Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Comnittea .' of vhole Recommends
Mrssure for rage and Sends ,
' It to Third Heading.
v 4. i ,
uKrs ". rairosE to urr limit
MNCOLN. Feb. i iP'rwHal -fa6ro-11
rt!on en tm Huran hutMing and loan
tsuMvMstion Mil. II. IX. Ne. 4. wi tal
th rtouna lo omrnItta of the whol
Monday forenoon.. Severn! rTltlc of the
tll attarkWl ft nn tha flortr, but IU
trni cama to U; Arlmtm In lg-orm
flilon. and a motion by Mr. EJmlima
tA riitp07i tn1eflnltelr waa otd downw
by M Jo 1?- Th rmr"lM' ,h whole
thro recommended' th bill for b8S
ami ent It te third reading".
The rnnln problem of thl measure la to
lrt-rM tha limit of loan which mar
be made to any one peraon by a buHUn
ni toan annotation. Tender the, present
'law. ti more than may fee loawd
nn any one plrea of property and no more
t'.en C.fO of aiorte Tny b taken out by
cue borrower.
Cfeancea Tkla Rule.
V The Mil change till rule a that con
rrnii having- KOO.Ooe of awet way maka
nlncl (nana of tlO.Om. and from that
p'lnnmt on up by graduated sUpa cntil
in limit of ti.dOi tn reached for aaaocla
t .in having tl.W,(W or mora of aaet
Another proliia of the bill allow then
orgsilatlon .t Invent their, fundi In
i-ertfc,lnt intoret-bai-lng eourlllea other
than real aatata niorte-iffe. The main
fleht tan on tha amendment offered by
Mi. Nifly of Poujflaa county limiting
'the amount of lon to SW.fV. Tha mover
declared that he. hid consulted Brelary
Royae of tha State Banking board and
found him willing tc sanction loan by
tlie. larecr concern aa hllfh aa ilM.ttA,
Mr. Palmer .of rxiugla aurported tha
.Nealey amendment, but It wm gontrally
c4,os-ii on the trovnd that f","y lan
.on one plera of property would not ba
n'.lreiy safe.
i ) Opoea the I.liult. ,
; .Mr. Mi. hoi mad a apeech atmliuit tha
vt.MW limit, declaring that tiff loan Ilka
thla are made at a lower rat of Intar
rl than amaller one. II considered that
lh t hlrf problem of the building and loan
.violation I. V1 irtoun of capital for
arnall borrower and home owner, and ha
would not consider It fair to that cla
,to piyrn't such a large loan $.V.XiO.
i The Neclcy .amendment wna voted down,
fn anothor presented by Mr, Palhey,
liowlng thirty member to truneact bul-rn-BB
at annual mectiris. The law now
f Dirc the'altnndar.o of 'fifty 'member
In iM itin r by. proxy.
' Aftr the .Varlotia feature of the bill bn tliscuMflcd. !r. Elmolimd moved
1 li,il.finr.B poxtpontment. .
. . I t . i t
'or fmoll B(irrwfr. ' ,
t Tnijnliiijl wanted .the law left an It i
an thBt the email bomrt-r would r-t ha
. , .i. tf . ....... &.t....l . - K..IU,M
ana onn juiciaiinn. , , ,
Mr. Taliner u;iportd the bill and de
clared that the law tiaras the am nnW
as It watt r!i,hti,pn yours aRo, whrn build-
Ids anil loan aiuorlMtl'iriH were In th'ilr i
Infancy. IIo thimght the tlm bad coma
wnen their .-ofe ehould be eninrapd. ;
' M;-. Schneider dwlarcd 'Unit 'from hla
homt town, . Haettna. . h hud letter
from both bank ard buHilinK and loan
pt-f j e ?hat th-y favored the bill, at.d. fi)r
tlmt rfBfion he w( for Jt "..
Railway Timo Table
Lleasure Postponed!
J-ro:n Malt t orreniH-nuenl.) .
l.;M OC.N". Keb. g.-ttp-Ul Ttli uraiii.)
