10 sUK BEE: OMAHA. FEBRUARY 1915. WANT ADS Waat ads received at any tint, but tm naure proper nni.wtiirtinn muet b pre wt before 11 o'clock noon for venlng vtition snd Tso p. m. for morning ""a Soirtday edition. Want al rMvil after uh hour will ho under tb heading. j'To Lata to Clarify." CASH BATE. r-ren mwaecullv times. 1 esnt word a-h Insertion. Th re time within on week, 1H cents word ech tneertlon. Ou time, I cent a word. ' ' CMABdE RATF.S. even eonsecutlv time. cent a line nh Insertion. ... ... Three time within or. week. Jt cant a line each Insertion. On time, I cent a Una. Count His a vers ire words to a line. Minimum charge, onto. Aa advertisement Inserted to M nn tn discontinued muit b Stopped by wnl tea order. ATI claim for armr mst b m within fifteen day after tha lest Inser tion of tba edvertls ment Ton oan place jrour wont ad tn Tha Bea TELKTPHONR TYLER 100. Unciaimed Answers to the ' "Swappers Column" Tin no1 red f other answer hv been called for and delivered during tha leat week. It la reasonable to atippoee thai all of tha people below hava made desired awsps, therefor do not call for tha balanoa efthelr answers. Boa want a1 aura gat result. a r O. (C. H.C. SC. B.C. nT a i 4"i . m 404 JV!f Mil Jf I'O 3)0 411 . J41l J ' t rt 416 i"Ai i 1418 JMT 9 ii 4i ji I-? r.,:5 'I IPS 470 11 J4.il J- t 3 f 1 e;7 43 j4. " lut . v7 i:a 14.' ' J Ml - 429 1374 J-'J .Its 4.41 1ST 1446 -. . llH 14 "' 8.4 4'4 Ml r r.t . 7 krl J'Nl ll j:n I'll 1314 i'i i rJ. 1.:m4 Hi "? 14-a 14...' )'' C 14,0 Jf.H9 Ui , J4T1 Jiff? - 14H1 iu'Jt DKATIfS AXD FCRERAk WOTICKt. A KMf TIK N1 I Jnyd E., died i'aliruary , Ifli. arrd 17 yraia. i-inoial from the reelilenea of Ma par nit, Mr. and Mr. Clifton E. AmiatrnnK, th',i Iealur etrct, Thuimlay. Kebmary II. al .2 p. m. Kimeraf private. Inter ment at lAreat Lawn cemetery. BIRTHS AMD DKATHI. ntrtha-Ixifa and Antonio Baglla, 1011 William, girl; Frank and Ixilu 1'rake, ai'W Grant, girl; William' ad Ella Gray. H North Twonty-elfthth, girl; Clyde and Vary B. Hamblln. I'.l South Tenth, hoy; iL'harlea and MitrgHret llaffKe, 2ai North J Ifty-nlnth, alrl; Cliarlca and Franoea Krpllngor, J11 tieHrd. boy; b'lwand and i:rslln Mutphy, aill IavrnworthJ boy; tieorge and Anna Hpreen, ?sIS Kri-ferli K, girl; Holx-rt and Juanrtte Monroe, H oli-r stvnue. jrlrl; '.lllltet find I'loaelw Miller. ri.xuh Thlrty-elnhth. girl; JiTbert and Krnii-a I'iiyer, l)Onjitkl, ft lit : Roe and Elurrnce Vance, 710 North JiKMea-nlh. boy. loathe Anna Lckore, 1 year. ho pitaL v M AKRIAt.H Ht KNSEg. l.icenaes to marry were granted tha fol- lowtnu; cout'lca totlay; N'nina ftna Kealdem. "" Age. .1"(Jif Van Onion, Oinaha.,...,., X Jvatherine Hmlth, Omaha , IV Eirrer E. Turner, Chicago, over.'. II Aiva Olson, C lii' ago, over II Norman Johnaon, Omaha S3 leucine McUanua, Ealla City U C lirford P. Kiillrr, Omfctia ?4 Merle M. Uorland, Weal Union, la ' Chiirlca R. Aitei-hulrr, Madlsos tl Jjeua 1. flonuulet, Omaha 23 TODAY'S COMPLETES MOYiK PllOUltAMS L'tcJualvely In The lUe. Duwi Tana. fl.ITK NO. X, Hit FARNAM 8T. lha Miuiichlrd lby, t-reel Jublu draiua, fi-alut-iiDg Orwln llawlcy. Ir-l i tl llarrv, Mtna. comedy. V A UN A.M. . 1415 EARN AM BT. lins luily four (Irat-un Mutual fi iiia, wita tha fumoua. JveyaUino cosn- ji-e chungrd oally. Uikf XU.liATt.JV, loiit A.NU IlAKNibir Homo of Par amount Pictures. il N. Villi. Feature program daliy, Kytona Cuisifdlw. I'AliLcil, J4i IiuUULAii BT. Cactus Jim's Sliop Olrl, Pellg comedy. An a rit'! conidy. J'iil.NCifi. I;u7-ll UiUliLAH. J. uro of the Weat, thrilling weetern dra. 5 ejr Hobo Hero, heart lniereat drama 'in and Hit Un, l.-Ko comnl. . north., i !AT JIAMBRA, 1SS4 N. tiTH. Among Hie Moumera Key. Com, Jolie on Jtllow Town. Kul. lra. jioMU'... or var, ri. tv -ri. orama. i.viroiinienta, MaJrtlo drama. , 'She Mxnti-r, -rcil K.-H. drauia. Aa a ii-n ThlnKcUi, llcauty comedy. i" 1.IHON. Military Ave. Bur.iuUn. Ti.e iUiJiSt of Tin. American drama. i i.:!-1 and too TrNa, Beau, oomntly. itim IxitUr Mym.-rv No. It 1 E. com. 2410 UKi. 'Utjrray of Montana. S-reel Iion. ('orcd I ill Ooiil, Joker huiic.Iv, H'iNRIJN. S4TH A KHAN-HUN. A from tha Witirr Turner. Kal. dra. The !-ady of lreame, S-rel Bio. era. ii i..-ivf Hi,n a .Muimo. l.ublu coi.unly. l-'.-kWi ..lllul Tlieatr) l i l.lnney. ("A i.nt M'Kl t liuvn Been. S-rec drama. U' liiiite. :r. drama. 'J I..! I 'lull Man Wager. Ji 1 1 !'"! 'ii' ili:. .Mutual WrrMv. lil.lily i,sy f'i' K!iib, Kcv. cull. Hitniuuijr Jutirt, lot iVtn"ic In lo lurH th Mya- rno Mn -wlih tli lilack Vetnlyke. fl ill I - AT ) iL 1' TiT A Ml Lo'CTlJoX Jx!ry nt r ii!Ml, 1 ubi-l om,.1y Any Wunimi a Cholct, i-rc-l Em. drama, MiiiiAi,! pi h'l'.Hir.a'aMi, .'1U t.wtia. JIHIlit'" ii'lii iaTFukCT? 3 i -1 o. ,-- of .ui'oia. , ri hi .s u;K.ir'l, kit! i. Isii. Ij-ik i iU'cd. comedy. J."-VAI,. It" CAUjiULJ. ! -:i i -. t ;-'4ii.!. t rc. 1 1 g r. ': : c i - i- r -r a j.ri l.-Ko comedy. f ' :v t-.i Hnt Told. Imp. PAi-vr.'. m-s 1A ENFtttrT IVUJ i k. t-reel G. Seal. : i:. ivliAN. it'll I ANL Aill.