Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1915, Page 4, Image 5

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Tim Be Publishing Company. Proprietor.
F.ntcrri at Omaha postofflce aa eond-clasa matter.
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vaehaiige. not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Building.
" fkuth Omaha ail N street.
Council Muffa 14 North Main Street.
T Incoln W Little Building.
Chicago Ml Heemt Building.
New York Room 11, Fifth avenue.'
Ft. Louis HIS N Bank of Commerce.
. Washington 725 Fourteenth Ft.. N. W.
' Address communications relating l nwi and edU
; to rial natter to Omaha Bee, J-dltorlaL Department.
fitata of Nebraska. County or Douglas, aa.
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of Tha
- B Publishing company. being, duly nworn. aaya
that the dally circulation tor tha month ot
December, 1M, waa 4.211.
DWIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed in my pretence and aworn to bafora
. me. tula 2d dur of January, 11 S.
ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving the) -city 'temporarily
should have The Dee) mailed to them. Ad
ires will bo changed as often m requested.
rsWary a
Thought for the Day
5.ctf by Jam P. Duftield
Mutie it a moral late. It givtt a totil to th4
tmirero, vHngi to tht mint, JliglU to A inv
agination, aeAarni to taint, gayetyand We
to tteryUiing. It it tht eittnct of order ami
Uadt to all that it good, just and beautiful; of
vMchiti the inviiible, but ntverthelntt,' due
lling, patfionate and eternal form. Plato.
Well, Mr. Groundhog, what can you ay for
yourself T
The bill hopper at Lincoln la making lta laut
lop, skip and jump.
Right now every person will do well to make
himself a committee of one on "safety first."
From, the Urltlsh point of view, those Ger
man submarine certainly are pesky little things.
The oldest Inhabitant with reminiscences ot
long-ago snowstorms will have to put on a few
, extra frills In retelling them.
. "
Omaha is twenty-seventh .in the list of pos
tal savings depositories, which la several notches
ahead of our population rank.
That roan Villa Is bound to keep on the front
page even it he has to get -shot one day, and
prove himself, uninjured the next, .,, . .J
i. i ,-' (
' Let no one blame the office-holders who
would be legislated off the payroll by Greater
Omaha consolidation for opposing the measure.
There's a reason la their esse; and a good
reason. 1
.The local democratic organ says that In nam
ing Judge Redlck Governor Morehead "has made
aootbar of his characteristically good appoint
ments." Accepting the compliment for Judg
Redlck, which is the other?
'.Bocauso Lincoln and Nebraska City under
scored Omaha In the below-zero record is not
good reason for suspecting weather clerk favor
itism. Thermometers hereabouts could not es
cape the influence ot the popping steam pres
sure of annexationists and antls mobilised for
.in proposing to unite the coniptrollershlpa
of Omaha and Douglas connty In one office,
with complete supervision of publlo finances,
the Douglas county delegation crystallites public
sentiment. Concentration in this Instance makes
for efficiency and economy. ' t
It reads all right, but we venture the asser
tion that the proportion of "bad" boys in tho
city is no greater than in the country, except
perhaps that the city bad boys get caught
oftcner, and are more frequently brought lata
tourt Instead cf betng disciplined at home or let
off altogether. ' ,
: Kugene Zimmerman of Cincinnati, railroad
ruinate and capitalist, underscored in bis will
his dlnllke for dukes, particularly the duke nil
daughter wedded several years ago. Specific
j. revision is made against paying the duke's
cretfto;.. The Zimmerman brand of American
ism eu;habire the fact that an Inherited titlo
is not a certificate of character. ,
The case of wholtaala polHunlin. supposed to b
from tfttliig "rough cu rata" mixed ltli tha lunar.
.It vclopins in the boarding house of Mra. . C. I).
.Muore. 1M1 IkkIk t,tret. Pr. It. M. Mone, w:en
t'alld. Jound twrnty-threa persona wlih altfua uf
eikmlc oisoriinK. Among those who cr victims 'it
tl mlftitkea ria Lawyers Oden. Wuliolt and Ir
i in-, rottr, fnow. Welch. Bank, liloch.