- The 5'uilroK'l ctminiiitiia of the hotm rot
1-ortotl liOUc rail fnr in'hf Inl's pool
; onviiii'iit till evening, nf'r s hoarlfiK.
hi whirU viial i i r'c nlilh m t.t rilN
',!ii were lv'n chiiine to talk on tho
hill. Th's Mil required thBt the time--tktiie
of ,tr,lii ho,jul S pb 111 tailed In
two rirw!papera' of the ctmnty end pH
'rr at hp heat rste.
Ilouce r.ii! :.s rc(Utrng the bulidlnis of
ibya. overbed! way under anil over
) .,.'r,-..i,lA v, Jltre .the. lain ,Wa. owned on
tiyia mi. !, oi t(m trk by the name In
ii: iiiuftl, k iriirti'ti out fl paiteuge. it l.s.4 t,.- r, i. in.-i that aub-
e.,oull t bui:t lii.f the" trai-ka Ure
no:!yh for tatUe te pan thrwueh.
rvm sine
!M crAiX"t
I il ui I lun
il'rom a Ktaff Corrcpinder,l.)
MN'OM-V, rb. 8 -(SfeciMl V Lieuten
ant lUiv ii,or James Pcureoit foU that
rtuln jifeMfttj-cra have been unfair to
Him tn 'puliltfhlng the fact that he re-f.-!vss the salnry of a enator anj
ti nt his ton Is onn of the senate etn
I.H.yfU. lie euys It niumt be lakes
ii-t r-iini,u.ratiin limt i. to malm
a h'.it&-wi,ie tsnipalgn ar.d had to furnish
t f;l,.:.iy bund tiiBl cont Mm IW-, tlilnj
tint t"iuii(i 4f the ordinaty tt-nnior.
v dptv m
j3 iICLiIvjAl
punJCuticuri Ointment
f.r ::iri pufty an J beauty.
. I.' I rtf! Ly Mail
t - . v. . I I . .. ... ti,:f (
' " ' - . . . . 1..
. ... . i - . V mHk.
v 5 i I
i ifU iVL
- v'V.
t j ) va j
Be prccntti Taylor'f Bill Cane
Tight to Ee Kade Upon Miaiiiri
r From a Btaff rrepondnt.l
LINCOLN. Feb. 8.-fepeclal.) Repre
centatlv Tavlor aay houee roll No. 110,
cutUng the Income of court reporlei
by reaulrinK them to furnish lrnc-rlpt
of cares appealed JQ tha aupreme t-ourt.
free, waa prepared for the rxpre pur
poa of helping the poor man who might
have to go te the supreme court and had
no money to pay for a transcript. Oppo
nent of the bill meet thi with the argu
ment that the bill I in the Intercut of
men who can afford to have lawsuits,
for they cn carry case tip and It won't
.ost them anything to do so, '
Anyhow the bill baa been shown to hel
ome corporations, aa court reporter
from all over tho rtate have been en
riching tho railroad by paying good
money to come to Lincoln anfl work
against the bill. . ' ' .
Messages of one kind and snother have
also been coming tn, tho following froro
Judge Grsvrs of the Eighth Judicial dls
trkt to Representative, Mear being a.
sample ot the many oomlng to the mem
ber: Vote against Imnse roll No. 110. Reporter
could not keep up wnrK tmdor free tran
soript. Hupreme court would he swamped.
One tamliiar . with court work knows a
reportrr earns ht money. We neo pood
rejrortfr and muat pay them. hm't ut
salaries or fees.
Personal Tax
List, Publication '
Meets with Favor
4 From a Ftaff Corretpondeni.)
LINCOLN. Keb. t-49reclal.)-Houso
roll it., by Richmond and Broome, which
calla for the publication of personal ta
lists, I exciting rnueh raverahl enmtnent
In the legislature and apparently stands
a good show of being put through.
The leglslatore figure that-whll It will
probably cot the vg'riouc counties oome
thlng, the publication of the personal tax
roll would aavo lt cost many a time
tiver by driving the las dodgers out In
the open.
