Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Outstanding Feature of Pull and
Irregular Sesiion IU Extremely
Professional Character.
XKW YORK, Feb. i. The oiiUn1im
feature of today's dull and Irrraiilur mr
fcet was It eniremrly professional char
actor. Trading almost given over
to that fsctlon, whiih continued 1 oper
ations on the tr side, JutlKlns; from the.
quirt but persletent pressure upon th
leading Issues lor the greater part of
the session.
fnlted rUstes Steel, which led jrrnter
rfsys rise, kept well alwive Its r.ew mini
mum, most of the selling concentrating
upon Beading and Caearilan .Pacific.
Then storks, particularly Reading,
showed aon-m heavtnesa In the Ixmdnn
Market, whera the International Hat, with
few exception, tended toward a lower
level. Selling for foreign account here
was not aufflclently large to affect quoted
Tier were aome contrary movement
In the Industrial and aieclul groups. Ie
Iroleuin shares adding to recent gains on
reports of another advance In the price
ef the. crude product. Fertiliser Issues
also scored substantial advances, while
the sugar stocks declined precipitately
during mld-WMMlon. ('losing prli-ea In
Many Instances were below yesterday's,
National lilarult and Missouri Pacific de
veloping sudden weakness.
Cereal markets attracted less attention,
although Mar wheat once more moved
In sensational fashion, suffering a severe
decline at the close. Commission housea
with local connections reported a de
crease In wheat operations for New York
account. Unofficial advices suggested a
continuance of the large foreign demand
for our foodstuff and cotton.
Trade authorities report a bettor feel
ing this week In the steel Industry, the
more important companies expecting a
further Increase running Into March.
Q-hin Is evidenced In the additions recently
made to the working forces In the Pitts
burgh and Cleveland itsirii-is.
The nature of th bond market.-which
ref Icted the contraction In stoi ks, wa
the Introduction Into the board of the
new Pennsylvania 4V per cents, which
aold at their recent high price. Other
wise the price movement was Irregular.
Total Hales, par value, aggregated tl.WS
X t'nlted States) bonds were unchanged
rn rail, but the 2 and 4a gained on ac
tual transactions.
Number of sale and leading Quotation
tin stock were aa follow:
. Mies. II ' K vi'.
aleak OMA
Amalaematnl Copper .... an W
Aerla.n Beet Sugar '
n..rln 4,7. M
An-erwa n. a R
Amerlmn 8. K. aid..
Am. ftunr Refining 1
America Tel. Tel....
.... 1U3
Amerhen Tl"io
nnronil Mining W
AtrhltoB , 1.K
Jtalltmnre Ohio 1'
J4wllra RpM Traiwil.. 40
I'alirerala Petmleuaa .... !.4
Canadian Pwlfle J.w
r-enlral iMIhir '"
Vhvnkt Oblo 44
i'hirua il. W M ft. P....
( hhan A 14. W
hi no Copper
'nlornrto tvrl a Ima....
fnlonuio flmitnern....
lrnr Klo Grand....
i'nrr It- 0. pi
manlier' Heoarltles ....
fleneml Electric
ltat Northern pM
Clreat Northern Ore rife.
tJuiatahtra Kiploratloa..
llllnoia Cmlml
Interoorouah Met. ptd....
Inatplrallon i'opper
Inlemallnnal llinaur..
KanRaa ftir Houtbaiti....
Ublih Vallnr
! ae cseae
"Hi 'it" 'ii "
41m 14:4 141
tret 111 1H
7a Kit
M 6k H
iim 4
"oi iii" lii"
114 !
Jnlivllle a Nhillu
Mxli a PMroleum U.x0 tr.S
Mitml Coppar !" I'H
WiMotirt. K. T II
Illyri 1-aririn 4 1l U
National Blew It 4U 1X1 1M1( K
'arnnat Ml
Kvait Topper
Nw York Central.. .....
N. V.. H. H. H
Mnrfelk Wmter. ......
Northern Falflo
ym Mall
Pa.ltle 1l. at Tel
I'allmaa ralae Oar
Itar t'oa. Copper
sue 1314
7 m
ens tl
00 10414
11 4
10314 1141
l.M 1M
S0.7M It4'i4
iri4 i"M4
n4 i;a
M -1H
Jtepubiin Iren at Sveel
Jtoik UUd4 Co
Itork lilaod 'o. P'4
si. u f. r. za pia.
