T1U3 1IEB: OMAHA. VKl'XKSDAY. KKI1UUAHY 10, 1913. ( BRIEF CITY NEWS MdeHty Storage Tu Co. Boat . W. X Selky Bona, general Insurance. Have Boot Print tt New Beacon Press Barrese-Orandea Ce Lighting in jure. Wasted Choice real estate loans. W. It Thomas. tSS Bute Bank Bldg. imifl Complete MoTle lrram" classified section today, and appear In The Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the varloua moving picture theaters offer. Keeps JHsorderly House J.' A. Cook ef the Manhattan hotel. Fifteentn and Capitol avenue, was fined $40 and costs In police eourt for keeping a disorderly house. JTaalkaer Oat oa Bond Robert Faulk ner, colored, charged with concealing smoking opium. .a released under tl.000 bond after a hearing before United States Commissioner Daniel, Seaolntioa for Kre. Beet The city commissioners adopted a resolution upon the death of Mrs. Samuel Bees. The res olution referred to this pioneer woman a an estimable lady and devoted mother and wife. "tare Bet lor Big Battle" This news Jead line refers of course to the fighting In 'The East" but It should remind you ef the Big Business Battle being fought every day tn your own affairs. An office In the Bee Building makes a good stage setting for. better business. Sxpenses of Bouse of Hope The an nual statement of .the House of Hope, operated lor -the benefit of old people by Rev. C. W. Savldge, shows that on Janu ary 1, 1914, there , wa a balance In the fcanJc of $115.84. Expenditures for the year amounted to 14.242.48. There was a bal ance on hand January 1, 1915, of $115.64.' Xiectares ea JCUlinary Ora Cne, a well known eastern man milliner and author ity of women's wear, will give a series of lectures during the week of February IF at the millinery establishment of M. Bplesberger & Son. The lectures will be given for the firm's customers at $.80 a. m. and 1 p. m., with speclaj lectures In the evenings.. Mr. Cne gave a series of talks In Omaha last year. HARDWARE MEN IN CONVENTION HERE Will Aik that Eastern Mail Order Houses Pay Taxes to So Busi ness in This State. FAVOR INTERURBAN MEASURE ONE OF OMAHA'S MOST I&OMX KENT PIONEER WOMEN DEAD. Belgian Actress .Would Lecture at Council Chamber Why shouldn't eastern mall ordr houses doing business in Nebraska pay taxes in this state? ' This-question wilt be one of many to be considered by the Nebraska Re tali Hardware association, which began a four-day convention at Hotel Rome, with almost BOO members ex pected to attend. President F. w. Arndt of Blair, who with other officers arrived early. Is ready to bring up the matter of mall order com petition, which la one of the big prob lems of the retail hardware dealer. Other officers of the association are: C. W. Am nion of David City, vice president; W. C. Klein of Mllford, treasurer; Nathan Rob erts of Uncoln, secretary. John Husnle of Omaha Is a member of the advisory board, with S. A. Sanderson of Lklcoln and R. N. McAllister of Grand Island. F. D. Burnett of Omaha Is one of the .directors and the others are J. J. Jennings of Gothenburg. William Klnsel of Wiener, H. I Scofleld of Lincoln. J. V. Armstrong of Auburn and Fred Pels of Blue Hill. - Favor Intervrhaa BUI. Although too late to get attention from the legislature now In session, other mat ters besides the mall order problem will be considered by the hardware men with the Idea of urging legislation on them. Early arrivals among the hardware men declared themselves' to be strongly. In favor of the lnterurban development bill. Senate File No. ISO, i introduced Into the legislature by Senators Dodge. Qulnby and Saunders of Douglas county. It will promote retail business between the small merchant and the farmer, who now Is Inclined to order necessary articles by mail Instead of going to town for them. Mme. Artols, Belgian actress engaged In relief work here, called at the mayor's office and . conversed with Secretary 1 iNelHe Malone regarding the rule per taining to the use of the council chamber ' for meetings. . The visitor, was told that the council chamber would not be granted for meet ings at which an admission fee would be charged, which the Belgian woman lntl . mated would be done if she could use this meeting place. . ...'