The bill provide for the. publication by
township .at one-third the' legal rate.
Only the total and not the Itemleed
schedule Is to be printed.'
(From a frlaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., FeK 8. (tfpei'Ial.)
The JJt!)raskstato aenxte I a frlsnd of
the crow and thla afternoon voted to 'In
definitely postpone Lhner' bill em
powering county commissioners to offer
a bounty of 10 cnta on eaoh ecrow aialp
brought to the county , clerk' office..
In defense of hi hill Knaf T.l.n..
Hld that tho crow was a disease spreader
in- thut U td upon tha carraaee of hogs
"nun oiea oi cnolera, and then car
ried the disease to th barnyard of the
Senator pplkk cf Saline -,came to tho
rescue of the crow. II did not think It
wa Blhl to kill the-bird.. He believed
h wa a, great songster and made tnuslc
fnr the owlne while they were eating their
mesL and mati tha lisrnjrard a sort or
a cabaret' for tho amusement of the
stork,- -Yon couldn't kilt Vm; anyway,"
said the fsllnv county senator, "for they
ran smell powder ao far that no man can
SH ( lose OliOUKh for ahnf kl..K
shows thut the. gentleman from 'saline
Mina. sonii ititiig about crows.
' Proceedings
Ttr4 fl'4l tm House. -
II. li. ji, Mr.Hh-AUowlng put of
Mato huU IndUo Xui.d t k, uU in buy
li. toil tiri.iK..i from prlvetii ownnm of .b.-.-iim U rer-vired otily.f.nty
lour voir ,)) B call of the house proved
IneiftM'ine to inuhtcr the required flfty-
OJn, "
A Joint hertng on hiiu.a t(l No.
tlie. ifsn..ic hol bill tttnied at hivaklng
uu th l,g,t roinhlna a:,tonK llv aio K
i-ominUtsiiin iiiei'viianta at outh Uiimlin,
'UI te hi ld WediKnoiiy artvrnotin bv the
senate aint lioure ronunliuea on Hint rloctl
na rj5iii8. A luixe awemuioa of conv
U1I1.M011 inon will be hei irom the stoi ic
?".'." 13 '"T,i"t a.unt th pasenna
ot tho bill. Kerisers in the 4crmi t m
are aencrally dciiiatidlng Its entu tmoul.
A .osetj or nwu tor.v,, t f(Mlu tia inl
tentlmy starlni work Monday it,-iniKn
e.-rliig Joe and liardrned snow from the
--.i. ui in. 'iiioi aruurids. The j
srnid to i-ltnn the opportunity to w
ii tno open ,ir at a pua UiHdiwhi fi
ni, ,i..,nt nrroiiioitiiK.
. H. o;', tiriMnne-i eminint exemp
tion tr.m Jurv or niiiliery snm-Jt and
l'Miie0(. of j,ll Ui uitor rive yerV
B'tl-.e inenibi riup in voluutoer V.iv
company. l-i.u, . .
f v'uk Alio firrmeo lit cities
or in- Hihh l&o n,i,.. i.mi, , iH-nion
. ', , Inw-rc nsiun provision to
..y6ri, vius-e CRilr.g iunu?er fire d-pHitin-nia.
-:ihid. '
I 11, 11. 1 J, !.. iie-'uiree rond oversver
. to noi.fy count v ..i ....,r ..-.. .. .. .so. in corner or load inarki-r
lla loat or i1c.itnvd. Vatd.
f . . .' ' ' ulci--r H. nolres Hoard, of
Control to fuiUbii laH.iin o vt,.. rn
roil,, J at (.ran.! Immii.1 a..t i.:r..,.i .
Jler- liom., t,ut living ouuiju ti, Uomva.
H. It. Ijir,i(iiMakf ooudty boani
ovrtrei ot t;,0 JMJoi, llltfr, no- tn
I'LlZI1" of tho Vav.
( CsMsihlee 0t Vkel. .
8. F. . Khumway of I tson 1'rovU.n f,,r
trii,ti,, r J.-ff.rtiv. r.r
iuior i-oriPieratlfn.
