i THE BEE; OMAIIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 11)1 o. i j ; WANT ADS Want eda received ot inr time, but to tnaiiro rnner rmeeviratimt must be pro seted li.rf u oio noon for evening "lit inn n.l 7 10 p. m. for morning nii f-nndar editions. Want na rivxi after m h hour will N tinder th heading, -Too Late to Classify." OA STf TtAT.tf. -Peru (wbmcuiiv time. 1 cent a woro eafil Insertion. Thr times wltMn one 1H Cents nrd each Insertion. Uu time, t cent a word. ) CHAROE nA.TF.S- , Seven mnweutlra time. 'tents a " ' h Insertion. - Three times within on wee. cent line each. Insertion. On time. II tuli a line. Count six average word to v lit. Minimum charge. W cent. An'sdvertiaement Inserted to J1"?" til discontinued raurt bo topped by wnv tea order. ' " " An elsim fcr error mnt within fifteen ""V" aftsr tho $t. lnr tion ot tho alrertleeanent , Tau can place your want sd la The D" by telephone. 1 ' TELETTIONB TYLER 10&. Unclaimed Answers to the. " Strappers ' ColximTi" Hundreds of otlw-r anrwfira havo n called for and do'.lvered during the last wee. It la reasonable to suppose that ... - .... ... ! the desired swaps, therefore do not cavil Tor the balance of thetr answers. Bo want aa BO. d Jf't 8 C. P c. s c. 1411 ic 14)2 H11 1414 , 141 lf17 i4?4 if-? J42 . l-'2i )4.:l lf.l J4.CI J0 14"l in 1441 JfM H4I , 1M j " '7 14. V" 1:4 lhTJ ir. 14 J r.r. 140 iww 11? S06 M 2io sio iu ' 3! US . jn ?' Mr ri . r.2 !"1 ?- is ' V wi 2iJ H.8 j wi y v t -in few ' 2V . 4IZ 4lS :. 417 . 4' , 4n i 4 427 4:'9 4.1 " , :m .f1 nz i 1114 1 lat l.va 1.4 :l 1! i: 174 J?7 1SX4 1C 14'" 107 1471 . n-n 1481 IKATH AST HOM.HAU SOTKItJ, OVT-Mr. Go. 1U wife of rmJherirf iJuy. r'u'npral arvjr wV-l be hold Monday, Tvi-ruary . at r. m. fnjin iaulite 41 Hlrpn'a parlor. It 1th and Jon Pta. l-'rlfnii lnvltd. TODAY'S COMTLKTE M(t IK PllOCillAMS Kxrlunlvcy Is The Bee. ! -v- LVvra Tow m. r.L!TB NO. 2. HI8 FAUNA M. J 'at ay ' 'Vacation, IubiB comedy. t The ) .f(utiianl t.yvprnor, i-r. lti. dra. 1 he NvJn hlng, '' Vttagrnph drama. FAKXAH, 141o FAHNAAI HT. 2l:in absolutely fiwir ftat-run Mutual liima, with It fa.ioua KayaLouo coin-on-a chwnx'd dail4 TjlitlrilKATiiK, AAXH Sl' UXkUiit Homo of I'tramount I'tturea. VjUiK iHfc.Alr.H, Fratur progrnn dally. I N. 14TH. Kylone Coinodl I'lll.M't.. lJA'.i lHt.Ii.LAh. hrlllluK weatern dra. a ,nre or the west. tnriiliiiK weatern dra. iltelr Hobo Hero, heart liaterest drama, y.li and HI tang, lKo oomedy. i JTortfc.' ALHAMBRA, UI4 N. , 24TH. Among the Mourner. Key, Com, Joke on Jillow Town. IteH. Irm. Ixivellnea of War. 2-reel. K.-B. dram. ALAMO. HT If AND FOUT, Environment. Majeatlo drviina. 'in Uniir, t-rl sl-U. draana. A a Mn Tnmketh. Heauij comedy. VtAtriO's'. iiTiftUry Ava"ai Bunlette. They Never Knew, ltelianco drama. . Mr. 11 d Icy' I nolo, Komlc comedy, fc'.iidora No. 10, 2 reels. 3lAMOND THEATER, 2410 LAKE, Neptune' Daughter, 7 reel. ; AdJiii.Melon l"c. f hXn KlTiN-!'! I EATER. lh is. IVankliii. Till leath !o l' Part, 2-r. pUlig drama. 1ron'ho Billy .and the Kacaped liandlt, 'J'lie Trrai hery In the Cloula, Vkia. com. . A.si iil-ii't!Jii ihc.iirrl, !4 ft. l-mney. Tte U.-rub. 2-r dranta; One Fltxat Hp. -r. ir, featuring an Otnaba boy; RloKgJi'a -Muffy Job; Cupid In the HoNPiUl. ST i t ro77i STm S t,u i u.in u. A Ix-nver Jtomwnce, Thnhourr "Irani, Vi'll-t Wft l.ove Keyatnne Comedy, y.u.iora, eplaode No. It. In two part, IT Th KAT4.ll. ItiTIl AND LOt'AJBT f ea rt-i"enK Xso. if - J "lot, i e-i Vitjigraph drama. rJ he HlunliiK Whlnhers, Kulem cotnedy. fx . T U K 1 PT 1 11 " a"t F. U. 24 lAVri iMOIf. A Hat Full of Trouble, Thanttouao. P-s.-te. the tlolfer, Kryntoiio comedy. Two Mrwrj reels, liYAL UltZATEit. 24)4 CALDW JwOX lnxter Key No. 11, 2-reel special. .Mitiieii lit CiiMtK, liax, V Pollilrnl Mrwi, Joker comedy. 2'ALACE 1 libATLH, IjO DAVLNPuHT, A Mixed I'P Honeymoon, Joker comedy, In Jutiirle Wild a. 2-reel Itlann. fcLBUitUAN T11K.VTEH, i Jk AldiiS. A Lean Frosn the M"ater Tower Kal. dr. To Women. 8-reel VitnKraph drama. ioaib. a noon. s'0 and arjior. it on the Ierkneaa, s-r. American die, J n 1 tt' t'utirr(ir!f, Prln.-eea drama. "N ii.l V. Crit l.ve, lkv.li,M ' APtJ-,Lo 1iii-Alr.it, zku IxavrttworUi. r e l.e.-h, ; r Kulem drama, h v.. !,,. 'oileta f..e charity, Exa. com. A vuiMnt Nh'iol Ma'am. Set. com.-dia! C"U.MhU 1 IIKATKlCilriTTENTlL !: txner i if. Kitieon drama. e A.lventui of Uriarcliff, 2-r. Ki. com. !' H'r ft Her Me.i.t. V . "or.: f the ivt..ri, ;-r. i.rr.u. (,0. i 'tie Ijh -firi lM-autiitil. iAmeiican. '!' I Ml, ti.: i.iii, Kevel.ine. i a v 1 1 )i 1 t y i-.j iv7Trr ,0"l Tb'grapher'g Peril, Kal. dre," . 1 r nm.r 01 rami, .--r. Beltg drama. iii i-i-k t'l 1.1. e. Mint, omu.ily. n. ry the R-'jk IIh'.s Told. Imp. I.. I .1.1 v T.. k a liall. Neetor com. i- .t.ii.iiH ,r ki.lh., $r.t firral. 1 i If !'. 1 K ' 7vTvV, -, ' ' fmugs'.era' Island. S-rral Ooid nji i- .Hri.Mi tii.r.rite. Kin I. Ai-km'b lifj'itv I -ot tYvnal comedy i- il .li:, i An l.KA VKN VV 'ok'ilC -'' of j'i' tuiee winning tha iirua" '. n-!-'!. J r. 1 .i x. ie yi-u hritt il'out tomorrow? a, ijTbuTT-m oi I t-t rtcU if Mutual picture, Meat. ' t;. 2 - A FAUNA it. -..'s. lt':l.rtp, : r. hji..n (Iiumu. '""m ft hi-di Hufs. Viii. i i.f "'"H'rjMM,liir, din.. Ifaifi, ,N. l 5 MAIN r-T. 1 i..i.(liie J-pv. J.palt 1imi ' f III ' II til. mi," j. !jr ' I j!rr f 1 r 1 1 1 . t coo: , I . tnno.it bun. : I t3 1 I ' "A i)V A V. Ht Li.illl C'l.iViV ' - - or l I -.!. 2 r 1 lsefh dta. -1 -A i (il.ti. ui ,' i M y, . li-, ,.ie t.f f'.h'.en, ntMiu. ' : .'i:. - ' l'l 1 urau.a, 1 1 r 1 1 'i,M, I 1 . p - j,h 0 1 em a. - . ,.. 