TI1K BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, FKOUUAtlY 0, 11)15. 9 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Threatened Oennin. Blockade Will Not Deter Shipments of Bread stuffs, Say Exporter!. WHEAT IS UHCHKGED II? PRICE OMAHA. Feb. , 1915. As to th, threatened blockade by the IJertnan government being of unv im portance th world differs. Chicago ex porters say they have largo ahtpmenta to make during- February and March, and that they will go right along with the outward movement. They believe that the governments now at War will not attempt to Interfere with the Importation of breadstuff from the United State. With the largest stock of corn In th 1. nlte.l Htates visible, and the banner stocks at t'hicajro, there la little likeli hood of any pronounced price gains In that market In the absence of a, rood cash demand. The ahort lnterent haa tn pretty well eliminated and cash discount which were showins; a tendency to nar low have again widened. Receiving houaea in oats hedged good amounts last week. There was good buy. Ins by shipping oon.-erns. . The outsider ia saala in the provision market, and usual he ll to fw found on tne. bull aide. Pork la receiving moat aitonilon at present and ia being pur chased by outsider, .acker have led in tiie eelilng. Omaha spot market: Wheat was un- chanced. Corn was- nnr-hsaged to le low-r. Oatj were unchanged to 140 lower. , t'orn cloned unchanged at Liverpool. l'rlmarv wheat receipts were l,lt)L0Mt hiisi.eis and alilpments 1.061.00U bushels, against, receipt of 8,0u0 bushels and shlpn.enla or 4OS.O0O bushel last year. Primary corn receipts were 1.56.000 bushel, aitil shipments 1.irt.tX0 bushels, against receipts of 1.227lax bushels and shipments of Slfl.OO buHhela last yesr. Primary oaU receipts were 8w!,U0 bush els and shipments l.OOj.nOi) bushels, against receipts ot 6 6,ij0 bushels and shipments of tx.'.W bushel last vear. - CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago ...... Minneapolis Uulutlt ....... Omaha Kansas City. 8t. Louis .... A inntpeg ... 10 1H 410 102 9 59 68 Fl its ....... 37 15 17 KH iU3 ... ... Sales reported today: WheatNo. i hsrrt: 3 rers, 1.BS. No. I hsrd winter: 2 cars, 1.5; 1 car, 11. ill".; 1 car, SI.G7H. . No. 3 mixed 1 car, J1.58. No. 4 mixed: I car. St.iu. No. 4 spring: I car. 11.62. No. a durum: 14 cars, Sl.ol- fcamp 1 car. It. S3. Rye-No. 2: 1 car, Sl.SH. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car. S6Vu. Btand - ard: 1 oar, EV". jSample: X cars, etc; 1 car, 5.V-. Corn No. 2 white 2 cars, 7oc. , No. II white: 2 cars, 74Hc No. 3 yellow; 10 cars, (OVic. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, War No. 6 yellow: 2 cars, 70.o.' No. t mixed: . vna, u. .tune, 0 im, ivM. V 3 mixed: 1 car, near while. 73c: 1 ear, near white, 7i'V-; t cars, near white, J2He: 2 cars, near white, 7Jc; 2 cars, near white, 7lVc; i cars, 70'o; 10 cars, 70c. No. -. 4 mixed: ? cars, R)e. No. f mixed: I .' car, 70c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, ll.57it.ni.Bl1-!; No. i hard, ll.WySjl.PS: No. 4 hard. Il.47fi-l.i7: No. 3 spring, Jl.BSil.W; No. i durum, J1.62Hiff 13; No: 3 durum. fl.UV'1.52. Corn: No. 1 white, -75750; No. 2 white, 74iS7r: No. 2 white. 74 7t'jc; No. 4 while, 7471'4c; No. 5 white, 7n'i73H : No. 6 White. 73'iH73'4c; No. 1 yellow, 7iV?'h7lc; No. 2 yellow, 7i)'ic70ko; No. 3 yellow, TOV.'ijTO'ie; No. 4 yellow, Wp, 70'c: No. 5 yellow. Mi670,c: No. yel low, WiMOe; No. 1 mixed, 7"'4ff"f"0; No. , 2 mixed, i70i,4tr7(4r: No. S mixed, 7fi'7,o; No. 4 mixed. SuVo'TOc: No. 5 mixed, ,0e; No. mixed. 6Wr70c. Oats: No. 2 white, 5V'iWjc; standard, 56V&;V;ic: No. It whft. K.".',.Ar-.l ',. X7A A U:. .Tiii;,. Karley:' Malting, 77Sc; No. 1 feed, 67frif . TTk-. Rye: No. 2, 1XK&1.25; No.- 1, . H.S4Ha.!5. . , . CHICAUU fiRAIX AU PROVISIONS Features f the Tradlnav and Cloatas; Prlcea an Board of Trade. CHICAOO, lb. 8 Notwithstanding- a liberal decrease in the United Staes vis itile supply total, wheat today swung to Uie bear side, losing al of an early ad vance and more. Kxport sales were dis appvintln to the bulla and there was a i slight enlargement of country Offers. The market closed unsettled at Wv,a net de cline. Other Iohbcs for the day were: Corn. '4'- to "i(y,c, and .provisions, " 36c 'O.it gained M.iff 4e bet,- : . , --It was explained that the railing- off in . tne wheat total of the visible supply etatcmunt was about as expected and had been largely discounted In advance. On tho other hand, hopes which Bhbrtly after ; the opening had been raised ia regurd to an active renewal of European demand failed to be realized onianylhing like the rale that many traders had looked for. What purchaulng there was in Chicago to fill orders