.".-... f V ! ' t UNCLE SAM PTE POPULAR Jobless Men Besiepe Postoffice After Positions, but Manless Jobs Are Not Reported. SUPPLY OF BLANKS ALL USED MRS. PAMTJEI rtEEf. SALOONISTS FOOT THE BILLS Are Forced to Put Up $25 Apiece to Send Protestants to Lincoln , A grains t Annexation. DELEGATION IS PACKED ONE REDUCED RATE TO , COAST SUCCESSFUL The second and last Oay of the S00 rate to the Pacific coast and return brought business to the railroads than did The Union Paciflo took Its Los Angeles limited out in three sections, all cars be ing well filled. The Burlington ran three extra trains west and the Rock island took Its Golden State limited out tn two sections. In addition to thepeclal train movement. . there, were. , probably, 100 or more California trouists on other trains. Taken a a ' whole, tho railroad men assert thaC ".the .Jxial, given the J60. rate -waa very .satisfactory A " corresponding rate is quite likely to be put on again In the hear future. I ANN ARBOR GRAOS BOOST j ALMA MATER BY MOVIES Movies of activities and scenes at the Univereity of Michigan will be shown to high school juniors and seniors within a month or two by University of Michigan graduates living in Omaha. At the regu lar monthly luncheon, attended by twenty Michigan alumnf at the University club, plans were furthered tor the motion pic-. .ture exhibit In the Interests of: their aim mater. The committee In charge of the roovlee Includes C. B. Paulson, Stan ley Rosewater. Arthur Marowlts and Dr. Claude T. Cren. The motion picture films were made to promote publicity; for. the university, and are being shown all-over the country. CARPENTER FROM IOWA ' -' . JAKESHIS OWN LIFE Andrew , Pierce, , carpenter, of Roland, la waa found dead in his room at the home of Mrs. A. J. Stover, 6 North Twenty-fourth street, where he has been living for the last two weeks. Pierce ended Ills Hfe by. drinking carbolic acid. In a pocket of his clothing a small note book bearing a list of poisons and their antidotes, had been marked with a pencil. The words "carbollo acid" being under scored and the antidote scrs.tched out. The' man was absolutely without money and aside from the fact he had been a good boarder Mrs. Stover knew nothing of htm. 'Coroner Crosby took charge of the body and will hold an inquest. MRS. GETZSCHMANfTASKS DIVORCE FROM HUSBAND Mrs. Catherine Getzschmann has filed at petition asking for a divorce from Charles H. Getischmann on the grounds of cruelty, nd in addition asks the is. auanoe of a restraining order forbidding Mm to molest her, Mr. and Mrs. Oetchmann were married in 1SS3 and have four grown-up children and one boy. 11 years of age. Mr. Getschmann la a city fireman and the couple lived at OOS South Eighteenth street. Bobeck Gives Lead Instead of Cash to ! Invading Robber A single bandit who attempted to rob the C. J. Bobeck drug store at 1413 South Thirteenth street last night was tendered a warm reception by the proprietor, who happened to have a revolver handy. The man entered early In the evening, bought a cigar and while waiting for hie change, produced a revolver and ordered the drug store man to hand over the contents of the cash drawer. ' Mr. Bobeck produced part of the cash drawer'e contents the part that proved to be a formidable revolver and immedi ately began to spray hot lead in the gen eral direction of the robber. The latter returned . the fire, withdrawing at the same time. Mr. Bobeck was unhurt, but he thinks that at least one of his bullets found a mark' in the robber's body.