Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1915, Page 6, Image 7

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Monday, February 1, 1915.
GAME DINNERS are very much on the tapis In Omaba Just now.
Reveml of our well known hunters returned tola year with
such exofhcnt luck that their fostlve boards have been spread for
dinoera e tr since.
Mr. A. D. M-.-Ctnncll, Dr. II. C. Sumney and .Mr. O. M. Durkee "J
aniona; the most successful hunters at this field sport.
This it i ot the usual fisherman story, for they hare the tooils
right with tuora. The third game dinner In the series following the suc
cessful trip cf y.i- Durkee was given Wednesday evening at the home nf
Mr. and Mrs. 8. R Rush. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell are giving a series of
dinners. The se ond one wfis given Thursday evening, when cover wtre
1 laced for twelve, nd a similar one will be given Thursday evening , of
this week.
fr Z -?f?i - Xr
. e9 ;"mM
I "''.V;-- 'CfoM" ZZrrB J-r-ft f-iT f SVVtS-V v'-'C--'''.!
On the Calendar.
The bridge party that os to have bfn
Stven today by Mis. Hhearer In honor
of Mr. Harry Piirvt. has been post
poned Indefinitely.
Thu dinnsr which was to have been
flvtn this evening by Dr. and Mi a. Con
ner has been postponed until Thuraday
Mrs. J. V. (iiiffltli will entertain the
Debutants Bridge club tomorrow In
honor of lra. Walter Griffith, a recent
bride. The au'sla lll Include this year s
debutantes and Meadamea Frank Ilacon,
Windsor Meseath and Burton Ssrson.
Recent Affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Smith celebrated
their fifty-fourth wedding anniversary
Saturday evening. The guests were only
members of the. family.
Mr. and Mis. D. M. Newman were, alven
a tvmee warming In their new home, on
Hansconi boulevard. The. uesl were:
Messrs. find Meatiames
for Cilcago to attend thr wadding of
her'nl'Mt-. Miss Mnslne Mandfll, and Mr.
IM Summer, which ia to be celebrated
FridHy cvinlng at -the l-ake Bide club.
Airs. Co tin tUl bo gona two weeks.
Evening at Cards.
Mr. and Mrs. I O. Wheeler entertained
at their home Faturday evening." The
evening was spent in playing high five
and prises wot won by Mradames A. C
Latta, E. B. Nye and larl Huffman
and Messrs. L. W. Travis, U O. Wheeler
and John Huffman. Thots present were:
Mssrs. and Meadamea
Waurice Gross.
Isreai UlUfk. (
Louie Summer,
lioert Levy,
II. Kalln.
Hamuel Ooldsntlth,
D. M. Newman.
Samuel Koha,
f. frimon.
Max fommer,
David Gross.
Samuel Monomer,
Itot ert liross,
lsadc re Somtrer.
A. Lockntr,
Thoedore Meyer.
With the Viiiton.
Mrs. A. J. Love has as her guest her
sister. Mrs. Jones of Apploton. Wis.
Mrs. Samuel Oohn of Paduca, Ken., la
lsitlng her brother. Mr. Isadora Summer,
and family.
Original Monday Bridge Club.
The Original Monday Bridge club met
this afternoon with Mrs. Mrs. Osgood
Kastraan. The members are:
Mesdsmea Meeds mes
Joseph Bsrker, I'antel Wheeler, Jr.,
A. I. need, lease Coie.
liarles T Kounlse, Arthur Kemlngloii,
W. A. Redlck, W. II. McKeen.
Entertainment Postponed.
Th women of tha Pouth fide Troares
Klve Card club have portioned 1 triefln
Itely their entertainment which was an
nounced for Wednesday evening.
With the Travelers.
Mrs. Hose Silverberg left the latter part
: of th week for Florida, where she will
spend the remaining winter nionins.
.Mrs. Joseph Conn left ttunday evening
M. Trr.v s.
.lohn Hot f man,
1.. (!. Wheoler.
