Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 12

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All Seem Keen to Hear the Britiili
Girl, in Tbeir Ancient Tolk
Portal faleadar.
FfXHAT-KwHnh-rtmdk.y weddlna-.
JIOXDAV-Com club, danolne party at
th IUm hnlJ; Original Mnmliif
Krldgn chib, Mrs. fliarl- Kn'm'ae,
hntlc; Mr. Bn OaJlarher, lunch'Hnl
Mr. and .Mrs. Jrrom Mskm, dinner;
Trmnla Israrl sisterhood, literary after
TI'HSIlAT-TiifddiT Brlrfse club; De
hul.tnin UHdan Uuh; PMIInr aliitera In
fo!konit at the Hoyd; Twinkle elub
ciiuutiig party; Cre.gntnn u olutt
cmnert at Brendnls; Allrw Vlralnla
Iav, piano recital at sturilo In Weed
but!lln; Mn. W. J. I-'oye, luncheon
followed by matlne party at Puller
altirs; Thimble rluh dlniuir at Univer
sity olub; All Fslnts' Utilkl certl party
t Mra. W. W. liottaland'a.
WKDNESDAT Huhscrlption olub dane
in party at Turpln's academy: Wed.
vr&uy Prldira cluh; Mr. and Mra.
Joph Barker, dinner; Anniversary ,
rluh, Mill Anna Mover, host'ia; Indoor
polfri' metinn at the Young womm'i
Christian aesodetlon; I M. B. Ken
sington rlutt, Mra. J. IJ. Iuaan. hoatesa:
Wednesday rJveninfr Dam ln club at
Metropolitan ball) Fidelia club; danclne
THmsDAY Pas-ale" olub dancing party
at tha Metnipollcan club; Oirvnndo
Panr-lna; rluh party at Chorohera'i Mra.
8mtiiiI and Mra. Louis tiommer,
luncheon at Loyal hotel.
FRIDAY ITnlverstty oluh'e annual din
ner; Rummy olub evening party with
Mr, and Mra. J. W, Honda; Hlsty-eli
lanrln rluh party at Chambers
miirlcniy i ttcottlnh lute Woman a club
curd party and kanslngton.
SATt'ldM ir-lJiimur iHnri club. Tur
pln'a aoademy; Amea Alumni valentine
dinner In Council liliirfa; Mra. lin
iitllHher, dinner; grain girls' semi
annual banquet at tha Loyal hotel.
Tha social week ahead of ua will sclntll
ate with attraction pelilnd the footlights.
Fpeclu I .Interest la attached to Uie per
formance of the Fuller sisters for Tues
day afternoon at tha lloyd theater. It la
tha first appearance of thla unique flttla
trotrp In tha west -and It promises to b
an unusually attractive affair.
Then there U tha Crslghton Olne club
concert for tha aame evening. Thla 'Will
be the fifth annual concert (Wen by title
club. Formerly the Glee club tiaa Intro
duced musical light from elsewhere, but
thla year club songs and college vim ere
to be featured.
' The following women will be the pa.
troneeiee for the Crelghton Olee club con
Mesdames Meedemee
1 Ciallssher, W. J. Coed.
John A. M Shane, Charles K. Crowley,
John Madden. Jlenry Con,
'. Wl'l Hamilton, Kdward Crelghton,
T, J, Mahuney, Jore I-sler, .
J. A. C. Kennedy, Roy T. Kyme,
Vrsnk KeMiinh, A. II. M.Connell,
T. F, Kennedy, Tom Mrfchene,
A. V. Klnnlor, T. H. t'olameu,
C. C, AlllKon, K. W. iJlxon,
I. Curtia Arledge, I)augherty,
King C. tin iton, R. W. Connell,
A. J. Beaiun. IaxiU C. Naah,
Vp tor H. Coffman, K. W, Naah,
VYinkT. Hamilton, W. J. Knye.