Mouthers 1'arlflc ,1 lH
.touMwra llallar 1.1' l'
lenneeM tlnpper ." 4
TesHa Vmpany 9"S 14
In Inn Pe-lfle t 1204
1'nlnn Pa.-llle pM H 41
1 nllo fitates rlleel H.n 4H
V. H. Htael pld " KOH
t 'kh Copper l.Mt MSk
V atieak pM tnlea 1.1" 444
.iinthoua gleeirle .. Ks
40 '4
lr Itw
4S 44
74 TO,
leAal sales (ar Ike aar, lai.SM saaraa.
X Tark Mower Market.
5Wi'KR S''.4C.
liTKKLINa EXrilANaPJ-Steady at
timliue; sixty-day bills. MM; for cables
1M": for demanl; 14 MTft.
hll.VKK-lHar, 4o; Mexican dollar. S7&
IkjND.h 4Jovrnnient, steady; railroad.
T1MW LOANf-Fteady: elxty day. JVrW
per cent; ninety dnys. Vul per cent
ix montlia. SnJ1 er cent.
MONKY-Call. firmer; high l1, per cent,
low i tmr rent; ruling at 2 per cent; last
loan. 2' 4 per cent: cloelug bid, I per Cent!
offered at Z'4 p-r cent.
Closing quutationa on bond todny were
as follows: .
ti. 8. rel. ie, ra ... Me. Pac ST. U 4tS
da coupon 'S Y. '. (. ',... tn
V. 8. e. res 10K4W.Y. cl'r 414lll..t4a
4s coupua lolStjM. r. hule 4 Ivjew
t. g. 4. r lltt N. T . N. II. H.
4o coupon liu4 rr. i W
iuiroa tm coupon.. 1'IH No. paclfta 4 rts
Am. tftaelter W.,.IS So aa 44 v
A. T. T. c. 4a.. m-so. a, u ret. 4a ... 4114
Aravwr l'e. 4,a.. H Par. Tel. Tel. to. Kta
a l'e. 4i,a.. SlVjPac. Tel. a Tel. ta. P7ta
Ss I 4a.... P4S4 Penn. eon. 4a
Jhlo 4a...... Sin, KeaolBC ses. 4a....('t
Ohio 4.. L t H. f ,!
Ai'tilia s
)i. a oh
-. H. Q. 1. 4.... . 1-nc. rv. 4s .'
M S P 4. lia. so !(. 4e
'. K. I. P. e. 4a M 4e e. t Ht
e'. a' K. nl 4Sa.. tiHSe. Kallanr to. )
-if. aa k. u. rei. aa a imaa rm-ius :
Krle . 4 44 d er. 4e Do
l-a Klt 4e.,..l44ti. Hnhhar tU...,H-J
..i. j.o. ui aaa....i.-'ia i'. rtieei ae...,..i'ii ,
ill. tea rat. in..., UWihua lat 4a luo
H. ('. ref. ta.. l Union 4S..
). N. unl. 4a.... 4 Weeu xiae. e. to.. 4
I K. a T. 1M 4s.. 4H
X. trails Cralsi Market.
' ST. Lol'lrt. Mo., K-b. 1-WHKAT-.
jiiKiier; track iso. 1 red. l.l4l-W. No.
I bard. SI UVirl.tio.
CKN-Lower; track No. i, TTcj No. t
wlilie. e.
OAT-lAwer; track No. t 6c; No. 1
Willie. 6!'4c.
H V K li-sdy 1. SO.
Pol'LTKY lvni'hanged, exeept chick.
ana, : ppi-inga, 14V; turkeya, l&So.
HVTTKIl Creamery, Ucj raga. ao.
H HKA T-Luwvr; May. tl .wl.6o4
July. II .44'.
4'tllN Luwer: May. XlWc: Julv. Ur.
OATa-Lower; Hay, D&i,uc; July. 680.
:atMrated ASPles aad Dried fralta
Iltlh.U KK I. IT Prunes quiet and
nn.ii. ; aphi oii ana peuches ateaoy.
UNCOLN. Neb.. , Feb. ,-8peelal.-"a
aubscriptkia reported to th IieU
glan fund coinmltti-e. W. C. W'llaon,
.treasurer, Lincoln, January 10, follow
Amount prevloualy reported 17,5' 4 6R
3 J. fjrath, Un.oln 6.0O
eine iay literary (. Inb. nakola,
Mrs. V. V. I'aiin. treaaurvr. ...