.ls Hose From.
William Hoffman,
Esther Newirsn.
Mr. Ike I. v .
Fail Huffman,
1. W. Vnnce.
A. '. baits,
M. From.
Oeorse Nye.
t ereit Nye,
Harrah 8ommer,
Kdna Kls,
t.lla Kallbrtg.
Birthday Surprise Party.
Mr. Thomas iL O Uricn gave a sur
prise party at her home Httndey evening
In honor of Mrs. Fred L. Peterson's birth
day annlverssry. The evening was spent
In game and music. Those present were:
Messrs. and Mesdamse
Fred 1j. Peterson, tinorae FVkstrom.
Hoy Tjunn. Thomas O Ui len.
Karl Bhaw.
Mia K. White of council uma.
Addli J"aton.
' .. I.lppei t.
. Wl I Rensler.
Albert Thursby,
Winnipeg, Man.
Nellie White,
Csmilla Rankin,
Gordon Rckstront,
Mans Peterson.
Kersn tutherlsnd
George tlutrterldnd.
Newt of the Wayfarers,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Baxter are visiting
In New York City.
Mrs. J. 1 Jones of On ah Is . guest
Of the Wolcott hotel In New Vort Clly.
Personal Mention.
Miss Fleming of Eurttngron la . ar
rived tills morning and Is the guest of
Miss Mary Durldry.
Mrs. K. M. Muraman, Jr., returned Sat
urday from Chicago, where she has been
s patient In one of the hospitals.
Mrs. Harry Purvis ot Pes Moines, who
has been visiting Mrs. L. M. Uolllday,
(ileus to leave Friday for her home.
Mr. W. It. Kellogg, who hss been at
thu Method st hospital fur some Umo.
exnrcta to return to his home, this week.
Mildred ftecker. for two and a half
years manager of the employment de
partment of tke U. C. hmlth Tytiewrltor
company, has1 Joined the Watts Reference
Company. SiO-tl. Brandols theater.
Justice of the Peace Britt hus et pis-
llmlnsry hearing of It. J. Madden, de
feated candidal)) for .police judge.
diargrd . with vlblatloit of the ccrrupt
practices act, for Fcbtuary 1.
Quickly Relieves
Without Distress
The congestion of waste and
refuse from tha atomaxh, ferment
ing In the bowels, generates poi
sonous gaaes that occasion dis
tress and invite serious illness.
Health and comfort demand that
this congestion he speedily relieved
and the foul muss expelled.
The well-founded objection most
people have to tha violence of ca
thartic and purgative agents Is
overcome by using the combina
tion of simple laxative herbs with
pepsin that Is sold in drug stores
under the name of Dr. Caldwell's
Hyrup Pepsin. A dose at nlgl.i
brings relief next morning with
out discomfort or Inconvenience.
A free trial bottle ran be obtained
by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell,
452 Washington St., Montlcello.
ia jvsjrniii 'i'-i-T' r-i",r,i-,i- - " "r ii-iiririnirrji aj 1
Will Buy Street Car Displays to
: Boost Coming of the Movie,
-' "Your Girl and Mine."
Omaha auftrsglsts wi not psruut their
rastera sisters to best tnem 1n sdver
tlslng ice'.hods and so will take Initial
steps this week toward naving atlr.itton
vailed to their cauie In the .tret cava,
Specifically, they hone to advertise the
suffrsga niovle, "Your tJlil and Mine,"
which is to be shown In Oiinha this
mnnflt. Thm Tutpa was met bV NW York
.,,(fr.!.t. m-hn atnnff llh notices of unl 1 "arly nooll,
Teachers Ride to
School in Jitney
The Central Park school annex Is Io
cs led at Thirty-sixth and Kansas av
enue, In, a portion of the clly where the
ttorm king delights 10 pile up the snow
In huge mounds. Th teachers of this
school waited at a n'arby intersection
while the older bo of the school shoy
thd a path through lr"n the .nchool.
