J TTIK IJKE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1915 8 By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, February 3, 1915. THE srniters of nbat society will and will not do are still hoping to .standardize the dance, but Just whether or not they will succeed is the question. The freak dances,. ho wever, seem to be gradually disappear ing from seiect drcies but dancing Is still going on. In every hous, no matter what the function, the rugs are sure to come up sooner or later and the 'party end In a dance. Really the only way to kec. a rug on the floor nowadays Is to put H under the grand piano. . The dance Is eren influencing the personality of visitors. There was a time, when brother, dear, announced that one of his pals were to Tie it him, the foremost question asked by brother, dear's girl friends was. "I be handsome?" or, "Who is he?" with an accent on tho "who." But timet have changed and now the question Is, "Does he dance?" f.'e may be a regular Caliban as to looks, and a mere nobody as far as social registers are concerned, but he will hold his own these days gainst a Oreek god if he-can dance and others caanot. Rummy Club Luncheon."1 The Humniy club ti entertained Tues day et luncheon by Mrs. I. K. I.ovejojr. The table was ttrn'-tlvoly decorated with a low mound of pink rsmntlons. The iee arris ww valen'lne novelties. The luncheon ril followed !y rards and the prises were awarded to Meailamea ft. It. (lakes, Frank Browne and Ale JeteS. Thla club will alve nil evening party February 12 at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hood. The members are. On the Calendar. The Wedneaday Drlrige elub will be en tertained' tomorrow afternoon home of Mra. Ifamld Pritchett. Trip to Jamwea- tr. and Mra. Arthur Keellna and Mr. and Mra, Barton Millar J will sail Feb ruary 17 for Jamaica, where they will spend the remainder of the winter. Thla party will go Into the mountains of Jamaica, where It la particularly delight ful at thla time of the year. Subscription Dance Dinners. One of the attractive dinners before the dence thla evening will be given by Mr. and Mra. Henry Wyrnau. A l&rg-e mound ofrtd roaea will be used aa the table centerpiece and the guests will be: Messrs. and Meadamen . Omitd rrtels, Mra. John Patrick. Frank Judson, Miss Ida Sharps. Messrs. Messrs. Stockton Heth, Erl Uannett Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tage will e.nter tain at dinner tlila evening before the Subscription club's dancing party. Quan- titles of yellow blossoms and .greenery will be uaod In the table decorations. Mr. and Mrs. 1'age will entertain twelve guest. Mr. and MYs. Osgood Eastman will give ' aa informal dinner this evening at their home. Later the guests will attend the ubacrtptlon dance. Twinkle Club Party. Tuesday evening the Twinkle club en tertained at Its novelty dancing party at the Metropolitan hall. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdamen Uny Scott, f Thompson, 3larrT Macumber. Our l'urdy. H. U. i niirrnui, )l. .1. Alexander, V, K. Ilase, 3i. U. gchenlau. 4'hnrlea Cram, C. W. Eanls, Messrs. M. H. laraon, J. 3. Thompson, T. P. Simpson, George Abbott, Alfred Peterson, Tom Keenan, H. T. I'eterson, AValter Monwmtn l'.eynold Gates, M K. t'auleon, ' Karl Pott, John I-oedor, A A. Nelson, , ti W. Hrown, " John Kwanson, N. T. rVhroeder." Kretl Tiemey, Frank Kkdu.nl, Jatk Krleba, O. fckMinett. A k Mum, VKor lielnap, lluiili Waham, Oiwrles Verity, Fi ank. Htmih, . . Walter Adams, A. Al. Irivi', l'. W. t oalMse, Mnrnhall llllon, S til heutel, it. II. 