D A' ' TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: FKUKUAltV 7, 1015. DOOIHETT HAS NO BILLS Jtawtoa County Senator Will Be in Fine Shape to Vote Independ ently During Session. TWEUTY-TWO FOR MS. HOWELL fTrom ft fluff Correspondent.) UNCOL.N. Fro. . 8peclal.) iVnator Ivuthtt of rwon he-He vr In th econ omy plan nd prsrtlc-e It, ss Is shown by the rtH-orrts of Seriate Bookkeeper Dug Beechoner. The senator Introduced no Mill during the nowton, but he l gen erally found In Mi plsoe with his eyes open and votes when vote count. Senator Kohl came nevt with two bills to hi credit, while Hoaglsnd put over three. Buhrman. niler and Robertson came' forward with four each and Spencer was the author of five. Brookley, Gates, Krumbach snd Marshall got an even half doacn each, pure food count, and W'eeaner and Wilson of Frontier had the masio seven. Lahners, Ru1en, Bhiimwer, Pplrk, Wil son of DoflKe and "Wink' are responsible for eight bills each. Mattes nine, "Oow emnr" Oreo ten and Henry eleven. Bed ford.' Bushee, ByRland. Klcchel and Rnn dall made It a dozen and then the skip came to fourteen for Quinby and Ha un der. Mallery had sliteen bills, which Included the education code bill; Podge has eighteen and Beal nineteen. Howell has twenty-two. This mtkes an avers (re of nine to the senator, counting one bill put In br the Judiciary committee. There are thirty-nine bin on general file and four bills on third reading. Four teen have been Indefinitely postponed and twenty-three have successfully run the gauntlet of the senate and are now la th tender mercied of the house, and later, if successful, will go to the governor. At this date last year tweoty-ona bills !iad been passed by the senate. With only rw bills Introduced this session, a against 45 the last session, would indi cate that the senate would grt through easily within the sixty day ' Lawmakers Feel Little Sympathy For Normal Board (Trom a Rtaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 6. -(Special.) The ease with which, the bill , to abolish the old normal board went through the house, with only elpht dissenting .votes, Indl mtes Jut how much the people of, Ne braska were In sympathy with tha . ac tion of the old board In dismissing. Cr, Thomas from the Kearney Plate norma! without a hearing and without being ablo to Inform the public the cause of hia !erailtatlon. except the woll known opin ion that he had ' opposed the " school inanters club and was fn bad with that organisation, ' ', The first vindicate to Dr., Thomas tame when he was nominated for. the office af state superintendent "and the second came when he ' was elected to that position by A larger majority than any other man on tha satae ticket; and now the legislature has taken no!J of tha matter with tha evident Intention of pre venting ' any future happenings of thin kind. " .... " i - . '' v ; LTNCOLS DAT SPEAKER AT THE UNIVERSITY CLUS. - ? ;: -V. ' : DR. f. W. OUNSAULUS Heirs pf Indian k--U. Firrht Lawsuit to ' Take Property Interurban Road Hearing Goes on With the Board UNOOLN. Feb. Ppelat.)-A hard fight Is being made before the Htate Rail way commission on the application of the Omaha and Lincoln Railway and Light company application for permission to leeue 1110,000 worth of bonds and 145,000 worth of stock. The hearing commenced this morning. although Attorney Edgertoa made a strenuous plea for a continuance In the absence of his principal, " Benjamin 8. Baker of Omaha, who Is the remonstrator. The remonstrator's ' original attorney, Charles P .Craft, and H. C. Hurd. the engineer, who to conducting his Investi gation, are both absent The commission. however, directed that the hearing proceed. Arthur English of Omaha, vice presi dent of the road,, was the only wltnus during the morning. Its went Into the spec If la fact and figures to show that the desire Issue represented money al ready aotusJIy expended. ' HI testimony Showed that the greater part of It was expended In connection with the com pany's lighting business and only a small part for the Interurban end proper. The remonstrator Us attempting to how that tha applicant has not expended the amount of money claimed, (From ' J-tnff Corrr srtdmWit.) MNOOUV I"rb. 6.,-(H.eotsJ.)