Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1915, Page 11, Image 13

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    TIIK HEE: OMAHA, TlIUnsDAV, FKttllUAHY 11, 101.'):
DIAMOND Tin karat. Price $125. ex
change foP typewriter.. Piano or mako
offer. Tlffsny mounting. S. C- OW. Wee.
lOii FOR TRADE Fine- Irish setter to
good home; farm preferred Address a.
.. nee.
W-ACRK Kioux county, Nebraska, Im
proved ; $30 acre; mortgage $l,em Will
trails for merchandise or city property.
Address I, a, Hoe.
FURNITURE Heavy mahogany musio
cabinet for player rolls or sheet juslc. $18 new and used but three months,
"ill swap for anything? I can use actu.
ally worth $15 or mora. Address H. C. 537.
GENT'S sold watch- and solid oak side
board, exchange for piano. Pay differ
ence. B. C. W7. Bee. .
INCUBATOR One 300-egg Mandy Lee
first-class Incubator, almost new, will
exchange for electrlo tan, sleigh, or will
cell cheap for cash. Address 8. C. 643,
care Bee.
INDIAN CURIOS Rare collection about
one hundred pieces of rare specimens of
beadwork. etc, for lot. acreage, auto, dia
monds, or what have you to offer? Ad
dress S. C. 807, care Omaha Bee.
Iloase aad Cottages.
ALL pises. IX per month up. $tf7 Partea,
6TR4CTLY modern 6-room cottage, hot
water heat: close In, walking distance!
ma Lincoln Blvd.. tU. Apply W. H.
LVirrance. Do'g. BX or Harney 3151.
6-r., modern. 718 9. 87th 8t. J-r., modern.
84 Lear. St.. good location. Web. r90.
12-ROOM modern house, with barn, hot
water hest, JS18 Harney Ft, vacant
March 1. Inquire T. J. O Brian, II. 10.
IX 1311
PIANO A good Standard upright piano,
will be sacrificed, act quick. Address
S. C. 678. Bee.
MANDOLIN, fine one. sell for $26 or ex
change for diamond ring; alio 1150
phonograph, sell or exchange for dia
mond, will . trade both. Address 8. U.
613. Bee.
MAHOGANY buffet, a beauty, almost
new, for diamond. Jewelry, or. what have
you to of ferT Address & C. ub, cara
MOTORCYCLES Twin Excelsior motor
cycle with side car. swap ior auto
worth $225. Ford preferred. Addresa B.
C. Bea.
Globe Van&Storage
Stores, moves, packs, ships: Vhorsa van
snd " nwn 1 . '"-r h'. ; "fersire 21 "er
mo. Satisfaction guar. T. 438 A Ty. 830.
JC2 KGGCl r"k'ng
V. A.YVV.VA im jrar
... moving,
Farnam. D. !.
til N. th St.
Pbona D KM or Web. 1$,
$20 6-room and Uundry, all mod. except
furnace, 1627 Chicago. Call H.' 8896.
flnnsna'" " Prla f the city.
U-OUBeB creigh Sons Co.. Bee BM.
per 'hr.j dray, t men
Webater. Doug. 14M.
Van anil Rtnr-
age Co.. Large
van, ' I men,
$1.26 par tor.
We have complete ltat of all houses,
apartments and flats that are for rent.
This Uat can be seen free of charge at
Omaha Van Storage Co.. W 9o. loth St.
Out of the
ORIENTAL rugs, genuine antique and
very beautiful, 'rare designs, to trade
for used furniture, diamonds, merchan
dise; or what have you? Address B. C.
4, care Omaha Bee. '
PIANO A new electric piano with harp
and flute attachment, leaded glass front
Will play with or without coin. Will
trade for diamond. Balance could be paid
out $25 per month. Regular price $0.
Will sell for f u75. or trade, wholesale
yrlce. 8. C. 877. Bee. .
PIANO New England Piano, mfgd. at
Boston, Mass. In good condition. Will
be, sacrificed. What have you? Addresa
X PHOTOGRAPHT-10 vol. "Complete Ll
V brary of Photography," leather, like
ew; with mission book rack; cost $30;
will sell for $10. Address K 043. Pee.
KOAOSTEH One Oakland roadster, cost
$1,600 new; has a thoroughly rebuilt en
gine; two extra casings with covers and
rack; has new top wlth side curtalna;
.will trade for late model motorcycle and
cash or will consider good lot or equity
In all modern house. This car Is in stor
age and I will pay same until spring.
Address S. C. 682. Bee.- .
of hotel or restaurant heavy weight
china plates, cups and saucers, sugars,
creamers, side "dishes, bakers, etc., all or
any part of it. to trade for anytfilng that
1 miht be able to use, or cheap for cash.
What have you? Address 8. C. 603, cara
Omaha Bee.
li. LIBBER BOOTS Have good pair of
rubber boots almost new will sell or
trade for something I can use; In good
condition; sise H. 8. C. 461. Bee.
SOLID BRASS Jardtnier, a beauty, worth
125. brand new. to trade. W hat have you
to swap? .Also one brass candelabra, new,
lor five candles, and one combination
candelabra, heavy quadruple-plated silver,
can bo Used either aa single candlestick
or for three candles, a fine ornament on
the table or on the mantle or on top of
the Dlano. Will trade for used furniture.
or anything of value to me. .A,ddree
B. C. 805, care Omaha Bee.
SOLID copper chafing diali. with copper
bordered delft blue tile tray and alcohol
filler, all In copper, famous Sternau New
1 orK mane, to traae ior lunmure, aisnes
or anything that J might be able to use.
Address S. C. 601, Omaha Bee.
8IQN8. showcards. Clark & Bon. D. J378.
TYPEWRITER Oliver Standard Visible
' Writer, only slightly used and as good
an new. ineap ior casn or win uraae.
What have you? Address. B. C. 4o3. Bes.
cumbered, located In the famous John
Trv district, near the Columbia .river In
Oregon. Title perfect ;" valued at $M per
acre; will sell or exchange for' clear
Omaha lot, or. what ttav yom.. Address
A m. Bee. .
TWENTY acres rich truck land, near
uuii, jk miles irora twuawwu, xoa.
Address, 8. C. 1522. Bee. '
too well known vacuum washing ma
chines, all new and up-to-date. A guaran
teed machine. Agents here la your chance
to make a clean-up this spring. Will swap
for auto or what have you7 Aaoruas.
p. C 678, Be
' WOULD trade 10 acres of good land real
close to Lake View, Ore., for car, road
ster preferred. Address u. m. J., J
Bt., Lincoln, Neb.
-ROOM stone bungalow $20.00
t-room. Cor. 13th and Cahler $2T.00
7-room, fine location 80.00
s-room, mod. ex. heat 20.00
(-room, never oooupled 2250
6-room, mod., paved street 26.00
Douglas 6013 or Walnut 8037, Harney 264.
