Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1915, Image 1

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"WXLOOMFT enthlasona OmahaV
slnal mh. The IW' advents.
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VOL. XI.1V NO. "J02.
Oa Treias ead at
oUl Mews kneads, M
Norm and Ia Follette Help Crush.
Move, to Adjourn After Fletcher
' Off eri Amendment to Clark
Chief of Administration Cohorts
Asks Measure Sent to Com
mittee and Returned.
WASHING TON, Feb. 8. Senator
Fletcher, In charge of the govern
ment ship purchase bill, moved In
the senate late today as an amend
ment to Senator Clarke's motion to
recommit the bill that It be sent back
to the commerce committee with In
structions for Its amendment and re
turn to the senate forthwith.
'The Instructions directed that the
bill be amended to limit to twelve
months the time for which the pro
posed government corporation might
lease snips to private concerns, to
stipulate rates lessees might charge
for service and to prohibit purchase
of a ship In a way which might
menace' -the neutrality of the United
' States. , , '
A motion by Senator Clarke to re
cess until tomorrow was voted down,
48 to .47, .Senators Norrls and La
Follette voting with the regular dem
ocrat to stay In session.'
Zapatista Forces
Are Closing in on
Capital of Mexico
WASHINGTON. Feb. J.-Zapatinta
forcs ar graduatly clowlng in on Mex
lea City again, today's official dispatches
report, and the apprehension is dally
growing more acute over conditions gen
erally. ,
Practically all the foreign diplomatic
representatives there have asked their
home governments for lnntructlon as to
what they should do In-certain contingen
cies and are hoping to be permitted to um
'their discretion as to abandoning their
. legations. - .- .... '
Demonstrations continue by the popu
lace, which has been affected by the
nullification by Carransa authorities of
paper currency Issued by previous ad
ministrations. Scarcity of food Is causing
grave anxiety. An official summsry of '
. other conditions Issued' by the fc'taie'de-
Trpartment is informed th.t
.the banks and principal store In the City
of -Mexico remain closed on account ' of
the ordea nullifying the Villa currency.
General Carransa is reported to have
telegraphed that relief will bo furnished
the poor. There is a continued scarcity
of bread. '
"Accordln gto the department's advices,
the Carransa administration Is shipping
Its own supplies out of the city and ar
ticles of prime necessity are dally getting
' 'The department ia 'advised that Felt
cltas Villa, real If still In prison In Mex
Ice City."
Carranza Troops : ' .
ake Monterey
LAREDO, Tex., Feb. 8. The constitu
tionalist consul here today announced
Carransa troops have recaptured Mon
terey. No details are available. Tele
graph communication with Monterey via
El Paso is cut.
AMSTERDAM. Feb. 7.-Vla London.)
Prisoners 'of war In Germany will be
Used to carry on agricultural work under
a deioisfon of the military authorities, ac
cording to the Telegraaf. They will re
ceive 10 pfenings (ZH cents) a day.
The Weather '
Forecast till T p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha. Council Blurts and Vicinity
Partly cloudy; slowjy rising teiupr-
Temperatare mt Untbs Yesterday.
Hour. , Deg'
6 a. m...t 10
a. m S
7 a. m 10
S a. m
a. in
10 a. in
11 a. ra
12 m
1 p. m .., '
2 p. m. &
t p. in SO
4 p. IO SI
5 p. in 'J
s p. m 2
7 p. m at
S p. in 3i
Ceaasxtra tl ve , Lonl Heevrsl.
15. V14. 13IS. 1812.
Highest yesterday il it ) j
lowest yetrdy g 7 j
Mean temperature X f jj u
Precipitation T .00 .00 .no
lemperaiur and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temixrature 32
Iiellclonoy for the day S
Total escess slm-e March 1 ; tU
Normal precipllMtion 04 Inch
Iefli lency for the day 04 Un-h
Total rainfall utiue March l...2X.'M incbes
rMflrlenry since March 1 1 87 Incites
Deficiency for cor. period, JH13. 1. 7 Inches
Deficiency for cor. seriod, 112. i.L3 Inches'
Reports from Statlua at T P. M.