-.. I1 lr. M. S r'l Km. cm dra. Alias .),"' d .f hi i,!.j, Sun nun, The Jiin, 1 - M ii.n.,t and Uit Mnid. Vila. C dta Sualh. A '"!.R THEATER. ?JT AND ARBOR. .:...i Ioi.r .wi-icry rpiawUa No. la 'lit Ij.-ik Way. Juul dluma. I: ill-.1,1.. Ikiiiv c..ii,.ly . 1 'i.L I 'ill r.A 1 I -It. -t Icat ttn a ut lii. -i.iy t oto-rrnifg Mulca, Vita, com. f n U .if.'i Mai. I, S-r V n. dr. -l.i . KiA 'I Hi.aI I-iU 1 . l."''i:7 JL tirt, fc-r. l.i. v m ci.ifi. J'joncho l.tiiy bl.l I'i." i l.;.!l JJil.l.!, l.!l--.i Or. I'1"". el ll.uror. l-.i-'Kiuofi Oi ulna. ' ' ' - f 'i r ATI H. ii i 11 V INToN 1 111 S- ' V. i!.l''f)l, l. I '' ' 1' i"-f ol iiir fcKut.liimt, llMinif, -..'i il I'm. Love. una Thril l ' IV-.(.i I . '1 lir.A'll.K. !,", M.MU.S i i - - -so. 7. i i i r. I :ii niiiiitcr, tr Vltarraiih dr, ; i.. ih fur 'lirlly, l .a. r.mi 1 I i i A i t ll i. bJ. ill II. a .' rew-r Lie, J-rl it lor, 1 . i..t 1 1 if. t-.y. Hit drama. ' ' Hit I . - l.l-l itil;i.l'. I r- - I ' '.. l.l 7 S IS I J. I t ,.i-. iwil A.-i.ievi..t-nt, I'uKcn . r I . i i ... i .-1 1 r. "; i e 1 '.-', l--vu t'.Uitdy. today's coirrfrrE MOVIK riWMillAMS KrInalTeljr lit The llr. Ik. PAHTIMF. THBATEIt lavaworth I'nn't nita Ihla ona. Trmj.lation of Kl RM) n. On of Iho Ra (rl) fat'irr. VenkzIa, till SO. UXIi : Four reala of Matual plcturaa Wmi. MONROE THEATER. 2S FARNAM FT. The Man Who Vanlohrd, Kdlxon drama. 1114 L'nvrltting 'mit. Kplotta ')f Flaln, No. 6: Tha Right Girl (WHUmi. PK.VSON,, 5Rtt MAIN BT. Tha Oovrrnor Makpr. two-part lllaon. Hubby Cura, Jokrr comedy. Mary Plrafor! tn Mow Murv FUad It. Caaacll Blaffa. EMTK NO 1. M.1 BROADWAY. Tlia Hrokrn Circuit. Kalcm drama. The Magnate of t'araillne. 2-r. rJI. dr. "nakevlllr'a Riding Bona. Ka. W. com. NK'IIOIJkS THEATER. 647 Broadway. The Treaxure Temple of Bhonh. Vita com. Iar Old Olrl, 1-reel Knaanay drama. The Rarrlwr Between, Hlograph drama. ROpTfR, . tV BHOAPWA Y. Olrl of tha fterret Frrvice, t-r. Gold SeaL Tha Bribe. Victor drama. He Curod Hla Clout. Jokr comedy. oath Omaha. RESSE THEATER. 14TH AND N 8T8. The Attorney for the Defente, g-reel Iu bln drama. Two Hearta That aa Tn, Kwnnay comedy. MAGIC. 24TH AN1 O BS. When Eddy Took a Bath, Neator comedy. Inre of tha Wet, 4-rerl Eel. Vaaae villa. oRrHBtrM theater, wth and n. Keyetone playa, featuring Charlie Chap lin. And others. ANNOUNCEMENTS Olsen & Roueche Tailors 1505 Harney Street Douglas 6998 CLEANING AND PRESSING A SPECIALTY Look over onr prices: Suits Dry Cleaned ...$1.50 Suits, Overcoats Sponged and Pressed, .75 Suits Pressed ........ .50 Coats Iielined ........ 3.50 Wc do all kinds of repairing and alterations at very reason able prices. GOODS CALLED FOP. AND DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. If you have a carment that does not fit we can make it fit. '-' : 1 CALL DOUGLAS C998 NOW J NOTIf'K T-adlea rolnr to coaat ahnuld nlM k( ' aariy io avoid any delay In their plana, - , y m. . '-. ANNA FISTEk, .. . Ladies' Tailoring and Dreaamaklng, Ml- m -ny caiionat nana niua. AJHK4SMAK1NO and tailoring, work guaraut 'ed. I4 Caaa Bt. Tel. Bed. Ti. Wadding announoenieiite. lHug. Ftg. CoT UAZKb. Laf J-lle Cone. Beat remedy for Itching, bleedina or nrotrudins nil..: Wu poatpatd; aainplvs free, tshermaa A 0ji-,urini.)i LTug 4.O., Ultlthl. jiNROLt. n"TIwT yTM, C."X. night a. hoot 1A1CK Y welillng rlnwa at UrTxiaaard a. '" bKKINii aiinoiiiiceinenta ehuuld contain noit.- of your new office location In The lioe Building, "tha bull.llnv that I. alwaya new." , . AUTOMOniLES Going In the. ."Jitney Bus" , Business?. Any of tha following cars would make Candy "Jltnev Kuaea; ' Abimtt-tiriroU. a modal. Knobby jr. urva, new top, motor ITuo ahapa t wn B'r( lEBAKUK KIX. 14 (never been rcgiitpreai, coroiacta Uh starter and light i 1 OA Ford, 14 model, fine aliapo i0 Ford, 14 roadster, extra euulpment.. rd. 14 touring, extra oqulpiueut.... I-O trland. U roadster.... ) I-ul. 11 touring 4-& Oakland. 14 touting, electrlo light aua start isQ AND OTHER BARGAINS. COME IN AND SEE TILEM. Auto Clearing House . 134 Fnrnam ?t. . T'hone lougiaa naio. WE UL V C'AIW FOR CASH. ONE Cadillac, in good condition. 400. 1. PI-.l.TON H ttArtiVUE". J-i l"Hrnni Kt. t.retttioUKh timulia Brad. Bu. o.. Far. ACTO .ii'ujli;if iiuux, i-tj 1-i niii, buys and aiia UimhI car. I'l.uilo Imiukihs Xiiu, C. L'lAKll. tipirt ruJ.ator aoj lamp repair. i y. o i. iwi ia v an or in. Inditrial i. uasf Co.. inn t liicrnry tSia. AUTOOtllLEOvaiiiiud 30, 6 paaalior touriug, overliuulcd Iyl4. Roar ttia nuw, nobby tread. Will buy tire to make OnL kill lubes and !; cheap lor emu. L- l D., P. O. iiui ' lti. bouitt vuiiuna. CAK.i pa-itid. acwf.iliig la aiae tKoid t- urn t;viaraiu u. iianni uu I ark oaraaa. kt-'R Kl.si J lili-araie l-ion truck.4 by any, i- or month. Call Tyler l:'M ii't REWARD for any magneto w can't repair, i'dlll repd 1' sdoi fer.LTO N U -o FOR SALE My !U eix c imder t. tialm- ers car. In Iirct cih coiuilibui. Cur ran b aeen m l-ariiaiit M,.leiiJid l.'aiHaiit li'r cull uu)r. Ilalurorcl.., HARLFY-DA VlDSoN MOTORCYCLES. I. ai tains III Laed luiTiiiivS. Vl:lor lluol. '"1 he lilolori'vel Mali,'.' r it I venwoi In. is Man bi i.ilJxTYf now r-a4 ; lialkkUlia la lu-ed li.u-1, li.ea. OMAHA Bic CO., .mil and Clilvago. D, .;:, Ll SIM H.S CHANCl'.S C. M. I A li)N, liua. uroKcr. 