Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 13

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3 B
Women Are
Doing in the World
flab Calendar.
Sl'NPAY Young; Womfn'i Christian -hoi
liitlon vffler services, 4:30 p. m.
Mi IN DAY Social science department
Woman's club, 1:30 l. m. Tennyson
Stuuv circle, .Mrs. r H. Cole, hostess.
Tl'F.SPAY outh Omaha Woman' club,
Uhrarv hall. Oratory, current topics
and philosophy departments Woman's
club. Monmouth l'ark Mothers" club,
school auditorium. Hanscom l'ark
circle, Child Conservation 'League of
America, Mrs. Newell Jones, hostess.
North Side Mothers' club. Airs. K. II.
Kair. hostess. Womeh's Club of the
Hallway Mail Service, whist party, Mrs.
W. r. Kast, hostess. OpeninB lecture
on current topics by Frof. h M. Kllng.
aimplces of Kqual Franchise society.
AVKL'N KS11A Y Dundee Woman's club,
Mrs. W. S. Curtl. hostess. Music de
partment Woman's club. Miss Amanda
Telibens, hostess. Frances Wlllard
Woman's Christian Temperance union,
Mrs. H. W. Robbtns, hostessi Omaha
Woman's Christian Tomperanoe union,
Young Men's Christian association, J:
p. ni. Hoard meeting- Young Women's
Christian association; Book club; South
Omaha Woman's club muslcale, High
echo 1 nudum luni, S:16 p. m.
TIU'KSt'AY Art and French .depart
ments Womun n c lub. P. B. O. sister
hood, chapter li, Mrs. Andrew Traynor.
Henson Woman's club, Mrs. W. W.
linbli, hostess. Kmma Hoagland
Flower mission. Wyohe Btory Teller'
league, public library. Folltical science.
clt. Woman's club lit I'nlversity of
oitiiihu, 2:15 p. m.. Federation meeting,
Child Conservation l.agu6 of Anier
ji n. Young Women's Christian assocla
Cun 10 a. m.
KHIOAY West Omaha Mothers' Culture
club, Mrs. J. E. Dutran, hostess. Central
l'ark Mothers' lennue, school auditorium.
Mrs. N. 11. Nelson, president of the
Woman's club, ut home to club mem
bers. Omaha Society of Fine Arts,
ouiik Women's Christian association,
I p, m. ...
(Notices for this column should be
mulled or telephoned to the club reporter
lie tore Friday noon.)
OCA I suffragists are distin
guishing themselves as pro
moters these days. The Equal
Franchise society is present
ing Frof. F. M. Fling of the
I'nlversity of Nebraska In a
series of eight lectures on current topics.
the first one to 'be given Tuesday evening
at 8:13 o'clock In the council chamber of
the city hall. The lectures will be given
each week at the samo time and place.
Prof. Fling will be entertained at dinner
by Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rood before the
first lecture, and other members of the
scclety are planning to have him as their
nest during the rest of the series.
Suffragists all over the state are boost
ing the production of the suffrage movie,
"Your Girl and Mine," which promises to
bring many silver dollars pouring Into
suffrage, coffers. The first showing of
the film In Nebraska, outside of the one
production during the last state stiff rag
convention In Omaha, was held last night
at Fall City. Mrs. P. T. McOerr an
nounced that the sale of tickets was most
Friday afternoon suffrage workers In
the Fourth ward met at the home of
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield and made plans for
distributing tickets In that ward. Meet will be held in many wards and
precincts this week In a concerted effort
1 1 sell tickets for the movie.
Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs. George F,
Copper, Mrs. James Richardson and Mrs,
Fairfield are managing the business end
of the production at the office of the
film company which is bringing thfc
"Your Girl and Mine" to this state. They
Are on duty each day in the week.
The social sclenoa department of the
Omaha Woman's club will meet at the
Metropolitan hall Monday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. The drug habit and the Ule,
gal sale and misuse of drugs will be the
topic for discussion.
Alvln F. Johnson, author of the bill
regulating the sale of drugs, which is
new pending in the legislature, will dls
cuss the subject from a legal point of
view; Judge Charles Foster, from the po
lice court viewpoint, and A. W. Miller,
new juvenile officer, will tell the expert
enccs of a Juvenile court officer. Mrs.
