Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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mrn it i ji t k'arn ira cr w npr
k Buyers Are Cautions and Hold
en Beady to Sell.
OMAHA, Tcb. C. !1(.
What p-rlre hnv reached point Hi
which careful iwullfr Are takliiK
profits and country bolder are ahnwlnn
mora anxiety to cnh the praln. I'rl'-ea
era ao hlKh that many of ihe bla; rom
mlaalon houaee are advlaln; cauilon In
buying all grain. They aay II In well to
remember that Una la a war market and
aharp fluctuation over a wide range are
Id ordrr at all tltnen.
Sentiment In corn baa become Wire
fceariah, and even aome of the etauuch
eat bulla hava Hepped ankle In the laat
few dara and let the market taka Ita
A aale of offer on bunhel May
wheat. Rood all next tveek, waa made
yeaterday at J. Iater the mnrket waa
ll.W, or 2iic over the cloae nrt night,
K. K. Inland of Ware aV 1elnnd has
bought a memlMTKhlp In the New York
Cotton exchange.
TVhaat waa lo to He lower.
Tom warn lc to Hoer. .
Oata were 'c lower.
Clearance were: .Wheat and flour eiunl
to biiKhela: coin, n.M buihelai
oata, JUK.uOO biiaheia.
Liverpool rloe: Wheat, not quoted:
corn, tc hlgner.
Primary wncnt receipt were ,000 bunh
la and ahtpment x.'i.ooO buahela, agalnat
receipt of 7,0" hunhcl and ahlpnirnla
of 2W.00O buxhrla limt year.
Primary corn receipt were l.OPO.OW
buahela and ahlpment l.ltl.nto buahela,
agalnnf racelpta of MM, Out) buahela and
ahlpmenta of 611.000 bunhel nt year.
Primary oat receipt were ttw.OuO bimh
!a and ahlpmenta l.((72,ono buahel. agalnat
reoelpt of buahela and ahlpmenta
of UO.000 buahel lat year.
. ' Wheat. Corn. Oata.
Oifoara an j7
Minneapolis S"U ....
Imluth l ... ,.v
Omaha 1 i . ti
Kanwaa City 41 13 U
Lo' M 1117 109
Winnipeg; 124 . ....
BaJea reported today: Wheat No. I
hard winter: 3 car, $1.SS. No. hard
winter: t earn. $1 Ml; 2 cara, H. M; 1 car,
11.67; 1 oar, $1.67. No. 4 spring: 1 car,
11.64. No. I mixed: 1 car, l.f.7Vi No.
I durum: 1 car. mixed. 11 1? Re
Vi car, $1.4. Hye No. : 1 car, l 25;
N'o. : 1 car, $1.26. OatNo. 8 white;
cari. M4e. Com No. 1 white: 1 car.
7f.Hc No. $ whita: 1 oar, 75Hc; 1 rare,!
T. I-. . XT A -. .. . 1 1
1 . null, o Vl, IWi I'U. A
yellow: 4 oar. 7l4o; IT cara. 71c. No. 4
yellow: I cara, 70o. No. 6 yellow: 1
car, Tlac; 1 car, 7io. No. t mixed: 1
car, 714n. No. I mixed: '1 car, near whlta,
74o; t car, near whlta. 73Ho; 2 cara, 70c,
car, 7ttc. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. near
white, lie', 1 car, near white, 71c; cara,
Too. No. 6 mixed: S care, 7Hic; 2 cara,
"ue. No. 4 mixed: I car. 70'Ac; 1 car, 7o.
Omaha faith Price Wheat: Na. 2 hard,
hard. II BIWIM; No. S hard. ll.&GViV
1 W'i; No. - 4 hard, $1.4Vi l.M; No. S
aprina". H.6.V,tl.S7; No. i durum, $1.6'4.