1K W. o. W., will Iveip you In or out of biiHlnro L ill luoiiv iiiaklna oifTrft buslueaa. ea.y to run. hull it. if ou have ti nioua and mean bual&eas, addteas L Ml 'e-. P. J. anan tao awl your tatuitiis lah.1. iH riALE-My tailor l.'.ialn. a. ealab- llniied twelve trtii Has knl two men busy II. e yesr round, and enough for time ourii.K the aeaioui; IO aorth of woolena, l.t inuaguei aile autiit ttiut artt k-l-t for teiin inriira and fixtures. A;l yiM-a for t J. t'oiue and a-a for your, t. if. kii 'lii, 1 iio Taiior, lai N fel. l.i nioin. S'i !. ' I 111 , 1 lil or o'ii or l)UJ-ii,e, lai' J I GAS U TAD. 4.4 Le 1,0. D. ll.I, 1 I ni'SINEHS CIIAXCF.S Restaurant S4.4 will h.iv reataiwant that will pay for ltlf every six month. Trial given If delrvd. QUICK SALES CO., 41 Bee Bldg. FOR KA1.E Owing to 111 health. Only rard prlntery In timnha. ljirpi. dnpart mnt tor.,ll'14 raminga were J2.0U0. Ad ri reea B W7, B- ITiR H A EE One of the brut qt!lped blackemith shops In the atate In town of In eaatrrn Nehraeka. H. y!l, Be. L.1.ST burincsa ilmni 't, property for rrnt eale or exchanK with me. 1 will wrlto l manner of Insurance. W. .O. Tm pletcn, Oon. BROKER. Bn. Ty. Jo.'O. LIST YOITR BUSINESS with n a for quick action and square treatment Ql'ICK SALES COMPANY, 41 Boe Bldg. Phone Rrd gJf LEASE and furniture of Hotel Tlldcn. Inquire of Bill Brogan, Tlldrn, Neb. ONE of the beet retail bakeries In tha city; no competition. Call Web. 7694, or add reaa K 27, Bee. fjlON. ahow carde. Clrk Bon. D. luTt. THEATERH Buy, laa or aell your the ater, machine and supplies through Thester Exchange Co., 14o Farnm 61 uougias ixri. YOI'R hualneaa or real eetate quickly sold. V rite Jim Wray. Hioiix City. MERCHANTS' utix k n-duclng and clos ing out salea succcastully promoted; ad vice free. Harry Bell, 31 Weat tl St., Kaneas Clry, Mo. EDUCATIONAL . WINTER TERM MOSHER-I.AMPMAN COLLEOH. NOW OPEN. Unsurpassed claesea In business, short hand and English nranchos. Graduates gnaiantoed good poaltlona Places pro vided for young people to work, for board. For free cataiugua address Mosher-Lampman College lth snd Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb. The Van Sant School Stenography ray school, 1:00 to 4:0S. Night school. :1 to .U. lsth and Farnam Sta. Douglas SMI. BOYLES COLLEGE Day School; Night Bchool; complete business course; complete shorthand or etenotype courae: complete telegraphy course; civil servlca tranches and Eng llh. Ptudents admitted at any time. Writs, phone or call for 1916 catalogue. BOYLE8 OOLI.IiGK. II. a BOYLEd. President. Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. Dntiglaa FOR (ale the following achoiarehtpa. In a first ctnsa Omaha Busineaa College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited business courae. One unlimited stenographlo tours. On three mouths' business or steno- grei'hlo eours. Will be sold at a discount at th offlc of the Omaha Bra. EXPERT lady stenographer will tiik pupil. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training Ktveu for business ca reer. Privet Instruction If desired. 4o:'4 UoukIus 8t. Tel. Walnut tU7. FOK SALE - Faraltar. New Jd-hand furniture, rash or terms; reanotiable. Amer. Furn. Co., 0o N. 16th NBA KL.Y new bedroom suit, tacrine for caah or term. Harney b4.4. Maalcal laatraaaaaits. Pllghtly used high grade piano. T). M7, . Typewriter. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butt Typewriter, 1HOS Farnam. D. AMI. BUNT Kemlnttnns, Monurtns and Smith Premiers of their maker. Th Reming ton Typewriter CO. Telophone Uougla 12M, Rectal credited If you purchas and only vary newest and blgheat giatl tua elilnea aunt out. Rates, tnre months for It for undsratrok maclilues or per month for latnet modol visible writers. 1 Vl'E Will'lEKS so.a, rented, repaired. . ' . I T.... L. n kfl k. 111. v. 1 1 1 1 mi , n 1 1 nail,,, wr v. .i.i. RENT An Oliver typewriter, months tor 4. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. !. mi MisellM)a. - 1-hsnd men. Grona Wreck Co., Si tt Paul. FUR HAUr-New and aeconU-liaud varoui and pucket billiard tables and bowling alleys and aocnaaoiTus; bar fixture of ail kliiou; aasy payments. Tb brunswtcK-Baike-Colixnuvr Co., 4o7-4ti B. luth BU I HASKETd coal, II. Wagner, sol N. lilb. 16 NB.W . automatic welshing scaiea, It gnd 110. Match machinfi and lifting machine. On hors wagon, buggy and hameea, i atao tooia, lumber and other miovllsDous articles for sate or trade. J. 0. 1S1I, EXECUTOR V& So. list Ave. Phone Harney 243. ELECTRIC MOTORS ill. P., I'-'O volts, a phase, new. ...... .f 37 t-H. P., &) Vulta, 3 phase, new 44 t-H. 1',, -4 volts, 3 phase, new , 60 0- li. .P., 2-U volts, n phase, new 67 Dl'NAMOd. 1- K. W 110 volts, i. C, nsw 78 G-K. W., llu volt. D. C, new 1(M I'a-K. W., 1.10-no volts, new so 1-H. P. Uaaolln Ltiguie...... 