12 THE BEE: OM AHA, "WEDXEiSILVY, FE IJI.UAI.Y .1.J.M5. YILL RAISE PRICE OF LOAF OF BREAD Uaken Have Reached an Ag-ree-stent to Go Into Effect by Mid die o( the Month. COSfCt WHEAT IS THE CAUSE Th price of bread la goina; to advance In Omaha. It may come next week and It rear be postponed until the middle of the month. Thla has been arm-ed upon, according- to Information given out at the U. P. Baking company, one of the largest bread producing conrerne In the went. The proponed advance In bread, assert the bakers. Is due wholly to the advance in flour that has followed . the advance in wheat Last July nood flour was filling; at ly.25 to 1X50 per barrel, whole, ale. Now the same- grade of flour has Cone to $7.50, with the possibility of an other rise In the not far away future. The advance will come Just as soon ai th large concerns have to begin buying flour at the present and prospective high prices. At this time they are running on flour bought when prices were low. This supply win not last much beyond the middle of the month. If It, does that long. For some time, and ever since wheat prices got beyond the 11.25 mark, bakers have been debating an advance in prices. 8om favored smaller loaves, but this Idea did not seem to be popular. Tvijen the new prices on bread become effective the S-cent loaf will be a thing of the past. It will be a -cent loaf, and the lft-ccnt loaf of oday will be the 12-oent loaf of next month, or. perhaps, this month. Chlraae Rakers Plaa liaise. CHICAGO, Feb. l-xscmtier ' of the Master Bakers', association planned to meet today to consider the advisability of raising the price of r.uns, enkes, doughnuts and other bakery product to aufficlently cover the loss on bread If that commodity la not Increased In price. The lanrer bakers, who thus far have been ablo to maintain the (-cent loaf because of quantities of flour they pur chased on contract at much lower prices than the prevailing market quotations, predicted, that before the end of the week the price of bread will Bo to cents. XASTOR ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH IS DEAD. FATHER J. . T. SMITH". January Shows an , Abundance of Snow Father J. T. Smith, St. Patrick's Pastor, is Called by Death TELEGRAPH LINES ARE STILL DOWN Railroads Are Restoring- Service, but Two More Dayi Are Keeded ' for Completion. NO WEATHER REPORTS COME IN The railroads are restoring their tele graph service ir rarldty as possible, but it will be a couple of more days before the lines will be repaired and In opera lion. On all the mats operating from the west, the recent snow, sleet and wind storm mpletely disorganised the tele graph service Into Omaha and it con tinues In bad condition. On the Burlington at this time, no tele graph lines are working between Lincoln and Oxford and In order to get Into the western part of the state by wire, mes sages are sent to Lincoln and from there to St. Joseph, from whence they are sent to Oxford and from there distributed.. The I'nlon raiific has no line working between Columbus and Central City. Be tween these points the poles are broken and oil wires are down. Business destined for beyond the gsp is sent to Columbtls, where a force of operators has beeli sent. Columbus Is made the terminal of the telegraph service and everything going beyond Is sent over the gap on trains or velocipede cars. On business from the west the operators at Central City ere following a similar plan. A cable Is being laid over the gap. The Northwestern har-fwlre as far un the Black Hills line as Pcrlbner, but noth i i.