Till in the !rove. IJncoln
M-yer Hunilvlf. Klvencer
i.runHi'tiy rluh, Uncoln. Miss
Alice H Cowgill. sHreiai'y.......
hiMn Miller. ;reeharn
) i. M.litr, Ortuiliain ,
'I hoiiiaa ltnlale, Omaha ,
Hf Walihill ,
. 4;rJier. Oeneva
A. If. y.itaier. Monro
u m
10 00
1 no
1 no
Jttl utina i-li'b, repurted by
l"fnji. Inmla
toll, Ijneolli
'inlme Vlfiunln, Uncoln...
t hMilcB K. liart. I'rvnaer
i 01)
10 M
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
no ij rented qul kly anU cheaply by
- ' i or Iteiit' ad.
Judge Foster, However, Drawt Dii
x tinction in Fines Between
Bread and Beer.
John Warden and Henry . I lay den of
Brunswick, Mo., committed a terrible
crime when they confiscated a large sack
of wheat flour from a wagon of the
Claire Transfer company Tuesday even
ing. Considering the price-to-be of the
staff of life the magistrate sentenced
each to twentr-flve days In thej county
Emmett He agar, HOT North Seventeenth
treet. stole twenty-four bottle of beer,
and wa sentenced to twenty day. The
beer and the Tour were of an equal
value on the market, which demonstrate
that the Judge value grain In substance
more than he doe In a liquid form.
Leonard Slaughter, arrested at the
White Front saloon, Eleventh andFar
nam streets, for the theft of twenty-four
empty bottles, waa sentenced to twenty
day In the county Jail. Which, going
further, reveal the fact that the Judge
has' no use for beer at all, when twenty
four emptlea and twenty-four full bottle
are each equivalent to twenty day.
City Expects to Get
Additional Funds ,
for Sewer Building
City Engineer Watson Town send ha
returned from Lincoln with Information
that the passage of the Omaha sewer
bond bill I practically assured. It la pro
posed to give the city commissioner the
right to Issue sewer bond la the sum of
tno.OOft a rear tor five year without sub
mitting the matter to a vote of the
people. The present charter limitation 1
1100,009 a year.
In the event that the bill should go
through. Superintendent Thomas Mo
Govern of the public improvement depart
ment atate that hi big program of
ewer construction will have a good start
this year.
Mr. McOovern plana to put through th
Miller park sewer from Crown Point
avenue to th north limits of th park
with X2.000 of the present allowance, ana
also build a sewer on Caatellar street
from Fourth to Eighth street and thence
south on Eighth to Arbor and west to
Ninth street. If he gets the $300,000 fund
he will proceed with a section of th
Saddle creek sewer and also build a
sewer on Thirty-sixth street, Drover to
Frederick streets, and thence cast to
Thirty-second street. This latter district
Is now without sewer facilities and th
cltlsens are clamoring for relief.
High Pupils Stuff
Ballot Box; Second
Election Ordered
Class teachers for the Omaha High
school class of 191&, upon complaints of
several student, have annuled the elec
tion which, was held Tuesday afternoon
for th purpose of choosing a manager
for th class play and a aecond election
will be held this afternoon. After Walter
Johnson had been aocorded the office
and Tommy Mills made ooach, complaints
were made to the class tachers that cer
tain clique of student bad stuffed th
ballot boxes with Illegal votes. It wa
even asserted thst in a number of ease
four or live naiiots were aiacoverea
folded together and written In th same
handwrllng. In order to prevent any die
pension among the student, th teacher
decided to order a aecond election and
keep a careful watch on the voting.
Another Omaha is
Found in Missour
G. M. Richard of Grand Island after
reading th atory In The Be of last
Monday about "Omaha In Seven States,
writes to call attention to the fart that
there la still another Omaha In still
other state, namely,- Missouri. Ha says
'Gentlemen: Pont forget poor Omaha
Mo., about the else of a, pleoa of Ice,
located Inland from the border of the
atate, east and perhaps a ll'.tle north from
I'nlonvllle, Mo."
Mr. Ilk hards' description of this Omaha
as being ''about th cite of a jlcce of Ice
make It probably smaller than th small'
esl Omaha mentioned In th account of
th seven, namely Omaha, Va., which ha
only twelv people.