.u. f. k, ui..-i I tutu liultfe-An.mlii
employ.' hLuily ax,iont km. J iirr.M.t
new schedule of luvinpim IUi..r;d i,, K
W i rom.Moiux.
i. i. tu, tJaumlers of tHuaiH-Aiiu-liIa
law enatiliiuf ciiai-itahle eci.iia lo i,-. jno ea.lly. Hv umim n.ird
lo Jina.
. K ., Hyiflsnd of rnvdr. the
manner in vl.l.h the i,x for city or uU
les puroera !oJ- U rawed. . K:oi.i.
iiwua-J to )..
. K. 49. i.i.!and of i'roM.l.a
timl ci vnitBe r;!, i,na
Tiae end Ulfrs of the Ml:).-ii-r
tnre inonWi jiri.-r to elm lion. Kecvm
iii(ni:. (j to . j
f. K. St. 1 ..iiini.n of Howard-lteriolrs
onrter pnlly crrUIn for iuiu-t-r
aii.l j.uu:t, onforc. nwnt m, ij
(.Olilliilul.i. Jvv Ollllilr-n ird 1o p,..
. K. 114. llin.-ia ef 'I urn rr-i'iovii.
iiiuniy c.oiiiiieion..r uy i, vy a Uouniy
'f lo out, on itow. Jr,dr:wU!y 0,1
i.'livd. ",
i K. m, Iuah ft Kln:l.lJi,.,; ,lri
lurorntajre of ooMecliu.i frr oil dir, t
I'nK .iiun funds. iie, jur fuithrr nn.
H'i'.l 11 tion.
. y. bl, 1i,),t of Kinii.all-Proxi.t.
fur If,. I'llfl !,M 4.f M . ...... 1 . .. ..
ji-Hmta.i, in,i,i, i, nj u. Ih4 ,,,
I of , i, f,nui(. the i( iii'Ut o.f win. .i
1. tu t.,- m Ik, 11,1,, ,j ivr t). ,.ir,,..,
1.11.1 , , iUi.,.11 ,.f u,:,,,,, j.
in. 11, . 1 ., j '
f I ' L. ihrr vt K iint.II -f u-ii-
" 'l.',.' 1MUHU..II S.H.OI1. lln ll,,j,i..l,,. a
, I" I
in f . ui. .-riri of fatm.. r;r;i-a' Blt.-iil..
ti.M,!;n f.,i ll;.. ,, ,hi.iiki i,ui.i
f -' I'i'.1 1-1 i.i.-.r 1 i'ti. 1.' 1 a,
GOTHAM Miss Edna Crowthcr and Miss Gertrade Phelps
from Salt Lake City, who are engaged in the preliminary
work of converting New York to the Mormon faith.
. i - , .v .... U-''. I I i
i "" f 1
u -
It - ' i
r h
t v t:
' "ajiwejw
Omahans Tell Labor.
Committee About .
Compensation Law
(From Ptaff Correnpondcnt.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 8.-Ppcr;ial.A hearing
before the lnhor committee of the rnal
this evening old rot develop In any great
result. The hearltu? whs over an arnend
mento the preeerit workmen'e compen
sation law, which would raise the natal
ity from M to 60ii per cent.
President Knnpp of Omaho, president
of tho Htate HiMiufactui-orKV association,
and J. W. Ounihlc, president of tho
Omaha association; lempetar of the
Dempster Windmill Manufacturing com
pany, of Beatrloe; Mars of Fremont and
others spoke ageiiwt a change, and V. M.
Coffey, slate lubor Commissioner, favored
the amendment.