30 6-H. P. Gasoline Engine, throttling! governor 100 US BUON HLECTR1CAL WORJC8, 3i t. 1L.TU EL o UELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad utile. ' NO USUAL FILING FEE We have some splendid openings for bright beginner stenographers willing to start at W per month. Must b blgtt l.tHil gradualva , lu?iue3 Men's Reference Assn 1313-20 Woodmen of World. . fALl :siiADy, drapery en p.. ak..U to JlCTAI'lloNK M tnHJK K EEPEK and stenographer.."..,. STKNtMlRAPUElt W WATTS REF. t., MM:! Brsndpls The. eTr.Ni m ; K A 1 TTe R Ik'inuTtTgrapVop., . LiiiKrnplir and bookkeiHr, i4. N E l EICN REF. & BOND ASa N, 7i. Omaha Nat. bank Bldg. b I .M I Ii A I'll i-it and bookkeeper. Ap- ply 312 Bee iildff. luci.r? ait tnH I.FARN ha!rdresliig. Oppenheim Parlor Vk AM ED Manicurist to work lit barber ahop: auto to act a cashier. Merchant liulci. Mahpar aad laaeloa, THE Servant Oirl ProbUin tivad. Tb ). will run a berwaul OUT Wauled Ad Flilbi until you lTt lb Wlid result Tim appilea to rtaulenla of Omaha. ibouta Oiiiaha and Couucil limit Bring ad I 1 h lie ol C !c or talel.tioua Tyler luuO. W A N T E D Com pe teut muid for general iiimn'iHioii i o in laiuuy. iars. m. c, Gooill'ody, Siipi s. 31ai M. tl I'l- r.UV iaiy wanta young girl or nioiji aged lady to do soui lioua- oi and a t a I'uiuptiiUin lor room and boaid. S.14 ilmiil ft. 1'bon Wabater 3! ii. It ANTl.il A giri fur general houaaworaT l'.' N. 4;d tt. I'none Wal ei WANTED by colored ctrl poauion aa I liaiiiberniaid or general huuaawork. o4 N. S.'tU St. Webnirr 47S7. WANTED A maid for general bouae. work, tat S. li 11 St. VA N'f ED bi ni nee. 1 gul lor aueiai limn'j ork. lnuuire a:0fi lirui.1 ht. W AM El Experienced white girl for geneial housework; email fumilv; taun draaa keft: goid wagea. lleaaa writ So t.t W. lJin M., Freiiiout, Neb., tnuucdl ateiy. W ANTEDNval girl for general houw iiiki no laundr; good wagoa L N. ih eet AN i l.ii S oioan to litnn 1111 houH Hvrk 011 county laiiu lor one year; wa l-'.u. Ai'oraa P. O. Box '.. Thayer, Sell VV A.N IT I" A girl lor general bousewora: one .hi understands cook ma. 3.u oolwurtn. IIKM WANTED FEMALE WA NTED A girl to do second work. ouoiaurin. ii. i.-. A VOL'S'! 1 girl to aai'lut In general houa- .ith. .ail looay ii ii r. Jfin ri. WANtFeI A go,Kl plain cook In family of . must be neat and hava reference. 3X2 8. rith Pt. WANTEI A young girl to al"t with honeework and car for child. Sill Cass. H. tf.n. WHITE girl for general housework. if) t ea HI. It. liM HOl'RKK EEPER, middle-aged lady. 2401 WANTED A girl for general housework, me alio can cook: no children; 4 In family; brat wages. II. D. Jackson, !17 Pine Ht. Bd HMO. Miafellaaraa. LAPira" tt misses' coats, suits, drrsse gt aklrt samplea at wholes! prhiegfBon of f s New York cample Store, NTlBth. YOCNO womett coming to Omaha a strangers are invited to vlelt the Young Women's Christian aaeoclatlon building at St. Mary's Ave. arid 17th St., where they will . be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler s guide ' union station WOMEN get government Jobs. 70 month. Llxt free. Franklin Institute, Dept. KJ B, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Cigar girl, must hav had ex perience. Merchants Hotel. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office. TRAVEIJNO SALESMAN, MACHIN ERY AND TOOLS tint) CITT SALESMAN, HEATING 8Y8- ITiMII ft, BOOKKEEPER. TYPIST M CITY SALESMAN, MARCH 1, YOCNO MAN En TRAVELING SALESMAN, GROCERY M'H IALTIW, MARCH 1 7S WE8TRRN REF. r BOND ASH'N.. (ORUlINATORrt OF THE REFERENCE BUSINESS), 7W OMAHA NAT L BANK BIDO. MGR. and salesman Investment SALESMAN, soap. ...Salary ahd com. SALESMAN, city Salary and com. STENf HTR A TM KTT , t75 BTENOORAPHER 60 STENOGRAPHER, out of town IV) 'WATTS REF. CO., 4M2 Brandels Thes, TRAVELJNO saleaman, grocery expert, nee. ' THE MIDWEST BONDING CO., . 312 Be Bldg. NO FILING FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. R'IGERS REF. CO., &:!-$ State Bk. BQWARE PEGS IN 8QI ARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you, CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., ltiB-l Nat l Bank Bldg. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. ' WEST REF. BOND ASS N., ipj -.Jinan rear. ruinK lung. WAtoKD-1 more young men of neat apperanc to loin our advertlHlng force; Pay dally. Apply promptly' ;30 a. m.. R33 Brandels Theater; no interviews after t a. tn. Aateats, Balesaaest 4 llcltor. Experienced Stock . ' Salesman Man with several years' experience In selling stocks or bonds can secure highly lucrative position working In Nebraska or Iowa territory for largo corporation. Lib eral drawing account. Applicant must be over 25 years. He must be abl to show past successful record and stand the cloaeat scrutiny as to character and ability. Only such application considered as Is accompanied with full particulars, age, references, sta. Address K 474, Be. Drug etor snaps; Jobs. Knelat. Be Bldg. THE first payment now covers Insurano till July 1. 19111. Thla makes our policy aj io cii. van or write, mutual en eflt. Health and Accident Assn. tati ' I , v hi.,. L. n 1. T3 1 . 