EUUon and State Tomp. Ulih- Raln-
,f Weatiser.
1 p. in. cat. fait.
fro CLOSET . , y
Cheyenne, clear 50 U .00
De.vfTUHsrt. clear... t- Z .o
lfuver, clear
North fhme. cloudy M 40 .)
Omaha, cinar W 21 T
Kajtid City, cloudy K JW .00
Mivridari. pt. cloudy 24 St .J
friowx t ity. clear 20 XI M
iontlne, clouay... i '16 Si .uo
indicates beiow aero. '
X luoicaiea trac of precipitation.
JU A. WiOil, Local urecaster.
amining the cart of a Dutch trader on the Holland-Belgium
frontier. 1
largely Attended Meeting of Inter
ested Men Held with Sanitary
Board on Epidemic.
Kebra'ska's Live Stock Sanitary
board" has under consideration the
proposition 6f malting quarantine
and embargo against the foot 'and
mouth--disease, more drastic by ek-.
eluding all incoming "cattle" east f
the Missouri river. .TnUwquld mean J
tha tthe teed lots ..f .".wesiera. .Jotfa, i
tha tthe
f rt)m which approximately 250! cars
" .0 l' ?
MpcAl. market, would be shut .out, ex-
eeiJt 'for immediate slaughter,
Whether to adopt, the more drastlo
proposition was the nub of a Ques
tion oyer which banks, live stock. In
terests of Nebraska and Iowa fought
yesterday afternoon before the Live
Stock Sanitary board , of Nebraska,
wlilch held a called meeting In the
South Omaha Uve Stock Exchange
hall. " .' ' - '
AanfaaeVnieat Cone Sooa.
After the meeting an offrcll statement
of the proceedings was given ' out, in
which was this declaration:
The Iowa stockmen were very anxious
to have tlio western part of Iowa kept
frH, while the Nebraska stockmen
seemed equally anxious to have the line
driwn from the Missouri river.
After a thorough discussion by all par
ties the inn.ttr was taken under consid
eration hy the sanitary board, which,
agreed to announce its decision in the
early future. ... j ..
Many Mn Attest.
With James H. Bulla, president of the
board, st ths head of the table, sur
rounded by the other members, the hall
(Con'tlnued on Page Three, Column Four.)
Chinese Question "
Is Embarrassing
' ,To Missionaries
6IOUX FAL.W, S.D.. Feb. S.-SpeclaI.)
That tho boasted civilisation of the so
called Christian nations because ' of the
war in Europe has become an object of
contempt to residents of even the more
remote portions of China, and that Ameri
can missionaries are being sneered at by
the Chinese is the statement mad In" a
letter m which has been received from
Joshua C. Jensen, a South Dakota man
who Is stationed at Nincvuen. sechuen.
S I China, where he la a missionary. "
j' 1 "But perhaps the greatest hardship that
13 the war has brought upon us." he writes,
'Is the attitude of the Chinese toward
the war. Not a few have taken up a
rather sneering attitude toward our re
ligion. They remind us that ths coun
tries now at war have beeen under Chris
tian Influence tor many centuries, an
ask us why Christianity was not stiont
and effective enough to keep them a",
peace. And the question is something 0
a poser." '
Dr. Jensen is stationed at a point about
a month's travel from the coast, and yet.
notwithstanding their remoteness, the
war Is affecting the missionaries and oth
ers to a considerable extent. For ex
ample, an order of goods w hich 'before
the war cost them IJA in Chinese cur
rency now costs them tiii.
AMSTERDAM. Feb. . Vla London.)
(lanover newspapeis received here stste
that a Frenh war prisoner named L
svhuyer has been condemned td two
years' Imprisonment following his convic
tion ou a charge that he committed a
crime against the sovereign by destroy
ing the eyes In a portrait of Emperor
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Attempt to Seize Turn-Severin, the
Only Point Connecting Eoumania
with Servia is Defeated.