SEVEN ROOMS, sleeping porch and sun
room, new and desirable, exceptionally
fine view, qutot neighborhood, !, or $06
With garage.
Seven rooms and nan, strictly moaorn.
hardwood finish In first story, three bed
rooms upstairs, one bedroom or den and
bath on first floor, $90. This house fronts
on a paved street anq Douievara, nfc
blocks from car line.
Five-room cottage. block from the
Harney St. car line, $tu.
Four-room nouse on Harney car line.
1 Farnam Bt. Phone Doug. 690.
This is no ordinary proposition. It is an excep
tionally advantageous ono. That's yrhy we aro using
liberal Ppaee to tell about it. WE KNOW that such
opportunities are not common.
It is not every' street in Omaha that can enjoy the
. strategic position of Harney street in the growth of
the central business part
It is notevery street in Omaha that can command
a price of $250 per front foot at one point (23d "and
Harney) and just above find an owner of a splendid
income property who will take $90.
This property is 2621 and 2627 Harney street; one
a brick house of 13 rooms, the latter a frame house of
16 rooms, finished in genuine mahogany. Price $7,700
and $6,700, respectively. ,
This Is a Bargain Extraordinary
Payne & Slater Co.
Douglas 1016. ' . 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.
DO you want a fine apartment site close
in: blocks north of P. O.; 88 feet front,
on Dodge; fine corner. Price $i,W0. J 4.3,
Htnrea as Offices.
GOOD-SIZED store room. 16th and How
ard. Suitable for any line of business.
WRIGHT ft LA 8 BURY, &n 8. lth. D.162.
powntown stores. L. H. Hill. 30 Bran. Th.
READY February 15th, a very desirable
offloe, with reoeptlon room; now being
decorated; 270 sa. ft; $18.
"The building that Is always new."
Calif oral. -
to farm In the Famous Sacramentd Val
ley of California. A wide varley of
FRUIT and general tjiwr-o, can
be cultivated wun very, sauainciui re
sults. . ...
tl ) reserves you ten acres or more, m
H,AV' spectloncan be made any time within
six months; balance In nine annual pay
ments. W. T. 8MITH CO..
City National Bank Bldg.
Trt SETTLERS ONLY 320-acres for $200;
rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land, no
and. J. A. Tracy. Ft Morgan, Colo.
48 acres fine land, 2V4 miles south of
WoodMno. la.: 46 acres In cultivation;
fenced all around and some hog-tight
cross-renced; about acres of wooaiana.
This land is rented from the 1st of
March for one year at ,$6 per acre. .Ko
houatML Strictly cash. - $110 Der acre.
Good terms. $2,260 will handle It. Call or
. W. M. NASH & CO., :
eta Bee Bldg. Phone Red SHS,
Stucco House
"Prettiest Mile"
Lot 55x165
The best plan and the best built house
on a valuable east front lot on the boule
Lot 66x165. '
Six big' room. '
One bed room, 12x23.
"Sun- room."
Beautiful decorations. '
Screens and shades.
"Piano" finish.
All oak floors.
Special made doors. "
This house la finished with white
Madusa" cement stucco, on metal lath
and will -stand inspection. Iet us show
you. The number la 5832 Florence boule
vard. Price will sell It. -
.Charles W. Martin & Co.,
. Tyler 17. . .
743 Omaha Kat Bank Bldg.
. Minnesota. i
HO-ACRE improved farm Bear town In
corn belt of Minnesota. Has a good
s-room house and other buildings. 300
acres under cultivation, balance timber
and pasture with running water. $tiO per
acre, easy terms. Farmers Land uo..
Palace Bldg . Minneapolis. Minn. o.
WW i&na. close w iv a. wwh, m kiw,
$400, $& monthly; 40. acres, $700, $10
monthly; 80 acres, $1,200;' no Interest, no
taxes, no forfeiture;, best bargain In
South Missouri; literature free. D. Mer-
rtam, Ellis & Benton, Kansas caty. Kan
will swap for something of the value
of $13. or cash, shell rest thrown in. All
In good condition. S. C. 278, Bee.
PRAINKD cotton land. Richest in ' the
world. $25 acre. Four cash, balance
ten years. Q. P. Btebblns.
IWATCH Lady's solid gold watch, value
$40; what have you to tradaT Address.
. u. nu, Bee.
Improved farms, $10 acre, upwards, corn,
alfalfa, cotton.- Will raise much as Ne
braska land. No winters. O. P. Ktebhlna.
. AoartsaAMts ssi k'iata.
Fidelity Storage Co
Ctorage, moving, packing and shipping.
16th Jackson Sts. Phone Douglas 28.
19 acres. Improved, 5 miles from Del-
ton, Morr II county. Iteo., u per acre.
Want rtuddenca. sai-acre. 1 miles from
Dalton, Cheyenne county, Neb., $30 per
acre. Want residence or acreage. Western
Real Estate Co., umana, nep.
FOR SaLK Best large body high-grade
medium-priced land In Nebraska; vtry
little money rewired. C.I Bradlay. Wol-
bach. -Neb. -
CK3DEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, tioml
with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone UK
$-r.. modern flat, Uua S. 24th. fc!X H. 47a
FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin
lshed and up-to-dato 3, 4 and 6-room
apartments to city. Building Just fin
ished. Flora Apartments. 3561 Jones Bt.
,10 So. 27th, -r mod. flat .....$30.00
' 12 So. 27th, t-r mod. flat SO 00
100 No. ith. 7-r mod. flat 20.00
' C. O. CAR1-BEKG, 212 Brandeis The. Big.
-R., mod., ht. fur. 811 N. 17th St., $34.
RASP BROS.. Douglas !&".
MAEWOOD APT. Living room with dl
appearlng bed, kitchenette and bath;
choice location. 2511 Hamey St.; $30 sum
mer, $34.6Q .winter. Vacated today. .
ffice, 2511 Hamey St.
Douglas 1472.
Very deslrahle east front, second floor.
4-room apartment; large rooms, new
building, fine 'location, near 2511 Harney;
low rent.
Office, 2511 Harney St. Douglas 1472.
f Rooms'-1 1
FURNISHED ROOM, beated. 4C14 Nortb
1S A.V.
NICELY furnished rooms.
Apt. 11.
U 8. 16th.
MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam beat;
$10 mo. and up; cafe In connection. D.UKfcl
OODEN HOTk-L. Council Bluffs, slean
heated room. $2 per week. Khone Ml
La Verna, in2 Cap., front mis. ltein. ht.
ONE large room, private family.
' 615 So. 224.
D. 6m3.
SINGLE or en suite. 1I N. Mth St.
u , Vani.m nlrA miXpm 11 .n .. 1 .
... .- .... -wa. . .11 . wcvm-
lng distance, reasonable price, call HM2L
TUB COLLINS, steam ht.. r,l,-. f,lrJ
nUhed rooms. Oood location, not llar-
liey. .