Toil.mrse anj all lb members of tha jora family.
ir. A. P.' Allen, an old sttler in Dousiaa county. fur tne wvather data fur the winter of lsjff
'07, wbUh be aaya tli rv!acn ctj tecsrd. Ha
ic lui'es that the tjM-rcury fell avvrrsl tlnwa to aboui
)0 J-Krrea below aui averased about a dgre,a for
toi.r tiiontlii and that tha grouiid. moreuxer, aa coy.
ltd. with fuur to five feet of snow, and the Mbsour,
icr futtu to the depth of twenty-six inches. This
iprofos of groundhog Sy. ,
Tha MetruiHiIltan rotel s!ai-tcd the month with a
jiai.J r,tw legtaler snd two pugrs were title 1 win,
.!. i.iin.s of the gursis on the fust day.
K M. formerly racbier In the office of
Mii-micI ic.eiiiii- roll" tor. bus accrpU'J a ucitlun lu
clfl e of A. J. Popi.U'ton. ("itrrn attoimy for
l! I :-.iun la ilk . -
Going Up and Then Some.
'Not so long 8ro The Dee drew attention to
the colossal cost of the present war, which at
that time was estimated to be one thousand
million dollars a month figures so large as to
be almost Incomprehensible to the ' ordlnar
mind. And now we see a computation of th?
first six months' war outlay, quoted from tb
London Economist, ss follows:
Germany IM.OrO.iiO)
A u t rla-H u n tra ry 1 ,&on. nort.ofiO-r.Ga.fl'i'M'OO
United Kingdom.
To these figures a financial expert adds tho
expenses of Japan, Turkey, Servla and Belgium,
and of the neutral countries that have mobil
ized their troops, as warranting "a safe calcula
tion" that a year of war will require at leaet
fifteen thousand million dollars. Divide by
twelve and we will have, not one thousand mil
lion dollars a month, but one thousand two hun
dred and fifty million dollars a month, an ex
cess of 20 per cent over the former estimate.
And, remember, too, that this calculation makes
the war, expenditures of the second six months
much smaller than those of the first six months.
If another six months requires the same sort of
an upward revision, military mathematicians
will have to go out of the forecasting business.
An Independent Audit.
Unable to find any other stone to throw. at
the .measure for an Independent comptroller
with 'Jurisdiction over county, city, schoo) and
water districts, Commissioner of City Flnanct3
Putler objects to the method of filling the of
fice In the first instance for the period to elapse
until the next regular election when the voter
will choose for themselves. The bill as Intro
duced at Lincoln, as we understand it, puts the
original selection on the same three county of
ficers who constitute the appointing board to
fill county commissioner vacancies.
The particular county of fleers,, however, are
not Important or vital to the mam proposition,
which is to secure a financial audit for all the
boards that are spending money Independent of
tho money-spenders. For the 'first incumbent
to be named by the county. appointing board Is
In line with the principle of home rule, much
more so than to have him named by the gov
ernor, nor, would he be any more under the con
trol and direction of the appointing board mem
bers than county commissioners which this same
appointing board may name. " So far as we are
concerned, we would sacrifice any such minor
detail to secure the independent audit we
might even, it it could be made legal, restrict
the choice of the county officials to names sup
plied one each by the city council, the Water
board, the school board, the county board, and
the governing authority of any other subdi
vision over which the comptroller Is to have
Jurisdiction. "
The thing to do Is to get the comptrollersblp
started with real control the people will tako
care of the rest when they cast their votes for
comptroller at the next following election.'
t Canada's Perplexing: Problem. IL
.' Although wholly Immune to war ravages, and
free from , war contributions except to turnisb
its quota ot troops, Canada is facing a perplex
ing problem growing; out of the war In the stop
page of tie flow) Of 'capital from the mother
country which was' develcptng'its natural ' re
sources. For some years past, as we all know,
Canada has been going forward by leaps and
bounds, attracting to Its untitled soil the best
class of Immigrants from all over the world,
and particularly from the United States. Great
modern cities were built almost over night, and
Canada's ability to draw on the London money
market was seemingly unlimited. If Canada is
to complete the construction work under way,
to say nothing of starting new work, it will have
to find new borrowing places, and naturally
looks for accommodation to the United States.
As explaining the situation, the monthly letter cf
the National i City bank quotes Sir Edmund
Walker, president ot the Canadian Bank of
Commerce, as follows:
"As soon aa Great Utilain begins to buy any new
securities oihtr than war Issues, she will buy ours,
and meantime we must hope, that tha market for our
bonds In tha United States will continue to grow.