'rk, "A. V. K ii holm, Mle. Kv Lmisoii. orn bworn, II. Prlereoit. Freiin Sunner, AntiM. M(irlentHa, ."lulx-l Msri'.son, Marie O Nell, llHielle I'reivltt,' A(lln Kelley, t aniline Chrtcteu-, Soli, i L)re I'.ta ill!, Wynear, 1 yrell, Mabel Franson, llore Klsaell. Marie Nysard, ' Loretta Murphy, ' ll!cn MvHurute, Jl-leno I. ill. M inula Iwrtnody, r linitor Ali'.'rcary, t'.diih Lit-edor, uMlrk, l'. t'rwliect, Mhi Karct Nolan, .cr-.ll. ' llollta Reward, Mii. Muyaon, li.i.l Nuratrom, liallle Jones. Messrs. Marshal O'Nell. W. K. Itoueche, Robert t'hrlstle, H. J. Craft. . K. W. Nalr. L.. J. Murphy, F.aton Maaon, Fred Putt, H. J. manage. Herman Hoth, Frank Hlovaok V. N. lBAlmw, Mprinmr. Jueepii McCarthy, U. K. riotinelder, Arthur Chrtatle, Jack Taggert, ' A I Fadden, "Will Cule, ' 11. J. Munaon, A. I- Uardlner, Hubert Htrehlow, . , Arthur Htrehlow, . Jeo Uranl, Milton riholten, T - W. Wella, Morris Wllaon. llpnry Jellen, ietMiily Coleman, Arthur Oliver. MUaea- tuifll Jorgonaon, i.lna hiiiitli. Alberta WacCrone, Coal luge, Kimiia licene, Margaret Mathles, Huth liutton, Marie fUoverk, I. utile I'arrUh, Mu !mii Chilton, ' .Maaie lluioti, llelden, Maud Nearr, Alberts Kus. J. Jewell, It. Bell. Clare bmlth, H. Itnxliiuan, May bhe'lan, Huth Wliuhor, lxiltle I'Minn, Violet l.ne. Heimle Nic-hols, Klele rStringer, May Bhlelda, l-.etolla Kroner, 1 lorenre Johnson, Mv Farrell, Ituth Ward. Aurol Mattann. Margie Loguc, Spring Luncheon. Mrs. P. C. Hmdford gsve a beantlfully appointed luncheon of twelve covers to day at her home. The table was deoor ntecf with large baakett of yellow tulips snd from each Isce ribbons were festooned to the table. Sew for Clarkion.' , The Trinity Parish Aid society met to day with Mrs. George K Barker and Mrs. Charles Martin. Thla meeting was an all day eelon and the time was spent aewlng for the Clarkaon Memorial ' hos pital. With the Bridge Player. Mrr. John Lesry -ss hoateas this after noon at the meeting of the CorVentlonal club. The members present were: MejidHmea ' Meadatnee ' H. O. Clayton, John Klock, ' John 1eary.' ' . J. U Hhlrey, I, . H. 1-mley, J. U Miller. : J. It Cowger. Miss Irene Utage. At Excelsior Springi. Mr. and Mrs. N. Merrlam sre Sojourn ing at F.lcelator Bpringa, Mo. Mr. IJoyd P. Willis Is spending the week at Excelalor Springs,. Mo. Mra. II. I j. Abraham haa returned from a vlait at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Eetuim to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Davis of Oklahoma, City have returned to Omaha to realde, after an abaence of two ycara. Thy have taken an apartment at the Genoa. Mra. Uavla la a aimer of Mrs. Howard Ken nedy. Wedding Announcement Miss Blanche Donahue, daughur of Ira. V. Donahue. 1402 North Eighteenth street, and Mr. Frank Hlbarger f Chi cago, were qutotly married Monday at ternoon at t o'clock at the home of Kov. M. V. Illgbee. The groom Is with the Burlington railroad In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. liibarger will be at home after February 15 at CM North LJnooln street, Chicago. To Give Eeading. Mrs. Katherine Oliver McCoy will give a reading of Percy Mackaye s Tomor row" at the Metropolitan hall tonight, under the auaplcea of the Omaha Wo man's club. A large attendance Is an ticipated. For the Future. The third dance of the Prettioit Mile Golf club will be held at the Prairie club houae, 2n6 Ames avenue, Thursday evening, February i. Trip to Honolulu. Mra Edward Hoyden and daughter. Mils Otihella, will join Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ptors and cll for Honolulu the middle of this month. Meadamee Alex Jetea, K. H. ak. Thomaa lleelan, W. A. Fmlth. Mehrena. M. M. Kline, Meadamea J. W. I lord, H. K. Newton, H. W. Ilancy, F. B. Hoaan, T. l. Browne, K. T. Lrovejoy. at the Head of Bowie, Ariz,, Bank Arrested Here by Omaha Officers 3. T. Armstrong, prealdent of the Bowls Bavlnga bank of Bowie, Arls.,' was ar rested by Officrra Vsn Deuaen and Ring at his home, 2101 Plnkney atreet, at the rexjueat of J. P. Prultt, deputy etierlff at Bowie, who declarea Armatrong has K.iXiO In notes, the property of the Bowie bank. According to Armatrong. he leftyBowIe for El Paao with the notes In an effort to rslae rssh on them from the City Na tional bank of Kl Paao. Ills reaan for doing so was to avert a run on the Bowie bank which threatened to Impair the aafety of the institution. Failing to obtain any help In El Paso Armstrong came to Omaha, he asserts, to attempt to exchange his paper for coin of the realm at the City National bank here. He declarea there la abaolutely no rea son for his being taken Into cuatody by the police, aa he la not a defaulter or engaged in any other Illegal transaction. He refuses to return to Bowie without extradition Is served and he will