TJlK-JIKiv.' OMAHA. Ti;E.Si)AV. t't:iiliV Mt'. i..JJU.j. PEOPLE TO YOTE FOR POSTMASTER 'CI Shllenbfrg;fr Declares- Primary System Will Be Used ia rifth 1 Congressional District 1 CANDIDATES AHE IN FIELD Infinite decialon to nn . the primary systrra In chooalns postmasters to fill facanrlrs In ths Firth consreeeonal dis trict ai annmmros In Omaha toy Anhton ShaUenrre;r of Alma. cimsTeaaman rlct. He apont Sunday nlfht In Omaha t the Pan ton hotel on hit war to Shel don. Ia., to (III A lecture engasement. . Arapahoe will be the first town where ths new postmaltcr win t decided upon T7 vote ol the poitofflca. patron. Ptiel said. Others where republican postmasters terma have expired and the jdaces era to be filled from democrat to ba chosen by auch voting are Hardy, Eusttce, Axtell. Harvard and probably Cried Island, he said. "I biva decided te settle tha appoint ment la that way," he declared, "and will recommend the man tn ea"h town who fets the highest' vote. I want to nominate the man who the pontof floe pat rons want, and I think tha primary vot ing system la boat When petition are circulated for aspiring candidate. many patrons sl(u petition for more than en maa for a place, hut when the voting ayctern ta used each patron caa expreae enly on choice." At Arapahoe, he said, the candidates for the postmaster's office are 8. A. retarion. George Evans, J. I Blcbarde od Robert Chamber. . Ie expresaed confidence that the' gov ernment ship purchase bill now In con cress would be passed, but only after a miff fight. He Is strong for the meas ure, be declared. , DELZELL IS COMING t IN FORSTATE PROBE (Continued from Page One.) former State fluperlntondent Delscll, a ood many members of I he legtalature are lining on for the bill to abolish the present Klate Normal board and create a now board with a. different member whip, The ex-superintendent was a member of th normal board during hia term of of lion, and worked with the majority fac tion, which la alleged to be under the domination of T. J. Majors and the iirhoolmnstora club. Those who find fault with Drlzell's conduct of the super inttixlent's office Inn la t that a thorough cleanup cannot be had without a raorga ntr.Rilor of the normal school manage ment. , . , Thomas Rnabbed. Since A. O. Thomas became state super intendent and ex officio member ef the hoard he has been snubbed by the ma jority faction. For forty years the cus tom baa been that the state superin tendent was made chairman of the teach ers' committee, but Thomas has not even been given a minor place on that commit tee. A. I Cavlncss, secretary, of the t board, who Is credited .with, having done more than anybody else to oust Thomas from the presidency of the Kearney Nor- ntul, hus succeeded Del sell as chairman ft the teachers' committee. ,' The house committee which has In charge the bill to abolish the present .Normal' board has practically decided to I'llmlnato Major by Inserting a provision that no number of the new board shall be named frons a coimty where any nor mal school' Is, located. It ha also been 1 proposod that Cavlneis be deposed as ttccuUtry by providing In the. bill thct tb state treasurer, who is a member of tins board. shall be secretary ex officio. Tor this. Utter proposal the advantags l claimed that it would seep ths re-Oord f the. beard at the capltol, where ihy could be Inspected by anyone. Instead of havlag them away off some whera In the hands of an Individual member. The h.wriJ meets In a basement room under neath the state treasurer s ernce. so that if the records were kept by htm they would always be handy. German Spies Are ' Executed at Tangier V.raLIN. Jsn. Jl. By Wireless to Bay villu. U I.) The 'following -official atate me'nt was made public todsy: "Although ths French realdunt general in Monaco had officially assured ths American charge d'affaires at Tangier that owing to American, representation the. death penalty against the Germans, Karl Kicks and Iterr Grundler, who were accused of high treason, would not be crrkl out. but that a written sppeat wti14 be forwarded ta the president of the French republj-, their execution, ac cording to newspaper reports, was car ried out nevertheless on January U " PENNSYLVANIA EARNINGS SHOW SLIGHT DECREASE PHILADELPHIA, Feb. l.