I. 66; No. t durum. $1.63Vtf l.M. Corn: No.
1 white. 75'yi'iMin; No. 1 white, ;J
7iHo; , No. 11 whlta, WvHHc; No. 4
white, 7:!"fi74c; No. 6, 7;!'U''"t- No. 6
white, 7.!H';i78Hc; No. 1 yellow, 7iy'ilc;
No. 2 yellow, 1litnic: No. 8 yellow, 71
71l4c; No. 4 yellow, 7t)VW)714c; No. 6
yellow, 7oy,-tr71V-; No. yellow, 70i71c;
No, I mixed. 7mii71,i,o; No. 2 mixed, 71
TiSic; No. 8 mixed, Vi,tr; No. 4
mixed. WiflTOHc; No. I mixed, ftMri"o'4c;
No. mixed. SDVU'Ottc Oata: No. 2
white, W'VLiUiHc; atandaird W4i.c;
No, 8 white. K-TiWac; No. 4 white, MH
&S Barley: Waiting, 7NirK.V; No. 1 facd,
HfK. Rya: No. a, UMWil-Si; No. 3,
II. Wj.1.24.
I 1
V '
't"' J"wr
tha apenlng feature of Christian, En
deavor week, which, will be obervd dur
ing; the next alx day, the usual church.
en-Ire at the. Flrat Presbyterian church
flunday evening will be Riven over to tlw
Kndeavorer. tntead of a aerhion by the
pnitoT,' Rev. -Edwin Ha'rt- Jenka, an ad
drea . on "Uanlcl - In Jabylon" will be
riven by Rov. Will Thornton Walker, an
Endeavor and Younc Men' Chrlatlan a-
aoclatlon ipcakcr.. . .
Winter Cark Will
Feature Auto Show
Milady ,wlll find much to delight her In
the convenience ahown In the closed au
tomobile for winter driving;, which will
be exhibited at the Omaha Automobile
show. Tha manufacturer ar giving; par
ticular attention to the demand of the
women and aoma of tha latee cara are
equipped with almost all tha convenience
of tli boudoir.
Luxury with a capital "I ! pelld
by tha appointment of these handsome
cloaed car and torn of tha flnart will
b aeen at tha Omaha ghow.
Pee Want Ad Proilu c ReauTta.
Bo much good resulted from a meeting
of tha chief clerk of tha railway mail
aervlfta of tha Fourteenth drvMon, which
waa bald at Omaha January T following;
a eaU from C M. Reed, auperlntendent,
that A. B. C fitephena, general auperln
tendent of -tha railway mall aervlca, hag
given order for almllar meetlnira to be
held In alt tha other fourteen division
throughout tha country.
A free feed and free entertainment wCl
be the bait to attract member of the
Omaha Bulldera' exchanre to the meet
Ing Ttieaday evening, when the three dele
rate 'who attended the national asso
ciation meeting- at Oolumbua a week ago
are to make a. report, telling of . what
other exchange ar dotnT and other mat.
ten of tntereat regarding the national -
Bee Want Ada Froduoe Result.
Monday we will continue the sale of "Boye"
sewing, necessities. With each 25c purchase
(or' over) of "Boye" ;oods we will give free a
hand sewing needle threader.
Dress Goods Fot Spring Haye Ar
rived in Time For Monday's Selling
.-nil- I lalli 111 iJliil ' T' -r rl .......... mmmMMtiHi urn mnn an lajannw imnriai
Pompeian Room delightful confection d
L'dou g ouj little bottercupt with ' assorted nut
fillings; . regularly sold for 40c Special for
Monday, a pound, 19c
Rare Offering of 50 and 54-Inch All-Wool Fine Sprint; Suiting
Embracing many of the most wanted weave and coloring, includ
ing 50 and 54-Inch French Serge, Poplin, Chiffon Panama, Storm
Serge, Novelty Wonted, etc, etc , Worth to $1.50.
Special Monday, a yard
36 and 40-!nch (All-Wool 8erge, Whlpcorda,
Crepe, Granite, Melroc and many other
denlrable weaves. A large gbtpment Just ar
rived. Thirty-five new shade to gelect
frftm. Special Monday,, yird, 39c
and : .. .