- TRUSTY WHO ESCAPED IS j NIPPED ON ANOTHER COUNT ,I.Taggart was arrested at Sixteenth and Dodge streets by Officer Aakwlth for stealing fen overcoat from, II. Tint Jens, 716 west Thirty-third street. South Omaha, and as a result waa sentenced to twenty five days In the county jail. It was dis covered at the staton that while acting as a trusty several months ago Taggart had escaped without completing a thirty. aay sentence. He will serve an addi tional 'twenty-five day a on this 'count That the saloon keepers of Pouth Omaha had to put up J.'j apiece to help pay the expense of railroad fare for the crowd of South Omaha people who went to Lincoln to protest before the leg islature against the annexation . bill. Is one of the statements contained in s let ter received by Gould Diets from a busi ness man of South Omaha, who says that the business people tot the city are really for annexation, and that It Is the poli ticians that are making a pretense at a showing against the move. Mr, Diets is chairman of the municipal affairs committee of the Commercial club. As such he headed a delegation to Lincoln when the bill was heard In the committee. The Diets sgErcxatlon boosted for annexation, but they found over 100 South Omaha people at the leg islature fighting the bill. They were firemen, policemen, politicians, city offi cials and a few others.' Hare Wives and Babies. "The firemen had their wives and babies In arms In the gallery In the sen- e chamber," says Mr. Diets. . "They tried to make a showing In that way. It fell flat." ' The South Omaha letter In the pos session of Mr. Diets says It is the poli ticians, the , policemen, the firemen, the city, officials and employes,' as well ss the few men who sell supplies and ma- terial to tfie city, who are opposed to an nexation, and that among the people In general the sentiment Is overwhelmingly for annexation. ' - . - COMMISSIONERS RYDER AND WITHNELL ARE ILL City Commissioners J. J. Ryder snd C. H. ivithnell are both confined to their homes, the .former with a sprained; knee and the latter suffering from an attack of grippe. ' Information window No. 10 at the post office was a busy place Tuesday. It had no sooner opened than It was besieged by an army of men. Big and little, black and white, thin and fat. they crowded up to get on the roll of men for whom Uncle fam Is undertaking to find employment. In accordance with the let ter received by Postmaster . Wharton Monday from A. Caminettl, commissioner of Immigration. What the Honorable A. Caminettl was thinking of when he sent the blnnks Is hard to understand. For the Honorable A. Caminettl sent between fifteen and twenty of the blnnks. Only that and nothing more. The Honorable A. Cam inettl was either laboring under a fit of absentmlndedness or else he knows little of the number of men who would wish to avsll themselves of the free offer of their Uncle Samuel to take their names and undertake to act as a clear ing house between manless Jobs and Jobless men. The fifteen or twenty blanks disappeared as swiftly as a hand ful of snow deposited upon the sunny side of the street at noon of an August asy. ' All day the stream continued to flow up to the window and all day the clerk had to parrot the sentence: "Call next week some -time. The blanks are all gone. Nearly nil the applicants asked for farm work or some , other klnd of or dinary labor. Some had had positions thst pnld better than farm work, but were willing to take that. One sought work as an "auto blacksmith." While there was a run on the em ployees' blanks there wes no call at all for the employers' blanks. It Is expected, however, that most of these will be filled out in the small towns and rural dis tricts. , Mcasle Epidemic Confined to North Partjrf the City "It Is a strange fact that epidemics of measles are confined to certain sections of the city," remarked Record Clerk Tom Harrington of the city health depart ment yesterdsy afternoon. He then disclosed the records which show that already Jl esses of measles have been reported from the north pert of the city, all belnr north "Cuming ! street. During January there wero mi I canes, and for the first eight days of this montn there have been 100 rases. The victims are all children, with one or two exceptions. During the esrly winter there was an outbreak In the south part of the city, and Mr. Harrington states thst this con dition hss chained in other years. Not one case in the south part of Omaha has been reported this year. If the present rate contlnea this month will be a record breaker for measles. "Store noun 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday's Till 9 P. M. I'nuahed for Tnree Veers. A grateful sufferer writes; "Your medi cine. Dr. King's New Discovery, cured my cough Of three years' standing." 