F. A. Follansbce, leader of the depart
ment. Is arranging for more speakers on
this topic. An open discussion will follow
the presentation of the subject by these
men. ,
The North Side Mothers' club will meet
at the home of Mrs. R. H. Fair. 2436
Saratoga street, Tuesday afternoon. Roll
call response will be quotations on
"Thrift," which subject wlU also be dis
cussed by Rev. C. N. Swihart of the
Grace Lutheran church. Mrs. E. O. Car
son will read a paper on "Earning and
Saving as a Factor In the Development
of Character," which will be followed by
a discussion, led by Mrs. S. F. Miller.
Mrs. Frank L. Johnson will give a Tead
log. "What Are You Worth?" "Life aa
a Business and the Business of Life" will
be Mrs. K. O. Ames' subject. Articles by
Henry Clews, A. K. I Dohme and Mar
shall Field will be read by Mrs. George
Crocker. Miss Evelyn Hanson will glvs
two violin solos and Miss Daisy Borton
two vocal polos.
Mrs. Newell Jones will be hostess for
the meeting of the Hanscom Park circle
of the Child Conservation League of
America Tuesday afternoon at her home,
2154 South Thirty-third street. Mrs. J.
P. Brlllhart will read a paper on "The
Se'flsh Child;" Mrs. H. G. Denlson, on
"The Period of Ilndtvldual Prowess;"
Mrs. Saunders, on "Why Pete Licked ills
Boy," and Mrs. II. I. LJoyd on "The Dis
advantages of an Only Child." Musical
numbers will be given by Mrs. Henry
Theodore Hanson, public welfare expert,
will address the Central Park Mothers'
league Friday afternoon at the school
auditorium. The regular program and
election of officers scheduled for this
meeting will be postponed until March.
"Noted Ministers" will be the subject of
the program to be given by the West
Omaha Mothers' Culture club Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. E.
DiiKan. 116 North Twenty-seventh ave
nue. Papers on the character and work
of Henry Ward Beecher, William Ellery
Channing. Phillips Brooks and Ralph
Waldo Emerson will be read by Mesdames
I C. Hutchinson, R. A. MacFariana. C.
B. Swan anil Blaine Truesdell. What
they have added to American' life and
whether their interest la still felt will be
the basis for a general discussion. Each
member will read or quote from on of
these famous men.
Flotow'a "Martha" will furnish the pro
gram for the muslo department of the
Omaha Women's club Wednesday after
noon, under the leadership of Miss
Amanda Tebbens. Mrs. Earle Ftlles will
tell the story of the opera and vocal
duets will be given by Mrs. E. A. Weath
ers and Miss Ruth Ganson. Mr. George
Coin pt on and Mr. Marcus Nielsen. Solos
will be sung by Miss Tebbens. Ulss Edna
Patronesses of Creighton Glee Club Concert
-v J
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T W ' 1 F
Former vice president-general of the
Daughters of the American Revolution,
will represent Omaha at the national
Daughters of the American Revolution
convention, to be held in Washington
in April.
Rosenzwelg and Raymond Kelly, accom
panied by Mrs. Henry Cox and Mrs. J,
E. Haarmann, leader of the department.
Orchestral numbers will be given by the
following: Misses Elolse West, Hasel
Wilcox, Madge West and Eugene Paher,
violins; Will Hetherington and Earl Stir
ling, violas; Edwin Clark and Oscar
Welnsteln, cellos;t Earl" Tlcknor, flute;
Caro Lecay, clarinet; Felix plrk, trom
bone, and Kenneth Widenor, piano.
The Woman's club of the railway mall
service will give a whist party at the
home of the president, Mrs. W. P. East,
3923 North Seventeenth street, Tuesday
evening. This will be the second social
affair the women have given this season
for their husbands.
The Omaha Women's Christian Temper
ance union will hold'its regular business
meeting Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock at tho Young Men's Christian as
sociation. Mrs. F. H. Cole, chairman of the schol
arship trustees, Nebraska Federation of
Women's Clubs, reports gratifying re
turns of money loaned to assist young
women through colleges in the state.
