Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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' -n.assiijg n m
By &MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, February 2, 1915.
THE BEE ! nihlishlnp picture today of our executive chief and n's
precious (MDdchlld. .
While racing at It I could not nelp but notice the poise, geit
popseesion and pride be portray In handling such an armful. Ap
parently he reema perfectly at ease, but why do men ordinarily hold babies
as if they were as fragile as an asbestos mantle?
These tee bltt of humanity do look perishable, but those who know
ay they ci'ck together pretty well for their period of existence. Mexican
troubles, n'p bills the literary test and other state cares have become
lost for the time being to honor this small being, and it does seem like an
cwful lot of attention going to waste, doesn't It now, when they cannot
even recognise such Importance of position.
AH grandfathers may not show Just so much satisfaction as President
Wilson, but I guess we can same a few grandperes in Omaha who can
smile as tr.iich.
Now t'.fe is Grand pere Joslyn, who has two to handle, and his friends
(ay he does it well. Mr. M. C. Peters is just as careful as can be from all
reports, and Mr. D. J. O'Brien went away down east to Bridgeport, Conn.,
to play with Just a chubby bundle on Christmas day.
But by far the loveliest thing of the whole affair Is the return of
President Wilson's smile. This Is the first smile we have had from the
White House chief since his Borrow, and that It should be forthcoming by
the visit of the wee stranger, we may feel sure of it again. .
Pleasures TLait.
The regular meeting; of the Symposia
society was held Sunday afternoon at
tha home of the Mlssrs Itattle and Nora
Pred. Tha annual election of officers
waa hnld with tha following remit: Miss
Hannah KsMskofsky, president; Mlu
Ituth Oross, vlca president; MlM Elisa
beth Mart, secretary and treasurer; Mlaa
Sophia Welnsteln, sergeant-at-arms, and
Mlaa Florence Shames, reporter. The
next meeting will be held February 1 at
tha home of Mlaa Lena Uptry.
Mlea Edna Kahre was honor guest at
a nurprlae party given at her home, 81
Martha atroet. Saturday evening. The
evening waa spent In game. Those pres
ent wore?
Mr and Mrs. Herman Kahre,
Mr and Mrs. Charles Oallssher.
Mies Mlpes
CJertnida Ptuft, Marie Hovels,
Heiilah barker, Fare hnook,
Edna Kahre, Kdna Porteoua,
1- lurance Ktiinson, Mae Hone,
France liorinn, , Ktlle Unllsffhor,
Esther Cunningham, Pauline Kahret
Messrs. Messrs.
Pllly KeKesRue, Edward Mlaa,
Oeorae Finney, Edward Grant,
Frank Barry, Ealph llannau,
Walter Qtilnn, IeweyKllhy.
Rodger Ike, Wendell liattcrhoth,
Herbert Honnau, Earl Kahre.
The 0-AJJs, club was entertained on
Friday evening at the home of Miss Marie
Btelger, 2709 Bouth Tenth atieot. The
gueat of the evening waa Mlaa Serena
Chrlstenscn. The rooms were decorated
with pink carnations and roses. Tliuse
presont wer:
Misses ' Mlses
Serena riirtatensen, H Jlearth,
rlulriali Ellison, Iloae rllierlian,
I.UMa Caaaell, Carrie Hansen,
Mary Have. , Muriel Puller,
tierirude Kill. Ktni'l Hheeta,
Mnliel ohtlwon, ' Mildred Hansen.
Marie Blcister,
At Prairie Park. ,
The following guests attended tha
Prairie I'ark clubs'a week-end dancing
tarty on Saturday evenlngi
Mem a. end. Mesdaniaa .
lmila Nelson. Charles Naff,
V atter U lUackctt. U. B. Felt,
Hi oil K. HvKhtoL
W. A. Pnillh, '
A. A. Wedrmeyer,
William li. ltatner,
J. Liingfi-.Hner,
1 r. W. U. Elatcr.
i E. Peterson,
K. A. l.ut-k,
W. Kerr.
SI E. rtraun,
W. S. Howe,
11. J. PK-kler,
W. iS, Eoree.
K. J. Weheig,
Jloa 11. rVcurd,
N. J. Anderson,
Jr. A. W. F-
4!teg ftheam,,
11. J. Scannell, .
William Eck,-
I'dylila Weberg.