Faralaaea Apartaaeats.
TWO rooms and bath, newly rumtahnd
Apt. In the Maewoud; prlc, $s it). Va
cant February jo. rnon voukim l4Ti.
Faratiiheel Hoasekeealas; Bmu
North 24th, 47M Steam-heated fur rooma
THREE iiuusnkeeping rotinta, aluui, beat.
electric nsnu iio ..joio.
NISHLD linKr. nao., i m
Hawrkcriilag Hooata.
I ' SLEEPING and housekeeping room fur-
i ; a nace heat. 7
8. lath. Tyier l'l-W.
Hofela aasl riar(i.
C LIVok.". I A Hotel ltn M'l i
weekly rates z and up. Douglas 7tq
DOIK1E hiiTKl-- M.4. rn ltauaatla
yrUlic4 Hoasea,
NICE furnished b-room cottage. 3915 U
Ml.. South Omaha. Webater 100.
Two Homes
$3,600 Each .
$300 to $500 Cash
Balance Monthly
i nntt full 2-atorv. rooms and hall,
strictly modern; have been built leas than
4 years. One of these homes is located in
tv, north r,mrt of totvn In the best resi
dence portion, the other within easy walk
ing distance, we nave pernoneuu -H
hnth a! thM, nrnnertles and We
recommend them to be good, honest-built
houses and at a great aetu less man
cost to duplicate same.
For further information see us.
230 Omana Nat. BanK tiog.
SECTION Kimball Co. oross. 2101 Paul
Uooer Wisconsin
tj- .i .,'T nt Mineral croo state la the
union; settlers wanted. Lands for sale at
low prices on easy terms. Ask for book
let No, 84 on Wisconsin Central Land
Grant. Excellent lanas ior luiun ramus,
.-..--.. n fmlt lands uk for book
let on Apple Orcharda.. Address Land and
Industrial Deparunen. ow uu Mu,walri
Mlnneapoila. Minn.
c n xa rt a An vou need money T We
goUate for arm loans. $ or 10 yars. at
I per cent, dealing direct with bor
rower; 2 per cent straight commission;
correspondence solicited, tfeeurlty Farm
Loan ASb n, w . jearnya w.v-.
in . o
WANTED To borrow u0 for 1
a rr unL to Duy oatui,
Charles H.. Miller, Alma. Neb,
YOUNG man wtehes to rent a piano ior
two hours' practice In the alieruoon.
Address C ne-
A GOOD farm close to Omaha, not larger
wiNTKii TO RENT-A farm of W or -120
acres in nurmaw -.v
nf Nebraska; roust be good land with
good buildings; no hills. Address u we gee
K..vt Co. oldest abstract of
M b, m ' k .m. nrnrtla Theater.
lice in ncmw. - - ,, .
KERR Titl. Quarante ani A"1"?
a modern abstract office. s. JU toy
Phone Dougiaswi:
-wv ..... r.,,, inmn. k b. Ier cent.
J. H. Dumoin Co..l"t Farwam. Omaha
WANTED City loans aua wwrmui. .
Farnam Bmitn at o., m -"
to liv.ww tuaoe prouipUy. V. V. Weed;
Wea4 BloC, anu
W ANTED City loana r-eters lrut Co.
OMAHA homea East Nebraska farms.
1010 Omaha Natl. Douglas I7U
$i-j0 to $10.U) made promptly. F. 1. Wead.
VVead iilg., ltn and farnam Bte, .
SEE us first If yon want a farm loan.
United Mates Trust io.. umana. Web.
CITY IRAN'S. C. O. Carlberg,
siu-4i: nrununi i neater wag.
CITY proierty. Largo loaua a specialty
w. ri. lliomas. Xii btat Hank Mat
MONEY on nauu ior city and (arm loana
H. W. tiixl.r. Cky U. Bank Bldg.
Seven rooms, finished In birch, cement
basement, modern In every detail, east
front lot, paved street, close to car line,
located near 23 th Ave and Mason St.
Price, 5.00.
312 Brandeis Theater Bldg..
aWeMSH a
Wheat Market Light, with Littls
Tnding and lVicei Unchanged
to Half Cent Lower.
( OMAHA, Feb. 10, IMS.
New commitment In the wheat market
on the Hoard of Trade continued light.
The beat men In the trade, while favor
ing tthe bull side of this cereal, seem to
ie waiting for an opening on wnicn to
make purchases. The public, which in
variably favors the bull or long side of
any of the cereals. Is standing aloof, save
In a small way, waiting for an opening.
There are now renting orders held In
the market for large additional amounts
of thkt grain. Come of them are on for
elen account and some are on domestic
Cash sales of wheat were M.000 bushels,
of corn .15.000 bushels and of oats 110.000
nnneis. Of the foregoing there were
sales to exporters of 40,0X1 biwnels of
wheat, 240.000 bushels of corn and 2R.0O0
bushels of oats. The seaboard reported
13.00 bushels of wheat and 1,000.000 bush
els of oats.
Corn and oats were both higher and
there was a strong market. There was
a better demand for cash corn and the
oats were strong, largely In svtnpathy
with corn. Wee tern receipts of corn were
1,074.000 bushels, compared with 1.128,000
biiKhels a year ago. Spot corn at Liver
pool was v'l higher and oats ia
hi K her.
there waa heavy selling of hog prod
ucts, which was led by peckers.
Omaha Knot Marknt Wheat waa un
changed to He lower.
Corn was unchanged to lo higher. ,
O.ils were higher.
Clearanoes were: Wheat and flour equal
to l,&67.onti bushels; corn, 72,0O bushls;
oats, 29.fl00 bushels, ' ,
IJverpool closed: Wheat, not quotod;
corn, unchanged to Hd lower.
Primary wheat receipts were Kll,00
bushels and shipments 1,234.000 huahels,
against receipts of Si000 bushels and
shipments of 4.16,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 1.020.000
bushels and shipments 1,3S,000 bushels,
against receipts of IM.OtiO hushofs and
shipments of 471.000 bushels last jar.
Primary oats receipts were 18,0CU bush
els and shipments bushels aealnnt
receipts of 6i,ooo bushels and shipments
vs. iu,wu nusneia last year.
Wheat. Corn.
new, Is to; rebruary, U WV4; March, U
NEW TOTtK. Feb. lO.-FLOnR-fJ'ilet.
WHEAT-Ppot, essy; No. i red, ft.TIS,
and No. $ hard winter. $I.72V, all rail,
c. I. f. track: northern iMiluth, $1.27. and
NO 1. northern Manitoba, $1.67. c. I t.
Buffalo. Futures, easy; May, $l "i.
COHN-8vM.t.. steady; No. 2 yellow, c,
c. I. f. to arrive. ,
OATH Snot- steady: standari). MHo;
No. white, mc
Cattle Very Slow and Tendency of
Pricei Still Downward Fat
Sheep and Lamhi Poor In.