1 ( .. . V- W v ' J i-w.. k.iih iiiiih., viijno-h, lieu, MEN, women, Greatest honest profits, Household, store necessities. Samples. l'avis uo.jKiniM city, Han. ib WEEK salary and coinmiaalon paid on person, each town, selling nonalco hollo flavorings, Linton Co., Kansas City, Mo. o IV.ANTELI High-grade salesman, furni ture line. Watt Kef. Co.. H40-42 Bran- dele Theater. . Factory and Trade. AUTOMOBILE WISE OR OTHERWISE B wise a I independent In business for youraelf or earn big money. Our large aiul well equipped school and shop will produce thla result for you. Oct our unusual Interesting offc with Catalogus "C." Day a id night claaaea. Phone i. 3043. 1413-15-11 DodK St., Omaha, Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. WANTED-MEN TO LEARN THE BAR BER TRADE. Th world need mora barbers than any other tradeamen. Few w?rks qualifies. Tools Included. Board if desired. - Wage while learning. Open to all. MOHLEK BARBER COLLEGJC. 110 8. 14th St. . LBARN BARBEtt TRADE. B Independent; wages and tools gives. Electric masaage. hlrictly moiern. Big demand for barber. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1121 fiouglaa lit.. jUiii. 1U13 N St , Hiicoln. M lace I la aeaaa. WANTED Names tit men wanting to bs railway mail clerks, .5 month; Omaha esamlnationa coming. Address Y 33X. Be. Wanted at Once MEN to learn th automobll business; til demand is great for our gradual; w hav trained hundreds of men; lot us train you. Writ for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Aja'n; 2K14 N. (Uth St. Omaha. Neb. QUOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Biggest demand for our Magneto, Else. Starter Auto Uraduatea Too many un trained tinker repair men; good men poel- lively neadad. Big spring rush. Vre catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL- Lfco E, t3 Farnam St., Omaha. WANTED Men who are willing to work as hard for themselves aa for a boss and earn from 34 to 4s per week. Ad. dress E. Edw. Faurut. 311 Junction JVve., Detroit. Mich. WANTiiU Creamery man: muat b lie cream maker and butiar maker; abl ui teet and handl milk: at ate exDvrtenca and salary exoected In tlral letter. Ad- arcs 1 .'. Ilea. WANTKli-l.wi iihu to eat haiu and egga. luo. voile John, J4in and Capitol Av. UEIJ WANTED M ALU AND I'KMILB, THuLbANiid governuient Job ope.n to tuen and women; tub to ti6t munth. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 2ZTU, ttocneaiar, n. x. WANTED SITUATIONS Bi'tiISEa8 MEN Young lady desires po sition as stenograpner, DookKeeper. of fice dark or combination Job. Exuarlenc 3 years, covering 4 lines. Earned 3 promo tion last Job. ISO flirt. 111 consider anything from 3s up, short time or long tune. Kepue confidential. Address B Wo, car xvee. I'M SG man wame work of any klad. Will work lor small wagea Address, 1 . lice. AN experienced blackaaillb lieluer wauls Job tu a good siioD. Caa do common couiitry shop woik. Autlrens M. J, i iixi A.r, weping v ater, Jeb. ALTO niei'liMuic, Ktiariied, waiuea steady poaitlou l.i country town. Itefareuc ruimanea. Aouresa i 4i. tie. liiTiuN aa city salesman, have ex pertenoo in various lli.es, know every Una of OruaTu trwde and Al reference, will only consider salary or salary and aoiu. AU'iiT.. w a. riee. I'titilTlON by firat-claea auto mecbanic I year' experienc with all makes of cars; liaie pu-niy of tools; at present eni pioed, but d ir chan. F ie, Kee. W ANTtli t'oaitioa anvlns; Jitney bu, either salary or proflt-hrtug plan. xniiTm j a. j, nee. VOl.Nii man warns piac to work fur ikhiio. wins aiiaucii( Aio)ic culleaix. iucvuunq iaiu. .as loa. MEDICAL Why Do You Suffer When ' riles and Fistula Can Be Cured? Without suririeal oiTeration business. A written guarantee Dr. Maxwell has residetl in and during this entire period Diseases of the Rectum, Piles, Fistula, etc. Pay Vhen Cured Persons are cautioned ' against imitators, substitutes or inferior methods of treatment. Hundreds, of the most prorninent people in Omaha and all parts of the United States have been' cured by Dr. Maxwell. whose names may be obtained Patients must come to tho office for treatment. . Hours: 9, 12, 2, 5. Sun. 10, 12 Dr. William Creighton Maxwell 408-9-10 OMAHA NATIONAL HANK, 17th AND FARNAM STREETS. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College New York City, New York. , NO PRINTED LITERATURE SENT OUT. ' RUPTURE Aupture treated Bucceisgfully by all lafe, gclentlflc ruettcxJs. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and chil dren. The cost Is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Butte SO 6, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and tther rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money aid until cured. Writ for boolt on rectal laeases with testimonial. DR. . R. TARRY, 240 Be BldC 7 WANTED SITUATIONS Will.