(irrtrude Klauck,
Ecola Urandco,
B. M. Kent,
John K. Klttinger,
K. C. Conley, i
V. A. 1 anlun, -E.
11. Jeffers.
H. j. Uevrae,
lr. J. I). Walson,
K. It. Hralnard,
('. A. Martin,
V.. ti. liny,
V. M. lrk;
A. 4. Hunt,
'. E. Owens
W. U. htewurt, Jr.;
It. t. King.
. V, tiaidner,
J. M. N orris,
('. ('. llaynea,
Edwin Cole. , '
l'r. i. It. Hell,
C I j. lallcy. ,
It. O. Wells,
E. I Mycra,
M lane a
Kannle Uladwin,
ll.txel Anderaon,
Ethel Morgana,
ijjorothy 1'a.rdun,
Fred Wedemeyer, 3-in Mttlnaer, Jr.;
Eeoitard reteiaon. JranK c. le.
Temple Israel Concert,
The concert arranged iy Temple larael
Blaterhood for Monday afternoon, and
which was postponed on account of tha
storm, will be held next Monday ut the
temple. Mlaa Iura Uoets will alng, Mlas
Helen Bommer will give vlulln selec
tions and Mrs. Franklin A. fthotwell will
give readlnga.
Parties for Fuller Sisters.
Tha demand .for seat 1 Increasing
dally Jot the Fuller slaters, who are to
make their firat appearance In tha west
Tuesday afternoon of next week at the
Floyd theater. Mrs. John N. Ilaldwln will
give ana o( tha larger Una parties and
box parties will W given by.
Meadames-. Medams
K. W. Dixon, Charles King Bar-
Frank Hamilton, ion,'
W. J. Foye. Charles F. Crowley.
Harry Uurkley,
With the' Visitor.. .
Mrs. Frank Shaw of Winnipeg, Mani
toba, arrived this morning and will be
tha guest of Mrs, C. C. Ryan for two
Carter Lake Club.
The Carter Lake Swimming and r.owl
Ing' club mt Monday afternoon at the
Farnam alleys. The hlKli score, 1,047, was
made by Mrs. L. A. Dcrmody's band. The
mcmbera were all present. . y
To Honor Visitor.
f Mrs. W. K. Overmtro gave a bridge
luncheon today in her apartment at tha
Alaailan In honor of Mrs. Harry Purvis
of Dei Molncai who Is visiting Mrs. L. M.
Holllday. Tha luncheon was served at
small tablea which were decorated with
violets and hyacinths. Covers were laid
for twelve guests.
Informal Dinner.
M- Metoalf will give the last
of her aerlea of dinnera this evening at
her home on South Tenth street. Mrs
Jlefcalf will entertain:
Messrs. and Mdame
Frank Hamilton iu.i r,
Uii1 JS Kred"kk
ra. f j". Klrkendall,
Mlaa Mary Munchborr.
W. Farnam Pmlth, Ncw Vork:
benjamin F. Bmiihi (ien. John C. fowln.
To Honor Bride.
Mra Fannie Greentxrg will entertain
at a family dinner thla evening la honor
of her daughter, Anns, and Mr, 8. H,
Forater, whoao engagoment waa an
nounced pa-ently.j
For Eecent Bride.
Complimentary to Mra. Walter Griffith,
a recent bride. Mra. Jv W. Griffith enter
tained at hi Un today at her home. The
guests wer I
Father of Murdered Han Asks that
Case Against Her Be Dismissed
by the State.
Mm. Emma Hl'-kena. who ehot to
death Rruno C. Itanaen. the man respon
sible for her alienation from her hus
band, September ZD at the Presbyterian
hoapilal, wl'l not be required to anawer
for her action In the courts. An Informa
tion charring first degree murder has
been nolled by County Attorney Msgney
upon the request Of T. 1C Hansen of
Tlldcn, father of the dead man.
Mrs. Hlcaens, who shot herself through
the hesd In an attempt to commit aulcldn,
already has been punished mora severely
than many murderers, according to In
formation received by County Attorney
Maguey. Bhe la said to be permanently
blind and to have lost the faculty of
speech ss a result of the wound.
