusion of Mr. Campbell's speech Mr. Tlbbets thought to ask him several questions. This stirred up a pro Beet from Representative; Osterman of Merrick county, where Mr. Campbell re sides. "I object to the crpe-enamlnatlon of a man who is 'one of the horns cltlsens of my county, as he hea been Invited, by this house, to address It," shouted Oster-, (nan with emphatlo gestures. Tlbbets Apologises. The proceedings ended abruptly after r. TIbbeta explained that ho meant -no discourtesy toward the man who had spoken. Later In the day Mr. Tlbbets apologised to the house for language used. . Tugg Declares No' Combinations Exist From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb.. Fb. 10-Ppeclat Telegram.)-Vice President Tugg- of tho South Omaha Live Stock exchange and other officials appeared before the com mittee on' live stock and erasing in the house this evening to protest against tha pewago of the Regan-Nichols' bill which prohibits combinations by oommlsslon firms In the prices paid for stock. Mr. Tugg claimed no combinations existed and that there was no call for such a bill. KENNEDY AND WILLIAMS FOR STERILIZATION BILL (From a 8taff. Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 10. (Special Telegram.) Judge Howard Kennedy of the State Board of Control and Superintendent Williams of tho Lincoln Insane asylum pperj bofore the Judiciary committee of the senate this afternoon In behalf of t-nau File No. I, the sterilisation bill. ' Judge Kennedy said that much of the lack, of morality in children was due to .the Immoral heredity from the parents, end the na-uage of the bill am,M much toward helping the overcrowded condition or penalising institutions In the future. rr. Williams said that he had had sr- r"" Jr his care at tha Insane asylum which were due to h.r... causes. 1U said of the 1,20a operations . inuiaaa none had serious results. DOUGLAS COUNTY CONTEST PROCEEDINGS ARE ON (From a Stuff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 10.-(.pecUI Tele gram.) Tho contest before the committee of rrtv!!ee and elections this evening In the cases of Queenan against Larson and Rrcnnaa against Drueeedow, both from DoURiaia loll n IV dvlAnA Irr.t- - Interest. J I. B. FHhorty and Arthur Fen- a.. toi ror the contestants, ap yeard. Attcsnjt was made to show that in one precinct the polk were kept open later thaa this hour preeorflirid and that; enouas voUa coma tn sufficient to change tU Ntolt.. No report was mad by tha . SOWA. ZiXt, irw, "!. ia Spilal Tele . r.).W(t.i Janes.' l&-vr.M a:". Si',. '. &Kte was fatally Injured iiuir, w,iwiy coasting. ...(vi(f.,,.-. tr""!'", ""ri Don't Give Up! Ki)vi d a vs nt:.a.tti due to weak kidney we TI more common tha . years ago. according to rp. the o a a u i (ver-worli an worry are t the caueea. T h kidneys can' keep up and s t a slight kldne y we ak n e ss Is usually neglsu d. If . t- have backache. Cmy spells, elck uaaicjie or ui rsry disorders, dfjn't mlstaks the csu ligi.t Hie djifcer. Mora a. to flirt, habits, etc, and the use of Doan Kli!ry IlllS OUKilt ta krinv r,..I..L, s - V w lif. . There era huurtrada mwA , ... re- i,f i .i-le all over the world who reoom- A CaseRi'sht Herein Omnha Mrs. L. a Levin. t6l Kraiiklla St. f'tnaha. says: 'I ha4 no little trouble fioia a Ooll, heavy at he ax-ross my kld i.f. m,d at nines it was so bad that I t o'il !ii-t do niy housework. I oftn Buf fo i frwn rseJaw:!ioB and ftiy kidneys m. lei Irregularly. Uoan's Kidney HUs tt"f1 my kidney to a strong, healthy i ..lid iton and , ll th other alluicuta Itft mm ftr.M L k a 4 L w IILLS 50 b b Drug Storeg cr V..i.-jrn Co, tiiifia.lo.N Y ! m URGES PUPILSJE INSPECTED Mrt. Edholm- of Omaha Say Beal rhyiician ii Taking Bread and Butter from Own Mouth. a i i TALKS TO TUBERCULOSIS BODY tFrom a Ptaff Corespondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. lfl.-8peclal.)