Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Xo Mora Gurgly ltrah, "Lump of
Lead,' Bad ingestion, Heartburn
or Stomach Trouble.
Quiek Costs Wothtar To Try.
Th tniin who curl t help niiiKlnn fitrvs
at bto stomsch, the man or woman wltlt
grouohy digestion, or with downright
dyspepsia nerd tret no more ove r stomaih
The heaviest, richest dinners, the moat
unspeakable quirk luni'hea, nil ran lx
taken rare of without tinpoaliK on the
stomach. A scientific digeative ran do
the digesting., where the atotnarh either
did not do it before, on did It very Inii'er
fcctly. .
. 4 ,
Baanty enS Oood Pls.atloa Go Hand in
Sand, ttuwt'i Dyspspsla Tablets
Inaur Both.
When you take one of Ptuart'a Dys-
!epsla Tablet" after a meal, the food
9. digested by the tablet even better than
your own stomach ran do It.
' Thla la why the use of Htuurt's 1'ys
nenela Tablets has become ao universal
anions those who suffer from any kind of
atoniMch troubles.
Take one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet a
fter your next meal and If you are given
10 belching, sour risings, fermentation,
.heavy, lumpy feeling; In the atomach, in
dlsiestkm. dvapepala, loss of appetite or
any other stomach derangement, you will
find at onre a remarkable Improvement.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the most
wonderful tablets on earth for any kind
of stomach trouble.
They enrich the gastric Juices, and give
the stomach the rest It needs before it
can again be healthy and strong.
Try one after your next meal, no mat
ter what you cat. You'll find your appe
tite return for the meal after and you
will feel fine after eating.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale
at all druggists at 60c a box. '
fiend coupon below today and we will
at once seed you by mail a sample free.
Freo Trial Coupon
T. A. Stuart Co., 901 Stuart aidg.,
Marshall, Xloh.r send metat once by
return' mall,' a. free trial package of
6tuarfs Dyspepsia Tablets. ' '
A Friendly Scientist Showed Me How
'to Care It Forever
For a long lime I a. sorely troubled by hid
' eoua growth of fuperfluoue Heir cm my taie and
i arms, i My tec wae indeed a sight trom the ei
asperating growttn
'it- . and 1 grew almoet to
Li'- aate myaatt tor my
lVStM ''i'.Vv utielghtly appeainm-e.
L ! A There are many things
ti'Sl VJ. advert lead tor Super
V - k t- ilaou Hair, and 1
1 -"., fe think I tried them all.
i ' 1 but never wlih any
,7 result, except to wane
iplt 9 my money and burn
- . wiS "a "kln-
fj, v But. notwllhrtanil-
Jt . Ing all my yrara of
' disuppulnttment, to-
av h day there la not a
jfiN elgn of fluperlluoua
or anywhere elee. 1
got rid of tt thmugh
following the advlc
nf a friendly anient lot
' ' a rroieeaor or unem-
letry at an Kngllth Vnlvenliy. The treatment he
dvteed la ao thorough, simple and ee-y to use
that .1 went every other aufferer In America to
know about ft. It worked such a change In my
appearance and my happiness, that 1 gladly waive
. my natural feelinge of eenfttlveneea and will tell
broadcant to all who are afflicted how I destroyed
every trace of hair, never to return.
If you are a sufferer and would like to bave full
detalla, lust aend along your aame (etatintg
whether Wre. or MHta) and address, and a twoeent
auunp for return postage and I will aend yon In
full detail th advice and lnstroctlona which re
sulted la my own euro after all e)ie failed. Ad
drea your letter. Mrs. Katbryn Jenktnev Bulte &f2
B. V. Cor. bummer tit. and Atlantic Avenue. Bos
ton. Maa. ,
NOTE: Mr. Jenkins, as her photograph shows,
ta a lady ot refinement, and for years was well
kaowa aa a Socleuy Leader la eieraoloa. fa.
You don't have to WONDER If Reainol
Ointment is doing you good. You KNOW
It Is, because the first application stops
the itching and your tortured skin feels
cool and comfortable at last. Why don't
YOU try this easy Resinol way to heal
eciema or similar skin eruptions? Real
Jiol clears away pimples, too, and is a val
uable household remedy for cuts, sores,
btirns, chaflngs, etc. It has been pre
scribed by doctors for 20 years and con
tains nothing that could irritate or Injure
tbe tenderest skin. Fold by all druggists.