Mrs. Hlckcns. who came near death
after the tragedy, has been cared for by
her husband, George 3. Hlckcns, a t rav
elin salesman, who secured a bond snd
took her from the hospital.
Mr. snd Mrs. Hansen and Mr. and Mra.
If 1( kens became acquainted several years
ago while living In Omaha. The Hanaens
moved to Chicago, but Mr. Hansen made
Hlslt to Omaha. Eater he and Mra.
Hlckens went to Bouth America.
Alter anoui six tnonihe they returned
to Omaha. Mrs. Hlckens sought her hus
band and begged him to take her back.
He refused, declaring that he would pro
vide for her, but would not again live
with her.
Immediately after tha Interview. Mrs.
Hlckens secured a revolver and went to
the Presbyterian hospital, where Hansen
waa taking medical treatment. After a
short Interview with Hansen ahe shot
him and turned the gun on herself, In
flictlnc a severe wound In the head.
An Information charging first degree
murder was lodged against Mrs. Hlckens,
hut relatives of tho dead man decided
they did not care to prosecute her, and
County Attorney Magney, believing It
would be Impossible to convict her In her
feeble state of health, consented to noils
tha case. .
.lack W. Jackaon,
T. P. Kerr,
I E. Efk, '
Kenyon K'olth,
Howard O randan,
Ivan li, Ervln,
M. H. Clark.
A. E. iGladwin.
Haymoml Powell,
Albert Wedemeyer.
For the Future. v '
Tha Pralrlo Park dub will hold their
pre-Lenten subscription dance at the club
bnnea Wednesday evening, February t.
Tha club rooms will ba - 'decorated In
Oriental style, .with banging lanters and
tapestry. Special cabaret features will b
Introduced during tha evening. All ar
rmngementa ara in charge of Mr. Gaorg
W. Gardner.
Tha young women of Ft. Bridget's par
ish will give a card party thla evening
at tha Centurion club in Kouth Omaha.
Ccrso Club Entertained.'
Mia. Georga O. Gerbardt entertained
lUa tncoibors of the tirrniu oiwb at lunch
ton at the Young Woinen'a Christian as
sociation. Following the luncheon, a pro
gram on "Famous- Women", was given.
Mrs. Paul A. Themsnson, president of the
club, read a paper on "Queen Eouiae of
Prussia;" Mrs. J. E. Goodrich, a paper
on "Pocahontas." and Mra, D. H. Haw
ley, oo "I, lila.."
Tea for New Director
Mrs. EOgar II. &:ott was hostess at an
Intornuil tea this afternoon for Mlas
Jejs:6 Powell AiiioM. the new head real
Jf nt of the Social rVttletnent. who arrived
In Ornalia Monday from New Haven. The
bdiird iit directors, the ninibrralii com
n.ii ire a n J the teachers at the settlement
' lwue were atked to meet Miss Arnold.
Tuesday Morning Mubical.
'ice lexular uioutlily jrosiam of tha
T ues'iay Murnlng inuHl sle was given this
iMKfnliia at tiie homo of Mrs. Eouia C.
Natli. iliaa Henrietta Weber of Chicago
K.oe a lecture rvclutl on the "M-xlcrn
'leiidtuciea in Mualc."
Walter Urlfflth,
llraton Harson,
Frames .
Hochstetler, 1
A lira Jaqulth,
EUclle Paeon,
Marlon Kiihn,
Helen Clarke,
Frank llaron,
WlnUaor Megeath.
M I a sea (
Eleanor Marks v,
Wtella Thummell,
Ann Glfford,
Hlanche Deuel,
Janet Hall.
Tuesday Bridge Club.
Mra Uartoa Millard waa hostess this
afternoon at tha meeting of tha Tuesday
Bridge club. Tha guests were:
" Mesdsmes - Mesdames
Frank Keogh. John Kedlck,
fesorge Kedlck, Arthur Keelina,
lula Clark, John Madden,
Oentse Harkulow, Walter Hoberts.
Koxs Towle,
Miss Elisabeth Congdon.
Danceg Tonight
una iwuiKia ciud win entertain at a
novelty darning party thla waning at tha
Metropolitan hall. '
Tha Cacti club will give a dancing party
this evening at tha Metropolitan club.
