Omaha Daily Bee BY AnVKHTISlNa ftm cm bold fast to th trade yon htm and win yostr aMre of the trade yon still lack, . THE WEATHER. Snow vol, xr.iv no. m: OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1915 TEN TAGES. ' Oa Trilii Hi at otel Stews Stands. Se SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 1 1 V r 1 1 i V V . FIGHT OH TWO-CEHT PASSENGER FARE DP TO SUPREME COURT Attorney! for Missouri Pacifio Con tend that People Hire Dele gated Rate Making Power, to Railroad Commission. -LEGISLATURE ACTS, SAYS REED Attorney 'General Contend! No Power Existi to Go Behind the Specific Act of Lawmakers., judges sitting en ' banc V (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 1 .(Spe cial.) Arguments In the 2-cerit fare case were beard before the supreme court this morning, the high tribunal sitting en bane, with" Chief Justice Morrissey, recently appointed, pre siding for the first time. The ease was brought by the Mis souri Pacific Railway company to compel by mandamus the State Rail way commission to take Jurisdiction of and-aet upon Its application for an Increase In Its Nebraska passen ger rates above, the 2-cmt minimum fixed by statute. The hub of tho question i: Does the constitutionally delegated power of the commission have precedence over specific legislative enactment? The railroads so argue, contending that if It sees fit the commission may increase the rate over that provided .for- by the legislature f X907. . " ' " ' ' Rate Pewer Delesrate. . The railroads maintain , that as dele gated to the commission by the people the rate-making power cannot be taken trver by the legislature. The contentions are based on this constitutional provision: "The power and duties-of . such com mission shall Include the regulation of rates, service and other general control ct common carriers as the legislature may - provide by law. , "But in the absence of speciflo legisla tion tbe , commission shall "exert the powers and perform the duties enumer ated In this provision." . - - The state, through former Attorney Gen eral W. T. Thompson and Attorney Gen eral Heed, Insisted that specific' legisla tion by the' state's law-making bedy Is .. -, , iLMnt ram lew and that the State Ball way, commission cannot go be bind that ' . .' Dtacretioa botmi j Further, state attorneys held that If the . . .. " ..xlialm Had power Bieio jrtwiwj . - virtually to -repeal the-cent . fsre '.law It could do likewise with the anti-ease -1 '.mjlfr y other legislation affeSUnrwea or service of railroad ' The railroad side Of the ease Is sum marised in the following! 1 That the commission has unqualified i?ri.di"lon to legislate withfno t rate, end servlca of eomtn commirtonPby the people In an amend- me.nt to the stare comuiuu" . 1 That the legislature, by lt make-up U incapaaie oi . uowi , ......... , admitted this at the 1913 session When it reiusea vo pu mo .ww.-, 7: : sgreed to leave this power In the hands Of the Btate Hallway commission. S. That the supremacy of the legislature over powers delegated to the eommlsslon by the people wSuid defeat the, purpose of the amendment i. 4. That In ooiegauoo to of all legislative pow es ano.noi mow mo t'X legislature are respect f UgUlstare1 spotted, . timers. H aa Spo 1 The state maintains 1 that tn tbe eonsU- tutional provisions .cited above, the Unas to." mean that the commission can have no powers where the legtsiaiurs na 1... that the commission's power is limited even in rates' and servioe matters to acts not touched upon 1 speclfl leg- Islativs enactment. Thus the legislature would have no (lower to dUturb the S-oent passenger fare ... hna ta1 reduce It. If the l rr - ' state attorneys' view is. acoepted by the M-h bench. . . I Rif there ara no maximum telephone rates fixed by the leglslatnTe, the com mission has power to reguiai inoso ae n - - tit wm . rale law to be passed by the legislature according to .u. nt ths state attorneys that would supersede all rate control the com mission might exert over telephone com panies. - ' The Weather Forecast till I p. m. Tuesday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity t-Snow; colder. Tesaperatero at Omaha Yesterday. Hours. lg. m - m -i ro !A m a m a in s 25 in eee '4 ro ..U m a ro 22 m 21 m n m 21 m. 21 m 30 Comparative Lwil Re-vard. 1915. 1914. 191S. 1911 Highest yesterday. ..j... Hi 11 3D IO west yeaterduy....... 