For free trial, write to Dept. S-R Resinol,
Baltimore, Md.
When you wash your hair, don't uae
soap. Moat aoapg and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali, which
Is very Injurious, as It dries the scalp
and makes the hair brittle.
Th beet thing to use is Just plain
mulalfied cocoanut oil, for it is pure
and ' entirely greaaeleas. It s very
cheap, and beats soap or anything else
all to pieces. You csn get this at any
drug store, and a few ounces will last
the whole family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub tt in, about a teaspoonful is
all that is required. It makea an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly an 4
evenly, aud is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy ' to
handle. Ueahlea, it loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
dandruff. Advertisement.
1 . .,V
Fidelity torre ft Taa C Ben. OSS
Ksvs Boot Frist It Now Beacon Press
nrgsss Oraaa.a Co-Lighting fix
Wasted Choirs real estats loans. W.
II. Thomiws, r.i Stats bank building.
"Today's Complete atorts rrorraaa" I
claaalfled section today, and appears in
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture, theaters offer.
Joins Kara! Staff Bare Charles J.
Krurgrr, gunner's mate, first class, has
arrived here from Kansas City to Join
the "staff of lieutenant Tipton at the
local navy recruiting station.
MotIs Cose Continued After hearing
arguments Monday and Tuesday on tho
petition of the Union Tarlflc railway to
have tho suit of John A. Moore sgslnst
it continued vIudge Tags Morris granted
a continuance until. March 10.
Quickly Located and easily accessibls
Are two prime requisites of a desirable
office location. Tenants of The Uce
Building, "the building that Is always
new." find these two conditions of grea
service fn building up their business.
CBrlta Sues Stock Tards James
O'Brlcn, who alleges that as a result of ,
being ousted from the South Omaha Live I
Stock exchange he has been damaged to !
tho extent of $1,000. has brought suit In
district court for that amount.
Tavor Jury. Commissioner The jury
commissioner system providing for tho
selection of Jurors for the district court
by key number jystcm Is agreeable to
the Commercial club. The executive com
mittee of th erlub went on record favor
ing a bill providing for this -system.
Officers After Blair Special Officer ganlsed Jiere. The board decMed to re
Kaiser of ?t. Ixuis Is In the city con- ; ft r the matter again to a Joint committee
suiting with the local police and federal
authorities In regard to taking back John
Blair, alias Frank Hayden, alias Arthur
Cliff, who Is wanted there on a charge
of killing 1'ollce Sergeant Michael F
Gibbons. '
Warning- from Tira Warden Kira
Warden Edward Morris warns building '
owners against the evil of allowing Ice
to form on fire escapes,'" which Is not an
unusual thing when the. snow, melts on
roofs. He augests that the application
of ealt will meet this situation and thus
leave the fire escapes in a sale condition.
Births and Bsaths Decrease The total
births In Omaha last month was 230, as
sgalnst 250 for the same month last year.
Health Commissioner R. W. Connell i
unable to explain this decrease. He says
he will confer with Dr. Stork. There
were ten more males than females lsst
month. Total deaths last month was
151; January, last year, 1G0.
Improvers Meet Tonight "The Feder
ation of Improvement Clubs of Douglas
County" will hold Its .regular monthly
meeting in the council chamber of the
city hall this evening at 8 o'clock. Sub
jects: "Extension ot the Water Service
Into New . Districts," ''Acquiring River
Front," "Shall We Take a United Stand
on Election of City Commissioners?"
Metcalfe Talks Again on Blrar Mis
souri river navigation Is to be discussed
again by J. W. Metcalfe, member of the
trade extension committee of the Com
mercial club at a joint meeting of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen lodges
at Mueller's hall, Seventeenth and Vinton
streets, the evening of February 17. Lodge
No. 209 is host to the other lodges of the
same order.
