f 1H1-; OMAHA, TUESDAY. b'EBUUAllY 2. 1'J15. VOlt RENT I Aarlme.4 lata. Fidelity Storage Co Ptorage, moving, parkins and ehlppirg. l'lh A Jarkacn Cm. phone Douglas tM. FOR RLNT-4-r. brirh f!ut. 27U Jackson St., la firm condition; modem in every respect. Rent reasonable. W. T. HMITH CO., Phono Poop. I!. 1112 ( (IT Nat. Rk P-ldy 6-UOOM A PL, "ia Eolith SMth Ave. ; has sun parlor, or plepinir porch. nicely rtpcoratcd; walking distance; heat. wifr and janitor service. Bend for our weekly printed lift. llASTiVOS 1TKTDKN. W4 llamejr flt. Hoard ana Kooms. I MODKRN furnished rooms and good family style honrd. " per week. Call nnd see about It. rll Capitol Ave. FURNISHED ROOJi. heated. 4814 North Hat Ave. ' suites or TWO ROOMS With board- In best neighborhood, West Famam district, newly furnished, steam heat, homelike surroundings. Address A. U V care Bes. BEMIS PARK All mod. room to re spectable lady; housekeeping privileges, II, FM. ' THB COLLINS Xioely furnished rooms, steam heated. 10-j Harney, . . JNlCtLY furnished rooms iri private home; price reagoname, n. m:. LA KGB modern room, Hsnscom Park district. aioo Pacino st. h. Mia. CAPITOL, 2-U. clean room, quiet place, wen nesifa MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; Sis mo. and up; cafe in connection. D.twa, HOUt-N HOT&U Council Bluffs, stea-n heated rooms, 8J per week. Phone Hi. FURj room In private family close to town and both, depots. V. 6423. k MODERN room for two respectable girts, employed. Reasonable. 1616 Chicago St., tri floor P. . . ROOM a 26 oenta and up. U0 Farnam. J, a Vtm, 1.M3 Cap., front rms. 8tam. hL Faroiaacd Houses. 6-ROOM, all modern, walking- distance. very reasonable terms, uoug. -. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room house, mni.ra In avarv. reinject, exceptionally reasonable, to desirable tenant. Harney Sm. 136 N. 87th 8t. I'af aralshed Rovaas. IU B. 16TH. for men, steam heat. Be Want Ads Produce Kaaulta, Famished Hextsekeeplsug Haaasa, FURNISHED housekeeping- rooms; walk ing distance; steam heated. P. 7108, ti-t 8. 18TH St. Phone D. 7107. 2 or hk. rooms; east front; no. objection to children. North 24th, 47aB Steam-heated fur rooms. II ate U sat Aartaaea. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California, Weekly rates U and up. Douglas 7(13, DO DOE HOTKU- Modern Reasonable. - Iloasea aad Cuttatres ALL sites. SS per month up. 607 Parte STRICTLY modern S-room cottage, hot water heat; cIobo In, walking distance, 403 Lincoln Blvd.. 126. Apply W. It Jlorranee. Dovg. 628. or Harney 8151. jjo.OO-g rooms. 8412 N. 241 h. Web. 1877. 7-R. mod, house, t204 Burdctte. H. 1149. FOR RENT New five-room bungalow, 8722 No. 19th, strictly modern, furnace, laundry In basement. Permanent tenant, rent 825. Phone Webster 8182. FOR RENT. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, . 206 8. 36th Ave. u .. INQUIRE X. 4. O'BRIEN. . H.1C94. -v - - P- WALKING distance to the city, s-room modern house. 2716 Dewey Ave.: price, $39 r. J. Fitzgerald, 27 Board of Trade, I). 4318. -r.. modern. 71 8. 87th St. 7-r., 1614 Leav. St.. good location. Web. "Globe Van&Storage tores, moves, packs, ships; S-bors van and S men. U-24 per hr.; storage O per mo. Satisfaction guar. P. 4338 A Ty. iJft v FOU BEN1 We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that era for rent. This list can bo een free of charfe at Omaha Van Storage Co.. 808 So. lfcth bt GordonVanCo. Si tit N. UthUt Phone U tM or Web. 13tA J-ROOM, detached anodern house, l'K! t3. KUI OL nar. i, I 5-room and laundry, all mod. except . . . m - i . II I, O ."Ji rurnace, Ttui nicaKJ. w-n HOUSeS creigh gona . Co.. Bee Bldg. Maggcard's Van and B tor age Co., Liarge vaa, I men. U.M vr br. a ray. 1 men, $L2a per br. liil Doug. HM. NVebster. Jf T J Bxp. do., moving, L. JVerfl Pcklng i storage. V AVVU iu7 Farnam. D. fil4V ALL MOP. 6-r. house, -X). Web. 8S1. St area aad Offices. Downtown stores. L. H. Hill. 220 Bran. Th. WANTED TO BUT OETT Kaplan's prices for d hand furn., shoes, clothes, before selling. Web. 7iq. OFFlCIC furniture bought aad sold. J. C Reed, m7 Farnam. Ioug. CIO. WB BUY id-hand ololhss. lzl N. frith. HIGHEST prices for furniture. Web. 6M. ial buys everything 2d nand. Tyler 14li A PORTABLE or garage gasollus tank. Address Y l.aBee. ' 1 -' -i. -t KKAL ESTATE FARM Jt RAltCU LAUD rOR BALE. Colorado, FOUND ANOTHER MOME8TBAD-4Z) acres in settled country; rich farm land, not sand; only Ju0, filinc fees and ali. J. A. Tracy. Fort Morgan, Cole. Florida. ' Planting ; Potatoes "I planted 10 acres of Irish po tatoes today. No more Ice, snow and rheumatism for me." This Is the last sentence of letter Just re , , teived from cue of our RJverview Farms, Florida, customers. While the northern farmer is planting coal in the stove and corn and hay In his stock, our Florida farmers are planting potatoes that the northern . people will be buying In -April at from 8 to 10 cents a pound. These . potatoes will be gathered in time ' for a corn crop and this corn crop will be followed by a third crop. ' By proper rotation the land is im proved. If this sounds good to you, Join our next excursion. Call or writs for fun information. UEXSONT & CARMICIIAEL, M3 Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb. Acbruaa. FOR GALE r.t Ur(t body high-grade n.edluuj-moed land jo Nfbraaka; vry llUie money reijuiied. C. tsradier. 