1 I . v. AY. 1 t . ; t. n i. .. j r ..ml t a I. 1 i ' - . ' c : " " -a ' .1. - r k . ic-.-tv ' " i-e cij jc. kiy 1 ' c 'l.je.ii'.ai Chances." TODAY'8 OOMrf-KTE MOV IK rrUXHAM H F.xclnlTfljr In The lie. PW"!E THEATm, 14TH ANI Tt. The PplHt f the Vlollr. t-t. Bella; drama. Th Kllt Olrl, Vltoaraph fniwdr. l'ronrh. Billy and the Hbr, Raa. W. dra. MAUIC, MTU AND O. Old re Will. -re1 piaon. Troamire Pliera. Ftrlln comdy. aadPTill. ORPHEUM. 4TH AND N. Lay Down Tour Arm. AN'YOrXCKMKXTS NOTICK. I.adlea rolnr to roeat ahonld plaro their ordera early to avoid any delay In their plana. 1 ANNA HI8TKK, tiadlea Tallnrlna; and lrpmaklnf, 301 2nS C ity National BHnk Hlria. lRJ-:KK.vtKlN and tilonn, worn gtiarant -ed. 24f 'Ba Pt. Tel. lied. 7VS. Wedding ann.iinrroenle 1oii. I'll. Co. HAZKL. feaf I'ile C:onea. Beat remedy for ttohlrrii, bleeallnit or rrotrudlnc pllea; On noatpald; aamplea free. . Sharmaa 4 MrCnnnell Drug Co., Omaha. RNHOLLanw. T. M. C A. nlht athool. LUCKlf wedding rlncs at lirodegaard a. AUTOMOBILES Greenoitgh Omaha 114. Hep. Co., 30 Far, AU1U clearing nouae, J Karnam, buya and aella UMdcara. Thono Uouglaa STJIO, C E.liA6SKH, eipert radiator and immp repalra Ty. 7CU, Wil Ieavanworth. ONE lilll Cadillac touring car; big bar gain. C'wdlilac Co., lKug. 4r26. lndiwlrlal Oarago Co., 'lll It Harney Rta. FOH Ui NT One-ton White truck wltn driver,, by, week or month. H, I'elton, f lrnm. Call Ltotiglaa Xi. A UTOMOB I LlC Overland 20, i paasengor touring, overhauled Vv.. mi. Rear Urea new, nobhy tread. Will buy tire to maka deal. Extra tubea and tlrea chaap for caah. L. U. U V. O. Box , 144, botlth Omaha. i. Detroit electric, overhauled and In flmt clfmi condHton. Call Phone Harney 7'W. 5aR3 painted, according to alia (Fordid) work guarant d. lianx'om Park Uaragn. fun KENT I high-grade, 1-ton truck by day, week or tnontn. -Cull Trier 13. Motorvrclva. HARLICT-DA VIDSON v MOTOTtrTr-r iDi Haraalna In uaed murlilnm. Victor Kooa, The ttotorcycu Man." 2701 t venwortn. IKip 1N11AN WOTUHOVCLli new rad7T bargalna In uaed machinea. OMAHA BlClCLtt CO., xotn and Chicago. V. 27A u us i css ciianct:s C. M. MATON, Mua. firokrr, HIM W. O. v ., will huip you In or out of busineaa. FoR 8ALK Cheap, amall 'planing rhlll di. Ing liood bimlnoiia. Addroaa L few, 1 1., C. i. Canan c n anil your fanning land. ALi-.VIy tailor bUMineaa, eatabt liNhed twelve year. Xlaa kept two men busy tha year round, and enough for three during the aeaaon; t-'M worth of woolena, 1J. masquerade (uita that ar kept for renting purpnaea, and flxturea. All goea for trtw. (:cim and e for yoiir Jlf. Kapjwlln, The Tailor, 1230 N 8t., Uncoln, Nch. FOR ,BA LE lUllla rd parlor and bowling alloy, liood lo ation, good bualnea! 4 tables and two alley. Prloo Term 1-00 caab, lialance ono year time. C. E. IysmtFJk I'dlnt, H. O. . L18T butflncas chanceil, proimriy tor rent ale or eachaniie with ma. 1 will write !1 manner of Inettrance. W. O. Tem pleton, Oen. BROKER, 3 Boo. Ty. 2U-H. MONET AND BRAINS WANTED. to help develop a large marble hnnln,.. On my Arkanaaa farni I a mountain of ine - uiwni iirnrme m tni country" threo color, gray, red and blue atrlped; pro. uvuiiLm tun aiMnoiLrqi oy export Peat transportation facllltlea noaaible! railway at t Ion at foot, of mountain. There I a fortune waiting for the neoe. aery capital and a man of mining x perlencok Addre M Be. ONE of the bast retail bakenea In th iiy, no compeiiuon, can Wtt. 7S0L or Bddreaa K ZI7, lie. LTiT YOtTn HtIKltw!!.-:a with ua for Quick action and treatment. 1 ... Wl'ICK SALES COMPANY. I. Re Bldg. Phone Ked SIM. lilONH, snow card'. Oar A tton. l. 1S7 TH EATEK.S Buy, leaae or eell your the ater, tnechine and (upplle through Theater Fxrhanga Co., H4 Farnam au n...ir;ia i.,t. TO quickly buy a bualnetaa o any kind anywhere In this territory, writ Jiiri Wray. 8ioux City.- " TO OUT In or out of buliiex. Call on JIANdKHTAD, 4Q4 Hoe Bldg. D. 2477. WANTE1 In northern or central lowaT a man with tl.t"K) to inve.t t. . i.i.r whertby a good salesman can reallte H"f on Investment, besides a good aaiarv, the fust year, If taken at once, Addres WIC at a Uoukkefoot and ail aruuoJ orftce mtfl Wtl. o .. n I . . . . . , . . . f?i ln. ,f u"nUal wholeal jobbing business In Omaha. Will stand close lnvertiaatlon. It you hav tha money ajvd wlah to get Into buelness for ' m"-fuin. snares, A Bee. WANTED Man with om monty to In vest ln manufacturing busineaa; alao to tako eaacutlv posittun at guod salary loirii business or real estate oulckiy ...1.1 4, 1 lM 1 Ir ,L . Tffiw aim rrni7, niuug t-Ily, EDUCATIONAL -WINTER TERM ' MOSIIKB.I.AkipMAN COLLE13JX NOV OTiiN. ltpsurpat4 cia- In tnialnes, short liftnd arid EnruU oraitehea. Craduate guarantee! (food poeuona. Place pro vlded for young pimple to work for board. Fur fr catu!'aue JJ',s . Mosher-Lampman College lEth an.1 rnam street. r.inh, Veh Tbo Van fcant Kcfcool Stenography Day school. S W) to 4:0(1 M.ht s litfol, ;1i tv I U, lih end Farnam ;.!. tw.ie'aa an7. liOVLErt COLLEGE . Day rA-hool. Night School; complet biiiiee to iree; ronipicte shorthand or stenotype course; compl.to trlearaphy owr; civil ac-nl e lianche and fcng 'tte Htu1ecta ailinlttei) at any time. Write, phone nr rail for ITS catalogue. BOa'I.Ea ('oLLLiiE, II. It. BoiLEs. ITeMilcnt. Boylca BUg . tiutaua. Neo Tel. Douslu i;j LXPl.Rr l.uly aeriorailier will take pupiia. f.10(tTHANl t.iuch t ixwrit IriK. atieliitia. punctuation, etc.. tauhl and cwinplite liatiiluK Hlveii for buainca 1,. rr. Pitvate Inatnnt Ion If iWaltvd. louv:l..a tsi. Tel. Walnut r."7. iOli al (he following a. Itolaiaiupa ta a tli.l rhtaa Omaha liuaue&a Collrae: Ona unlimited coiubiualloa business and ahorthard course. One unlimited buelueas Co urea. One uiii.uule.1 aieiiogiaphlc course. One tnrre niomiia' buaiuea or steas- graphic course. v tii be uid t a d.'acouet at th offloe of the Otuatia bea. iX)R B.1US , ' I mllin, New 4V 2i-hand furniture, caab or terms; f aaiit.Mt le. Am. r, 1'iiti. i o N. 1111 Sr. AKl.v nw beutvoni aune, eau'tlft'caTfor tarli ,ir t-fins Hal ney tatt. Mealcel laatraeaeeta. .'iiMljr u-d lii.'h lirart piano. f 2mT. 