-The state ment of revenues and expenses of the i'enriiyrvsnla railroad system fur Uie r ending Decenilier 31, shows that the U'tni oriHling revenue Tor the hues east of I'ttuburg In V.'it was Ml.M.Tuu. a d crease of f J0.040.tou compared with l!li. It, total ox-r'.im expenses Including i .! tax ' cri'.l. were f.'rtS, JUMin, a ile-.-iiiaM rr.mpered with 1H of $!.Si.SjJ. The railway oreisiiiig inroiue emouutsd tit . r4 :.!. a lfceee of U.W.OBS. lnUjiiS of U-e line west of IMtts n rsh comj u U With l'.ill ahowed these reuHfr: T-jtMl oiiating revenue IUl.7J3.SWo. tfo riruK ?!V,".bJ 'A'J, total operating ekpruM ii.ciuUr.c railway tax acrruala !'1.T7.!U, tlt:rea $j.4ij.iJfc; rsilaay xperuUnj. la I'jmri :.4.i'3, dn-rrase SJ.3s3,uoS. ADMIRAL MONTAGUE OF THE BRITISH NAVY DEAD .LONDON, l"ej. 1-iJ-nr Admiral, the Hf.i.oiabU Vlitcr A. Montague, died yes Urdsy. Ilvar Admiiat Montasus was 73 vtan oil. lit served with the fleet In iho war ltli Itu?!a ln Isju, In ' China of 1 -V and wit!) ths navnl brlx&do in the Imlmn mutiny of lfciU. TTf wa re tired in 1 A TURKISH WARSHIPS SHELL RUSSIAN MILITARY PALACE Pi jr:. : ti. 1. of tidal dUpauhss ( fe T ..ri.ih Let en January W suo-jl message rred at the til sta " '!"!iy i.e,i tne I'.uBwan mUttaiyjtiun her. Thammunltioa ship U-T r-ie va lu nl cot of tits black I left at one tt SIS the trant.l crstt. . FIRST PIC7UHE3 OF EARTJEIQUAKE-STRICKEN ITALY Survivors at Aveizona encamped In the street with the few belongings they saved from their wrecked homes. '4 i SHELDON DRAWS MANY BILLS BjBBBBsaBsatSBSj Legislative Reference Bureau Jest About Busiest Place at State Capitol. BUSH TO GET UTJDEE, WIRE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. l.-Speclai.)-tirctor K. Sheldon of the legislative reference bureau, with about a dozen assistant em ployed In that department, worked Fat arday evening, Sunday and Sunday sit ing on the preparation of hills for the final grand rush whluh will come this week. Tuesday and Wednesday are the last two days on which bills other than the general appropriation and claims measures, may be Introduced. Thirty new bills, ranging In sice from one to twenty-five typewritten pages, wsre drafted In the legislature reference bureau between the usual closing time on Saturday ai(d opening time Monday fore noon. Besides these seventy other which had been handed la for the scrutiny of tha department wore gone over for the purpose of noting whetbsr they were properly drawn. "We are working under a good deal ef pressure." said Director Sheldon, "and tha department wilt do everything it caa to get out the bill dexlred by members tn . time for their introduction on Tues day or Wednesday, We havs handled 100 bills sine Saturday afternoon and still have a good many on hand to gat Into shape. If no more should com la we would be able te get through alt right." Plans to Develop : State Water Power Placed in Bills (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. l.