-Dele-gates to the Nebraska Association for the Study of Tuberculosis were addressed by Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm of Omaha on "Health Inspection In Bchoole." Mrs. Ed holm said that the reel medical man of today Is taking, the bread and butter fro mhls oi mouth. She said: The medical man of the future. If the medlral men and other persons of today will do their whole duty, will be a teacher rather than a healer. He will be a man who will teach others to prevent dlseass. Instead of being called In to cure the die ease after It has once obtained IU hold. "The easiest and most efficient wsy to set the right pace on the road to univer sal health Is the medical Inspection of schools. If the children of this genera tion are healthy, the future generations, to a great extent, will look to themselves. Medical Inspection will establish open air class rooms and Inquiry Into the well being physically and mentally of school chitdren-why is eyestrain and spinal curvature; why la Inattntlon and chronic mlschlef-maklngT a procedure which will some day maks for a race with a big lung and a clear head, for whom' medical Inspection will have no meaning whatso ever, fleeing far Into the future perhaps not so far one generation of medical In spection which .really Inspects, unham pered by politics, will bring about the most wonderful results." Judge Howard Kennedy of Omaha, member of the Stats Board of Control, read a paper on "Urgent Need of Laws Reporting Venereal Diseases." Want Civil Service For Janitors to Be For the Whole State . (From a Staff Correspondent.) , LINCOLN, Feb. 10. (KpeclaL)-Repre-senlattvs Larsen's civil service bill for South Omaha school Janitors and othsr school district smployes. except teachers. cams near losing out when It was taken up on final passage. It received sixty votes, while thirty-six were csat In the negative. Several of those voting "No" said they did not like to see a good thing limited ts South Omaha, and since It would not apply to tha entire state they were opposed to It. STOCK FOOD BILL MAY ENDANGER SOME FIRMS I From a Staff Correspundent) LINCOLN, Neb.. Feb. M.-(Speclal.)- II. n. 139 byKrumbacb, regulating tha sale of stock fcods, waa recommended for passage this afternoon. In committee of tho whole In the senate. According to Senator Qulnby of Douglas, If the' bill goes through and becomes a law (t will put several Omaha firms dealing In this kind of rood out of business. HOUSE COMMITTEE OF WHOLE WOULD ABOLISH CORONER (From a Staff Correspondent) .. LINCOLN. Feb. 1ft (Ppeeiel ) The com mittee of the whole In the bouse sent the third reading House Roll 308, which abolishes tha coroner's office and puts the duties principally on the county attor ney, who may call upon-ttie clerk or sheriff for assistance.. . . . Legislative. v Proceedings Fee Ptuwataje by Hesuats. ft IT 74 V L.-l .! V.m.U. Ti,.U.a Kimball flakes drawing of check with no funds In bank, orima facie evidence of Inten to dofrsiid. B. K. Hi, Klerhel, Nemaha Re-enact, mrnt of pure seed l.nw as a law by Itsalf. tmerency, i . srt is, Klechei, Nemaha Pro idea for pure live stock remltea fnoda and the payment ot a registration fee-of Ji by the manufacturer. tmersetiey. S. F. 80, (trace. Harlui Heoeals vertical tawt 1w srrbtn. . . 141, Klechel, Nemaha, l enact- ment of law for "mire" concentrated commercial feeding stuff. H. k. bw Kxtxntie to the district court the law disqualifying Judges from sitting In csees In vhlrh thev have an Interest. H. V. .!)&. Wilson of Dods-e Kaises the requirements for minors certificates to ootrurDi with' the prtajtol hlhr stand ards of other state. C. F. 71 Howell, Douilas Futends pen sion law In Omaha to ail city employes, Var Poetpaweaaestt by Benate. S. r, m, Huehe of Kimball-Provides for double elction tmerd. 8. K. 14.1. bplrk, Kllne Reenlutloa for fnnatltiillunai aiuendment reducina- alia of legislature, hv one-halt and leastnewing ten a ot tnnmbcrs from two to tour yeejra BlUe fauteea la Heita. , . H. R. 4, Resan 1'ermlts bidldlngs and loan aaaoolatlotis to issue stock tn gxeater amounts than ,0". li. H. u. Crinklaw-citminates from limitation of female labor the country nil vines lees man s.tu. it. K. si. Douslae I'ounty Delegation AtHolntmat of constables la lAiuaUs Countr, . 