Th funeral of Rev. J. T. Pmlth, pastor
nf Pt. Fstrick'a church, who died early
Tuesday morning following an operation.
will b held this morning from St
Patrick's church at o'clock, with In
terment In th priests lot at Holy Sep-
ulcher cemetery. Ptahop Hcannell will
preside In th sanctuary and th celebrant
will b Monelgntur Colernari. Other as
sisting In th mass will be Father Har
rington, deacon; Father P. A. Flanagan,
. .
sub oWon; J ether Junes W btenon
tnu rairnr c . r taiiaaaii, .ivibj va
ceremonies; chant era. Father Brongeest
and Father Kalanaja; Father Ahem
and Father McCarthy, deacon of honor;
Father Jennett, assistant priest.
John Stacker. Fourteenth and William
atresia arrested for th theft of a pair
of gloves from a Douglas street pawn
shop, told a very pitiful atory about hi
long search, for work through th cold,
and hi effort te feed bis wife and llttl
children. Police Judge Foster waa about
to discharge th man when ha recog
nised him a an old acquaintance, whose
family la merely a child of the brain, and
whoa proclivities for appropriating prop
erty ar very pronounced. Stacker wa
sentenced to twenty-flv day.
Feet Use a J mm Staejlelf
Sluggish bowels and torpid liver uaually
go together and it doe not take long for
constipation to produce a bad condition
a feeling of languor er lassinesa the
"blues," heevdachea, palpitation or other
malady. Indeed, when la thla condition
th system invites mora aerloua Illness
and is not able to throw otf disease. Foley
Cathartic Tablet are a wholesome laxa
tive and cleansing cathartic. They a't
without Inconvenience, griping or slckeu
lng. gold by all dialers everywhere. Ad-vertlaeiueuL
Trains Are Back on
Schedule and Wires
Are All Repaired
The railroad are out from the em
bargo brought on by the storm of last
week and again both passenger and
freight train are about on schedule time.
Telegraph aervlce ha been restored on
all of the railroads, but to do o ha re
quired an expenditure of large um of
money. After taking account ox stock.
the western lines discover that the dam-
age was much greater than at first up- J
posed. The early part of the storm was
accompanied by rain all through Iowa
and the country west of the Missouri
liver. Later this turned to sleet. It
frose on the wire until they were from
one-half to an Inch In diameter. Then
the wind blew and mile of wire and
pole line went down on the several
On on portion of the Union Pacific,
west of Central City, ten miles of wire
went to the ground, and along fh Bur
lington and Northwestern the ' break
were equally a bad. Thi-se now have all
been repaired, but not permanently.
Short poles have been spiked or bolted
to the stub of the broken pole and these
wilt Jm used until the ground thaw so
that new pole can be set
Omaha Rotarians
Warble Tipperary
Parody on Bluff s
It a long wy to Council Bluff,
It's a ong way to go.
It'a : long time since Mabrry's race '
And the fnlnitna Inckev shown.
Goodbye fainting Bertha,
r are we 11 Fnirmont park.
It's a long way up Pearl and Broadway,
But Ttniey Is the shark.
ThU la the Tlppehary verse with which
the Omaha Rotary club greeted a delega
tion from Council Bluffs, where another
club is being organized. Herbert M. Rog
ers presided and for the (visitors Messrs,
Lyon and Wilcox responded with brief
remark. Th noonday talk wa given
by Howard Goulding, who described the
evolution of the soda pop business and a
modern soda factory. As chairman of the
committee on celebration of the tenth an
niversary of Rotary. WW II. Clark an
nounced that arrangements have been
perfected to hold It at the new Pontenelle
hotel on the night of February 2S, by
which the ' Rotary club will have the
prestige of the first public entertainment
- . 1 a.... ' t
Two Cents Per Mile'
Mileage Books to Go
Th railroad have mapped out a plan
by which, beginning with March 1, they
propose to put out of business the S-cent
per-mlle milage book that have beon In
existence xor more man a quarter 'or a
century. The new tariff have been filed
with the' Interstate Commerce commis
sion, and unless a protest is filed th
l-oenl-per-mll milage book will be a
thing of the past in svsry tat of the
union wher the t-eent-per-mll rat ap
plies, and m these states th book will
not be good on any business except that
originating and terminating 4hln such
Th rata I to be advanced one-fourth
of a cent per mil and, after March 1,
instead of 1,000-mll milage booka being
old at IW, as they hav been for years,
they will ba advanced to H5. .