Vf, A. C. Jolmaon, Catherine ruray,
V. I. Hoaford, A. U. Mulrhead,
A. II. Illnple, Paul I Martin,
Arthur Keellne, T. 1. Red mono,
1-Yed Hamilton. C. i. Hmyth.
Tbninaa J. Kelly, Harold rtlrhett,
A. M. ljrluw, Adotph Slors,
W. T. buina, A. Kwartxlander,
II. V. Itorkley, Thomaa Hwlft,
T. C. Ityrae, B. A. VV'kkam.
Mieaee MUe
Mem Hurhley, .' Margaret MVFhene,
i.lary Hurkley, Mary Munchhoff,
Mary Iniffy. Hvlen Murphy,
N elite Knehmaa, Nanatte Murvby,
Mry Kuray. Kathrrlne v
Ophelia llayden. MeCormlck.
erlyn iiupper. yrancee Naeb,
S'ell liurke of Rote fmytn,
Ht. Joaei. Mo. J Clnre HeVene . .
IManrhe Klnaler, . Woodard,
liuth LtenMr, Marie Woodtrd.
. The betea wilt be occupied trr:
John A. McBhane, Krank McDermott,
luia C. Naeh, Crelilliton
John I. Creit-hton, Uiilverlty,
W ill Hamilton. . Phi Kho Hlgm
Thomaa V. KwlfU fralenilty.
lr. H. M. Riley. . Freehmen of the
Creluhlon Alumni. Art Xepartneat,
Lv. mice liuchoian.
Off to the Cowt. . 'v
The coaat axpoelUona) e-n4 the Uad. of
aunahlne and flowere ere the favored
trail of thla week' exodu of Omahaaa.
While we are aJ ready well represented in
California, the number U to be eenitd
erably auaroented within the MXt few
Mr. and Mra. tV. IL Buohols axpeet to
leave Monday for ean EHbge. OUvam
leaving o MMiday ajei IX r. aad ir
Jama Chad wick, Mr. ui Mr. XX Q
radror4, Mr. Harry Cvmtmlnge, Mr. ad
Mr. X. It. McMahon and Mr. Harry
McCortnlck. Mr. MoCormiok will )ot
Mr. Prak O'Reilly In California u they
U1 vialt Uu expoaiUou together.
Mr. end Mra. Uradford go direct to Loe
Angela ft vUU her pajreota, Mr. 4 Mr.
King, and to motor with than town the
OHM to n Plege aad toea to San
Vranclaoo. They will be f n rU week
or two month. ,
Mr. and Mr. IIoxU Clark arrived aV
urday from the at fnd will leave Moo
day for CaHfornl. acoompaa)la4 Pf
ruotber. Mr. K1' Bqulre.
MUa Mubl Clark. later of Mr. T. T.
Kin, kft Wedneeday for Aaa-ele. le
apend. two or throe raonthe ' with her
Mr and Mr. Charle Trimble Wnd Mr.
II. O- fitretght leave tomorrow or Mon
day for a month at the Ban Franoiaco
and Han Vlt go enpoalUon. .
Miaa Marion Carpenter went to KeM
ttity Tweaiay to vtolt fHend end wtU be
jdmed there today by her mother. Mr.
J, Y. Carpenter. 1'hy wlU eetiUaue t-
seilier to California, where they will visit
the latter'e father, Mr. O. I Avery, at
le Aagele. and ala vtatt the egpoaU
.Mlsa Cretchen MaConnaU ezpectj te
leave March f to Join be mother end
11 her In Kan Piego.
Mr r.d Mra. C. T, 'olU tave takes
at beuae for the nest three month in Eaa
Kafel, C!., Juat aa hour' rid est from
ima Fratsclace.
Winter Tripi ta CouthUnd.