Personal Mention.
Mlaa M Incite Mitcheltree Is leaving thla
evening for New York Ctt.
Mra. C. C. Cope, sr., and Mlaa Lauretta
Copa leave oa Wednesday evening fur
Florida, to be gone the real of tha winter.
r irvfea ur extlUSlu, joa , - X
rJ HMMiLciiitl food not it 5'
; con '8 IMtLSlON is rich la
f.o4 valu; It seppliea tha
'try element to aiilivaai
V . lt Moud, reatora atrmcth
f f and tLo touiSji bf Lea life.
Although Chief of Tollc Hrnry W.
Dunn and tvo other officers of the
police force ave returned to duty after
being off sick, the department is still
short seven officers who are on ik
Chief Tuon had been at home for sev
eral day with an attack of grippe, - Ha
returned to hia t.fflca Monday, although
not yet thnroughhc recovered. Officers
J am a McDonald and Nlcholaa lUibollvh
resumed their work Monday night, after
being off for some time, one with pneu
monia, and the other with a broken arm.
Officers still kick or laid up are Ser
licuot tV. G. Kussell, bad cold; Dttoctla
E. II. Moigan, rhcumatiam; Mika .Mc
Carthy, broken arm; 11. Creal wreiu-haJ
knee; K. C. Itobey and Frank Goodrich,
grlpi; (Vtectlve Joim Pssanowakl, con
valcaclng fioia appendiciUs.
Foshier Pays Man
to Quit Smoking
A man walked Into the office of W. E.
Foshier, distributer of Cartercar, Enger
and Mets automobiles. 2115 Fsrnam
street, and showed a note calling for 15.
"Well, sir, Mr. Foshier, 1 took It ac
cording to d'reetlons," he said.
Mr. Foshier O. K.'d the Mil, smiled on
tha man and Said: "All right, Joe; I'm
glad you did. I'm satisfied. Just present
that to tha cashier and get your money."
The man had earned iO simply by "cut
ting out" smoking for one year.
Mr. Foshier, himself, waa a great
smoker for ,-esrs. Ho stopped It and f?e
clarn ha feel ao much better without
Lady Nicotine's company that he wanta
to get sis many of his fellow men to
divorce her aa he can.v
"I'd rather have tha other fellow's good
will than hla money," ha says.
nick Lurk, a llelglan, la said by the
police to be so upaet by tha plight of his
nullvo country In the war that he doesn't
work any more, but Just sits around and
e nage In war disputes, with relatives
and neighbors. His wife hall to go to
work. In cVdir to support tho family, it
Is said, and Eurk went to 2121 Lake street.
where she wss employed, and started a
rumpus. Her position was threatened,
and to retain It sha hud her husband ar
rested. Ha received a fifteen-day aen
lence In police court on the charge, of
disorderly conduct.
trenatheaa )ere Back.
Helps Kldaeja.
Take six drops of Hloan'a Liniment four
times a day and apply to small of back.
It kills the pain. All druggists. Adver
Monday afternoon the Misaourl Pacific
put something like 3X1 men at work
shoveling off tha Belt I.lna tracks. The
aectlon men wer able to keep tha main
line tracks cleared of snow, but they
would not car for the numerous siding.
Tha L'ntun Iepot company la getting
the snow off its property, loo or mora
men being at work In the pasaengcr
yards. At tha Hurllngto.1 passenger eta
tlon tha yarda were filled with snow
snd drifted badly Here tha snow la
being shoveled Into luge ile and I
being; carted away.
v f
' 1 ' ... 4
i .
Rev. Titus Lowe Tells of Wonderful
Things that Will Happen When
Sunday Corn's to Town.
"I hope the Hilly Pund.iy campaign In
Omaha will result In a great moral and
spiritual awakening of tha city commia-
, sinners and all of us," remarked Rev. I,owe, pnator of the Firat Methodist
cnurcn, aunressing the city council in
connection witn the granting of a special
...... .... tu,,,s inim inic vii
Eeavenwof th street, between Nineteenth
and Twentlrtth streets.
, The minister's reference to the com
ir.lpsloners evoked a smile from a coterie
of citizens who were In the council
chsmber on various matters of business.