60o. All druggists. Advertisement. UNITARIANS HOLD ANNUAL MEETING WEDNESDAY NIGHT The anneal meeting of the First Uni tarian church will be held Wednesday evening of this wesk at the parish house, 42 North Fortieth street. Preceding the meeting a supper will be served at :0 by the Woman'e alliance. Afterwards there will be a program as follows: JOHNNY JONES MAY BE FORCED TO ANOTHER TRIAL Negotiations between the county at torney and lawyers representing Johnny Jones. ' a negro, saved from) the death penalty by supreme ' court decision, following conviction on a first degree murder charge, looking toward a plea of guilty to a second degree charge, have failed and it Is probable that Jones will be tried again soon. Self-defense Is Jones' plea. CONSIDER CONDEMNATION " OF OLD BROOM FACTORY Upon recommendation of Building' In spector Lee Bridges, the city council adopted a resolution setting 10 a. m. next Tuesday as the time for. a hearing on the proposed condemnation of an old build ing now used as a broom factory at 1109 South Fifteenth street. The inspector re ported the building eighteen Inches out of plumb. BUILDING MEN ENDORSE HOWELL'S LIGHT BILL f The Building Managers' association in session at noon endorsed the proposed bill fostered by R. Beecher Howell, giv ing the water' board permission to go into the electric light and power business. OMAHA SERUM COMPANY TO BUILD AT RALSTON The Omaha Serum company has nego tiated for a plot of ground In Ralston and will abandon Its present South Omaha factory for a new and larger plant to be built Immediately in Ralston. The new plant will consist of one concrete build ing 30x40 and several smaller buildings. The Omaha Serum company's hog yard has been located at Raleton for some time. The company , manufactures hog cholera scrum. Rheumatism Goes If HootTs-Is Used The genuine old reliable Hood's Sarsa prllla corrects the acid condition of the blood and builds up the whole system. It drive out rheumatism because it cleanses the blood thoroughly. It has been successfully used for forty years. For rheumatism, stomach and kidney troubles, general dehltity and all (Us arising from impure blood, . Hood's hss no equal. Get it from your nearest drug. gist today. Advertisement. 0manjj EflLy Omaha LIQUOR and DRUG Treatment 1502 S. 10th Bt, Fhon D. 7BS6 , 07.TAIIA Old-Time Cold Cure-Drink Tea! Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea. or as the German folks call it. "Hamburger BrueJ Thee," at any phar macy. Take a tablespeonful of the tea. put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as It opens the pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. , It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore harmless. Advertisement. COMMISSIONERS ALLOW MRS. ROCHF0RD PENSION The city commissioners, sitting1 in coun cil, formally adopted a resolution recom mended by the committee of the whole, allowing Mrs. Katherlne Rochford $r0 a month pension aa long ae she remains a widow. Her husband. Captain Thomas Rochford of the fire department, died from injuries suffered while - in the service. FILE BOND FOR ERECTION OF SUNDAY'S TABERNACLE The Omaha F.vangelistte association has filed with the city clerk a bond of 16.000 required tn connection with the erection of the Billy Sunday tabernacle on Leavenworth street. Nineteenth to Twentieth streets. Beet Tela lev at Blltosjs Attack. "On account of my confinement In the printing office I have for years been a chronlo sufferer from indigestion and liver trouble. A few weeks ago I had aa attack that was so severe that I waa npt able to go to the case for two days. Fall ing to get any relief from any - other treatment, I took three of Chamberlain's Tablets and the next day I felt like a new man," writes H. C. Ballsy, editor Carolina News, Chapln. 