Th t-cant-per-mU, booka will be good
within th statea wher the s-ont-per-mll
rat maintains, but beyond th boun
daries of such states they will b worth
less and will not be accepted.
Th plan of th railroads o far Ne
braska Is concerned will not be changed.
, ,M. ..iim. h..iO( th Immense relief It affords. Partle,
i ..... ... - .
in excess of I eenta Pr mil for hauling
a passenger. However, th milage book
that has been good tor transportation In
Colorado and Wyoming will become a
dead letter after March 1, for ever In
those states by law a higher rate can bo
In compliance with th wish of th
lat Fred A. Nash, an old and nicely
framed picture ef a group of pioneer ha
been presented to th Commercial club.
This picture waa among th personal ef
fect of Mr. Nash.
If Bilious, Sick v
or Constipated
Take Cascarets
Oet a 10-rent box now.
You're bilious! You have a throbbing
sensation In your head, a bad taste In
your mouth, our eyes burn, your skin la
yellow, with dark ring under your eyes;
your lips ar parched. No wonder you
feel ugly, mean and Ill-tempered. Your
system la full of bit not properly passed
otf, and what yon need ta a cleaning up
Inside. ron't continue being a bilious
nuisance to yourself and those who leva
you, and don't resort to harsh physics
I . I I Milt, IIIJUI . .UIIIVIII . . K .
! dlw)r,er, of the-.tomm,.h. ,lver .na-
that Irritate and Injure. Remember that
bowel ar cured by morning with gentle,
thorough Cascarets they work while you
sleep, A 10-cent box from your druggist
will keep yotir irver and bowels clean:
toinach aweet, and your head clear tor
month. Children love to take Caacarct
causa they taste good and never gripe
or sicken. Advertisement
An Open Letter
(About Bronchitis )
In alaroh. 114. I became afflicted with aa attack of Bronchitis which
forced iu to remain In bed for two inontha The doctor la attendance
chanced th medicine several I tinea, and Instead of improvement I aeeinad
to grow worse. Kor a while I was despondent until my wife read a lutle
pamphlet advertising the "Essence Msiitho-Laxene." Diacouraa ed wit
what 1 had been bains' wlihnut effect, I waa willing to try almost anything
that aounded like a cur. The Mentho-Laxene was bought, the syrup pre
pared according to direction, and be for a half of th quantity waa consumed
the cough had abated and I waa at work four daya after, and hav never
felt any aymptome of tha dread disease since. All who era acquainted with
Bronchitis will understand how bard it la tn aubdu the oonah, but today
I am willing t take oath, or make an affidavit te the effect that my
case of bronchitis was aa severe as ever afflicted man. and that i was
positively cured of It In laata than four days, all due to the wonderful
curative power a of tha "Kaeence Mantho-Laxejie. tilut then I have recom.
mended It to ail sufferers aa I waa, or to those who war subject to cold
et any kind. In each case the medicine sustained the reputation I had
glv.n It. and all star ioud in their praises of this truly valuable pr
crlptlon. .
All who may b skeptical In its iaa can writ me, and I will cheerfully
glv tli era all tus Information they deaire ahov luy peractaal slsnatur.
Very respectfully. A. I'AUFbtUj,
1447 Lafayette t. Denver, Cole.
For the benefit ef readers: Fjiarnre Uentho-Iaene can be obtained
of druKdsts. A IS . bottle makes a full ilnt of cold and cough syrup.
Full diiaciions are with each bottle. Advertisement
Mayor Dahlman to
Have Omaha Vote
on Sunday Ball
Mayor J. C. Dahlman states that next
week he will offer to the city council a
resolution which will make It possible to
present the Sunday base ball question to
the voters at the regular election on
May I.
Previous to the legislative session of
two years sgo Sunday base ball wa ex-
pressly prohibited by law. The legisla
lure winded the law to the extent that
rmes ana town may tihb on me proposi
tion, making It a local option matter.
A majority vote will be ' required to
carry the proposition and the mayor feel
that there Is no question how Omaha
would vote on a propoaitlon of this kind,
lie believe the vote will be In favor of
Sunday base ball by an overwhelming
Wild Animals at
Boys' Circus at Y.
M.C.A.This Month.
A company of boy scouts from the
Walnut Hill district will demonstrate
their work as a special feature of th big
circus to be given by the boy of th
Young' Men' Christian association Feb
ruary 1 and SO. W. E. Schilde 1 In charge
of the company.