2 S Mean temperature S3 S4 4 1 Precipitation 63 .00 .04 T Temperature and precipitation de partures from the novmal; (Normal temperature 21 Kxcean for the day t Total excess since March 1 SSO Normal precipitation .01 lneh-v Kxcoas for the day Clinch Total rainfall since March 1....B.W inches TWiciency aince March 1 1H inch ffeitciency for cor. period, 191J.. 17 Inches Leficiency for our. period. Uli.t 4.W inches Reports front Stations at T r. M. Station and Ftate of Weather. Temp. High- Rain- T p. m. cat. fall. Iavrnport, rain ti North Platte, clear 18 .70 24 .04 Omaha, cloudy il 2 . Kapid City, rlaar IS 2H j ioux City, cloudy IS ti "f indicates trace of precipitattuu. Indicates Wow sero. L. A. VLHIL Local Forecaster. 5 a. 11: It FIRST PICTURES FROM EARTHQUAKE -STRICKEN ITALY The ruins of the Bank of Rome in Avezzona, shewing how completely the earthquake destroyed this beautiful city. Soldiers hunting for money in the debris. rv rT' 'vr : r-sa ( s?'h - fr'.JP- . ... . ym; J V0QKi headsTIbrother H'CAFFREE LABORJXCHAHGE Pierre, S. D., Han Elected President - and W. G. Ashton Hade Sec .retary-Treasurer. PERMANENT ORDER EFFECTED The National - Farm Labor Ex change went Into permanent organ ization in Omaha yesterday with some fifteen delegates present. This., or ganization seeks by a method; of co operation between the labor commis sioners, of th .various states in; the graia belt, to solve tbe problem of help for' the harvests tfben that help is most needed in these states. , Charles McCaffree of Pierre, fl. D., was made president and W. O. Ashton of Oklahoma City,, secretary-treasurer. E. S. Neal. state immigration ' agent of North Dakota. - was made vice president ' Plans did not take quite as definite a form, perhaps. 1 as might have been ex pected, although the constitution and by laws provide that the ' labor commtsBlorv. ers of the various grain producing states shall look after the handling of. farm labor during the harvest season and that the executive committee of the exchange shall co-operate with the labor commis sioners that the supply of labor can always be moved ahead fast 'enough to be at tbe right place at the right time. States and Railroads . Represented. Those present at the opening session were Charles MoCaffree of Pierre, 8. D., commissioner . of .immigration of that state; W. O. Ashton of Oklahoma City, Okl., commissioner of labor of that state; (Continued oa Page Two, Column Three.) Senator Reed Will Support Veto of Immigration Bill WASHINGTON. Jan. t-The fate of the immigration bill, vetoed by President Wilson because of the literacy test pros. vision, took on renewed interest In congress- today : because of the announeed Intention of Senator Reed of Missouri to speak In the senate ' in support of the president's veto, provided the opportunity is presented. Senator Reed,- who ' has opposed many of the administration meas ures, fought the . Immigration ' bill and was one of seven voting against it Chairman Burnett of the house Immi gration committee wUl call up the veto message by offering a motion to recon sider' the vote by which it originally passed and to pass it despite presidential disapproval. House leaders, however, are not sure that the two-thirds majority vote necessary to repass it can be secured. Germany Brings Scene of Combat to the Front Door of Great Britain ', LONDON, Feb. 1. Once again British Interest in military activities on ; the continent have been over shadowed by the fact that Germany has brought the combat . to ., Great Britain's front door. What Is re garded here as the new German pol icy of a submarine blockade of Brit ish ports is temporarily effectual. ' The two British merchant steamers torpedoed by Germans off Havre are the largest commercial vessels that have as yet fallen victims to German submarines; the three ships sunk in the Irish sea were small coasters. Belief expressed yesterday that the raiders could not retrials for- more than a few hours tn waters so far removed from his base has beei exploded by news thst the mall steamer Leinster encoun tered a Oerman submarine off Lublm OF CHIEF CARRAHZAEXECUTED He and Two Others Put to Death . by General Who Deserted to . Zapata Wing. FATHER AND SON ARE KILLED LAREDO. Tex., Feb. 1.- General Jesus Carranza, his son, Abelardb, and Ignacio Peraldt. member of Mia 8taf f, were , executed by General gantibez, former constitutional gen eral; who deserted and went ' to Zapata, according to a telegram re ceived by the widow of General Car ranza from the first chief at- Vera Cruz. Jesus Carranza Is a brother of the first, chief. Wilson Will Defend Ship Purchase Bill in Talk Wednesday WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. President Wil son will deliver before the Chamber of Commerce of the United fcUates conven tion here Wednesday night what his ad visers say will be one of the most im portant speeches of his administration. He is expected to discuss the adminis tration shipping bill now pending in con gress, the