Knnpp satd that the compensation law
had been tn effect only'a hnort time," and
a It waa wrktng out In good shape he did
nyt think It wise to make any change.
f Coffey thought the law should be
changed so aa to extend over a amall
number of employe. He alo' thought
there ought to be a provision of the law
which would give a certain, percentage
of the compensation received for a fund
for te admlnlKtratlon or tho law. As
there were but three members pf the
senate committee present tonight no ac
tion u taken. ,
House Recognizes
; Dr. Bessey's Work
(From a Staff Correspondent,)
LINCOLN. Feb. 1 (SpeciaJ.)-Dr. C. Ii
llessoy's long senloe to the state of Ne
braska a, the head, of the. university
botannii-al deparlmeut received recognition
In the l.-tflslatui-e today by the pasnae of
a resolution tn the house offered by Mr,
Mattesoii. Til resolution ex preened the)
appreciation of he vaJuaplo work done by
t)r. fceosoy In the study 6f plant life an4
evpreee.1 h!ie fur bis speedy recovery
from the lllnee which now confronts him.
H waa reported that Pr, Bessey I Utile
Improvod and heart specialist from
Omaha have been called jn consultation
over hla case.
Senate Gigs Back f
On Printed Journals
1 , - (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. B.-?peolal.-The on
ute met thU afttrnoou and. about the
t'irat tiling raio.r v. the old yur.lkm
of the senate Jnurnul. It Imitiir finally
agreed that as a substitute for the daily
p'riiiKnl Journal mimeograph copies should
ie furnished the senators. ,
(From a Staff Coriepponilent.)
LINCOLN. Fob. g (Sierll.)-H. It. M,
a bill viULU vii ii, d by the. Polig
ia counly tivk'satlon. tilling for a mu
uli !im1 loui t in Cnuiha and amended so
aa to ghe South Omaha another "no,
waa reported to the houne by the Judi
ciary committee thU morning for
A ftature of If. R. SI, another bill by
the DoUfcla county delipatlon, cuts doAn
the number of Jtis'iora of the peace In
loii;li county from lx to 10. This
till, with other features, such as a r-po'-nlmclit
of contitablea Instead of eler
llon, was reported for pastage In the com
mittee of tho whole. '
Feel Fine! Keep Bowels Active,
Stomach Sweet'and Head Clear
No 04ta how hod your liver, sloiniuh
or t.owe; how MiOi-h youi' brad aohi-s,
how lulnei at lo n'l iini-oiofortitble you are
from constipation, , indigcittcn, billoiin
tiffv and tlokg?tlup IkikoUvou siways
gri Hie itttrtu d rrauit with Caavarvt. 1
Thry end the head k lie, blllou.iici, j
.lUitlhe., n. rvouvneais i. k sour. kiM I
Twx :o ,eYVM;iiM
(Contlnuod from Page One.)
the Illy IC&presa, "aucb . tactics will
seem inexpedient and even humiliating
to the Ilritlsh mind. - Since when haa the
Union Jack become a color to be, hauled
down timidly or an inadequate protection
on ail the oaa? Tho whole affair leave
a very disagreeable taste In the mouth of
Knainnd. . ,'
"Wa do not presume to ' question or
criticise tho admiralty, ' but our . con
fidence In tho idmlralty ejid the navy I
such that we are bound to regret pro
foundly a resort to a subterfuge which,
while It In no way excuses German piracy,
may givo the enemy and- neutral nations
an opportunity for the sneert which we
are least Inclined to tolerate," ,
. ' Tvo Bt Battles In Eaat.V ,
In the realm of military Interest today
all eye are turned toward the eastern
battle front. Here tho tremendous of.
fort of both aides have not aa yet' pro.
duced any- results worthy to bar caUled
decisive. . , ; ' , - . . -.' iA -v .
The Runslan force wblchn have .been
giving ground before- the fierce attack
of the reinforced AuBtro-German army
In the Carpathian passe, apparently
have checked the onward rush of the de
fendera of Hungry, but In Poland, In
front of Warsaw-, the opponent appear
still to be hammering each other's line
with a fierceness which recall the first
German Invasion of Poland.
In spite of the doe per to nature, ot the
fighting, in front of Warsaw, tt la gener
ally bnlleved In England that the most
critical action it dcvloplng In tho Car
pathlaus, where the reported Russian re
verse will compromise the ntw campaign
opening against Hungaryi .
