Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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If Kidneys Act
Bad Take Salts
fUj llrkache t m sign you liar
hrrn eating too murh meat,
thlch forma uric acid.
When you wake tip with backache and
Out misery In the kidney region tt gen
nlly mean you hv brti eating too
murh meat, uvi a writ-known authority.
Meat form uric acid which overwork!
the kidneys In their effort to filter it
from the blood and they become aort ot
paralysed and loggy. When your kidney
ret sluggish and clog you must relieve
them, like you relieve your bowel; re
moving all the body's urinous waste,
elae you have backache. Kick headache,
dliiy polls; your stomach aours, tongue
la coated, and when the weather is bad
you have rheumatic twinges. The urine
le cloudy, full of edlmrnt, channel often
ret aore, water scalds and you are obliged
to seek relief two or three time during
the night
Klther commit a good, reliable physi
cian at once or get from your pharamaclet
about four ounce of Jad Salt; take
a tableapoonful In a glai of water
before breakfast for a few days and your
kidney will then act fine. Thl" famous
salts l made from the acid of grape
and lemon Juice, combined with llthla,
and ha been uaed for generation to
clean and atlmulale alugglch kidney,
alio to neutralise acid In the urine ao It
no longer Irritate, thus ending bladder
Jad fall Is a life saver for regular
meat eater. It le Inexpensive, ennnot
iBjura and make a delightful, effer
vescent llthU-water drink. Advertisement.
Monday, February 8, 1915.
Found at Last!
The Great English Discovery
Cry stolis "Grows Hair
in 30 Days."
$1000.00 Reward If We Fail On Our
Positive Guarantee. Try It At Our
Rink Mail Owpon Today.
QEVERiL of Omaha' welt known bachelors have been going about
witl such a depressed air for weeks. Their friends thought by now
J tho little tine devils would bsvft "flew the coop," In the language
of the street urchin, long ago, but time does not always make such
rapid changes In the affairs de coeur.
A dainty little piece of femininity lived up the hill and her
afternoon teas were sure to call out quite an array of automobiles, even If
they wer9 la the md-afternoon, and the owners were sure enough men of
affairs or piofesslrns. The little bird that tells things, however, says her
triumphs were not just up to ber ambitions because Omaha possessed one
bachelor in radius of the alluring spot whom she could not impress with
Ler magnetic charms, and she bad to leave this one failure registered in
delibly. At the time of her departure south her many admirers were sure of
her return in the spring, so maybe the robin will bring her back soon, anl
with the little playmate returning the blue devils will vanish the teas
will be restored, and harmony will reign once more.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. Thomaa Burke and lira. Oeorga
Greenough entertained "aturday after-
Boon In honor of Mr. Thoma Cahlll, who
leavea for California next week. The
decoration were of a valentine nature
itnd the . afternoon was spent In playing
'itfio." Thoae present were:
Thl Jtfaa fa ffre-f-;" ild -CxyioW
Is Jna th Thing for Bock Ceaee.
In Kurufw Oyitoii.." Hi Nr Knillati . Hair
i.r, taa Wn llaa' lb aaual onaartul lo-t-i.vfry
rf the rnlury.
the Jitlara f ha HrMMwli end Psrta HipeaW
II n. ntuil-all aara4 al4 mhxm la to Uill
l..aM-.lut lialr giowar.
already ainra oiiir4 I ha Amerlraa right
l-ti dfiln ir ntn and aonva fcave -rltiea tailing
it Iht ph.eoraanal rtaulla oblaleari bf Urn uaa.
l'fpls a-ito have Wen bald tor yra tell attar
Ciajr now (lurr In baaulllul balr. lnjr report
iwar I. air growth in 3" daya or la. uthara arb
have had dandruff all thalr llrae aaf nr have
t tiaan hmlthr a-wlp aflrr a law apyilcaliuna
i-f Ihla vondarful traadnant.
Wa do n.K cara rt.thr yon ara botharad with
f.lllr.a liatr, pranialnrnljr grajr balr, mallad hair,
hixila hair or Mrintr lialr: daindniff, Itrbln
alp. or any or all fnrma ot hair trouhl.
i ron to tr '('HTSToMH" at onr rtak.
lvo ro a binding guaranto arllliout aaf
"alrlni" or rd Upa. that II won't roal reu
rnt it w 6n not proro l jrott that "Crraiolla"
HI da all wa claim for It. and. oaat'a Impoit
am w hare planit of nioiiar to Ua k uur (uoran
iro. Il4 haa boon dopoaiiod la our lotl bank
a a. Moarlal Kuud to b loifruad It wa fail to
roniplr wub thla oonlract. t'at out th omiptn
lo'luw and nail It today lo Craol Lavboraim loa.