1 1. V. 15, lireenPchf l -'strict em Ployrs not SMbjavt to tlismlsaVa for po Uu. alr essons. It. R. is4, lntbey Provldea tor employ mt" lit of city prisoners. I H. K. 2u. Hrto Coreets lew passed twvtity years ago regarding offices lor Slata treasurer. , II. It sr.l, NlcbclsPataJTles bill for South Umatia rounniinrn. 11. K. Fuller and I Ugett Reduces number of cuiis of bienni.,1 reports of state offl.'vrs Imm l.OuO to . H. K. 274. Oliiklaw-Allows partial clos ing ot parka In cities ainl viiiatte of Was tllHQ t CM1. It. It. SM, Nelson Requires owners ot lots to mm Weed. It. It. il, llotfmelster Rt-qulrss ex proa coir iNinles tu properly hu slock, Heaae t ulllf f M kl, . II. R VA, Ilafoe and Wltereon Amndments to pure food law rga.rllrjg IvsnMllwita in packages II. li. 2 TfbU'ts Abolishes office of coroner ana gives duties to county attor ney. To pass. IL H M. loiis1aa Countv lwniu. Createe mnnlclpat courts tu Omaha. To paw. 11. ft 1st. Baas Relates to division of road taxes. To w Departaseat Orders. WASlflNQTON. rb. 10 (8p-a TIe rram On the rexnunendatiun of Con (ressmsa rltaphens. Lr. U W. Wueathoff hsa len aiiK luted penaloa surgeon at Ni'litrb, Neb. t'.tmaaters appointed. Elliott Mlatt at Maney. Browa couMy, la., vice E. M Jspb. rlned; Frank Vlartb at Quasy rtnn, fiat'iienan county, Is, vice C Uarnaon; Heruia J. . Koff. Buffalo' Uhwd couiuy. Neb., vlr O. J." 1'oslll.aaters reaipvvlntd: Nebraaaa Astte. Mum county, John F. t'ouk; An- us, Muc..Il ruiiniy, Mrs. Klla Muore; Leahara. uodl county. Ola Nela-jo; !.liia. Iiutier county, Joseph B Iin.. )r loaa tu.t!ey, Wapello county, Harry Mevans. The oompt roller of the eurrency ha r-ter.rir.1 tli charter of tha llrat Kv tione.l tank of Mlfri. la., until me i ot Uus'nre c o t tturur ry l, 1J6. TWO MEXICANS SUSPECTED OF THE MURDER. . e. If :l : I "' . ji :.VV:' ' ! ' i S S' '-'VH,i DETECTIVE RING SHOT BY MEXICAN WHO; GETS AWAY ' " ' (Continued from Tag One.) ; for the outskirts with the xtflcers in hot pursuit. . otfc Oaaahs) Police nay. Whan tho Bouth Omaha police, heard cf the murder of Detective Ring, Chief Brlggs' ordered every man on the force to get busy In an effort to apprehend the murderers. This was done and officers scurried' In every direction. over the rail road yards and out-of-the-way places. Maw shot Fired. , Among the 'score ' of taken Intel custody by the pbllce tor examina tion with, regard to the murder waa one Miguel Arros, who declares he was a witness to the shooting.' -' It seems that Ring and Cashman, who had been Joined on the street byt Phillips, when approaching the Madrid hoarding house, saw three 'Mexicans cross the street wearing bright ' new shoes. They entered a saloon and' tho officers fol lowed. Ring Questioned the Mexicans and they aald they had Just purchased the footwear at the boarding house. Ring ordered them to point out tho room and Arros did so. According to Arros, King proceeded him up the stairs and had already climbed on top of the washstand to peer over the transom wben he reaohed the top of the stairs. Cashman followed Ring,, while Phillips guarded the . two Mexicans In the store. Just them, said Arros, ha heard a shot 'and Ring fell to tha floor. Not wishing to bo shot himself, Arros ducked Into an ad joining room and peeked out the keyhole, lie Mserts ho saw the two Mexicans emerge from the room and fire two more shots at Ring lying prostrate' on tho floor. ' One shot lodged over Ring's heart and the other went through his hand. It was the shot through ths eye that killed the detective. Then, aald Arros, tha two Mexicans- flew toward the rear of the house and escaped.. Arros declares he doeg not know the men and does ' not even know their names. Chief Special Agent C. L' Patterson of the Union Padflo has identified the gootU recovered In the room of trv Mex icans as stoiea from their oars. Ideatlftsd fresa Photos, Late In the afternoon Chief of Detec