Misor Actions la Weat.l
Kxccit for several minor attack of the
German on Nleoport, the western Una of
battle evlritntly has enjoy.-d a quiet week
end. i Air and sea operations alms have
he"ri suspended during the lsrt few dy.
London not even being thrilled by the
usual Sunday rumors that Zeppelin were
on their way to the BrltUD capital. AUo
there has been complete absence of any
naval new. , :,
(From a Ptaff Correspondent) -
LINCOLN, Feb. . Special.) The house
so far bsa passed thtrty-on bill and ha
killed by th several method used for
auch execution twenty-three bills.
Pioneer ot Farama Dead.
CAMBRIDGE, Neb., Feb. . tBpecial
Tulcram.)-Mr. Filo Hilton, aged 70, an
old. settler, waa buried here today. Mr.
Hilton cam to this vicinity foriy-one
)'oara d..
Mr. CoroKne Thomas was burled bore
today, being past 8a Her husband, who
Is 83, was ill and could not attend the
funeral. The aged couplo have been very
feebet and hclplons the last winter, They
were early eettiers,
r'illatorr Plaaetr Urad,
tit.NKVA, Neb., Feb. . iSpeoial.V-Mra.
Amanda I'aitner Jid In Geneva yester
day iiuxrniug ad US year. The funeral
strvkes were held at th family real-dt-nee
at 3 o'clock thla afternoon, burial
In the Geneva cumetery.
Adam Xialior. K! X '-! of ago, wa bur
led from the funilly home hero yesterday.
stomaoh. Tiny clranis your Liner and
Howels of all toe sour bile, foul gas
and conmiated inattar which is produc
ing the mlw-ry. A C'aacart toulght will
iraiKtitcn you out by inoming a 10-
cent box k-pa your bead clar, stomach
sucvt lUer and bowela r(ulr, and
vou iel ol.eerfol tud bully for moniha
.;," ajaw j
' ' -
PRICE 10 cents;
Two Rc-preienUtiTet from the Em
erald Ills Are Always on Oppo
site Side of the Fence.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. (flpeclal.) "The
eoorporation glntlemln from Platte" and
the1 "English-Irish protector of human
right" are two member of . the lower
body of the Nebraska legislature who are
In the limelight moat of the time. The
above Is the way they refer to each other
In debates and. between tho two they
furnish amusement enough In the house
to keep tho member good natured. j
Richard Ragan of Platte 1 the first
named and Jerry Howard of Pouglaa the
last named. Both come from the "Old
Bod-' and tt doem't tako much provoca
tion on the part of Itiigan ttf touch How.
ard off.
Corporation Repartee.
The other day when a bill waa up In
which Jerry waa deeply Interested Ragan
moved that the bill bo sent to the cor
poration committee. This wa too much
for Howard and he retorted: .
"tU, !nd It. to the eoorporation com-.,
mltty, will ye I know that' phat ye'd
like) to slnd It to."
But tho house refused to do eo and
sect It back to tha labor Committee, of
w-hlch Howard 1 chairman. When tho
vote wa announced Jerry shouted across
to the gentleman from Platte: .' '
"Now run to th" tellyphotve booth. I re will find a misstce there for ye."
Jerry Is 8om Aatocrat.
A chairman of the labor commit te
Howard ha Joe Cannon backed off the
map. He adjourn the committee when
ever he please and doe about as he
plcaavua Ragan la on the same commit
tee and ho keeps the chairman tn hot
water rooat of the time by hi side re
mark, it ta no Infrequent tiling for tho
chairman to call Ragan to ordor with a
remark something Ilk this:
"Shut yer mouth, ye blackguard, and
listen to a-gintlemln whllo he as radln'
thl bin.'"
, Ragan 1 too good natured to take of
fense at anything th Douglaa county
gentleman hurl at htm and 14 fully aatls-
fled that ho ha called out a reprimand.
Risener Is Pushing
State arm Serum Bill
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 8. (Speclal.)-Repro-
sentatlve Rlaener of Thomas county 1
fearful that ht serum bill will meet with
opposition when it cornea up tn the bouse.