It r Htrort. JJisaOamlun. N. t.
W. U. Fnrdyce,
l.yda Pink,
Frank ilnaa.
I). 1 nher,
Thoma Cahlll.
Thoma liurkn,
George Greenough.
J. H. Mclonald.
C. K. Hart.
Fred Huach,
Fred lalley,
Heirv Huatnn,
Willi t-lnk of
New York,
Fred Kreymlxirs.
Howard Hawk,
Mr. Arthur I'eteraon entertained at hi
home. JMT t'outh Tmenty-elghth, Satur
day evening in honor of hla birthday.
Variou game were played during the
evening. Thoae present were:
Mr. and Mr. Emil Teteraon,
Mlnnee Mlataea
Mlnlrod Handberg, Ttuth I'eureon.
Fay Hnook.
Mahel Nelaon,
Kdna Kay,
l.uclle I'eteraon,
Irene Bnnan,
rtlchMM rraaits,
Hon ben Bwanaon,
Henry Randherg,
Horace llanan.
lxiulae Maaaart,
Kllen Wwhlalrom.
Irene I'eteraon,
Selma Wahlatrom,
Helen Michalek.
Tansy Ahlberg,
Leon Peteraon,
Earl Anderaon,
Arthur I'eteraon,
Sings in St. Joseph.
Mik. teulah Hale Turner will appear In
ong recital before the Fortnightly Mis
tical club thl evening In St, Joseph. Mo.
Valentine Fatty.
The Twinkle club will entertain at their
Fit. Valentine's dancing party this even
ing at the Metropolitan hall.
With the Visiton.
Mia Norman of Kt. Joseph, Mo., Is ex
pected soon to be the gi.est of Mr, and
Mr. Charlea T. Kountie. Mia Norman
Is coming up for Mlaa Naah's perform
ance with the Minneapolis Pymphony
Mr. and Mr. Charles W. Turner ar
rived thla morning and ara at tha Loyal
hotel. Mra. Turner was formerly Mrs.
Hugo Brandels.
Mlaa Helen Mason arrived Saturday and
It the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Helen
Mason. Mlas Mason returned with Miss
Keck from eighteen months In Berlin
and la on her . way to her home In Lo
Angclef, CI.
Las Araigai Club.
Ml May Rttmuuen entertained the
La Amiga Tvhlst club at her home
laturday afternoon. Frliea were won by
Mr. W. S. fit. Clair, Mies Grace Mlckel
and Mr. George Keebler. Valentin
decoration were uced, red and whit
carnations forming th centerpiece for
th lunclon table.
Coma Club Entertains.
The Coma club will give a dancing
party thla evening In the new ball room
of the Home hotel.
Original Monday Bridge Club.
Mr. Charles Kountxa entertained the
members of the Original Monday Bridge
olub thl afternoon. Tha gueits were:
Meadamea Medamea
Joaeph F.arker, Tae Cole.
A. J Heed, Arthur Remington,
W. A. Rortlek. W. K. McKeen.
Daniel Wheeler, Jr.;
For the Future.
Mrs. Ben Gallagher entertained twelve
guest at luncheon Tuesday.
News of the Wayfarers.
Mra. Edward Lang and Mlaa Fanny Uv.
Ingiton are visiting in Buropter, 8. C
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Riley bav
taken a house at 3B0I Cass street
Miss Gladys Bchamp spent Sunday in
Lincoln, a guest at th Delta. Zets. houaa.
Mrs. Franklin Fbotwell la confined to
her horn with a slight attack of ton
llltt. Mrs.. Albert Rwartlander plans to leave
Thursday evening for the east, where she
will visit friends for several week.
Mr. K Rouueau, who underwent a ser
ious operation Wednesday ef last week
at the Mayo hospital in Ilochester, Is re
ported to be doing well.
Mr. E. W. Naah and Miss France
Nash returned thla morning from Du
bflque, la., where they have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. George Myers.
Th Craalo Lahoraiorlae,
Tt r Stroot, Blaghamloa, N. T.
I am a rdr ot th Omaka baa. Frova
without rot bow Orvatolla tat loll.
Ins balr, rowa aaw hair, baaiahaa daodruft
Nad It. f.lna acalpa and rwwuraa prwnatura
ia and faitad hair to natural color. Writ
rtmr tmm and aodroaa plaiuly a ad
o Make Loose Teeth
Firm and Strong
More care and attention are given to
1-t tuiUy tluui. fvwr before, y tlix
.Manrlienter Guuidian. t'hllilren are ex
atnlnwj In aciitx.1 for teeth affection.