ROUTII OMAHA, Feb. 10. 1318.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. '
Official Monday I.14R 7.4 l.-0
Official Tuesday S.ftiO M.lf4 1.
i. . ul. 'V ti. v.-.. e M'niciai Tuesday s,io W.lf4 is.e
HAY Steady; No, 1, $1.06jrL07Hl No. s, t)t(iin.t. a too miv2 Kttt
96cj$10n; No. S, I.V: shipping. ftvtf. ,-timau Wednesday .. 4.700 24.000 Wt.
tiurn-viuiet: state common u r"i
1P14. l2'rJ0o; Pacific coast, 1M4, Un?lc;
lsi.t, ltjllc.
HiiiKs-nrmi uogota, w;
Amprlr, Si tc
i.kathur-Firm; hemiocit nrsis, sw.
seconds, ftm$1e.
PnoVISIONS Pork, steady! mess,
PROVlION-Poik. unsettled; mess.
$20.(!0mn.0ft; family, $2!.S0u'i4.O0i short
clears. $ai.0(ti 2J.00. Peef. qtilot; mess,
$21.ftv,moO; family, M4.0ftfloo. Lard,
steady; middle west. $IO,4NiiiO.&6.
TALLOW Firm: oily. c; country,,
6iio; special, 7c.
Hl'TTEK Weak : receipts, s.sns tuns;
creamery extras (2 scores), SSHo; cream
ery (higher scoring), IMHo; first. Htci
seconds 27iC)pj staU dairy finest. 3c.
CHt.EPI Firm; receipts. 2.1110 boxes;
state, wholo milk, held specials. 17Q17V4c:
state, whole milk, average fancy, lHt
lc; state, whole milk, winter made ex
port type specials, lHi.ilRV; state, whole
milk, winter made export average fancy,
lftH ISNc. i
F.GO Firm! receipts. 18.11 cases;
freeh gathered, extra tine 27ti4c: extra
firsts. 2i1,; firsts, 2GH4fWc; seconds, $44
!; state. Pennsylvania and nearby
hennery, white, fin to fancy, 4o; atata.
Pennsylvania and nearby hennery,
gathered whites, StfrMc; browns, 27
2.'r; stste, Pennsylvania and
nearby hennery, browns, 27i27Hc; state,
Pennsylvania and nearhy hennery, brown
and mixed colore. 2tvjrl4.
POULTRY-Ired. firm; western roast
ing chicken. 17021c; fresh fowls. 14Vfl
lc: turkeys, 14n22Hc Live, wwUer;
western chickens, 164'ldttc; fowls, lac;
turkeys, ' 17tj l
Three dara' tntsla ItKM
Pama days last week..l2..l
Pame $ weeks ago li.lC
7,JS .
28.1 M
J1.0R3 '
Pame weeks ago 1J.MS
Pame t weeks Uittl
Same days last year... 1L wo
Thai following table shows the tecetpta
of catie, hogs, and sheep at the South .
Omaha Llva tttock m,rL,l tnr the veav
to-data, aa compared, with last year:
. mn toil Jnfu
Cattle 114.717 lftS.M lLfW-
Hoga a i X.V.1TO I7.1R4
Sbeep ts',SM 285.664 44.229
Th following table shows th averasa i
prto for hogs at th South Omaha live
stock market for th last few days, with
. 1915. l14.!1913.;i;2.ll!l.l10.lMv.
Jan. 36. 61, . 1 0I tsil I 601 $ 06 to
Jan. M. t &! $ 17 I S 7 46 7 i 00
Jan. 17. 4ufe $ H 7 2fi 1 t t S 02 1 18
Jan. t. fSSS 8 0S 7 K 78 $f l
Jan. 29. ( 77 8 07 7 IB I 89 8 04 W ,
Jan. l. 78-) 81 7 H 0; 7 M i U ,
Jan. 81. 8 27 7 lil 02 7 47 I 12 ,
Feb. - $ tlH 7 M 7 M 8 o M
Feb. I.. T9 8 86f 0b 1 Sri 88a,8.
Feb. 2. 8 StV"s, $ lhl 7 o! $ 05 7 8H 91
Feb. 8.. $ K 8 16780i0S78S 880 1
Feb. .. $ kS 8 171 7 421 7 40 8 2 C 0 ,
Feb, 6,. 7t! 8 25 7 4 00 8 22 14
b. . $ 74 8 Wl 7 W 0! 7 40 18
Keo. s.. 8 71,1 7 Id
Feb. .. $U 8 40
r en. 10. g 461 T S) "I 7
ansa City
St. Louis
Winnipeg ,
Hales reported
West Farnam Home
Cost Over $9,000
For oulck sale we offer an 8-room
house on Harney street near 83d, nearly
new and modern in every particular;
walls of several rooms are canvassed and
hand-decorated In oil. This work cost
over $1,000. Comer lot CTxlOO, beautiful
shade trees. Immediate possession.
The Byron Reed Co
Phone Doug. 297.
212 Bo. 17th St.
Nineteen blocks west of P. O.. 4SxlS?u-
improvement will i go xn thai spring
Prioe. now, $o75; 10 cash, balance
monthly. Hpeclal discount If you build.
101 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715.
Big Reduction in
New, High Class
Dundee Residence
nnuwo Dciiintie, iirepiace, ouill-m DOOK
cases, nicely decorated throughout, large
living room arrangement across th front
of th ' house, dining room and
kitchen on tba first floor, four large
bedrooms with sleeping porch on the
second floor, and dandy good attic. This
Is reduced $1,000 for quick sale. Oak floors
throughout.- Can arrange very attracUv
terms. If interested, - you must see this,
as it win be sold within the next three or
ivwr aaya.
hard winter: 1 car. $1.68. No. a sortn
1 car, U.M. No. 8 mixed. 1 car. 81.67.
No. 2 durum mixed: 1 oar. 81.62. No. $
urum mixed: 1 car, $1.60. No. 2 durum:
car. 21.62. Rye-No. 2: tH cara. J1.2GV4.
o. 2: 1M cars. 81.26: U car. 81.26. Corn-
No.-8 white. 8 cars, 76o; 8 cara, 8?4Ho.
No. 8 white: 1 car. 74Vc. No. 8 yellow:
car, 72c. No. 8 yellow: 1 car.'72V4o;
cara 72c No. 4 yellow: 8 rera. 7itc.
No. 6 yellow: 1 car, 714o. No, 8 mixed.
car, 7avic. No. 8 mixed: 8 cars, near
hlte, 73c; 8 cars. 71Hc. No. 4 mixed:
71c; 1 car. flint, mic. Oals-No. 8 wblUi
cars, e54c; h car, 6Hc. No. 4 white:
car. SMko. No. 8 mixed. 1 car. bSstct
Sample: 1 car, 66c; 1 car, lHo. .