PARIS, Feb. 8. Austrian 'troops
have violated the Roumanian fron
tier near Turn-Severln. the Journal is
Informed In a dispatch from Its Nlsh
correspondent. The Austrlans are
reported, to have fired on ' frontier
guards who . attempted to oppose
thep iiaw' and ft Iari0lJ- figw.fol-
. . . .-,. .--.. -r- -
Strong reinforcements came to the help
of the Roumanians, and after a three
hour' struggle, the Austrlans ere re
ported to have been driven .hack across
the line lth- a large number 01 wounaeu
If the Austrlans had captured the Turn
Severln, the correspondents say, thry
would have had corapletes command of
Kladova. the only place in 8ervia on the
Danube permitting communication with
Roumanla.- . . . -
. The Incident, which occurred several
days ago, has not been followed up by
either side, the Journal report states. 1
Trumblp to Move "
, Against the Lobby;
Aims at One.Official
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOUN, Feb. S.-Bpecil.-fcobbylU
this morning In the house leaning over
the dead line received considerable sn
mouragemeat from the prayer of a aaw
chaplain, who said,' "Ask and ye shall
receive; seek and ye shall find;' knock
and It shall be opened unto you.". The
The lobby business has not been a very
successful affair so far this session, te
all appearances, though It Is said that
Trumble of Bherman expects In a day
or1 so to introduce, a resolution against
the persistent work of a certain, member
of the Railway commission who,' rx says,
has been buttonholing the. members in
and out of season, until forbearance has
ceased to .be a. virtue. , . , t .
Mr.' Trumble refused to give the name
of the ,of fending, commissioner, but. said
he was a tall gentleman with long. black
hair and wears . glasses. It would prob
ably not . be hard work for a good, Sher
lock Holmes-, to spot, the member the
Sherman county representative 1 referred
to,- ' . S1 . - ' -- ' , 't
' '
Asks Blank; Credit u
for Military;Useis
LONDON. Feb. 1 For the first time in
twenty-five years the British government
invited the- House of Commons to give It
a blank check tor army purposes. This Is
virtually the effect of the new precedent
set up by the Introduction of the army
estimates without , details and without
the aggregates of the expenditures and
when Parliament has voted the nominal
sum of 1,000 pounds under each of the
fifteen groups of expenditures it will have
4 oted supplies without limit for aa eftmy
of ,".000,0110 men to be accounted for wtiea
the var Is ov r.
Bank Cashier Short,
Commits Suicide
LEBANNON. Pa., Feb. 8.-A notice
posted today on the doors of the First
National bank of Kchaeferstown, near
here, announced that the Institution
would remain closed until after the
funeral oa Wednesday of Alvln Binner,
the cashier, who committed suicide on j
Saturday. Blnnee left ariots to bis wife j
In which he said he was "wrong" In his
b stilt accounts. A bank examiner-la said
to have found Irregularities - involving
more than tU.OOO. The bank's deposits
amount to about 1100,00.
Michael Cairollo Imprisoned Under
Wrecked Stable Without Food
Till He Loses Knowledge ,
of Time.
From Moment He Enters Cellar He
Sees No More Light and Is
Seized by" Despair.
ROME, Feb. 8. Few men have
lived to tell a stranger tale than
that of MIchiel Cairollo, who was
extricated from the earthquake ruins
at Palerno yesterday after having
been Imprisoned for twenty-five days
without food. Cairollo Is recovering
from the effects vof his experiences,
which be wae able to describe today.
Saw Wo' Mora I.lsrfct.
'From the moment I entered the cellar
I saw no more light and I believed I had
become blind, as my mind could not con
ceive that the ruins covered the cellar
so .completely as to prevent a single ray
of light from penetrating through. Fbr
long time I cannot say how long my
despair increased until I became almost
freniled. I shouted with all my strength
untltr fell Into an apathe'tla condition,
almost like a coma. Tljls saved my life,
for had I continued my desperate efforts
to free myself, I must hava died of ex
'By feeling about with my hands in the
darkness, I found a wet spot and moist
ened my burning lips. This revived me,
and with my hands I dug a hole in which
water collected and I was able to drink.