tives Steve Maloney learned the names of the three men pictured 1n the photograph found In tho room vacated by tha mur derer They are Ruben! Trobeno, If no- loo Parra, and Irnsioo O. Zorano. Only two of the three men were In the room at the time of the shooting, but tho police ere looking for - all three. No trace of them had been found up to 4 o'clock. Borne thirty Mexicans Vera caught in the dragnet In the afternoon and police are confident they will soon have Information leading to the arrests of the guilty per sons. Rlesr Warmed. According to Cashman, the Mexicans heard them as they came up tho stairs. and called "What do you wantr' Ring replied that they were offlcera, when one of the trio cried out. "Keep away from this door." Cashman warned Ring to do so, but the latter, seeing the washstand near the door, placed It below tho tran som and climbed up to look In. The first shot waa Immediately fol lowed fc a commotion In the room, de clares) Cashman, and someone called tha tha men were getting out the back way, so he ran down the atatra to head them oft. He failed to see them, and a few moments later In the company of Phil Hps he returned to the building and found Arros. The station waa immediately no tified by them. Cwrefal Se-areh Made. Rumors as to the whereabouts of the men kupt coming into the station all aft ernoon. Detective Vaa. Dusen, Kings partner, , In company with several offlcera, searched the railroad yards near iSlxth and Jones streets.' where the two Mexi cans were reported to have Wen seen by train crews, Others searched In the bot toms and along the railroad tracks by the river without result A aquad of men bsa been detailed to the railroad yards for the night. In the hape that the Mexicans tuny be located hiding In some of the vacant boxesxrs. Arros Is believed to know tnnre of the fugitives than he will admit, and win be held until the police are confident that thev havo learned all that they can from him. ( Mrs. RleST etrlekesi. Mrs. Ring, the widow of tho dead de tective, who has been 111 for the last two weeks. Is In a serious condition as the result of the shock. The entire family Is stricken with grief at the father's death and worry over Mrs. Ring's condition. rrevlous to her recent Illness Mrs. Ring suffered for several month from a broken hip, which she sustained when she fell on the Ice. Detective Van Dusen Is decidedly broken up over the death of his partner, and expresses the Intention bf working night and dsy to bring ths murderer td Justice. A description of ths two who are responsible for the' shooting Is given out by tho police as follows: No. 1 Mexican, curly haired, five feet nine, aged 2. weisrht 1) Bounds, face pitted with smallpox -marks, westing blue serge suit. Thought to be the man who did the shooting. No. s Mexican, . five feet six Inches, weight 146 pounds, about 24 years old. blue shirt with white dots, a blue mole on left cheek, limps with left leg. A. N. Madrid, proprietor of tho rooming house In which tho shooting occurred. said the Mexicans had occupied quar ters there for less than a week. They were weH dressed and seemed to havo plenty of money, but 'aside from this fact ho knew nothing of thorn. Much stolen property was found in tha room. PEACE NOTE IN i PRUSSIAN DIET (Continued lrom Page One.) evil application to all minorities, as In the case of ths Danes and Poles. People Want Peace. Ills party had hoped, Herr Hlrsch con tinued, the government would fulfill Its duty by granting uniform suffrage with the secret direct ballot, at tho session October 20 last He mentioned tha desire of the social democrats for an honorable peace and concluded: ' "We know that this war ta desired by the people In none ot .tho belligerent lands; that Its and ts everywhere longed for by the people. Wo cherish tho confi dence that the voices demanding peace will grow more numerous In . all belligerent lands, will make themselves beard In, in fluential quarters and that under tho In fluence of its desire for