We cannot too often draw tha attention of that coun
try to the tact that when cur foreign trada la
analysed tlia net debit for tho difference between our
sales and our purchases la payable to them and not
to Europe. It tha war pravvnta London from buying
our securities, either tha United States must buy them
Or our great trade with that country must fall away
and the cry of 'Made In Canada' would then have even
a wider significance than it has today. During the
year ending March, 1X14, again omitting tha flsures
for coin and bullion, we madt purchases from the
United States to tha value of and we sold
them goods to the value of llTS.a.OW. so that with a
net excess of Imports from all countries of MV'Oi,
tha excesa In tha rasa of tho United Mates wa
dually $'3t.&36.000. Part of that Is, of course, offset
by the actual cash brought Into Canada by settlers
from' tha United ;ttates. part, by Investments made
here by Americana, and part by the purchase of our
securities, but It has mainly been settled in the past
out of the proceeds of our sales ot securities in Lon
don and on the continent."
Whhever possesses broad and far-sighted
vision will agree with the comment of the bans:
letter- that the trade relations between Canada
and the United States are so important that any
aid we give to tide Canada over the present emer
gency, and to sustain its purchasing power, will
be beneficial to our own industries. We natur
ally want to see Canada grow and pronper even
from a selfish standpoint, because a prosperous
neighbor Is more valuable to us than a decrepit
one. Compare Canada on the north with Mexico
on the south tor relative desirability as an asset
to us. At the same time .we, will be entitled to
reciprocity for whatever help we accord, and be
fore long, if effectively cultivated, Canada
should be one of our best markets for American
made goods.
The Bee does not tblnk the state auditor
should have anything to do with auditing the
accounts of the Omaha water district. It Is none
&f the state's business, but it is the business of
the people ot the water district. What we want
and should have Is an Independent county comp
troller who is exffleio comptroller for the wa
ter district as well as for the city and school
district. -
Aimed at Omaha
Governor Morehead might relieve the situa
tion with reference to his Judidal appointments
by adopting the Bryan p'n of making public
til tue endorsements and "" brougli
Into play (of the different candidates.
BLAIR TRIBUNE: Whst wa would like to know is
how much of the Omaha police officials' money
was lost on the Fremont wrestling match. It seems
the Omnlia "sports" have very little sporting blood,
judging from tho "holler" they art putting up.
Valley Enterprise: It Is so unusual for a man to
reslRn from a fat political Job that the resignation of
Judge Button from the district bench In Omaha has
caused quito a sensation. For fear some one may
have heart failure the Judge might explain his strange
Bloomlngton Advocate: Billy Sunday will be tn
Omaha during the early spring to hold a series of
meetings. Gcel but there will be a rattling of dry
bones In that cHy.
Columbus Telegram: A lot of Omaha sports have
banded together for the purpose of Inducing tha legis
lature to legalise boxing bouts In Nebraska. They say
the proposed law will prevent anything in tho naturs
,of prlse-flghtlng. hut will greatly encourage the sci
ence of boxing. They also say the law will prevent
any manner of gambling tn connection with the box
ing bouts. My Judgment Is that the sports are very
dishonest In their arguments in behalf of the proposed
law. They say a good boxing law will discourage
prise-fighting. That's a Joke. No orowd would attend
a boxing match unless the hunch went out that it was
going to be a real fight. Men are willing to look for
fine points when there Is a baae ball game, a wrestling
match or a lawn tennis game, but when It comes to
the fist game men wast to see the real thing.' and If
men thought there was not going to be any fighting;
at a boxing match well, the gate receipts would be
less than the salary of the referee. Again the pro
motors of the proposed boxing law are dishonest when
they say that such a law will prevent all gambling on
tha result of the boxing bouts. That Is absurd. Men
who like to see prise-fights also love to gamble, and
sure If they go to see a fight they are also going to
bet some on the result Perhaps we ought to have a
law to regulate boxing matches In Nebraska, and In
docd I should Ilko to see such a law, but I cannot as
sent to Join In the funny talk which the promoters are
making about auch a law putting prlse-flghtlng out ot
business and preventing a clttsen from laying a wager
on his favorite pur. t
Kearney Ilub: A man in Omaha 2S years of age
Is going to school In that city because he cannot get
work and Is not disposed to fritter away his time.
Beatrice Express: "Faint hesrt never won fair
lady," and If Omaha will Just keep on with Us wooing
without getting discouraged, he may be able to gain
the consent of Miss South Omaha for a tte-up In the
near. future. There Is nothing pleases Cupid as much
as perseverance and stlcktoltiveness.