The Benson Woman's club meets Thurs-
day at the home of Mrs. W. W. Gamble
In Glenn Park. The meeting will be led
by the president. Mrs. Silas Wright. The
program will include roll call, responses
from Charles Wesley, a paper by Mrs.
E. C. Hodder on "The Wesleys and Their
Success," reading by Mfss Cora Tytman,
"Dina Norrls Preaching on Jlhe Village
Green," and a paper, "Two Great Non
conformist Writers," by Mrs. George
Iredale. England's story will be con
tinued and Miss Margaret Martensen of
Omaha will give piano solos.
The second semester for the class In
political bclence. which Is being conducted
by Prof. F. P. Ramsay of the University
of Omaha, under the co-operation of the
university and the civil service and edu
cational committeea of the Omaha
Woman's club, will be entered upon this
week. Beginning Thursday, the meeting
time will be from 2:15 to 4:15 o'clock In
the afternoons, instead of Thursday even
ings, at which time the classes met last
semester. The class is not restilcted to
Woman's club members, but Is open to
all who are Interested in political science.
Woodrow Wilson's "The State" Is the
special text book for this clatts. The con
stitution of Nebraska, the charter of
Omaha, woman suffrage, penal laws and
Institutions, medical Jurisprudence, pro
hibition, marriage and divorce, public
education, religion and the state and In
ternational peace will be among the sub
jects studied. A detailed study of the
conetltution of the United States will also
be made.
The Monmouth Park Mothers' club will
meet Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. In the school
auditorium. All mothers are cordially In
vited. Rev. J. R. Beard will talk on "Safe
guarding Our Boys and Girls." Mrs. A. C.
Blngel will sing kindergarten songs and
Mrs. Ia. M. Beebe will tel the story, of
The French department of the Omaha
Woman's club will meet Thursday morn
ing at 10 o'clock at the residence-studio
of the Instructor, Mlas May Mahonoy.
The open program at the club's next
meeting will be given by this department
and will be In the nature of a French
Miss Adelaide SlebMna will be leader
of the program for the Omaha Woman's
club art department meeting, which will
be held Thursday morning at 10 o'io"k.
The K'snoii on Vcl:isquei UI be con
tinued from the last meeting and Miss
II "-''
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Stebblns will dwell especially on the por
traits and religious pictures of this artist.
The program arranged by this depart
ment for the cpen meeting of the club
and which was postponed on account of
the storm last Monday, will be given
the 'latter port of this month.
The regular meeting of the membership
committee of the Omaha, Woman's club
which comes Monday, preceding the
meeting of the social science department,
will be omitted this week.
Stories of knights and kindergarten
and primary stories will bo told by
members of the Wycho Story Tellers'
league Thursday afternoon at the public
library. Miss .Margaret Delpsch will be
leader of the program and will be as
sisted by the MIsbcs Jeanette Watson,
Nellie Christensen and Margaret Mc
Elhaney. A program on England will be given
by chapter E of the P. E. O. Sisterhood
Thursday afternoon at the homo of Mrs.
Andrew Traynor. Mrs. F. B. Bryant
will read a paper on "Social Status and
Activities of tho Three Classes,." and
Mrs. Bertha Lehnhoff will have as her
subject "Reform Movements." Mrs.
George B. Eddy will be the assisting hos
tess. "Psychic Forces" will he the subject of
a talk which Miss Claudia Gallaway,
instructor of the philosophy and ethics
department of the Omaha Woman's club,
will give Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The meeting will be held In the club
rooms at the Metropolitan hall and will
be followed by an informal discussion
of the topic.
Mrs. J. Roth will read Bar al l one-act
play "Rosalind" at the meeting of the
oratory department o'f tho Omaha, Wom
an's club Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
All members of the department are re
quested to attend this meeting as Im
portant I uslness connected with the de
partment's open day program wiM tS
The current topics department of frf
Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Mary I.
Crelgh will lead the discussion on Items
of current Interest. A new secretary will
be elected In place of Miss Margaret
Guthrie, who sent In her resignation at
the last meeting.