Lm1 Css af Days.
"Thus I managed to exist how long Z
know not, as I lost count of the days
until yesterday I heard voices above me.
mm one, ah are -dead." another an
swered. "Quite so, but let us recover what
we can of our property
i aroused myseir to make a supreme
effort and screamed, 'I am alive here In
the cellar; Miehlel Calrolo.' Those above
me, t ten told, thought It was a ghost.
but X continued my course and convinced
them that a living man was Imprisoned
in tin ruins. They cam to my rescue,
and In about three hours I was tree,"
Old Soldiers Won't
Have to Go 5 Miles
For Glass of Beer
, . FJfHtrte. "S. P., Feb. aSpeeial Tele.
graJu,V-Tha., th old isoldlers of the atata
home and the national sanitarium at Hot
Eprtngs will not be required to take
five-mile stroll to get a' glass of beef, nor
that .the residents ef the towns of the
state generally ' where stats institutions
era locaed will be placed under the same
restrictions, was the view of the house
this afternoon after a "long debate Over
the five-mile saloon limit act for Hot
Springs, which .was first amended to In
elude all the towns of the state which
have state, institutions. within their bor
ders and then defeated.
The house also decided that a t-mill
levy for -any purpose is enough for the
operation of the business affairs of the
state, and struck from the resolution for
a constitutional amendment the provision
Which would allow an additional levy for
any purpose. The senate also decided
this afternoon that . the State Highway
commission has shown a right of expense
by adopting an adverse committee report
to wipe that organisation, out of existence.
i After debate the senate passed the reso
lution for' constitutional amendment
allowing the legislature: to fix salaries of
state and judicial officers. -
111 1 1
German Ship Seeks
Refuge in Gravesend
NEW YORK, Feb. 1 The unusual
sight of a steamship flying the German
flag passing quarantine, apparently bound
te sea, coincidental with an official ma'
rtne report that a British warship was
off Fire island, bound toward the en
trance of the harbor, ereatod excitement
in shipping circles this afternoon, until
the German vessel, After passing through
the . Narrows, turned and anchored
Gravesend bay.
The ship proved to bo the Harburg,
which was merely seeking anchorage to
escape wharfs ge charges, according
Its agens. It moved to alongside Its sis
ter shlpT the Magdeburg.
Auto Racing Driver
'Dies of His Injuries
LOS ANGEXE3, Cat.. Feb. L-Jaek
Callaghan, the young racing driver in'
lured yesterday in a WO-mrte motor car
race at Ascot park, died today. lie was
impaled upon a fence ' post, which rent
his left side, exposing the lung. Several
of his ribs also were fractured.
Dust clouds raised by the racers
blinded Callaghan during the twelfth
mile of the contest, and be ran Ms m
chine, which was then in third place.
into the fence. Victor Wells, his mechan
ician, was unhurt. .
Callaghan was 36 years old snd came
from Kaleraasoo, With. '
IOWA CITT, la., Feb. S.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Iowa's midwinter commencement
today furnished twenty-two degrees to
that many candidates. '
WAKTRD-r-Man with some monsy to
inrsai in manufacturing; numnesvi
alao to take executive position at
good saJary to start.
Pes forth iafonaatloa abeat
this opportunity, im tiia Wul
, A WM of todays Bse.
Right of Merchantman Ship to Fly
Neutral Flags is Not Well Defined
WAaillNOTON. Feb. A report from I
Ambassador Page at Lndon on the hoist
ing of the American flag oa the Cunarder
Lualtahla while crossing the Irish Sea
was expected here today, and pending Its
arrival theie were no official statements
of how the American government re
garded the Incident.
It was stated, however, that while no
report had been called for one would be
asked If the ambassador did not send
one today on Ms own Initiative.
Naval officers recalled that the navy
regulations permit a warship An fly an
other flag than Its own. but specifically
provide It must be hauled down and the
ship's own flag must be hoisted before
shot Is fired. There are many Incidents
In naval history where that has been
doneythe latest being the German sea
rover Emden. which hoisted the .Japa
nese flag Just before making a daring
raid at Penang.