supposed to be from trans-Atlantis sources was confined to future de liveries. The only foreign cash business - reported was at th seaboard, tXKJ bush el. , .. Owners of wheat reserves both north v.est and southwest apneared to be evinc ing a little more willingness to sell. In , the northwest receipts were larger than a ear una. f Corn had no independent strength, the market l-eing almost wbiUy swayed by wheat. Announcement, however, of late rtles of Mil Ow) bu. corn for exooit helped tu sleadv prions. The bears put emphasis tn the fact that the visible supply was more thn " do"b'e t!:at of 'last year, v ' httres a quotallona now were 15c a bushel ' - hi her. , . . ' lini roved exvort demand made the. oats mirk't firm. It was said 4K..100 bushels at the seaboard had been taken for ocean nhionwnt a-d there were signs of foreign -fpivtn here as well.' i I'-ovlslons suffered from HqulriiUilng r ."Hlrs b:' holders.' The weakness of corn hud a deiresslng effect. rain 'Mice.- furnished bv I.onn & Erysn, office 3ir ttoutli Bixleo-nth street. Aith le Open. I Hih.l Low. ! Close.) at y. ' ' Ma.t WtW 1S4M.12,I 11'(, 1 (TS'i july.il av 140V 1 a: -s i . 131 1 1RH : Son.. -.. I I I July. 182 Vt m?s!MVIWI 1H July. I 67-1,! tl pruijs Msy.'IS Ju.r.lia 0-A2 lav. H P'4 11 IS July.l 11 I 11 r4l MaV.jm as-?rio k-miI id tr. July. (to 4S-) watt J 10 yrt 1 1?H 10 W 11 12H1 IS 15 19 62W 7 i rs 10 7V u i u a ii?i u 26 10 47'i v Chlfsgo Cash Prices Wheat : Nn. t trd. II :.jl 66; No. 2 hsrd. l.2MTI.iS. Corn: No, 4 yellow. 7X1i74c: No. 4 white, 7f.Wc Osts: No. white, 4-'iir.9c; No. 4 white. 6,f;SH. Kye:- No sales. Par ley, Spvj7c Peeds: Tlmnthv. i.fXT..n; clover. $12. 0ofil4.no. Provisions: Pork, l7.0rwn.7l; lard, II9.S7: riba. .?-.m.Ti. Pt.'tTEH Steady; crsamery, Xn "2a KGOS Lower: receipts, .T75 cases; at rrsrk, caw included, 2lfl25c; ordinary firsts. 2:'f!J4c; firsts, 2oc. POTATOKS Steady; receipts, 3 cars; Michigan and A laocneln red. 4"tjt4c; lilchtgan and Wisconsin whltn, 41ISo. POl-'LTRY Higher: sorlnas. IGc: lowli. 15c. . NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qeotaileas of the Day on Varloas 'CoMmodltles. NEW YORK, Feb. K.-KLOL-It-Unsettled; spring patents, 7.4tl7.: winter pstents, tf.4oa7.65; winter strsiRhts. $7.23 &n. W; Kansas straights, r !.W. WHEAT Snot. WV! No t red and No. 2 hard, $1.73. all rail, c, 1. . trsc.k ex port; ro. i northern, intluth, 1l.i2V, and No. 1 northern. Manitoba, tl S, r. i. f., Buffalo. Future steady. .May, $1.70. CORN Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, SoHc, c, I. f. to arrive. OATS Ppot. steady; standard. 4.fiS4LVc; No. 3 white, 63Vt1j4e; fancjr clipped white, HAY-PtesJ; No. 1, ll.95fll.WH; No. 2, tlrfyil.OOi No. 3, mc, and shlppi. g, SiViiMc. HOPSf leady; state, common to choice, Jfl4, 32iT20e: rcifio coast, 1H14, HijlSc; 1U, 9fillc. HIDL'S Hteady: Bogota. 32Hc; Central America, 31Hc LBiVTHKH-Flrm; Hemlock firsts, 32o; seconds, fti.llc. Provisions Pork, steady: mess, $2u.(KXfi21.l; family, S22.6WU2l.Oi): short rlears. r30.00ft23.(n. Beef, etesdy; mess. $21.(Krr-23.0D; le.nlly, $4.0iVn M.eoo. Lard, cssy: middle west. $10.!xul0.$ TALLOW Steady; cJty. u: countrj'. (mis.sTfco: pecinl, iHc. BUTTER Steady; receipts, ,0R3 tubs; creamery extra (92 score, SAHWiio; creamery fhlgher scoring), .,fi,f(3flc; firsts, iliftvc; seconds, JRfiSoc; laMeS current make, firsts, 23tj23Hc; seconds, 222tc; packing stock, current make? No. 2, lc. CHKKRK Firm; receipts. . 1.41S boxes; state, whole milk, held specials, 17c; aver age fancy, 16',4i;lC.c; sfate. whole milk, winter export type, spevlala, l'lfthHso; average fancy, 15''gl3Hc: skims. SSc EQOS I'rsettled: receipts, 7.O10 esses; fresh gathered extra fine, 7H"ft28c; extra firsts, 27c; firsts, 2oV4c; seconds, 'I'Wai&c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 33c; get e'red white, 2l'32c; hennery browns, 27H5'2Ne; gath ered browns and mixed colors. -aH5j 21 e. POULTRY-Llve, steady; western chick ens,' Ific; fowls, 13c; turkeys. HffflSc. lreeaed.. aulet: western masting chi rk- en. 17621c; fresh fowls. 13S 18c; turkey, 14230. BF.L KSTATK IX)AX9 $lt to 51'1,'kMi mud') nruiiiptiy. I K. O. Went!, vesd LldK ., IS'k and fc'srnan Sts. BKK us first if you want a farm loan. United Staiea Trust t.:o.. Omuha. Neb. tT.-T cTtv IXDANH C. O. Carilrj,' " 310-312 Brimdel Theuter B'rtg. A.'1'f Y proierty. Laigc loan a specialty. VV. H. i iiomas. Mate Bank Bidg. MoNKY on haiiu lor city and farm loans. It XV, tinder. City Natl. Bank Bidg. HEAL KWTATK- ACREAGE TO IS acrea near car lines; good for platting. L. 2947. KEAIi ESTATE SOUTH HIWE ilOT WATEU HEAT 7 rooms, rinuihed In birch, cement base liici.t nwdei-B In every d.-lall, cat front lot, taved slrKt. cloae to car line, io- ul..d ner iMD Ave. and alason St. 1 i l-.