'CI'KB.IIT lIANo. X '2ii So. UsT Plmne llarn. .' Merlteia, Ail 1. lakes type rit ra tri. lt.il. sold, teuiia IT)Il BALE Tyg-owrlterm. RFTNT Remlnitona, Monarch and UrnltD lYemlera of their maksra. Tha Hemlng ton Typewriter Co, Telephone Iougla 134. Rxotal eradltad If you purchaao and emy vary neweat and highel grado ma rhlnea aent out. Itatea, thro month for li for undemtroka machinra or M per month for later. model vtelhla writ era. TYI'h,WKrrKrU4 ao.d. rnmed. repaired Central Tyi-ewriter Kxrhange, n 17 Kh-NT-An Oliver t) writer, I month for t4. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. 1. 2fS M laecllaaiewaa. t-hand meh. Oroaa Wreck Co., 21 Taut FOR 8ALE 300 Alamo Engines Oil and gaaol ne, atatlonary and port able. 1 to U-h. p. at coat price. 2-h. p. vertical gaaolln engine, f. o. b., Omaha, each (27.60. l-h. p. horizontal gaaolln engine, f. o. b., Omaha, each IM.un. i1 h. p. horlaontal gaaollne enrflneg, f. o. b , Omaha, each S42.O0. Other alaea at correapondlng price. Engine ahlppeU on approval. Order one today. ALAMO ENOiNK AND KrPPLT CO., 1122-24 Farnam t., Omaha, Neb. fOR SALE Oak telephone booth 17, pro tertograpb US, dictaphone with 1 record i. good new fo. f'hnne D. tKl. ELECTRIC MOTORS 1- H. P., 2M volt, t pbaaa, new 27 t-H. P., r votta, 2 phaao, new 4l 2- H. P., r.-O volta, 2 phaaa, new to 1- IL P., 23) volta, 9 phaoe, new t7 DVNAMOU. 2- K. W' 110 volt, D. C, new... IT 6-K. W.. 110 volta. D. C, new.j W0 l'A-K. W.. lJ0-0 volta, now to l-H. P. Gsaollno Engine SO -H. F. Oaaulln , Engine, throttling governor joj LE BRON BLKCTRlCMi WORKS, Jin H. 12th Ht. I'OH HALE New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alley and acceeemica; bar fixture of ail klixia; enay payment. Tha Hrunawlck- Balke-Cnllen.ler Co., 1-4!1B B. Kith Ht. I HAHKl',18 coal. ti. Wagner. N01 N. Wth. t NEW nfea. dlfleretit alaea, below eoaU Dr. Bradbury, denllxt, ie Farnam. U NEW automatic weighing acale, tt and 110. Match machlnea and lifting machlnaa. On hora wagon, buggy and bameea, alao tool, lumber and other muicellaneou article for aala or trade- J. C. ISH, EXECUTOR TH Bo. Slat Ave. Phono Harney 242. ITELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical end Off lee. . bTENOORAPHF.n-SMurt havo had yea or more experience; will py lifl to tart. Heo Mr. Be be at 131 Woodmen of tho World Bldg. NO I SI'AL F J LINO FEB. TKNOORAPHF.H (good clean office). M HTKNOOKAPHKK (Insurance) I OFFICIO CLKRK $. BUSINESS MEN REFERENCE ASH' ft, 13ID-20 Woodmen of World, STENOGRAPHER Must ba xper1encd. MIDV.E8T HONOINO CO., 3)2 Bee Bldg BOOKKEEPER and atenographar, HA Adlre K 67. Bee. 8TKN041RAPHUU. ML'LTIUHAPH (U'KKATOK STENOtlHAPHER. HIGH r OHAD : BO 8TKN fOMAPH EH, RBOIN'NRH V BOOKKEEPER AND STENO W STENOGRAPHER AND CLERK to WEST. REFERENCES . BOND ASSN. 7r2 OMAHA NAT. HANK BI.lKl. Faetery aa I'raarw. WANTED Experienced button hola maker. Apply Albert Chn, 1322 Farnam. LEARN ha'rdresalng. Oppenhelm Parlora WANTED Experienced mUllnery mak er. Cal! Mr. Muahkln. ltitf Farnam. lloaaekecpera aad Io meet lea, - THIS Servant Olrl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad Fit KB until you get th desired results. This applies to resident of omaha. Bout a Omaha and Council Blufta Bring ad to Th Be office or telephone Tyler lUK). COMPETENT girl for general house work, small, new apartment, I In fam ily, pieaaant home and good wage of fered. Phone H. 4M or Call at IN 8. 44L OIRL for general housework; good wage. SS14 Lincoln blvd. Thursday or Saturday. WANTED Woman to help with house work on county farm, tor one year; wagea 227a, Ad J res p. 0 Box. Si, Thayar, Nab. WANTED Olrl or woman to work a fan hours a day for board. 2318 Louglaa. MRS. E. BUCKINGHAM, JiaM Woolwortl) Ave., girt for general housework. Itefer enoe required. W A NTEIK-A girl for general housework; rnall family. 41 8, fun. Ht. H. Exit. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, lnuutra 2106 1pcust fat. EXP. girl for general housework. 2 adult In family, good wage, liar. 4S62. . 2,u6 Wnolworth Ave. WANTED A girl or woman to do gen eral housewoiH. .T3 Fianktln tt. WANTED Competent colored woman for general housework small family; no wa!Ung: must go hrm tnighta. Mrs. L. G. Reynolds, 4i?4 Douglaa Ml. Wal. 2327. GOOD sound, worthy, respectable wo man willing to help with general work ln boarding house, washing sent but good placa and wage the year around If wanting to work. 80. M01 WAnIeD An exixTienved nurse ulrl . with references. Those under 2ft need not spply. Mrs. Dixon, 44 N. ieith Bt. WANT a white gttl for general house work, t&w Cltarlca I Walnut 2a. Mtaeellaaeefaa. LADina' it mlaaea roata, suit, dresses A skirt sample at wholesale prices. Bon eft s New York ample more. 4 p. ltuh. WOMEN wanted; government, joba; fuT It at freo. Franklin lnsUluto, Dept. t4 A. rleoheatef, fj T VOL.NC women coming to Omaha a stranger ar invited to lalt th Young Women'a Christian association building at fct. Mary Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boaruing ptaues or oihet wis akSHlstcd. Look fur our tiavuler's gu'd Union esatloa li WEE1C expensea advanced; women to trevf-l and nppolrrt agents for concen trated food flavors lu tuix-a. Reliabl Mit. Co.. 1W Cumo Bldg., Chicago. s HELP WANTED M-LE Clerical aae) Of flea. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. Vt Und a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. U'l.v-Hi ftty Nat. Bank Hldg. MANAtiEK and haleaman. ... Investment. SALESMAN, good proposition. Investment. HA1 r MAN, city ......falary and Com. bALi-..MAN, soap .. baiary and Com. "A I KMAK. real ratal Com. f-Tr NtMJRAPHKH 'i HTEN(H1RAPHER .r. y) UTENOtiliAPH tit, out of city tMl Watts Kef. Co.. sU4o-42 Brand. Theater. UIG!! -GRAB'S cuuimeriual position WEST KEF. A BO.D A.rf N iiu umaiia rsat. liank Bldg. NO F1IJ Q FEE BEST COMMh.ly.TAL POSITIONS. Oro,ery b;y, ag 17 to 18, familiar alao with delivery. 4 good st.ee. talesmen, Nebraska ter ritory, S.!', -r oent com. Kos-rs lc..(erenre Co.. p. State Pnk. bA I.E.- MAN. cily territory, salary anj coni. fcSteuog., Jj6. Collector, aaiary do pe nils WATTS REF. CO.. 0-4J BrndeThe, A T SH1PP1NO CLERK, axpe ced'.rtrt I.MMJFR CI.FRK $4 tiKh lv'l-J n.KKK, ome ftitrig i i BLBINI.S XiKN'8 RKFEKKNCHI ASS N. Woodmen of Worl.l t Meats, laleeaaaa a tad Itetter. Drug stor(inap2 JobaKaelat, T Bldg. liiftil' sdvertialng solicitor for soeoiaTltF work at once. Call Uouglaa 4b, a. trnea Pu relay. W A N I t-l Kneriretic man oantna- loru car to deuiuiiauate and lake orn rs for ntnely e si.o.'k a !ori.r; taUoie u, art time; hheral commiaslon to ntiht party; territor. Croatia ami i.lni(y. .id- i HELP WANTEDMALE I4)sreata, aaleaaaea mm gellcltor. FJn''FRIli.'NCED crew mansger and spe cial' y salesmen for fsaie.t selling artlcl en the market; expense dally, pay weekle. R. 12 Crounse blk., 11 No. J-ith. THE first payment now cover Insuranc till July , IMS. Thl makes our policy eaay to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit. Health and Accident Ass'n. Ui-l' City Nat. Rank Bldg, Omaha. Nek WANTF.I Several hlgh-cia salesmen to sell spe-lsltles direct to auto owner. Call frtt First National Bank building. Only high-clnas salesmen peed apply. Ad dresa V 622, Bee. Pseterr aal Trade. AtTTOMOBILC-WtSB OR OTHERWISE Ba wise a independent In busineaa for yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped achool and shop will produce thl result for you. Get our unusual Interesting offe- with Catalogua "C." Dy a id night claae. Phone D. M3. 141V1&-17 Doda St.. Omaha, Neb. NEBRAKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR PERvTRADE. The world need more barber than ny other tradesmen. Few week qualifies. Tool Included. Board If desired. Wages while learning. Open to all. MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 8. 14th Ht. LEARN BARBHM TRADB. Be Independent; wanes and toole given. F.lectrlo maarage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barber. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1121 ffougla Ht., .m. K'S2 N Ft. Lincoln. Mlacetlantaw. Wanted at Once MEN to learn th automdWle business, the demand Is great for our graduates; w have tralnod hundred of men; let u train you. Writ for frea booklet, Natl Auto Training Ass'n, 2K14 N. ?fth Ht.. Omaha. Nsb WANTED Names of men wanting", be railway mail clerk, $.S month; Omaha examination coming. Address Y 231. Bea. GOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magneto, Else. Starter Auto Graduate. Too many un trained tinker repair men; food, men posi tively needed. Big spring ruh. Fre catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL LEGE. w2 Farnam Ft.. Oman, WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs, 16c. Coffea John. Hth and Capitol Ava. . HELP WANTED MALfO AND FEMALE. THOUSANDS government Job open tn men and women; 1 to $150 tronth. Writ for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 221B, Rooheater, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS A BRIGHT and Intelligent experienced, young man wants a position a shtp-i ping or office clerk In a wholesale or com mercial house; can do any kind of gen eral office, work; can furnish the beat of reference: willing to atart work at a moderate salary. Address C 6'Q. Bee. BU81NEfc MEN Young lady ilea Iree po sition a tenoKTapher, bookkeeper, of fice clerk or combination. Job. Experience 2 year covering 4 line. Earned 2 promo tion last Job, No flirt. Will consider anything from 28 up, short tlm or long time. Keplle confidential. Addres B-6&, care Bee. MAN aV wife with Ilttl girl, want place on farm, when they can work. M. Carlson, i7 No. 20 Bt, Red 2H.7T WANTED A position on the farm a Housekeeper, where my son. an ex perienced farmer, can get employment. Phone Red S721 or aildress Mr. J. B. J., S41 eth Ave., Council Bluffs, la. YOUNG roan want 1 place to work for board whll attending Boyle college. Telephone Dougla Jbtio- WTD Bundl washing. Maddie. W. SbTA. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man. aaveral years, railroad an4 ffloe csptu-unc; prefer poalUon a traveling salesman or of flea work; can use typewriter! not r steno. , K S2 Bee. EXP. colored boy, 22 ear old. want po sition doing housework: can turnien good references. H. MAN and wlfj want work of any kind. Harney 440. - WANTED Work on , farm by ex perienced single man 36 year old; 1 o ha been, loafer or booxer. Address C 193, Bee. EXPERIENCED flour miller I looking for situation. Steady and sober. A. J. Dotide, 1402 William Bt., Omaha. EXPERIENCED comtetent nur want position. Phone Webster 411t. COIX)RluD girl fr chambermaid work, lsa Cuming. Douglas toflt, CX3LORF.D girl wants position a cham bermaid. Kouth 27'.. MOTHER and daughter, with experience, desire pofltlon a first and second cook tn a commercial house out of city. Ad dress C 828, Bee. ' FIRST class carpenter wants employ ment at once. Red 604. GIRL desires place for housework In Omaha. , Reference. Address, B &as Bee, REFINED lady would act as companion or light household duties for room and board. Addres E 27. Bee. - DAY WORK WANTED. Webster S2ii. LIVE 8TOCK FOR 8 ALB Hewaaa aad Vehielea. MANY well-matched : team; young mare; soma In foal. Call at Brewing Co. suloon. 