Mr. and Mr. C T. Waller leave &(
'Wvdnaaday for New Orlcana for the
Mardl Ore aid will epend tk month
at Uulf Fort, MIm. ,
Mr. and Mr. Harler Moorhee.4 left
Thur!ay fur ht Orteatie for two weeka
tin her way brk Mr a!oorbea4. WlB
t-t U Uute Rock. Ark., to rtelt her
nnijr, Mr. Foftar,
M. and Mra. Barton MlUard leave
fivro tomorrow for h'ew Tork and' he iMi there by Mr. aad Mra
Artkjy Keallae, gad togetter Uiey will
iiwao the trip t Jamaica, erpeoung te
be avje 1x week. They eall on tha ITtto-
Mr. and Mra, Frank E. Jol.naoo and
Mr. and Mr, jam U. Fajito leave
Thursday neat for hew Orleaaa
Mr. and Mra. John tfredy with Mr. ad
Mr. Tom Pa via and baby plan te leave
a v.ek from tomorrow for tMUtr, Fla.
With the Viiiton.
Vim llurion Jt rre, who t as bcra Ut
n net of hr cousin. Mra. Jack Webster,
I- ft I niay fur Lincoln to visit her aunt,
Mr. Greene, and will return here for a
San Francisco Belle
v tvei
r j T lw
few day before oln home to Lafayette.
Mia ElUabeth Fleming of Burlington,
la., who ha been the gueet of MU Mary
Burkley Uil week, leave today for her
Mrs. John C. Cowln he tier eieter, Ml
Benton, wtlh her, the Iklter having re.
turned with her from Cleveland, O., t
recuperate from a long fllneaa.
Mra. John M. Morgan of Fort Meade,
P., t pending the week-end with
Ml Mai McShan. Mra Morgan wag
formerly Mlia AnlU Keller of Tort
Mr. IT, 7. LemUt of Richmond. Va..
la expected soon to spend month here
visiting friend. . k
Hottesiei of the Week.
Mrs. Den OaUashar ha issued invtta.
Uona fog a luncheon Monday and a din.
per the following Saturday eveeilcg, Both
affairs ar t be given ai her bom.
Mra. W. i. For will give a luncheon
Tuesday at her home. Letter her grunou
win attend tha performance of lb Fil
ler Bisters at tha Boyd. ' -
Miss Charlotte Callahan " win entertain
the' members of the Debutant Bridge
olub Tuesday afternoon.
Mra. ' Charles T. Kountse will be
hoeteaa at tha regular meeting of the
Original Monday Bridge club. '
Boxei for the Fuller Siiten.
Th following hav rearv4 bows for
the eonoert of tha Fuller sisters at th
Boyd theater Tueeday afternoon, to be
given under tha auspices of the Baorea
Heart Alumnae: '
Meadameaw ' ' Mesdameav-
Frank HiujiUten. Crowley,
K, W. J)lon. CbarUe Barton,
Harry Iturkley, J. W. Foye.
urg. a. j. rnrven u anurtaiainc a
party la the ha use, a l alee Mr. John
pf. BaMwin. -
For tie TBture.
Tempi Israel Sisterhood will glvs a
Itlorary pre grata and musical Monday
afternoon. Thee taking part wfil be Mra.
Franklin A, Knot we II, Mlaaa Laura fleets
and Helen Romera. The sisterhood wlU
also snterUis at a dancteg party at th
Roma hotel Monday evening, February R,
Mrs. Samuel Rommer an4 Mrs, Louis
Sommer will give a luncheon Thursday-ef
this ek at tha Loyal hotel, 1bs lunch.
eea wm p followed py cards and will
be given In honor of Mrs. (latnuei Cohen
of faduaah, Ky.
Miss Barak M. Sanborn and Mis Jennie
Red field wfil entertain Omaha haoter ef
tha Oaughteas ef th Aaeerlsaa. Kavolu.
tion at a keaalngton Waahlogtoa's birth
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee will en
tertain at dinner. Monday at th Omaha
club, the dinner to be followed by as)
Orpheym party.
'A iard party for the Krit Of thf
Social Settlement wtU be given Feb.
ruary U. Mesdamea Joseph Foloar, u.
B. Lamer aad B A. . Penson ar la
charge of the arrangementa.
Th womaa sf . th Carter Lake club
will meet at the.Faaton hotel Tueeday
afternoon te organise a women's bowiics
club. Mrs, Charles Molocy and Mr, a.