Boy who will participate In the swim
ming, gymnasium and other exhibition
already have been practicing' for weeks
for the affair. Acting Physical Director
J. T. Maxwell, Boys' Secretary R. S.
Flower, Assostant Leek, the physical
training club and the boy leader of the
association will be In charge of the cir
cus, which they promise to make the big
gest ever given at the association.
No Live Stock Loss
from Eecent Storm
Live Btock Agent Eyler of th Bur
lington has, In answer to numerous In
quiries, received Information from prac
tically ail of the cow country in western
Nebraska and eastern Wyoming. Th In
formation leads him to believe -that th
cattle losses have haen Insignificant
Every letter and wlro received by Mr.
Eyler I to the effect that while a heavy
body of now cover the ground cattlo
hav been well cared for. The tempera
ture did not go low, aero not being
reached In any locality. There wa an
abundance of feed and when the storm
struck farmers and ranchers got their
cattle under shelter and kept them there
until th storm ceased.
;;Doy cr Girl?
Great Question !
This brings te many minds an eld and
I tried family remedy an external p
rllcatlon known as "Mother's Friend.
I Duiinr . th period of expectancy It is
applied ta tbe abdominal muscles ana M
designed to sooth the Intricate network
ef nerves Involved. In thla manner It
has such a splendid Influence as to justify
its us la all eases of com In" mother'
hood. It has been aeaarally recoro
mended for years and rears and those
who hav uaed It apeak In highest pralsa
i ularly do these knowing mothers spaa
. ,-, nnraina aiekn
bMnca of gtraln en th Ugaraenta and
. freedom foom . those many other 41,
' treaae which are usually looked forward
to with so much concern.
I There Is no question but what
"Mother's Frlead" has a marked tendency
to relieve th mind and thla of itself In
addition to the physical relief has given
It a vary wid popularity among women.
It la absolutely safe to use. render
th skin pliable. Is penetrating in its
nature and I composed of thos embro
cation bast sultsd to thoroughly Jubrl
cat the nerve, muscles, tendons and
lurauants Involved.
Ton can obtain "Mother's Friend" at
almost any drug, store.
It is prepared only by Brad field Reg'
.nlator Co., 01 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, iia.
By a Specialist.
A very satisfactory preparation which
darkens gray hair and acts as a correc
tive agent for atoadivff and ether disease
of th scalp can be made at small expense
and tn your own home by dissolving a
small box of Barbo Compound in 7 ounce
of water and then adding an ounce of bay
rum and a quarter ounce of glycerine.
Any drug stors can furnish these Ingred
ients. This is to be applied once a week
until the hair is sufficiently darkened.
then every two weeks to keep the -hair
soft and glossy and th scalp In a healthy
condition. It may be uaed with equal
auocea In darkening the beard. Thla
a preparation that glvaa splendid results.
both as a hair darkener and a remedy for
all scalp disorders, and Is well worthy of
a trial. You will find It far superior to
the ordinary store preparations and much
less expensive. Advertisement
August 2. lilt.
1? ,
In i IU ' ,,
We are obliged te do ennniderable remodeling throughout our entire building, and in order to make
room for the plasterers, painters and decorators we will sell these instruments regardless of, profit and
terms. ,
Btelnway, Weber, Hardman, Rteger A Hons, Kmersen, Hchmoller 4 Mueller, MrPhail, Lindeman A
Sons, also a full line of Aeolian Pianola Pianos to select from,
S00 Hallet ft Davla, Square
1600 Decker ft Sons, Square, .
250 Boston, Upright..,,,.....,.,,.,.,,.
f 275 McCammon; Upright , . , ',
$276 Kimball, Upright.
1300. Bchmollev ft Mueller, Upright
$400 Bteger ft Bona, Upright
Free Pianola and Victrola Recital every Frida, from 3:00 to 4:00 P. M. in onr Auditorium,
Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers,
InannnnnMBBannpaawawa, asm at unl IS imnini.ianupp Mima mwmMmTWmmmmwmmmmmmmmmimmfmmtmKmmmmmammwmmwammmmmmwmmim ami in 1 1 n aiiawaaBnaaiawwe
... et .VaaiTJMnil'e""
--nw- VIA'
lo JU lOriOa arid L UOB
The Frisco has on sale.daily, winter tourist tickets to all of the
Florida and Cuban resorts. Good for return passage until June
Isti 1915. Liberal stopover privileges.