-Bundle washing. Meddle. W. 66S. WANTED Employment by middle-aged mail, afivciaii vai B, i.inu.u aiiu office experience; prefer position as IIIVIUUI HI.MII.U Ul UUI1. "UI , V I , . . . a . . n n . us lypewniar, not m .ifntx xv aoa. FLOOR waxing and house cleaning. Call iTrwirr Tj.it. DAY WORK WANTED. Webster 8267. GOOD carpenter of 60 wanta work in exchange for board ana room. Aaaress A .636. Bee. A BRIGHT and Intelligent experienced young man wants a position a snip ping or offlc clerk In a wholesale or com mercial house; can do any kind of gen eral offlc work; can furnish th best of reference!; willing to start work at a moderate salary. Address C 570, Bee. MOTHER and daughter want positions aa firat and second cook In commercial house out of city. Address L 475, Bee. WOMAN wants any kind of work to doj gooa worser. van u. onv. FIRST CLASS woman cook wants posi tion; city or country, ah b 47, nee. LIVE STOCK FOR RALE) Hrea sal VcaieHta. MANY well-matched teams; young mares; aome In foal. Call at Brewing Co. a aaloon. 1314 bo. lain Kt. ATTENTION! Must sell this week four husky mare tn foal; 1,200 to l,4n0 pound each; have been taken on a debt. This Is a bargain. Call and investigate. 60S 8. 2th St., near Howard residence. HORSES AND WAGONS. ti bav horses, weight 1.150 to L&00 lbs.. good teams for city delivery or farm; also one gray horse, weight l,a log., and on delivery wagon. Apply MR. WEATHERS. BURGESS-NAfH CO., BALCONY. WORK, team, tnti Two young mare In foal. 17 N. aVth. Dougla KZ33. fciUP Uv stock to .South. Omaha. Bav mlleaa and shrinks a. Your consign ments racelv prompt and careful atten tion. TWO team of young, well-matched, chunky farm mare, heavy in foal; weight from 1,360 to 1,400 pound; all good. sound maree, right out 01 hard work. j. Ryan, manager, zoos Farnam. TEN good farm mares, some In foal, aome a little pavement sore, cheap. Twin City Tranafer Co. barn. &!3 Dav'pt. FARM wagons St and up; harness, 340. J oh neon-Den forth Co., lain Clark tola FOR SALE The beet teami weight, 3,0uu, on la foal; also a team of nlc. chunky farm mar, weight l.ax) pound each, in foal; must be sold within the next few days; cheap for readly cash. Inquire James Henry, 3223 lodge. MUST sell 4 extra good big mares and horse cheap. Residence, 3i4 N. 17th St. TWO teams of wall-matched, chunky mares, weight i.zau each; age and 7 years old; auund; trial given If necessary? private reaiaence, zi uoage. FOR HALE) head of horses and mares. age from 4. years to g years, all wall broae to work. Call telephone South 3vU& tzsi Harrison pi., foutn umana. TEAM of mures, heavy in loaf; weigh X,3u lbs.; cheap If taken quick. Pair work horses. 2,4tA) lbs., well matched, liivi . I- . . . 1 I. 1 ,...M1.. 1 1 .7I.U ii l.nrii 1111, wt-m. ..-0 vuiiiius, , .in, WANTEDTO BUY Family cow; large I,.W ..11.. U'.l.ul 1 ? Llea gtuelx ItaaUiiH Mtrcasslx, MARTIN BROS. h. CO.. Excnart; Bldg. LOST AND I"X)CND OMAHA St COl'NCIL BUTFFS HTREiiT Y RA1LWAV COMPAI4r. Person having lost sum article would 00 well te call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left it in the street car. Many articles each day. r turned In and tti company la anxious to re lor 11 m to the rixb'.'.l oinr. ''all Doug. 41. LOST months' old red Irish aellei"", name Hike.. Tel. Tyler 4. Reward. LonT K cf C. charm. Reward. J. A. Kavanaugh. Douglas S9C3. IOEV TO LOAN Ktl.U JiONtlT be ua g.ilca ae.-yua. Half usual rata RE LJ ABLE CREDIT' CO.. ut 1 aatoa lilk. lut;iaa 1411. PERSONAL tuUN'd sutnts coiuing to (iiiialia as St rangers are tnrtlrd lo visit lb Young Wuuiau' Christisa asaool.uoa building at 17th fcC and St. Mary s Ave., wner ihey will l directed to ultabl boarding plaice or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav !(' aid at lb Union alalloa MEDICAL or pain. No detention from given in every ease treated. Omaha for twenty-eight years, has been engaged in treating by request. ' PERSONAL $7,000 to Pension Invalids If we receive 500 subscription to The uiiuiv. riomo rfoumm .......SI.MI The Saturday Evening Post 1.60 Tho Country Gentleman . 1 ui Each month till April to equal last year's buslncm, th original 35.000 become tho proieny or tno invalid' Fenston asen., making (7,000 - to pension invalids. W must hsve 2X3 auhacriutiona In K.hra.rv Your order or renewal adds U eta. Phone Doug. 71(1 or address Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA. NEB. THE Salvation Army Industrial bom so licit your old clothing, furniture, mags tine. W oollect. We dlatribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and lnspct our new home, 1119-1112-1114 Dodge St . POTJLTn AKO SUPPLIES DON'T forget that three time mora chickens have boen hatched in nil Trusty incubators than in any other in cubator. Calalogua freo on request. Ad dress, l. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center. Neb. STEREOTYPE matrices make th best and cheapest lining for poultry houaea They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mar durable then tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at The Bea office. LET chickens pay your rent; send for free book, '"ruining Eetra Into rhtr-w. ens' Into Dollars," and fre sam le. world oiuy naicning cnari; dook aescrlbe Rayo Incubators; give most chicks; hatch on one gallon oil. Rayo Incubator Oo., 1015 0. j.iu di. umana, neo. rnone Tied 3366. WANTED TO BUY GET Kaplan' price for M hand turn.. auoes. ciowiea. peiore aening. weo. 7au3. Yale buys every thing td hand. Tyler 1418. OITS'lf'H! Inmlln.. k.,,.1,1 1 u . - - - ' . ..in aim mui, a. C Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6146. WB BUY td-hand olothes. 