(Speclttl. -Three general plans for developing water power In Nebraska have been evolved by Pi rector Sheldon of the legislative reference hureau, in conjunction with President C. It, Oustafson of the Nebraska Farmers' union. Prof. a. K. Condra of the Con servation commission and Prof. C. V. P. fctout of the I'alverslty of Nebraska. One la for granting HtrhU to private corporations for a specified period of years, the state retaining- ownership of the sites and exacting a royalty based on the earnings. The second provides for the organisation of water power districts and development f publtcly-owned pro jects and the third contemplates a crn stltutlonal amendment permitting the state Itself to go Into such enterprises. The four men named, togethar with Mis Myrtle Keegan of the legislative refer ence bureau, have formulated one of these Mils. It allows private Interests to de velop power rd sell It under state regu lation but no perpetual right wilt be allowed. Companies may be permitted to earn as high as 10 per cent on their Investment for the first fifteen years, and k per cent thereafter. II. S. Pays Out More Than It Takes In Washington, teu. t.-nvenue vol. hcui by the government in January failed by tS.111,4-1 to meet ths month's disbursements. Receipts usuuMy are low at this time of the year, but la January, lt!4.- the excess or disbursements was onlv f4.S14.262. Neither clustomsnor Internal revenue brought In the expected returns. Officials are hopeful of an Increase la the text few months. The seven months or the fiscal year show an rxreea of disburnemenls ever receipts of STO,K5I7S, compared with corresponding esoess for the same period last jear of Sl7.tT.. At His close of the month the net bal ance in the treasury's general fund was VT."W.t, and cash assets In the treasury totalled l.l.l33.n. Five Men Killed " By a Falling Wall tiRAND RAP1UM, Mich.. Feb. l.-riv men were killed and seven other persona injured thla afternoon by a falling wall at the ruins of the Hi own sc 8eilr Im plement Manufacturing runpeny plant. Two ef the bodies were Idsutltted. Three of the injured may die. U. S. NAVAL SUPPLY SHIP GOES AGROUND NF.WPOHT, R. I.. Feb. 1 -The United Kates naval supply ship Celtic went egrousd on Half --v.siioal In N..-v tuvkel sound tod. at coi dfrw'o wtre- jThs CtiUo tairs a enw ot sbo j . : - . JJ wwwim 'J 'uiii.iTiiMTj?.',.!. " ' "'"Ititi.ifc A' r111" iiiw'np " "" ""L" ' B i I S "" lli(T" DOYER FORT GUNS DRIVE OFF FLYERS Fi?V Hostile Airships Reported to Have Been Stopped by Artil lery of Coast Town. THEY TURff AED SAIL AWAY LONDON, rb. t-rive hostile airships are reported over Dover this evening-, traveling east. They were fired at from the forts The' police of Lenses received orders to prepare for a Zeppelin raid. The oocu panta of houses were instructed to lower all blinds and the gas and electrie sta tion were notified to be ready to cut off Illuminations ait a moment's notice. The five hostile airships, according to a telephnae message from Dover, wvr drive off by the gunfire ef ths forts. They turned and sailed away, apparently aot penetrating Inland. M'CAFFEEB HEADS LABOR EXCHANGE : Continued from Page One.) Louis Y. l ost, . assistant secretary of labor of Washington, D. C, E. 8. Meal, commissioner ot Immigration ot North Dakota; Messrs. Koynolds and ' Ulrlch of Minnesota and Iowa, respectively; W. It, O'Brien, commissioner ot labor of Kansas; Mr. Moor of Des Moines, rep resenting the . 8anla Fa railway; R. A, Smith, Industrial Agent of the Union Padflo; Oeorge A. McNutt, district pas senger acsnt of the Missouri, Kansas aV Topeka road; Mr. Spenk, special Investi gator ftt the United B la tea Department of Iudustrial Relations j Secretary Grlnnell ot the Nebraska Farmers' Congress; IT. O. Cooley, secretary of the Commercial club of Aberdeen, 8. P.: A. C. Klttell, representing the Capper publications. Weald Has Cigarette Smokers. Constitution and by-laws were dis cussed during the rooming, and ' gen eral discussion of labor problems fol lowed. Neal Bartelsen, a student of af fairs and a bora rancher of Butte, Neb., got the floor and wanted It seen to that ue fellpw with ths "yellow fingers" be dlscardsd in tb effort that was to be made to get men Jubs. By this he re ferred to tb cigarette smoker. H de clared the cigarette smoker was ao good and could not do a day's work. 