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard.
$1.67Vtftl.69; No. 8 hard. 81.6tiHiQ'1.68; No. 4
nara, i.wu.ti9; ino. s spring, tl.Mfifl.6S;
No. 2 durum. tl.BlWf2)1.62: No. 2 durum.
$l.D0Hi(H.61. Corn. No. 1 white, 767o: No.
wnue, iHtt (uvc; no. s wnite, itftU'iac.;
No. 4 white. 74Vini74ac: No. 8 white. 7ti
7vtc; No. white, 73lI.S74'4c; sample
White, No- 1 yeliOW, 724if72c;
No. 2 yeUuw, 724W72Hc: No. 8 yellow. TM
72 V,c; No. 4 yellow, Ha'JlSo; No. I yel
low, 7lr71c; no. yellow, 7nmiSn;
No. 1 mixed. 72i4&7o: No. 2 mixed. Tl'A
672MP?; No 8 mixed, 714f71Ho; No. 4
mixed, W.Jjr.iHo; No. mixed, 71o;
No. mixed. 7071 c. Oats: No. 8 white,
WvnaWfcc.; stanuiira, &eHrtuvic ino.
while, 6eS4o; No. 4 white. 65Hff.Mc.
Barley: l3altlng. TKfrMc; No. 1 feed. 67
76c. Rye: No. 2, $1 201.25; No, 8, $L34Vk4,
13. 498.
818-80 City Natlohal.
Attention, Homeseekers or
Persons Looking for a Profit
able Investment.
A strictly modern 8-room bouse, bath.
reception hall, new plumbing, new heat
ing plant, Magee furnace, full lot. facing
south; handsome stone wall terrace, extra
larg garage for 8 or 4 autos, on Blnney
fit.. 1 blocks from 24th St. cara and I Vi
blocks from boulevard on of th highest
class neighborhoods in umana. i"
place Is actually worth $8,600. Owner has
a new position in another city and will
sacrifice to get th money. Price. 84.6O0;
$2,260 will handl tt. Let u show It to
you at once.
W. M. NAStl UU.,
60S Be Bldg. Phon Red 8B3&,
Ar you looking, for a snap In a brand
new, strictly up-to-date, well located
nouse in uunaee r it so, we nave It.
Xouglaa 178L War Block.
Brand new. right up-to-date, 6-r., bath
and hall; 3 rooms In oak, on a sun rqoan;
beam celling, bookcaaea, window seat;
high-grade Fixtures, furnace beat,' Isam
dry connections; fine lot. paved street;
aIam ti fmr' surrounded b v new hornet;
about $760 cash or a lot eaten aa ursi
payment. . Un .
10$ McCague Bldg. . Doug. 1853.
e-rooro cukia, uvv,
basement, cement walks, -4 block to
school, 2 blocks to car. Bhrubbery and
tree. Tnta is a oanay tuua uww.
1015-1$ W, O. W. Bldg. Douglas 8C9L
FOR SALE Five-room, modern bunaa-
low, in neat conauion, low rai wt
oulck . sal. 118 Mandaraoa bt. Tele-
pnon weo. sua.
Ideal Location -in
Hanscom Park
and Field Club
District, $3,250
All modern 8-room house, all oa on
floor, quarter sawed whit oak floors In
living room and dining room; paving paid.
Located 82d and Poppleton Ave. Small
cash payment, balanc monthly. A bar
gain, be ua
Norris & Norris
400 Be 'Bldg.
Phone Douglas 4270.
Bungalow, ' all brick, S rooms, aittlng
room, dinlnir room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms.
full basement. 12-inch walla, another bed
room plastered and finished la th
basement, toilrt, bathroom, hot water
heai, up-to-dat boiler, all large rooma
built by owner, who Is a brick
layer, for his own borne; must sell at
oik; lot 66x121; you cannot build this
house today for $4.6tw. For quick eat he
will take $3.61U. One block from bst r
line ia clty;iVin, jus near oanuruiv.
Com and e ua at oace or call up.
. W. M. NASH & CO.,
a02 Be Bldg. Phone Red 223S
6 TO 10 acres near car lines; goud ful
plaiting JJ. w.
plover & Spiain
Gallagher & Nelson
Real hstate :
and Insurance
644 Brandeis Bldg. D, 3382.
WB HAVH) aeveral bargains In houses
ana farm lands for aale and trade.
M. F. NORRIS CO., 0034 Ree Bldg. D. 2678.
r clear lots for euuitv In 8U.600 .home.
mortgag only $6,600. Writ for desurlp-
1018 Omaha Nat.. Doug. 2716.
Notice Is hereby given that th rerular
annual meeting of toe stockholders of the
bouth Flatte Land company will be held
at th otfic Of aald comuany at Lincoln.
Nebraska at eleven o'clock a m. oa lb
third day or Marcn, a. it. mis.
w. ru nuivmuij, rreaiaent.
A. B. MINOR, Secretary.
Lincoln. Nebraska, February l, ibis.
Cattl Weak Hogs Weak Sheep
ceipts, 16.0IJ1) head; market weak; native
steers. K.lMi.70: westerns. 4 att
cows and holfera. 8ai6(u.7.6a: palves. I7o.i
rlOJHRecelpts. 40.000 head; market
weak, 1544 4)0 lower; bulk of sales, $4.6f
$.; light.- $6 408.&; mixed. $a.40a.J0;
heavy K dOHt io; . rough, $.20.46; pigs.
BHKW AND LA MBH-Receipt.. 14,000
nean; niarset siow' sneep, abqpi.w
yearungs, n.awi.n; lamns. t.v8.0.
Kaaaa City Llv glook Market
ceipts, d.av neaa; market lower; priint
fed: steers, W.UUHia.lO: .dressed beef steers.
ti. AH7 WAMlrM a. .Jf . rm tti UKT If. . L.
r -1 " r . i w'.wr i. Iu , mw n-
ers and feeders,; bulls. io.2Uf
.26: calves. 8 6Ua;U 78.
HOOti Iteoeipts, W.00O heal; market
lower; bulk of sales. 84.4uu0.K: heavv.
$ .46(3 ! 67V; packers and but, hers, tdtiuii
Hilt.P AMJ LA UBH Receipts. 4.000
head: market weak; lambs, 27.764iS.36;
yearlings $6.7S&7.tiU; wethers, ' ts.0uti4.7a;
wes, $a.80w.2t.
IU City Llva Stock Market. '
6IOLTC CITT, la..-Feb. 10.-CATTLE
Receipts. 2.2uO head; market b(j46o lower;
native steers, $t) Wal to; butchers. U.uunp
t bo; esnnet s, $4.uwu4.ti; bulla, slags, etc.