-lA). the poor Inill.ui, won attain the victim oMhe uhlte tnun's, wilt-a, 'that. 'Is,' If the de fciulant's elilo' of that has ben PPAk'il .from' "thurston 'county to tha supreme ciiuil by Uio .litlis of. panlel ilrap.t Is to be bcllovcd. I Hie lu lls are the defendants and the si.n Hants. The plRlntlft Is WUl K. I'.A'.W, successTully brought the uit In the lower court to foreclose a mort kbko for V.'.rW that ho held against the dtn'fawd and 5uhla Grunt, Ms iut', ftherwlo known ss Mn-nifU Mitchell' Orant. , . 1( is iivKrd !? Ui 1 fcu.Wt (hint the lilttlntlff 'for 'some four yems before tho death t- OsBl-1 Crant secured the b'.;rnct'Jrf. ' to tho nntr throurh fnle r -preHcntatton and by vuaa of liquor. Its caiicellaiiyu as. well as a gein rxl ac counting Is aked by tae defendants. I . v e : i Factory Proposition ' Bill Is Called Back (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Feb. .- BpeolaD-Jeary factory bill', H. R. 171 was resurrected Saturday morning and referred back to the committee of tha whole for amend ments, alter It bad bee a switched: Into th hopper tor UnOeflnltely . postponed bUls. Friday morning. , The eoeasure as tt will again be of fered to tha house ; provide for a deflnltloa of "faetoiy," which will comply with toe provisions of tha worklngmen" compensation act The minimum em ploye by the original bill for a factory demanding inspection was or. The intendment -offered Saturday morning after the measure was given ew life was flxsd at five, and factories will In clude all place of business wherein raw material is changed to more finished product Free Attendance Law Given Blow By Thomas Ruling . . From a Staff Corrnspondent) LINCOLN, Feb. .-Speclal.-A ruling made today' by 8tate Superintendent Thomas In a Hayes emmty case practi cally vitiates the present free attendance law as applied to the county high schools of the slat. The ruling Is grounded upon the prop osition that to require the county to pay the tuition for one of Its pupils attending a nearby school In another county end at the same time ot support a county high school of It own, would constitute double taxation. Accordingly, Ruperlntendent Thomas write Mr. Blxler of jlaye Center that district No. tt. Hayes county, cannot be legally taxed the $37 additional necessary to pay the nonresident tuition of one May Leach of that district 'In another county high school. Mis Leach ha graduated from th eighth grade of the Hayes county district I Th only exception that Superintendent Thomas notes . to hie rule would come where on county high school maintain twelve grade and th other les than that number. South Omaha Cut Out Of the, Salary Raise (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. (Special.) Norfolk la a bigger town than South Omaha If salarins contemplated In action taken by th house this afternoon are to be con sidered, H, R. 263, the bUI under dis cussion provide that the salary of the councllmen of th city of South Omaha and other cltlee of that class a)d papulation shall be an Increase of poo over the old Iaw. For cities of 1,000 to X.000 an Increase of- $300 I . allowed with a limit of ti.