peace, especially of ths laboring classes of all lands, in assured peace may come speedily to the well being of tho German' people and of all humanity." Herr Von Heydebrand replied to Herr Hlrsch on behalf ot the nonsoolallst par ties. He' declared that tho present mo ment was not a suitable one for advanc ing special wishes or complaints. Tha situation was one which Uomanded that the entire Prussian people show Itself united, as Its soldiers on tha battlefield wore) united. Herr Llebnknecht Interjected: "You havo no right to speak la the name of tha German people." This remark brought forth cries of pro test. Herr Heydebrand. continued his reply with an exhortation to tha dele gates to .work together and make any sacrifices necessary for victory.' After tha first reading of the budget tho Diet adjourned until February 1 MARTY CHOSEN POSTMASTER ... BY.yOTERS.jty CQLUMJBUS ! CpLT&BiV'N-eb'.; Feb?' Iftpecial fetegranO-A .resfllt "of 'an' exciting postmaster primary here today'S. K. Marty was elected to that position. The vote was: Marty, toi: Xavanaugb, 290; Ryan, Jin; Ellas, 140; Henry, fifty-flye. It is understood Ryan was ths candt data favored by the democratlo organi sation. State Bride Bill Killed J LINCOLN, Feb. 10. (Special.) It took; two minutes for tho house In committee of the whole to kill the Trumble bill,' House Roll 23JL providing that no state bridge should be built within fifteen miles of one another. , Representatives' Regan, Btebblns and Cronln, representing counties on tho Platte and Niobrara, livers. Jumped upon the bill and It was Indefinitely postponed on Cronln'f motion. ' 1??- fes C fatenaesoTfss .1.1.4.. In a llttls book designed for expectant mothers more complete Instruction la given In tho use of "Mother's Friend." This Is an external embrocation applied to the abdominal muscles for the purpose of reducing the strata on Use mania, cords arid tendons. In thus brlrurlng- relief and avoiding pain' great good Is accomplished. It Serves to eaee tho mind. Indirectly has a np oat beneficial effect upon the nervous system and thousands of women havo delightedly told how they ware fro of nausea, had no morning sickness ao4 went throush tha ordeal with most re markable success. 'Mother's Friend" has been growing In popular favor for more than forty years. In almost every com munity are grandmothers who used It themselves, their daughters' have used it and they certainly must know what a blessing It Is when they reoommenj It o warmly, Ptrlrtlr as srtemsl application, it has bo other effect than to ww the musclea, cords, tan done and ligaments Involved hence la perfectly safe to use by all women. It Is used very suocssafull to prevent caking of breasts. 'Mother's Friend' ts prepared hi the laboratory of brad Held Regulator Co eoi LsJbar fc.iU-. Atlanta, lis. 'CoMfraiHIeafi Relieved In one mlnate. Money back It It tail. Oa( a iWe or Sue lube of ill CharltJil JcXly I'h It quick. For cbrealo aassl c a tairn. a r catarrh, sore eoe. ctu lit. sue4m. noa tnve.i. sic. Wilis (or Iraa sample. Ths Iti 1 drop aJ out 'deftMMl,. Aak drif id. stoat Mffl.Ces.Mlai gUa, ktlstav 4::: SHY AT YOTECOUNTIKG BILL Douglas County Member Are Not Inclined to Favor the Move at Are Some Others. HOUSE TOES' PASSES IT OTEU (From a 8tsff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Feb. 10. (Special.) Omaha members did not like the looks of house roll 214. which provides for a. double election board, one board to count while the other takes In the ballots. Tho bill provides that the counting board shall be In another ,room and Relshlck of Rich srdson wanted to know how they could do that In school houses where there wss only one room. Barrett of Douglas didn't like the prop osition, for ho believed that the counting board would tip off some of their friends so they could go out snd work harder if It waa necessary, while Hunter did not Ilka It because the bill did not apply to Omaha and South Omaha. . ; Smith of Cumtrig Is the Introducer of tha bill and when ho ssw ths