HOU8 Receipts. 15,009 head; market
UXu'lbc lower; heavy, 80.40ui4.46; mixed,
o X-Hi.ty; light, $t.2uo.ik; buk of sales.
MJOpljc lower.
XHhEP AMD LAJIUS-Racclptj, , 1000
, 82
today: Wheat No, I
New Vork Ma Market.
PAPKR vUVSH per cen. '
day bills, $481EO; for cables, 84.8&S; tor
demand, 84.8S1R. .
K1LVEU-Br. Hc; Mexican dollar.
V j,
J4ONU0 uovttrnmeni, nrm; riuvu,
ey. - - ,
T1MFJ MJAHX-Bieaoy; w ny, tyt
cent; 0 tlaya, 8 pr cent; 8 months, 2
CALL, MINr.i ou-aujr, 7i
cent; low. 2 per cent: ruling rate, I per
cent; last loan, 8 per cent; mooing oiu,
u rr Mint: offered at 2V4 per- ceSit,
Closing quotations on bonds today war
. M
001 t 43
T HI 8 7 8 1
m 8 41 -
8 471 $ 07
8 471 8 1ft
fea tares f tk Traclas; ana C1o1b
Prises oa Board of Traae,
CHICAGO. Feb. 10,-Bears had th ad
vantage In wheat today, largely because
of demands, voiced in Berlin tnat the war
be stopped. Closing prioe were steady
at U under last night. Corn finished
4.Vo to He off. oats down MHfco to o
and provisions varying from 2iso decline
to a rise of UtyQ.
fiuanestlona that Peace moves might de
velop with unlooked-for swiftness car
ried just enougn weigm to oiscourag
wheat buyer rem becoming at all ag
gressive, and to Induce a good deal of
scuttered selling. Bcnllment against th
bulla was Increased by the fact tnat; quo
tations at Liverpool had somewhat eased
off and the exporters on this eld of th
Atlantic gave evidence for a desire of at
lonmt a lamDonrv breathlrur snell.
Rapid decrease or interior stocss ira io
something of a recovery la th wheat
m.rket na the day wore on. Th 'ailing
off In the supply at Minneapolis aurnu
the Inst four days was announced as 76u,-
00 bushels and In Kansas City for two
davs at 834.000 bushels.
Corn weakened aa a result of the slow.
. A ii.,muBtln and . exnort demand.
European bids at the aeaooara were sata
,m v. In ah nf line. - .
run fni- nta was not aa enthuaiastio
as on th preceding day. Country offer
ings, notably In lowa, were sata to d
Provisions sagged arly on aorount of
big yecelpU of hogs. Th market, how
ever, sdvancea inier a whwhu.,, .
covering by shorts.
mm fnllnw
V. B. ri. a rtg.... H M. K. T. 1st 4s.
do coupon Mo. ran. . ...,
V. B. . rag.M 11 N. T. c g.
4o Mupaa 10114N.T. City 4M, 14..1
tt g. 4., rig lil N. Btt 4H... .10411
so eouBoa U4N. T.. N. K. H.
Panama ooupos..U)lSi c. U 1MH
" o ooo. t I'HS No. Pwclrta 4s
am. lialtm ...i44 lis J
A T. T. ov. 4iS0. a. U ft. to.... l
Armour Oo. M fo. T. a T. 4s.... JJH
AUhlena m. 4fc... mi peon. ooo. 4 VT
Ohio 4 l4Kdlns es. . "V
CM I f I 4Ha.l1 do r.1. 4s
O R. I. f. a 4s. I'll Bo. R.1IW.T la 14
C! a B. ret. 4HS..I. 8H Unlos Ptollle 4s.... M
D. a B. ti. set. m.. on
Krl n. 4 . nii'U. B. HubbW i...lV
I1. Electric ta-.-l"'1 V. 8. Blfxl I im
(tit. No. lt lnoWahMhvl Is loi4
in wmt. m MV4Wt. I'nlon 4V4t.... !
K. C. Bo. let, t.. It West. KIM. sv. 4s.. MH
I. I H. SOI. os..,, na
teoal trks aad Bssii.
Ouotatlnns fnrnlilnet Vr Bums. Brtakar A Co.,
441 Omaha National buk BuUolaat . . . .
Btooko . "la. askod.
tHoro Co. pH W .
Fairmont Omsmory 1 Vr Mat I4... Ino 101
f'klrmftnt Croomorr oom iM 1
isosla Pure Uutur ,. 10J
Jncols Truitlon Oo ' l Jo
M. C. Potors Mills
lloooahon kt. Co ...rt,....,., 06 . ,
Bil Hank ftork, Omaha 1)0 1W .
Vnlon HI oak Taras, UmUK.'. M M ,
t'palks ankle son N 100 ,
(Xl.Hy packing O. la, 1IH 1"4
Campbell, Nob., sebooi Is.... WSi JKsi
rioroniv. !.. Is. 101 VrlSk
Kins (To., Wun.. la V4 204. M
HuvboUt, Nob., rot. Co. IM 14 MU
Ix Anseles (U 1021.... 100 100.19
Unioln U. H. a P. ta, lt ., rl
Uwl Co.. W(Mh., rf. ta. KX IDItt lot
On:ha B. U.A P. 1W Vl 7
Omoho C. II. Bt. Br. K UU M M
I'.oirio Pow.r UtM 6 M . l
Bt Joe R . U. H. A P. . HIT H
elan rTtntuoo, caii, nj tNi-jnv..., "t ui
Swlrt Co. ta, W1....J:
nrrlbner, Neb. Wur S. 1MI
Suporior, nob., wiur m, ih.
wiciuia umoa kkocs tbtos m.
ISO .1
Mti 100
Artlole! Open. 1 High.
May. 183
July. 188
Com i
May. 804
July. 82V
May. H4
July. ob
Pork: .
May. 18 70
July. 1 10
May. 10 70
July. 10 85
May. 10O7K
July. 10 80
1 B
18 98
18 83V4
10 8TV.'
U 02V
Low. Clooe l Yes y.
1 82, W 1 BTi
1 88 l terv, 1 84
80H .804 81V8
. o2Vk t3'm 82
ml 81V4 1
- 61 67 8'
18 70 18 8TH 18 87H
l07Vs 120 18 17
10 70 10 82H 10 77H
10 85 11 00 10 MVi
WOR 10 17H 10 10
10 80 10 42 10 82V
Chicago Cash Prlcea Wheat: No. 8 red.
$t8i'fll.83Vt; No. 8 hard, $1 8314'B'l.MV.
Corn: No. 4 yellow. T4V47Bc; No. 4 white.
VtitnW- OaU: no. a wnita. i(!n.icc;
Mo. 4 while. W(fl. Rye: No. 2. ti.tHti
Barley'- 82fKc. Seed: Timothy, $4 60
f(.W Clover, :2.uuvril.w. STOVlouno. rum,
$17.0018.40; lard. $l0.t:'4: ribs, 19 2538.76.