&oo, . . Nichols of Madison, author of the bill, amended It so that th old law would apply to 8outh Omaha, making th salary H.0O0, while th Norfolk class of cities would get th benefit of the raise, I r Bundle Day In New York is Success -i .' - r NEW" YORK. Feb.. ly-fio general ira the respons last Thursday to make "bun dle day" a success that th Central Bun dle committee, headed by Mrs. James Soever, today announced that plans wsre already being discussed to make the bundle collection an annual affair, but at a date previous to the Christinas holt days. Th bandies continued to oome yester day at th bundle beadquartera on an averate of 7,C00 aa hour. The asm thing wsa going en at the other receiving; sta tions. .About 75 per cent of th bundle Contained fneh' clothing.. Garment Irf need of repair' are sent to repair shop wher th worker are paid H cent an hour and wot four hour hift that a great number of unemployed may profit by th employment. LOSITANIA FLIES STARS AND STRIPES Canard Lintr Crosses Irish Sea, Under American Flag, Beaching: Liverpool Saturday. CAPTAIN CLAIMS THE EIGHT mmm t LONDON, Teb. 6. The Cunard Unn steamer Lu si tan la crogaed the Irish Sea flying; the American flag. The Lusltanla sailed from New York) January 30, arriving at Liverpool to day. An American passenger said the captain claimed the right to fly the American flag because he had neu tral mails and neutral passengers aboard. GREATEST FIGHT 0F.WART0DATE YET UNDECIDED Continued from Page One) Legislative - Proceedings MOUSE VOTES SYMPATHY TO ' REPORTER OVER : ACCIDENT (From a Uff Corrtwpondent) IJNCOLN, Feb.' . 8i.-clal.) Hesolu tlntn of eyiiirathy for B, K. Wolfe, house represr:utiie lor ine I'auy Mar, were t,tf!mt and passed by the house Saturday tnorrlnit. Mr. .Wolfe. Is unable to carry on Ms work on arrount of a broken arm aiiriulnrd earlier' in tha week, J he rww lutlon - waa 'offered by lrprrcriUU ftcbl.'lnS.- ' DYI?& WAN SAVES FAST V;;; TRAIN FROM POSSIBLE WRECK MTLTORO, . .rub, Feb. . Mortally wounded by a pistol shot. Klhara, a Jap anese section foreman, used th last of hi strength , to set . a torpedcf on th tracks of th Bait Lake rout near here last night to save the eastbound Pacific limited train from possible wreck. Kl hara was shot through th abdomen by Mexicans who composed hi force. They fled, leaving th handcar on th rail. Th wounded man tried In vain to re move th car alone and then dragged himself dowa the track with a torpedo, which he placed so as to check the train. Th train stopped la respons to the sig nal and brought Klhara to this place, wher 'be died. interesting development of th struggle In the east. - tt overshadow for th mo ment the operations of th Russians la East Prussia and )s taken In'som quar ters to Indicate that they have ceased playing th role of merely holding their lines to the west of Warsaw and de termined on aa effort to expel th In vaders. Few rbaage ia West. Th western war son has been virtually no change during the week, but there are many report of German preparation for renewed activity In Belgium. Th Ger man threat of a submarine blockade may bo a factor In this situation, th theory being advanced that the Germans expect the allies to attempt to force them back from tha coast, with th Idea of destroy ing their submarine base. Dispatches from Cairo indicate that th Turk who attacked the Rues canal were merely the advance contingent of three column whicji are struggling across the desert. The main bodies of the Invading army soon should be heard from. Six Men Killed by Explosion in Mine FAYETTEVILLE, W. Vs.. Feb. . At least six men are believed to have been killed by an explosion in a mine of the New Kivor Coal company at Car Hale near here today.' Then were 16S men In th workings. All sav tea reached th surface In safety, .Tby re ported that six miner had been killed but said they knew nothing' of th re maining four, ! Rescue parties were or ganised immediately to eearoh th mine. News of the disaster was sent to the Pittsburgh station ot th Bureau of Mines and word was received that) a rescue ear would proceed at ono t Carlisle. , , . ' . THOMPSON, BELDEN S CO. "- ' ' " ' - - ' I I S S 11 I - II I Every style on