employ an attorney to fight the case. DECLARE BOYCOTT ON A POSTOFFICE Bedrock, Wyo.. Citifens Refuse to Patronize Unaccommodating Postmistress. WOUIDN'T EVEN READ POSTALS LOUISE FRANKLIN AGAIN . IN HANDS OF THE POLICE Louise Frsttklln, Ninth snd Davenport streets, better known to the police as Mary Doc, wss brought to police head qusrterg Tueada? night by Officers Chad- dork and rk-h wager. The woman was clothed in a pair of stockings, a thin cotton skirt and a long overcoat. This apparel constituted her whole wardrobe, when she was found ki a half frown condition by the officers. Loulae' had been a great problem, to the police tor the last few years, so to aettle difficultly for some time to come, Judge Foster went ber to the county Jull tor ninety days.. Hist: I.lat to til tale of human bate and Jealotmv; of l,igue; of pernor, ition of the weak and i e final triumph of virtue. Kaat Lynn nnd fit. F.lmo "have noth ing'" on thl. It ua call It "The Postmlatrefg of Redrock" or "The lacked Mull Car. ' The story cornea through the of fir, of C. M. Red. auperlnendent of the Four teenth division of the railway mBll aerv Ice and Captain W. 8. Felt, aiiperlntend ent of schemea and achedules and Is true. Oh rerhaps aome . of the names are. changed a little. It merely proves thnt fart Is stranger than fiction, even In the postal depart ment. Boycott I'oalofflce. Down from the tiny town of Bedrock, Wyo., came word from the railway mall clerks that the postofflce was being "boy cotted." "Jealousies or dlsllkea cause the occa sional boycotting of Jourth class post off Icea,"' said Superintendent Heed. "These postmaatera get their fcay from the stamps they cancel and. If the people mall their lettera directly on the mall car while the trains are stopping, the fourth class poetmaster loses the value of the stampa on lettera so mailed. But when letters mailed on the car amount to 20 pen cent of the letters coming through the postofflce we lock 4he car boxes. That puts a stop to the boycott." One fine morning, accordingly the In habitants of Bedrock found that they couldn't mall their letters directly cm the mall car of the train. A polite clerk who received Into the car the bag that hail been brought from the postofflce In formed them that they would have to send their lettera through the postofflce. Next dsy there were a- lot of letters mailed at Redrock addressed to the postmaster general at Washington. Kirk Referred to Osala. And the . fourteenth assistant poet master general or whoever has charge of such things, referred the complaints of the cltlxens of Redrock to the Omaha headquarters, whence an' inspector waa dispatched to Redrock to report tipon noammes. N Arriving thers he Interviewed the banker, the local groceryman, the driver of the 'deepo" hack and other leading cltlxens. He learned that Mlsa Charity Ooode "wa'n't no fit woman t' hev charge o' no postofflce. Why, she don't hardly talk to people when they calls fer their mail." And so It went. The Inspector con cluded that Mies Ooode was so unavlsble that she wouldp't even divulge what was written on postcards whlrh came tbrough her hands. Awful: Not o"ne soul In all Redrock had any charily or any good word for Mlsa Char ity Ooode. 4 . And gow come romance and Intrigue. It developed that Mlsa Charity Uoode had come to Bedrock twenty years before from New England to marry the banker, above mentioned. The banker married someone else, snd now his daughter Is Seeking the poatmaatershtp of Redrock and its' emolumenta of $2C0 or a trifle more per r.nnum. Doesn't It make your blood boll? But wait. Oh, Just wait. Here Is the stage all .et for a mel'.er dramrner In real life. Mlsa Charity Goode. the suffering heroine; the banker as the "heavy," the other citizens aa fellow conspirators. But who Is this: Ah, the hero. Hurrah, Its I'ncle Sam, waving the Stars and Stripes and bidding the citizens "stand back." I'ncle Bam speaks: "Redrockers, I give you fair warning that Mls Charity Ooode is giving entile satisfaction aa postmis tress here, entire satisfaction. She can cels alt stamps neatly and quickly. Her accounts are in good shape. Khe tenda to her business. And, by