Suff s Will Merely
Work to Thwart the
: Antis Dunng 1915
Nebraska suffragists will make no
aggressive fight tills coming year, but will
waUh for and attempt to correct any
thing which may wprk adversely for the
cause. No attempt at securing presiden
tial suffrage will be undertaken at this
session of the legislature. This was the
decision of the legislative committee, as
reported by the chairman, Mrs. II. H.
Wheeler of Lincoln, at the meeting of
the executive board held Monday at the
Young Women's Christian association
"Two things we will do," said Mrs.
Draper Smith, state president. "We will
bend every effort toward enrolling as
many women as possible In. the suffrage
ranks in order tor combat the anti-suffragists'
argument that women do not want
the vote. Then we will boost the pro
duction of the suffrage movie.. 'Your Olrl
and Mine," which play, besides doing
propaganda work, is a source ot revenue
for the state treasury."
The first Issue of the Nebraska Suffrage
Messenger, edited by Mrs. Viola M. Harri
son of Lincoln, press chairman, will be
oft the press this week.
Among the 'women who came for the
meeting ' were Miss Mary Williams ot
Kenesaw, Mesdamea H. H. Wheeler, W.
K. Barkley, W. E. Hardy, W. 8. Jay and
Mrs. F. A. Harrison of Lincoln. Mrs.
Spilth and Miss Daisy DOane are the local
members of tho board. The out-of-town
women left late Monday afternoon for
home. .
Runs Through Fire
To Save Groundhog
To aavs a pet groundhog from being
burned to death "Jack" Lewla. a woman
living at 22 Capitol avenue, dashed
through a burning room at the risk ot
her own life late Monday afternoon. .
"Tomorrow is your day. Pete." ahe said
assuringly to the animal, as she carried
it to safety. "I hope you don't see your
shadow, either."
The fjre started supposedly from de
fective wiring in the apartment next
door at "J Capitol avenue, in the Trilby
flats, uwsed by Peter and John Gran
grasso. The flames jrept through the
partition into the Lewlu woman's flat,
and after she had scared she rushed
back to save her pet. The damaxa was
confined to partitions, carpets and fur
WASHINGTON. Feb. t. Alarmed for
the safety of British subjects in Mexico
as the result of the reported cutting off
by tho Zapata forces of the clty'a main
water supply. Counselor Barclay ot the
British embassy called at the fctate de
partment today to Inquire what the de
partment had heard ' about conditions
Hs was told that according to the
American government's advices the city
had an adequate water supply to meet
neceealtlca, and that there had been ao
reports of violence In the capital.
When costive or troubled with consti
pation take Chamberlain's Tablets. They
are easy to take and most agreeable In
effect. Obtainable everywhere. Adver
Robert Cowell Tells Recreation Ex
perts His Views of Require
merits of Modern Youth.
Hubert Cowell, acting . chairman
of tbe Board of Education, yesterday
evening told Rabbi Frederick Conn
he believes the country Is running
wild over the play movement; that
It Is a form of hysteria and that
more work for the boys and girls t
what is needed.
"I am for work. I wsnt to see our
boys carrying up the coal, carrying out
the ashes, shoveling snow off the walks:
and I want to see our girls sewing, cook
ing and performing other home duties.
The other day a boy In an Omaha neigh
borhood was the object of derision be-
cause he shoveled the snow from the walk
of hie home." declared Mr. Cowell. with
considerable earnestness.
Action Deferred.
Dr. Cyrus Stlmson, field secretary of
the National riayground and Recreation
aasoclatton; Ilabbl Conn and 'Secretary
K. F. Dcnlson of the Toung Men'a Chris
tian association appeared belore the
school board to urge tho members not
to decide to refuse to co-operate with
the recreation board, about to be or-
consisting of the judiciary and building
and grounds committees, with power to
Chairman Cowell did not incline toward
the idea of the school bosrd co-iperatlng
In this plan, one ot his ohjertlons being
he Possibility of the school officials un
wittingly becoming parties to a general
play. policy, which might not be agreeable
to them.
Parka and Play Places.
Rabbi Cohn arew tne fire of the chair
man when he stated he and son were
swimming in the Hanscom park pond not
long ago, whereas a few years ago a
policeman would drive the boys out If
they even waded In this pond. Mr.
Cowell said he objected "to the proposition
of making the Hanscom park pond a pub
lic bathing place.