'Wei. cacA. m Sunshin) L Rooms'-1-1 KEAL ESTATE FlItM RAX It LANDS FUR SALS Nebraska. Notice Have In mind a tkxigla county farm that can be bought crar, but am" nnahle to handle all. This farm would divide nloely and want to meet aornn ona who would buy one-half of thle farm and 1 win take' the other half. Address P 621, rare n. SECTION Kimball Co. Umrs. 2 01 Paul. Mlamwwtaw ISO ACRES, between Minneapolis and Ti luth, oa the ftno line, 4 miles from rail road town; 70 acres under cultivation, balance wooded pasture and some good meadow; no waste land; fair est build Inns; near school; land borders oa beauti ful lakat complete set machinery; 14 chl'-kena. plenty of feed, wagon, buggy and everything en the place ima at M prr acre; nne-nair cast, schwas troa, 1i:'l Plymouth Hldr . Minneapolis. Minn. "Jew Yerku MAN of misfortune, here la chance for a happy change: 79-aore farm, s-room house, bams, t henneries; price, with W corns. I2,); fsoi) cash, tiuo yearly. Don t give up in dismay because ham mers are mrown instead ol bouqueta 40-aure rlvrrview farm in R. R. Vlliage. now basement barn, new I-room house, 10 cows; price, H,V; tsoo cash, 1300 yearly, R. R. fare to purchaser. Write for photos. K. M UN SON, 24M B. Fallna L. Pyraouse, N. T. W UroB,1, Upper Wisconsin Best uairy and general crop stats la the union; settlers wanted. Lands for sale at low prices on essy terms. Ask for book let No, 34 on Wisconsin Ontral Land Orant. Kxcellent lands for stock ralsin. If Interested in fruit lends ask for book let on Appio orchards. Address Land and Industrial Department, Boo Line Hallway, Minneapolis, Minn. ABSTRACT TTTTJB. RJb&U Abetraes Co., oieest abstraot ef flee In Nebraska. M B "ndels Theater. avElUt Title Uuaraaiee aad Aosiraot Co a modern asU sci offkw. SA la ilta 8, r bo lie Douglaa 64S7. RKAL ESTATE LOAKS CITY and farm loans, 6. ty per cent. J. II. Duniont A Co.,l0S Farnam, Omaha WANTliU City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith tt Co., 1320 Farnam. fiuo to W,oui made promptly. F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg., 10th and Farnam Sta. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEKFU REAX. E3TATH CO, 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 27ll 6V AND 6 farm loans. Wm. McCor mlck, 677 Faxton Block, . Jli to 1U,'M) made promptly. F. D. Wead, weaa aiag., inn ana r irnim his. QABVlNBIiOS '-"n". W and up", uatmnii AJAvyj 0,nah Nt- Bn SEE. ua first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Ce. tcfn CITY LOANS, C. O. Cariberg. v tlO-m Brandeis Theater Bldg. CITY property. Lurgs loans a apec.la.lty. W. H. Thomas, 3 State Bank bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. II. W. Blnder,Clty Natl. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE X)R EXCHANGE FRONTIER CU. BARGAIN. Highly Improved tana of 266 acres, Land all lays fine and Is excel lea I soli, Will exchange for good Omaha residence. C. R. COMS8. IS Brandeis Theater, Omaha, Neb. Douglas 1C - FOR SALtt OR EXCHANGE ; or Colum bus, O., property, two lots Thorn burg addition, one lot Burlington addition. Omaha; all free of Incumbrance. Address owner. J. A. Hartley,. M N. High 8u, Columbus, O. FARMS, ranches and city property, John A, oison, u uaira nine., Lnnana. ' . 10 acres of land oa the Moreau river; 85 wrco ,uwruuuia in iisiaation; im acres farm land; 10 acres timber: housa. ic-rou. three frame outbuildings; all fenced' Owner must sell and will sacrifice same at i,wu. wm iase seconn-nand auto mobile In part payment F. W. Toder. 8. D. av REAL) ESTATENORTH SXDB FOR SALKBy-cwner, 6-room bungalow; tnodern In every respect; in first-class condition; will sell cheap for cash. , 181$ manaenson dl in, weDSxer wis. Owner Must Sell On account of sickness I must sell mv I0-rOorri brick flat: within easy walking distance. I am behind In my Darmenta and am compelled to do something imme diately. tLU uaroey &vx REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Gallagher & Nelson W VTftndelg Bldg. - Ileal Estate and Insurance. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of tne stockholders of the south Platte Lend company will be hald at the office of saM company at Lincoln, ivenrnsKa ai eleven o ciock a. m. on the third day of March, A. D. lslfi. I C M. MORRILL, President A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Nebraska, February l, 1916. - ' F-2-d-3t 1UDGE FOSTER STARTS , CRUSADE AGAINST MASHERS Declartnsj that he wan determined put a stop to the practice of allowing women to be Insulted on the streets, Police Judgs Foster sentenced Mike Sul livan, Twenty-third street and Ames avenue, to pay a fjne of S3 and costs: Mrs. Charles Cliff, 804 North Sixteenth street, was the comnlalnant. Buliivan went to jail in default of paying the fine. MARRIAGE LICF.1SES. The following marriage llcenars issued: Name and Residence. A Claude Lacy. Jr.. Harlan, la S3 ivaie nneeis, ttarian, la ZS Vlnceuso Salerno, Omaha 1 i.i our la tsouiii, Omaha ... l( r'ldren Neit.cn, Omaha f lnes Marshall, Oinalta , jg Mark J. Upitiin, Uaasett.. .Over tl bile Solson, Bassett Over H iTouk IL Hlbartter, Chbsgo ...Ovr 21 Blanche G. Donahue, Omaha. ...Over U BIRTHS AMD DEATHS. Births Roy and Ruth Warner, Sixteenth and Cass street, girl; :ugeoe snd Anna I.lsoie. 3871 Leavenworth str.-t .i... Tony and Annie Perrons, 1334 South Tw cu tlets street, boy. Deaths Hay Kerr, 4 months, hospital; Anton tiot-bel. 81 years, auio Locust ,ir' :hries Donahue, ( years, hosluial; Mrs. nea iimiie, years, nospiiai; Andrew Buchanan. 47 years, 11 Cumuig street; Eil PoAcrs. 74 years, hospital; Mary Jvl. Gundy. S3 years, hospitul; Eurly May Pol lard, 26 years U'il Duveupoit. Bl ILDI.ua PERMITS. Charles W. Murtia. frame dwellings at follows: Crown Poltit avenue, !,2um; -4 1 7 Laurel avsnoe, UiO: Crows Pi.lnt avenue, Ai.ouO; Kansas avenue, I3.W0; 2:9 Crown Point avenue, Is.bvii; 1 H Kanas avenue. 