-- i - Father J. T. Bmlth, for the Inst eighteen years pastor of Ht. Patrick's church, died at Ht. Joseph's hospital any morning, following a lie was taken to the honpltal a week ago, I Through trains from all directions are but at that time Ir. Allison Informed the I arriving from on time to one hour late priest that an alteration would not help but generally the train h line service la early " Tues- i Ing has been heard from the country be an operation jynnd since Sunday morning. v Mora anow fell in Omaha last month than fell here In January of any year In all the forty-five years that the local weather bureau has been taking ob servations, with one exception. The total precipitation was V.S1 Inches of moisture, most of which was In the form of enow. The single exception was In January, JKu. when til Inches fell. Normal pre cipitation for January is 0.65 of an Inch, making the excess for January of this fir 1.2S Inches. The mean temperature this January i,' was 33 degree above sero, which Is : his case. A nrphew. Dr. Vincent Bmlth, a noted surgeon of New Yoric City, was sentor, and, after consultation with Dr. Allison, It was decided to try the opera tion last Saturday. This was 'done, but the trouble wss too deep seated and the priest could not rally. Father Smith was one of the most liked clergymen In Omaha, where ha came from O'Neill. Three years ago he com pleted the new beautiful JtO.OOT ft. Pat rick's church and the hard work Inci dental to this aggravated his trouble. He was attended by Miss Margaret O'Neill, a nurse from Trinity hospital, Chicago. A niece. Miss Mary Smith, who has been housekeeper for Father Smith, broke her arm three weeks ago, so she wss not able to be at the bedside when the last call came. Another nephew, John Smith, Is a I Crelghton graduate and Is now a prom inent lawyer of New York City. Father Smith was about 63 years old. badly Impaired. The I'nlon Pacific haa cleared up all of Its Nebrsska, branches and resumed the running of trains. The Burlington will not have Its branch trains running on schedule before to morrow. The Northwestern will have Its branches cleared this tlternoon. As to weather conditions In the west, the railroads are absolutely In the dark. The last the officials heard .from the Lcountry was late Sunday, and it waa still anowlng at that time. However, as trains are coming and going .they are of the opinion that the storm has ceased. GIVES OFFICER COFFEY CHASE OVER SNOWDRIFTS After staying at home and fighting with his children, whom he In said to have driven out Into, the snow, James Hudson, 222 Blondo street, was visited by the po- llglitly above the normal January tem-1,ce on nnnt ! lfo- whom he perature. J0.S. The highest - temperature n Mnt t0 wo, k to "PI"' the tamHy. ever registered here In January was ttj Officer Coffey had Hudson cornered In 4irea tvwii in 1RV,' Th. .... .,. . ' a second-story room, when the man S3 degree below, In 1W4. The highest temperature this January OLD TIME THEATRICAL MAN RETURNS TO OLD HAUNTS Walter Wlller, old time theatrical man, who pioneer, will remember as the man ager of the variety theater on Douglas street near Thirteenth, returned to Omaha Sunday after- an absence of nearly twenty-five years. Mr. Wilbur Is still In the theatrical profession. In a managerial capacity, with the "Missouri Girl" com pany which just completed a Nebraska tour. The show house on Douglas street, now the Nebrsska lodging house, was Omaha's first vaudeville theater. It was owned by Jim and Jack Nugent, but Wllber was manager for them. Captain Kline is Broke; No Moro Free Meals for Idle Men 'No mors free meals at the Salvation Army Industrial home, 1112 Dodge street. Captain H. H. Kline, In charge of the work, say he is "broke" and can't con tinue the free meals for worthy.' Co men unless Omahans will, make contribu tions of $30 to M a week to defray . the expense. He stopped the practice Tues day morning. , "My funds are .totally, exhausted and I can't even meet a few outstanding bills Incurred for supplies," he says. "I can't spare time from my regular work , to solicit more funds, either. i . "During the last week we have given 1,143 free meals to hungry men out.ef work, each of ' whom first passed th work test satisfactorily." License Inspector Collects Neat Sum ' The city license Inspector's report for January shows total of 11,811 of fees, co'lected. . '" The main Items are: Pool halls, . M; milk dealers. 