-e $:,wiy. ' C. b. CARIJJEHG. 312 Srandcis Theater Bldg. j'oR HALJ-FIve-roora, modern bunga low, in bst condition; low price for iiuh k eale. 1S18 Manderson bt. Tele plione Web. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK-MARKET Cattle Eeceipti Very Light, Mod Steady to LoweT Large Run of Sheep and Lambs. - VEST SLOW, DULL HOQ TRADE SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. . If 13. nolpu were) Cat I .e. Hogs, theep. KftlmtU Monday .0"0 T. . l.t"0 anje day last Week.... .K-S 12.24S. J4.!2 ."ame day 2 weeks ago .I74 .Ml Same day 3 week bko .174 $.!4 &.! Same day 4 week ago 7,.1 .i7 17.?" tame day lust year..., R.J71 ,. Si.tM The following jaolf. si.-owa the receipts of cattle, hoga. and shp at th tiouth Omaha Live stock market tor the year to-date. as compared with last year: , s 191 4. Inc. attle ,. t 4 jdj , io s-7 $.316 Hogs sa.wi aio.xn ii.wt Soeep , i,A Mi,33 i.4l '1 no-following table snuffs the average price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market (or the last (aw days, with com pari on: Pate Jan. :;. JanJ 24. Jan. 26 Jan. W. Jan. 17. Jan. tu. Jan. v. i I Jsn. b. Feb. Feb. Feb. l-'t-b. Feb. Feb. 19IS. 19l4.mi.ll?.llil.li'0-i'ia' j 3 XI 1 Jj 84 62 ,r lew! 4.Si ii 7 SKVJ ft t)li f fSi W. 1 32 J 714 4 7I T 3t S M: 7SVI a HII 7 J1 0 l 7!,i 3fi i Ohi T I'll Hi oa 30! K". I 15' 7 S ! 15 T 301 7 I M T V . B 02 s to 2 45i 7 4B 7 4S 7 47 t. W 04 t 00 i 3 in 1 M 1 M I u 12 I 83 inn II 7it 23 feb. . 74 Ilk) Feb. 7..I I Sy Feb. 8.. ,. 7 421 7 4s) t 4! I Ml I 7 3"!L 8 W 1 4f 7 71 7 si1 t U 14 tml 6 v&l 7 80! s 4. 7 38) I 30 a $ 31; : 6 SI I 1 04 14 I (tl 11 j 07 Sunday. Receipts and deposition of Hv stock. t the Union Stock Yarda. Pouth Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at $ o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOTtf. ' Cattle.Hogs. Sheep. H sag. C. M. aV SU P....... 10 , Wabash - ' Union Padflo 14 67 I C. N. W. east... , .. C. c N. W.. west... 1 ' 22 , S C. Ht. P.. M- O.. 4 4 4 t C. B. V Q., east... 3 - 1 I .. C, B. tc Q west.. i, 22 . .13 7 t C. R. L A. P., east. Is , .. Illinois Central ....11 In . 1 Total receipt ... 84 ., - 1 . 1 DISPOSlTION-HEAlJ. Ci ttle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 2W .. 4i .. HX7 .. m OMAHA QEAUntt MARKET. ". BUTTER No. 1, 1-n. earfon. 31c; No. 2, Mh. tubs, 29c. CHEESE Imported Bwlsn, 34c; Amer ican Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 72-; twins, 16c; daisies. 17c; trlpleta 17c: Yobng Americas. 19c; blue label brick, 17H; Hm burger, 2-lb.. 2uc; 1-lb., SSOcs New York white, 19c; imported French Roquefort. 400. . FISH Trout, 20o; large crapplet, 16c; halibut, 14c; channel CRttlsh, 14c. BKEF CUTS Ribs: No. L 17Hc: No. 2, HV; No. 3, llHc Ix)lna: No. I, l8ic; No. 2. 16,c; No. 3. 12Vc. Chucks: No. 1. fte; No. 2. 9c; No. 3, 8 He. Rounds: No. J. 12'ic; No. 2, UHc; No. 3, 11c. Flates: No. 1. RHc: No. 2. 8o; No. . 7He. OULTRT Broilers, 14Hc; spring chick ana, He; hens. 9011c; i cocks. So; ducks, bic; gese, be; turkeys, Itki; pigeons, per dog.. Wo: ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, Sc; squabs. No. 1. $1.60; No. 2, BOc Uarket quotations furnished by Ollinakl Fruit company: STRAWBKKHIES 40c pt. ' POTATO 10 H Colorado . Kurals. 75c bu.; Red River Ohio, sue , bu.; Minnesota, whites, 6&o bu. ( NUTS No. .1 California Walnuts. 18c lb.; black walnuts, 3Vic lb.; filberts, loo lb.; peaans.' lb.; Srastls, 12Ho lb.; almonds, 2c lb.; 12-12 os. figs, Ko box; 6i- . os. flK. 33.00 box sugar walnut dates. 31. 4o. box; Hallowi dates, 8o lb. ; SWEKT POTATO K8 Kansas, $2.75 bb. M18CELLANKOUS Nuts. Per lb., wal nut, California, So; black, 3Hc; filberts, 16c; pecans, 12Hc; Brasiis, 12Hc; almonds, 2oc; peanuts, raw, 7c; sack lots. Jumbo, 8c; roasted, &Hc; salted, per can, $1.60. 12 13-os. figs, per-box, S6c; tO tt-os. figs, per box, :.ii). - Sugar walnut date, per. box. $t40; Hallol dates, per lb., 8c. Shelled popcorn. Per lb., 4c. Crackerjack: Per cose. $3.50; Hase. $1.75. Checkers ; Per case, $3.fi0; H ease, $1.78. Honey: Per case, 13.76. Cider: Per keg, N, Y., $3 0. Cocoa r.uu: Per sack, $3.60. Mushrooms: Per lb., aoc. . . Morris & Co Swift &. Co Cudahy ' Packing Co. Armour ft Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Coi.... Cvidahy, from. country.. . tudahy. from country. v THlll tc Ron F. B. Lewi J. B. Root Co - Kellogg ' Werthelmer A Degen... Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Hlggtns Huffman Roth j- Glasslierg Tanner Bros John Hasvey .... Dennis & Francis Other buyers .... K a nuns Cltr first 'and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. $. WHEAT No. 3 hard, $1.B7H5 183; No. 3 red, $1.WH1 6; Msy, l.64H; July. $1.32; September. $12fi'i. ' CORN-No.'l yellow. TZuffic; No. 3 yel low. T2i7o: No. 2 mixed. 