'That's my experience," he said, lie declared that on ot them one burned out his entire ranch by dropping a cig arette butt ia ths grass. ' .Vnele Sana Will Co-Operate. Special Investigator Ppeek of the United Stales Department of 1 ad u trial Relations assured the delegates of ths eo-operatloa of the department, and said that men could be sent out from the east to help In the harvest rush. II O. Cooley. com missioner of the Commercial club of Aberdeen, said we war not anxious to havs them ship men out her unless they, too, would do something about distribu tion. He insisted that distribution Is the great problem. Liverpool Fears . Attack by German Submarine Craft LIVtRPOOU Feb. 1. Vi London) A special appreheasica is felt her that German submarines will succeed In enter ing the Mersey. No word has com from any of the reoeutiy departing liners con cemlng submarines. The American liner SC Louis, which arrived yesterday, re- porta that it saw nothing of Usrrnao sub marines or of say wreckage. Thus far no steps have been taken to suspend the sailings of sny of the regular lines, the vessels of which are entering and leaving the port freely. ELEVEN HUNDRED TRIED' FOR, BRIBERY AT ELECTION esasswaswsawssi K1KLVILLK. Ky.. Feb. l.-Trtal of U votera charged with bribery alleged to have beea oommltted at the November lection was begun here today. More than 1 000 Indictments were returned in eastern Kentucky against persona alleged t have purchased aud aoctptod fees tor vutes. The trUl was a continuation of ceea already deposed of. A Personal BUkteaaaat. There ar so-vaUud "honey and tar preparations that coat the dealer half as much but sell at the sante price as the original and genuine Foley's Honey and TW Compound.. W never ofTer those Imitations aud subvtitwtes. Wi know you will buy Foley's whenever you need rough syrup if you oove use It. People corns lon distsnees for the true Foley's over thirty years the leading reoMdy for e.ousha. cold, croup, whooping cough. branchial and Usripp euughs. Sold by all Vtsalara a raryw h ej , Ad v trCswiujciLl. aMUSS lWisasssassaBSSSSssa6(Bw i DRYS . Y0RKJN PETITION Cause Eemoval of Two Haines from Document on Ground that They Are Forgeries. FIGHT JUST OFEJfETG , UP fFroro a Btaff Correspondent.) DES MOINTTS. Feh. L Special Tele gram.) Temperance force of Pes Moines through their attorney. If. M. Bevner, to day called Into court three witnesses and caused the removal of two names from the petition on a forgery and Illegal charge. - It was the first attempt oa the part of the tempera noe forces to remove names other than through the routine canvass work. Many similar instances will be Introduced Into court before the hearing Is completed. Is the declaration of the drys. Mall Cemmlstew Active. The ranroad oommisslon today took a hand In the controversy of the alleged discrimination of freights' oa complaint of Missouri cities against the Nebraska City rates. Assistant Commercial Agent D wight. Lewi will represent ths Iowa commission and shippers la tha fight. Turks Building Military Railroad Into .Caucasus LONDON', Feb. 1-(1 :1S a. m-V-Tb Dally Telegraph's ' Petrograd correspon dent sends a roport that the Turks, un der tb supervision of German en gin ears, are hurriedly construoting a branch rail way from Angora to Sivas, Asia Minor, which is Intended to replace ths Trefal sond ' water routs as a feeder for the Ottoman troops on the Caucasian front. Ths German consul at Tabrut, Persia, has placed himself under the protection of the American consul, stcoordlns to tha correspondent, i ' HUNDRED THOUSAND NEW POSTAL DEPOSITORS WASHINGTON, Feb. l.