4,K)0: t-il Crown Coint avenue. U.b&i; Uli Kansas avenue, V4.7oO; t'-Ki Laurel ton avenue, t-',4j0; 47 Kansas avenue. !),; tii Crown Point avenue, t'S.'J); 25tS Kansas avenue, IJ.JjO. 1 li nt s all whi ynr wftl. I rflvU N,r York films Ex'Jii, yyrtunitl from the smaiI ls.orii 4,iul(Kluf U.M tM,l, 41 US s v,-r. -nl for hu;iil. c. p Tat ODB 1-OT tlTUW U l-r.Al.ivT. Nr.' 1iiK (tit. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET May Wheat Open, on the Exchange t $1.54, Higher Than the Top Mark of Saturday. , CLIMBS TO $1.57 AT THE CLOSE OMAHA. Feb. I. ISIS. May wluat continues on tn upward climb. Today's opening was $1.54, which was Zc above the high mark reached by that option Usturdav, and It reached the 1 7 level before rtir close. The trade in May wheat Is very light, and In view of this fsct the trsders in the wheat market have been advised to confine their busi ness to the July futures. We fail to see how well Informed trade can get away from the bullish situation which has been forced upon the market. Chicago has no wheat for export. mot s' being made for March shipment. There was a aood demand for export corn, hut no sales have been reported so far. There were some foreign buyers In the market and So.oon bushels cash corn were reported sold for export So far. There was a fairly active trade In oatg and a few as lea were reported. OMAHA 8 POT MARKET. wheat was 4o to o higher. orn waa 1c to 9c higher. Oats were Ho to lc higher. a Rye was 3 higher. ' Clearances were: Wheat and flour eo,tial to l,!M.Ono hsshels; com, 14,000 bushels; oats, 16.0 bushels. . Liverpool closed: Wheat hot quoted; corn &ld higher. Primary receipts snd shipments on Wheat, corn and oala were not reported. CARLOT RICCEIPTS. , Wheat. Com. Osts. hlcsijo 14 . l! m Omaha .39 m 65 Sales reportc4 today: Wheat No. 2 hard winler:y cars, Ii.fi04. No. S hard winter: 1 caf, Turkey, 11.51; 4 cars, l.u0. cars, I1.49H. No, 4 hard winter: 1 car, 11.47, No. spring 1 cars, white, l.y No. 4 spring:' . 1 car, 114.1. No. durum: 1 car, 11.53. Rejected: I car, SI. 4ft. OaU Standard: 1 car. Site. No. S white: IS cars, 66V4C; 1 car. 65c. No. 4 white: 7 cars, 6c; 1 car, MV4c. No, 3 mixed: 1 car. 6614c. Sample: l car. Hc. Rye No. I: l car, $1.22. No. S: 1 car. Si. to. Sample; 1 oar, barley mixed. Si. Corn No. S white: I cars, T7o. No. S white: 1 car, 7'c; cars. 76c No. 4 white: S cars, 7c. No. I white: 1 car. 75tyc. No. i yellow; 1 car. "iTko; S cars, 73c. No. 8 yellow: cars, 72c; 69 cars, 73Hc: IS cars. 724c No. 4 yellow: 17 cars, i24c; 13 cars, Tic No. 6 yellow: 1 car, 7liVc; S cars, 72c No. t yellow; 1 car. 72c. No. mixed: 2 cars, near white, 76c; 1 car, 7Sc; 1 car, 72. c. No. S mixed: I cars, near white, 754c; 6 cars, near white, 76c: 1 car, near white; 744e: 1 cars, 74c; I cars, near white, 74o; Is cars, 72'4c; Si care, 72c. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars, near white. 74c: S cars. 71c: 0 cars. 71ic. No. S mixed: 1 car, near white, 76c; 1 car, near white, 7Hc; 1 car. 7JVc: 1 car.-TZ'se; 1 car. 71'c: 2 cars. 71Wo No. mixed: X car, 7110. ' Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard, tl.MnitlAK; No. s hard. 1.4!,.M; Wo. 4 hard. Sl.Snaii4A; No. spring, $1.431. 4R; No. X durum, Jl. 521.53; No. S durum, SL61 471.62. Corn: No. 1 white, 77g774c; No. 2 whit. TS-H'ftfir: no. a white, 7tv'a'7'c; no. 4 white. TSWiSWc; No. 5 white, 7iS76Hc; No. white. 7475ttc:. No. 1 yellow. 7ii gr73Hc; No. i yellow, 7&H73Uc; No. S yel low, 72&72e: No. 4 yellow, 71l&T2Vio; No. 5 yellow, .71'47214c; No. yellow, 7J,i72c; No. 1 mixed, 72 iUTH4c : No. t mixed, 794. 73c; No. ruUed, 71ii72c; No. 4 mixed, 71S(7?c; No. 6 mixed, 7172Hc No. mixed, 71471'4'. Oats: No. 2 white, 56frc; standard. 66H6fc: No. S white, 55&5ottc; No. -4 white, SHjtc. Barley: MAltlng. lc; No. I feed, 6Sff74c. Rye: No. 2, ll.MWl.i2: No. 8, Sl.19Vftfl.20, CHCAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS Feet ares at the Trading? anal Closlas; Prices Board e Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. L Immense Durchaslns: carried the wheat market up today tV.d a ousnei. enortage in Europe had become so acute that Italy and Hweden announced the complete removal .of Import duty on grain. ' Although the extreme advance in prices ot wheat here was not. fully maintained and there waa a nervous feeling at the close, tho finlst was ZHfH'tfc above Satur day night. Corn gained Ho net and oats Wac Provisions closed 2So off to 7Vio up, compared with Potiirdsy night Wheat prices reached their topmost point for the day at about the same time It had become a moral certainty that the weekly total of the United mates visible supply would show a huge falling off. The actual figures making the decrease nearly quadruple that of a year ago were taken advantage ' of by tradera who wished to realise- profits on holdings. Sales on this account, however, had only a temporary effect, the market at the last gong being attain on the upgrade at a fractional discount from the highest point . of the . session. Corn rose with wheat, but at a much slower rate. Never theless the market touched the highest level in twenty years. Business waa on a huge scule. The osts market, like that for corn, assumed broad proportions. Lihersl selling by. packers wiped out most of an advance in provisions. new York general market deetatlo.s of the Day oa Varleas Commodities. . NKTW YORK. Feb. l.FLOTTR Strong; spring patents, $7.U.'4'7.to; winter patents, $7.0O7.25; winter etralghts. $6.70!i7.); Kansas straights, $.9Oi(7.20. , Buckwheat flour, dull; $3.73. nominal, per 100 lbs. WHE3AT Spot, strong; No. I red, $1.5. and No. t hard winter, SI M. all rail c. I. f. track expert; No. 1 northern, Duluth, Sl.6'; No. 1 northern. Manitoba, SI. 63, c. I, f. Buffalo. Futures, strong! May, $1.63. CORN Spot, strong; No. 2 yellow, 87c, c. 1. f . to arrive. - OATS Spot, strong; stsndsrd, 4 TVic; No. 2 white, 04aic;' fancy clipped No. 2 white, SofcSSc. HAY Mteedy; No. L SI. OS: No. 2. 