Jt liu been aliuun that tliuae ItlUa yv
) PDOlH are ellelterlna l.laia f.,r
I ani'iiai lliat uiHler tlx. iajvh uC thooe
J iKt et holca Into the hard white
j etiHinel. Grit, tartar, ImrJ aubstaiK.-
1 bet en teeth and auttie, ctttiae teeth
i no, umiWii, bring on l.le-(lln and nrva
I trout. Ira. biuiriieaa anil uli-tna rom from
j tiviilkl microbes. t yon ln, dues not
j t-ottie all of a aud.lfii. One In told to
I av.ij i he yellow iimllnii of th ttu
atnt'l black on the iiMinel Itiaide th
I liiuulll. Loom teeth ravine danger t
j the entire dental tirganluttlon.
j 'I Ufa run any (. overcome
i If one will lake anion early. A aood plan
ia to g.-t fiotn th drUMhiat about tout-uii-a
of fluM eran Hurl use a ti'anixuin
ful inorninic. noon and nlaht. hh km thin
aioia In Hte mouth a iniiiute or an. Thla
nhes y the mil that lufcat the, ii bheitfietl ciarka and ciuriute.
i ellm- mating i'la vtt ever nltht;
In tin- inr.rtitna vou oboerve your own
)iit- tf th tth. Louse teeth become
nir.nK nri firm or-tM a and im-in dla-
t .
rn p-H-S For Colds
laWasJl In llad
!;"nd e u fifKnfu if taMpt? nmnfh
.;r .pbfri ua iroeaiuirut tor cultt im JivtsO.
c:irunicai(:iafD,tlryi:tarrb, tor tii.
Original and Genuine)
i'sinard trmeA lor tS years. 16.n00.ft0i
tuU. bsava txnra t4id. Apylwl iaii1noirtt
it tr!UK Quu It rtrcf. C utlipi (s?Jy hri. .tv
Dtl Hiayei. del 2Sc or Shi lub
tf.a your Oruiatbi. S tlruuii.i , it
ui.l tinie tt. aMonry back fl It fatllsv.
Kiiu auttuui4. 'lbcy ara daDgrouv
' KC ltDOM MfOu CO.MiiKtUft, Mt4N
Princeton Man Telia of the Require
ments i One Would Be Well
"Th neglect of th claselca U one ef
the crime of our modern education.
Clraek ia a attidy a much greater than
Latin as Latin Is greater than Choctaw,
In spit ef Mr. Carnegie's remark that he
didn't see any difference between Greek
and Choctaw. I don't eee how he could."
Thl we J'art of a plea for more liberal
education and leaa of the merely commer
cial, mad by Deao Andrew Fleming
West of th Oraduate school of Prince
ton university, made following a luncheon
In his honor at the University elub Mon
day noon.
Introduced by Herbert Roger. Dr. Wnt
remarked that h thought It better to
receive "taffy" during lit tlsn to have
It In the form of "epltaffy" after death.
"If we fall to leave tha way open for
every boy to rise aa high aa he want to
w are behind certain monarchical gov
ernment which have opened th way and
we fall far ahort of the Spirit of democ
racy," he declared. "A - liberal education
Kites beyond th merely obvloua aqd prao
Ucal. it teaches more than how to make
a living: It teachea how to live a good
life, t'srintelllgent educated people are not
what tho country needa.
"If we confine our efforts to the mere
commercial., practical , adulation, we da
not so hvond the education of Babylon
nd Nineveh and Tyre. .
Meat Knew tke World.
"There are certain thing that a man
must know to have a liberal education.
If must know the universe, the world
of nature. For thla he needa physical
and natural eclencee, chemistry, biology.
He must know mathematics, the founda
tion of all these.
"Th'n he must know the Innfr world,
the orld of mankind and hi Individual
flf. He finds this In hlatory, that reno
raniA of the actlvltiea of mankind, mod
ern and ancient.
"liut at the fouudatiou uf all these la
a atlil deeper knoaleje, like th stem
that nourishes the flower. That ia philo
sophy. And below thla. Ilk th root of
the flower, I something mill more
fundamental, more important, faith. It
rule In the realm here knowledge la
not poeaible, where w must believe with
out knowing. And that U the foundation
of all liberal education, of all that makes
a man satisfied whan h come to the
end of lire, that he. ha lived hla III
to the best advantage."