-Mc'r than 103,009 persons have been, added ta th list of postal savings bank depositors sine ths European war began, Increasing th total deposits of ths system at tb rat nf nearlv fArtO OOO month. Dfflrttala think this means that thousands of for- igners working in wis country ar noia- lng on to their arnlngs Instead of send- lng money orders to their aatlve lands, ia times past. . .. The National Capital Madsy, Febrwary 1, IOiK. Th lassta, Fisht on administration shin bill re sumed by republicans. Senator Clarke ol Arkansas movoa to reoorruult the ship-purchas bill for re vision. Motions to adjourn . and to table the motion to recommit defeated, democrats opposing the bill voung with th re (.uulious. Senator Reed Of Missouri bitterly as- sailnd democrats lor deserting to the ma jority. lemocratlo leaders Oerlded to adjourn with motion t recommit sanding and bold conference Tueeday morning. Adjourned at . to noon Tuesday. Th He woe. v Miscellaneous bills considered. Passed bill to ealahliaa mine permanent stations In pohlio land states snd Alaska, and to provide for mine safety stations. Idstimatns submitted asking for Moaoos for Bmasions aad other allowances under new ooaat guard law. Representative Hamlin Introduced hill te provide "elective compensation' for employes In interstate oomraere. Adjourned at p. m. to U a. m. to morrow. Headachy, Bilious, Regulate Your Teu'r bullous! Tou have a throbbing sensation la your head, a bad taste la your mouth, your eyes hurt, your skid is yellow with dark rises under your eyes, your lips ar parched. No wonder yea feel ugly, mean and Ill-tempered. Tour system Is full of bile and constipated waste not properly passed off and what you need ia a cleaning up 'Inside'. Don't continue being a bilious, constipated nui sance to yourself and those who love you. CeONDV 13 CKKTT noxtS -. IMiiaMCtrol i i . "'.I. V . . t LIVESTOCK PLAGUE SPREADSTO KANSAS Four Counties of Jayhawk State Placed Under Quarantine ly Federal Officials. SHIPMENT BRINGS THE DISEASE WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Flour counties in Kansas Cowley, Sedgwick, Bumner and Butler were- Quarantined today by the Department of Agriculture against the foot and movth disease because of infections brought In t7 shipments of cattle from Wiaconsln. T)1) department first quarantined th whole slat and an nounced its action, but later Issued an amended order. Fewad Near M Infield. WINFIBIjD. Kan., Feb. 1. The foot and mouth disease has been found in a herd of cattle twelve miles southeast of A'lnfleld. Another suspected case Is be ing Investigated near Mulvane. As a re- sult of this discovery commissioner or Live Stock BJddle quarantined certain part of Cowley and Sedgwick countles- The commissioner said h would de stroy the Cowley eemnty herd tomorrow. The disease came in a shipment of fine cattl from Oxford, Wis. They are worth about S4C0 each. 'Not Affected Materially. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Feb. l.-Llv stock markets In Kansas City. Wichita, Kan., and St, Joseph. Mo., will not be effected materially by the United States Department of Agriculture's quarantine of four Kansas counties for the toot and mouth diseas today, according to O. R. Collett, manager of th local yards, and live stock commission men. Whll no official rnformatlon concern ing th restrictions placed in the quaran tine had been received here It was pointed out they probably would consist simply of ths prohibition of shipments into and out of ths four counties. Bine these counties are largely en gaged la dairying and used for summer grazing purposes. It was believed there will be no difficulties In th result Taylor Bid die, Kansas state live stock commissioner, announced tonight he would destroy the .Cowley county herd In which he discovered th disease, to morrow. Th animals he believed were brought into th state In a shipment from Oxford. Wis., and