96C $l.no; No. S, 0o; ssiipphiff, a(x36c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1S14. 1425c; Pacific coast, l<, 104jl4c; 11)13, fciz luc. HIDEri-Steady; Bogota, SlVtfj&Vic; Cen tral America. 8lV4fl. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, S2c; seconds, btjle, ... OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. . BUTTKR-N. 1, M. cartons, ac; No. I. 60-lb. tuba, 2o. CHliESli Imported. Bwtss, S6c: Amer (a bwiss. Jbc; buck Mwisa, lUc; twtae, liic; daisies. 17c; triplets. 17u; Young Amerioas, lSVo: blue label brick. 17c; llm burger, 1-1 b., XOc; 80c; New York while, tfu; Imported French lioquetort, 4ue. FISH Trout. I4c; targe crapplee, 16c; salmon. 11c; halibut. Uc; chanaei cat fish, lie; pike. 14c; pickerel, 19c. BKEF CCTS-Iiibs. No. L 17i0i No. 2. 14c; No. S, llV,c. Ilns. No. 1, lso; No. t. 16Vic; No. S, 12Hc. Chucks. No. 1, c; No. 2, c; No. 8, 'c. Rounds, No. I. 12'4c; No. 2, ll'.so; No. 2, 11c. Plates, No. 1. tr: No. t. c; No. S, 7V-. POULTRY Broilers, lio; apnag chick, ens, lie; hens, K?uc; cocks, be; ducks, Imu; geese, to; turkeys, lno pigeons, per dos., tor; ducks, full feathered, auo; aeoe, full feathered, So; suuabs. No. L SLW; Me. i Wc Market quota Uo as tumlsbed by Oillaskl Fruit ooiupany: FRUlTri Oranges: -Extra fancy Clcn doia home uukUt navels, 1js, 2'ls, $2 oe per box; extra fancy hunkUL, Hn Juan, Washington navels, Itius. 1-m, 1 $2 U); extra fancy Sunkiet, ban Juan, Washing ton navt-U, Miox lots. $2.4": fancy t'ttll furnla Washtutfton navels, lTtls, 2uj, $.' ic; fancy Califui nla Washington navols, 6-box lots, 40. Lemons: aa y Suuktut, J"iis, 3ws, itou; choice Red liall, .1W. (isapetruit: k. Ms, Me, &os. $ bo. Apples. Kxtra fancy White Winter Pearmalnes, $i; extra fancy White Winter Pear inalneii, $1":-; extra fancy Washington) Wineaap, $1.70; extra fancy Spit .-ntiui gs, II. w, Onxus bpllaenbuigs, tl.'J.i; extia fancy vn rapped Jonathans, 41. So, Wash ington fancy and sxtra fancy . Hoovers, $1 40; fancy Wsshlnnton Jonathans, 176s. la. tvm. $1 25; Idaho fancy (1 rimes Golden, Sl.U); Idaho choice Grimes Gulden, tl.k:; Witshlnslon fancy (iiinxs Gulden, $1.60; Idaho extra fan-y Jonathans, $1 to; extra fancy ti!ck Htn Davis. $1 J J exua fancy In, k Islet, 41 to; extra fancy Biark 'Iwiifs, 113.; sxtra fancy (ianos, very highly colored, $1.36; extra fancy Genoa, vary highly colored, $120; fancy Ruins Beauties. $1 60, fancy Rome vuiln, 6-box lots or more. $i 40; txtra bbis.. $400 pr bill.; fancy black Twias, full S-bil. lil. In, H.'O; extra tancy Hi sourl ln I'avis. very liishly txilo'ed, $) 2o. Grapes: California mperora, HJO lr tihl ; extra fsacy Malagas, gti.ju, 1-ears: Aotous. tl U per box; Lawrence, Si t. Jtrscys. Si-; Bosco, 1X36; fcheidou. f F.HStcr, $:.Ji Bananas: 11.75 to P.W vrr bunch. Vl:okTAPI,n-Cullf1oer, fa on crste; ettoumhert', $.'.2i box; celery. Jumbo. 7bo do.j lesf lettuce, ' dos.- head lettuce, $1.00 dos. ; onions, yellow,. ?o h.j onions, red, Sn lb.; onions. White,' tc lb,', onions, Hpanlsh, 1150 crate; endive, &o lb.; arti chokes, $1.60 dos.; RrtKsel sprouts, 2Pc lb.; cabbage, 2n lb.;, red cabbage, v lb.; peppers, 60c basket; tomaloee. $. crate; onions, shallots. 60c dos.; garlic, Itsllan, 2.S0 lb.; bets, 6O0 dot ; radishes, 6so dos.; turnips, 60c do.; spinsch. 6in dos; pars lev, ioo dos : beans, $.! hamper. STKAWHKKR1KS-4M nt. ItlTATOKS-Colorado Uurale. 75n bu ; Red Rlx-er Ohlos, Htc bu.; Minnesota, whites, c bit SWF.RT POTATOF A Kansas, SJ?5 bbl. Nt'TH No. 1 California walnuts, !Vs lb 1 black walnuts, IVjo lb.; filberts, 15o lb.; pecans, ijt lb: Brat Us. L'Vo lb.; almonds, 20c lb.: 1J-U os. figs, o box; 6o- os. figs, $Jw) box:, sugar walnut dates. $1 40 box: llallowl dates. So. lb. M1KCKLLANKOUS Shelled popcorn, 4" lb.; limes. $1.76 box; crackerjack. $3.50 f: crackerjack. V4j case. $176; checkers. H.fiO case: checkers. V case, S1.7V Honev, $J 7 esse. Cider: New York, SI 60 keg. i'ocoanuts, $.1.60 sscli. 76c doa. tVsaber riea: Iate Howes, $7.0$ bbl. Peanuts: Raw, 7o lb.; roasted, & lb.: sslted. $1.64 can; Jumbo, raw, sack lots. c lb. Mush rooms, 60o lb. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Shares Rise On or Two Points Orer Last Saturday's Final Quo tations. . DEALINGS ARE CONTRACTED NEW YORK. Feb. L An advance In the price of finished products by one ot the chief subsidiaries of the United Htstea Steel corporation, another rise In copper metal to the highest price since the out break of the war and success attending the publlo offering of the Pennsylvania railroad's $4.4,000,000 46 per cent bends, which were oversubscribed, were factors of favorable Import In today's market. Blocks rose 1 to S points ever lsst Satur day's final quotations, but dealings were somewhat contracted. United States bteel early declined to Us new minimum of 8S, made partial re covery and then, after announcement of the higher prices scheduled by the Carne gie Steel company, made steadv upward progress, selling at and carrying the entire list to Its best prices of the day. All the metal shares responded to the new higher copper price, which was as sisted by an increased foreign Inquiry United States Bteel preferred, which sold 'ex-dlv" of 1 per cent, was Inclined to ease off early, but made more than full recovery later. A feature of the special group wss Bears-Roebuck, which rose over IS points, the result of the 64 per cent stock dividend declared altar Satur day's close. Money for all dates again waa In free supply, open rates being quotably un changed, - but actually easier In special instances. ' London and ell continental exchanges were firmer, with a cessation of the recent demand for cables and drafts. Earnings of the Pennsylvania system for December were unfavorable, eastern lines losing $1,241,000 net and Western lines $607,000. Bt. Paul deoreaned 7 33,000, Mis souri Paclflo $3.:,00O and Atlantic Coast Line $.il9.000. Bonds were firm, reflecting the Inquiry for the new Pennsylvania issue. Total salea, par value, aggregated $1.4s8,0on. United States bonds were unchanged on call. . . . CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET CatI StreaxrHeKa -asettle , Sheep Unsettled. CHICAGO. Feb. l.