Till: HKK: OMAHA, TUKSDAV, FKIIRUAKY 2, HM3. BRIEF CITY NEWS rUUT BterM-a C Boajr. IN Rt Prlat It Now Beacon Pro rrMiSma Co. Lighting fix ' turn. Wanted Choir real oatato loan. W. II. Thomaa, 12S Stat bank building. "Total's Comploto Marl. Vroraaa laaairicd ooctlon today, and appear la Tho Boo EXCLUSIVELY, rind out wa tfc. Vatioua moving picture theaters otter. Kite Bridges JUturao Mils 11a' Bridge, who haa been absent from the ofHc of the clerk of the dlatrlct court for several week, on account of Illness, has returned to her work. TorfatU $3S May Davis. ar rested on the charge of conducting a disorderly houae at H0 Howard street, failed to appear In police court tor trial nd her $25 bond was declsred forfeited. Talnable Steoords Snlae A laak tn the root of the city hall daftiaged eight valuable original records in the vault of the city engineering department. It 4s estimated that It will cost about 1300 to faavs these records drswn again. Quickly Iooat4 and easily accessible are two prim requisites of a desirable off lea location. Tenants of Th Beo Building, "tho building that Is always new," find the two conditions of great servlc In building up their business; Change Meeting Flao The board ef directors of th Old People's homo will meet at the home, 2214 Wirt street, Tues dsy morning, lnstesd of the Toung Women's Christian association, which is the usual place for the monthly meetings. Tot felt Boads Appearance bonds of $11' each were forfeited in police court by Helen Hale, State hotel, and Anna Rus sell, Lincoln, who were arrested Saturday by Detective 1 T. Finn of th Brandeia stores on charges of shoplifting valuable silk goods. The sllk was recovered. remit for Sunday Taberaael Tie city commissioners, in committee of the whole, voted to grant a special permit for the erection of tho Billy Sunday tabernaclo on Iavenworth street, be tween Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. Work will be started about March 15. Wot Drunk, Just Dlssy "I wasn't drunk, your honor; I was Just dlisiy from falllnft down a thirty-foot flight of stairs," Billy Buck explained In police court when charge! with being drunk. Ho said the accident occurred at 1207 Douglas street, where he roomed. Judge Foster discharged th man. Hell for Feaslon rraud Fred Dever, alias Edo Merselis O'Neill, was arrested In South Omaha by Deputy United States Marshal Haie, charged ' With pension fraud, and wilt be returned to Illinois, where the offense is slleged to have been committed. The charge is thst he male a false affidavit February 25, 1913, regard ing the claim of Anna Dever, his alleged deserted wife, for half of his pension of 117 a month. He is a veteran of the bpanish-Ameican war. Takes Postal Funis, Gets Light Sentence Fred McDonald, - a young man of 23 years, was sentenced by Judge Page Morris in the federal court to pay a fine of 69 and serve three months in the county Jail at Hastings, Neb., for mis appropriation of postal funds. . McDonald had a drug store at Henley, Neb., and also conducted the poatoffice. He was found short In his postoflce funds to the extent of $o96 and was ar rested. An attorney in presenting his plea . of guilty and asking for mercy stated that he had taken th poatoffice funds and applied them to paying some i wholesale drug bills because he intended I to sell out. H expected to replace the government money from the proceeds ot the sale, but the sal wasn't made. McDonald's father mad good the shortage In his accounts The United States attorney recom mended mercy and the short sentence followed. The law allows as much as ten years for this offense. CHURCH GOERS HAVE MOST STRENUOUS TIME SUNDAY The, glassy streets and sidewalks Sun day afternoon and evening made at tendance at religious services decidedly small. An audience of eight persons greeted the Hon. J. H. Codding at the iFlrst Christian church In the afternoon, although he Is a very . Interesting speaker, with a national reputation. Pome of the pastors tried the telephone to attract an audience in the evening. One minister In the flanacom park dis trict was told by. his parishioners that it was nothing less .han dangerous to venture out. And he had proof that there parishionera were right when he met the colored sexton of the church In the evening and was Informed that he the sexton had "slid right down the hill fin the church right -nto yo steps, doc-tah." RAILROADS PREPARE KICK . ON TRACK SCALES BILL FEBDRARY