I Kennedy's Dream Book I
Doped a the Wectera Laborer.
TWENTY-EIGHT years ago Monday I arrived in
Omaha, coming straight from the old town.
Burlington, Iowa. It was a pleasant morninc,
and I walked across the surface tracks from the old
depot up Tenth street to Farnam and then rather
mosied along up Farnam till the Merchants' hotel was
reached, where I stopped a few days.
Eighty-seven was about tho tall end of the real es
tate boom and there ware mora real estate men In
Omaha at that time than any other class. There were
no cable or trolley cars in Omaha at that time. A
dinky box of a street car, with mule-power, stopped
on the north side of the surface tracks at the depot.
It ran east, on about Marc? street, to Ninth, then
north to Farnam, to Fifteenth. The old "cow shed,"
as the union depot was called, ittlll covered the tracks
where passenger trains stopped. The Bee was pub
lished between Ninth end Tenth on Farnam; the Her
ald on the corner of the alley where the Orphetim
now stands; the World wss published in the store
room formerly occupied by Jud Cree's saloon on Fif
teenth street, and the Republican at Tenth and Doug
las. The- elty hall, Bee, building. Paxton block. New
York Life, Karbach, Continents1, the old and new
Young Men's Chrlstlsn association buildings, were
built since I came. Brandels store was at Thirteenth
and Howard streets, and Hayden Bros, occupied one
storeroom next to the corner of the alley where Wool
worth's Ift-cent store Is located. The Planters' hotel,
with stable connected, leaned over on Sixteenth street,
where the postofflce now stands. St Mary's avenue
was a prominent and paved thoroughfare. Leaven
worth street was a hog-back trail of mud. The city
hall was In the frame building at tha northwest cor
ner of Sixteenth and Farnam streets. I think the
Paxton hotel wss the biggest building In Omaha or
the world at that time next to the Union Pacific
headquarters. Max Meyer, Oarneau. 8. P. Morse, Dr.
Mercer, C. V. Mayne are the big business men I re
member. Edward Rosewater and O. II. ftothsrker
were the political' hammer throwers.
The Knights of Lnbor were tha big noise. In the
labor game at that time; trade unions were Just com
ing to the front with more or less mushroom growth.
The printers, molders, clgarmakers and bricklayers
were the trade unions that have had continuous ex
istence. The printers had 350 members at that time,
but less than thirty-five of the memtwra who were
here then are bore today. If the facts could be se
cured I believe the whole population has changed In
about , the same ratio since 'S7. Omaha was a big,
generous, overgrown border town, with city ambitions.
Union Pacific pay-day waa an event once a month In
the business world, and the Durant engine boys and
members of the Iron molders' . union had to be con
sulted about things political. The first Labor day
parade ever held In Omaha took place on the Fourth
of July. The men marched forty miles, It seemed.
'and tha day was as hot as biases.
Council Bluffs waa SO rents from Omaha; South
Omaha waa bluff Inf; Dundee wasn't; ditto Benson.
Boyd's theater was where the Nebraska Clothing com
pany is now and "Doc" Haynea was the swell, diamond-studded
guy at the ticket window. Ed WHtlg's
bar. next door, "milled" all the politics. Dick Wilde
'sold the best whisky. The Two Orphans sold the swell
clothes. The town had eleven savings banks; a man
without savings bank stock was passe; later on, the
ma-i with tho stock tii passe. Omaha was a wonder
In those days. She was bluffing then, but she's got
the bank roll today.
Governor Morehead broke his pick when ha dug It
tnto the printing office In the state penitentiary
scheme, all right; all right!
Omaha and Nebraska working men and women have
reason to t?el pleased with the attitude of employers
of. the city and state on tho compensation taw on the
books and on the amendments pcndlns; before the leg
islature. At the present moment the employers of
Missouri are Mn-tcd teaelher In a state-wide organisa
tion to fight the rompentatVn law and prevent Hs
being adopted. In NYbrake the spirit controlling
beat Illustrated In Grant Hamilton's declaration. "We
sre not sclllti scms and legs," and tha employers'
cyme-back. "We are not tn the market to buy them."
We have faith in the Nebraska spirit and none at all
tn the Missouri, game. The Nebraska workmen and
employers are on speaking terms of the most friendly
hind retarding compensation law making, and if let
alone they will perfect a law that will wnar a cen
tury and be a credit to both employer and employe.