W. Stroup, ebe are swtoualaeUs bowlers,
request 4 Carter Laka wpawa te attend
the meeting.
The Twiukie club wlU enUKsla at a
St, Valentias's PeaHng party at tha Met
ropolitan hall on Tueeday evening next
Th Scottish Rite Wootea's club wtl
give a card party aad benalugtoa at th
cathedral, Friday aUraoon, betweea the
hours of 189 and i o'clock.
Mrs. Anna Royer will entertain tha An
niversary glub at bey bora Wednesday
af toraoon.
The Columbian otrcl will give a old.
fuhUmed daoetng party ta feoaor of
UnooUs birthday Friday evening at
their halt, Twesty-eecoad ' and Loeuet
Streets. v
Th Indoor Oolfar will roeet aa sua)
Wadneeday raoenljig (a th gymnasiuM of
the Tsucig Woenaa's ChrtsUaa aaoulatloa
fross until u. All wviaoa totereeted ta
the garna of golf are tnvited. '
Reeeat Affair.
Mr. Fred Kellogg aeterthlned th soem
bers of th Matinee club at ber bom
Thursday. Prtae for th oard game were
won by Meedame Wf.lum Mexftcld, A.
Reyer and Msyme Kellogg. Mra. F. It
MeCormlck will entertain the club le te
Mrs, Fred Fere e heetess at the ioeU
Ing of the Jolly Twelve Osrd elub Tbura
dy afternoon. The prise were awarded
to Meedame Ida Hansen, L. C Nya, Ida
to Marry Omaha Man
' . .;
Brown. Mrs. Charles Orietentroug was
the guest Of ths olub. Th olub will meet
again In . two week. ' Those present
Thursday were; -
V. m, Nye.
Ida Brown, '
Ada Latta,
jl ft. TeavlS.
W. T. Jonee,
W. K. Le-ne,
T. Hafford,
J. J.
John Huffman,
Ida Hansen,
Vred Fero,
w. t,, toe.
The Daffy Pill club met at th 1vom of
Mr. Arthur Hanson Thursday afternoon.
Red and white hearts were used In dso
orating tha rooms, The centerpiece was
Of red and whit aarnationi. Tha neat
meeting will be held at th horn of Mr.
Neal Has In two week. Those present
were: . '
Meadameaw Meadameaw .
C. W, Fletcher, Kd Jeffere,
0, t, Walker, Neal Uaae. ,
C. it. Covhraa, Uoyd Miller.
S. M. Kent. Arthur Hanaon,
1. N Hammond, . Bert Alexander,
P. M, Cchian, Victor Johnaon.
Mra. F. Bwesjrlnger entertained the
members of the Swastika Card alub
Thursday alWnoe at bar horn. Tha
prises for ths game were awarded to Mea
damee A. Buck, C F. Webber, IL Jensen
and F. Swearlnger. Mra. King was the
guest of th olub. Th past meeting will
be to two .weeks at tho horn of Mr. A,
Buck. .
Pr. and Mr F. A. Smith gave an auo
tton brtdg party p'rtday evening. The
rooms were abloom with pink roses, aad
four tables were placed tor th game
The Girls' Brtdg club was entertainer
Saturday afternoon at the home of Miss
Alnetta rtOmer.
Oa rrlday orenlag, after til addroa
before the Fin Arts sooiety, Pr. Slougb-ton-lielbrn
waa entertained aa supper
by Mr. aad Mr. B. 1L Scott at their
Mr, d. W. Nobi antertalaed at tea
Saturday aVsrnoon In honor of ' Mis
Maymo rinley of AtlaaUo. I., Mrs. IL
W. Noble of liaeoia Si id for Mrs. F. H.
Dinner for roller Siitcr.
The Fuller plater whs are to give tha
entertainment under th auspice of th
Sacred Heart Alumna association at the
Boyd neat Tueeday , afternoon, will be
tha guests of Mr. and Mrs. WTtllam R.