The council granted the permit nnd re
ceived the' thanks of representatives of
the Omaha Evangelistic association.
"Tho Sunday movement todny In Phila
delphia la greater than any movrment
experienced during tha history of the
Christian faith. It is a great moral,
Christian movement and we are going to
see greet things happen in Omaha when
Mr. Ftintisy gets here," added the Rev.
Mr. Eowe.
Thm permit granted by the cit y count it
carrea wl'h. fl Mlpulsl'nns that there Sha'l
be red lights at the exits., that there
shall be ample exits, the doors shall swing
outward and there shall be rlpnly ot
ushcla. A bond or SS.nflrt will be filed by
the Omaha EvanKellaim association.
The tabernacle will have twenty-seven
Inrge double doors and the scats will all
be on the ground foor.
Small Army Busy
Shoveling Snow in ,
Down Town District
Andrew F. West, dean of the graduate
school of Princeton university and for
many years connected with Irlnceton,
will bo In Omaha on next Monday as the
guest of the Princeton club of this city.
Prof. West la one of the best known
educators of the east lie Is, passing
through Omaha on hla way home from
Los Angeles, where ha had been caUed
to deliver a series of lectures.
The Frlncrton club has arranged to
hav hlin stsy over In Omaha for an
entire day and plans' to kcp Mm busy
with addresses to tudents of vsrlous In
stitutions of the 'city.
John Lund, acting suierintendent of
the street cleaning Jepartnynt, started
2ZZ shovelcrs and W0 t'.'bmsters to work
yesterday, removing snow from the
streets of the buMnest district.
This Is the largest staff the department
has had this winter. Mr. Lund hopes to
have most of the snow moved before a
thaw should set In.
The work of moving the last heavy
snow had Just been finished when this
last snowfall occurred.
There, were. many more applicants for
work than could be engsged.
St. Edward Friends j
Send Bible to Jim
for Campaign Use
Mayor J. C. Oiihlmsn a handsome large
Bible. The mayor says he has stsrted to
read the good book and intenda to use
somo marked passages during tha srring
The mayor will not divulge at this
tlino the nature of the passages marked
by the citizens of Ft. Edward. He sent
hi donors a letter of thanks.
A friend of the mayor believes there is
some connection between the sending of
this Bible and the forthcoming Billy Sun
dav revival.
The mayor has said he Intends to go to
the Sunday meetings.
Returns in the Young Women's Chris
tian association campaign for funds total
S6.12S.25. The board of directors will meet
Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at
the association building to elect officers
for tha coming year.
Some Wag Makes a
Jitney Bus Out of
the Police Patrol
Jitney bus. '
Hop In. '
We'll carry you so far that It will cost
you 125 to get bark.
We leave regularly from Eleventh and
Dodge streets.
This legend, placarded on .both aidea of
tha police patrol, wagon driven by Harry
Ouford, cause hundreds ' of smiles as
It dashed about tha streets for a whUe
this morning.
Harry smiled back so many times at
smiling strangers that finally he began
to wonder at the unusual good humor f
those the black wagon happened to pass.
Then he got out and looked at the side
of hia wagon.
"Oh, tho blankey, blank, blank blanks!"
ha raved- frantically tearing off the
signs. ,
Harry is so proud of his. wsgon thst
he spends moat of his time polishing the
brass work snd removing finger prints
made, by clumsy officers or awkward
The organized gundar ecnoot classes of
Trinity Uethodlst church. Twenty-first
snd Blnney streets. . will give a large ao
cls,i Friday evening at 8 o'clock: The
program will ba in charge of Wlllard
Chambers, superintendent of the classes
Tha annual meeting of tha Douglas
County Sunday School association will be
hold at the same church February 22 and
23. Miss Margaret Ellen Brown of Lin
coln, state secretary, who attended the
International congress in Zurich lust year,
will give an illustrated talk.
The art ( Ui Reaurt.