opposition developing asked that the bill go over. ' Pensions for All Omaha Employes is A Plan of Howell (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. Feb. K). (Special.) Sena tor , Howell's bill for pensions for an Omaha city employes. Senate File 78, passed In the senate committee) of the whole this morning, without any dlfrt culty. . . The sponsor of the bill pointed out that the firemen, policemen, library employes and seliool teachers In Omaha now had pensions and that It was only fair that the othsr employes . of tha city should enjoy the 'same advantage. Senator Saunders of Douglas agreed 1 1914 Income Tax All persons having net .incomes of $3,000 or over for the year ending December"31st, 1914, are required to fill out and file with the Revenue Department a tax schedule on,vor .before March 1st, 1915. . We have on hand the necessary blanks and will be pleased to give information and be of aseistance. to any one who may wish help with them -r confidentially : and without obligation .or charge.- , . . .: Capital and Surplus . - $475,000.00. , .-rSk'T.. J t 1622 FAR NAM STREET J Pumpkin Pic Recipe Cottage Pumpkin Pi (Large Pie) IK Cups pumpkin, boiled and strained through colander, 1 cup brown sugar; 2 esirs(one if they era hiak priced) ; K teaspoon ginger; H teaspoon allspice: H teaspoon cinnamon; tablespoon Hour; 1 , cup CuUage Muk muted wiia 1 cup water. Mix all mgrerflente except milk snd wsten stir vary thoroughly. Add milk and wster alowlv. ly. . turn in Turn into pis tins lined bake half hour la awd- with crust and and bake or eta oven. Tha abova redpe trfve. rood, uni form results every time. The rich ness wul uniformity of CotUge Muk insure suoceaa ia all kinds ol cook log aad baking. Btee-UUod Umwsstensd la pure milk with most of the water taken. It lasts longer, and ia more sanitary, economical and con venient thaa bottle milk. Get a supply today and aee for youraeli Low aupenor It is. 7e Aft WU hoot thm CooJUef Tawte Ia Two Sizes, S and 1C At All Coed Dealers AKXRICAN MILK CCLIPANT HrT-s Chicago J iff ye? jim' - -JTw"na Mm' j f ' ' ' ej 0. 1 f ,e i mi) Witt W with the general principle of the blU, but 'objected on the ground that there was no civil eervlee for ouch employes Sens tor Shumway objected to the pro vision of 4 ha bill permitting retirement at the age of 41, as putting a premium on laxlnes. He said that the farmer had to work until he went to his grave. J TITLE MEN STAND PAT - UPON PRESENT SYSTEM (From a Staff Correspondent) ' LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 10. (Special.) Resolutions' approving the present Ne braska system of land registration were passed today at the annual convention of The Nebraska Association of Bonded Ab stractors In section at tha Lincoln hotel. The organisation did not go on record as opposed to the Torrens registration bill now before the state legislature. "We do not believe, however, that the measurs means progressiva legislation mass J9MkvaMaaaVsa tlGWaABD li AMD SIXTEENTH .OTROCTO Office Aprons A new ship ment of black of fice aprons, 25c, 35c and 50c. THIRD FLOOR. These New White Goods at Special Prices Thursday 50c 36-inch Shirtwaist Linen, 29o a yard. 1 30c, 364n. Plain White Flaxon, 15o a yard. 30-inch White Under wear Crepe, 15c a yard. yiii,-i,u " ICQALfcrtnaeo, This Goal Make3 Cooking Easier Do you tlbutt it, madam? You won't deny that a steady, even, continuous heat will improve youf baking. , ' . You get a coal that will give you Ais kind of heat always ' when you ask your dealer for - 3 :r LEtHGH'ftttEy AIITJIRACITB Ths Coal That Satisfies You will note its steady, continuous, economical burning. You will realize that cold ovens and dull fires have disappeared. ' Why? Because this coal is r Jl iaitG VAsieH VAiinr MiiiKAcne This Siva is DWIaraJ by Dealaes srs sail baMe V allay Aaaraae lehigh Valley McCormidc BuHding . An Open Letter (About Bronchitis.) , TO THE! PUBLIC: In March. 