Wood at dinaer ta the ever. lug if they
remain over In Omaha. Mr. , Wood a
tster, MU bbury Wood of Chloago, U
a personal friend of the trl of young
EogUsh glrla aad baa visited thent ta
their homo la southern KnauMid. having
met them first la C&lcag where they
aad their charming folk songs ar very
pupular. A fourth anemb- of tho little
troupe (a tho brother, who i tuanager
for bis strut.
Birtiday Party.
Miss Keta Lillian Mantel entertained
Is honor of ber si th birthday Saturday
afternoon. The rooms were abloom with
red rissve .and asparagus fere; and vale a
tine heart and favora were used k the
table decorations. The afternoon was
pent In denclng and various games. The
hesteee waa assisted by little Miss Adele
Orelfusa, who elso celebrates her birth
day February Those present were:
Mlaxes Mleees
Adele 1 'reifuta. fa ti line Koepnel,
rlorerce Wolff. Mario 'ioldstrom,
(Katherlnw Flcutter, Marls Klein,
tiren-hen Dlehutig, Virginia I'earce.
Nellie Tate, Marlon Miliar of
pertha Knrth, t'ouncll llluffa,
Mlldrxd Mi;lor. Heta Iantcl.
Cerollne Ivy.
Masters Masters
Fdward Hoeewater, A. Kloln,
Stanley Miller, N. Mantel, Jr.
Birthday Surprise Party.
A pleasant surprise party was held at
the home of Mr. and Mra. I. J. Copen
harve, lfi North Twenty-fifth street,
South Omaha, Friday evening In honor
of the birthday of Miss L'ffie Copen
harve. Prizes for games and souvenirs
of the occsalon were presented to th
guests, who were:
Ml sea Misses-
Marion Pollan, tlnnie Chrlstensen,
i t l it Kennedy.'- i Maraaiwt Kennedy.
Helpti Anderson, (iiievie Messmer,
Johanna Wnndborg. Helen Atklsson,
Dot Atklsaon, Lulu Urleb,
lurne Copenharve,
Messrs end Mendamea
Ralph Conenherve, I. J. Copen harve.
Mill Hoye Entertains. '
Miss Irene Hoye entertained a few of
her friends at her home, 90U South Eight
eenth street, Wednesday evening, Febru
ary I. The evening was spent In music
and games. . Those present were as fol
Harriett Friend,
Florence Hoye,
Minnie Hoye,
Margaret Hoye,
Mel lioioono.
Jean Hlesendorf,
Ruth Hlesendorf,
lie Bridaea,
rtese (JOulal,
liae Camero.
Bertha Friend,
Et-a-Virp Club Stag- Smoker.
The Et-A-Virp club gave Its slag
smoker at ths olub rooms last Thursday
night, ' Ths following were present
Otto Nleleen
Carl Haarmann
V. R. Whltlock
(liarlea Sundhlad
O. U (Jreenfleld
Freemin Bradford
Henry Nilsaon
A. . Nurse
Frl Ward
ThomHB Andersen
C. A. Partoa
J. T. Moss
K K. Sorienberg
Welter Falmer
I W. KnlKht
Ross LonKnecker
Fred Jacobeen
Clyde Pwancuit
Oscar Biaistrnm
Robert ShleLds
A. 1 Llerbe
Frank Coulter
Tom O'Keefe
Tr. Harry Attwood
flyde Kork
w. K. r'rati
Ir. H. Clanntner
A. F. Brown
Oeorre Rowles
Charles K. Stum
O. A. Tlckner
Charles Nelion
Ont-of-Town Engagement
An out-of-town engagement of Inter
est Is that Of Mlas Grace EI Kuhns of
Pes Moines, daughter of Mr. and Mra.
Oeorge Kuhns, to Mr. William Heubleln
He Ins of Chicago. The data of tho wed
ding has not been set, but It will prob
ably be in th fall when It will be a
prominent event In social circles In Pes
Moines. ,
Miss Kuhns attended Miss Clarke's
school and later th National Park sem
inary at Washington, P, C.