Around tha stova of the cross roads
grocery U the real court of laat twsort.
j fur It finally overrules all others. Chain
I t-eilaln a Cough Remedy has been brought
I before thla court In alraoat every cros
funds grocery in this country. auJ baa
always revived a favorable verdict. It
is in the com, try where man expects tvi
iccelva full value lor his 'money that this
eniMly la moot appreciated. Obtainable
everywhere). AdvvrUantena,'
An Easy Way to Get
Fat and Be Strong
The troublo with moat thin folk a who
Wish to gain weight la that they insist on
diUKKlng their atomach or stuffing it with
grcany foods; rubbing on useless "licsh
c.roaiiia," or lollowlii some loo.lah phys
ical culture stunt, while the real cause
of thinnesa goes untouched. You cannot
get fat until your digesllvo tract assimi
lates tha fovd you eat.
Thanka to a remarkable new scientific
discovery, it Is now possible to combine
Into simple form the very elements need
ed by tit dlgeattvo organs to help Ihetu
convert food Into rich, fat-laden blood.
Thla master-stroke of modern onenitslry
is called haisol and has been termed tha
greatest ot I leah-buibiera. tfarttol alma
mruuKh Us r"-aerieiuve, racunlru'Uv
power to coax tha stomach and Intes
tines to literally aoak up the fattening
e'emrtfte of your food ana pass tlicm into
the blood whern they are carrind to every
slarwd, broken-down cell tissue of your
body. You can readily picture tha result
when thla ainasing transformation haa
taken placa sad you notice how your
cheeks fill out, hollows about, your neck,
l-oulders snd bust disappear and you
take on from la to IV xunris of solid,
healthy flesh. Kargol la absolutely haint
leaa, inexpensive, efficient, fclirrnian A
Met' onnell liug Sto.-ra ane other leading
driJKKi'U of Omaha and v.clinty have It
and will refund your money If you are
not satisfied, aa per the guarantee found
III eerv package.
t'Al TIC ;N:-Vhlla Sarsol has given ex
cellent results In oteivtiming nervous dys
pepata and general stomach troubiea It
should not be taken by those who do not
iali to gain ten pounds or more Advertisement.
For Sauces and
For smooth, rich sauces and gravies
MA lb LI ,
8torfllaa4 . UaaweataaW
Is far superior to bottle milk. Its
uniform lichnesadowa to tha last drop
always gives satisfactory results.
Cottaga Milk is always freih, punt
and sweet. It Is tha richest milk
with most of tha water taken out,
perfectly sterilized and with nothing
added. It lasts indefinitely.
L Th Milk Without
th Cooked Tatte
At all .
(Joud ItoaJer
In Two
5 and 10c
Special Assorted
Caramels Vanil
la, chocolate, vanll-la-nut,
nut, cream rolls.
36c grsde. Wednes-
asy, pound: joa
" L 'w "" mi mj'Uii I'm ii ii iMiiiiniiiiiiwii..
iti"jiLSiU'MBL'S-jiiauiisii l .a iu MfTnuJ. JmmmmnrtmmM Jl 1 lisj nm'. ..
New spring ap
parel Is coming
into this store by
almost every express.
Curtains and Draperies Show
Marked Reductions Wednesday
100 pairs of Swiss and crim curtains that are sold
regularly at $1.00 and $1.50. Wednesday r
choice, the pair '.ODC
Scotch Madras Regular 39c and
45c grades. Wednes- . on.
day, a yard.. CVC
Silk Plniah Voiles A new and
attractive selection. A
One big lot of lace curtains worth from $3.25 to QQ
$4.98 a pair. Wednesday's special price, o."xh.a0C
Good Rugs Decidedly Reduced
Axminster rugs, 9x12 size,
patterns. Regula'v sold
Tapestry Brussala Ruga Size 9x
10 Mffiil.plw a 112 A
toy ' , DV.u I ( IJ bi flll.UV aim
W,' $18.00. Special for tjlO QQ
vveanesaay, at. y M. aa o
30, worth $1.25. Special,
in conventional and oriental
Axmlnster and Velvet Ruga Size
27x54, sold regularly at, $2.50.
Special Wednesday,
2,500 Women
can buy fine . dress
fancy slippers at a saving
of half or more when we
have our annual sale of the
famous i
- Fox Footery
This annual event will begin
Thursday, continuing Friday and
Watch the papers for all
the news about it.