1114. I bacama forced me to remain in bed tor two .w.. .ujiav, ua iwiHa ot luprovtmut, i seemed to grow worse. For 6 while I was despondent, unUl my wtfa read a little pamphlet advertising the "Keeence Mentho-Laxeoe." Discouraged with that Bounded Ilka a cur a. in. u.i, Kt. l.."'Llm "il nu Ufltn USIDK WlLnout allacc I araa ai in. n pared aooordlng to direction, and before halt ot the Quantity waa conaumed the couch had abated and I was at work tour days after, and have never fslt any symptoms of tbs dread disease since. AH who are acquaintea with Bronchi ts will understand bow hard It ts to subdue the eoush, but today I am wining to take oath, or make an affidavit to the ef "ect, ' ths-tm? case of BronchlUs was as severe as ever atfltcud man. ajid that I waa positively cured of It In lees thaa four day a. ail duato ths wVniaTtu! S.U.rl!.,.?O.T:rr,0 hS MenthLaa" Since then 1 ha.e " ecotn- mended It to all sufferers as I was, or to thoae who were subject to eoids tfoiT'i, .Za IHi fx5h c." tna medicine suslned the reputation I had script lo& Pralaea (ft this, truly valuable prs- -iS.lLZh?,F.y aksptlcal in 1U use can wHte me, and I will cheerfully give thstn all ths Information they desire abova my personal signature. Very respectfully, a. CAMPbULL, 244T Lafayette St. Denver, Colo. Fortha benefit of readers: Essence Mentho-Laxene can be obtained 2I.,.r5F1,ti' 1H os. bottle makes a full pint of cold and Cough Syrup, irall dliecUona are with each bottle. Advertisement AMVSBaf C9JTB. IMI1DEIS TOSiaXT AT g;80, svasT rzsa. John Bunny ge5TaSaa!aeers! (atlsUXU) . . . "Danny ia Fcnnylind" rrioas aoo, aoe, Tftc and fto, ttasv, atoa. and tma, Qhaiutoey Oloota. C-3IPP,iS5Jn at at m as as jaTJg a ii BtA&JTXT XABT TIKII TOPAT Bauial CroaauMS areeeats MAS1Y PICKFORD . THE DEUO HABIT. Ojilum, rnorjihlna, cocaine and other haljkt-fi"r'','ns; rtrviss UCC.srU.Z,T sU(ATZ1 la five davs without pain or suffering. Am irri veto as Teur Owm Hoaae. lateral tirmf, Write or rail r pain. IbStli AS.OOV taaATSKlT, Bk ara Ave. (Hoot a tva Ave.) . ASitraae B. B. fcroixhan. A. gollMf buaUtaas can be tiMd qutvUj through The Bee's "Business Chances. " for Nsbrosks," asserted Jsy C. Moore ot Tecum seh, secretary and treasurer. LEGISLATORS DO NOT FAVOR SMALLER REPRESENTATION (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Feb. 10. (PpeclaDTha Idea of a small legislature, even though the terms of the members be Increased to tour years, does not appeal to the senate. The committee of tho whole In ths upper house this morning killed Brrirk's resolu tion for a smaller legislature. Senate File 113. by a vote of IS to 12. DUNC0MBE APPOINTED FORT DODGE POSTMASTER WASHINGTON. Feb. lO.-The president today nominated C. F. Duncomba as post master at Fort Dodge, la. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. et Saa Children's Un&rwear Odl sizes Values up to $1.40 Special Thursday. 25c. THIRD FLOOR, Checked Dimities 30c Checked Dimities, ,25c a yard. TaOo Checked Dimities, 35c a yard.' 50c Checked and Nob bed Voiles, 30c a yard. richer in carbon than ordinary coal. Insist that your dealer send you Lehigh Valley An thracite. He will gladly supply you. coal sales co. Qucajo,TIL August X. 1114. wltt, an .!. ts, nui.i months The doctor in attendance AUCIEHEVTS. DOVD OKABIAH MOST - saauaee -x-oaay, git . Toal-fct aad Italaaoe of Weak, - big Jir.i ennnuy Mats., stna., Wsd Thnrs., Kat. aSav ... fctghta. a&e aad ao Added MttMUoa avary prf JTBaanoa. SMiea kresavJUnr Waiaes ta lVateea Xaaees. Week I A Women's Way. VmeaZ le, Bootrty fc,i. aus. 1 Kiiswortk Asia, gmpxaao, between aeas. DaUy Matinee. :ls Mthta. l7i. Ivr i e"V 'Olaver atta: TKs it Ker- a Co., stsrlal tcutiay, Buraiiaai trwla. Aaiaa bchelear Oraoeaia tram k4lr. 1-ricea : ataL. Jial.. lc. bast acata Csaceet bat. & Bun . J5e K1hta. lc. lit- an,- itl mtX. 1 a In 1 rll as'Bisr r- aa" C-e f ti jft natiyaaauie-aaoe. at read stew Bhow . cIaS GLODE TROTTERS MUed to overflowing with Jollity, hilar ity, girls anJ gayety. The to-ai t Mu sical Hurleeque. "Tha Dowry fceajtsis. Big Be-auty Cliorus. X.aaiaa' Dtme Ustlaes Week Days.