forthcoming meeting of finan cial experts of tbe South and Central America In the United States to oonslder trade relations In the western 1 hemis phere, snd other steps proposed to assist American foreign commerce. Secretaries McAdoo and Red field are also to discuss the shipping bill, at the, convention from the standpoint of the administration. Senator Burton , of . Ohio will give ths viewpoint of the apposition. Omaha. Shows Gain in Building While , ' Other Cities Lose Th Construction Newa announdea a tabulation' of building operations of -103 principal 1 cities of the country, -showing comparisons' between' 1914 and 1D13. , Sixty cities .show a decrease, while forty-three bad increases over 1913.. Tht .faliowlna figures show Omaha's Increase with the decreases of eight cities within a radius of about 6W miles: 114. . , 1914. Omaha Ktuui City Iytncoln' Milwaukee ........ Imluth t fit. Joseph Ht. .Louts Kioux City Topeka .$4,010,456 $4,110,733 ,. 10.2W.97O 10.579.1! . 1,X0,2X7 ' l,78,ai0 ,. 10,S.'i3.1:to 13.510,i8t ,. 2,XiiD,2i- 4.U2B.011 a.r74 SM.173 . 12.92S.0Wt 16.17.153 .. 1,072.903 2,07O,(M &,73 VX.&M on Saturday, twenty-four hours after ths sinking of tha three coasters. . Reports of. Russian operations over a vast area continue to come from the continent. . The Russian occupation of Tabris',, in Persia, has been confirmed, and the Russian army which ptuhed the Turks out. of this, provincial capital of Persia," after their brief stay .there. Is sweeping to tha south and to the west In the Carpathians sharp fighting took place Sunday In ths foreats where the Russian ars striving to retain command of the passes which keep tha way open behind them. Berlin says the situation in all parts of the Carpathian theater of the war is favorable. Vienna reports tha resumption of hos tilities in eastern 6rvta after a period of quiet enforced by floods. ' la France and Flatidrs the situation shows no striking chant;?, although hard fighting has cuntiuuel fur twcri'y-four hours neas LaDanac tad in the Aigonne. DELZELL IS COMING IN FOR STATE PROBE Governor Morehead Has Asked Superintendent Thomas to Report on Conditions. NORMAL BOARD IS INVOLVED (Prom a Btarr Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Feb, . 1. (Spe cial.) A legislative ihvestlgatioa Into the conduct of the. state super intendent's office, under the former administration of J. E. Dolxell is Be ing talked or- at .' the capltol. It leaked out today that Governor Morehead . has ; already requested j biaie buperimenaent -i nomas to go fever the records of the educational department and submit a detailed financial statement showing all ex penditures' made under the Delzell regime. . , ' , " . While the governor himself has author ised no statement as to whst ha Intends to do with these . figures, some of the members of the legislature expect that they will eventually be laid before the house and senate for whatever action they may see fit , to take. ' - What May Be Broaaht Oat. Official extravagance, favoritism, nepo tism,' add the diversion of funds appro priated for one purpose so that they were used for another, are among the things which may corns to light when the affairs ' of the state educational depart ment are placed under scrutiny, it Is said. ' ' Governor Morehead in'his message to the legislature called attention te the biennial. report-of -the stste superinten dent, which cost over $l,on to- print and which ,1s filled up largely with such ma terial' as the-addreuses made by former Superintendent Delsell to teachers' meet ings, half-tone pictures of numerous school. buildings, railroad time tables and "safety first" advertisements, long re ports of rural. -school Inspections, pro ceedings of the Nebraska Schoolmasters' club, snd a list of Its membership. - Extends to, Normal Board' In connection .with the strictures which are being made on -the administration of (Continued oh Pag Two, Column One.) F.'S.KollerlsMade.. General Manager of j Colorado Southern F. . B. Koller. asslmant general manager of the Burlington lines west of the Mis souri river, with headquarters In Omaha, has been appointed general manager of tbe . Colorado A Southern' railroad, with headquarters In Denver. Mr. Koller will asKume bis new duties March 1. Mr. Koller will take the plsca of Jsmes Welah, who has acted In tit capacity of general superintendent of the Colorado & Southern. . However, .he will fill an office of larger scopu. as Indicated by the title of. generat manager. ' According to ' Ueneral Manaaer IIol. drege, ' Mr. Koller - will remain in his present position of sssistant general manager of the Burlington until March 1. Who will be his successor - has not been determined. German Submarines Terrorize Shipping Off Coast of Ireland ' LONDON, Feb. 1. A dispatch frora Soutnport eighteen miles north of Liver pool, says that a Oerman submarine, sup posedly 'U-31, wss seen off there early Uls morning. DUBLIN, Jan. Jl.