Mr. Heins Is connected with the Gen
eral Electrlo company at Chicago, bar
ing received hi technical training as
electrical oflneer at Cornall, Ithaoa,
New Tork. Previous to that Mr. Helns
waa s student at Peeksklll Military
academy. Miss Kuhns will be remem
bered as tha popular guest of Mis Amy
OUmor at different time.
Engag ementi Announced.
Announcement 1 made m San Fran
cisco, Cal., and Omaha today of th en
gagement of Ml Badle Lesser, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lesser of that elty
and Mr. Henry Monsky. Th Lessers
formerly resided In Omaha, No date has
been set for the wedding.
Miss Leaser attended the University bf
California at Berkeley and took special
work In arts and muelo at Notre Pame
college, Ban Jose. Mr. Monsky Is a
graduate of th Omaha High school and
Crelghton Law oollege class of Ull II
1 a member of Delta Theta Phi frater
nity and won the cum laudo degree In
hi senior year. '
Mr. and Mr. L. Hoffman announce th
ngagement of their daughter, Hannah,
and Mr. Louts Ornish of Pallas, Tax. No
date has been set for th wedding, but It
will b celebrated lata In th aprlag.
Wedding Announcement
Miss I "lore nee, Trexler, daughter of
Mra. Lela Trexler, and Mr. Lee Cernleh
of Led!, Neb., were quietly married Fri
day evening. Th aeremony waa per
formed by th Rev. U. V. Blgbe In th
presence of th Immediate family. Mr.
and Mr. Corniih left th earn ventng
for their future bom In Lodl, whore th
groom has a large ranch.
Cards bar, beet) received la Omaha
announcing the marriage of lieutenant
P. Laraphlere and Miss Janet Cobb.
whtoh waa o el eb rated In New Trk City
Monday, February th ftrst. Lieutenant
and Mrs. Laraphler will be at . home
la Empire, canal Zona, aftev th first
March. .
' aaawwa '
Wedding Plana.
Th' marriage OC Miss France Toaa
and Mr. Robert Bradford t to be cele
brated very utetlr Monday, Feb. la, at
tha bom of Mr. iua4 Mrs John. Jt Ring-
wait at I o'clock In the evening. There
will be no attendant and only a few
IntimaU friend are to be asked to th
wadding. Th young count will go lo
the Bahama a thoir wedding trip and
upo their return will opcupy Mrs.
Louis Bradford's apartment at the Be..
ton.. Mra, Bradford plans to go to CJ
fornia for tho rest if th winter.
Field-Jonnion Wedding.
Tb wedding of MU Muriel C John
son and Mr. Porr E. Field, of Omaha,
but formerly of North Ftuld, Vermont,
was celebrated last evening at I JO
o'clock at the home of ths bride's
motaer, Pr. AUu Johnson. The Rev.
Tttua Lowe of the First Baptist church
performed the double ring oeremeny.
The brtdo was sttractiv in a gown or
whlt orep da chine mads with ehiffon
bodice aad elaborately trimmed with
aeed pearla Her tulle veil was" bold In
place with peart omamonU and lilies
of th valley. I She carried a shower
bouquet of brldeaf roses.
Miss Mildred Johnson, sister of th
bride, was th maid of honor. Usr gown
wsa of Ptnk chiffon made with S lacs
tunto and jsh carried aa arm boiwuet
of KUlamey roeea. Mlas Hal on Frail
and Mlsa Helen Harris stretched th
while rtbbone ' aad they were gowned
allk la pink satin cliarmeuao and wore
corsage bouqueta of French flowers.
Mis Irma Jooe played the Ltfhengrco
wedding march aad Just before the cere
mony Miss Rulh iransoa saa Cadraond's
"At Pawnins. A reccptioai foJlowedl
tb ceremony for about li gueela, Th
Sous was ptofuseiy decorated with
Ink and bite roeea and palms. Mr.
aad Mrs. Meld left fur an eastern wed
ding trip and wUl be at bo0 tr
April the first, st th Angilus apart
metits. . . x .