are fine dairy ani mals. The herd of twenty, one-half of which is at WlnfWd, Kdn.. and on-half at Mulvane, is valued at about S0 each. Mr. Blddle said he believed the disease extends only to the tww herds. "There la little doubt that it is trader control," he said. . Body of Aged Man Found Dead in Black Hills is Identified BEAD WOOD, 3. D., Feb. L-Speclal.) Through the Identification by his son, Clyde of Arpan. Butt county, th mys tery surrounding th dlsappearano last November of George A, Glddings, an aged man from Oklahoma, who left his bar rag In the local Burlington depot and then dropped out of sight,, has been cleared. Th body of a man, supposed to he llelvin Evans of Eureka, Kan., and Identified last November by friends of Utat man, is now claimed to be the elder Glddings. Two months ago an a red man cat tC throat on ths road near Lead. He was then identified as Evans, a fugitive from Kmuu officers. At the same time Gld dings dropped ont oi sight- He bad been visiting his son at Arpan and announced his intention when leaving there of going to Oregon, where be bad land. Kw his eon has found that he quietly returned ta Bells Fourcbe, made over a deed of his Oregon property to a daughter in Texas and mailed It ta her, sent her some money and then cam to Lead, where he com mitted suicide. Th body of th supposed Evans was publicly viewed and Interred in th pot ter field, because It was not claimed. When the younger Glddings failed to trace his father and learned from his sister tn Texas that his father- had re- turned to veils jrourca. ana maao. out " " " ay disinterred. Hs positively idenutied th body aa that of his father by a scar and also a gold watch with his mother's Initials, which young Glddlnas said she had given th father forty-two years ago. George H. Glddings la believed to have been mentally unbalanced, and his son declare that he had shown signs of despondency. He was at one time a practicing attorney In Iowa.' Local officials ar probing tb case still further to find it it wan .poal that Glddings met with foul play Instead ot committing suicide. Retired Merchant of Grand Island Hurt NEW ORLEANS, 1st., Feb.' l.-8p-elal Telegram.) Ludwig Bchults, a retired merchant of Grand Island, was badly hurt to an auto accident her today. , , A going business can be sold quickly through Th Bee' "Business Chances." Uewavrtoaeat Orders. WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Special Tele gram.) Bmma Gergon reappointed pot msHter at Clifford, Hardin county, Iowa. Nebraska - pennions granted: Jennie Powell, Ran. 12; Theresa Mann, gut ton. Ida bhedell, Oinaha, III. Stomach Sour? , Bowels! 10 Cents and dont resort to harah physics that irritate and Injur. Ileinember. that your sour, disordered stomach, lasy liver snd clogged bowels can be quickly cleaned and regulated by morning' with gentle, thorough Cascarets; a 10-caut box will keep yeur head clear and make you feel cheerful and bully for raontha Get Cas caret now wake up refreshed feel like doing a good day's work make yourself pleasant aad naafoL Clean upl Cheer apl CATHAHTIC - ANY OftUt STORE , sr JOHN MITCHELL 15 WITNESS Says Rockefeller Plan, to Settle Labor Disputes in Colorado Simply Absurd. SEES KO GOOD RESULTING NEW TORK. Feb. l.-Amos Pinchot. first witness In the federal Industrial relations commission, was permitted to finish reading the testimony he had not concluded Saturday, ln which he accused the Associated Presa of psrtlallty to the capitalistic side of the labor controversies ln handling news. "I do not believe." aaid Mr. Pinchot. "that the Associated Press will carry on Its wires dispatches concernlne- mv ti mony here about It. There is a bv-Iew of th Associated Press which provides The Remnant Sale of Dress Goods ai$ Silks Will Continue One Day More Because of the Storm The v assortment is large, the goods desirable, the' prices ex tremely low. Tussette Nainsook 30c 44-Inch Tussette Nainsook- $2.00 a bolt of 10 yards. 