TERM OF DISTRICTJOURT OH Marked by Another Trial in Which Heirs of late August Soil Are Invoked. JtTDGE EEDICK ON THE BENCH The February term of district court opened Monday, the occasion being marked by beginning of another trial of the controversy In which heirs of the late August Doll are involved. After having been in the local And Supreme courts for years, trial of the issues Involved has oeen begun sncw in Judge Leslie's dis trict rourt. The murder case tn hlch Johnny Jones, a negro. Is defendant Is the most impor tant criminal trial scheduled for the term, sccording to County Attorney Mnunry. Jones was once eonvleK-d and sentenced to death, but the supreme court reversed the conviction. .tn Qetlo I . Th- attack on the legality of the last grand Jury, made la behafl of Wesley Qard, charged with perjury, may be heard during the term. Several criminal cases are held up pending decision of the question whether the presence of a man under 25 years ot age on the grand Jury will Invalidate Its act.' Othr points are involved in the attack, hut the age ques tion is regarded by County officials as the only one requiring serious, consideration-District Judge Redick appointed by Governor Morehead, began the term by presiding over the naturalisation court. Twenty-eight person were granted sec ond papers during the morning, about an equal number of cases remaining to be heard. One men whose application was con tinued for further study was of the c pinion that the county commissioners mads the laws of the country. Clay Given Watch by. . Former Associates Kdward Q. Clay, who ' went with the Union Pacific June 1. 1K8, rose to the position of freight solicitor and a month ago was promoted to district freight agent, with headquarters at Des Moines, csme over to Omaha to spend Sunday with his family. Before returning to his field of duty he called at the general freight offices of the company and was given something of a - shock when he was accused of deserting his post. Clay attempted to explain, but before he hsd completed the txplanat'on, a beautifully engraved gold - watch was brought out from a compartment in bis old desk and presented to him by his former associates. Clsy was so taken by surprise that he ws' unable tn re spond, more than to thank, the boys. Iocal railroad officials are worried over a bill, providing for track scales, ttlat has been Introduced in the Nebraska leg islature. They will ask for an opportun ity to present arguments and present proofs to show that the measure should be killed. Th railroad track scales bill provides that at every station in the state handling forty or more cara of freight per year, scales muni be put in. Should the bill become a law It would means the Installa tion of some 600 sets of these scsles. They cost $2,500 to $3,000 per set. All Federal Jurors Ask to Be Excused When Judge Psge Morris, In opening the February term of the federal court, asked any Jurors of the new panel who wished to be excused to stsnd up nesrly the entire panel arose. He announced then very emphatically that the business of th court wss going to proceed with an adequate Jury jjrid that,, nothing but actual illness ot a Juror himself or very serious illness (in hi immediate family would be accepted as a excuse. Where upon all but two resumed, their seats. LOOK UP MAN'S ANCESTORS JN PERSONAL INJURY CASE A nation-wide search into the family history of John A.- Moores and Inquiry into th history of his ancestors for sev eral generations was given by attorneys In federal court as a reason- for the post ponement of the hearing of his auit gainst the Union Pacific Railway com pany for 175,000 damages for injuries and subsequent physlcsl ailment which he alleges were caused by the accident. Among these ailments are epilepsy. The defense eeks to prove that the epilepsy Is Inherited and In its effort to do so has employed one special attorney and a num ber of special Investigators who are tak ing evidence in many parta ot the coun try. In Virginia, Oklahoma. California and other places where Moor has lived. The absence of Edson Rich, who is in Mississippi on account of Illness snd who has had charge of the medical investiga tions in the case was also given as a reason for th postponement. MARTIN TAKES PERMITS FOR ELEVEN RESIDENCES Strikes Captain Heitfeld in Face With Driving Reins Police Captain Henry Heitfeld wss cursed Slid ."truck In the face with th ends of driving reins by