Rabbi Cohn replied to Mr. Cowell by
saying the children are being over
worked; that child labor Is being ex
ploited and supervised play is one of
the needs of the hour. He said: "The
child will play and must play and his
play should be supervised. Frequently
the child plays In the wrong place and In
the wrong way."
Dr. Stlmson explained that the chief
object of this movement Is to make the
leisure time of the child fruitful and
Member W. A. Foster of the school
board vigorously supported the Idea of
the school officials co-operating In every
way in thla recreation board matter.
Dr. Harold Glfford spoke briefly in be
half of the plan that the school board
should be represented on the recreation
Teachers Relastated.
The board adopted unanimously a re
port of a special committee, which recom
mended that Catherine White, Blanche
Coffman and Mrs. Alta Hotchklsa be re
instated to the status they held previous
to their demotion on account of the Rus-
mlrcl matter. An excerpt of tho report
reads: "Assuming that an error was
committed In demoting these three teach
ers, fairness would seem to require thst
they should be placed In positions similar
In grade and equal In salary to those
which they occupied last year."
These teachera will bo allowed aalarles
from the first of the present school
year. They were formally removed Au
gust 14 upon directions ot a committee of
the old school board. The committee re
porting yesterday evening found that the
old committee committed such an unus
ual act that the public was led to believe
that an Injustice had been done and the
committee expressed Itself as ot the same
Mlas Straaer tlim Salary.
The board received an affidavit from
Louise Stegner, who was involved in the
Mast Be Destroyed Before Catarrh Itself
Can Be Cured, Bays Bpeelaliat. Won.
aaasuits rrom Breatainr
Medicated Air.
Medicine taken Into the atomurh win
never cure catnrrh. And noiihee win .v..
epraye, douches, lotions, creams and other
iciiirurary icueia mat, so many catarrh
victims make it a habit nf nainr To...r.
catarth so it won't come back you must
first drive from, vour bodv tho million.
of germs that are flourishing in the inner
rrtfwies oi your nose and throat and are
causing the disease.
i here is a preparation which does this
railed Hyumel (pronounced Hlirh-o-ni.i
Hyoniel la a germ killing vaporized air
formed from the pureat oil or kmivni,,.
combined with other healing and anti
septic ingredients, you breathe Hyoinel
through the mouth and noae by means of
a little hard rubber inhaler which drua
Risia furnlah with it. Thla medicated
germicidal air penetratea into every fold
ami crevice of the mucous membrane of
your nose ann mroat. Kills the catarrh
germs that lodge there, soothes, reduces
Snd heala the swollen Inflamed mem
branes, stops the discharge and opens up
the clogged nose and air paessgee in a
truly wonderful way. It gives blessed
relief In five minutes from catarrhal illa
tre?s of everv kind and If you Tnak a
practice of breathing Hyoniei for a few
minutes each dav for Just a few weeks
rot only will all the symotoma of catarrh
vanish but the dineuae itself will be a
thing of the past. No one heed try or
1'ijy Hyomcl on pure faith. Khernian V
Mct'onnell Drug Co. and many other
lsdi"H druggiata In Omaha and vicinity
ell It with positive aunrantee that it
moat cure catarrh or thai the money
paid for it will be refunded. Myomet Is
very inexpenaive and with thla rrotfeting
guarantee t-elind your purvlias there Is
absolutely no resaon why uny sufferer
from catarrh should not give It a fair
IiIhI. Advertisement.
y a a r
building In-
rawly ril-
e4 ut
lack el technical
a row led ae oa tbe
tri ol tbe cuBirtc-
ton. It' Soliara la
your ao:net to iplor
expert technical aubervla-
len aucta e I eta able ta
leader. Call ebon er writ.
Member Amertraa lattltute
of a.lertrlcal gaglaeer.
1304 W. O. W. Bldf.
Thorn Deuarlas 6O07.
rtuamlsel hearing, stating that she Is en
titled to TW back- salary. This was
referred to a committee.