BUck'Jreematt Wedding.
Mlss KSsa Frecuiau. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank A. Freeman of Vulon
V da"wi . f
i ,. x )
Vr V
- v it : . . ."
' ' ' " '
... - ,. . , . : ..Y
, v '. .
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A UccTircjinia. Ikvis
Mills, Ind., and Edward Black of this
city, were married yesterday afternoon
at ths home of th bride's brother, Frank
Freemen, 153 South Twenty-eighth
street, by the Rev. O. D. Baltsly, pastor
of Kounts Memorial Lutheran church.
Mrs. Black Is a sister of Mrs. John M.
Westberg, formerly of Omaha and now
living to California. Bh has been a
member ef the Kountx Memorial and
First Methodist church choirs. (
Entertains for Bride
Mrs. Roy F. Colliflower entertained at
luncheon Thursday In honor of Mrs. L.
M. Avery, a recent bride. Tbos present
Mesdames Me dames
O. W. Johnson, Roy Honey,
Jos Kinney, Kd Stout,
Florence Sprngu, L, M. Avery.
Dancei In the Future.
Th Rajah club will give th flrat danc
ing party la th new Fontenelle hotel
Wednesday, March 17. Tha sm club
will give a pre-Lenten dancing party Mon
day evening, February ifi, at Turpln's
academy. Tb commute In eharg of
thee dances includes: Messrs, Victor
Black, Ribart Burns, Harry Curnmlngs,
Frank Plneen, Sidney Sen all and Ray
mond Trayner.
The Claosam Pandng club will eater-
YOU KI1017
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Waterbugs, Rata, Mica, etc.,
ar filthy, repulsive and
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Ask your dealer. If he
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Tho Finest State
You will be delighted with this
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Kmall BUield on back provides space for cn- Arty
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authorised distributors.
Bee that you f et genu
ine "Walllngfotd
QualUy"-rav014 the
cheap eilrer plated
premium war ret
a coitectien ef atat
eisal fcpoona tnat are
. worth while - that
111 remain in your
family for reara
aiwt rears that will
give pleasure te all
Omaha Dee Headers!
Don't Jude th quality of hea
Kdoous bv the one we name.
nim ntilv tiirouen a SD-lal advertU
tlia luanufuciurera. Oniinrliy you
timee this ptVe bear la mini) that tness era penmue vajui'
tord ciilvar a-puona.
Federal Stats Silvcnvare Ca.
117 Me. Dearborn Street
' tain on Wednesday evening at the Rcot
tlah Bit cathedrat
Th Fidelia dub will entertain at an
old-fehloaed dancing party Wednesday
evening at their hall. Fortieth and Web
ster streets.
The Coronado club will give Its annual
Valentine masquerade party Thursday
even !i g at Chambers' academy. Decora
tions will be serried out In Wick and
white color scheme and red hearts will
be used profusely.
Ths Pagalco club will give a dancing
party Thursday evening, at the Metropo
litan club.
St. Barnabai Folk Dance.
The young people of St. Barnabas'
church gave a dancing party Thursday
evening at Jarob hall. It was the third
of a series they are giving, punch was
served during the evening. Those present
Mleaes Mlaaea
Martha If owes, Rather Kylen,
lyticlle Hendereea, lluth Sweeney,
Wllla belle Olson Kolao Wash,
of Chicago, 111.; Haxel Wood,
Minerva Wuinby, Marie Qutaiey,
Myrtle Jtustln, Maud Llghtcap,
Irfuise White, p Kynn.
Pauline Trout, Agnes Btltt,
Josephine Itance. Clara Hess,
Lena Kuril, Abble Howes,
Edith Perry, Mr. L. H. Perkins.
Messrs. Messrs.