73ic; No. 1 white. 76(Y77c: May. TTfcc; Julj', 7Hc; Sep tember, 77igSOc. (UTS-No. 2 white, USS'SSHc; No. . J niixed,. .VVfiifio. Hl'TTEH-Creamery. C9t; firsts. 27c: seconds, 25c; packing, 20c. MUGS Firsts 2ic: seconds. 18c. I'OULTRY-r-Hei.s. 13Hc; roosters, 12V4c; turkey, loc. . Kvaporated Apples and Dried Frails NEW YORK. Fb. 8. EVAPORATKU APPLKS-Firm but inactive; fancy,. 8(8' iV" choice. 1W,c; prime, 6Vo7c bRIKD FRUITS Prunes, quiet; Call fornlas, 4,.c'UaI' OreRons. S-'ifltc. Apri cots, steadier; . choice, fl-.'riH-': extra choice, fc Value; fancy, 10?if(ille. Peaches, f'lni; chui.-e, t'.fiV4c; extra choice, ti'.fe'ii (c: fancy, 7'&7Hc. Raisins, quiet and steady;, loose muscatels, tJi'Vio; choice to fancy seeded, 74(ii7c; seedleaal t'tff 8Hc; London layers, $1.46'l.Wi. , . " ' Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Frb. 8. WHEAT May, $1.6.H; July, $1.47 bid; No. 1 hard. l.f; No. 1 northern, $L.i;l,6t); No, 2 nortnern. $1.4Matl.&4H. J-TOUR L"n-iianged. BARLLY 7fj. Sie. , RYB 1.27ifil.38. . BRAN $34.00. . 1 ' CORN No.- 3 yellow, 7m,fi71e. OATS No. $ White, SSVt)jt;Hc. . tiKED Fisx, tl.Wa 1.8s ,-..., .. . u ... L1VKRPOOL. Fvb. -8. WHEAT Spot. No. hard r inter, Us Hd; futures, pomi nal CORN Spot, American mixed, new ' Ss 3d; February. 7s lod; March, ts lid FLOI R-Winter patents, foe. HOPS In Loudon, Pacific coast, 2 )i; itki 5s. 14 1 20 4H 71 S2 82 , 41 8 7 n 12 4K 12T. 8 8? V.t:. 1.W7 1,1S 1.228 2,321 4.47 2,606 7.1S1 L3(w 424 123 I'l fed lamb t, '.. 77 4M fed lambs 47 fed wether and yearlings... 1V2 siexi.-an ewe yearlings and weinars... ismhs S'i fed 2Mi fed Kl Wyoming buck .w w yomlng buck 12S Idaho ewes ..... 1CU l ' l; H4 8 8 7 1' 30 7 IS $ U w J 0 ill C11ICARO IIVR STOCK MARKBT tattle . Weak Hog Firm Sare Firm. CHlCAfW. Feb. 8-4JATTLK-Re-c-lpts, licoi head; market, wesk: native steers, $...tiims.Nii; western, I4.8n07.xr,; cow and heifers, $3.tn4-J.K."i; eauve. $7.is('iti.(Hi, HOViS RecwLts. WO head; market firm: aversu.-d 6c hlither; bulk of sales, $:.7?rli.) light. $s.v.igo; mixed, $srt 8.90; lieavv, $8.5Cu.J0; rough, , $'i.3C4iti to; plg. $;"- 4:.1T0. SHF.KP AN P I.AMPS Recel' ls. 13.0M head; market firm: sheep, $ 2'-tt7.1v; yesr lings, i.60u.l.: lambs, ST.Otd Ht'. Loala L,It Stuck . Market. ST. IXUIS. Feb. 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, tt.OOO head; market stendy; native bf steers, $7.lkK(i9.ou; cows ami heifers, $5.flOiS.nO; stockers and feeds, $6.!.tf 7.1s; southern steers, $.77.V; cows and heif ers, M.Oo'W.OO: native cslve. ts.Oill.t". H009 Receipts, ' K200 head;, market higher; pigs and lights, $H.Hl.t7 4!i; mixed and butcltera, $7.ti7.25 r'od heavy, $7.10 fr7 26. k RHEKP AND LAM BS Rscelr ts. 1,300 bead: market steady; native muttons, K5 2"rr(t.R; lambs. JS.tiOfiJ.on; yesr Unas, $7.0057.76. ... 1 Ml Kansas Cltr Llr Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Feb. S. CATTLE Receipts. S.tSOO head: market higher; prime fed steers, t?.3Vft ft.00; dressed beef steers, $.ji8.3o; western steers, $.7r.V 8 26; stockerjs and feeders, $5.6087.40! bulls, $S.2T,'S 80; calves. $0 010.60. lIOOS-Recelpts. IJ,iKiO hrad; market higher; bulk of sates, $..7R'n.87',i; heavy, $i.7.s7ts; psekers and butchers. $.1.7 6.8i: light, $6.7flt.8: rim, .0ivv.70. - PITEKP AND ' I,AMBS Receipts. 14.01V) bead; market lowerr lambs, ts avrtx 7lt; yearling. $T.)ffi.$.00; wethers. $l 2Mf7.00; ewes, $j.7T(frt!.40. glows Cltr Lit ork Market. - rOUX CITY. Is,, Feb. 8,-CATTLR-Receipts. 600 bead; market 10c higher: natbve steeia, $5.0cfi-7.10; butchers, $j.tVif ."w: canners, $4.i!4.li6; bulls, etsgs, etc., $5.Vfl5.7S. HOGu-Reeelpts, S.S00 head; market c lower: hesvv, $.?vtCiS; light,- $6.70; bulk pt sales. $;.78. fllEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 109 head. Total .2,717 7,864 18.082 CATTLK Receipts were very small this morning, as ea pec ted, only seventy eight cars being reported. This la the smallest run experienced at this point In a good many weeks, being only third as large a a year, ago. In spite of the rotvipts of cattle being o light the trade wa not, particularly active. There was a fair demand for tho lighter and cheaper cattle .that la the kind of. cattle that an selling around $6.75 and under $7.00. Puch cattle were possibly a Uttle stronger than last, Friday. On the nthee hfend the heavv cattle 'were Blow and no better than steady St last week a closing prices. . On account of the scarcity of cow and hellers, they moved a, little more freely, some of them selling around 10c higher than last week' low point. - ' The stocker and- feeder trade wa el most at a standstill. but fortunately there .were very few -cattle of that - pint ion