People and Events
With Uncle Joe Cannon in his seventy-eighth year.
Admiral Dewey tn his seventy-seventh, Henry Ga
away Iavta In his ulnety-eecond. President Wilson
Just past 'A. must fe-'l only a few laps beyond the k!J
Canada Is d-vtoWng plans for Invelghllng ever thu
Hue next lumraT, offring as Inducements the ancient
aln.uxjihere of Quel-, the towering heights of Mon
treal, the t t-up-atlveneia of Toronto, the dlxsy levels
if Winnlp K (til iv.'iuntalns without number. Armed
trak guards will ler.J pli'turcsqueness to the scenery.
Dead! Met Aaalnst Forelga Born.
LEWIS, la., Jsn. M.-To tha Editor ot
The Hee: As a re.ider and subscriber of
our paper I take the Utterly of writing
you about your editorial, "Csn They
Override the Veto?" .
There must be something wrong with
your Amerlcsnlsm or your would never
write such tn srtble. for to sn American
il savor.4 of Romsnlnm.
I would like to ask to who ts this
literacy teat obnoxious to, to no true
American, no labor man, no true protest
ant, but It sure Is obnoxious to Roman
Ism, the traitor, with her Illiterate hordes.
President Wilson never would of vetoed
this bill If he had not been looking for
the second term and the Catholic vote.
Protestantism Is not dead, as Mr. Taft
found out after he vetoed the bill and
Mr. Wilson will find out the same thing.
Your paper can be stopped Just ss soon
as the subscription expires, I want no
such un-American trash In my home.
Yours for Americanism. '
President Cltliens' Bank.
Note: Wonder what this reader would
think if, because of his sentiments aa
above, all foreign-born depositors of his
bsnk should stop doing business with
Anwexatlea Sentiment.
SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. L-To the Ed,
Itor of The Bee: How do the people of
South Omaha who pay taxes like It to
know that a bill has been introduced into
the legislature to Increase the pay of
members of tbe city council from $609
te $l,8i)0 a year? An increase ot 300 per
cent la a pretty big Jump when the bur
dens of taxation are increasing front
year to year without any letup, these
stringent times. If the gentlemen who
hold the offices of councilmen think they
are not getting enough salary, let them
resign and let us put tn men who are
willing to serve for 1900 a year. There
are plenty of good men who would be
willing to serve for tfiOO.
If we are to pay higher salaries, let It
be In a greater city, where we will get
more for our money.
It Is astonishing how strong the senti
ment In favor ot consolidation has be
come. It is simply overwhelming when
we get away from the officeholders, those
who have contracts with the city, and
those who have relatives la offioe. There
Is scarcely a small home owner In this
city who is not in favor ot annexation
by the Howell bill outside of the classes
I have named before.
good many men who signed the pro
test against the bill have told me they
did not understand Its terms or they
would not have signed it It is the fair
est and safest way of consolidation, - for
we know Just what we are going to get
and that I sufficient F. A. AGNEW.
Front an Obaerrer ss the Grewwd.
. PLAIN VIEW. Neb., Feb. L To the Ed
itor ot The Beet Allow me to try your
patience once more to answer the com
munication of Mr. Weybrlght. , Among
ether wise remarks, Mr. Weybrlght says:
"Germans In this country should, take
out their second papers before they pre
sume to tell Americans what to say or
how to say- It" I took out my' second
papers In 1S84, and I wonder whether Mr.
Weybrlght will call me German or Amer
ican, but this does not make any differ
ence. . If Mr. Weybrlght would have
studied ..the back history of the European
nations and had watched all proceedings
from the killing of. the Austrian crown
prince to tbe declarations of war among
the different nations as carefully with
me In Germany as I did, then without a
doubt he would agree with me that Ger
many did not want this, war.-
Mr. Weybrlght admits that the Servians
killed the Austrian prince and his wife, but
excuses the deed as follows: "In the pres
ent causeless slaughter in Europe Justice
and liberty have been outraged ten thou
sands times more than it the entire
royal families ot Austria and Germany
had been annihilated and the asssssins
gone unpunished." A great Idea! People
are tempted to believe that Mr. Wey
brlght Is either leaning toward anarch
Ism or Is a little over-balanced In his
upper story. According to his Idea, the
punishment of criminals should be
avoided unless it could be done profit
ably or without any trouble. A good
thing the disease is not contagious.