Trof. N. E. Rieed of the Omaha Con
servatory of Musis and Arts will address
the Dundee Woman's club Wednesday
afternoon at the iime of Mrs. W. F. Cur
tis, 4923 Cass street. His talk will prob
ably be on "The Drama" and will be fol
lowed by a tea and social hour. The pro
duction of Percy Mackaye's "A Thousand
Years Ago," - which wm scheduled i for
this date, hag been postponed until Feb
ruary 16, when It will be given at the
Young Woman's Christian association
Miss Florence Cook, director of the
local Montesaori school, will address a
meeting of the Frances Willard Woman's
Christian Temperance union Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. W.
Robblns, 3M1 North Nineteenth street
Mrs. H. N. Craig, superintendent of the
department of mothers' meetings, Is In
charge of the program. An Invitation
has been extended to all mothers. Inter
ested In the work to attend the meeting.
The South Omaha Woman's club musl
cale, which was postponed from last
week, will be held Wednesday,' at the
South Omaha high school auditorium.
The muslcale Is given to procure funds
for carrying on the hot lunch experi
ment at the West Sido school. The pro
gram haa been arranged by Mr. A. l.
Majors and Includes numbers by Prof.
Henry J. Bock's orchestra of twenty-
Japanese Hand Stores
the thing fo
real oold days.
Old' Chineae Zmbroiderles, Brasses
aad Many Oriental Antiques that will
ty National
ank Bldg.
aasBMBsassB w
COth and 7 amain,
rhone D. 3548. Boom 3. Baldrig Bldg.
four miiKl, Inns, an I si.U' numbers by
Miss Emma I'lcKman. Miss Hrsle Roy.
Mrs. Frank I'rucli. Ml tieorgina liuth
Davis and Miss ll"l True.
The Tennyson ehaut-r ft Chautauqua
Study circle will meet Monday nt the
home of Mrs. F. II Cole. The lesson
hi "Among English Hedgerows," will be
led by Mrs. F. It. Straight. Mrs. Cole
will give nn Informal talk on English
OHthsdrals Btul castles. Illustrated by their
pictures, of which she has a lame
I'r. Hufiimn. head of the btmau of
atrlmul iiiiltist ry, will address the South
oiimha Woman's club, Tuesdsy after
noon at Horary hall. Dr. Hufiuan will
talk on "Meats," the lecture being given
under the auspices of the home eeonom-
d.irtment. This will be an open
The hot lunch system. Instituted nl the
West Side school by the South Omaha
Woman's club. Is meeting with marked
success, over iw cnitaren oeuig scrvea
every day.
Miss Charlotte White, national organ
iser for the child Conservation Iaguo
of America, will be In the city to fed
erate the seven local circles of the Itague.
The federation meeting will be held
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the
Young Women's Christian association.
Officers and delegates from each of the
circles will attend and city officers will
be elected.
The meeting of the Dundee circle of the
Child Conservation league, postponed
from lwt Monday on account of the
storm, will be held Monday at the hunie
of Mrs. Fred Elliott, Jr., 5107 Webster
Mrs. Sarah Rueling of Wymore. state
organizer for the P. K. O. Blsterhood,
will visit the Omaha and South Omaha
P. E. O, chapters this week. She will
be the guest of chapter E. and H. K.
In Omaha, Thursday and Friday, and
til be the guest of the South Omaha
chapter Saturday.
The Hastings Woman's club gave an
elaborate banquet Tuesday evening, to
celebrate Its ninth anniversary. Over
one hundred guests attended the uffalr.
which was in the nature of a Mother
Goose party, Mrs. A. O. Peterson, of
Aurora, president of the ls'etJjiska Fed
eration of Woman's clubs, was the spe
cial guest of honor. Mrs. John Sinker,
president of the club and active In suf
frage circles, presided at the banquet.
(Continued from Page Two.)
choir Tuesday evening at the Boyd the
ater. Saturday afternoon Mr. Ulster
will give a matinee party for his Sun
day school class.
The wives of the salesmen of the Fair
mont Creamery company who arc at
tending the convention will be enter
tained at a theater party- at the Boyd
Thursday evening.
Auction Bridge Club Meets.
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Robb entertained
the Saturday Evening Auction Brldga
club at their home Saturday evening. The
club will be entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Farrer In two weeks. The members
Messrs. and Mesdames
William Burke, K. J. Hart.