-CATTLB-Rcelpts. S.000 head; market strong; native steers, Su.65g9.jSi; western steers, $5.00iiJ.i; cows and heifers, $3.1ofc8.0O; calves', $7.60(810.60. . HOOB-Receipts, 2T.0M head; market un settled, closed a shade hUrher; bulk of sales, $H.75?i.0; light, $i.6ir.90: mixed. $8s.9!i; heavy, $6.4u.S0; rough, S6.4S .0: pigs, $6.ti.5. 1 HHBKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000 head: market unsettled; sheep, $.0h4.86; yearlings. S7.1O&8.0O; lambs, SLtotrS.W. i ' . St. Laala Lira . Steele Market. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 1. CATTLE Receipts, 9,400 bead; market lOiSl-Oc lower; native beef steers. $7.GO&9.; cows and heifers, $o.09.50; atookere and feeders, 8R.267.25; Texas and Indian steers, $i.26i7.K5; cows and helferg. $4.008.00; native calves, $6.00 fell.Ol). , HOGS-Recelpts, 16,000 head; market 18 J25a lower; pigs and lights, SH.OOJj'7.08; mixed and butchers, ' $ti.66f90; good heavy, $ tkV880. tiHKBP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady to 100 hhrher: native muttons, S4.764i4L60; lambs, S8.&&.; year lings, S7.OW.76. I ' Kansas City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. 1. CATTLE Recta pts, 22,0itt head: market slow; prime fed steers, W.26(nO.00; dressed beef steers, S7.(4Ki.3R; southern steers. $6 817.26; cows, $4.26u7.0U; heifers, t.Stt. 76; Blockers, $6.0utj 7.8o. . . HOG RecelpU,. 21.000 heed:, market lower; bulk ot sales, SA.Ttttie.kO: heavy, $.70ti.r; lights, S6.7(KrI ; olgs, $6.20ti6 ffl. BHKBP AND IjAMBS-Recelpts, 11.000 head; market hlxher; lambe, $H 3fii.7S; yearllnits. $7.00W7.70; wethers. $0.0.i4.76: ewes,. $o.W4i.40. (leex City Live Slack Market. SIOUX CITY. Feb. t.-CATTLE-H eelpts. 4.O0O head: market lOo lower; na tive steers, Sii.lfoiuTKO: butchers, Si.OftSe.iO; cows and hellers, $4.7&&6.is; caaners, $4.00 o.00; stackers and feeders, $6.7ix.60; calves, Sti.00fc7.60; bulls, stags, etc., $D.o4 iio.7ri. fcHEKP AND LAMB-RscelpU, t.m head; market VVfriRn lowar. -w.. t ). 6.76; lambs, $6.758.3$. 1 . . Live Stock la Sight. Receipts of Hvs stock at five princi pal western markets: Csttle. Hoss. Sheep. Ploux City... Kansas City 12,0 21,(KO 2 1,00) 32,009 1.000 Chicago ht. Louts .... t, Joseipb... . Totals .... ' lu.000 11 ,tW0 .87 SOU M.800 42,000 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frelts NKW YORK. Feb. LEVxPimiTim APPLIES Market firm: fancy, 7!4SScj choice, VLfulc: prime. MTi,4c. DRIED KKUITH Prunes, stesdvi Call. forruss. 4Vyullc; Orrgous 6,4)110. Apri cots, quiet; choice, U'Osiic; extra choice, KiulOc;. fancy.. KrVuo, peaches, quiet; ehuloe, txi'Mc; extra choice, tiVi&c; fancy, 771. Raisins, dull; loose mus rstels. Sliioic; cho'cs to fancy seeded, 6V,f (He; seedless, Vj&Hc; London layers, Sl.4ugil.t0. Oil aad Reals. NKW YORK. Fb. l.-ROSIN-Qulet. TURPKNTINp Firm. SAVANNAH. ()., Feb. 1 TURPEN TINE Firm at 41-ac; sales S bbla; re ceipts. 72 bl.ls.; shipments, 44 , tibia.; slocks, 8i0,O7D bbls. : ' ROSIN Tone, K to WW. dull; A to I. firm; sales, ll bbls; receipts, 1.173 bbl.; shipments, 167 bbls.; stocks, t'!7,4''l bbls. Quotations: A. B, C, D, B and F, $-100; tl $.t,o; H. $3.10; I, $3 1S: K, n.0; M, $4.2); NT, $i.3; WO, $i.70; WW. $5.80. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Feb. l.-DRY GOODS l otto goous and yarns were quiet and steady today. Raw silk waa quiet witn a aiigbtly easing tendency. Dress goods were opened for fall by large corpora tions. Russia Announces Capture of Tabriz PETROG RAD, Feb. 1-Ths Russians officially announce the occupation of Tabrti. Persia, In a comrounleatlor, from the staff of the army In th Caucasus. The official etatemeat says: "In ths fighting below Tabrig, the Turks lost four Held guns, provisions, munition and many piisoners. Having been cut off from Tabris and suffered heavy losses, they took to flight. On January Se w occupied Tabria. Other front are without IP a Uriel change," OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Killing: and Feeder Cattle of All Kinds Slow to Lower Fat Lambs and Sheep Higher.' HOGS OrEN TEN CENTS LOWXJl SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 1. 1!15. Receipts were! Csttle. Hogs. Pheen. Estimate Monda.v x.tfoo h.mio is.ivn Cra( day last week... 1174 . 8,4 Ml Ha me day S w'ks ago. S." .) Kama day S w'ks so. 7.M3 .0T 17.K-J day 4 w'ks sco. 6.X71 Mm) SJ.h4 Kama day last year... J-ii-S S.IU 7.421 The following tshls shows the receipts Of rattle, hogs, and shren at the Houth Omaha Live Ktock market lr the year to-dats, as compared wtih last year: lli. ' tilt, In Cattle W,Ml . . Hogs 2.iv.i ia,) Sheep ,.; 2I,a7S , 3W,.'U2 11.241 The following table shows the average price for hogs at the South Oiiinha live stork market for the last tew days, witn comparisons: Date. IMS. 114.lH.,IP12.lMl.l!l0.l, Jan. 14.. Jan. 16 Ian. 1 $(77 S r4 S 01 s n S 07 7 01 7 l S Ml S 87 8? k a e SH T 111 1B t'J S t, 1 S74 7 If. If.! 131 Jan. 17. 