HI) ITER Hteaay; creamerv is4imc. ,
Kon Lower: receplts. 8 631 cases; at
mark esses Included rlflCld ordinary
first. 231 mt; flrsU, 24c.
POTATOES Migneri receipts, 21 cars;
Michigan and Wisconsin red, 4vrk);
Michigan and Wisconsin white. 4fri-Mc.
POULTRY Higher; springs, ici low is.
Kansas City Krala o4 Provlsteas.
,.,.31, f ITT l.h l.'l W II TT A T Mn
t hard, $1.57V8fl.M: No 2 red, 81-W: May,
11.64'; July, $1.2M4; September,
CORN-No. I mixed. TRVic; No. S white,
Vtys: No, $ yellow. 78WTMe: No. 8, 74
100; May. liaiBo, !. VW. ooyveiii
ber, SSWc.
oats No. J white. B7Hfi8c; N.
mixed, 6fWV4e.
BUTTER Creamery, sic; nrsi, wio;
seconds, Kc; packing, JOVfco.
OKOS Firsts. 22c; seconds, ISO.
POULTRY Hens, 18c; ruoeters, WHi
turkeys, 15c.
Mlaae-aaotls firala Market.
$l.Ki: July, 81 47k; No. 1 hard, $1.68;
No. i northern. $1.631.87; No. t norta
rn.'attl.B6. '.
FLOUR Unchsnged.
BARLrTT - - ,
BRAN $34.00.
OOHN-No, 8 yellow, T3t472c.
OATK No. 8 white, 67VMc7c. ,
Bt. Iaals Grata Market.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 10. WHEAT-No. 2
red, $; No. 2 hard, $; May,
$1.6:. July, $l$4-4.
CXJRN-No. 2, 7a7Vc; No. 3 whit, TSZ
TOHo: May. 80V; July. 2VB2Hc.
OATS No. 2. 68c; No. 2 whit, 680.
Liverpool Orala Market.
No. 2 lisrd winUr. 1.1 6d.
CtViN apU, quiui; Axnericaa mixed.
I Coffe Market.
NEW TORK, Fob. 10,-The market for
coffe future oined at unchanged prices
to an advance of 6 points today on eom
scattered covering and a little trad buy
ing. There waa no Important support,
however, and prices lated eased off unr
dr renewal of llouldatlon and renorta
that cost and freight offer were easier
again today. The rlosa was 6 points
higher on June, but generally nnrhangod
10 points net lower. Bale iu,ydo baits.
uuotatlons' February,; Mar;h, $.74c
April, 6.84c; Mav, 6,Mc; July, 6i.o; July,
8Ms; August. T.OAcr rieptember. 1.09c: Oo
tnber, 7.18c; November, 7.22c; December,
7.310. Bpot. unsettled: RJo. No. 7. 7tt-
Santos No, 4. 0. Today's Brazilian cable
reported an advanc of 78 pat In Rio. but
Rio exchange on London waa S-lod-
inwer; wini in riaoto market waa vn
St. Laat LIvW toekt Market.
ST. LOTJia, Fb, 10. CATTLB ne
ed pts, 4.CO0 head; market lower; nallve
beef steers. $7.26S8.o6; eowa and heifers,
$t.X))2.2S; stackers snd feeders, 8&.269
i.60; southern steers. $&.75i86.86; cows and
helrerg, 84-0UC4.76; native calves, 8.iwi
HOOB Raoelpta. 18.800 head; market
lower: plus and lights. 86.0utt.K: mixed
and butchers. 80.76ia.8O; good heavy, $6.76
8HERP AND LAMB-Receipts. 400
head; market lower; native muttons, $o.u0
60 10; lambs, $8.008.(16; yearllnas, t7.00
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Feb. 10. METALS Lead
steady. Il.7til3.8i: London. 18 13o sd.
Spelter, firm, $8.15a'8.40? London, 3 l&s.
KT, lui", rto, bjc1 a un ieaq:
Tin: Weak; five ton lots. $..' (ruO;
H.inn lots. 838 70ft"3K.BO. CoiXMir: Uu 1:
electrolytic, 114. 5mi 14.87; casting, $14.60
14. iron: wmei ana ununangea.
At London: npoi copper, cvz 11s ea
futures, AO 7a 8d. Spot tin, 174; fu
tures. 1&4.
' ... I.
, uu ins nwa.
NEW TORK. Feb. lO.-ROSIN-Qulet,
Tl'RPjeNTlNB Hteaay; mo Tirm.
TINE Quiet. 444c; 'sales, none; receipts,
72 bbls.; shipmenU, i bbla ; stocks, Jo,uti
nnsiTV Firm: sales. 226 bbls.: recfilDts
448 bbls.: shipments. 1,647 bbls.; stocks,
130 3f.5 bhl. Quotation: A, B, 83 05; C, l,
$3.04: E. 83.10: F, 83.15; O. 83.17H: H, J
11.30; K. $3.40; M. $4.00; N, $6.00; WO, $6.40
WW, $6.60. . .
Osaaka Hap Market.
OMAHA, Feb. 8. HAT Prairie, rholc
in.Und 111 OOiif 11.60: No. 1. 1 10. Mill. 00: No.
2. $8.0itl0.0t; No. 8, 88 00a.uO; choice mid
land. $io.toil.oo; No. 1. $io.oorio 60; No. 2,
OOtfiO.OO: No. 8. aalMM.ui; cliolc lowland
M l tjOtO; No. 1, $S.ft.iB.60; No. I $7.0ir,
8.00; No. 8, 86.00ifrl.00. Alfalfa, choice, pea
greea leafy, riimfH w; no. 1, i.viti.oo;
No. 2. $11.0i8iH-6O; No. 8. $10. 6011. 60.
Cottoa Market.
NEW TORK. Feb. 10. COTTON Spot,
quiet; middling uplands, 8.6o. Eal, 180
bThe cotton market eloeedl steady at a
net der"n of 1W3 twlnta
steady; good middling, 1.854; middling,
S.lld; lowlddUng. 4.7ud; sales. I.0W balea
ErsporsUi Apple aasl Drtol Frails
APPLES Easier; fancy. 64jVo; cbolo.
74''n7'4c, prme. H(6kc.
URIEIJ FRnTS-Prune, firm. Apri
cots and peaches aulet but firm. Raisins,
CATTLE Recelnts went ault liberal
this morning, INI car being reported In.
r or in in ree days una week receipts
foot up 12.63& head, being about th aam -
a last week and a year ago, but smaller
man two weeks atjo.
Th trad on all kind of killers waa
slow and dull, and it was lata la th
morning before buyer and ' seller got
together on a trading basis. When they
did the light and handy-weight cattl sold
ft wriv oitwur iv, a. m 'man
lower than yesterday, but heavy cattl.
war lOtno lowr, and the aam waa true
of .cows and hollers. The geoerat mar-
ket may b quoted as l&Sao lower for
ine two aaya -
Light stockera moved a llttja tnor
freely today, but feeder continued very
slow and dull.