It was recalled In naval circles here
today that when Captain 01aa, com
manding the cruiser Charleston on' his
way to the Philippines with a convoy of
troops, stopped snd captured Quam, he
ordered the Japanese flag to be flown
on his flagship and. on ths ships of the
flotilla. He signalled this message to
the steamers Australia, Peking and 8yd-
Steamer Bound for Rotterdam
Mores Out from Norfolk Sock N
', for Perilous Trip Across Sea.
NORFOLK, Vs,, Feb. The
steamer Dacla late tonight moved
out from the dock and was appar
ently preparing to sail on the long
heralded voyage to Rotterdam with
cotton from Galveston for Bremen.
Captain cDonald took out his clear
ance papers early today and said he
would sail before night on the usual
lanes. Five members of the crew left
the ship here.
Great Britain, questioning the
validity of the transfer of the Dacia
from German to American registry,
hag given, notice that it will seise the
ship and par for the cargo.
One British cruiser has been In
this vicinity for some time.
Cardinal of Cologne
Says ; God Is with
"Armies of Germany
AMSTERDAM. FVb. .-(Vla London.)
The Cologne Church Qasette published a
pastoral letter by Cardinal Von Hart
man, archbishop of Cologne as follows;
Ood has been with our heroic warrioss
In the 'west. In the esst, on the sea. in
the air. He has been with our Ourman
people in whom the determination to hold
out and confidence' In a victorious issue
are glowing.
"The war is an extremely severe trial
en all. Every one la courageously mak
ing the requisite - sacrifices. Supreme
confidence In God is being shown by all
Germans. ' .
"With God our warriors went', into this
war which has been forced upon us to
fight for the existence and liberty of our
beloved fatherland and. to fight for the
holy treasurers of Chrlstlarlty and its
uivUislng influences. Heroic deeds al
ready have been accomplished under
God's protection and under the direction
of our glorious leader, the emperor and
the German princes. We must look upon
the war In the light of our faith." .
SCRUN, Fab. S. (Via London.) Pope
Benedict's prayer for peace was , read
yesterday in ths CathollJ churches
throughout Germany. The reading ef
the prayer was the occasion of a
ceremony of particular solemnity at Co-
loge, where Cardinal Von Hartman took
part In the eucharlstie procession to the
cathedral and read the pope's prayer.
ChicagOvUnion Stock
Yards Reopened for
Interstate Business
CHICAGO, Feb. S.-The Chicago Union
titock yards, which hava be eri under
partial federal quarantine since January
2, because .of a threatened outbreak
of foot and mouth disease, were reopened
today for the Interstate shipment of
cattle. No cattle, however, may be held
for more than forty-sight hours. Gov
ernment Inspectors have been authorised
to' slaughter cattle nald in violation of
this order.
. ETLDORADO, Kan., Feb. 1 What is be
lieved to be a new outbreak of the foot
and mouth disease was discovered today
near here. The disease was found among
flfty-ona head ef cattle recently pur
chased at ths Wichita stock yards. Eldo
rado is ia Butler county, one of the four
southern Kansas counties under federal
quarantine for the disease.
Half Million for
Work for Chicago's
Unemployed Men
CHICAGO, Feb. t.-8ollcltatton of the
500.000 fund to provide work for Chi
cago's unemployed began today under the
direction of Prof. Charles K. Henderson
of the University of Chicago, chairman
of the Municipal Industrial comniisaion.
The fund Is being raised as a result of
an appeal made by Mayor Harrison to
cltlsens on Saturday. ,
It is the object of the commission to
insist upon a year's residence in Chicago
as a qualification for work.
The work created by the fund will be
to beautify tbe city. Cleaning unsightly
spots and street work of all kinds, for
which public funds do not provide, will
be started Immediately.
ney, merchant ships under charter to the
government and In use aa troop ships.
'Tasslng signal station at Ouam,
Charleston will hoist Japanese colors:
other vessels same or none."