14 7 K 1 72 Jan. 18. Jan. IS. 7 JRI B V, S 3.1 8 81 S P7 72S S 20 7 2 iov 1 sa 0 Jan. 20. S SI S 281 fl3 Jan. ?!. Jan. 22. Jan. 28. Jam f4. Jan. 36. Jan. . Jan. 27. Jan. 28. Jan. 29. S II ? sj! 1 1 7 23 M U s 87 01 S67 I J $ 21 S 7 K 1 gi'l 00 S 27 SiV S 62 V s S 27 S W 7 fl 8 fc 80S 00 1 (Hi i 1 S S 94 T4S t41 7 '.' 4M S ll 8 M S W 8 04 t2 S 09 T 4 i n 8 M S 77V. 8 07 1 8.1 Jan. so. 78 S 81 7 81 T8a 0! 7 84 11 Jan. 81 s 2; 02 7 47 S l: Feb. 1. 7 2j Wt 7 t' $ 80) M Sunday. ' Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards. Houth Oman a. for twenty-four hours ending at 9 p. m, yesterdsy: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H' r's. C, M. 4k rt. P.... 28 Wabash S Missouri Paclflo Union Pacific....... 21 C. N. W.( east.... 68 C. 4V N. W., west.... 41 C, Bt. P., M. O.. 2 C, B. A Q., asst.... 8 C, B. at Q., west.... 88 C. R. I. as P., east.. 18 C, R. I. 4t P., west. .. "Total receipts.... 2 114 .... a .. ' ' 1 3 i a 18 .. . 1 Ml ' 14 11 11 1 1 I " . , '2 22 ' Is . 4 24 - 3 1 jl 1 178 S? iS DISPOSITION HBAU, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co J... 643 , l.$;4 1,746 Swift Jt Company 07 2.22 4 I W C'udahy Packing Co.... 7H . 8,2:C 2.637 Armour st Co , 964 2,147 4,432 Schwarts aV Co iwo .... J. W. Murphy 2,23 Morrell 1 Lincoln Packing Co,.... 21 Hill 4k Son ,. 3 .... . .... F. B. Lewis.. 61 .... ...s J. B. Root 4t Co 30 .... .... J. If. Bulla 61 1. Rosenstock Bros..., 14 .... ... Mccreary Kellogg.... 13 H. F. Hamilton M .... Sullivan Bros Mo. 4V Kan. Chit Co.... 2M9 Christie 1 ir .... .... HlKKtllS 8 .... Meyers 1 Kaker, Jones) at Smith.. f Tanner Bros...... , 83 - John Harvey... 23 .... .... Klein , .... .... Dennis .... ' Other buyers 222 .... . 870 Totals 4.02! 11.831 14,820 CATTLWThe severe storm of snow and wind hampered the running of trains to such an extent that it waa late before anything like ail that were reported hud arrived. Hardly over half of the ex pected receipts were in sight when It was time for the market to open. As a result sellers were Inclined to hold off and wait tor later arrivals before filling orders, and the trade from stsrt to finish on all kinds ot killing cattle waa ex tremely slow and dull, Hhipiers, owing to the uncertainly ot being able to get any stock out ot the yards on account of the snow blockade, were not trying to do very much business. As a result pack ers were able to take advantage ot the situation to the extent that the market was extremely slow snd the tendency lower on all killing stuff. The trade In stock cattle was practically at a standstill, no one being willing to buy with the prospect of being forced to bold the cattle until the storm should abate, which would mesa a heavy shrink ago. As a rule sellers found It extremely difficult to even get a bid en jitockers and feeders,- and most ot the regular btusers of such cattle announced at the outset that they would not buy anything until the storm let up. Quotations on cattle: Rood te choice corn-fed beeves, SM.Oi"n.26: fslr to good oorn-fed beeves, $7.6tws'.W; common t fair corn-fed beeves. tu.6OiI7.60: good to choice oows, $6.?G8.60; fair te good, cows, $j.0iiv6.0; common to fair cows, $4.uy $.00; good to choice stockors and feeders, $f .Siif.8&; fair to good stocksrs and feed ers, st.b0ay7.26! common to fair ateckers and feeders, $s.76t.M; stock heifers, $j.M fct.M; stock cows, $4.7138.26: stock calves, tti.OixftS.Oi); veal calves, t7.bXail.76 bulls, Stags, etc. $6.0O$.75. iepreseuiauve sales: , .- BKKF HTEBR8. N. 11.. 80.. 4.. 44.. At. TT. No, Ml 4 78 lit.,, l.Mt M 7... ! 1 It ' It... -!. At. Tr. ....HMO 7 ' , 74 COWS. .1009 4 U .1079 4 M ,1M 4 a .71 4 M .It 0 1.. 8. .... 140 I JS ' 8 a ....Vue 1 M ,,,, 71 6 M .... tJ IU v..i0 I 7t ,...l 1 I.-,.. 1 7 I .::::: ...... 1 lit a m no t li I.. 1.. I. . II. , 1.. 4.. 1.. I.. ,.M..1IM 4 ii ...... ii'. 1 X Ill t i V II , lias 4 U 1' 4 Vi VIA 4 4 HiSIFUsttt. l Is 1...... mo s (a IS I.... HT $ H ' I.,,, ...... mo 4 w , 1.... Mi 86 HULLS. 4.0 1 w ...... 4 1 W ...... ttl tit 1 ,. 1 ..IW 6 8ft 1.... ..U IM .1440 l; 1. A L V K8, , lit 47 , S4 til I 44 4 It ??? t k 1.. ...... JW .i Its 14.. . 1 I. 1. 8., I7S K in) v t) o $ It I I. Kt 14 UTUCrvfcttH A.VD FEEDKP.S. I "' I o -.13 4 8 mi 1 1 re m 7J ti jt 4 -lt HOGS A heavy anowatorm delayed trsftio In all iic.es running Into this point lousy and as a result it was pretty wil along in the forenoon before enouyn hog arrived to open the market. Witn pros pects of a heavy run and other markets reporting- lower priors, ths 1.x a I tral-i 01 1 nod with bids a dime below Satur day's avorate. Helleis remembering the strong tuuali to list week's trade askad stoady to higher prices, but killer stu-k by their early offers and wher: first salts were made the figures pail were largely a dime lower. Up to a la'-e hour in Ui forenoon only a sprinkling of the offer ing bad been ceahed It ws nearly noon before snythlrvg like a clearance of the early arrivals wss mado and sven then several largs trains had not yet arrived.-After ths first sains ere raaae vsiues stioea very utlie chenge, althouich at the best time the market was 11 mora thsn 6al(Xi lower. Th general decline amounted to a. bir f'BlOc. bhlppers and speculators were bid- aing ail morning, nut tnelr offers were In msny caaea not as good ss those of the kllisrs. and consequently they failed to get very much. The big string of th offerings sold st 18.70, with a good shoeing on up to $e.72Vi snd SC.76. while a sprinkling landed down around $4.46, Receipts were bti mated at 173 cars, or U.810 head, but a th arrival of several trains was still uncertain at noon, this is subject to changs. Today's estimate Is 1.00 larger than a week ago, and almost twice a large a fer the sam day last year. , Representative sales: N. . A. Sh, Pt. No. At. n vi n In 1 ua ..,..! 