Included In fresh receipts. Speculators, however, bad In the nehih'Kl horhood OI l.ouo nea-oi siocaera mnu feeders that they had carried over from Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed beeves, $7.ftK?itf 00; .fair to good cornfed beeves, $7.0tKfl 7.6"; common to fsir cornfed beeves. ni.omy7.0j good to choice heifers, $.H1J.7, good to cbolc cows, $a.tioH.25; fair to good cows. $4.80 ti4.tw; common .to fair cows. $4,0034.90; good to choice storkera and feeders, $7.00 47.60'; fair to good stocker and feeder. $U.2;a7-00; common to fair stockers and feeders, $5.004i.25; Mock heifers, $B.2nHf .0u; stock cows, $4.7fxii6.75; stock calves, $.Hj7.W;. veal calves, 7.0t3Mv.25; bulla, stags, tc.,1 $4.76S.(WL LEi;F STRER6, Ns.- ....... 23 22...-. 41 20 ., 11.. ft. JoaenK Lire- Stovk Market, ST. JOSEPH Frb. 8. CATTLE Re 'eipts, KXJ head; market higher: steers, $t.764i &.!fi: cows and heifers, $4.0ib8.00; calves. t8.0Ofllo.00. HOOS Receipts. 6.000 head; market, hlKher: top, bulk ot salea, $fl.7iVo'6 C5. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, IOiXO head: market slow; lower; iambs, $!i.00 .. . 1 ... , Metal Market. - NEW YORK. Feb. 8,-MKTALS-Led. $175.186. London, C18 l:ts 9d. Spelter, firm; $8.0005 8.26; oLndon, 10. TIN Kftuy: five ton lots. $37.0ft37 2T: twenty-five ton lots. $V..7(ii.Tr.&), Ccpper: Pull; electrolytic, $14.tV'u 14.87; eastings, $14.62. Iron. ISteady; No. 1 northern. $14.6015.00; No. 2. $14.2Mrl4.76; No. 1 and No. 2 southern. $14..tO) 14.70. At London: Copper, spot. C65 ljs; futures, ;63 os. Spot tin, 165; futures. A-IT". . ST. LOU13. Feb. 8. M ET A L8 Lea d , strong, at M.WHffS'a.. Spelter, nominal, t r.871i'e8.00. - Ma is.. 6 . 1.. 6 . 4. ' Av.- Frt . ....14U 0 ...im8 u ; .... "W ( litt .... 7M i .... 2 'i ' ...14.4 W ... . v-l" ' . 111. ..(...... !h4 W 41. ..;,.'.. ...U44 7 0) it.... I l'l tiTr.ru-r- ANl. tih. Ik'.. A.- Pr. 1!J6 1 1 . ,1" T ZD , III uw t In 1J.I3 T 4U . XM 7 (a ....i.w r ,..t.io 7 s ..Ut I M St.' L.als Grain Market. ' ST. I-OUIM. Feb. 8-WHKAT-N0 2 red, l.wl.lH; No. a hard. $1.4,16.1 May. 1.,: July. $L34'i. -oi..i, CORN-No. 2, 75c; No. J white 77V.f 78c: -May. 78c; July. Hi.'. ' - OATS No. Z, S'.JtiiSic, No. 2 white 68 g 45 M 7 717 7 40 I? U 7 04 - M I 00 ElFr-ttS. ' 1 450 1 w 14...; aw o 43 I 7 - M 4 14 8 &:) 0 , 7..4. l4 4 K 1 ..Hit 4 0) ' 4 Ml 7 34 AL u.ci, . ..........'. ill 4.. VH I i J ' S 1 t6 7 ..: t . t it e so 1,.... , IX 10-' l 174 14 U0 1 tQ IN - OiC ..rvS AND FEEDERS. ,......,.. (4 44 - HOOS supplie were estimated at '101 tars, or 7.0U0 head, being more than S.0I0 smaller than a week ago and nearly 3,000 ahort of last year. . Trade opened but in very dull fashion this morning, and while a few bogs sold to shippers on first rounds at nearly atrady priiwa. the killers refused to do a thing, and It wa well along toward 10 o'clock before they even made an offer. When first bids were finally mado the figures offered were fully a nickel below Siitur.iay a average. Sellers were asking steady .to strong prices, but packers re funed to better their b.ds, and the trade o'rint-k at a 1niitlll 1 until .liiviif 11 o'clock, when a aught Improvement in prices started some hogs to moving on a weak to 6c lower bssls. The strength was short lived, however, and before long prices were hack to their early level, that Is 6a lower thsn at the close ot last week. Today market was one of the dullest seen (or a long time. Tne bulk of the orft-rlngs moved at $l).7tonJ.7!VJ. with the longest alriug at $6.70, sntl on the early trade shippers bought several loads as tilrfll S (K).K. HEAL ESTATE MISCKIX..Ni;oCS Tlousea for sale in all part of tho city W.'M. Nash & Co., Iteal Estate, I-oans and Insurance. w2 iieo iJWg. J'hune Ksi i.t. ' LEGAL AOTlCEii Siirli a 0V fii'oc x ici i . l t i iVMjtt fC l-MJ. Notice Is-" ben-bv klvt- that ths regular iioiu-i rii.-liiig of to siot-klidovrs of the t-ouih J'mlU i.ai;.l 'i.ni.oy 1 b held t ti.o iiitu if sid cooipuy at Lincoln. Net..-, iki at eleven oVlo'k a' tel. eu it.a Jlli-I t ay ot ir- h. A 1. O. li. 6il:K(LL. President A Hrf -M1.N"K. i--cn-tary. Ijd oIm, .Nijtaitii, Iei uary I, 191S ' F-3-d-iit Coffee- Market.' N KW YORK, Feb." l.-COFFKlC1h market for cuifee futures was more ac tive ttxWy owing to neur month lluuida- '. I ' I n an,, u. . , tvaAa '(- ,": ' S n oi eniiig was -j points lower and the near montl,a later d.-llveries held lairly steady, wiUi, tlie market closing at a net deciiua of 3 iH points. 8aU. 4u,f'H hunt: Feoruarv 6.!jc; March, 5.≻ April, S Iwh.-; May, 4u7c June, i.uic.; July, 7. It-; Ausuai, LP: beplember. 7.2Vc; Ot tober, 7.3 ;e; Novem i er, 7 40c- Iei-smr. 7.4-1. Sjiot, juif Itio. No. 7, 8Vc; Santos. No. 4. ii'c. Rio ex.-hantje on London. 