50 and 64-Inch Vlgoreaux, Fayy Crepea,
Gabardine, Serge, Poplin and Chuddah
Cloth All the newest tpnng weave ana
colorings. Specially priced for
Monday, a yard, $1.00 to
There Are Great Opportunities to Save in
Mpnday's Sale of Silks and 'Dress Goods
Kraarra of the Tradlag Cloalna;
Prtoe Board t Trai.
C1UCAOO. Fab . . Dactdod fll!n off
In fxport call iroin Uivui Britain and
Kianca reultrd iwra toiUy In ll.inrwj o whaat. Tlia market, nlthouRii
roiativelr atoady at tha clow?, ' waa i
to Wo under iaat nlxht. other leudln
aiapira, Ux, all rintuhvd at a nut dfcilua
corn, oala, So to krc,
ai1 liruvlHloii. li'O to l!7c. . ,
Whi-at tradcrd, unMiy In retard to Hi
market (rt of a thruatund aiibniarlna
Morkada ( lirlttiili trin. were renilnid
il I mora anxluu wlian dlxixiliho from
Liverpool announced ttint a w;iltlnn pol
icy wa helna; favored today tiy KiiKllnh
diiyera. It waa feared that stocka would
iulckly riila tip at tha American arahoard,
le(ia iredl tiona that tor I'nlted Hiatea
viMhle aupply total Innday would ahow
a lil di:r'ua. In addition, roiintrv f
lrrlnra were, anmewhat larger than ha
te-utly been tha caae.
On tha brenk In wheat wife a irod
many commlaMon firm appeared to hava
onler lo piirc.lma. H wiia rliown that
l-Braneea for Kiimpe Wera heavy not
w IthatanrtlnR the hlw-kad menare. Week
end eveidna; up by ahort helied tiro to
brins about romiarullv ftrmneaa tu tha
iaxt hour.
tirit fell with wheat and tuffered
throuKliout tha day aa a result of Lie
alowneaa of caah inilry, domeallo aa
well aa for Un. Numerona reKrta from
llllnoia point atd feeding of orn at
PTAMnt waa unprofitable. llu.uldatlnar
aalea by nilBrellnneou holder formed
tha nii In oata. Weakneaa waa held
anmwhat In cheek hv aitaertlona that
xport buelnea had hot entirely ceaied.
larsa rot-lpta of Iiok acted aa a
welaht on provisions; beaidea, the mnrket
wna handicapped by tha break in araln.
'rUi pHcec furnished by Loann ak
Brran, officva J Hrwith HUteonth atreet.
..... ; . - ... J
Diaeaie Found in Chicago, Indianap
olis, Loniville Buffalo, Cino'in- '
nati and Columbus. '
' ' ' ' ' If .
WASHINGTON,; Feb. 6. A the
result of fiincovery of foot-and-mouth
infection In Chicago, Indianapolis,
Louisville, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Jer
sey City,' Pittsburgh and Coldmbu's
the Department .of Agrjcultur today
Instructed' it inspector to close
yard's in those . cltie A to interstate
shipment of live stock 'after- shlp
ments'intrauslt'had been disposed of.
In view of actlvltle againnt tha dleeaaa
6n tha part' of authorltle In . varlou
tate ooncerned, department official
decided a federal quarantine would not
be necesary aj thl time. Neverthelesa,
yard named ar cloaed for dtainftctlnn.
Official bellev instead of a repetition of
of the recent quarantine over larta area,
(llalnfectlne of yard will uffto to
tamp out tha latest outbreak.
Further conference led official to con
clude that no attempt would b mad to
top thu entrance of oattt to tha yard
for Immediate slaughter, except In ao
far a the ahlpmenta coma from other
yard cloaed for dlainfeetlon. J' . '- ' : '
Loaaea la Illlaola lleay.
Illlnnl owner of cattle hava been tha
hardest hit by tha dlseaaa, their lorn
being- mora than twice that of any other
state, and 40 per cent of tha loss in tha
entire country, according- to the Depart
ment of Agriculture. Up to, January 1,
att,7tt animal had been slaughtered In
llllnoia, valued at 1,H7,000. Value of all
animal alaushtered up to, January U Is
eitimated at t3.vi0.000. '
t'aae ta (iucluoatt.