tho great horn spoon, here she stays. You'll either mall your letters In' thla post offis', where she'll get the profits of 'em or you'll send 'em by express or freight. I don't give a gol durn which ye do. Good night." . Pleasant Weather All Over the State According to the reports to the- rail reads pleasant weather Is 'the rule all over Nebraska and the country east or the Rocky mountains again. Tempera aurca yesterday say the , reports to the railroads, throughout Nebraska ranged from 90 to 84 degrees above zero, a south wind blowing, and Indications of warmer weather In the near future Dr. Bell'a Plne-Tai-lloney Eases your cough, loosens the mucous, strengthens the lungs. The first dose helps. Get a bottle today." Only Kc. All druggists. Advertisement. OLD MAN CHARGED WITH DELINQUENCY OP GIRLS Fred 8t. Feter. nged 6(1 years, living at S34 South . Nineteenth street, was hound over to the district court with bonds' fixed at 11,000 for aiding sttd abetting the delinqulncy of Edith Miller, aged 11, "227 Ohio atreet. and Madonna McGreal, aged 14 years, 2022 Burt street. The two girls, after attending a dance Friday night, had been missing from their homes until Tutntay afternoon, when they returned. Both stated that they had apent the Intervening time at the home of the edd man, who admitted th-4 fact In pollr court. St. Peter was sentenced to the county JhII lastsummer on a similar charge. ' Bad Cold? Get Relief at Once Without Quinine Tou can end grippe and break up a severe cold either In head, chest, body or limbs, by taking a dose of "Pape's Cold Confound" every two hours until three dosee are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils snd air passages In the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, relieves sick headache, dullness, feverlshness sore throat, sneexlng, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit bl6wlng snd snuffling! Ease your throbbing head nothing else In the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Com pound," which costs only 28 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience. Be sure you get the genuine Advertise ment. ARTISTIC PORTRAITS REMBRANDT STUDIO 80th and Tarnam. Phone O. 3S48. Boom 3. Baldrigs Sidy. IIOS PE'S DOLLAR UJPOU Sale Thursday, Feb. 4th 1513 Douglas Street TO RAISE FUNDS FOR WAR SUFFERERS IN PALESTINE Jacques Rieur of tho University of Omaha, western secretary of the Zioriist provisional committee, has received from Max Fhulman of Chicago a telegram ask ing that Omaha assist In raising $25,000 af one for war sufferers In Palestine. Mr. ShUlman Is secretary of Loula D. Brandels, who Is st the head of the provisional committee. A meeting will be held this evening at the home of Mr. Philip Sher for the pur pose of forming a local committee and to discuss ways and means of raising a por tion of the 1.000 here without delay. The telegram received by Mr. Rieur reads: Brandies wires Palestine undergoing war distress. Starvation Imminent. More funds immediately needed. We ire send ing food this month. Twenty-five thous and dollars more needed at once. Can you ralae substantial sum i.ulokly. forward ing It without any delay? Make every effort to raise money immediately. ricasurei Past. The Garden club held a special, business Meeting this morning at the home of Mrs. Ie Forest RJi-harda. Mrs. Ada C. ltta was hostces at ths meeting of the lirownlo Card club Tucs Vlay atiernouu. I'lm-a tut tl. gau.es i r awarded to Mesduint s J. W. Vance, K U.Nye anl M. W. Johnston. Ths club will t rntrrtalned February 11 by Mrs. Wmtnm Haskell. Those present were: i Mcsdainfe A. '. l-tui. ' William Haskell, N. W, Juui.aluu. 1 K. Nye, Daily Fashion Hint SW . Candy Special Thursday Chocolate Day. Oar DcUalona Tom. peiaa Cnooolato Blttav gweet Fruit and nut eentera. Regular 40o grade. Spe cial, pound , asa 1 f"'"-'i'""" ' " "' """"" '" "1 Gloves 39c Women's Leath erette. Gloves worth to 75c slightly soiled; & pair 30 Thursday Morning We Begin Our Annual Sale of Famous Fox Footefv for Women sr W.sdsmea M. U heed. J. W. Vance. I any. liia i iuvm. At Brownell Hall: Miss Euphemla Johnson, principal of Bruwncll Hall, has If