4t 4 ti 41 W H .- 4 ' 4, ! .4 4 74 U :J4 U lli ... II 1 4 213 on. Pr. ... 4 7 ... t; ... ... 7. ... It SHEEP A heavy run of sheep and lambs arrived on ths market this morn ing riotwithiiUiiidirig the stormy weathsr and most of the viierlnga were In ttt barn In good season The estimate was l,uu0 head, baii.g .t0 more thau a weea an. lO.nuO more than twe wuU un and 9,000 ntore than th eorrespondiag dsy a year sro. Q'islity on th whole was good but the rig bulk of the stuff wss In bad condition on account of the wet fleorea, snow and c. Chicago was reported as having onlv 8,0ol head. The packer buyers commenced doing business at n early hour and hv II o'clock the bulk of the sheep and Ism'ns has crtssed the-scale On paper m-ist of the sslea. looked little if anv betfr than ateady with tha close of last wk, but connldering the wetness of the offer Ipks prices were gnersllr regarded as at least strong to loil.lc higher and even mote then that In some case. Trade was feat'ire.l with a little unevennme with the bulk of the Ismbs going at $8. t 860 and some Scott's inuft srsdes good enough to sell up to 8.. Two double decks and a single of South Iakota lambs sold to go to th country st $4.05. In the esse of aged sheep ewes pre dominated and the bulk of them moved around $.V70iC.16, there being several cars oi c tiao-.,iKni at the latter Price, A rang of $..lofi7,R caught the mot of th yearling sales. The yearlings st $7.3 T..-if io v.oiuran-Aiex,icana and on th iiKni rn-fr. , , Uuotatlon on sheep and Ismha: Ijimhs, Mrxtcana, 8.i4ift,8&; lambs, fed westerns, 14 lamlie, fair to good, $&.lui.); lambs, shonrlng, $7 ft.virT8.i6; vearlings, IlKht, 7.5Ar7.fui yearling, heavy, $4.7i.hi 7 Ml; wethers, good to choloe, $H.SnM.7n; wethers, $.lMi.60; ewes, graid to choice. S.7Mi$.l.; ewes, fslr to good, $8.60116.75; ewes, feeding, S4.7.Vu6.m. Repreventallve sslea: No. Av. Price. ...112 4 0) 4M fe swes 117 fed ewes....-..., 247 fed lambs IMi fed ewes jo cull ewes .... 1" fed ewes 27 fed lambs ... IS feeder Inmhg 318 fed lambs 3 feif lambs .... 54 fed ewes lie fed yearlings 84 10 10 8 CO 8 70 4 60 6 8.5 5 60 ; 8 40 87 to 74 M 17 ........ sVti 84 90 8 M 0 7 10 MARSHAL SLEEPS WITH CHINK United States Official "Tells Trials in Guarding Federal Prisoners. of FEARS PALS OF HOLDUP MEN "We have some funny experiences In taking criminals to the federal prison from Omaha," said United Stale Mar shal Warner. ,"I remember once when I had to take a Chinaman to Sen Fran clsco for deportation. Thst waa th first time I had ever had to take a Celestial 0h a long trip. Of course,, it was' neces sary, to take a sleeper and I took the duty ot sleeping with the chink. I hsd Dr. Sherraden with me ss deputy. I let the .Chinaman sleep under the cover and I laid down beatd him on top of th covers. "I remember .when .w got to Kan Francisco and had got rid of our charge, w both wrote home and I told my wife to call up the doctor's wire and tell her that I hsd to choose between sleeping with hint scfl the Chinaman, so I chose th Chinaman. '.'The , worst case to get on my ntrve was the great robbery case of several year ago. when the Overland Limited of (he Union Paclflo was held' up by robbers Just outside of Omaha. ''All the forces of the city, cbunty and federal government got to .'orK oh th case at once, but there wasn't the slight est clue. It seemed the train ' robber would get clean away. k 'Overland Holds. . "But, After all th sleuths had failed, some little Bohemian boys one day found a small strap burled in. the ground and with just, about an Inch sticking out. From that little .bit of strap three of th robbers were caught and afterwarj th two others were captured. "Then came the big trial. The govern ment brought witnesses hare to Omaha from all over the eountry, from Hart ford, Conn., to Portland, Or., and from Minneapolis to New Orleans. "Tho strain of guarding those prison era was tremendous, because thay had lota of desperate pals who would think nothing ot organising a raid to free them It they got half a chance. After they had. been oonvloted we took them to Leavenworth prison in a special car on th Burlington railroad. Wo, took along thirteen deputing because we wanted to be prepared .for any possible Attempt to set them free. "I see them down there new when ever I go 1 to takjt prisoner down. On work In the kitchen and , he alwgy seems glad to see m and anxious to know whether there ia any chano of shortening his . life term. "All through that trial I could hardly sleep at night for th strain and sus pens. When I came htck from Leav enworth I slept all night and till noon next day. 1 , "I think the most unronifortabU night I vr apaat waa when I took a man named Tetter to prison. 11 waa six feet "ten-er," eleven Inch tsll and you know Pullman car berths are . not . built for inch fellow. . Ho tie hsd tu double him self up like a Jack knit." - . , Dutch Socialists Make Move for Peace AMSTERDAM (Via London). Feb. 1- Th Dutch socialist newspaper. Tribune, reports that ths xoutlv commute of the German social democratic party haa adopted the following resolution: "The committee consider It desirable thst every opportunity be taken to Initiate common action In favor of peace by the whole international socialist league and specially by the socialist parties In the belligerent kingdoms. Greece Prepares ' to Help Servia - FAR1S, Feb. L A dispatch to th Balkan agency from Athens says: -."Greece, with all its fore, will com to th aid of Servia In every fresh In vasion of Servia by th Austro-Qtrmgri armies. Ih , greatest activity pi vail now in military quarters." DEATH