CINCINNATI. O., Feb, ".-Following
tha dUcovery of foot and mouth dtaeaaa
among twelve head of cattle Shipped, her
during the week, tha local stock yard
wera placed under government quarantine
today. The shipment containing the in
fected cattle was aald to hava coma from
Indianapolis. -
Extraordinary Offering of 38 and 40-Inch
Dress and Suiting Silks, consisting of
Plain and Fancy Messalln.,
' Plain and Brocaded Crepes. ,
Poplins, Moires, Cantons
8atins, Tub Silks
' Worth to $1.25, Monday.,.
169 c
I a Yd.
36-Inch Black Swiss Taffeta Very oft
and histrous finish. Just the right tex
ture for the new spring gowns. . Regular,
$1.00, value. Special Monday,
jer yard ..,
All ahort lota of 40 and 42-Inch silks, as
sembled In en big assortment, regard lea of
former price. On sal Monday
40-Inch Ottoman Suiting 811k...
42-Inch Silk and Wool Canton...
40-Inch SHk Crepe d Chin....
42-Inch Printed Crepe.....'.....
42-Inch Printed Radium. ......
lO-lrich Charmeuse. ............
42-Inch Poplin ...... .
40-Inch Brocaded Chrffon Faille
Choice of all Monday..
a YcL
42.lMek Crepe Radlom A very
fanhlonaibl and practical new
aprlng drea fabric, ahown in
all the deatrable. 4 pA
ahadea. Worth I J. 51.1.11
Bpeclal. yard...... ..VV
, 40-Ineh Oearsrette Crepea In
' whlta only. Jut . the thing
' for spring- blouae. Wahable
i and dainty. Worth
12.00. Upaolal.
. yard . ,v..l....
., 89-Inch. All-8llk Faille Sublime Just arrived. .One of the most wanted and
, fashionable dress and suiting material la the very newest
pnopu, .a yaru .......
-Iaeh An-8llk Oaaalaaer 4e
la Extra good weight, aoft
flnlah. In all tha new color
ing. Worth $3.00.
Special Monday, at
yar .
the most wanted and ji A
st coloring. gpecially i , fjif
EJbmestic Prices Unusually Low
, - Fine Dres Olnghsms In 1915' se
lected style and colorings. Beau-'
tiful quality. All fast colors,
Special Monday, yard.'
Full Standard Apron Gingham All
wanted blue and white check and
broken effect. . Indigo dye. 6o
value. Monday, off. the , d 1
bolt, yard..... tJC
Arttr lel Open.
V heat S1M
1 i
Illah.l Uw. 'Pe. Vea'y.
July. Wa"!
MtV. 19
J-.!!y. 13 B Tj
Trd: -10l
, July. U J7W
Kit: l
Way.!0 Ji i
J.ilv.l JO W
19 ( .".
u JO
l cv.
if trrv
11 10
u si
i evi
t s
1 WH
1 1H
Beautiful Printed Voile Tin latest creation in new
season' design. 40 inches wide. Sheer and j Ol
dainty. Value to 25c. Special, yard. ....... 1
Genuine Regulation Nurse Stripe
Drca Gingham Pull standard qual
ity, fast color. Regular
12 Vic values. Monday, yard
Beautiful Quality Pur Whit Baby
Flannel Extra weight; warm
fleecy nap. Regular lOo and J
12V4c ralue. Special Monday,...! C
Fancy Outing Flannel 27 Inches
.wide. Extra weight and finish.
Worth 10c. Monday,
close out quickly, yard,
36-Inch Unbleached Sheeting Ex
tra fine quality. Easily bleached
and laundered. 7e value. AX
Monday, yard'...... ...i2k
h FifM. Quality, Bleached Muslin Soft fin- C L
9T underwear, etc. 8c value. Monday, yard V C
Specials in Sheets and Pillow Slips
uh. For
42x38-lnch Bleached Pillow Slip.