A wire guard will be placed around
the machinery In the manual training
department at Central High school. "
Woman in Caso Hit
By Supremo Court
In Mann Act Ruling
TVASHINOTO. Feb. 1-The fedcisl
white Slavs act was Interpreted today by
the supreme court as authorising the In
dictment of a woman, transported In vio
lation of the law, as a co-conspirator with
the person who caused her to be trans
ported. Justice Hdlmes. announcing the court's
opinion, Intimated a woman could be In
dicted also If she engaged In eonapirary
to have herself transported with a view
to blackmailing.
Justice lamar rendered a dissenting
opinion In which Justice Day concurred.
The dissenting Justices contended the ma
jority decision had cut away the consti
tutional support of the law. Supreme
court lawyers skilled. In the administra
tion of the supreme court were of the
opinion that the decision will have the
effect of making prosecutions very diffi
WASHINGTON. Feb. t.-Pendlng bill 1o
exclude from the malls at the discretion
of the postmaster general scandalous,
libelous and -srurrllous mstter were sub
jects of hesrlng today hefora tho house
postofflce committee. Discussion centered
about religious publications.
Representatives Fltxgerald. Msher. Qal
llvsn end others favored tho legislation,
while those who opposed it Included Rev.
R. II. MoKlm. Rev. Clarence A. Vincent
of this city snd C. 8. Longscre, secretary
of the National Religious Liberty asso
ciation. Tho arguments drifted Into a
religious controversy.
s,tv ANTONIO. Tex.. Feb. I. Duval
West of Ban Antonio left for Washington
tonight In response, he said, to a mm
mone from President Wilson, who offered
him the post of the president's personal
representative In Mexico. The offer, Mr.
West ssid. csme through Attorney Gen
eral Gregory.
r on Informed that I had been se
lected to go to Mexico In th Interest ot
peace," declared Mr. West.
Mr. West, a former assistant United
States district sttorney, spent several
years In Mexico and Is reckoned as au
thority on that country.
A Good Complexion
Means Pure Blood
Everybody that wanls a fine, glowing,
youthful skin, should tske old reliable
Hood's Sarsaparllla, a physician's pre
scription, which gives a clear, healthy
color. When your blood is made pure,
pimples, bolls, hives, eczema disappear.
Languor, loss of appetite, tired feeling,
weakness sre symptoms of Impure, un
healthy blood.
Hood's Sarsaparllla' purifies th blood
Get a bottle today.
What is. Vulcan?
It is a perfect fuel
for domestic use.
A fuel that burns
better than An
thracite Coal,giv
ingequal efficien
cy ton for ton.
Made from a mix
ture of coals that
exhaustive tests
have proved to be
best for coking.
Vulcan does not
burn out fircpots or
grates because the im
purities that cause
such troubles have
been removed It
burns to a clean ash
and is free from
clinkers, slate and
stone. It is smoke
less, clean and eco
nomical 20 cheap
er than hard coal
will last as long.
Order Today
Coal Products Kit. Un Jlit,lll.
Exclusive DomastJ tJaiaa Areata,
AUilr-MaktlBMI CmI k Coilf C.
MaCeraaiok Bids;, Chicago.
Nebraska Fuel Co.
!-Store Hours:
Tuemlay, Fro. 2. I0I.V
Remarkable Clcaraway Wednesday of Our
Entire Winter Stock of Women's . Misses'
For, Women. Misses (Si Children is Different
A revelation In undnrwea
Garments not stretched to
ored Into shape by the maker.
- Th venal for MB ei kalt firmest
1 he Aiba gamuK
Th. rved-eut araihot
Tar alaniing aooldr aaa aleev
Th ihoaldnr-etar
Taa slaail cut
: Y
I J rlT'S&awe moulded to 1
1 ... ,r g
" :: ar i'"n mi' ""'' ar. .. . ,.aa.
You expect to be able to send a let
ter anywhere. You can nearly. But
you can send a long distance tele
phone message to 12,000 more places
in this country than you can send a
letter. j
According to the Postmaster Gen
eral's figures, there are 58.000 places
that have postoffices. There are
70,000 places reached by long distance
lines of the Bell Telephone System.
There are 50 per cent more tele
phone messages than " letters sent in
this country. In Europe, where the
governments own and operate nearly
For .xhllarating rlimat. delightful atirreuiMllnga and .ut .'door ewiditkuu, tb.
fut tout at florid etevoda uuritaled.