1214 80. 12th St, TWO pair of mare In foal. 123 Cum ing 8t. ATTENTION I Must sell thl week four husky tcarea In foal; 1,200 to 1,400 poand each; hav tieen taken on a debt. This is a bargain. Call and investigate. 60S S. Ttth Bt., near Howard residence. HOKtitS, loo up. Iitu7 Burt Bt, Red a J .14. WORK team. $"0. Two you.ua: mare in foal. 17 N. ah. Douglas 33X. SHIP 11 v stock to South Omaha. Saw mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ment rectrv prompt and careful atten tion. TWO team of young, well-matched. chunky farm marcs, heavy in - foal; weight from 1..H50 to 1.40 pounds; all good, sound mares, right out of hard work. J. Ryan, manager, 2o03 Farnam. ' TEN good farm mare a, some In foal, some a little pavement sure, cheap. Twin City Transfer Co. bam. 1&3 Dav'pt. FAKM wasona, .- anu up; harness, 140. JohmoK-l 'anforlh Co., 1th 2t Clark Sta FO R BA LE 'f he best team- weight, 3.OU0, on In foal; also a team of nice, chunky farm mares, Wright l.o pounda each, In foal, must be sold within the next few days; rheap for readly caab. Inquire Jatnea Henry, IiqJko. TWO teams ot ell-nutfcbed, chunky mares, wrlrht I.JT each; axes snd 7 years old; sound; trial given If necessary; private resvit-nce, 141 Uocltie. FOR C.ALK 20 head ot horse and mare, age from 4 yeara to 8 years, all well broke to work. Cat! telcphune South CS. 11 Harrison St.. Bouth nmaha. OWING to aicknes my family must sell splendid big team of horse and good big team of percheroa mares, hemvy in foal, (.'all at residence, 314 No. 17th Bt. Live Hack t eaaaaleatera Marckaata MARTIN BROB. eV CO.. Excaaugw BW IAST AND FOUND Ltfiiee' locket with monogram K. A. 1; photo ina Ja. Call H. 60, receive reward. OMAHA A "( 0 1 ' NCI LTi I .UF k5Tt P.Ei-T RAILWAY COMPANY. Peron having bwt mm, rttH would do well to cell tip the office of the Omaha Council Blut! Btreet Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It la the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and th compntiv la anxloct to re. lore II em to the rili'"l owner. Call IVotig. 44. ftt'f.lf Ich a-t bearing riioi.oarain. "I E. H " itd the Initial. li." Reward for return to 1- Fatnam . , L" dT i"rnlay nlaht. between ioiti and Farnam and S.M and Farnam, a 9-karat diamond rlni;. Keward ffcfi. 1'hone D. . Investor with money read th Real EJs tate ad ln To fee. Advertise your liojcrty lor a ".' a!e. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured Without PUROtCAL OPERATION or PAIN. No DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAT Tthen CURED. A written OUA RANTER given In every esse treated. Patients in'i-1 cr me to tho of fice, 4--I0 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnarn streets DR. WILLIAM CREIGIITOX MAXWELL, Twrnty-elht yar In Omshn. G'ttduate of Bellevtie Hoepital Medical College, New York City, N. Y." Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. 1-7. R. Tarry cures piles, istMla and ither rectal iieease without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cored. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. liR, L It. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. Hnnturo Cured in a few davs without il"l"u,e pain. Call or wrltu Lr Wray. SM Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1S9C o MONEY TO l.IjT NEED MONEY? Ben us QJicK service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Paxton Blk. Douglas 141 L rERSOnAl. $7,0J0 to I'ension Invalids If wa re elve y subscription to The Ladle Home Journnl $1.60 The Saturday Evening Post........ 1.50 Th Country Gentleman v.. 1.60 Each month till April to equal last year' business, the original $o.0u0 become the pio;erty of the Invalid' Pension aeon , making $7,V0 to pension Invalids. V rnuat have 23 subscriptions In FcbruarA-. Your order or renewal adds SO ct. I "hone Doug. 7163 or addres Cordon, the Magazine Man, " OMAHA, NEB. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga zine. W collect. Wo distribute. Phono Douglas 413a and oar wagon will call. Call and inspect our new burnt, U10-U12-1114 Dodg fall YOUNG women coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian aesoci .tlon building at 17th St and Bt Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at th Union station. POULTRY AND gUPPUEaW DON'T forget that three times mora chicken hav beer, hatched In Oil Truaty incubator than In any other In cubator. Catalogue fre on request Ad dress, U M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb. STEREOTYPES matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They ar 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable thsn tarred felt and practically fireproof. Too a hundred at Tha Be office. WANTED TO BUY GET Kaplan's prices for d hand (urn., shoes, clothes, before selling. Web, tale buys everything 2d nand. Tyler Hi. WANTED To buy, an enclosed, two. seated buggy, or depot wagon or llcht carriage. Call Doug. 2394. . " OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. U Reed. 1207 Farnam, Doug. 4S.V WE BUY ?d-hnd olothae. 14a N. J4th. HIGHEST prices for furniture. Web. ooi. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha N EW and 2d-hand motors, dynamoa, auiiiiw, una mecn repairs. Le Bron Elect Works; 212-i) B. 12th. A-V MA HA HUlw m torn ...V. U Douglas 2467. Renovate feather a nil M-i f f ...... ,e .11 1. 1 1 - i feather mattresses and down covers. V ACl'UM cleaner for sale. Vacuum cleaning don in th home. Sanitary Service Co., SOS Be Bldg. WE rent repair, sell naudle and part for all ewing machlnea Ni unlfiirt tern v i. j 1..1 ISth and Harney. Douglas i,2. Aeeoaatante. ' ' I E. A, DWORAK. acoounU audited, open ing and closing books. Installing modern office and cost accounting systems. Ad dres 482 Ramge Bldg. Phoiie Doug. 7ue. Addlagt MacblaasT i Dalton Adding Machlnea 411 8. IS. p. 1440, Adder Mch. Co. (Wale). VV. Q. W. D. 6338. Archlteata. Everett S. Dodd. 12 Paxton Blk. D. Mtt Aata aad Hafsets Uevalrlag. Magneto repair work a apeolalty. D. 2412. Aacttoaeers. Dowd Auction Co., 1122 W. O.W. Red 2186. Attraction. , , 1 OMAHA Film Ex.,' 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargalna. . Bla Printing. HORNBY BLUta PRINT CO.. 302 Omaha Nat' I Bank Bldg. Barbers. v 12 Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. WIT Far. Brass Koaadrles, Pxton-Mltche1 Co.. 27tli and Martha Sts. Ctstera aad Wall Digging. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? SOHAFFER does It. Phone Web, boil. 3. B. R1CKERTT Well Constructlot7co7i nothing too Mg or impossible: estimates fumlshedy 10 N. list Bt.. Omaha. larveatfjre aad Coalraveterm. STEVKNoON. $22 B. 22d. Douglas &S. California Lands, W. T. Smith Co.. lilt City Nafl Bk. D.3H. Coal Dealers. . $5 fj(l ?ohnni' special also Victor nut yv'.Q" toco, fnon Douglas 1702. 4 hlropretctore. It paddls. D. C. gJ8 Bee Bldg. Doug, jm. jlbiaa 2'alatlasr. I Ruth Letehford. decomtlng, firing. R. 4S42. tlal Ksslseartk i M. J. LACY. 618 BEK BTJK. DOUO. 4H6. Cream Sesaratars, The Sharpie Separator Co.. ltth d Farn. ( lean! ear sad DyetnaT. I OI.ftEN ft HOUECHK. IM6 Harney'." D. Deearetare aad rarer Ha... B'l.OKK does It. Phone Walnut lfOl Deattsia. Dr. Tlradhuev. V. rll,. Ysna Tr . . - ,' .. u - vw . r n a in. Dr. Tudd a alveolar dentistry. 4ol BrandeTi Uaai'lBI Aradeamiea. DOUG AUDL-Spec l ra(ea for club and prl. dunces- Call or tel. Mgr. 1. U2-i. Turpln's Dcncing Academy, 2ih 4 Farn Gerytvleva Hauflalre. Phone Weheter 3si Mackle'a AjCademy, I81 Harney. D&44j riUMKf Kj' Academy, claaaij. pTldTl letfMtlM INVESTIGATIONS' c.rrled out tn any pait ot Imted Btatea, Canada or Mexico. y!Ll'i2!LJlitL-1'"'r- Walnut li.U JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville MuT. i.."v"jf onm aevureo in an cases. Tyler ins. I Ir.MM. lit... Terry Dreasmak'g college. 20th ft Farnam. LXPUIENOt.U dreasinaaer waul aork oy oar. rnone r loren-e amf PLAIN and (amy eewing done at your home: satisfaction sruarantned: by day y piece. Tel. H. Wi. statue B. Black. V A 1 bO N ft L U N 4 . atut Case fct. PLAIN and fancy acatiig' U.Hie at )oar home; aaMrfacllon guaranteed; by day or plw. Manwy iiK. Mettle B. Plack. MlSd oTURDY, UleaTZKeTrlA " iMSttltS. , Bailey, the Dentist. 7d City Nafl Bank. Taft I'erlal Ruoma. It, I Tl Vo u a I a a." D; Pyuirbt-a. Lt. laTcs, 5.4 Cl;yNaL LaukT LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN VV OMAHA I rears. DRfOS at cut prices: freight paid on $'0 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Nb. Kleetrlo Sappllra. - LEBRON p;ieo. Wk., 218 S. 12th. D. 217.1. Ev-erylklaar (or Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburnt, ho pleating; covered button, all sixes and styles; hetaetltching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. go Douglas Block. D. In:;. 1IA1RDRESSINO, all branches; comhinus to order. Apt. 81. Wright Hlk. It. .tl. SWITCHES from combings 21.W. Psyche free. Mrs II. M. Erk, .4l Marry. H. .V. 1 1 A I Rl iR ESS1NO st your home. R. 'W. "Here. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. Jwh Ft. W. 7IT7. Florists. 1 ' A. DONAOHL'K, 1C2 Parny. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists, 104 Farnam 8t. H1;BS ft SWOHODA. Nl.'. I'arnam Bt L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnarn. D. 12i. Member" Florint Telegraph Del. Aasn. Hair Dressing; Harper method. IU 6. Balrd Bldg. D. SOU. Llghtlnsr Fix t"re aad Wlrlag. THOMAS DURK1N Electric fixture and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable, 2418 CUM 'NO. DOUGLAS 2519. Lire 9textx Remedies. CM AHA Remedy Co.. f07 B. 13th. Red 4-T.J. Messenger and Teamster, WHITE LINE, SOD H. 11th. Douglas rJl2. Maak, 4 oatamee aad Lodge gappllee. MNFH. of lodRr! regralla and costume. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Tlico. Llcbcn Bon. lull Howard. D. 4116. Maaaeaseo. S CORA BELLINGY,,, hetlc treatment. Invigorating bath, mass sages eleyanL-jend satisfactory; hrs. 10 to 10. 107 B. 17th Bt. NotUe-Entrance ("own stairs, btiMoment, corner bnlldtng. M., BP.UGMAN, mass., alcohol rubs. ladles and gentlemen only. 203 Karbach block. MISS GIBSON, message. ITU Dodge St Second floor. MISS WALTON, bath, masange. Tel.D. 4397. Hours to : Bttnday II to 6 MI 83 BCIIMIDT. mass., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve., p. in.: Sundays. 10 to 2. MISS JACOBS, mass., manicuring. Phone Doug. 4297. Hours to 8: Bunday 11 to 5. MASSAGE. ICii) B. 17th Bi, Mrs. Bteele. M'ss Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red 5W6. TVI A Si" ( 4 V ba BEE BUILDING. . JMAOO-VUTj DOUGLAS C372. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. I.o.tina, Wilson. 