Some of the Monmouth Talk teachers
took' advemaio of 411 Ames avenue Jit
ney bua from Twenty-.'ccrth anl Ames
avenue. , 1
Ti e te e.ihoue In th a'.ipcriutoniierit's
cfflee ' rang contlnuouviy from 1 a. m.
" varloua advertised artl'ics of fned and j TT
, wearlna! arparcl. displayed a brillUnt
cllow, black and wnt'o map wltl
euffrsae statea strikingly Indira
VVhctlier the dlsplsy will Include the Jit
! ney bua has not yet been deter'nlned.
The Omaha Suffrage association was
ery desirous of beginning the woik of 1 Take
- etreet car advertlBing, hut waa deterred
because of the depleted rendition ot ttta
, treasury. Mrs. 8. A. Cepeu and Mrs. W.
- ii. Hatteroih expievii lear. .KoAcvei,
; that the ads would n,Jt be accepted, be
i is use the etreet railway cuiiipany was O
$ corporation and would therefore not Kl-
? erate a auffraca ad. "
Mrs. Draper fmltn antli lpals 110 such
action 00 the prt of th stret tallway
J company. "Wjiv, .Mr. Wtttles Is tne of
I our strong supporters, havina. con
; trlfcutad romethtng like Jl for me rain
i ralan fund. Mrs. Wattles, too. Is a
niemoer of the Equal Krrnchlee wilety,"
I the said.
i Adiertls
tMeat Injurious
To the Kidneys
tabloiMxmful of Salts If
Hack, hurts or Bladder hthera
Meat forms uric arid.
We are a nation ef meat eaters and
our blond Is filled wllh uric acid, says a
well-known authnttty, who warns us to
be constantly un guard against kidney
! trouble.
Attrartlva Oulr.
I "I can't think of any barrxr to our
j advertising lu street rrra kc't that It
S would be tov expensive, but I think we
1 will do it for at least ten days before
I the show comes. If vhey ot;ccl ti. the
The k'dneye do their utmost to free the
blood ot th's Irritating acid, but become
weak trom ttio overwork; they get slug
gish: tho ellminntlve tissues clog and
thus the waste s retained in the blood
to't the entire system.
Whvn your kl.ineys ache and feel like
lumps of lead, and you have stinging
Pains In. tho back or tho urtno Is ciouny,
full of sed'msnl. or the bladder la Irri
table, obliging you to seek relief during
the night; when ynu have .-c-ere head
a ties, nervous a id dlrxy spells, sleeplens
rtx, a'iii aloinach or 1 traumatism In bad
weather, get from your pharmacist about
word suffrage. e lil leave tint word four ounces of Jad Halts: tako a table-
tout and adveitlse the show merely as sixionful In a alss of water before breuk
' an attiwctloa." I fbtt e si h morr.tng and In a few days
i hle Daisy Ioane antlrlpated no d (
t fitulty If the suffragan wei-e willlr to
I)r for the ads.
To members of the City 1if-
fug, rommltte aij the strict Td
y advertising Itian Uini ri-fused to take
-b a uffis-ie ad last fail during the
mnilijn, on the ari'in! that it was
- e polltliat udvcrliitsnirnt and so woulu
J I bari'd, but thty c).rciid the Ue.
: ivrmlnatlon to f. him aeetu this week.
. .. . ... .. j .4 t-
i f 1
1 r
Schools Close and
Big Boys Take the
Little Folks Home
After a t unvr ri-i 1 : ji: v .t.i the cstlier I
mine, HJiM'rinleiu'if nt U I'. (iiilt of '
the p'jblK' i linuli early Moru'ay decided
to clos; the f-hooU fr the day.