E. H. Farrer. F. B. Smith,
F. B. Seelemlre, John G.
William J. Kuhn, Bchmlttrope.
Ward Baler, B. G. Robb.
With the Convalescents.
Mrs. W. H. Koenig has returned to her
home from the Methodist hospital and Is
much improved.
Philip, son of Mr. and Mlrs. Fred Mont
morency, is recovering from an attack
of typhold-pneumonla,
Mrs. James A. Tancock returned Wed
nesday to the deanery from Clarkson
hospital and Is recovering from a slight
operation j
Dinner Dance Club.
The Dinner-Dance club gives the fourth
and last of Its dinner-dances Saturday
evening at the Omaha club, followed by
Ctecing at Turpln's. Mrs. Charles
Housewives, Quit
That Daily Drudgery
How your neighbors laugh at the
way you drudge dally over your diish
washing! Do you know they do their
morning dishes in seven minutes and
never put their hands in soapy,
greasy water?
A "Whirlpool"
Sanitary Dishwasher
will do the very same thing for you.
Give us a few minutes of your St are
time and allow us to explain how.
While You Ait Toiling Laboriously
over a pile of dirty dishes the house
wife next door Is quietly dusting her
furniture or resiling her morning
?aper. Don't spoil your disposition,
t don't pav when you can get a
"wximi,roox. sabitaby dibb
WASAE" that will do all your dish
washing in seven minutes.
Demonstration Sally.
Bring This Ad Ust 10 XMsooaat,
Write for Booklet.
Phone Bong. 1911. 1110 raraam St.
.'V- ' f 1
'i j 4:
!', '. - . - ' .
Knuntie and Mrs. J. T. Stewart 2d are In
charge of the arrangements this time.
To Honor Mi Coffman.
A luncheon was given Friday by the
teachers of Cuss school for Miss Blanch
Coffman. lrge bunches of spring flow
ers were used to decorate the kinder
garten, where the luncheon totik plare,
and Valentine favors were given to each
of the glients,
Entei taiu$ N. F. Club."
Mr. Cieorge Cooper entertained the
i.eti brrs of th N. F lub at his home.,
'Friday ecn'.ng. F d hearts were used,
In the decorat.ons and alenttnes were
given to each of the giests aa favors.
Yticre present were:
Mis- Messrs.
I Klisitbeth Wellman, I-awren'-e Peacock,
Josol'liine Harrington Knymoml Sage,
Dorothy Twilford, Harry Magge,
Mnrsaret Rllev.
Howard Hotisnan.
Walter ljke,
Ward Campbell,
tloorge U. Cooper.
Dorothy Palmer,
Kuth Emory.
Mildred Street, v
Ruth Cooper,
l ay Emory.
News of the Wayfarers.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Moorehead are
spending two weeks In New Orleans.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Besslr of Omaha
sre guests of the Woleott hotel In New
York City.
Here's Your Chance to Buy That
17 China Cabinets
in Mahogany, Golden Oak, Wax and
Fumed Oak. No reason at all for sell
iiifr; them so eheap except that we have
sold the pieces that match them.
We Call These Real Bargains
$H2 Ch'na Cabinet, solid Mahogany,
full mirror back, glass eholves
$150 China Cabinet, Mahogany,
full mirror back
22 China Cabinet,
Golden Oak ,
$18 China Cabinet
Golden Oak
$20 China Cabinet
Golden Oak
$62 China Cabinet,
Golden W&x Colonial
$43 China Cabinet,
Golden Wax
Lace Curtains, Pairs. 49c and 89c
big bargains in Novelty ani Qu.ik.or Laco Curtains,
45 inches wide, both white and Egyptian Curtains, tliat
sold from $1 25 to $2.25 per pair.
Madras. Scrim and Net. Yard 25c
actual 40c and 5Cc values well worth buying a few
weeks before you need them.
0 ";i,v
:V T V
Beckwith Round Oak
-the standard of range quality
show them in all sizes.
We ay "These are the best Ranges to Buy" and back up our statement with 30 Day's Fret Trial!
Come in and see the biggest display of Ranges in Omaha. Only the low cash prices asked.
1117 I.a Va'
llere. fine sol
id gold, per
feet cut, bril
liant l'laniond
1 gen u I n e
pearls, 15-lu.