1802 Farnam, R. 2. Douglas 8761. Open evening snd Bunday. Clsra Lee, bath and masag. Doug. 8761, Kathleen Mack, massage bath. D. 76S2. BATHS, 214 Batrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. Millinery. Millinery taught romp. In 12 lessons, t rim ing, clean' g, dying plume, reblock. H.tlO. Moving, Storage and Cleaning. VY. C. FERRIN, 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oeallata. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as y-u can. Dra. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopntliio physielaao, Dr. Kcrnchn. 208-4 McCague Bldg. D. rttrw. Dr. Peterson, fii Brandels Bldg.. D. 2144. WATERS-B ARNHART Ptr. Co., quality DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY M KENTZUE PTG. CO. D. 2644. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. ltgO Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 2754. Pa teat Development. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th St. Patent. - II. A. Pturare. C6 Brandels Theater Bid;. D.Q. Barnelir Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117? Painting; aad iHtoerlasj. HUGH M MANU8, 417 N. 40th. H. 6728. Roach tSxtenalauator. , B. B. B. Roach powder at Jteaton'a. Plaaet Renovatcd. -- - ; - PLUMES tt flower made over, cleaned de dyed. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. 8394. gate aad Time Lock Expert. O A ! I JC Opened, repaired, com. J A H h. changed. F. E. Daven-v-,x port. 1408 Dodge. D. lsri. Ikes Heoairlaa;. Electrlo Bhoe Rep. Co.. 1807 Bt. Mary's Ar. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repsir. 211 8. 14. Store aad tlffloo Klxtaree. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-1K-18 8. llith. D. 2784. Signs and nbowcards. E. M CLARK ft BON. 11.1 S. 18TH BT. Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. 10. Towe Sappllca. ' OMAHA Towel Supply. Vft 8. Ilth. D. $28. Trnalca and aiteaaea. - FREEING AV STEINLE, 1808 Farnam St Tailors. "v CHAB. C. LANDERYOTJ. 102 N. 15th St Veterlnariaae. DR. G. R. YOUNG. S02 Centar. Wal. 3025 Wises aad Llqaors. ALEX JETES. 201-$ S. 12th St. Wines. liquors, cigars, nat pinner. 11 to 1, lOo. Globe liquor house, 424 N. 16thTCallfomla wine, ti.io per gi. write ror price list HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 1 nin nnq cufiioi avp 1 en-ceni lunch, BUY your family liquors at Klein' Liquor House, m N. 16th. Douglas SWAPPER'S X)LUMN AUTO to trade. A good 114 Saxon auto; new tires, recently overhauled and in excellent condition. Will trade for good clear property or what have you? Ad dress S. C. 68f. Bee. ISO-ACRE Sioux, county,' Nebraska, im proved; 2'J) acre; mortgage $1.W. Will trade for merchandise or city property. Address L tvi3, Bee. ARM CHAIR-Chtrry. ilghly polislieiL new; will trad for miaaiou rocker, ti. C. aA Bee. , AlToS 6-paaa., 40 h. p. touring car. In very good condition and fully equipped. Will trade for lot worth about or a good second mortgage. Address, 8. C 6M, Bee. AUTO TRUCK It ive 3u-H. P. ur whlcji with but little work could be converted Into truck, or Used- for roadster as it standa Engine, magneto, differential and transmission lust overhauled and rebuilt, $64 worth brand nw tn on rear; front tire In A-l shape. Want Ford or similar car that lady can handle. Addres a. C 61(1, Bee. AUTOMOBILES for other automobile barga.ns see the "Automobile" claaeifl cation. BONK CIlTTK'It, ETC One Mean No. 11 green bone cutter, been used as sample. Cost Hi; one feed grindor with three aeta of burs, cost $J6; one o-inch tinner squaring aiit-ans, cost M2; one Columbia printing prras, cost $&; all above ma chines are as good as new: will sell or trade, one or all; would like a small gasoline engine In exchange or a email screw cutting lathe. What iiav you? Addres B. c. i.M. Fee. . LKK Mjnlium six roller top desk, wii nail, lur trrei " 1 Br ta - pound platform scale. Address & C. t,i. Vi DIAMoNlni 2 ring, won lit one karat. I'l .. . ' " " V. ' 1 . H1W . , 1 Ttulian 1!14 motorcycle. Write h. C. a. 1. xice. DIAMOND ring S kaiat Pine Lii, ex. hanyo (op ty pearlier. PUuu or roako offer, Tlffsny inourtin. 8. A. i. tHMi FOR TRADE Fine Iru-h setter to good home; farm preferred Aat-aa b. C. 3, Be. . FURNITURE Heavy mahoaany inusio eablrn.t for player Tolls or aheet mu-ic. "... t la new and ueed but three months. Will snap for anything I caa Ua actu ally wcnii $. or mote. AdJicas S. C. b27, Lew SWAPPERS COLUMN sjO'HO oo1 income. Omiha pmpertyj All cletr. Will trade for mrrchandise or clear farm. A Idrcw K !, Hee. GENT'S gold watch an I solid ok aide board, exchange for piano. Pay differ ence, p. t. ,K7. Pee. ' ' Htt:SE-rooi house In Minnesota for what bnve yon In-W'ntaha? H r-. Bee. LvTFBAT01t-ne -fHK Mm mly Lee flrHt-claas Imtibntor, uliaosl. new, will exchange for elect rio f in, sleigh, or will sell cheap for cash. Addntna S. O. 643, euro Bee. INCUBATOR -I haie a 2Ut-eKg Triumph Jr., Incubator and a brooder, used one season: will trade (or Buff Orpington ! hens or what am f offered. Address. 8. .. Bee ' UITTIJ-. 2-rof.m lioiwc, fine large lot, near Elm wood Parki Worth 7f. Will trade for auto or diamonds. Call H. 1107. MAXD()LINTfine one. ljTo725 or ex ehana foe itliimnnH rinr: also 21.i) ; phonograph, sell or exchange for dla 1 mond. will trade both. Address 8. C. I 61 Bee. , J IM XIL ORDER Bt PPllFl-'ottsistlng ot J clothes ilnav reels, pocket cwhIi register, jsanltuiy a pi on Und all Vlial of toilet a 1 .icicvf. nvuu 101 .mavii iwnuvuig. ArtdnrS g. C. 528, Boa PIANO A ne electric piano with harp and flute attachment lea lcd glass front. Will H.y with or without coin. Will trnde fo,r diamond. Balance .could be palif, out trr. per month. Regular price $trM. Will eell for $r.76, or .trade, wholesale price. 