1421 N. 34th. HIGHEST price for furniture. Web. 661. live wnus BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha B EE BUILDING office are always in demand becausa thev ara In tha . heart of the Shopping, th Business nd-the Public Service districts. N KW and 3d-hand motors, dynamo. waoewa, sit., ana mecn. replra Le Bron Elect. Works, 313-20 8. 12th. UAHA PI I.I XI W fn iun r..mi- J Douglas 24t7. Renovates feathers maiiiBwei ok an sinus, muses feather mattresses snd down covers. rACl IJ.M cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning dona In th bom. Sanitary U ...... 1 T 1 I J mW WE rent, repair, sell neudles and part for all sewing machine NE BRABKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel'a." 16th and Harney. Douglas 1M3. Aeessstsatt, K. A. DWORAK. accounts audited, open ing and closing books, installing modern Cfflc and ot accounting sysbsma. Ad dress 433 Ramge Bldg.- Phon Doug. 74D, Aaaiaar llacblaaa Dal ton Adding Machines. 411 8. 16. p. 1449. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6333. Architects. Everett S Podg, H Psxtnn Plk. T. Aato auaa Msisels Iiealrlasj. Magntto repair work a specialty. D. 2413, Aetlers. DoAvd Auction Co., 1115-16 W. O. W. R. 3286. Att raotlowa. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Dong. Motion picture mac bin and film bargalna Ilia PrlBtlsaT. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 303 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. , Barber. 13 Chairs, 10c shsve. neck shave. 161T Far. Brasa Kouadrle. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 17th and Martha Sta. larpsatrn Contractor. 6TEVENBON. IJt 8. 22d. Dougla 6620. (allfarnia Usda, W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat'l Bk. D.2S1. thlaa Palatlagr. CH'A. f.or dec'"'tlna'. Mrs. Chamber' Art Studio, iJni W. O. W. Bldg. Firing. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R, ttX Chiropractor. I. Oeddls. I). C 223 Be Bldg. Doug. 423. ( later, aad Well UlgrclaaT. ' NEED well or cistern cleaned or dugT BCHAFFER does It. Phone Web. hoSl. J. E. RICKERTT WeU Construction CoT; aothlug too big or impossibia; estimate frnished. 610 N. 21st St.. Omaha. Tvl Kb alar era. M. J. LACY. 613 BEE BLDG. DOUCJ. 47. Caal Dealer, ifcif fid Johnon' special, also Victor nut. pu.OO x Phone Douglas 1703. Cream Separatar. Th Sharpie Separator Co.. 12th A Faro. t leasiss ss4 Uyrlag. 01.8EN ROUECHE. lX Harney. D, t!M. Usseiag Ae4sdrs, DOUG. AUDLSpM'l rate for club nd pn. dances, tail or tel. aigr. i. itzj. T u r pin's Ianc Ing Acs d em y, 2Mb, & Fa r n. Mackie'a Academy, 181(5 Hamey. D. 64C CHAMBERS' Academy, claaalc. D. 1S7U lrater aael rwe Uintn. B1IER doea It. Phone Walnut lid. ncatlsts. Dr. Bradbury. Ko palln. 1603 Farnam. Iir. Todd a alveolar dentia'ry. 4ut Brandels Ltfilry, the Dentist. Tuti lily Nat'l Bank. Taft liet lal Rooms, 1617 Douglaa. D. list Tyouliea. lr. Fickea. 7:4 City Nat. Bank. Detectives. INVESTIGATIONS Carried out In any part 01 t- niiea etatea, canaoa or Mexico. " Paxton Bia. Lmug. M i. Walnut liJO, JAMES ALLAN. 3i2 Neville Bik. Fk- danAa iwun4 la all Xvler l'M L1VK WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA Drraiaiaklsg. Terry Drevmnk'g college, fth Farnam. EXPERIENCED dresmnaker want work ny nay, rimn. r ioren'o nt. PLAIN and fancy ewing done at your home; satisfaction guaranteed: by day or piece. Tel. II. 4H'2. Mwttte B. Black. WATSON LUND, W7 CaR Ft. MISS STURDY, 2416 Caaa Red 73JO. Drwar. DRl'GS at cut prloes:--rrelght paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman dt Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Nb. Flee trie Swpplle. LEBRON Elec. Wka.. 31 8. 12th. D. IT7. Ererythlnsr (or Wosaca. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bo pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., SJO Douglaa Block. D. ism. SWITCHES from combings. 11.60. Psych free. Mrs H. M. F.ck, Marcy. It. 664ft. HAIRDRESSINti at your home. R. 6PH1. Farlcra. , BEN FENSTER. 1410 N !4th St W. T7Tf. Florist. A. DONAGHUE, 1K22 Harnay. Doug. VH. BATH'S florlata, 1S04 Farnam St. HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDF.HSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 126. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. Hair Dressing:. ' Harper method. R- , Bal.-4 Bldg. D. gfill. LlBbtfas; Flxtare aad Wtrlajt. THOMAS DURION Electric fixtures and supplies, contract Ing nd repair work done reasonable. , 2413 CUMING. DOLULAB ). Lire 8tk Resaediee. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 07 8. 13th. Red 45BJ. WHITE LINK. 309 B. 11th. Doug1as mi. Mailt, Coataaae and Lodge SappHc. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade snd theatrical costume In the country. Theo. Lichen St Sou, 1614 Howard. D. 4115. Masseaaca. ' CORA BELLINOYwaiajr netic treatment Invigorating baths, mass sage legant and satisfactory; hrs. 10 to 10. 