-The steamer Lein ster, from Holyhead to Kingstown, re ports thst It wss chased by a Oerman submarine for fifteen minutes off the Klsh light vessel, but succeeded In escap ing. The Klfh light vessel is opposite tbe mouth to Dublin bay. STORM'S BACKBONE IS BROKEN AND ALL TRAFFICJESUJIED Snow 'and Wind Ceaiei in Colorado and Wyoming and Along Burlington -in Southern Nebraska. WIRES ARE BEING REPAIRED Burlington Has Main Line Wires Up' and Union Pacific is Fixed to Fremont, WEATHER TURNS BIT (COLDER Although a continuation of the snow and wind in many sections show thst tbe storm which swept over Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado and Wyoming Sunday y snd Monday !s still in evidence, reports to Omaha I Tallroad headquarters Indicate that a break Is soon to occur. To the west, Colorado, and Wyo ming report that the snow has ceased to fall, while through south ern Nebraska along the line of tin Burlington the snow has quit after a fall of about one foot. The Bur lington has repaired all Its wires slong that line and Is running trains close to schedule. The O'Neill line is still bound up with the wires down and trains are not yet running .iu good order. From . this and the Northwestern reports, the weather 1 still harsh toward - the north, but there are signs of a break which should bring about a turn to tbe nor mal again. . ' The Union Paotflo has Its wires in from Fremont to Omaha and has a squad of repair men out., but are handicapped be causa proper supplies are not available. Upon arrival of supplies today wires are expected to be throngs, along the main line. A wire is now working from Denver by the way of Ellist Kan., and Kansas City and reports are that the storm Is clearing in the west Trains Back ta Normal. Trains are running fairly regular on the Union Paclflo with the aid of the block systems. Trains arriving from the west late last night report that the snow and wind continues between Kearney and Fremont, but west of there hss abated. Telegraph lines to the east were whipped Into condition last night and hsve been working mora or less regularly..' While not severe, the weather turned a bit colder last night, but the wind was decreasing gradually The street car serv ice was in fairly , good shape and cam ran . regularly . aver , all - lines. Elsven sweepers had ths tracks clearee and since the abatement of the snow no difficulties were encountered. V Jitneys aa the Job, Trsfflc, however,' was largely confined to the streets where the car tracks had been cleared, as vehicles of all descrip tions found It troublesome to break through the snow drifts In the streets. Jitney busses ran in Increased numbers up until 7 o'clock last night, the schedule hour to stop. A new Jitney, carrying twelve passengers, was put In operation on Farnam street yesterday afternoon. The weather today, acoordlng to pre dictions, will be colder, but will not be at all extreme. Reports of temperatures at cities surrounding Omaha were unavail able due to Intermittent telegraph service. W.J.Bryan, Jn,Wins His First Law Suit TUCSON. Aria, Feb. I. William Jen nings ' Bryan, jr., son of the secretary of slate, won his first case when It was tried recently in the superior court. The case wss a damage, suit broughfby A, K. Deyo, ' against . tha Arizona Construc tion company. Deyo sued for flO.COO dam ages for ths loss of an eye In ' an ex plosion of dynamite. He Was tha super intendent of tho company and crawled Into a tunnel to see why the charge did not explode. ' Mr." Bryan represented the defendant. ' ' , .- Russian Inspector. Czar's Armies PETROORAD. Feb. l.-(Via London.) A' Ruseisn general, who Is 'an aide-decamp to Emperor Nicholas, and Is neces sarily nameles, gave aa Associated Press correspondent the Russian viewpoint of the military situation. The aide-de-camp had Just' returned from Inspecting tha Russian forces at all the fronts except la the Caucasus, lis ssld; "Todsy, exsctly a bslf year since the beginning of tha war, our second line of troops Is grester and our entire armies sra much stronger. Tha men are more hardened and physically and morally more ready: "Ths enemy's territory hss been oc cupied In L'ast Prussia and Gallcia to a greater extent than our' most optimlstlo expectations, while ths Germans are oc cupying practically ths same lines as at the out.