display has been produced within the last ten days. The Store for Shirtwaists More than twenty five new models of Spring Blouses now on display Blouses of wash taffetas, tub silks, crepe de chine, florishaw, linen, Georgette crepe and plain and embroidered voiles. Both high and lowneck effects. . The price range, $1.75 to $8.75 with very unusual values at $2.95, $3.75, $3.95 and $4.95. The Store for Shirtwaists. Second Floor. Monday White Goods Specials Shirt Waist r Linen 1,000 yards 50c 36-inch waist Linen, 23c a yard. 2,000 yards 32-inch Under, wear Crepe, 15c a yard. , 200 yards 30c Plain Flax on, 15c a yard. , 200 yards 25c Striped Flaxon, 15c a yard. Nainsook by the Bolt 18c 36-in. Nainsook, $1.75 a bolt of 12 yards. ' 20o 36-in. Nainsook, $2.00 a bolt of 12 yards. . , . .25c 36-in. Nainsook, $2.50 a bolt of 12 yards. 30c 40-in. Japanese Nain sook, $2.50 a bolt of . 10 yds See our White Embroidered Voiles, Crepes, Neigeux and Organdies Silk Special ' - Odd pieces left from the January sale suitable for linings or1 petticoats ; also a f ew waistings. - Your choice ' J Monday... ;..'.sC.7CyQ McCall's Fashion Sheets for Spring . are now ready. Be Want Ad Proouc Result. . HEALTH HAPPINESS CAN EE YOURS If You Hate Good Teeth S'i!K,ut P'Hi teetli It is ilB- poi.Ml.iti to ludiik.i. your fw. fri'jr(y thtrrrtore your dtfwtHMl fi.-.oftt"! bu'J f.immeil 1 1'.... i iii.t i.lm.K-s, liru'iar' , fir.iw htm (, liiauiiiiiUa.l), kl'lliey Irai.i.le .ml s"rl Iwiioe down ft our ..ie:ii. If von rv a firifcll ovlty la your tiH.iti. I.uvb it JHi.-d st urn-. .u ui idV ii.e ci.-t or a crown, "'"O ii! Uri-nid kinl snvri pulu. NHti !, soi.it t.M.Hi iti your ln-ad a han f work on, w mr. iu. M., it ! f Ij.-uuufu!, sufyuiK i a i u ,ss i; X'rn.ifTio x ISV V1T.IM1J1) Tuft's Dental Rccrss HIT IMH (,.As Ml.l l.T, Hone ComsUltoe f Wk.lt, 31. R. SH, lro and Pattersoiv-Amend-nient to puie loo4 Uw. r.qulrlna Inured lent U U uni on label oflmliation iii.ts and pnverves al an ljiervase ly of 0 cents per day for lnietUus. tieoouiinendod "to pass a ameua.ti . 11. H. iMt. IU)Sn of TUtte Kelleves slute amluor ot amy r( rrovutine; ofriee futt anl lUht tor state treasurer. This Ik a lf tbat has not been ooeerr.4 tar fl'tuin nut. .Itaouuimeixtadl to im. II. Jt. i'ull ajid LUs.ltr-ileduues number of oupins of bienni! rturts f Mate officers irom 1,0 to wt and lesa, U" uir.iiL:n. J o .. . . , . 11. it. 16. J-anwn-Clvll Mrvlc for houih Oninh school entployeK, except lir)ers. lteponinicnned to t"S. li.' It. 901, Neieon ltqutr the owaera of lots te mow wend ot the lot am oa 1Kb Ktnvts and alleys adjoomt. Hewm. Inendi-d to paa P. if. U, WIum pensions, volunteer flre n.un in rittvs ot the fu t.iu.. of ic than :w intsabiUnts, dar.tiS a;iiiiiiy, Vhim Injured In the i11s-hg cf their ouii... Keoouimended . tu pa a siiirrt'led. B. id. Wink Piune as 8. V. H. but retntus tj Ir.coi poraud Vlilaas. Kotuiu :irlUHt te I'MS. 1L . .K'tie! Permit th Innrcas ot cnlri I'T cuunuiluirn tf cuk-e if Imuu ti.fi io Kh,do a -mi rmiti $t a. nd fSisrs (Wi)r)e. of the mayor cf H.utn liniKlia nii uiUrs ot potiulittion of (rum .tu l U,x. tecorumendra l Iilm as siniiU..L it. li. 1ST. MroomeOLirtfi of lm l (). to iy ut o nve rniil. bv uim. til to rroviiU Imtirovnuti.t (und ta b i-'lil Ly 1. ullHlwrCtHj t .ilta Iiirndrd to pans ss amnld. li. H. tlO. Taykir i'Uirul court r.. porter shad furnioB Iii.nsi-r1l8 without olhtr rt;miM-nti(,n than salary. 'rent law slves them h cents per ltO a-ords. sl. K. tu, Hurrinelter-F?xnr.a t anto. niUBt prt.p-riy house live .m, k .n. tu.ied lit tLtlr care, tuwoinmuided lo paa. by owners of vialiiona, lacks said bulls .Hall be filed b!ur the first day of Oolu- WESTERN FREIGHT RATE r i HEARING IS POSTPONED WASHINGTON, Feb. Heartnsa oa th proposal ot western railroads to increase freight rate, which were to biffin in Chicago befor the Interstate Commerc commission. February IS, have been postponed until March 4 by aT tnent between th railroad, th Inter State Commerce commission and the tate Railroad commissions, affected. OSLT ONUS "BROMO QTJITflSB. To at the genuine, call for full name, Laxative Bromo Quinine. Ixxilt for slffna tur of W. Grove. Cures a eold In on day. SS cents. ap.f vmm innwpvs mm? Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney ..... Trouble and Never Suspect it lie com- t-r In th year following th foalin- tf Cfprlu. It.MXMnnr,ikHl to pass. 11, li. tH, ljan- 1'ruvidus Itsal bound ary Iriiij. and uiviaion la cvat of xn- .(riniion. Kecouuiu-nded lo paaa as auit'iiU.d. 11. it. Z74. f'rlnklaw-vAllows partial olos Ins of public rk in oitin and village of le.s tbn Im Inhabllanis and provides fur the r-ulaUin 0j aouuiuiioa cbsratis t.'t. rto. nii:ininlJ 'i0 imt, ii. jt iM, Laiuy-l'rutl-lra for employ ment of voumjr Jail or city prisoners in c-ouniia of osr j.m and rltHs of ov.r ,u ouilati..n. Ke onuucad.d ta pass. ... ro. ji .rnny (wo MOtltins IO permit 1rkw. in,n In roundrs ot whlu- VV " Put in foiwr riKurea lUi'unuui'iid.d to paa as aiiitUl H. It. il, I'fUrravinlVoltiLiu auandon. uinil of strtxt railway or inirmbaB ra ks art.r on. ear's c.Lwratlua u.r it tt.. nurraiua of iraifiu frvm one rout tt anotnr ciraii tv wriMnn roui.t of niajoniy t aniarent tirviwrtv v tiers snd rrqurea aiuiwuj of nimn'olii! and vuunty ai.(horfia and the Mala Kliv iiiuiiw.ujn. i:oiiiiuvodud Ik vaaa a SUK-tiilrd M 11 . rrfnklaw-Kllir.inates fram the lliuililion for t!....yio-nl ol f-nmie rtlH,r i cuuiitrr and all t-it.-e if la Uiaa A larneJ u mr,t Moniay at H oelk:k. "Anuoa.u'-rnnU" idl bctiuj food tfc Natur warns you when tbe track of health 1 not cleat'. Kidney, and Madder trouble causa raany annoy-in f symptoms and great ln con ventenca bota day and night. i . ' tTnhealthy. kidney fnay eaase tumbaro, rheu matism, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache in the W.k, Jwlnta or routfi'laa, at times have teadacbn or Hndtsrestlon. aa time passes you may have a sallow complexion, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, omettnes feel as though you had heart trouble, may have plenty of ambition but no strenrth, gt weak and lose flesh. If such conditions are permitted to continue, serious reault may be expected; Kidney Trouble ia (ta yery worst form may steal upou you. ' ' Pivloncy of Kldacy Iln?aa, Uost people da not roallie th alarming in. crease and rtmarkabl prevalency ot Udney dls as. V h!l kidney disorder are among th most common dlseaaea that prevail, they are al most the last reooirnlsad by patients, wko asaally oata&t tkeiasalv with doctoring; the effects, Y while th ortgla&l alseaae may onstantly under- f mine th system. V f If you feel that your kidneys are the cause of your sicknes or run down condition, try taking Dr. Kilmer' (Swamp-Root. th. famous kidney, ; liver and 'bladder remedy, because as soon aa '", your kidney Improve, they will help the other t rgau lo health. 1 It you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what Vou need, you can purchase the ryrular fifty-cent and one-dollar sis bottles at all drug ' stores. Don't make any mtatake but remember v the name, Lr. Kilmer's bwamp-Root. and the ' addresa Hinghamton. N. T.. which you will flud oa every bottle. . DR. KOJnCX'S SWAnP-RCOT, Udney, Uver It BUdiarJ KEMEOY. PiksiTiona M tina.iH.Sw! M Mow t .ra Im 9mmmm k i hr iiiwh wiU MMMfchild Ta i a tw m4 Cava IriMh fM Liaurr faaf j-w.a- WW a SMeirMsaiaagas tt tmm. m traajaaa. lt r flssesa. At in m h s v ' w f ji in ii n li I ii tl m n nil ii i ii . mmm w n i imuu nl n nn Tn 7n nr CLOSINa OUT OUR ENH&E stook of books at auction. ; This is our way of an Annual ClearaJi ce Sale of Books on our shelves. Thousands of volume?. Any book yon select will be put up at auction. : . . - . . The private libraries