40c 44-inch Tussetto Nainsook --$2.50 a bolt of 10 yards. Checked Dimities 30c 32-inch Checked Dimi ties , 25c a Yard 50c 32-inch Checked Dimi ties 'jf 35c a yard WHITER TRIPS to SUfXB LAUDS Reduced rate, round trip winter excursion tickets on sale dally to many points ln the South and Southeast, via the CHICAGO, UILUAUIiEE & ST. PAUL - RAILWAY New Orleans ... .41.18 Tampa Pla. . . . .$GS.28 Mobile $41.18 Palm Beach ... .i?G9.18 Jacksonville .. ..$50.08 , Augusta, Ga S 13.53 Miami, Fla, $72.78 Havana, Cuba .1 .$87.18 Final return limit June 1, 1916. except tickets to Havana, Cuba, limited to return in six months from date of sale. Liberal Btop-over privilege Attractive diverse route tickets also on sale at rates which will be furnished on application. Delightful , tours to the West Indies, South America and via the Panama j' Cantal to San Francisco. ' Beginning March 1st round trip tickets to the Pacific Coast will be on sale at very low rates with liberal stopover privileges and return limit. For Information as to rates, routes, train service, etc., call on or address, W. E. BOCK, 0. P. A., C M. & St. P. Ry. 181T Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. mm i . . Yourself f,i ':.,.i -m- Askfor CENUIHE ' TLe Fooi Drink f J - f 'Hnit&z Is ft! IKi'uf. Trail TrnJ thraarra Ta ie rea eaa Sinai a. yona aoaapeuaor's eawtaaaera, ywi oe.iiie no I I . - , J. If t - t T r - aa- - - 1 e TS a. mrm, " " - - "-3 that any rhember prtntln? news deroga tory to th Associated Press be disci plined and is subject to loing his fran chise." John JSntchell. ex-president of the "United Mine Workers, told the commis sion that th Rockefeller plaft te settle labor troubles ln Colorndo S "simply absurd." "No good can corns out of such plans," said h. "Unorganised men can be de pended ttpon to select to represent them only men the bonnes want We hsve gone through, such things before. "We might Just as well starve idle as starve working will naturally be raised again Just as it was daring 1TKX) In the anthracite field." Discussing compensation for working men Mitchell said It was effective ln more -Ways than one. "Whnn It costs more .to kill a man than It does to save him 4he employers will save ' workers," aid he. SWrvSJ miU tTEMTil J3TRCKTS Plain Nainsook 30c 40-inch Ayesla Nain sook, $2.50 a bolt of. 10 yards. 30o 40-Inoh Japanese Nainsook, $2.50 a bolt of 10 yards. 35o 44-inch Sea Island Nainsook, $3.75 a bolt of 12 yards. . - Persian Lawn 25c 32-inch Persian Lawn at . . 20c a yard -35c 32-inch Persian Lawn at . . 30c a yard 50c 32-inch Persian Lawn . a . . 35c a yard M m . ... ;orrMM ' &?JitJ . ot all Are Oilers are Imitation AMCEMENTS. COAnOEIS TCX1SHT.AII Week UliltUUklU vata. We4. and Bat XXS OBJEATXST BaTBaTIO XTSSi BM X OatAKA. THE WHIP Si The World's reateat Melodrama JOG JPEOrLOS 5 CARS OF BCENEItY TPrioea 6Qe to f.50 Waa. Mat, iio to 1. 100 people; s cj TPrioea 6Qe to S1.50) --OatAatA'B T OMXatA'B TV CETT Pally Mat. 15-SS-E0c a., ia-a&-So-Te f.L REEVES h.s Big Beauty Show WUbD, Dobba. ll.ln Wmlmn, Bimat. Wright.' Al. KM.n HuQMds, Klc. Autu tt tiit-k: Ki4 (UiM, altlUr 6mulv. Al. Kce.' Hfrt-to.Heart T.Ik tu .very psrlor imiw. iiig lUU ' Pima Statin gery Week X ay. ADVABTCXD ATJCCVItiB Duly Saatiaea S 1& MlB 8:19. rTU axo Knasa'1 Oikw A: bhar. Tucku, Th. 1 urea Huim, Uunttuf a )mmii. Httr b . r t lirv. Mlldna Or.- James B. Careoa tw, mwm a aau.ll. Orphauui Tn. VkMkir. PB1CKS: MatlaM. trry lac BeA 8.a eac.i4 RaiunUy Huiirl Mailt. ic. M. am. mpp THEATER Devglae SOSS 15th and Harney Uebler TrYeaeats CX.AA XX1CBAI.X. TOUaTO. MrLTOaT BIX.X.B aaS Hatakle Caet ia "ThE DEEP PURPLE" rani Armstronf s ramous riaj. brO:nchlal all yasiar i V