Plain or. hemstitched. Fine quality,
aoft finish; 8-inch hem. OXf
Worth 15o. Monday, each.. la-JC
72x00-1 nch Bleached, Hemstitched
Sheets Elegant quality, linen fin
ish. Torn and Ironed; S-inch hem.
Regular 70c value. Spe
cial, each
10 T"J 10 Si
ho ns-fcil 10 ha
is rw
19 7Vi
11 ti
10 uO
19 ns
1 so
n '.
10 stu
10 HO
Ycu Give Your faso
A Good, Clear Skin
And Ktunrt'a Calcium Wafer tn a
Very Short Time Will Clear Vp
lour Complexion Naturally.
Juit In a faw daya one may clear tha
kln of all manner of blemtuhra aur-h aa
ltnplea blotohna, liver tta, :te.. If
one will uae Uluarf Calolutn Wafers.
Don t uae pasty lotion and eream to
fill no the porea when they are worklua
eonatantly with the blood to throw vtt
the ImpurlUea of your aytem.
Embroideries at Greatly Lowered Prices
18-Inch SwisrpCambrie and Nainsook Flouncing and Coret
Cover Embroiderie Dainty eyelet designs; also filet QC
and crochet effects. VVortll to 5oc yard. Monday. &DC
Notions Extraordinary Savings
3ne Natlaa Spe
cially priced. iftf,
each uc
10-Tar4 ala f 1
kewlas fcua 71-
Hpool .J
Mra'i 'Nrtk Baa far
Shirt Bp lal.
Klelae'rV'a Beat We Kit a.
I Drvaa ShleaOa
Special, per fn
BaaMarr Belt Sperlal
Monday. , Iflr
T. Merearta
fraeliet Uattai
.Special, ball
Ktaa'a Thread.
Special. on
dosen apools,
for '
Caad QaalHr
Darala Cas
ta - Bpeclal,
Ivory rreeaet Ball Halit.
era White. f)r
.Kach WC
Faat f elar Waak
Ins One Me; lot.
-yard bolts.....
Klelaerf a Braaalerea
Regular 11.00 tA
vafuea, each ....... .
Heavy Steel Skirt Mark
era 2c values
KklMi en Vatat
era peolal, 7
rard ' c
, Oeeaa pearl !
Bpeclal Monday,.
card .'...
Spring's Most Lovely White and Col
ored WasK Goods oh Sale Monday
IloU'KR USH-a, Dress Linens for spring 1915 have ar
rived and will have their initial showing
and sale on Monday Good news for Omaha women
" "Non-Kroah" Colored Dress Unens are the result of a new'dis-
covery a new finish ; that produces a. soft, silky surface and elim
inates crushing and creasirir., "Non-Kruh Linen Is made in Ire
land of lonr,, staple pure flaxy absolutely free from tow and hemp
and yarn dyed. Suits 1 and dresses made of "Non-Krush" material
will retain the smoothness of freshly pressed , foods even creases
caused by sitting will be quickly eradicated.
In30 different shade; also Mack and white stripe. 36 inches v
wide. The name "Non4rush" stamped on selvage of every
vard. Sold exclusively at Brandei Stores. On sale Monday,
White Goods Department (basement) yard.
Wash Goods in Variety at Spccbl Prices
Sheer Whit Dress Material In Embroid
ered Organdie, Shadow Chack. Veil, 8pt
derweb, and many new noveltle. A beauti
ful selection. 3, 40 and 44 Inches 1 Aft
'wide. Special, yard JlaUU
rtae WkMa ': 1
Clierka. Pla
45-1 Ac h White Irish Dress
Linen French finish.,
snow white. Very Q
special Monday .... .0C
Whit Windsor Pllsse For
underrnusllns. 28 Inches
wide. . Worth 18c.
Special Monday..