70; fortune tellers, 14; em ployment agents, S. There was a . total of 11 license granted. " RIFLES OBSERVE BIRTHDAY : OF WAR IN PHILIPPINES Ol, sanka-pop-a-rone, deeto. ' This Is not a misprint, but the greeting In the Filipino dialect at the top of the Invltaton to the annual dnner of f Com pany L. 'First Nebraska -regiment,--the Thurston Rifles, which will be given at tho Calumet restaurant Thursday eve ning. It will be the sixteenth anniversary of the beginning of- the war In the Phil ippines. K , Associated Ad Clubs Offer S100 f or Movie What would a day be without advertis ing? - A moving picture film now going the round In the state shows this up in a ludicrous farce entitled "Mr. Noad Ad lea Day." The Associated Ad Clubs of American are back of the movement. It shows the man' who doe not believe In advertising coming down to breakfast In the morning for one day without any advertising In the world. As a result there I no advertising on the breakfast food packages, to begin with. Th cook serve him birdseed Instead of breakfast food. He rushes madly about th city trying to do business and noth ing I labeled. The troubles he get Into are good for a continuous laugh. The Associated Ad Club of America ar offering a prise of 1100 for another film, subject to their, approval, that will bring out the' same general Idea of the ridiculousness of a world without ad vertising. . WARMER IN THE WEST - AND COLDER TO EAST All Tuesday morning the 'official thermometer hovered around 17 degrees above sero. It waa ! at 8 . m. and had only risen to 18 by 11 a. in. It was warmer In the morning; through the mountain region and colder ' eaat from here to the Atlantic coast, with de cided drops In temperature In . th lake region and th upper Ohio valley. RETIRED FIRE HORSE DIES IN SERVICE OF PARK BOARD "Brownie." eleven year a faithful horse In the service of the fir depart ment at engine house No. I on Harney street, died Monday night In It quarters at Kim wood park. This animal was turned over last year by Commissioner C. H. Wlthnell of the fire department to Commissioner J. B. Hummel of the park department for tise in drawing grass cutter and other park work. "Brownie" was one of the. most sagacious equine In the fire department. This horse was always first under ths hemes when the gong rang ar reemed to srns the Importance of responding quickly.- ... Smith Claims Right to Retain Fees Paid for Naturalization Robert Smith, clerk of the district court. In an answer to Douglas county' suit to collect 17,000 naturalization fee retained by him, maintain that he Is entitled to the fees in addition to his 4,000 per year salary. Of naturalisation fee collected by him Mr. Smith has turned over one-half to the United State and retained the re mainder. . Retailers to Meet at Commercial Club Hereafter the Associated Retailers of Omaha will likely hold their meetings at the Commercial club rooms. Heretofore they have been holding their monthly meetings at night at the Paxton hotel. They have decided to hold their meetings over a noon luncheon at the Commercial club. They have scheduled their first meeting at the Commercial club for Feb ruary 11 at noon. s Be Want Ad Produce Results. OMAHA POLICE RECEIVE BERTILL0N EQUIPMENT Bertlllon photographic, measurement, fingerprint and filing equipment recently ordered by the police department ha arrived In the city. It la being Installed at the police station by Chief of Detec tive Steve Maloney and Officer Wil liam Devereeae, head of the Bertlllon bureau. The equipment puts Omaha !n the front rank among metropolitan police department In that branch of criminal detection. , I OPEN NOSTRILS! EN0 A COLD OR CATARRH How To Get Relief When Ilead and Nom are Stuffed Up. Count fifty! Tour cold In bead or ca tarrh disappears. Your elegged nostrils will open, the air passage of your head will