6-ii2d lowr. while mllrels irl'-s In the Uvszilian nwrksts weix unchanscd. Coat and freight offers were about umhanxd. Dry (ada Market. NEW YORK, Feb. l-UKT OCXDS Cotton toutta und varus Kara steady to ay Uw woo) d ar.(u.-d further lu local nidikuis. Raw silk was easy. TraoW was Ht.iMnily u dy. FRENCH BRI.NG DOWN GERMAN AEROPLANE PARI.''. Feb. 8 A dii-pat. h from Dun kirk today, received by the Ifavas News Ag-acy, says that a German aeroplane which yesterday flew over Dunkirk was later brought doa n by tuanon firs. Ph. Pr. t 4 ti ... 4 74 ... Ml ... I W No, At. bit. Pr. Ktv At. '.',... ...2jJ U M tl i:i 11 4 ;v - it 4 4....,..:5J , 4 70 41.,.,.. 1"4 1 ... V." M tut 71. M ... 4 Tit. ucvJ v Itn io.OiiO head of sheep and lambs on ssle, Mhli it ia a very lltmta! mn for a Momay, tl rre was tiolnlng ot cou siuence doing In the vheep barn until a late hour in the forerioou. ( IiIi-ukj repotted iun of 12 1"0 had. When th packer did become iiileiesud thlr bids ae.e lower, but at flrn seller were un willing; to accept any decline, coriteyueiitly ll-e slow market. In the end the bulk of the sheep aid lambs had to sell lower, I here tx-ms a gwiieral tlecline of lO'iaits from the close of I ant week. As to qualitv the pMi-rlngs were fully as good as to trd the i lose of the previoua wei-k and the rscelpia lii.-lidrJ soma Meil,an lainha good enough to bring $&6 and noire fd wesiei n gradva which reached ts. jt-. Mortt of the lambs found an outlet at $Va04.Sf,, according; to weight and yiisUty. The ased sheep suiply waa made up priiK-ipaliy of yearlings and ewes. If sny thing the demand for something on the ordt-r of mmton was beuer than for lambs, a many of the oflertns sormed to eil moro r adlly at tb deoinie. The hulk of fat ewes movd at $ 'Jiii 4. i. There were no Xctwl.-r of kiiy kind on uln worlhy of mniiuji. Wu tatioiiK on sheep and lamb;. Lsm'i, Mexii-aua. $.Wf)t.7N: isniiHi. frd we.iei-ns. fi.'4vtxi: luiiit-s. lair to good, $.wo.a; !anil-s, si .-aring, V .i-i,S.ub; earliul light. $7.o"i7.7j: yarlitigs, heavy, $7...s 7 ju. wetiiois. good to cl-oire. $4 tutJO.S; wethera, fair to g;...d. $tj.lajti.4u; ewi good to l 1-ot.e, $'l iij4i; far (0 g.id. $'i.Tr-"'ti ?j; e. JeedlMg. t ;.,, ) M. K.-piwentut ive sul-.-s : . No t. i'f ted lsmh ...j y. m t& ' Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 8-COTTONS)ot, quiet; middling (inland. 8.6-V.; no sa'cs The cotton market closed barely steady at ' a net gain ot Slit points. Futures closed barely steady! February. 8.4'ic; March. 8.64c; May. 8.Kftc; July. Wc; Au gust, 8 17oi September, 8.2ic; October, $.?2c; December, 8.4c; Janimtr, B 54c. ' L1VF.RPOOL. Feb. 8. COTTON Spot, Irregular: good middling. VSSd: middling. 6.07d;.low miaaung, 4.sa; saie. 7,1x0 bales. . , - , . ( , 1 HEW YORK STOCK MARKET I BxWLE: lms lvi !' Sab$tantial Recoreriei from Recent Low Priow Numerous During" , Day'i Session. BETHLEHEM STEEL GOES UP NRW YORK. let,. 4 Bubstantisl re coveries Troin re.-ent low prices were no meroua lit the course of today's lingular stock nvirkut, but the movenirnt was mainly In specialties, which hsve little or 1,0 public followlna. Such shaies as (Vn tial I-stber. American Cotton (il, the Petroleums and .Motors and a few nfflll sted Isjii"S i-ose on in two points. Amer-l-sn iiieliiiig and National Lead were unusually active and strong, their rln. sccorrtliig to report, being based on Im proved trade conditions. 8nsar shares also made further recovery on an ad vance In tho refined product. In the Industrial IMkio Kothlehem fleet rne over three 4olnts to 67', a new high record, on slesdv ' absorptions. l:nited Kiates Pteel was dim throughout the session,' resumption of full nitrations at the (l!ry plant being gecepted 4 meanurt (t the Improvement TTiiat In dnstry. IH'aplte the larae orders placed with equipment companies since the beginning of the yesr. sharea of some of those con cerns were conspicuously weak. American IXK'omotive preferred msde a perpendicu lar decline of thirteen points to lis new mfnltnum, M. Other stinks to fall to their established low level Included Pabt wln Locomotive common and preferred, fteabosrd Air Line preferred and Southern Railway preferred. At the; oiose of ths session the minimum of the latter stock whs reduced two points to 61 Canadian Poolflc was ths center of til toreat In the railway group, " By reason Lcf the mini- rumors current In connection. I with the dividend the stock iT.etusted ever three ff-lnts, closing at 11 heit pricw, and being Immediately followed hv an SJinouncemont of the regular dividend. Reading and the Pacifies were und-r bear pressure, but closed with a firm un bMtone,. , . Foreign exchange made a new record, Cables on .London selling under last week' miotfttlnn. Business for London an 1 the continent wa nominal. Ths plethora of moner at this center wa seen in tho reduction of , four-months' money to 8 per -cent. Ponds were? Irregular, some of the Im portant Issuo showing heaviness. Total alee, par value, aggregated $l,lM.O0f, United Stales registered 2a declined '4 per -ent on call. Number' of aales and leading ejur.