of General Smith and the late Alex Corkey,'and part of General Manderson's library will be offered at this sale. COME TOMORROW Three Sales Daily, 11:30 a. m., 2:30, 7:30 p.' m. . Don't miss this book opportunity. ' . i KIES'ER'S BOOK STORE Y. II C. A. BUILDING ' . , ' 17Tnanrl HARNEY STS. $400.000.00 Ready to Loan on Farms 'Eastern Nebraska, Western Iowa Improved, Centrally Located, Omaha Realty. Prompt, Reliable and Efficient Service Eagy Terms Long Time Loans Usual Payment Options. - FIRST TRUST COMPANY First National Bank Bldg. OMAHA, NEB, Ml. KTI.flrTX CO. aMuuaTu.t, B. X. aoldbysIlOrBggku. Sauii.lc gixa Iioltle. Why Remain a Slavo to Drugs? THE EUREKA Drug-Treatment Olvs a y ta Doctors a SSt ffjoatk 8a vm t a positive, g-aaraa-taed, karuU.se aad wlnl.s ram ad r for all drua- aadlotioas. It ra todv.s p.maaaaUy all flaalr and raviag' for opium, xaorpklae, oo aaina or other aabit-fonaUB drags la tv days. rui ia yoxtb orvosTuarrr to be freed from ta slavery of drag. Pay When Satisfied tkat an seeir aad ersving aa aaa removed. Call mr wrii. raon xaJairxT sssa. miU CS123 TREATMENT aaa aotrrw sstw ate. UaiaKA, nt.a Aaares. SL B. Umabkia. KriiCXaX SrOTB You timy uht&Jn a aampu else Iniltle of Pwanip-Koot y en- icii canm 10 ir. ivnuir i'o Kingnaminn, N. Y. TuIh alva you the op- SM,rtunly to prove the rmurkalle merit of tills n.eJI In.. uu a boo or valuable lnloi-tnalum, ronlaliili b many of Die tliouaamls of Mrat.ful lalter rr. alvd frtxn man and women who mv tliev iuuiid 8 &Jiti-Uuot ta ba iuat IOUTHEBV RESORTS. ma ri-ineay n.rurni in siai.ey, Hver ami bladder troubl. '1 he VaJu. arid sui'Ois of Kaawp-Koot ara so wall known that our rWs aJa .tvlne, te eand fur a aain- I pie slo bolila. AUdrcus lr. iiliuvr Co LUustiaJu t0. ,, V. lie sure to Say you I isl liii of ar lu the Omaha Ouuday Ilea. .1 . 1 V Tt- j.l. I Typowrltoro For uont any maka joa vraat v1 and Up Per Month ! Central -Tipewriter Ex:h2r.i ; Inc. f- 307-309 South ITth. ' t. I'hoa Doag. 4121. -IHAST COAST Safo Kidnoy and Liver Remedy is a reliabla and successful remedy ' tor kidney and liver troubles. Its success has covered a period of 37 years, giving relief and remedy when other medicines have failed. It la n pleasant to taka, and is sold by all druggist, Z' two sizes, 50c and "s w - a. i ai your arug gist,ior direct, post paid on receipt of price. WrBs tr g.aWat. Vanar - BnaHbs C... 9 D3 tatSmrt. I. ?1 VB.&MX WIHTER FRoaTS bilHMCB rLOWEKH S4 Hears ff enmfflrUbljf sastag ia a roaPullaua ea 1 t tha ur oaa K. R- Ifc. uorn ta a J 0 plaaawra sod U lul b lUlishU uL I. . .Olri TEKitilJI HIDING t J Klf BiTRIKl KAII.IhGI Et WHiKITOSTlt tM. A u-n.r'.T.-. Peace da Laon and Alcssar. (IraiiHiiUii-lhHMllul Hataf OrtDand. Palm ltana ht Brastrars and Koy.l Kneiana, Stiaiiili Kvyal alia. t Th Swn.. h.Kiiiui Th ColnniaL la aar i Aa ltiaal KMiiti Lauift. . Iia.ana, c ubai Via Car Waat and P. O. 8. B. Co. . FLOUIDA BAMT CX)ABT FlaWw Sjravam . HI VJih A.. Nw York lJN W. A.iam. til., i hicam ! fi ;! i v r. ' V ft i a !; I 1 rs I A U " VJ M 1 1 llt J ;r:::'US:Ai:na 9 bt.Aaau.una.SHk . t J L JKSf.'HVt.V's'-'f.k'AI)! Oi- IZ Ho ST. ore Dcsiro for Tobacco Arthur K rouse is a locomotive flremaa who had been .using tobacco slno be wan a boy. About two years ago ha beitan to Qave spell, of lUiaeas. liu tuaiuurr was Kitting aery bail and bis eyre bothered bun a good deal. He bad tried In vain to rouiiLHT tti habit unul be tfot a orrialu book and now he ia froed Iri.iu the thraj Goiit ot tobax-o and bla haaJth la woadT fuily Improved. Anyone who dfilra to read the book caji obtain it atx.iulel. fra by writing to Edward J. Woods, iTl C, station JO, New York City. It tells how the habit ot smoking. tliwing or iiuft taking can be conquered lu three das ' Aparunenta. rial, bouses anl eottayra 4 1 . . v . x . r m quickly and cbeapl by a f ad, . ran ix rcinea qu IM -rtt Heat"