Mont Of the IrMcI.eis reported toe duty
sad some, of the cM.dun brand the
sttum. The lutle fulkf were seut back
home ith the oih-r cliiiuicn.
your kidneys will act fine. This famjua
salts is made tram the add ot arapea anj
lemon Ju'ee. combii-.ed with llthla. a .id
hna ben used for generational t flush
nnd stimulate clogged kldneya, to n-." tral
Ixa the ac.da In the urine so It Is no
lonter a source ot Irtltallen, thua ending
uiiraty and bladder dtnurdcra.
JaJ Halts ia Inexpensive and Cannot In
jur: r.iakcs n del ghiful effiesocrt j ARTI STIC PORTRAITS
uiiua-waier aruiK, nnn noiinjy can nuke
a by taking a hltle oecatlonaliy
lltr Disposition Is Always Good
This young housewife has a goad
dispoMltlon and complexion. She does
her owu housework and has plenty of
time to shoo, entertain and study mu-
lc. You say,' how la it possible?
Me is the proud possessor or a
"Whirl? 1" Sanitary DUhwathtr
Instead of frsttlna- and steln
about having to do the dishes, aha
spends seven minutsa lit the kitchen
then picaaantly greets her mualc
teacher at the door and is ready for
Her lecson.
There la nothing a Ionian hatea so
much aa to watUi diahea. It la ruin
ous 10 her rnmnlexion. disposition and
rausea Ula Hed Hands which are so
much guarned aaainnt by the house
wife today All other hoime" ork
sesms trivial to "DISH WAgKIHO".
we liava solved the secret to tasy
liouse oi'K.
Demonatratioa Bally.
Srtag Tbia Ad Oe 10S Slaeeoat.
Write (or. Booklet.
Vhoae Soua. IS11. llio ruua at.
iLV) jviiiiion U011&.VS
kas teen expended -for double packs1 and
jAutomatic Electric Block Sar .Signals
v w saw r it r . r w -
Mnion l'ac.ijic uysxem
Shorfcestanfl most dii?eci routeiojSanEancisco
Rnama . Pacific Iniematiotv
al Exposition, San. Francisco,
open Fek 20 to Dec.
For Booklet J
XZjiltJbmia end tho Expositions"
. write to
1324 Famam St., Omaha. Nab.
Phase Daaa. 334
I R-Calljca&pxition I
jon Uiego. open, every
day during iy ID - -
By George Randolph Chsstef
eita jLUiian Cheater
See the Pictures at These Movies:
EXTRA Episode Nos. 1 and 2 Today, and
Regularly Thereafter, Every Tuesday.
FARNAM THEATER, 15th and Farnam.
(In addition to our regular program.)
Every Wednesday.
Episode No. 4 Next.
. Council Bluffs,
Every Thursday. ,
Episode No. 3 Next.
South Omaha, ,
Every Friday.
Episode No, 3 Next.
. AieaaaMaawaasWarfMaaaaa(atasaaaataaaAsMsBaBa
GRAND THEATER, 16th and Binney,
Every Tuesday.
Episode No. 2 Today.
CLIFTON THEATER, 45th and Burdette,
Omaha, . .
Every Friday.
Episode No. 2 Next.
Every Wednesday.
Starts No. 1, February 10.
14th and Douglas, Omaha,
Every Tuesday.
Starts No. 1, February 16.
to kc ej the kidneys clean and active.
J Advertisement.
SOtfc sad raraata.
rtksaa S. 3J4a. Boom 3. Baldriga Bldg.
Tin ot the nine 0' luis from Or.iaha!.d to itt. nd the coavenliou of the
i. ui.d tis (' of t'oiunierie at
V, iai.(iuii have started for Washioston
'it !!. ietii'. They ace V. V. Baxter,
C. i;. Tost and XV. B T. Belt.
wish to announce to their friends
and customers that they have re"
moved to 1714 Farnam street, Bee
Building. Telephone number un
changed Douglas 1969.
1413-1415 Harney St., OMAHA, NEB. :-: Phone Douglas 3146
Read the Story in The Omaha Daily Bee
! ''"' sSMSsWaW a"aTTTai