Si. A a aa at a. i pooca Leon and Aleaaar. Orm.nd-oa-t h.-H all fas i Hotel Onnond.
Palm Bewki Breaker and Royal Polndana. Miami Reyal Palm.
Naaa, Bah&uakai Tb Coknml Long K.ri Aa ldal Jlahlngr Chats.
Hataaa. Cabal Via
Tb Ovr Sea Railroad,
243 fift Avs
r w n
8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays
""everybody's store
That were $5, $7.50, $8.50, $10 to $12.50 for'
$2.95-$3.95 -$4.95 -$5.95
IT'S a determined effort to elenn house in this section
and to do it in the shortest possible time. The offer
ing includes our entiro winter stock an assortment of
unusual style variety, and the values are simply extraor
dinary. The models are the season's very latest and there arc
all sizes represented for women and misses.
Tho materials are gabardines, broadcloths, serges,
.novelty cloths, etc., in plain colors, plenty of black and
navy blue. Co. Boaa Tloor.
r improvements.
fit, but tailored to fit, not, pulled Into
As a foundation for perfect gown-flttins; Athena Underwear Is Ideal,
.lust tot the clerk pIiow yon the Seven Special Athena. Features:
TintKK'OORNKHKD (JIHSKT Relieve strata la garments at
thlRh. Insures greater comfort, longer wear.
l'ATFNTKO SKAT Most notable Improvement' over made la un
derwear designing, so shaped that it clings to tbe figure In any
cruVKM-Cl'T AHMHOLE Drlngs the garment snugly to the body
without unnecessary cloth, causing uncomfortable perspiration
and tearing the srmhole of one's best frock.
PKHKNCTKl) HHOULDKR STAY -Keeps garment from stretching
across the shoulder, and holds sleeve In place.
liTTKO SllOLI.DKU AM) HLKEVK Give natural form to bust
and proper tapering to back.
KXTKA-KLASTIC ITK1A Holds the sleeve In place and keeps It
from slipping up on the arm.
back with extra-full bust lower In front than at back. No slip
ping of shoulder-straps down over arms.
Athena Underwear costs no more than ordinary underwear.
Whatever shop, weight or fahrl a woman desire, tfcara is an Athena
(inrment tn meet her a tahea. It i mads In Usrltt. medium and hsavy wets-nt
cotton. In llflit, mcxllum ootton and wool, In silk and wool and Ju all wool.
I'nlon Butts $1.00 and up.
Bnrrsss-af ask Oo Hala Floor.
V - aei . r, Li i. tt f.';l -Y
The Postoffice and tho Telephone
"We Advertise So That the People May Know.'
Kay Wt asd P. A O. B. & C
rith Pullman gerrie. allow gtop 9
at prinuuJ lilac.
V.rk 1 09 W. Adams it, Caltag
M. Aueuatia. fjariala
m V
a -At -V.
Till 9 P. M.
riione Douglas I.t7.
shape by the wearer, but tail-
all of the telephones; there are only ,
about one-third as many telephone
messages sent as letters.
Private enterprise In iVmerica hsj
made telephone service so efficient and
given the service at so low rates that
nearly everybody uses the telephone.
The United States, which has but 8
per cent of the world's population,
has 64 per cent of all the world's tele
phones. . , ,
On January 1st last year there were
8,729,592 telephones in the United
States and only 4,821,382 in all the
rest of the world.
Hotel i3n?slfn
Drotulwivy ei 29 St.
"Aa Hot! Whara Ctneata ara Made
to Fal at Hema1
Not too large, yet larce . .
enough to afford the
maximum oi value at
minimum expense.
Exceptionally Accessible
500 Rtcmu Mtdtrttt Rutamnmt Ckargtt
Singl looiaa with Sunning Water
ll.OOt. f j.OOaaraar
Single Rmdas vitfa Tu or Sootwt
$1.50 to 15.00 Pr am with Raoaing Water
ti-00 t. 4.0t per da?
Doutl Koora with Tub ar Shower
3.00 t. 16.00 per say
EDWARD C FOCG. Hanmsim, XKraciar
ROT U BROWN. Rmmidmmt Mano(r