It would be well tar Iowa shippers ta '
understand that under th new quaraa- -
tine regulation all fat cattle, hog and
nnll "ill LW ,imu 1IV1D Ml, m
same a usual, th only difference being;
that they will be yarded so that they
can be identified and not reehtpped to
th country a feeders. They can b sold
for Immediate slaughter at local packing'
houses or reshlpped for slaughter to other
points the same aa usual. No buyer of '
fat stock will be barred out, either local ,
packer or . representative of packing
houses at other points, ao that th de- -
mem! for tm.t atnek nf 11 kliwlo ntivht In
b th same aa If there war no embargo.
The only real dlfforenc that th auar-
an tine regulations make la to pravont th
movement 01 leasers troia xowa Men xa
the country.
Quotation on cattl: 'Oood to ehate -cornfed.
beeves,; fair to good
corn fed bco-ves, 8B.K0sj'7.4O; common to
fair comfed beeves. $.00iH.M; good to
choice heifers, $&.0na.7S; good to eholca
cows, 6.00)4.2S; fair to good cows. $4.M
e.W; common to fair oowa, K0OJJ4.1W;
good to oholc atocker and feeders, 87.00
ti"? W; fair to good lockers and feeders,
H2.Vtf7.00; common to fair stockera and .
leeaers. s.wu.2d: mock Dclters, V.Wfi
$00: stock cow. $.7586.7S; stock calves.
$4O07.00; vsal calves, t7.00,i06; bulls,
ataas. tc.. 84.7&34.U.
HOGS Receipts war very liberal again
iui, uiwaiiiiiK, wumavv paiung ior c , -
car, or 24.000 head.- Th three days'
total is 97,447 head, being three tunas
larg as last week, and 20,000 heavior
man tuo corresponding priua . oa last .
Yesterday's closing trad wa pnattlhly
a little easier than th genaral market.
dui practically, everything waa sold be
fore the close. Hhlpplng order wer a
vary Important factor In tha trade Tuea-
day, nearly a third of th total supplies
being bought by outside buyers. Yester
day's general decline of 15200 Wa th '
largest break for some time, but eon
slderlnar the larxa race4ota. .was reo.llv in)..
more than waa to be expected. Th other
river -markets, with generally smaller '
supplies than this point, all showed fully .
as larger if not larger break than South
Omaha, and taking everything into ooo-t
slUeralloa the market waa really In com-
paratlvelv good shape. Yesterday of
ficial receipts of 20.162 head fell almost
2,(X0 short of breaking the record.
Tn prospect or a big run today wer
fully born out this morning, almost a
many hoga being received today as on
Tuesday and price continued to slump,
early packing of (era being fully 16 tower.
Shippers ti.anaHed to buy 10m hog
early at prices that wr easily lto below
the prices these grade brought yester
day, but killers wer forced to rats their
hand before they could do anything, and
wnen first sales of packing nogs war
finally made th figure quoted did not
look to be over 102tla lower, strlnga acli
Intf at an average coat of about 80. 40.
ai ino nest tune prices war snKuuy
batter than this, but in th end most of
th offerings moved on a IiauISo lower
basis, and the general trade ia mostly
icif! loo below Tuesday. Movement never
became very active, but a pre'ry far
clearance had been mad by midday.
Most of th offering moved at M
146, with th big long string; at $6.40, Th
top reached to.' to. lor ta weak values
ar StW.'k'.o lower. Th a vera today
dropped below 80.46. and' set a new low
mara ior tn year, Dcmg ui r-woi a, nee
arly in 1912.
it migm o norea tnat in quarantin
against stock from low and other states
has no effect on th bug market, as
practically all hogs ar bought either
by packers for slaughter her or b ship
pers to be killed at other points.
ttnr-E.i' Tuesday s market cloaca alow
and prtora averaged a quarter lower
than Monday. Considering th tact that
all outslda point yesterday reporud a
very draggy trad and prlcea sharply
lower, the local market waa fairly satis
factory, everything being aold with th
exception of fifteen cars.
In addition to what was carried over
from Tueaday's trade wra th fresh re
ceipts this morning, amounting to about
10,600 head. An Important feature, in th
trad for th week to data has been th
heavy receipts every day, the three days'
supply footing, up 47.&S head, being 16.249
head more than for th am tim last
week and 14,2: more than the correspond
ing day a year ago. This ha given th
packers a good opportunity to pound
prlcea and the market 1 any w her from
46 to 76o lower en both Sheep and tftinb
than th close of last week.
Th packer Uiis morning et Out bid
ding lower price again, and In th and
the bulk of everything on sal showed
a lf82&o decline. Early in th forenoon
some. lambs aold on shipping account at
$8.80. . , .
Th first business waa In shearing
lambs, several loads selling around $8.0j
8.16 (luring th early hours. A a rule
lamb wanted on shearing aooount weigh
from 70 to 78 pounds, so that heavier
welghta wer at the mercy of th pack or
buyers, consequently sellers wer foroed
to accept the decline noted above.
Quotations en sheep and lambs: Lamb.
Mexlcau, $8.26(38.40; lamb, fed westerne.
$S.OOl.0; lambs, shearing, $7.tfc.c.16;
yearling, light, $7.1ocW.60. yearlings,
heavy. 6.o0e3'7.1O; wethers, good to choir.
$fi.i 40; wethers, fair to good. t&OOir
820; ewes, good to choice, $6.7ia.2S; ewe,
fair to (rood, $5.60(03.76.
Murine;! mere was a very iieeral run
of boraes her this week. Including quit
a good many of th good rugged horses
from four to eight years old such as are
wanted by buyer for the Italian army.
All city markets ar apparently filled
with' horses so that the demand is limit
ed largely to the domand from foreign
buyers and from the country. Th ten
dency of prices was a liule vaster, esp.
cliilly on the cheaper gradea Traders,
while not entirely satisfied with present
conditions, ar hoping for a better d
mand aa th spring draw nearer.
Dry Good Market.
Cottoo good ynd yarn war quiet. Linen
lace wr up 10 per cent. Advance
were announved on wool hosiery and
sweaters. Worsted yarn wer up, with
bualueita quiet. 11 ur lays war strung.
t. Jawpk LIT cBtootc Mark.
ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 1 0. -CATTL BV-R-celpts,
1.3U0 head. Market lower; siaers.
$6.6m(c8.2f : rows and heifers, $i.0oz.ti0;
oalvns. 86.OOicrlO.oa.
HOt4 Receipts, 12.00 bead. Market
towe top, $8 So; bulk of eaioa, $ftou!4V
BHEEH AND I.AMHS K.Hipfa. $,()
head. Market dull; lawba. fl.iuii4.2i.