The bill 1 known u II. K 158. and it
provide that all serum used In tha state
hall be manufactured at the state farm.
Considerable opposition Is being raise! to
the bill, but Mr. Rlsener claim to have
affidavit from prominont cattlemen
which will make tho measure win.
Are Yon Coaat tpated f
Why suffer? Take a-dose of Dr. Einc'a
New Life Pill tonight; you will feel flno
tomorrow. Only So. All druggist. Ad
vertisement. , , ,
IOWA" CtTT. Febt Special Tele
gram.) Ohio state defeated Iowa at bas
ket ball. XI to V. here tonight-
Bad Gold? Feel
Headachy, Dull
And.Stopped Up
Don't atay tuffed-up! '
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose ot
"Pape' Cold Compound" taken every two
hours until three dose are taken will end
grippe misery and break up a never cold
either In the head, chest, body or limbs.
It promptly open clogged-up nostrils
and air passage; stops nasty diacharc
or noea runplng; relieves 'rick headache.
dullness, fevertshneaa. sore throat, cnees,
tng, soreness and stiffness
. "Papa's Cold Compound" is tha quick
est, surest rUt known and . costs only
its cent at drug atorea, It aotg without
assist anoo, tastes nice, and causes no ln
oonvenlenoo. . Don't accept a substitute.
Advertisement. ,
If you want to keep your hair In
good condition, th luaa aoap you use
tho better.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. Thla dries
th scalp, make the hair brittle, and
Is very hsrmful. juat plain muUlfujd
eoooanut oil (whlcl is pure and en
tirely greaaeless), 1st much better than
soap or anything else you can use for
shampooing a this can't possibly In
jure, the hair. v
Simply moisten your hair with wa
ter' and rub it In.- One or two tea
apoonfuls Hl make an abundanre of
rich,' creamy lather, and cleanses) tho
hair and scalp thoroughly. The latlu;
er rinae out easily, and remove every
particle of duet. dirt, dandruff and ex
eeaalv ; oIL . The hair di l-s quickly
and evenly, and tt leaves It fins spd
silky, bright, fluffy and ewy to man
" a -
Tou can get nuilaified eoooanut oil
at moat any drug store. It 1 n-ery
cheap, and a few ounoes I enough to
last everyone lri tho family for months.
Hotels ITot Wixiom to Serve Her,
with Eesult She May Depart
from the City.
Mile. ITilllppeno Artois, the Belgian
actress who stirred up ouch m storm of
protest by her pro-German remarks at
her lecture Sunday evening, may not now
carry out her announce! Intention of re
maining hero all thl week. She pot
yesterday visiting other hotels than
the Rome, where she has been staying.
snd which ebe sail she waa going to
leave. ' ' .
Negotiations toward locating at some
other hostelry have so far brought no
results, and she Is expected to move on
to tho next city on her list, taking with
"i ! ui1;' t 3 swir-ii ' s ' s
SAjs-ia-ifeJ f5KSB4iaWjsa
1 , , :
r , , ....
; Exclusive Hand Tailored Suits
for Spring Wear V
$35, $39.50 and $45
; i
These new arrivals represent in an
authentic- manner the Styles for Spring
of 1915. 7 ; ;
In addition we emphasize our dis
play of Spring Suits at $24.50, $28.75
and $33.75 which is the most complete
in the city. .... V ..
Tuesday White Goods Specials -
35c 44.iich Tussette Nainsook, $2.00 a bolt of 10 yards.
40c 44-inch Tussette Nainsook, $2,50 a bolt of 10 yards.
20c 36-inch English Nainsook, $2,00 a bolt of 12 yards.'
30c 40-inch Phantom Cloth, $2.50 a bolt of 10'yard3.
30c 40-inch Japanese Nainsook, $2.50 a bolt of 10 yards.
25c White Repp Suit
ings, 19c a yard.
25c White Lineweave
Suiting, 15c a yard. ;
The Nation's Health
.- - A N" IDEAL Summer climate A motm- . '
xi. tain resort where you can ridedrive .
, or play golf. Magnificent hotels and ex- .