Let Mr. Weybrlght atudy the German
and Austrian history for the last 100 years
or more' and he will find that Germany
and Austria never were aggressive this
mean never claimed what did not right
fully belong to them. Let him read all
communications between Austria and
ervia, as well aa between Germany and
Russia, and he will be convinced that
Buaala ordered its entire army mobilized
a whole week before Germany did, in
tact the same day Austria declared war
against Servta.. He will further find that
the first battle waa fought tn East. Prus
sia, Germany, which shows that Russia
started the war and ot course depended
on France and England for help.
Th Greatest Battle.
LINCOLN. Feb. l.-To the Editor -of
The Bee: It goes without saying that
one of the greatest battlea In the world's
history is now being waged in foreign
lands. That human conception of the
invention of death dealing machinery has
also reached ita highest atate of Improve,
ment need not be repeated. The perusal
of the leading dally papers of the entire
civilised world tells stories that aeem al
most Incredible. The Illustration on the
front page of The Bee would melt a
heart of stone, the one showing Servian
women compelled to bury tbclr dead, and
should csusa an Immediate ccasatlon of
hostilities to thoughtful minds of rulers
with human hearts beating within their
But what else can , we expect of na
tions that In time of peace have been pre
paring for war, and this spirit' In a na
tion has reached the peaceful shores of
one of the thus far greatest nations, one
that atanda out peculiarly alone, and Is
thus far first In peace, will be last In
war, and that la our own United States.
In the humble opinion ot the writer,
every loyal American citizen ha a duty
to perform. One among the greatest
presidents that ever catered the White
House baa issued a waralng that it fol
lowed will preserve our neutrality te
perfection. But there ia great danger
ahead with the writers expressing them
aelvea as those la the letters entitled
"Loyalty of Germans" sod 'Two Kinds
of Neutrality." These writers appear te
bread the other fellow as "liar." "Ignorant.-
prejudiced' and fool." In the
language of Der Ktsea jammer, cut out
thla "dud gasted wind Jamming, arise
early In the morning, go bathe your teet
in the Missouri river, sing tht songs
Mother used to sing, and ever romember
there Is a human heart beating in the
other fellows breast, and the world will
get better, with the bare possibility that
you are wrong. T. J. HILDEBRAND.
fiewln Cornea Rack.
LITCHFIELD, Neb.. Feb. l-To the
Editor of The Bee: In a little town up
by Oerlng dwell "Weybrlght the Intelli
gent;" the man who states the plain
truth. Oh! truth, what hyporlsy Is com
mitted In thy name. Mr. Weybrlght makes
this modest statement. "There never
wss a war that was worth the price,"
We (herlh every memorial of our worthy
ancestors; we celebrate their patience
and fortitude; we admire their daring
enterprise; we teach our children to venerate--
their piety, the noble men who
fought the battles of tho revolutionary
war and forever melted away the chains
that bound us under Briton's foot We
erect monuments so that all who shall
turn their eyes hither may behold where
the great battles of that war were fought,
and remark how nobly and successfully
it waa accomplished. The names of the
worthy veterans of that war will glitter
as bright and Imperishable stars In the
diadem of the republid w hen the Imbecile
who protests 'it wss not worth the cost"
lies moldeting In a forgotten grave.
Mr. Weybrlght says he knows of three
distinct motives why the kslser precipi
tated the present war in Europe, and
threatens to wise up Mr. Nussbaum as
to what they are. Better still. Mr. Wey
brlght you ought to sdmit the truth as
the late Lord Roberts did when he said:
".We must forever crush German mili
tarism." There was that desire In the
British heart to Yule and that, and that
alone, has caused the present slaughter
In Europe, a war that was fostered In
the English capital.
To Mr. Pierce I wish to say that when
he makes such a blunder as to state that
the revolutionary war was forced upon
England by a German king and that
hordes of Germans fought under the ban
ner of George the Third against the colo
nies, he Is simply to be pitied. Such a
thing ia absurd. Quite true, a few Hes
sians (Germans from the state of Hesse)
fought with the English in that war. but
they were simply soldiers of fortune,
fighting for pay the same as many
Americans are now doing In the French
and Mexican armies. That Germany
forced England Into the revolutionary
war and sent soldiers ever to help It Is
sheer folly In face of the fact that at
that time there waa no German empire,
only a few separate states or principali
ties. To set some of those hyphen-headed
British sympathizers right I will say that
I am not a German sympathiser becauso
I am a German, for I am not I was born
in the United 8tates, as were' my parents
and grandparents, and I am not a "re.
made" citizen. GEORGE GOWIX.