3.4S a Month
ll'i'iBfT 1 1""! H ' Til
414-416-418 South 16th
1 J 5 "
$36 China Cabinet,
Golden Wax Mission..
$24 China Cabinet,
Golden Oak
$52 China Cabinet,
Golden Wax Colonial. .
$54 China Cabinet,
$40 China Cabinet. Ma
hogany, mirror back..
30 Days' Free Trial
then $5 a month if you keep the Range and the Low Cash
Price is all you pay.
A remarkable offer on Beckwith Round Oak and Copper-Clad
Malleable Iron Ranges. You make your own se
lection of the stove yon want. We will set it up in your
home Free of Charge; if you do not think it is all we claim
it to be after you have used the range for 30 days we will
take it away from your home without charge to you. If
you keep it you pay the low cash price at the rate of $5.00
v per month.
for 4 2 years
is no better range
Loftis' "Perfection" Diamond Ring S'-W?3
O 14k solid irold mounting-.
Our No. 659. price B0, rreillt term $. a month. Is the most popular, althourh ws hav
all slips from 25, 140, t?5. 100, $160 unil up. l'lne, brilliant diamonds, perfect In cut
and full of fiery brilliancy. We are offering extra special values during: our vraa.1
Mld-Wtnter Hales. YOUR credit Is ood with us.
11 SO Ear Screws,
14k solid gold,
fine brilliant ia
mondg. Very(Qn
pedal at. . V)U
00 a Moats.
T Tmi Jba'i
18S4 Ladles' Ring;
7 flue Diamonds set
In platinum; hand
of ring 14k OQ
olid sold. . 900
330 a Mont.
T7 .Men's Diamond
Ring, alx-prong- tooth
mounting. 14k wo'lct
aTold Roman or (IT
polish finish. . 919
7.50 a Month
Tha Old leliab'a Or dinal Diamond & Watch Credit Houst
MaU Floor City national Bank Block. 400 Bo. lth St.
Corner lath and Barney Bts, Omaha.
Oppoaite Boxg-ess-Masa Co. Department Btore.
Sage Tea Dancl
To Darken Hair
Looks )Mr younger! I'sr the) old
limp Ntfe Tea and Nulphiir
and iioImm)- will know.
Tou rsn turn gray, faded hair beautU
fully dark and lustrous almost over night
If you'll get a R0-cent bottle of "Wyeth'l
Page and Sulphur Compound"' at any
drug store. Millions of bottles Of thil
old, famous Sage Tea Recipe are sold am
nually, says a well-known druggist here
because It darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that no one can tell It hal
been applied.
Those, whos hair Is turning gray, be
coming faded, dry, seraggly and thin hav
a siirprlso awaiting them, because aftel
one or two applications the gray hall,
vanishes and your locks) become luxur
Isntly dark and beautiful all dandrufl
goes, scalp itching and falling half stop
This Is the age of youth. Gray-haired,
unattractive folks aren't wanted around,
so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur tonight end you'll be delighted
with your dark, handsome hair and youi
youthful appearance within a few day
China Cabinet
$80 China Cabinet, Ma- tfJIA
hogany, mirror back.. PtivP
$35 China Cabinet, "750
Fumed Oak P
$30 China Cabinet, CI K
Fumed Oak ipJLO
$42 China Cabinet, 01
Fumed Oak
$52 China Cabinet;
Flanders Oak . . .
Nets, Yard 12c
that were 25c to 35c
an ample assortment ot nets, 12
to 15 yards ot a pattern a fin
lot of bargains that actually sold
at from 2Cc to 35c per yard.
Copper Clad Malleable Iron
an unbreakable copper-lined stove that will not
rust out built to retain heat, save fuel and main
tain uniform temperature.
T 6 .
8 c a r t
I'ln. olid
platlnu m
top, 7 Dia
monds, $25
93.B0 a
it im roar modes
S1 9 y$) 1
Wo. i6 Ca. u double stocll
gold filled, warranted for ti yra.
polished or beautifully a 4
engraved Wis
rhon Pemrlaa
1444 aat Our
aaJeemaa Will
Call or write for
Catalog No. 01.