COCO DOOR MATS Size 19x33,
worth $2.00. Special, jj
Rubber Footwear-All Kinds
I About Half Price (hA0seEMDT)
500 pairs of women's fine-grade rubbers, storm and
low cut. Regular sizes", styles to fit. Are OA
worth 7oc, for OU C
500 pairs of men's high-grade rubbers, storm or low cut; all
regular alzes. Styles to fit- . Worth $1.00, for. J
Misses' and children's rubbers
All sizes to 2, worth 60c. Of"
Special price, a pair...... aCOC
Women's cloth . robbers Storm ,
style. All sizes. Worth jq
$1.00. Special price, pair. . . .z7C
Napkins Sp'l.
Three lots of fine din
ner napkins much re
duced in price.
All-Linen Napkins Dinner size, in
pretty damask patterns; values in
this lot up to $2.25 a dozen,
choice 6 for 79c
All-Linen Napkins Full bleached,
large size, good heavy quality of
satin finished damask; values to S)7
. 7K a anoHal S Sav QP
T r -
finished double damask napkins; .
alt pretty patterns, large-size.. Val
ues up to $3.00 a dozen.. 6 for $1.25-
Bedspreads Extra heavy, full size
spreads, crocheted styles, hemmed'
ends. $2.25 value, special.... $1.85
chiffonier and dresser sizes, to
match; all-llnen centers. Regular
$3.25 value. Wednesday, each..$J.98
MenV light weight buckle overshoes, all sizes. Sold A - If
regularly for $1.50. Special, the pair, ....... . Bl'. 10
Special Sale of "Boye" Brand
Needles, Pins and Sewing
f Necessities--A Quality Line
Long Grooved Hand Spring Steel Sewing
Needle. It is made from No, 1 spring
though handled with sweaty lingers, be
cause it is highly nickeled. It -is a com
fort to sew with the "Boye" and it is the cheapest, . because ltns the best. ' .
Sold only in zinc, nickel plated handy sewing cases. Price, the case. .... ... OC
rr vx
fofrtt I
pit j
"Boye" Steel Pine The dressmakers' friend, because
they , can be used over and over again. They do not
bend or, break as the ordinary pin they stay where
they are put until they are taken out. Made from
the best spring steel wire nickel plated and per
fect points, packed in a lithographed metal box.
Price, per box
With every purchase of 25c or over of
"Boye" good! we will-give you a hand
sewing needle-threader, like cut, free. '
Skipping stitches and breaking thread is usu
ally caused by a worn or rough shuttle. A
perfectly made shuttle is a smooth shuttle,
over which the thread glides easily, permit
ting a more even and perfect stitch. The
"Boye" Shuttles are polished smooth as glass
and give excellent results.
"Boye" Brand Black
Belts do not slip when
sewing .over
seams. They
give more pow
er and the ma
chine runs
lighter made
machine. Price, 25c.
A "Boye'
9t ""tec aaaa. K
Ota. aa raraaaa.
F-hoae , ssaa. aXooca a. BaMriae MlAg.
V I i
ii j
V 1
This Trade Mark appears on every package. It is a
guarantee of quality. '
BOYE BRAND MACHINE OIL is the best oil to
be had for sewing machines, type
writers and all machinery containing
fine delicate parts. Guaranteed not
to gum or stain.
"BOYE" BRAND NEEDLES have a deep groove and bur.
simris. durshia. siatoaMtio. nished eye and are rohshed as smooth as glass. They are
It thrmdaso?DflMllieltvalaUie dark. . J .j. , , x , 1
Mo.tvua.toisocaus.44Mam.ota. packed assorted sizes in rust-proof, flange tubes for anv sewin?
machine. Price, per tube, 10c
Jjrhrcader A
sa. it , ssse. t
9jimit mmam mm
nair Pins, the "Boye"
Brand They are made
of a good grade wire
ajid highly fin
ished . in hard
enamel two
coats. Ball points
do not split
the hair. Price,
Crochet Hooks of the
very best quality. The
hooks are polished as
smooth as glass and do
not pull the yarns or
threads. The utmost care
is taken in the manufac
turing of these crochet
hooks. Price, 5c.
"Boye" Crochet Ball and
Knitting Yarn Holder Can
be used on all kinds of cro
chet cottons or threads;
used on wrist by clasping it
around, or can be used 'by
hanging on back of chair
and -a number of other
ways. Easily attached and
-detached. Price, 10c.