W. F. Mitchell, a Schwarts Commission rompsny driver, while on his way t-i the police station, and had to draw his revolver to arrest the man. Mitchell wss let off by Police Jnda-e Foster with a fine of i.5t and c t In police court. Ills only explana tion was that'-he didn't know Heitfeld was an officer." The police captain and Officer AnJy Fahey were walking east on lodge street from Sixteenth to the station when the incident occurred. Suddenly Fahey warned the captain to get out of the way, or he would bt run over. As the team dashed by Heitfeld called to the man to stop his reckless driving, In reply to which Mitchell swore at him and whipped him across the face with his lines. Running after the fleeing wagon, Heit feld drew his gun and finally stopped Mitchell snd arrested him on the charge of assault and battery The man went to jail In default of payment of his light fine, lie gave his address as 2030 North Nineteenth street. Fainting Bertha Tools Police; Took No Poison Sunday After using a Stomach pump and ad ministering antidotes to save "Fainting Bertha" Liebecke from the supposed ef fects of a quantity ot stychnlne she had pretended to swallow with suicidal Intent, police officer and surgeons discovered half a day later that the woman had not possessed any poison at the time she wrote a farewell note, but merely had an empty strychnine box. Desk Captain W. K. Marshall at the police station laughed heartily when he was told ot Bertha's supposed attempt on her life. He explained that she had hsd some strychnine when she wss brought to Jail, but that he had taken It from her and returned the empty box. Her pitiful farewell note and pretense at dying, from poison were "faked" by her to get sympathy, he thought. She showed but slight Indications Mon day of her latest stunt, although she was limping somewhat from the effects of her sttempt to set her clothes on fire after the strychnine episode. A "For Sale" ad will turn second hand furniture Into cash. Jitneys Out for Business Monday The Jitneys were doing business Monday morning, started at Fortieth and Farnam and moving east. ' Their was a hard lot, however, as the only path where they could operate was in the street car tracks, which wero filled with cars, other vehicles and pedestrians. Tho JH buses extended their lines and Monday morning hauled! peopl from as far out ss Thirtieth and Fort streets and from Forty-second street and Grand avenue. During the early morning there were fifty to seventy-five of these vehi cles doing business and generally they carried full loads. FEELS SORRY FOR SUCCESSOR Judjre Morrii, Say Heaven Help Judge Youman in Untangling; the Matters Case. CASE IS UP FOR NEXT MONDAY "I'm going to turn all this mes over to Judge Tollman's mid all I've got to say Is heaven help hliu." ex lalnied Judge Paso Morris in the United ."tales court Monday nftcr he bad a-ient the greater part of two hours hearing arguments of Thomas II. Matters' at torneys for a contlnnnf-e of the case and declarations from them that the United Btatcs attorney had not allowed them to see certain papers and tin- de- i-clarations from the United Mates st- torney that he had. ' Kx-Senator Buikett, W. J. Comi.ll and T. H. Matters. Jr., .ippearcd as uinsol for Matters, who was slso riexent n the court room. Judge Morris had already spent much time In previous terms of the federal court In hearing arguments for and against continuanc e ot the case in which Matters la charged with aiding President Luben of the First National bunk ot Sutton to issue certificates of deposit without authority. Tho defense has filed a motion on January 12 for a continuance of the case till tho April term of court and th.s morning presented a new motion for a continuance. There waa considerable confusion between tho two motions, but Judge Morris finally got, them disen tangled and then declared, emphasising his words with thumps , on his hu.il on the desk: - , . "The motion for a continuance made January 12 la .leu led and the I'nited States attorney Is ordered to allow the defense to examine till the public docu ments which he has secured in this case at the request of the defense and to al low them to ome In there to malic uch examination any time, day or nliiht, from now until the 9th day of February." The case Is set for hearing before United States Judge Youmans of Fort Smith, Ark., who will be here next Monday. BRAZILIAN STEAMSHIP DAMAGED BY EXPLOSION Breaks