All the authorities of International law
snd the manual In use at tl naval war
college Justify the use of other flags on
warship The navy war college manual
"The regulations of the-tTnlted States
naVy state that the use of a foreign ftag
te deceive an enemy Is permissible, but
that It must be hauled down before a
gun Is fired' and under no circumstances
Is an action to be commenced or a battle
fought without the display of the national
snsign." ,
The record of International law, bow
ever, eontala few instances in which the
use of a foreign flag on a merchantman
has come into a question. -,
Chairman Stone of the senate foreign
relations committee, a White House
caller, said today that In his opinion the
flying of the American flag by the
Lusltanta was an "Improper use et the
flag." Senator Stone added that It would
be possible for congress to adopt a reso
lution protesting against the Incident.
Phot that that he thought it a matter to
be handled entirely by the executive
rench of he government.
Eeports from Geneva Tell of Des
perate Fighting in Carpathian
Mountains and Bukownia.
GENEVA, Feb. 8. CVia Paris.)
Desperate fighting is rolng on la the
Carpathians betweon Lawocsese, In
Gallcia, and VolocU, In Hungary.
According: to advices received here
the Russians have captured the
villages ot Ulcs, Komarnllc, Csertess
and' Swldnlk,
A treat battle Is raring In Boko-
wlna between Doronowatra, and
Kimpolung. Austrian headquarters
has prohibited war correspondents
from coins; .to the front at Poschor
lts. The Austrlans are reported to
have been driven back beyond the
fcloldeva river, and the Russians also
have gained some small successes at
Tablomltsa. v:
Raaslasi Official Iteport.
PBTROGRAD, Feb. S. Hard fighting
continues in the Carpathians, .with suo
cessee of considerable importance for the
Russian troops, according to an official
communication lesued here today. A pur
suit ef the Austrlans, after their resist
ance had been broken at three fortified
positions near Mesolaborcs Is said to have
resulted in ths capture of more than
2,500 prisoners. The capture-of additional
troops after a retreat north of Ussok
Pass Is recorded, while It Is Stated that
Austrian attacks were repulsed at other
mountain passes.
Minor Russian victories are claimed In
east .Prussia and northern Poland. The
test of the communication follows:
"On the right rank of the Vistula
some skirmishes favorable t us have
taken place. On a broad trout near the
village of Nadros Cossacks attacked
squadron of the enemy supported by in.'
fantry, capturing twenty hussars.
"Our cavalry at S o'clock in the morn
Ing dislodged by bayonet attacks the Ger
mans from the village of PodlesUe and
Prondrstarr. oupturtng a quantity of
arms, ammunition and wire.
An important encounter took place on
the road from Slerpeo to Rypln, where
we delivered a sueeeeful night attack In
the vicinity of the village of Orsulewo.
On the left bank, of tbe Vistula, en
the Bsura and Rawka rivers, oonnonad
lng continued on February 6, but neither
adversary undertook active operations.
Ia tbe region ot the village of Kamlony
we began an offensive and -made some'
little progress In spite of an obstinate
resistance by the enemy.
"Our artillery successfully bombarded
a column ot Germans who were moving
In the direction ot Bollmow from Zeml
ary. Tbe infantry was compelled to flee,
sbandonlng Its artillery upon the high
ways. -'
Victory la Carpathians.
"In the Carpathians hard fighting con
tinues. Our troops broke down the en
emy's resistance at three fortified posi
tions near Mesolaborcs, and pursued the
retreating enemy several versts. taking
two cannon, five machine guns, capturing
the commandant of the third Honveds,
forty-seven officers snd t,B18 men.
North of Uzsok pass, near Lutowiake,
ths enemy was forced to retreat Our
troops occupied his trenches, taking three
machine guns and many prisoners.
"The attacks of the enemy, which
crossed the Toukholka and Beskld passes
nd February S, were repulsed with heavy
losses for the enemy, who was forafed
Into a precipitate retreat.