8. C. Obtain able everywhere. Advertisement. MRS. AUGUSTA H. GIFF0RD, HISTORIAN PASSES AWAY PORTLAND, Me., Feb. . Mrs. Augusta Hale Glfford. author and historian, and wife of George Glfford, American consul at Basle. Switzerland, from 14 to 113, died today, aged 73 years. Combing Won't Rid Hair of Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dan druff Is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely.' To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub It in gently with the finger tips. - . Do this tonight, and by morning most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It, no mat ter how much dandruff you may have. Tou will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop at once and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store.. It Is 1nexpensve and never falls to do the work. Advertisement. 0 LLbLL Fast trains on convenient schedules arrive JEngle&pod Union Station (63rd St.) and La Salle Station most convenient locations in Chicago connecting with limited trains for all Eastern territory. The W3 a&rt Leaves 6:08 p. m. daily. Have dinner on the train arrive La Salle Station, Chicaito-in A heart of the busineat district ready for the day no time lor. . . Carries sleeping car for Tri-Cities -may be occupied until 7;00 a. m. Othtr Solid Through Train$ Daily "Rocky MouwUla Limited" 1:8a a, m. Chicago Day Express" .'JO a. m. Cbicage-Colorado Express" 410 p. sa. Automatic Block Signak flnft Modm AB-Stl Pangut Efmipmunt AMvi 5esfy ' Write, phone or call at Rock Island Travel Bureau, 1)23 Farnam 6t., for ticisti, retervstioM, information. , J. S. McNALLY, Division Passenger Agent Phone Douglas 428 ?EVE RYB ODTS STORtt" Tuesday, rl. 9, 1B15 fitflr Xw for WeHlnoslay. Beautiful Rich New BLACK SILKS Very Specially Priced SEVERAL thousand yards of theso much-wanted silks Uio weaves now in greatest demand in a special underprice movement that will interest every woman with n plan for a new spring frock. Black Taffeta Silks, 69c Rich shimmering black taffeta ailka. 86 Inches wide, very spe cially priced for Wednesday at 69c tbe yard. - Black Silk Mcssalines, 49c Mesnallae silks, deep 1 natron black, 24 Inches wide, tn the sale, Wednesday, special, at, 49c the yard. Black Silks at 83c Three wanted weaves, all 86 Inches wide, Including black silk, peau de sole, chiffon taffetas and satin duchess, extreme values for Wednesday, at, 88c the yard. $1.39 Black Crepe de Chine, 98c A remarkable quality and unusual value, black crepe de chine, all silk, 43 inches wide, usual f 1.89 values, 98c the yard $1.59 Black Crepe de Chine, $L29 All silk crepe de chines tn rich black, splendid heavy quality, 4 2 lnchea wide the usual $1.59 quality. . An exceptional value for Wednesday, at, $1.29 the yard. i $2.00 Black Satin Charmeuse, $L49 4 2-inch black satin charmeuse, very soft and pretty, lustrous black; a rood $2.00 quality. Very special Wednesday, $1.49 yaxd. Burgsss-sTMih Gov atat Floor, NOTION Specials lor Wednesday Ilaby blba with food catcher, at each ..... .10c Wire collar flares, black and white, each .5c Bclssora, all sises, pair, , . .lOc Folding c o a 1 1 Celluloid combs, hangers, ea., 6c each , , . .12c Bias seam tape, ( 811k shirtwaist 12-yd. bolts Ac I shields, pair 10c Wavy wire collar supporters, nirfe for He Nickel plated tatting shuttles each ......Mel 20 -yard bolt tape (or . . .10c Barvssi Fowder puffs, I Buckle Coring So all sizes, spe- Iseamtog tape. o!a), each . . lOo I bolt 10c Hair nets; with elastic, 5 for lQej Sure-oa hoi iS.h o e supporters, ex tra wide, per pstr 10a wlners. each. ... . 10-n Linen tape, alx bolts ; .... 8a Elastic sanitary bolt, artndsX, each, for ............ .12Hc Girdle founda- I Stock ice lions, each 10c pair sraah Co. Mala, Hoc. feet. lOo Stamped Pillow Cases That sMBBeSBaBaaaBaseMSMSSMSBBsBBae Are Regular 49c, at 25c Pr, STAMPED on best quality tubing, slse 18x45 inches. In hem stitched and scalloped edges. Designed for monograms, French and eyelet work, r K tamped Pillow "Tops, 15c Stamped pillow tops, in floral and conventional designs, with six sketna of floss for working; special, at, 15c each. , ' Library Table Heart, 15e Library table scarfs, stamped and tinted on linen-colored crash, with six skein's of "artallk" for working, stse 18x45, special, 16c each Bnrreee-yash Co. Third floor. ; This "Use More Cotton " Exhibit is Attracting Wide Spread, Attention IT certainly is a commendable enterprise an ingenious, compre hensive plan for encouraging a larger demand in this "Use More Cotton" movement. A real summer bower bas been laid out, in which the garments shown will illustrate The Coming . Season's Styles and Many of Them Will Be Displayed on Living Models From 16:80 to 12:16 and from 2 to 4. The materials by the yard are on aale in -the newly enlarged wash tiooda department. I ; Perfection in Stylo and Fit That's what Pictorial Review Patterns Hereso three of a 0Bdrfal ooCertiton ci await dWMosi!Vr?;taJ ia Tb. FASHION BOOK. foSprW 7T PUT CREAM IN : AND STOP CATARRH NOSE Tails Hew To Opea Closed Nos trils and End llead-Colia. Read The Bee's "Business Chances'' aa4 get into your own business. You feel fine Id a few moments. Tour cold In bead or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your 1ead will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dull ness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dryness; no strug gling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a UtUe of this fragrant, antiseptic cream la your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head: soothe and heal the swollen. Inflamed mucous membrane, and relief corass Instantly. It Is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer aeeda Don't star stuffed-up sad miserable. Advertisement. j HONEY MELTS The BEST WAY for you to pre ff vent all your money melting away f Is to put some of it away In the BAVINUH DEPARTMENT of the Booth Omaha Havings Bank, where 2 Interest will make It grow In- 1 gtead. 1 Our depositors are protected by the Depositors Ouarantee Kuad. l$LM 1 1 ' ! 1 SOUTH OMAHA SAVINGS BANK 24 th and M Streets H. O. llOSTWICK, President TRVMAX BUCK, V. Free. V. R, OETTIT, Caabler. I i U Wf few! tkt tb tiata bas mn t deal rmpi.tii m avcl. tttkja oar tkar iHmt it Will nave racayftarl rur tu pur boats havaMt tan! tha aitj(euKkua bum f V iuat Us mowitrtvia i arvod avrJ aJ thai k . f auMma sVhta la pwa- AuMtnc tHUjf" Wa ImuMf ia oavrnc W.UuO aaora wuiakay agara, ata-wr ewa Ski xpeaaaa, ttmi Falsi t biasT U ta Aaaat. atsuat wtole4a and ssswat cUiiaaoua ti sjtlijeav jmf tnmr Mftiao. l r.ia ia jxsw ejnano to gj men ifa mmm a iafma trmtwmiitwr 4im iutm99m idmi mm imU hmlAMy timmUiMf butt um. You r.lust Act At Once TovrVa ra sd to rafoaa to aaevpl fin. Mart fear aot waal poakac sWk of fhft aiiHwtof ailwuaia) atMra it a ii'-rraU piaoad m jNmr taacia fraa. arc " f La il yon ft! do ut u remit ui Sw.afe pa wiu uiy vfMsktouea, EX-ur.'-a our rat l-Ma nMsksf gwd with t.r . .... .. , ... 1 MM- 11 a if oli alD. ft h uii Ouarta of biaou LMttr (Wereq tttikH k ik ft)id Willi tt. rau aon t Ana tt aoajrivwi t uatretura tua viaiUt ksatlUa an to sjvmaaay, ai-achiU-ir tt fur trial purixxiaa. lrmk iia wky ia U vu don't Ana it M'irl r xrao flur trial nurutiaa. lrtnk Uio okakry ia U fUak it'l Fiuri, aoocMUtcly, no Baiter wLa4 yu kr arliK lh ajijait Ixitt . it tnaOer.M wiuaaay yo ovar umxi, rssgaruiaai wie, a at 4ur aminruaa. and Vou'U at your inueri a-k tt r.d wtiiwut osnjMMit. Or -1.4 .4 fr 4 full gumrta, k X'Kf. ut PX.it, avul wa w u auciuao, m aWiiwjnol fcvitio fr yvti to t4 (!' aaixsa aibaral tarwia. 1 h aLkMtianaJ naiito-tba froo dlxtrfbatlosi offar U for Mult tlmo only wtaao atr a prwgnatrau tug ti m yoe ia guus wo anatl hava la w.t h tiuw our offer, 1 u.a aivaniar of it auit it U.a o4 m Ia Oekt M-ttoir m$ wwaliiw '$ 4mUyt otaka rauuoaaa ooyabio to rKLm DtftTiixiMa co u rus : city, M. 044 lie. , . CmUum MZ4 15c. We recomnterxi te you to look through The FASHION BOOK for Spring, befota deciding en your aw gowns MARCH PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS bow ready. Burgess-Nash Co Everybody's Store 16th and Harney Let The Bee get you a job. 'Situations Wanted" ads are free. 1