V ccllent boarding houses. , i, .
. f
" Best reached via tho
Missouri Pacific- Iron Mountain
1 Ik. vu. ti -I
'v X
Telephone Doug. 104. General A4jent,Paaserigr Dept.
Vhen Yomen Suffer
No remedy gives greater reliel than
Anti-katuuia (k-K) Tablets in all condi
tions generally known as- "Women's
Aches a&d Ills." OnetrLU vr.'A ealUfs
any woman that she has at last found
the remedy the has so long been look
ing for.
adijestioa Dyspepsia
Are yon distressed fter eating? Do
yon have nausea when ruling in the can
or on the train or boat? Take A-iC Tab
leu and get inatant relief.
Genuine A-K Talhtt Lar th fH
to no from. . At mil Druggittt.'
The popular Omifia-CLlcao
Special lv. Union Station 6:00
p. ra. diWy and ar. Chicaeo 7:34
next morning niakinj but few
stops en route. .
S!i Ci.r SpioouiJ Dkilj TrZiHs
All Madarniy Kqulppad
tvery inch of the line to Chicago
is double tracked and protected
by automatic electric safety signals.
You arrive in Chicago at the
new Fssencer Terminal.
For ticket apply to
' 1 C!.!:20 &
C!ctl!i V.'csisrn
HOI anum'St. (fhm-. Dfug! 2?4o)
: Om.U, Neb.
Iher tho money she collected br from
I both German and trlpla entente symp-
thlaer. eax h side not knowing until Fun
day night that aha had obtained support
from the other aide.
At the Rome yesterday Chief Clerk
Wllitam Anderson snid that Mil. Artois
had indicated her intention f leaving
because the Rome's hotel rate was more
than she wished to pay. At tho Henshaw
Mans For Joseph Keenaa said that She
had called looking for quarters. H says'
he understood her to say that her accom
modation at the tlotne had been do-,
natrd up to this time and that she hoped
for a similar courtesy from anothtr hotel
during tho present week. He told her ha
waa enjoying capacity business and could
not offer the desired free room... .
At the Faxton Preident Ralph Kitchen
. .... 1.1, 1 . - . . , . . A
pays u una iier no uoum nob iuw
room, as the hotel wss filled with guests.
At the Ixiyal O. A. Bennett, tho clerk,
says he told her that ho could not tnaie
the special low rate she asked for.
g n ; ti ut If &-r
Hoasvfei zsjtyM&k wV V
35c Checked ; Dotted
Swiss, 19c a yard. :
$125 Embroidered Ba
tiste, 75c a yard.
pnngs, Arlcansasj
and Pleajure Resort
t Splendidly equipped trains. Low
r round trip tares. ' V
14S3 Fantam u
Union Station v
Tnoft, P. Godfrey
Creiglilon Uniyersiij
Glee Clob-
Tickets on Sale at
Beaton's, 15th & Farnam.
AddW AUraotloa,
rsor. cox a caoia
. Za Cuuacbuu With
eia Jir.i ominiTy
Alao Belan Kronar-Harry
aa x nucot,
Wad., Ihara., Sat, 85o. '
aao, MX),
apt aire an VAtrrsTrt.i,.
Dally aiatlnse, J:li Mhu. :1J.
la-ui 5aai I '""r. a
8loltir. Oivhaum lra..j V4.t.kiy.
-t fr a-in . t.i,.NU-t,t id,-. ;-5r f 75
"(aUU s asjaf Ca.aila.ik,
fCttlgfJfl a Mat, ifk-as-SOav
Auothar anaad Maw Khev
coo?IX GLOBE 1 iiai TERS
1-1 1 1 -0 tu uvrf lowing wirh juiiitv, .ilr
Hy. glrla n,i nartv. Th- inm-uci Mu-Iturlfwou.-.
"The iiii ly t-etk I s.",
illjf H,'HUIy i iiiirun
Ladiaa" rsiua Malinaa Waak Vijt.
O.Li., ui. lb Kl
John Ounnv t"d Coa" to
la 'CHT 11 MJ!i.AW.