-et of tbe war. The distsnce be tween the Bsura river and tbe Oerman frontier, though greater In miles thsn be tween Sochscsew and Warsaw, Is strate gically much leas important, for the rea son that there are no forMfled positions between the Bsura and Germany, while ths last three months, during which the Germans bave been occupied In attempts to advance, have been rsi?ably used by us to fortify the line from Nowoge orgiewsk to Warsaw ' and Ivengorod, which Una Is now ; practically Impreg nable. SOast Calaela is Aaaesad. "Tha territory occupied by us in Esst Gallcia Is now part snd parcel of ths empire. Lemberg and vicinity are well fortified and the population Is well satis fled with tha new state' of things. In the Carpathians the ' Auatrians have been weakened by recent defeats and tha Oer DEM RAtlKS BREAK 111 SHIP JILL VOTE Several Bourbons Side with Repub licans in Senate Test of Strength. ADJOURNMENT TILL NOON TODAY WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. Senator Clark of Arkansas, democrat, and president pro tempore of the senate, startled his colleagues late today by announcing that the senste should proceed to the consideration of other business, and moving that the gov ernment ship purchase bill ha recom mlttPd to the commerce committee for revision. Senator Fletcher made a point of order sgslnst the action, snd wss sustained by Vice President Marshall. Senator Clark appealed. from the decision and the chair was overruled. to S7, whereupon Sen ator Btons moved to adjourn. Stone moved to adjourn, "to the end that democrats may have a conference and republicans and their allies, a cau cus." The motion to adjourn was voted down. 49 to , whereupon Senator Stone moved to ley Senator Clatk's motion to recom mit the bill on the table. . Senator Stone's motion to table was defeated, 44 to 42, democrats opposed to the shipping bill sgsln voting with the republicans. Senator Reed took the floor and assailed the democrats who had voted with tbe republicans. They Included Pankhesd, Bryan, Cnmden and Clarke of Arkansas. With Senator Clark's motion to 1 commit tha shipping hill pending, the sonata adjourned at S0 p. m. tox noon tomorrow. French Off ice Says. Attacks of Germans Have Been Repulsed PARIS, Feb. 1. The official rommunl cation leraed by the war office tonight was as follows: "The night of January Si-February 1 was vary ctuiet." "lit ths morning of February 1 the enemy . mads a violent attack en our trenches to the north of the road be tween Bethune and IaBasaee. The attack was repulsed and the Germans left number of dead on the field. "At Beaumont Hamel, to the north of Albert, the German Infantry attempted a surprise against one of our trenches, but they were obliged to take flight, abandon ing tha explosives with which they! had been. provided." .' ' : : ' "in tho Argonne there- has been great activity In the regions of Fontaine Mad ame and the Forest -of La Qrurte. An at tack by the Qermans hss- been repelled pear Bagatelle. One of our trenches de molished by two mines, was evacuated without loss. -. " . "In the Vosges and In Alsace there Is no action to report. The snowfall has been' Very abundant." ' Cientifico Wing- V Starts New Revolt EI. PASO, Tex., Feb.' I. A movement directed against ' the Carransa snd Villa elements in' Mexico has been launched by the 'Cientifico' party, which 'supported DJas and tho Huerta regime, according to authentlo Information received hero to day, -The new movement Is said to have received the adherence bf many for merly wealthy landowners. GERMANS STOP WORK .. ON GREEKJJREADNOUGHT LONDON, Feb. l.-Aor.ordliig to the Ex change Telegraph company's Athens cor respondent ths construction of the Greek dreadnaught Hals mis at the Vulcan com pany's shipyard at Stettin. Germany, has been stoppceVb ecause the Greek govern ment for special reasons has not made tho fixed payment on the contract The Greek naval mission supervising ths con struction of the vessel, ths correspondent adds, has been recalled. Tha Salamls, according to the specifi cations, wss to bs a 19.500-ton ship. It was laid down in Wis. and wss to have been completed in 191C, General Says in Good Condition man help there will be Insufficient to In fuse new blood into their army. ' ' "At the outset of the wsr, fears were bxpressed. In view of the dlfflruiyes of Importation as to where we were to get necesssry mechanlcsl Implement Neces sity has shown the strength snd resources of the Russlsn nstlon. Many small wares, formerly manufactured for us In Ger many and Austria, have been perfectly replaced In the Moscow manufactories. Village handwork Is producing satisfac tory gutlery, saddlery and munitions and In making these hlngs ths pessant Is showing remarkable adaptability. "Even . machine