Harry Howes, IV Mence,
1 McrJulre. M. Ranee,
Edward Zlpfel, .Sumner Ktebblns,
Leon Kahn, Iinn Trolby,
William Ziesel, Robert I'ttorbaok,
Harry Cumings, Bill Rodners,
Earl Conley, Kmery Follows,
Leslie Williams, Herbert Merriam,
Bernard Isltt.' H. Armstedt,
J. O lary, Frank Cumings.
O. McCarthy. .
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. U W. McManus.
The chaperones were Itev. and Mrs.
Lloyd Holaappls and Mrs. Oeorgs J. Hen
derson. With the Bridge Flayen.
Mr. and Mrs, J. u. Ccnrad entertained
the Saturday Auction Bridge club last
evening. Th membeee Inciud'j;
Messrs. and Mcsdames
C. B. Balbach, A, A. Arter,
J. W. Parrish, . ,- Walter Wiley.
13. O. Brunner, . j
At the TJniyeriity Clnb.
The University club has Issued Invita
tions for Its annual dinner commemorat
Few can resist ft chrw, iu comfort. Its freeflonr, from tronble. Arjd
war try to resist it The Wood U the roost economical car you eea
own. Yea know what it trflyceit to ran it. Many ten year'oldWood'
cart re giving Batisfactlon today. It's go 6ubstaritfaliy"tsi!t thlt
nothing ever "happens nothing to fins with, or learn about. Vpn
Just drlvoand forget thvearae- a piece of machinery. "
ine wooers Moaeis snow me
chanlcal refiasments not obutnable
ea any other car. la etyle; easy rid
fog and freedom rem trouble they
are a year ahead. Do you want to
po-gnowas jusTteiepnoae.
256S-70-73- Famaza Street,
. Telephone Kersey lot
- - - i " ' " -'JUJ!-- yjiiii i rrilaTT" . j
Mrs. T. E. Brady & Co.
Exclusive MILLINERY and FURS
304 South 16th St Phone Douglas 1848
vvaluhgford nn
Seal Spoons Made
get this spoon
wsuo a new
one fully
41 seoess
cut out trie
speon to cover
for each spooa
lb spoon.
Cut Out
Federal Stita
. I mV9swvalhUCsicars,ru
Pleaae send rpoeni mark-TT
s4 la square a are. i en-lAI
eleee IS for each spoon te
I extra for mailing each spoon.
(&aad Coins er Money Order)
are Wallingford Silver
able to niaks trtle very
sing arrAeuu.iil with
I yau want yeur Initial ensravsd n
spooa wrli your Initial aUlalr
, KamS M .
would have to pav three
I City
ing the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, to
be given Friday evening, February II, at
7 o'clock. Pr. Frank Qunsatilus, presi
dent of ths Armour Institute of Tech
nology, Is to be the speaker of th ove
nlnsi 'ltb "Abraham Lincoln" as bin
At the Boyd Theater.
Mr. O. Ulster will entertain tha mem
bers of the ' First Presbyterian church
(Continued on Page Three CoU Fwnr.)
stands ever ready to
serve you when it
' comes to anything in
If yon can't find what
you want In - our enor
mous , rrguler stocks we
win make it op for yoet
according to your owg
Lot us teU yea more
about . this department,
which tuts aided our
rapid growth daring fixe
lest 23 years.
'A iaa yeiui vr avwie
Many a Grouch Has
Been Turned to a
Grin with
Many eta bid boy witTl th" ewnv
Ins? slipper habit has "beta led
io xur jcey-rroumar arja neaitnful
laughter because It Is so ecosf
to 4rd anywhere ia the "Woods.
ar a
New State
Kaat raieel ee Vve.
p14 aaywher ta
Aaterle apeai receipt
ef l&o, aelw Ceapoa
aa4 a extra for pet
aseaae vackla-.
will be Issued In all -a new speea each
till we nave iaaue s spoons as naraad
Coupon eent S extra for each
pacuaa and poatas-e. Band te extra
packlaa and post-as a. Rtai ta axtra.
If you want your Initial tsrv4 on
Coupon rfOWI
S Ivtrwara Cc loo
mm 1 1
s aW"BSaaaBBasaaasaSaasaaaBa
,M tats ........Mv.