-tatlona on stocka were as follows: Ht. If's. law riw. Ali.k GnM AE-alitamste.1 Cower 1, "0 2. S14 IIVW -I7w 7 An-erkiin net Husar... An:erlnaa Csn Ansrtflsn M. & R. ...... Arvrl(n R a It. td.. Am. iisiir Hetlnlns 1.T0O Anertraa Tel. Tl 4O0 1)S Anierlcan Tnba.ica 4...... ...... 4t.ifldt Mlnlna ........ ...... ..... All hum )........ 2,ln nltlnore Ohio "0 Brooklyn Kapld Tr...... K -ltlornls FHwUoa .... 4.5" t'si.s4lsa Psrlflo 7.9110 Central leather ,. 2,ln f-hf-.r-t Ohln 440 Cblrsse Ureal We-n.. ...... Ch'.KSO, S4 St. P.... 404 Cll aau a H. W. ....... Chlihj Copper M CVIorado Kusl Iron Colorado Southern..... .. fienver a Kto tiraii'ls. ... Itrnrar A ft. 0. pfl Pl.llllfr gararlties r.ns 1.K r-H-teral Rltrto (Itw Northers 1M M !rea N'orthern Ora lfa. l.snn CliiitsenhTim Kxploratloa.. 1.1SH) Illinois Ontral .. ... tnlfrl-.rouih Mat. p(4. 1.100 lmilrHti.4t rpper Irrternatlonal itarraatsr..' ...... f anaaa Cltr Boutharn- hlli ValW 7W liil.Tllla NaaliTllle...'. Mr-iiran Pstrolsum 7,1"0 Miami Oupper ,. 3"0 Mlaaoarl. K. ft T Mlaaoiirt Paellla 4,700 National biscuit National lad 1,40 Nevada Coppar Saw York .'antral l.w0 N, V.. N. H. H..,t... Noru.lk Weauvn SOO as y t't (t4 'Vl an 167S a'i u ' In i 47 H 1S 30 ElUj Sio, :'4 tH lot imh tsn -.H MS " at tl lot. 1M4 A7H 4', 4IM4 If-t us .... a.WV i.n fee a gtaal.... t 1. a H. F. rs rfl. 1'annavlvania I'nllman rla-a (Str.. Nk. Cos. vgar, .... Prt-iibl IS Hoik llan4 Co t Houlharn l"alfle . Sou.rartt Hallwae ....... Trnnae Copper .m.... Tataa (-oaipasy t'nl.-n Partflo t Mrs Pa-too p S fnl.M aiataa Set...,, I . S. Stl pflt..., I ih I'TWf ttar-aah pf(t -......... Wtarn I nlan WtlnRhfina Klerlrtu Total salaa for ths rta.t "l.'x i' HI lt4 !. I'.'V, Si ... A M'4 r4 1'4 "4 ja 10., 't 11 l-'a 20 l'. lin lls m 11 l,eil ai PH l Jt 1M-. 1IH tl'"4 l,l"n "4 H'-S 4i lt- hi tlt.TM) -hataa. .i 71M, rVew York Money Market. NfcW YORK. Feb. 8. MKRCANTlLB PAP Kit 3S14 per cent. STF.RLIMi KXCHANCK-Wenk; sixty dsy bills. III.', for rabies. $4.KPm; for de mand, liffiJ, SILVKR Uar. 48(c: Mexican dollars. 37c ' MONDS Oovernnient, easy; railroad, firm. MONF.T Tim loans, atsady; alxty days, per rent; ninety days, i per cent; six months, 8lt,'.i oet cent. On calL stsady; high, 2 per tent; low, l'i per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; lat loan, t. per cent; closing bid. 1T per cent; of fered at 8 per cent. 1 Closing quotation on bonds todiy were aa follows: p'i a rac. aT. aa..... .J . M N T. f. . J'a.... m .lOlH'X.Y Cltr 4ia l.l 4 -)"HiN. T. ma.a 4a ..l(iH .!"' X. T.. . II. 4 H. .Ma . !H ... V. 8. ref. U, rag.. 4o eotipon V. S. ia. rag 4s cettpoa ...... V. a. 4a. rag do fOUPta . . . . . Paatv a eeurna.-ioi1 No. Paeitko Am. Pmaltar n,,.ln4 4o A. T. I. ev. WinO . U. ran 4s i Armmir r. Pso. T. a..., :S Atrhiana sa. a.., 'I'.nn. sen. 4a ! n.l. Oli lo 4a gaaitlng gaa. 4a.... 44 cues. owe 4Ws.. tnl'S. 1.. ft K. F. r 4s ai C, II. Q. 1. .. 4M.9A. Pie. trj 4s...., I5UV 0 M ft P g 4a.ini So rat. 4a 17 O. ft. I. ft P. - 4 JJ'i So v. la 7S r. ft B. rat. 4Hs...M!o. Ralia (a ii' r. ft R. O. rat. a. 41 t alon ralflo 4s... SJv Kris tn. 4 T4 s ct, 4a an tlen Kler-trle as....ava p, g. Hahtwr 4..,.l!ia Gt. N. lit 4(a VV, H. Mtaal 4s.,... .101 III. ts. rr. 4a itwtah lt aa Inn K. C. So. rr. .... HH'tMi, Pnian 4Ha... at L. ft N. onl. 4..., Mtwst, Slac v, a..J-4 M. K. T. lat 4a W i4. ' London Dlsfk Market, XONPON. Feb. 8.-Th lotk ' market was quiet. American securinea were steady, and fraction over parity In the forenoon, but prices wero Inclined to sag In the afternoon. The market -finished dull. 8ILVF.R Bar. 22S-1R4 per ounce. MONKY 1 per rent. ' rlt4cncNT II ATF-" fthort bills, in per Cent; three months' bills. IS per cent. Hank ('learinga. OMAHA. Feb, Flunk clearings for Omaha today were $:.K!1,WU.17, and for the, corresponding day last year. 82.TJ8- ' 1 M4 Ula J: a.... 3-'- ltll J4 t n ii Ji4 . U4 141 114V 1HH .IS 1HH .111, Mi tlti ''- 1SS 17 IMt, )"H ..... ..... S4 ..... at . 135 tKli t:u4 Its 4 74 V 1S 1 114 ' ..... Ht, 114 1D44 , tli 4t .47. 4K-4 a a4 W- aa tin, liVi to 101 loOt Oil and Rosin. NEW YOnKT. Feb. 8. llOrMK-Quiet; ltrslned, common to gtod, $1 40. TUKI'ENTINF, Firm; htachlnft barrela, 4-.Hc - . 4i' SAVANNAH. Feb. 8.-TUnriNTINB- II firm- Al'.1.. ,-. ..I.. 4Q 1.K1-. ,..- o-V I . bli s. slrloninnts. -15 hhia- afork. .v, fi. nois. Itt'jSIN Firm sales. 9r bbls.; receipts, l,Se bhls.; shipments. 