Whita Novelties for Blouses and Dreams
86 and 8S Inches wide. Sine Qual
Sy. Bpedsi Monday, yard
Nub Voile, fthadow Lace Stripe, Corded
Creev Seed Voile, Plaxon, ttc 88 OC
loose wide. epedeJ, yard. -adjC
ta maattv MJneh White Unin Cam-
tZJZ?ZuZZZZ I brio-Medium heavy-
a aaaaty Kttr dmimtr A 'I Weight, tOT dreaies Olj
TLBwZZi wSLS.....'C I bloQeee.rard...ZOC
36-Inch "Imperial" LowooiothJ 86-Inch "lmperUr Nalnaook.
"Pointer ' Brand 8 peelal! Soft finish, eontafns no filling.
Monday. UTard boita. ff Bpodal. 12-yard 1A
for aj, oolL tor 01.iV
Authentic and Varied Are the New Spring
Styles inWomen's Apparel
Cf In an alluring range of iht prevalUnr spr!njr colors
sjmia blue, the very modish black and white checks arid
others similarly attractive. Suits with the short, smart Eton
jacket with plaited and full flare skirts In a diversity of ma-1
terials, as well as the very, stylish silk and serfe combinations.-
$25, $35, $39, $45, $59 to $79
Dvdci In the correct new modes for afternoon weaT
ircaaca and f0T semiformal functions. The Empire line
gown araln predominates the fashions, annougn there are
manv winsome creations with new shirred jrirdle and circular
flare skirts. In putty and sand and many, other of the newer
shades special prices .
$25, $35, $45 to $69
Skirts ' ..
.The rage for, blouses predicts a season foT
separate, skirts and .we. are . ready with
smart new models in tweeds, homespuns,
the. very fashionable . covert doth, gabar
dine, broadcloth and 1 serges. The military
note is apparent In many of, these the
"Johnny pocket," the large patch pocket,
the new button effect and mannish seams
all tend to make this season's skirts
vrv nnhhv Th nrir
$5, $g.98, $6.98, $7.50, $8.98, $ 1 0, $1 2.50
Shadow Lac ,AII-Ovrs WMte and cream.
Very dainty pattern.....,
8hdow Lace Flouncing White and cream.
12 to 20 Inches wide...,
Oriental Lace Flouncing White and cream.
18 Inches wide.. Effective design........'..
Values to 75c Monday.
Cotton Imitation Cluny Laces and Inser- f
Hons One-half to two inches wide. Good
a Yd.
Beautiful Laces at Drastic Reductions Monday
luny Laos and Insertion I
i, 3 to 4 Inches wide ...:.
Edges White and Cream. 2 "I ill
ride. For collars 1 Vt
) aYd'
qoality, a yard.
All-Linen Cluny
Matched sets.
Oriental Lac
to ( lnche wide.
Shadow Lac Edges White, cream and
black.- 2 to 5 inches wide. Pretty patterns.
Value tf25e Monday.
All-Linen Torchon Edges and Inser
tion to 1 Vi inches wide. A few
matched sets, yard ,
l-hlrKo Cai-h lrlc Wheat: No. I rd.
IIWV?I; No. liard, t.aVk(i1.B. Corn:
iNo. 4 yellow, 7Jii,.'.o: No. 4 white, 71
7S c. ts: No. S white, 6Ki&Wr;. No. 4
while. s.it4,c. Rye: No. S, i fijV Kr
ley, teed- Timothy, . v.-. ns-
-ver, IV1 rnKif 14 . Provlmon: Tork, 1 00
foiH hu; lart, I10..D; rllw, tit.Vxi Hi. On.
t'.KiS Itlifher: rrrit. i.Ml raaea; at
mar ce .looludeil, jri-o AVjrj ordinary
flrat, 4 ic: Iirtits. t(.i'4V.
l-oTAI ulfi lxier; recall I Jj care
Mi' I iill lird W I on slil v, ") (4c
tlu h's.111 and Vi Ierpnln )tie. 4 iny.'
ii.iivl.TKS-A Uva, lur; apruia:. lb-l
NEW YiiMK, Keh. C-SlJAK-There
aa 4MiKilerabl liquidation In the mar.