a Cold Opens Clogged Head and Nose Relief comes Instantly. A dose taWen every two hours until three doses are taken will end grippe misery snd break up a severe cold either in the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils and air passages in the head, stops nssty discharge or nose running, relieves alok headache, dullness, feverlshnesa, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing snd snutriing! Ease your throbbing head: Notl'inii els in the world gives such prompt relief as 'Tape's Cold Com pound," which costs only 25 cents st any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, causes no Inconvenience. Be sure you get the genuine Advertisement. Helps Weak KI4aeys mm I. am has. Get a lie bottle of Sloan's Liniment, aptly on back and take six drops, four time a day. All druggists. Advertisement. EDSON RICH CATCHING ALLIGATORS IN THE SOUTH Word eo.nes from Kdton Rich. Union Pacific attorney, now at Pass Christian, .Miss., that hts health la Improving and that he Is gaining strength. He tells ot delightful weather and bright sunshine, sddlng thst he has been quite successful In catching alligators and that he la eating one to two quarts of oysters dally, gathering them from alcng the beach. W later Dales Wark. In summer th work of eliminating poisons and acids from the blood Is helped by perspiration. In cold weather, with little outdoor work or exerciae to cause sweating, th kidneys hsv to do double work. Foley Kidney Pills help overworked, weak and disessed kidneys to filter and cast out ot the blood th waste matter that cauaea pains in sides or back, rheumatism, lumbago, stiffness of joints, sore muscles and other Ills re sulting fctrn Improper elimination. Sold by all dealers everywhere. Advertis. blent. Building operations during January were $163,W5, ns against 180, 440 for the same month last, year. Forty-flv per mits were Issued lost month; seventy-nine during January Ust yesr. The city building department believes thst the showing made Isst month wss quit good considering conditions. The outlook for the building season Is re garded as promising. . Charles W. Martin has Just taken out leven permits for residences in the north part of the city. .the coat being 12,600 to $4,000 per building. Have Dark Hair and Look Young PoB't star grajr! Nobody can tell when jou darken gray faded hair with fcage Tea and feulnhur. Grandmother kept her hair beautifully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When ever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this slmpl-i mixture wss applied with wonderful ef fect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage snd Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this old tims recipe, ready to us, for about IA cents. This simple mixture csn be de pended upon to restore natural color and beauty to thu hair and is splendid for dandruff, dry, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-knorn downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur, because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied it a so easy to use. too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through rour hair, taking one strsnd st a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; aftsr another applica tion or two. It is restored to its natural color snd looks glossy, soft ant! abundant. Advertisement. L m 1,1 Mi"ii ii fi i '" w 1Jl"WiWsVsflll' 1 Mew Orleans ; 1 iardi Gras HAVRE, Feb. '..-(Via Pails)-Thc stesmer t carl a, from Braxll, with a carno of coffee, sugar and hides, was twenty miles northwest of Cape I,e Heve today when a violent explosion occurred on It starboard aide below the water line. The stesmer Immediately became unman abnhle and be urn to sink by the head. In reply to signals of distress two tugs put out to sea and towed It Into llavnj. Coming- A ale of "Fox Footer y." Kad 1h Ails. II (c LLS ut ji at- ai a VjIuj. m uamn Gamin g New Snits and D f. k a e a f or Tabic Linens. Towels. Towelinn, Etc. Specials (ON SALE IN BARGAIN BASEMENT.) niesrlied T J w e I I n With fancy borders. Soft and absorbent. Worth Fc. Tms-. l day, yard ,0v Fall FlesHied TnrkUh ToweU Hemmed end. Soft and fluffy: double twisted yarn. Worth 20c. Special, Tuesday, each 15c Rea Spreads Hemmed cndi: pretty crochet pat terns, slightly soiled front display. Worth It. 25. Special Tue-fA dsy. each '.v3t Tray tlothn II iu stitched ends.