Kansas Cty to:
Jacksonville and return, $
St. Augustine and return,
Palm Beach and return,
t Good returning six months from data of sals.
Coresponclingly low fares to other resorts in Florida, Cuba and tbe
Isle of Pines. "
The Kansas City-
Florida Special
An all-ate! train, through from Kansas City to Jacksonville, ore the Frisco Lines
and Southern Railway. Steel coaches, dining cars (Fred Harvey meals) and sleeper.
It take you through th Ozark
ri.-it-j ii .:
v. n.u iiiiui ui.iiuu
descriptive literature may
m e ' mi ...
Umen, uivtsioa
609 Waldheim Bldg,
Over 100 miles
of VisitorsSl
each yetMW
M v vA I 1 W A 1 I A mSMmmm
"Swift's Premium"
United States Government Inspectors"" are also
stationed in each factory during every working
hour. This double inspection by the government
and public, is your guarantee of goodness. Use
'Swift's Premium" Oleomargarine N
Fine Flavor Ckan Economical
3 ui y u
01 20Q of the Finest Uprights, Grands and
Player Pianos ever gathered together under
ono root in this part of the conntry.
Some are) new, ether slightly used and discontinued styles, bat
all high-grade makes, and you know what they cost when bought la
the regular way but we are forced to move, 200 or more rianoa and
I'lajer Pianos from our gales floors within the next thirty days,
$326 Davis ft
$300 Hamilton,
$750 Stelnway ft
$1,000 Chlckering
$1,100 Stelnway
$500 Schubert
1660 Clougn &
& Mueller
1311-13 Farnam Street.
Miami and return.
42.50 Key West and return,
44.80 Tampa and return.
61.00 Havana and return,
9 25
$ 4.60
' 79.00
Mountains. .
l ....I- Hi,,.,..,., 1
y i w . u u j . . - .
be had by addressing .
aa a . ' R f
rassengex . r" 4. .
Kansas City a .c &T.
Swift & Company's
clean, light,
and see all of the
derations in the production of
Sons, Upright...
Sons, Upright ,
ft Sons, Grand. ...... .200
ft Bons;-Grand. . .450
Player Piano....... S200
warren. Player Piano $320
Piano Co.
Established 1850
Fighting bnsinets
plus' lighting tha
'weather polls you
down. Cet relief
from both by go
ins to the balmy
lay places ; t
I' 1
a a (
Capital . . $200,000.00
Surplus , "... 5100,000,00
Resources', $2,500,000.00
... " m ' S'
Officers and Directors
J. F. COAD, rresldent.
W. J. COAD. Vice Pres.
H. C. NICHOLSON, Cashier
T. i. 31AHOXKV, I
CHA8. SCli A AH.
im H.t mil r u r rr"ift-rfTi , , ,J
Various Forms
Of Hcadacho
"II I necessary In order te treat bead,
aebe properly to understand tfie causs
whlob produe tb aflecUon' aays Dr. J. W.
Ksy ol Blockton, Ala. CoDttnulna, a sayss
fbyslclads cannot ea becta lis treai
msnt of a dlsaaa wltboot kiioarLuc mhm
eausss fi rlss to tt. and w must nmam.
ter that headache Is to be treated accordin
to the same rule. W must not only be par
ticular to gW a remedy Inteadsd to coun
teract the cause bicb produces th kead
ttcbs, but are must also give a remedy to
relieve tbe pain uuUl the cause of the trouble
nas been removed. To aaawer tnls parpos
Antl-kamnia Tablets will be found a moss
eoBTsnleot and aattalactory remedy. One
tablet every one to three hours 1 ves comfort
and rest In tbe most severeeaaee ol headaehe,
neuralsia aud paxUcularly th headaahe
tf women."
When bay a patient subject to regular
attacks of sick headache, we should caution
blm to keep bl bowel regular, for which
nothing I better than "aVotoltia", mad when
be leela th least sign of an oncoming
attack, b should take two A-K Tableu.
touch pattenta should always be Inslructsd
to eaj-ry a few A ntl-kamaia Tablets, so as us
bar them ready tor tuauaat Uae. These
tablaiie are Prompt In action, and n be
deuauded on to produce relief in a imtt
tew minutes. A sk for A-at Tablets.
Anti-keaaulA XaoleUl oaa b obtauned at ail
txuaansts . . .
1 1 C I 1' A M tm mm I
r n