clear and you can breath freely. No more snuffling, haw kin p. mucous discharge, dryness or headaches no strug gling for breath at night. Oet a small bottle of Ely's Ceeam Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antlseptlo cream In your nostrils. It penetrate through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or inflamed mucous membrane, giving yon Instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay tuffed-up and miserable. Re lief I sure. "-' ii : a ' r. I- . : w L- , JLL J THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER Apartments, flats, house and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee, "For Rent" ad..' PAID CITY FIVE TWO YEARS AGO, WANTS IT BACK NOW Two .year ago John M. Watt paid the city $5 with an application for an engi neer' license. Th license wis not granted. Mr. Watt Is now asking that th 85 be returned.-The city charter prohibit uch refund after a lapse of eighteen' month. The was 47 degrees above on the 13th. lowest was) 18 below, on th 2sth. There were fourteen cloudy days, nine partly cloudy and eight clear. The pre vailing winds were from tht northwest, and blew a total of 7,011 miles over Omaha. Cigar Clerk Laziest of Any Salesmen "Cigar clerks smoke, oo many expensive cigars" ii one crltlctxin II. 11. White house made to the Ad club at the noon meeting against cigar clerks. Mr. White hoYTa la local manager for the National Cash Register company, lie spoke In KcnenU on efficient salesmanship. "It Is a fact, too, that trie cler.'t in a clgtr atore gets laxy quicker thun In any other line of business," ho suld. Thus ha took vp one line of retain business after an other and pointed out the weaknesaea and strength of salcamcnshlp In the various lines . h He decUred that the best policy to fol low fur uocesa la to elt the customer what he wants Instead of trying to sell him a more high prlcid piece of goods in th hope of making a little more profit. "If we can get the clerk's heart, thasproprk-tor'a heart and ths customer heart together we csn tuceced," h said. dropped twenty' feet to the ground, led Coffey a merry chase over snow drift and down a thirty-foot embankment, and finally eluded hlm In a mors populous neighborhood. Later Officer Cunnlng- ham arrested Hudaon. who waa arraigned In police court on the charge of non support. "Let m off. Judge, . and I hope God strikes me dead If I don't leave town at once," he told Judge Foster. "Ninety days," his honor replied. "Your family will be better oft with you In Jail than dead." FLYNN WANTS PLAYGROUND ADJOINING R0URKE PARK City Clei it T. J." Flynn has taken up with Commlsiiloner Dan Butler a sug gestion that In the recreation campaign to be carried on this year a tract of ground outtddo of and adjoining the Itoiirke ball park be leased for use as a publlo p!syground. Mr Butler promised to take the mutter up and endeavor to carry out .the Idea of the city clerk. i CATHOLIC ACTORS GUILD RECOGNIZED BY CARDINAL NEW TORK, Feb. I The Cathollo Actors Guild of America waa granted ec clesiastical recognition by Caidinal Smarter, at an audience attended last right by a dosen actrs and actresses, lirr.tsrs cf the guild. Cardinal Farley, who, it Is said. Is the first members of the sacred college to address a group of actors, cautioned them that they must not think he was plac ing his epicopa! seal of approval upon the theater. "One thing that baa given me great ronsulatlon," -the cardinals said, "Is that you fetors of this city csme to .el th steed f spliitual support." POLICE MATRON GIBBONS IS NOW A GRANDMOTHER Matron Ella Gibbous of the police de triment is now a grandmother. Her dughtrr, Mr. P. J, Phalen. Si;4 Myn avenue, became the mother of an Uht )und daughter ot Lord Lister hospital Monday evening. Both are doing welL Jaaacry the Moat a. for Colds. Hardea your system with Bell's Plne-Tar-Money, It kills the cold germ. Cures the cough- Only Sic All druggists. Ad vrtleemnt. COUNTY REFUSES TO GRANT LICENSE TO HUDDLEST0N The Board of Couu'y Commissioners ht refused 4.0 grant a saloon license to lUicy HmlJlenton at 44 Kedmond avenue. A number of proteta were filed by real Vuta cf the neighborhood. MARKED RAZOR LEADS TO ARREST- FOR BURGLARY Because a rasor bad a small Identifica tion mark scratched upon It Walter Moeller Is being, tried before District Judge English on a charge of burglary. He Is accused of having stolen a quan tity of goods from a store at Wt Cum ing street. The marked rasor was found Ir. his possession.