V-i Ivr uKr (utuita uitiuy, but thera
wsc a aoiKi dfinarij tnnii trde aounea,
wt:i'-h tih aiattfred coverluK nrotuntei
l.-v fa tjniHKn oj raw aiiKtr al'mnlMM
c(fr!ni!a an. I the market 1 1".-1 B'.r.uly
hiik 5') t"tir. liaw aiiar aa tirin- rontunr and artltlraly lined, but
-eritrifua-al, 4T;c; iiiolasiee. 4r. rtfinrd l,tl" 'n discolored one cannot
Wall Papers Extreme Values
We have just received a big shipment of new epring
wall papers. To start the season with a rush, w quote'
several Interesting lota for Monday's le:
10 Pretty New Bedroom and
Kitchen Papers With border to
match. Regular 6Vc values, o
Monday, roll ...)C
Parlor, Dining Room and Store
Paper All new patterna and
colorings, with and IS Inch bor
dere to match. Worth up C
to 9c Special, roll J2C
Beautiful New Two-Ton- and
Gold Papers A wide selection
In all new patterns. Worth np
to 22c. Specially priced o I
tor Monday, roll laCsC
New Plain and Figured Oatmeal
Paper Tha new ahadea In Tan,
Brown, Putty and Velvets, Worth
up to 45c sale price,
roll. 1e and
Drapery Specials
Any One or Two-Pair lot of Lace, .
Scrim or Net Curtain at Half
Bungalow Net In a complete ta
ortment of design. Worth 75c to
tic Special Monday, per JJQg
Ribbon Edge and M lesion Lac Cur.
tain Full size. Regular
14.60 value. Monday, each..
Bedroom Curtain of Waahabl
Swiss and Scrim Worth fit 5 to
11.60. Bpeclal, per . G5c
Rugs Special Monday Disposal
1x12 Beat Body Brussels Rug In dainty colorings and effects.
Just the thing for bedroom; ala a nice line of ) J AO
living room patterna' Regular $32.50 value. y1wO
x12 Velvet Rug Sold regularly
tor $28.60. Bale t f AA
price Monday yluUU
9x12 Seamless Royal Wilton Rug.
Worth $42.60. Spe- OA QQ
ciaUy priced j)7.70
8.3x10.$ Axmlnater Rufle Oriental and conventional do- J QQ
lfn. Regular price $23.60. Sale price.. plDvO
'Coco Mats-
60c Values for. 49c I 75c Values for .69c
A Great Demonstration and Sale Monday of "FREE" Sewing Machines
"Xefore I rid any ao of plmplae X was '
ot tuoujht to t) pretty. ut ail to
cuaag I utaae was to olaaa idt bi
aa.l ltla.',
Mnnv far 1 nmde with beautiful
Opportunity to buy a sewing machine recognized as one
of the best m&chiaes manufactured today, at prices that
are most attractive.
JbrTTrrK-I-'Iniifr; r?oipla, 4.7'6 tuh;
rrri!ry enrsa IS nr iKt-V'i.w',
rrramtry (hlhr acorltigi, fcaJa- ki,
criKI-iH-Mrin and unt-hanswl; re-
'!'( bo. . .
i L 1 n ai v.. waUfr- ,(. rn
rt, t,ci.. luloc; fowl. .-.,-! r..; lur.
kv. S4"i.-. lviueA. firm. iitiniK.J
). i'S t 'niiled: rwalp!. 7 m caa:
frti iratfirvrMl tr. :i y.ii.V; aura
tuna, i.-. tiiht. a.-i-:,Vi acnda. ZVf
'; tat, l'tnni. IvmU n1 nearly
h. unfla .IiUi, ftue tit 1tnfv. S'lc tint
LfAUIV .tf ft.M l.r. Il.mrt I tli (Will. t
It a Ih-'um plioiilra (ml eruption oom !
from the from Impure IiUkxI and I
you can t cure thrni by ruliUiujt tufr on
tttM ouim.U nf ttre t Tin; v (ha tiioud
an.i Ilia tlrnii.lir ill 1nuu !.