1,1(4) hhls. ; slock, l:'8 4M bhls. Wuotsi A, P. SSI'S; C, I, l':t07H; K, 81 IU; F, $1.1S: O, $.1!?: if, I. !ID; K. $.140: M. $4.01; N, St.OO; WO, S. 40: WW. to CO. A , ' For ftale" ad will turn aecond hand furniture' into caah. Wyoming Disposed To Drop Water Suit . Against Colorado a ' CI1KYEN.VR, Wyo., Feb. 8.-(.peclU That the question of Interstate water right which wa raised by tin stats ot Wyoming In a suit against the state of Colorado, which now Is before ts Unit,!"! Mates supreme court, should he settled outside of court, If the Interests of the two .states Involved art! to be served, at an opinion expresses by Oovernof John n. Ksndrlck, who recently succeeded Oovernor J. L Carey, under whose ad ministration the illt was brought, The litigation Id Which Oovernof Ken drick referred, involves the question of whether Colorado hft a right to" divert the flow of streams which rlae In that atatfe ami flow into Wyoming when the Water diverted previously gave, been ap propriated under Wyoming wa?w (rights. Wyoming contends that Colorado doeg not have this right, while Colorado contends that Ha jurisdiction la Absolut over the watsra of streams arising In that afatei provided diversion la mad within the Colorado boundaries, . Governor Kendrlclt'a opinion that ths best Interest of both Wyoming and Colo rado) would ha conserved by an abandon ment of litigation and a friendly agres rrmnt la Inspired by the tact that the two states are the watershed of the continent. . streams arising therein flowing-- Into th Gulf of MsxIM, the Gulf ct California, and Puget sound, and ths further fact that shouldWyomlnga contention In regard to stream rising In Colorado and flowing) Into this atate be gustalned y thn u prems court, ths etata ot Nsbraska. Pouth Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Utah and Colorado, and numerous other state not bordering W yommr, nut rnetratd hf atreama arl!nr In this atate, could take advantage of the pmcedant established and dpri: wyemln of tha rraater part of the water flowing 4n the strsama at this Mate. ; Xnaamunh an Irntoensely greaxte vol um of watar flowg ont, of Wyoming" lnl ' Colorado, Nefra, Houth PsJcota, Utah. Idaho and Montana than from Colorado Jnto Wyoming, tho atUtudo of Oovernof , Keiidrick d, Oovernor Carlson a re gard abandonment of tha litigation be tween tho two atata last mentioned Is supported by tho greater weight ot ob vious evident, but whether official pro cedure for tho withdrawal of thn ault from tho auprem oourt haa not been decided. agar Market. NRW TORK. Feb. 8. HUG Alb-Future wre firm und active sgaln today on scattered, trade and commiaslon house buying prompted by tho continued strength in the spot position. At midday prices were 13fili points net higher. Haw, llrm; molasses. 4ct centrifugal, 4.T7e; re fined, firm; ii points Hghsr; cut loaf. S;6i;; m.Ail.J A. .Ji-; cubes. Sc; XXXX $owdered. v.:H"cl imwdered, 5 Wo; (Ina franulstoid, S.7R-: diamond A, S.7frc; oon ectloners' A, S.txa.'; No. L i-'tfic. - , , Hundred Thousand - -British Casualties LONDON, Fy-b. - S. rramler Aequlth, speailiig In tha IIous of Commons to day, said that British casualties In all ranks In th western arena of the' war from the beginning of hetlllt!eg to Feb ruary 1 amounted to approximately 1 104,000 men. Thl Include killed, wounded and missing. THB rPI- DOT kWII'W-Naara mant n Ond Iota ef New Yors Btw-k K ehaef saourltlea. taeuad waraly. $1 44 s yvaa.- jia4 -lar sample coplss. 14 tttgs4 t, Ve Torli CUr. . i. !' By George UaMoltfA Cliost ' ', , ' ' 4) See : the Pictures at -Theae Movies: ( Lb. 6 Lav4 3 Today FARM AM THEATER, 15!D mi Fimam 24mlarl7 vry Tuesday Za Addition to Otur Keralar irroraam. ELITE, THE ATEli 170. 2, 1318 Fararua Street. ; Every Wednesday. : ' Episode No. 5 Next. J aan4ngasnaant,,i NICHOLAS THEATER, Council Bluffs, Every Thursday. Episode No. 4 Next. , MfVsJanrWV BESSE THEATER, South Omaha, . Every Friday. s Episode No. 4 Next. GRAND THEATER, 16th and Binney, Omaha, Every Tuesdayi ' U'h Poi.o. v' 9 Tflnav ; UaAVUv afsf Wa Sft taaaisaajangangngn a8anfassJsg"4aa1n8 r c ir ir "ii"b" i r ri inn- nnnr'nsnnnn.n.riruiu L CLIFTON THEATER, 45th and Burdette, ' . , ; ; , ' ' Omaha, ; , Every Friday. Episode No, 3 Next. HIPPODROME THEATER, 2514 Cuming, Omaha, , : ' (" Every1 Wednesday. Starts No. 1, February 10. CAMERAPKONE THEATER, 14th and Douglas, Omaha, Every Tuesday. t Starts No. 1, February 16. i , PRODUCED BY , ' . THE RELIANCE MOTION PICTURE CORPORATION V Syndicated by SERIAL PUBLICATION CORPORATION 3146 3147 1413-1415 Harney St., OMAHA, NEB. :-: Phone Douglas Read the Story in The Omaha Daily. .Bee - " ' "insnsassnaaasnmnsisssiasiisii a11''!1 I'ajWWanfiJsSiiialliiliSiK j