- V X It, X IACU ATX Jf J bore, lired reet Use "HZ!" Don't have puff ed-up, burning, aching feet or corns. "HZ" stakes syfeot A SeclMo AaaloM t olas. . "If U.etc Is such a thing as a sieclric in ft colj, It is to be found in th sleeping porch or the open bed room. ,txt to itmt comes the cold sponge bath never, never hurt or get sore, swollen or Ah! what relief. No more tired feet no more burning feet: no more swollen. bad amelling, aweaty feet. No. more ,ie lit corns, callouses or bunions. No nut ter what alls your fett or what under the tuti you've tried without getting re lief, lust us "TIZ "T1Z" Is th only remedy that draws out all the poisonous ekudallpns whkh ruff up the feet; 'TIZ'' I magical "TIZ is grand; "TIZ will cure your foot troublos so you II never limp or drsw up your face I pain. Your shoes won't seem tight and . your feet wii in th morning," says tlie Youths Com 1 iuun. Im as careful as yo'j ran you will bCvKKWimliy take cold, and when uu do )u will fini Chamberlain's Couj-'b fteinrdy a Freat help In enabling you to a-t nd ot it. Try It. Obtainable every-ure.-Advtrtiwrrnent. Ured. Think of It. no more foot misery no more burning corns, callouse or bunions. Uet a K cent box at any drug atore or deportment store, and get instant re lief. ;t-t a whole year's foot relief for only 3k cent a Think of It.. Neuralgia Stiff Necjc Sore Throat m W x, . ' w,. ... - -i l -, Instantly Relieved by H If 1 I 1 KILLS PAIN (Guaranteed) DR. CARL S. SLOAN. Inc., Philadelphia. Pa. Si, Louis, M. Prlcw, I5o. 50c 4 f 1.00 ' , I El U-LL Buy a Farm Nov . When the spring opens up farm lands generally are going to increase in price. Many eoplo have observed the profits be ing made in intelligent farming. SO IF YOU WANT THE BEST PIJICE INVESTI ' GATE NOW. 3 v.- See the list of farm offerings in The Bee today Want Ad Section. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Heads Bee Want Ads. C : - i i r ; - . ' . - . ii ' : iiffliiiljS PI 35c Ribbons, 7ic Yd A hlg line of wide, fancy warp print and plain Silk Ribbon, made to cell to 35c a yard; gale price,' Wednesday,- per yard 7ic 50c Pleatings 15c Yd A very superior lot of new Chif fon and Organdie Pleatings. suit able for ladles' neckwear; - won derful r&lues, at sale ff prlce. per yard IOC A Great Opportunity, for Homefarnishprs Your Choice of Any Kitchen Cabinet in stock that sells at $25 to $30, 12 different styles, best cabinets made ...... $18.50 Other handsome cabinets at , $13.50 Several Odd Dressing Tables, with French bevel mirror, on Bale to close Wednesday, at $9.50 $18 and $20 Golden Oak Dresxcrs, three patterns for selection, fine beveled mirrors, great bargains, phoice $12.50 i? '. . ship 3 -V JU, 5-Ib. - Chicken Feather Pillow Emerich V Co. make new goods; on sale at, per pair 85 8-lb. Pillows -Wednesday at, pair ....$1.50 e-Ib. poose Feather PlUows New, fresh, clean stock; will go on sale . Wednesday at, per pair ........ .......... .$3.50 Two Rousing Specials in the Silk Department 85c Showerproof Foulards, 24 in,ches wide, in nearly all colors, beautiful designs yard ....... 