articles sra success fully produced. When our troops ware In East Prussian the first time they secured eight arb wire machines. Thes were brought ' to Russia and copied, so thst such machines are now produced hera Tills la one example and such occurrences ars numerous. Troops la Klae Spirits. "The relations of the soldiers and ths commanders are excellent. Many oc ca lions have witnessed situations where tbs commander desired to precede the meo. The latter, however, requested tha leaders to remain behind, saying 'you ars one hard to replace, wo can bs spared.' "A felli Itlous . circumstsncs Is tho ab solute unity of tha nation and the army officers and men are extremely alive to what is transpiring in tha country and are grstlfled to see the concord between tha government and the pesple and the Interest which -the entire people ars taking In the campeigir,.flMry conditions can be judged vTL inair.iiflceiit number of Ulnesara-nd the vigorous health of the P-a iia.ha ranka." RUSSIANS ME MORE PROGRESS IHTOJRUSSIA Cxar's General Stafr Reports Success in Desperate Battles to North of Gnmbinen and Fill - kallen. ' -.1RI FIGHTING ALONG THE.VISTULS Two Companies of Germans Ansihte lated in Bayonet Charge Into i the Trench. ' m COUNTER ATTACKS REPULSED FETItOGRAD, Fab. If A com-. raunicatlon, issued late last sight by tbe general stsff of the Russian array, reports further progress in East Prussia and desperate fighting on .the left bank of tbe Vistula, In the region around Borjlmow, the Russians claim to have recaptured , a trench lost to the Germans, on thej preceding day and declere that coon- j ter attacks of the Germans were re pulsed everya'here except In one of the Russian saps, which the Ger mans captured. The statement fol lows: . "In the forests to the north of Gumblnnen and rill kallen, . our troops, eontinning the conflict, have made progress at some points. "On the left bsnk'of the Vistula art January to a desperate combat was undt way. - In the region of Borjlmow the Germans, who bad' captured one of our trenches on the preceding day, were at- -tacked by us after night fsll. After an extremely tenacious ' struggle we , suc ceeded, with the aid of a bayonet charge, In dislodging the enemy from the trench. Ws almost annihilated two entire com panies of Germans, captured three offi cers and more, than sixty soldiers, and ' also took a rapid-fire gun. "In the 'course of the day the enema made a new attempt to drive VS from our advanced trenches, but wss every where repulsed after a bloody struggle, except In one of our sspa, where soma elements of tha enemy succeeded In as tabilahlng themselves, - "An examination of prisoners disclosed the fact that the Germans in their at tack -of 'the 28 th -upon a part' of oar trenches at Borjlmow had employed four regiments of Infantry, some of which were composed of seasoned ' men. - - Offer to Buy Load . i . Of Wilhelmina is ' Interesting England . "" $ tONbON. .Feh. ri-The. offer of tha American commission for relief In Bel glum to purchase the cargo of the steam ship Wilhelmina, has attracted wide and favorable attention la England. , It the American commission Is not able to purchase the Wtlhelmlna'a, cargo, It unquestionably will bo bought by tha British government. If Is generally understood that tha British authorities will not permit ship ments of food to Germany " because of -the recent action of tha German gov srament In taking over- food supplies. A dispatch to the Post - from Berne, Rwitserland, says that according to news received from Berlin, It has been decided -that a number, of cargoes of foodstuff a are to be sent In A merles n ships us gifts to tha German civilian population frora Germaa friends In America. Albert Bel lln, the German steamship' agent who re cently took over the management of tha entire railroad system .of Germany, la said in the dispatch to have receive advices to this effect. ' : French Torpedo : Boat is Reported . Sunk Off Nieuport BERLIN. Feb. L Reports to the Over seas News Service from parts say French) torpedo boat 21 had. been sunkroff Nieu port. It. Is also reported that Germs aeroplanes have succeeded in- throwing ome bombs on the French, town of Bll leul, near the Belgium frontier. Me Wealth There is probably thonxsancTj of dollars' worth of personal property in the city of Omahai alone which is of little value tj its present owners. Nearly all of this vrovCLi be of ruse and deddad value to somebody ebe. Why not exchange to mutual advantagoT You must have I something you don't need os want. Advertise it in the - $ Swappers9 Column of The Bee and get something ior il- Phone TyUr 1000 THE Or.lAHA BEE 'frarytWjr JtW aTa Wmt AJ" i