8. C. o77. Bee. L PIANO A good Btandaixl upright piano, will be sacrificed, . act quick. Address B. C 678, Bee. PIANO New EngUnd J'iano, mfgd. wt Boston, Mass. In good condition. Will be sHcrlficed. W:liat hav,' you? Address S-O' 680. Bee. PIANtj Good electric plRJio, cost $426.00; ill take $-i.(i0 In vacant lot. E 6B3. Bee. ROADSTER One Oakltand roadster, cost $l,6u) new; ha n thorHRhly rebuilt en gine;, two extra casings with covers and. rack; has new top will) side curtains; will trade for late model motorcycle and cash or will consider good lot or equity In all modern house This car is in stor age and I will pay tamo until spring. Address B. C. SS2. Bee. , RUBBER BOOTS Have isood pair of rubber boots nlmost new will sell or trade for something I can use; in good condition: ! & C. 4.1. He. SIGNS, shov.cnrdw. Clark ft Bon. D. 1278. TYPEWRITER Oliver Standard Visible Writer, only slightly used and as good a new Cheap fur cash or will trade. iviutt nave your Aoareiw, e. v. . nee. TWENTY ACRES OF LANlv-Unln- ' cumbered, located ln the famous John Day district, near the-.Columbia river In Oregon. Title perfect: vnlued at $00 per acre; wlH sell or exchange for clear Omnha lot, or what havo. you. Address A 691, Bee. TEXAS LAND Ten acras fruit and gar- , den - land In gulf coast country; cost $LS0; will sell for $3"0 or trade for what havo you. 10. Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs, -la. TWENTY, acres rich truck land, near Gulf, 2 miles from Robstown, Tex. Address. 8. C. 1522. Bee. VACUUM WASHING MACHINE8Havo . 600 well known vacuum wushing ma chines, all new and up-to-date. A guaran teed machine. Agents here is your chanco to make a clean-up this spring. Will swap for auto or what have you? Address, S. C. 67J. Boa. WHAT will you trade tor a new steno type machine: this machine ha only been tiaed 3 months and la in perfect condition. Will take anything; of equal value. Addre B. c. 014, care Bee. WINCHESTER, REPEATER, 12 guage, will swap for son. gw.ilng of the value of $12, or cash, shell i-est thrown ln. All ' tn good condition. S. C. 273, Bee. ' WHAT have you In furniture or anything ' T can use, for a baseburner that cost $40 and used two winter? S. C. 676, Bee. WATCH Lady's solid gold watch, value $44); what-have you to trade?. Address, S. C. 681, Bee. !-rr- , s3 . FOR RENT Apartment aad JPlata. Fidelity Storage' Co rftorage, moving, packing ajiu snipping. Wth Jackaon St. Phone Douglaa 2M. , FrVE KOOMi.AND BATH. MODERN. ; 219 N. 2Kth - Ave. ' Water rent paid. FKEB RENT VNTTL MARCH L $22.60, Call Harney 67U7. - MABWOOD APT.-Llving room with di appoaring bed. kltchrmette and bath;, cho ce location. 2fill Harney St.; $30 um mer, $34.50 winter."Jut vacated. ERNEST rJvVEfti', Office, 2T.11 Harney St Douglas 1472. TUB UNWOOD. Very desirable east front, aex-ond floor, 4-room apttrtment; large ' rooms, new building, fine location, near 2U Harney; low rent. . ' ERNEST SWEET. Offices 2611 Harney St Douglaa 1472. OODEN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, oom with kitchenette, steam heat Phone K 6-r., modern flat Ju S. 24th, 12J. H. 4711. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3. 4 anuV e-room apartments In city. Building lust fln Ished.' Flora Apartment. 3f4il Jones Si. 811 NO. 17TH -r. mod. apt. healed, $ Fnrnlabed A psrtarnta. TWO rooms and bath, newly furnished Apt;, In the Maewood; price, 830J0. Va cant February 10. Phone Douglas J472. FURNISHED ROOM, heated. 461t North Jls Ave. SOUTH room. 607 N. 80.. H. 2173. MADISON fist and Chicago; steam heat; - , $18 mo. and up; cafe in connection D.6!i3. ' OODEN HOTEL, Council Bluffs, atea-nA healed rooma. $2 per week. Phone 044. f La Verna, 1S12 Cap., front rm. Stem, ht COMFORTABLE, pleasant room, within walking distance,, with private family. Harney 321. 1 ONE large room, private family. D, 6wO. a 1 a aA vim v .m .ivy. ,-.u. as T TrtE COLLINS Steam heated, nicely furnished rooms. , Good location, 24oti H arney. , IN private modern home, for one gentle man who appreciate comfort; cloee ln, near Farnam. Phone H. IT.U3. ELEGANTLY furnished front room for gcmtleman ln West Farnam district Phono IL 2CS-J. Puralebed lloaaeawecplnai Roosaa. North 24th, 4758 Steam-heated fur room. Hoaar keeping Rooms. A SUITE of modern housekeeping room with heat. bl7 No. iuth St. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat IJo B. lin. Tyier 1021-W. I'o'ela aaa Aaarraaarat. Cl.IFiKNIA Hotel Ifith an.i i Hll'erda. Weekly rate $2 and up. Douglas To&l I.QDOL hii'ffcle ai.Mi...rn Raaoaaits. " . Famished Houses. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, furnished, cheap for the winter. Weu. UM. p MCE furnished 6-r 00m cottage. jyi5 U St.. South Omaha. Webster 6030. lxoaeea aaa i .- - . ALT rises. $2 per month up. W7 Paxton, $-KOOM modern house, 2 8. 35th Ave. lu'juna x. j. u i,neB, it. lu4. D. 1214. STRICTLY tuudem i-room cottage, hot ft?"ai ?r-!)il1,VJf " w'k'" distance. 408 Uneolh Blvd., $.0. Apply w. li. t.. a. o-n. or tjarney 3151. -!"; n'Odern. 7 U S. 27tiitt. 7-r.. inodern7 -1 . gtwin locauon wen. g.-.). 213 Woolwortli Ave, rooms, mod., $0. i) Seward, rooms, barn, $ii. I'b S Jsth, i rooms, iu. 2.ul Farnarr,. rooms, mod. $:A 4lu N. d. 10 rooms, mod., Z l aths, $4s. 271 Howard, g rooms, mod , $.U. Others. K1NGWALT. Bran. Via Theater Hl.i. ti-ROOM modern house, with Lgnt, hot I water heat 2.U Harney Ft. vacant I Martt 1. Inquire T. J. O Brlen, H. 1j4, I Globe Van&Storage" rm. auiiia; e-norae its, and 2 iua. $i 25 per hr.; storaae II t mo. fcaUaiicU-jat giuar. D. iUt a Jy, $j A