- PaOuila line. Worth 16c. i A Special Tuesday, ..1VI Samples oi Table Cloths, Oil V3 Ahont MM) .Samples of Table Cloths Hetn. stitched, scalloped and plain end, slightly tolled. At a redaction of. All linen, BARGAINS (O SAI.K I BARDAIH ntSKMIQST.) Sale cf Soaps ot Msny Kinds erblna Bath Tablet Tuesday. 10c Jp sire cake I C Peroxide Soap Special Tuesday, 10c cake for Vv Tear! White Soap Spe cial Tuesday, 9U 10 bars for Diamond "C Soap Spe cial Tuesday, 4Aa 10 bars for aWC 20-Male Team Borax Soap Special iiH 6 bars for laC Ola Xaptha Soap Spa tlal Tuesday, 10 bars for . . . Lilac Roue Hoap Special Tuesday, caks Par Castile Soap Tues day, l-lb. id bar for lit 38c Glycerin ...... 6c Wtish Goods Tuesday al Notably Lowered Prices (ON SALE IN BARGAIN BASEMENT.) ilS.In. Unbleached Sheet ing Extra fine weight. Beautiful Woven Barred Mailt y and Batiste Fin est hew season's print ings. - Lengths up to 20 yards. "Regular 12'4c and 16c ral. Spe- Ot. clal Tuesday. yard.OC Finest Quality Dress Zepnyri "Red Sea I." "Batea"; 'and other reli able brands. All new rie- sicna. Worth 124c. Special, yard. !aL5c .8ic SMn. Lnfeleached Shak. er Flan ael Extra fine quality, soft finish i ras lly bleached. Worth 9c. Special Tuesday, sort finish; easily bleached and laundered. Worth 7c. Spacdal Tuesday, yard. R.ln. Bleached Cambric, Xnilla and l.Omfcloth Soft finish, . free from dressing. Values up to 12c. Length! to 15 yds. Tuesday, yard l W JUD, 6c Highly Mercerised Dregs ropllo Besatlfol , all. finish. All the aew de. alrable shades. ReisUr Uc and lc ral. i i Tuesday, yard ... .1 -jC CANDY SPECIAL . ' rompelaa Room Main Floor . Special Assorted Cream Anfrel Food Taffies Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate and Molasasa. Special Tuesday, a pound.... 10t 1 AraOOJtc2imeiiTit!' I Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 4th, 8th and 6th, W Will Sell About 2,500 Pairs Fine Dress and Fancy Slippers (or Women Of the Famous "Foi Footery" ; . . ;. 1 t' . At Less Than Hal! Price Newest Patterns' and Lasts All Seasonable Shades All Siies. Watch Wednesday Night's Papers. , ' ... February 16, 1915 REDUCED FARES, SPECIAL SERVICE Via , .. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD . Personally co n d u c t ed mid-winter vacation kjm? cial train party, including excursion on the Missis sippi, tour of New Or loans and National Ceme tery l'ark at Vicksburg, Miss. Interesting lit er a t u re, full information, tickets, etc, at CITY TICKET OFFICE 407 S. 16th St. Tel. 1). 2H. Omaha, Neb. S. NORTH, District Passenger Agent. II GOOD 1MB Are Surely Headed Tphis "Way The Editors of THE LITERARY DIGEST have -exceptional opportunities for learning actual business conditions throughout the world. Every important newspaper, periodical, and magazine is received and scrutinized closely. Public opinion as exprest in the world's press is constantly under review." From every indication at hand, the United States-is entering upon an era of great business activity. All industries ; are commencing to feel the change, and this impulse is not limited to any one section of the country it is widespread. :- ... i- Read THE LITERARY DIGEST and keep step -with prosperity 1 ' ' In no other publication is there given such an all-sided narrative of the world's developments in commerce, science, invention, literature, religion, art everything that really counts in life. It , is eagerly .read not only by the leaders in business, , but by the smaller business men . as well, by professional m men, by thoughtful people in all occupations, tecause in two hours reading weekly they get a clear survey of important happenings all over the world, " uninfluenced by personal editorial bias or coloring. r , . ' "How Long Will the War Last?" is an important article giving the opinions of leading men of the countries involved in January 30th issue. ; A unique regular feature of the DIGEST'S war chronicle is the extracts from the European press translations and reprints of war reports, documents; reproductions of photographs and cartoons from, the newspapers published in, the countries at war Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Turkey, Japan, Russia, as well as Italy, and the Balkan States. Know what the peoplo of the warring countries think of this fearful struggle. Get It From Your News-Dealer To-day. 10 Cents. .lie JferaiT : FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY. (Publiihen of the Fimou NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW YORK