Miss Llvelelgh Oh. no! On account of
your age they all think you are calling on
mother. Judfce. . . t
"I wish I could get some washing to
take In."
' so do I."
"Well, you take mine and I'll take
yours. There's no'hlnw like getting a
start." Pittsbut &h Post.
"Tou Amricsns sre slwayn tslklng
shout dollars and cents,' said the visitor
from abroad.
"Yes," replied Miss Cayenne; "we fin
talk a great deal about them. But we
try to draw the lino at fighting over
them." Washington Star.
."Am I ss dear to you as f was during
our courtship, darling?' queried the bride
of six short months.
"Much dearer," briefly answered , tha
freixht payer of the combine aa he pro
ceeded to audit the latest crop of monthly
bills. Indianapolis btar. -
"Mother was rather angry with you last
Why? I didn't klsa you."
."Just so. And so she waited all the
evening at the keyhole for nothing."
Kansas City Journal.
"Hubby. I'm In love with that hat."
"You fall In love with too many hats.
If you'll promise to remain constant to
that one for as much aa lx weeks, I'll
buy It for you." Louisville Courier
Journal. .
"She spoke in a flattering w,y of jsbU
the other dav."
Did she? That was nice. What did she
'She said if she had your assurance
with her brains, she'd run for president."
Cleveland Plain Dealer..
"I've got to wait In my trade until there
is a freezeout in business."
"That's remarkable. What: is your
"I'm an' Ice cutter." Baltimore American.
Lenna W. Brown. -in New York Times.
Tho west ia bathed In the afterglow
Where the church spire lifts through the
mist below: .....
And the trees in feathery silhouette
Hans ever tho lorin ot a parapet .
All are shadowed In dull dead black .
On a flaming rainbow painted back.
O marvelous picture! Could human power
But paint the evening sunset hour!
Alss! How paltry Is the art
Wrought by mortal ' hand and heart
To rival the Arch-painter'a skill.
Who rhnngca the canvas and colors at
will! -
H paints the sky In gold and rose,
Which plowing changes, and changing
Then as the film moves o'er the screen.
The canvas changes its hues, unseen.
The rose Is gone, gone' is the gold,
And summering there are the stars so
old. .
A sliver crescent, pellucid and pale.
Ha nee near a cloud ot filmiest veil.
And all tho tint that lately flamed
To a fathomless Indtero dusk are changed.
These are the grandest pictures of all
Moving pictures that never pall.
Ruth was won by Ueatrice Parker, 1316 So. 12th St.,
with 595 pictures.
Mildred Is Next
, V', V - yj
.f u, v
c'V x. !
: 1 '
0. ' ' .
S - - M '
. The snow , will surely
melt when she comes
out with her beaniing
oouutenance and beau
tiful spring gowns, all
pink and whiteJ 'She'!
has great rolls of waxen
curls, big blue eyes and
- oh dear me, when you
see her dainty little feet
and pink shoes and
stockings, you'll just
want to eat her up.
Mildred wil be given free
. to. the little girl under 13
years of age that brings or
mail us the largest number
of doll's pictures cat oat of '
the Dally and Sunday Bee
before 4 p. m., Saturday,
February 41. ,
Mildred's picture will
be in The Bee every
day this week. Cut
them out and ask your
friends to save the pic
tures in the paper for
you, too. See how many
pictures of Mildred you
can get, and be sure to
turn them in to The Bee
office before 4:00 p. m.
Saturday, February 6.
You can see "Mildred"
at The Bee Office
The skatol for this week were won by Leoland
Shipmr.n, 1255 So. 1,'ith St., with 431 pictures.
More Skates
, ' for our Busy Bee Boys
Barney Berry American Club, Nickel Plated. Tempered
Welded Steel Blades, aiaes te fit.
This picture ot one of tbe Skates will be la The Bee
, every day this week.
Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pic
tures In their paper for you, too. See how many pictures
you can get and bring them to Tbe Bee office next Satur
day. -
The Skates wil be given Free to the boy that sends us
the most picture before P. M. Saturday, I'ebruary L