68 $1.00 Black Silk Messaline, 36 inches wide, joft, lustrous finish, great bargain, yard, at 68 -Two Remarkable Values in Dress Goods Section $1.50 All Wool Bedf ord Cords 54 inches wide, in blue or black, Wednesday, at, "yard 98 $1.75 "AIL Wool Imperial Serges, chiffon finish, all colors, 54 inches wide, on sale at; yard $1.18 Outing Flannel Night Gowns and Pajamas Men's Night Shirts and Pajamas, good quality, outing flannel, $1.00 and $1.50 val ues, all sizes 69 Women's Night Gowns and Pajamas, good quality outing flannel to $2.00 values, all sizes ... uac-uu C i i Men's and Boys' Night Shirts, good quality outings, all sizes , .35 Women's and Girls' Night Gowns, good quality outings, all sizes .. 35 Many other specials Wednesday in Under wear department. v v j A 19c Counter - On Main Floor. Contains many 35c to 50c articles. Among them are: 50c Ladies' Hand Bags 19c 50c Hair Brushes , . . 19c 35e, Clothes Brushes . .19c 35c Ladies' Neckwear 19c 35c Hand Mirrors . . . 19c 35c-Sewing Sets ..... 19c 35c Embroideries, yd. 19c 50o Double Width Nets at ......... 19c 50c Chiffons, yard. . . 19c 35c Veilings, yard . . . 19c Jewelry Dept. Specials On Main Floor Children's Rhinestone Barr ettes, regular values to 50c, at .5 Fancy Hair Pins, Rhinestone set or 6ignet tops, up to 50c v values .5 Vanity or Card Case German silver, to 11.00 values. ,. .25 Solid Gold Top Jewelry 600 pieces to select from, samples: no two alike, at 15 lewel Cases, Powder Boxes, Ster ling Silver Baby Spoons, Nail Files, ' ' Napkin Rings. Stamp Boxes, etc., to $3 values, 25? r A 5c Counter Main Floor Includes among other regular 10c to 20c, articles the following: 16c Ruchings at, yard.... 5 20c Hand Mirrors, each... 5 10c Needle Books at 5 10c' Tooth , BruBhes at. . . .5 15c' Fine Combs t'. . .. .". 5 10c DeLong's Hooks and Eyes for ..... .;.. :,...:. 5 10c Embroidered Handker chief s for y. ..'.5 10c Children's Hose Supporters. tor .......5 vAnd many other regular 10tf to 20c values. See them, . t 4t.lb. acka Diamond H Flour mad from th beat selwlea wneat; notn In finer for bread, plea. or caka per sa k Sl.TS IS lbs. best Granulated Bui; sr. . .$1.00 IS bars Bet t-tin-A II. While Rusatan. Ienox or Laundry Quea White Laundry K-ip S5o T bar Haakln Electric Epark Soar for S5 T iba beet Bulk Laundry Starch.. 84e can Oil Cardlnea S6 Iba. beat W hit or Tsllew Oornm.l for 1 Iba choice Japan Rice Sae 4 lb, best taad Picked Navy Beana for sae Yeast Foam, pk Se J:-oa lar Vmt Fruit Preserves .. f Tall cans Alanka 8almon 10 Herahey Hreakfsst Cocoa, lb.... SO UolUea Santo Coffee, to. ...Sue When down town drop la and earn pie any or all of the follow I ii- foods: AdTO Jell. Loose-Wile famous Cakes and Cookies, Unci 8ani's Health Food. Cream Alaska Broakfaat Food. Ghlradella'a OiocolRte. Futon c Gal laser' famous Yellowstone Canned Goods. Skinner's Macaroni. Armour Bouillon. Suldra Product, etc., eto. It' quality (oods. Jud for yourself. IITfTII, IOM amd OUUl Try Kayaea'a Xint. Th best" Strictly Freab Ess, not a to rue. per riosea 3M No. 1 fctoraae Faaa. per dosen...SA The beat Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, per lb. e Fancy Country Creamery Butter. SO Full Cream, Younn America. Wiscon sin Cream or W kite Cheeae. lb. BOe Fancy Iairy Table Butter, lb See Quality Goods and Pure Food Exhibit All Week : In Oar Mammoth Grocery Department Oar alsa Is t aeaoenstret t Die peopla th tilfh aadard of Quality Oeod sold la this aspartates Tea are ordialiy Uvlted eampl ta aiffereat yrodaot oa ablblt wnioh wui prey to yoa tbt Haydea' say th people Ireas aTk te eai sae v uruii. Imported Sals or Roquefort Cheese. Per lb. 7. too Xlfhlaad aTavel Oraaare aad Orape TTuit Bale Wedaeday it else, regular ile, our price... 30o Iff aixe. regular 40c. our-price. . .S&e liO-17 size. res. c, our price. ..SO Chase' Fancy Florida Grape Fruit, Wedneaday. dos.. SOo, 4oe, SOa, SO "TaTS TiaZTllU aUBZR TOaV Tea noru or omasa, Potatoes. 16 Iba. to ths peck SO The best Wisconsin Cabbaae. lb. m Jersey Hweet Potatoes. S lbs 10 Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, qt.. TVe Freeh Beets. Carrots. Turnip. Shal lots or Kadlsties, bunch 4o Fancy California Cauliflower, pc- pound T1 J larae Soup Bunches , . . loo Fancy Head Lettuce,-heal 7' ,It Pays-Try HAYDEN'S First It Pays,