Stuart t'altluui Wafer lj uftrij clear
t)-. iiiinrl.ii.m In a law iiyn' tiui.
Ttiat' the onilerful art o It tly
a.-.t rlitlit off In a hurry. That brraune
tht.y'1 made of Jual tha inKredieiila I
I.J ,11. K . .........I, I
...i.m. .-j Ul I D K 1 1 f.lwlia .1IU lllll'UI Itlil the bluod. That hy ducturs tin-
rna trem o mnaiuntiy.
Th Fre runs lighter than all
others. .
Tha Free jews faster than all
The Free makes a more beau
tiful stitch than all others.
Is easier to per at than
it more feeautlful than
The Free
all others.
Tha Free
all others.
The Free attachments work
smoother than all other. .
The Free Is guaranteed longer
than all others.
f rnn l -ania anil lirnrl v hphimrUa Vpii lll aDeedilv rmv i. tw.ullful mm
hionii. iTic: atala, I'cniiavlvanla and i i!nnn If you um lie: undiful llitlo
nri y h-iiiieriH naihrred hrumna .( . Wufcra. Your li l l ..mii . ij.r
The Free is' a thoroughly Insured machine, needle, belts, shut
tle everything is covered by insurance. The machine itself will
be replaced without cost should same be burned or broken in any
Way, by moving, etc. The Brandeis plan of buying makes it pos
sible for you to save at least 20 per cent on sewing machines.
All Msarta
All Fr1
This tale of fert good machines at s prices which
should interest all housewives who have wished
to possess a high class machine.
During thl demonatration Monday we offer the following tew
ing machine betrt;aln. Machine are slichU shop worn:
Regular Price. Saie Price.
1 White Shuttle,.. 5 4.00.,.,.-.... $27.50 -
-I White Rotary $58.00. .... .r.V;. .. .$35.00
1 Free Cabinet.. $50.00.,..... ....... $33.50
1 Free 6 D. D. H. ...... .48.00, ............ .$23.00 -
1 National 5 D. D. H .S30.00. ............ k. $15.50
And Others A Attractively Priced.
Regular 25 1 Beflular 10o fj j Regular 20e a do t
Belts, Monday.... iUC Oil, Monday ...JC Needles, Monday, ICC
We ell pert and repair all make of machine. Machine rented.
luijod tlor,
' klwk Market.
r).Nf-. J.b. i.-TIi alwrk market
a if. nl f.;.tui.U.
! tit I..I. vwlna l. $
i in Hall li'mt i I--.U-I ,tay. but quul
li' us -r- inly tM!iitKiir.t aioum purity,
j-' "I the maiKiii)! ic-ie la t'aiui'liaii
i .i.VFH-Ear., at t!a per os
1 .1 I r itt.
1 - ' ' NT HA'l'Lri-hhort aud thrt
V- w", l-trf t'tliU
jarnl pure a a rune. Nobody hkr to hava ;
imn(.l -faoii ieplo aivurui.' Wlthi
I hlum U t'tili luni VVaf.ra you don't have'
i. ..ii iwi iiivuiui iiritii. aLLiu rr.uiif.
Kveu txill hut bran curvd In a ( clay'
tuiio Willi Dir.. rvmaikably ef(
liioud tiunifn. lour wimle hi.
bfllrr III a lunr velum y .hurt
ar.1 my, wliul a a Ufoi-eiii a In your kxik.i
Vou can til Mutri'i t'atilurn Wal.ra
ot any ui-iKiat at 14 a box. A
mail aainuia ia'ku niaiifd (m 1v ad
ar.M.Hi' jr. A. tiiuart Co., i.i biuart Iii'la ,
MiuaaiMi, ail'.h.
clay' i C.p
f.cilve ! rl
in HI i O
t tiiar. II
free from all advertising) will be given free to school children
Monday Picture Department, the third floor.
l A I TlMTllMFS Will be Riven only to children ac
V Jrkl P ill 1 lIXI-sJ companied by their parents, or upon
a written order from their parents .or from their schoof
teacher Limited number to each.