107 S. 17th St. Notlco-Entranc down stairs, basement, corner building;. M. BP.'JGMAN, mass., ejcohol robs, ladies and gentlemen only. 203 Karbach block. v . MISS GIBSON, message, 17U Dodge St 8econd floor. MISS WALTON, bath, massage. Tel. D. 42yT. Hours to 9; Sunday 11 to 6. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve., p. m. t Sundays. 10 to 1. MfSS JACOBS, masa, manrcurlng. Phon Doug. 4Si7. Hour 9 to a; nuyiay o a. . MASSAGE, B, 17th 8t Mr. Steele. Miss Flwher, mass., elec. treat. Red VK. JlliVOOAUrj LiOUGLAS 6372. BATH and maaaage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 12 Farnam, R. i. Douglas 8T0L Open evenings and Sundays. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 1761. Kathleen Mack, massage Sc bath. P. 7W3. BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. Mllllaaae. Millinery taught comp. In 13 lesson, trim . . 1 j... t . I . . 1 A mg, clean g, uying piumea, nuiuitm. ii.oin. MsvtmB.. Xaraaa .ad I'Im.I.v. W. C. FERRIN, 16th and Capitol. Ty. IMP. Oeallst. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, payee you can. Dr. McCarthy. 1U1 W. O. W. Bldg. n.l.Mnmiain PhTBlrlSSS. I Dr. Rerncha. r"-4 Mccagne Biag. P. V. ..'.'I T 1 1 I T ! I T k .1JJ Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandels Bldg,. D. 2144. Printing;. WATER S-BARNHART Pt. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190, 624 S. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY & M'KEN'A'E PTG. CO. D. 2014. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1820 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3764. Patent UeTclosmsat. AMERICAN Machine- y 116 B. 11th Wt Pateata. , H. A. Bt urges, 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. P. O. Barnetl. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117." Palatine and Papering;. HUGH M'MANUS. 117 N. 40th. H. B723. Roach Eitermlsator. B. B. B. Roach powder at Beaton's. Plimei Renovated. PLUMES Sc flower made over, cleaned ' dyed. Bertha Kruger, 42 Paxtpn. D. 8394. Saf aad Tlsna I,evJs Exgierta. O A TIT70 Opened, repaired, torn. vP rJcS changed. F. E. Daven WA A A JUsW port, i Dodge. D. 1821. She Hcaairlaa. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 Bt Mary's Ay. FRIEDMAN BROS., ahoe repair. 311 S. 14. Star aad Off lea Fix tares. BUSINESS success depend to a laxg extent on where you ara located. Tenant of th Be Building say that t.ieir patron nnd them eaelly beoaus th building la so centrally situated and o easy of access. DESKS, afea, scales, showcase, shelv ing, etc. We buy, aelU Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-13 S. 13th. D. tin. Slsra auad - Iks wear. E. M CLARK St BON.- Ill B. 16TH BT. Steel Celllatr. ' CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 B, TO. Twe Sapplle. OMAHA Towel Supply, tfff 8, tlth. P. 638. Trwaka) aad Salxcaaa. FREI,INQ St BTEINLB. 1303 Farnam Bt Tailor. CHA8. C. LANDERTQP. 106 K. gth Bt Vetcrlaarlaaa. PR. O. R. YOUNG. 402 Center. Wal. 1026 Wlaet aad Llqaor. ALEX JETES. 2W1-3 S. 13th St.- Wines. iniuors. cigars, r'late ainner. 11 to 3, 100. Glob liquor house. 424 N. 16th; Cllfornla win. 31.35 per gal. Writ for prica Hat. HENRY POLI.OCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 16th and Capitol Are. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein's Liquor House. it N. Jtujx. Douglas 109. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO to trad. A good 1914 Saxon auto; new tlrea, recently overhauled and In excellent condition. Wtll trad for good clear property or what hav youT Ad dreas 8. C. 66. Bee. ARM CHAIR Cherry, highly polished new) will trad for mission rocker, tt. C. 663. Be. AUTOiJ-4-l'ass . 41) h. p. touring car. in very good condition and fully equipped. Will trade tor lot worth about tuA or a good second mortgage. Address, 8. C. Kvl, Bee. i AUTO TRUCK-Hiv 30-H. p. car which. with but llttl work, could be converted into truck, or used for roadster as It stands. Engine, magneto, differential and tranetnlKsiun Juat overhauled and rebuilt; (04 worth brand new tinea on rear; front tires In A-t shape. Want Ford or similar car that lady can handle. Address s. C 6l. Be. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain tb "Auloiuobll" Cla-sara-cstlun. BEAUTIFUL upright piano and tool, walnut case, elegant tone. In fin con ditlou, for sal clieap, or will trad for good, used furniture, diamonds, auto .or what you might hav to otter. Address 8. C. care Omaha Bee. DESK Medium else roller top desk, will trade for IM-ugg incubator or a iJ poiind platform acalev Addrcaa S. C. 373, BONK CUTTER, ETC One Maaa No. 11 green bone ultr. been used a sample. Coat 6; on iecd grinder with three set of burs, cost 616; one 36-Inch tinner squaring a hear, coat 12; one Columbia printing pi ess, cost ; all abov ma chine are aa good aa new: will ell or traoe, one or all; would like a small gasolins engine in exchange or a small screw cutting lathe. What hav youf A drtreaa S. C. t4. Bee. ' DIAMONIiS 6 ring, weight oo karat. pne l-io. for piaao or light auto or Indian li4 motorcycle. Writ SV 42. c. s . .