Dean West is being entertained at th
home of Mr. aud Mia Ulcun C. Wharton.
4 South Thirty-eeoon.l streot. He spoke
at th high school Monday morning,
then was show. a through th poalofflo
by roatmaater Wharton.
and Head Noises
Here In America there la much auffer.
Ing from catarrh and head notaea. Amer
ican people would do well to consider the
method employed by the English to com
bat this insidious disease. Everyone
knows how damp the English climate Is,
and how damrneaa af facta those auffer.
Ing from catarrh. In England they treat
catarrhal deafneas and head poises as a
constitutional diseaae and use an inter
nal remedy for it that la (really very
Sufferers who could scarcely hear a
watch tick tell hew thev had their tur.
I "a rraiorea oy mi tngusti treatment to
aum an extent that the tick of a watch
was plainly audible aeven and eight
Inches away from either ear.
Therefore, if you know someone who
la troubled with catarrh, catarrhs! deaf
ness or head noleea. out out thla formula
and hand It to them and you will have
been the meana of saving soma poor suf
ferer perhaps from totala deafneas. The
preecriptlon can be eaaily prepared at
I omo for about 75c and Is made aa fol
lowa: From your drusglat obtain 1 os. of
I'armlnt (Double strength), about Tic
worth. Take this home, and add to it
' pint of hot water and 4 ounces of
granulated sugar; stir until dissolved.
Tak a tableapoonful four time a dy.
ParmlHt Is used In thla wy not only to
reduce by tonlo action the inflammation
and swelling in the Eustachian Tube,
and thus to equalise the air pressure on
the drum, but to correct any escea f
aecretlone in the middle ear. and th re
sult it glvoa are usually remarkahl
quick and effective.
Every peraon who has catarrh In any
form ahould give thla recipe a trial and
free themaelvca from this destructive
disease Advertisement.
SOth aa feraeo.
reuse o. a&a. stuvM a. tt'dma bis.
'! !) t Jaa Staple!
SluibUh bowel and torpid liver usually
go together and It do not tak long for
constipation to produce a bad condition-
a feeling of languor or laiilneaethe
"blues." headaches, palpitation or other
malady. Indovd, when in this condition
the system InMlea ino.-e aerlous illness
and is not aM lo throw off dl.eue. Foley
jfihrt c Tablt-U are a wholesome lax,
j and rleanelng cathartic. They act
without Inconvenience griping or sicken
ing. Sold by till dealer eiui ywber -Ad-
ci iLcillrlil. a
For Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble
50 Cent Bottle (32 Dotes)
Just because you start the dsv worried
and tired, anirf lega and arms and muscles
an aching head, burning and bearing down
pains In the back worn out before the
day brgina. do not think you have to tay
In that condition.
Thoae aufterer who are In and out of
bed half a dosen time a at trniht mill an., iinnn, coiniort and strength
i Ibis treatment gives. For any form of
bladder trouble or weakness, action is
raity wotlueriUl.
wiu. wu ana vigorous, with no
more pains from ailtf joints, sore muscles,
rheumatic Buffering, aching back, or kid
ney, or bladder troubles.
To prove The Williams Treatmeat con
quers kidney and Madder diseases, rheu
matism and all urio arid troubles, no
...-.ti,, ,,uw vnrunio or atuDoom. it you
hate never uaed The William Treatment,
we will give one &0o honia . . a .
free if you will cut out this notice and
ii in jour name ana address, witlt
lv to hrlp pay dlnlribuiion expenaea. to
Tho Imt. l. A. N lihaina Comnanv. Dept,
i;t. New H. O. tlutlding. Eat Hampton,
toon. Kr-nd at otue and you will recede
by parcel poet a reKular &(io bottle tSi
lonel. a it Inn. I .-haiae and without tit
curii.iw any uuunatloiia One boltla only
to a lamily or address.
xMadc by the Largest Rubber
Company in the World.'
The factory facilities of the United States
Tire Company have been doubled within
the past 18 months.
This enables us to
make more and better tires
than ever before.
This enables us to
make a great reduction in
tire prices.
Our patrons can now purchase
our famous
"Nobby Tread" Tires
"Chain Tread" Tires
and our
read Tires
at prices that make their actual mileage
cost the lowest the world has ever known.
' i
We urge our patrons not to be deceived
by the " big discount " method of selling.
Buy your tires at net prices but make
your ultimate selection upon the actual
cost per mile basis.
United States Tire Eosnpaiay
Omaha Agency; Omaha Rubber Co., 1608 Harney St