sued Invltatlona to mot here of the day scholars for a lunch eon Saturday. St the hall. The lunch tun 111 be cuoked anl en ved by the livM.i. uc acit ntc tla.ts. In lieu of an ex anilntuion. Kollowlng tl('s,' tho' desirabil ity of forming a parent and teachers' aa so' iotion lll be llM-usited. . About sixty fvc women are exported to attend. . IK Etnefit Kusical. Ml Jesaie Millard . opened her . borne tin afternoon for a benefit musical for the I- ln Settlement. .The aKalr was kivin under the direction cf the MlrStS- ' M ! " UK-nir Pattctsoii, ' Manor) Mowland. h'a i Kum, L. i ill hen Mcfnnni'lL lijrll.l .loli, S ma Chi Cmicroa Party. V ; Mab.1 Xel-on " entertained ' the .Siina Chi Omhron aorority of the L'nl it,ny of O.iitha at her home Monday. '1 1' evening was ii.t at tarda, prises bii g won by Mai-s Ms,rfjret McCoy aiii Jeanne lttrgrr, Mvsnrs. 1'alslcy and ArKiuitoti. 'ilut mt'tnbere ' and guests I r. ,v nt wer: ',-M MU.S J. twiii-r, "iii.ii.il J,m.. I : t- ,.f J,.i, t its ariiitrr. J'iiiitonr 1 1 h v r. th Cnd'TWOud i 1. I..I..I. i-i. 1 1. i ( (i . ti. r h i I. II l iMlrnl., ilMl-i N1. . TM1 .MfKMIS. .ii M .'I UJlt, J if t Ii.iIm-is, !, I nk hM'lirdx I !!. i'ii. Alil.laun, ! I i:. u t, K'l.-r J .is. I, M.t,.. t'l.Hfli yiu;;; .dni u, lU'ts.d l ime. 2,500 Pairs of Handsome Slippers in This Sale at Less Than Half Their Real Worth ' More Fox Slippers than we ever had before More Beautiful Slippers than ever before More Opportunity for Saving than before I More Variety of Style than ever before By a special ar rangement with this celeb rated manufacturer o f women's slippers, we secured this great quantity in such a, way that we can offer them at reductions' as noted. Fox Slippers Worth to $125 $3.50 a pair. 7. XL Kadi year we have a sale of Fox P o o t e r y , and those who have previously shared in its wonderful value-giving best can appreciate the oppor tunity we offer in this 1915 sale. Fox Slippers Worth to $6.00 $1.85 & $2.45 My l. UAIIIMtl L. I'la k thirfuii i xadoloth form's U. VIVO suit, the lu'dy to the v Hero are coming spring's styles in slippers and pumps, in cluding leathers in both dull and bright finish and elegant satin slippers in the shades to correc;ly match costumes as woll as in white and black a stvlo varifttv trulv wnnHmfnl . P FW Sl.rmf.t-c WnrfV. I In fo fi RO fnr fl 9 A beautiful selection of handsome 'fashionable slipjiers such as Chas. K. Fox only can make. Here are the most fascinating styles in leather slip-1 Xa f pers, as well as the most elegant and dainty satin slippers. There are not all sizes in every style, but there is every she in some kind. Choic?, fV this sale, a pair ..'.....) Fox Slippers Worth to $6 for $1.85 & $2.45 Of V)PwitrJiinsr sniartriAK3 ath allurinc tlaintinoHS sir Rlinrsoris ihai ttiaVa If up these two selections. Though the prices really are manelously low, jC"! QEf 1 the style variety is most versatile and the range of sizs is unusually 7 T) J, JJ II complete, insuring practically every woman the fullest r-'ttisfaetion as to( . tl fit. There K a diversified assortment of models, a Hi-i satisfying rangoi of Icatliers ami materials and a. display that in every v:iy should interest' every woman who ndrutren beautiful footwear. Slippers with true value up to "fti.On, m two large ls, for on. I fiit'.i.K iiit.i) nnd f tilMird l:h a f la r- tJ ' !n tui.i" riiilfluil with bands cf llet- J ! i i l- bit id. A fiiirei: t I!r vf lilavk 15 v.-twt . .i.iw . ...... . ..r . r. .... ... ..... f- and $2.45 K mm m smi 'r Mm lbnslrt It is healthful and eco nomical, has a high per centage of nutritive value, nourishes the brain, builds energy and tissue. Especially are all these ' features true if you get the right kind of fish at the right time. Just now v srs? VV Hliii i White Fish Pike'(WaU Eyed) Pickerel They are especially fine: Packed ten minutes after they are caught in good clean, natural ice, thence to your table. r . " . ' ''' This is the essence of efficiency, giving you fresh fish in mid-yinter,v not only occasionally but every day in the week. Order from your dealer today. v Booth Fisheries Company Seafood Branches in All Principal Cities I ; s fi . m