"On the Black Sea our torpedo boats
destroyers have bombarded Choppa.-'The
cruiser Breslau, which has arrived at
Betum, fired twenty shots without re
sult at our destroyers -maneuvering la
those waters. After two shots from the
fortress the Breslau steamed, away." ' . v
Crew of Asama Does
Not Need Help of
1 Any Neutral Ships
WASHINGTON, Feb. (.Rear Admiral
Howard's flagship, BandUigo, and tbe
cruiser Raleigh, which had been standing
by the Japanese cruiser Asama, loft fcan
Bartolome bay yesterday for San Uiego,
Cat. They did not take any of the offi
cers or crew off the Japanese vessel nor
wsre they called on for other assistance.
Although the Navy department la pre
vented from making public any details
for consideration of neutrality, as Ger
man ships are about. It Is understood that
at least one Japanese collier and two
Japanese warships appeared at the scone
and have taken charge of salvage operations.
Use of Subterfnje by Bij Liner to
Get Into Home Fort Humiliates
the-Pride of Teople of :
Great Britain.
Bnssians Said to HaTe Stayed Ad
yance of Austro-Germaa Forces
Through Carpathians.
1 .
The Day's War News
GERMAI ARMT la the Argesae has
ktcia another ef the repeated t
tacks which w that
flow of rasters Franc ot he
moot Utterly eoatrate battle,
fields ef Ewrope. The official
German etatemcat of today
iscti the cm p tare of porttoe
ef the aIlle ooaJtlon la the Aw
sjoaae. Tho Frestk ..-vnr office
aye that os Oorma ottaeU was
rcoalaed aad that tho fla-htlwsjr U
till la progress.
PREMIER ASQVITH aaaoaaced la
tho ITowse of Commons that Brit,
Ish loasea In tho west a to Fen,
rauy t IncIedlnsT killed, wounded
mm mtsstasr, were approalmately
104,000 men. .
AMBASSADOR PAGE made a report
to Washington en tho nso at the.
American flagr by th Lasltania,
Mr. Psgs haa Toeelved o report
from tho British government nod
fcoaoe his eommanleation oh ths
atorr of the American paaseagert
on tho Lnaltant to members of ths
staff of tho American embassy.
land than far haa fatted to make a
ran In tho Rasalaa Unee whlcS
would open tho way to Wni
ad apparently the only rosnlt
the battle haa been heavy looses
on both aides.
PBTROGRAD haa announced h
eav'tnro of several Geraaa nosla
ttoaa, bnt tho ffeaeral alisamrni
of tho Opposing armies haa ao4
boon ehaaged materially.
AT7STRIAIVS, assisted by German res
laforccments, are straggling- wltf
tho Rnsslane for mastery of th
Carpathian mountain panara
which, giro access to' Aastrla. '
Hoasrary. Important smcese
for tho Rosalaas In several ,n
grasjomeats r aoaoaaced of f V
dally at Petrogrvad. ' ',
Servia, describes a battle betweee
Ronmanlan and Anstrlaa troopa,
which la aald to have reaaltre
from aa Ahatrlan Invasion ot Ron
saaalan soil la tho direction ot as
important strategio position whirl
controls tho only Servian poeltlo
on tho Daaabo permitting codu
manleatloa with Roamaala.
LONDON, Feb. 8. Walter U
Page, the American ambassador II
London, today forwarded to tho Stay
department at Washington a report
on the Lusltanla flag Incident. Th
ambassador In his report Informally
reviews the alleged use of the Amer
lean flag by the Cunard liner on en
terlng Liverpool harbor Saturday
morning, as described to the member
of the embassy staff by American
who had crossed the Atlantic on th
' LONDON, Feb. 8. The news o(
the arrival at Liverpool under th
American flag of the Cunard llnt"
steamer Lusltanla, la given mucl
space in tbe English papers todaji
The Information waa received to
late to permit of much editorial com
ment as yet, but enough has beet
printed to show that the Incident It
regarded as one of great importance:
It is not generally expected, howevet;
that the British government will tak
further action unless Washington ra
quests an examination.
Commenting editorially on the u
of a neutral flag by British rues
chantmen, tbe Dally Express sayj
that while such action may be legall
consistent. It nevertheless will did
turb BrItlah"pubUc opinion.
"In our case, above all others," a
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four
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