RECORD ' Mr. Seattle Haa. Word haa been received In Omaha of the death. of Mrs. Sophie Rau, widow of the late Cr. Rau of Omaha, In San Fran cisco. Mrs. Rau wa 83 yaara old at the time of ber death. Shs is a sister of Mrs. William HothschUd. et Omaha, who Is $4 years of age, and ti the mother of Mr. M. UelUnan. formerly of - this city, but now of Baltimore. Sh also haa four nleoea living tu Omaha, Mrs. Samuel KU, Mrs. Mattie Jacobeon. Mrs. Alex Pollack and Mis Annabel! Roths child. Tbe funeral will be held In Kan Francisco. Dr. Rau la burled in Omaha Andrew Barktaes. Andrew Buchanan, colored, died Friday at the sge ot 48 yaara. lie was a resi dent of Omaha for th last thirty years. lie wag for many year a Pullman porter on the Union Pacific and Burlington railroads. Ha I survived by thres brotli- er, two sinter and two children. Ji died at th horn Of Mrs. etl Brown, 3011 Cuming street. ' I BOARD HAS OWH PLAYGROUND PLAN Does Not Care to Co-Operate with the City Commissioners on Hew Recreation Board, WILL HAVE MORE DISCUSSION An entente cordial dies not exist st this time between the city council , and tho Board of Education. Since the ruction of a few years ago these two governiiiK bodlcs have enjoyed amlcahlo relation?. Th new recreation board ordinance has tr.'.Khed a sensitive spot of the echo i beard. A. C. Wskcloy, representing the Judl---Isry ami building and she 'committees of the Hoard of Education, apeared before tho city commissioners snd stated that It la th sentiment of the two school board committees mentioned thst It Is not wise to make the school board or tbe school properties an Integral part of the recreation scheme proposed under the new ordinance which mentions the super intendent of school Is one ot the board of five memlicr. ."Do we understand that the Board of Education refute - an ' invitation to co operate In this recreational plant' asked Commissioner J. B. Hummel. The gist ot Mr. Wskcley's reply wss that the. school board Is operating under specif lo state laws, and as for recrea tion In schools the board is now tsklnsr (are of that feature In the school grounds. The spirit ot Mr. Wskcley's talk was thst th school board members prefer to carry on their own recreation activi ties In their own way without any out side co-operation, such as Is proposed y the new recreation board. Beard May Join la. City Attorney J. A. rtlns explained thst th ordinance leaves th matter open lot the Board ot Education to co-operate if the members so elect; that the proposed recreation board would not interfere with any school' property without full sanction of the school boord. , Dr. Cyrus Stlmpson of th Ftaygrourxt and Recreation Association of America also explained to Mr. Wekeley that the ordinance In no way ftnnosea any obliga tion upon the Board of Education, but rather makes it possible for the school Officials tr .co-operete in tho recreational campaign it is believed will be carried out in Omaha. . . The commissioners recommended that tho ordinance be passed fn Its present form at th regular meeting of tho city council Tuesday morning. , Mr. WaRelry's formal request waa that the portion of the otdlnance reforring to the gohool bos i-d and the superintendent of schools be gtrlcken out before th orcMnence should be passed.- ' Conceding Merger, . South Omah'ans to' Go After City Jobs "South Omaha anti-annexatlonists, Icing of ilia opinion that annexation will carry In th legislature, are alreadv niaKiiig ready to enter the commissioners' race thla spring," . remarked John P. Breeni author of the annexation bill now before th legislature, at th court house this morning. "Whll I am not In a position to name any nsmes. It haa become evident that a good tiled crop of candidate from South Cwmha I In prospect It the annexation till carries with ths emergency clause." Thers are some vote-getter In th bunch, too, and In a primary emorg a" great number of candidates they are going t stand a pretty good Chance," That tho antls In the legislature, it they gee th measure is going to pass,' will add their votes to th "yea" column in order to pass th emergency clause by th required two-thirds vote, Is already pretty generally understood. The legis lators are privileged to change th record of their vote during th course of roll C". The emergency clause If made effective will accomplish tbe oonsolldattion in ample time to all Houth Omsha candi dates for the city commission, to organ US their force and til their paper with the election commissioner. BENNETT CHARGED WITH ABANDONING GIRL-WIFE "He growled so much and ' wouldn't give me -enough to eat, and gave ma only 15 or SO cents week to spend." With that explanation, Esther, tbe 18-year-old wife of Charles F. Bennett,' 1677 North Twentieth street, Justified her course In leaving him and going to' live with her mother, Mrs. AUte Williams, 1591 North Twenty-first street Bennett was charged In police court with wlf abandonment and, after a hear ing, was bound over to ths district court under bond of SM." H was formerly a driver for the American Express com. pany, he ssid, - - , The girl testified that lest My, when she wa only 15 years of sge. Rev. W. f. Hampton, pastor of the Hillside Congre gational church, man led her to Bennett without witnesses, and that on five ocuu sions she went to her mother, and lived Intermittently with Bennett st 2S Claig street, until h put an ad In the papers to th effect that be would not pay any bill the contracted. OMAHAN SAYS JITNEYS IN 'FRISCO ARE A NUISANCE Lelsnd Qulnn of the Union Pacific's passenger department is back from a trip to th Paclflo coast. W hll there he visited the exposition site at San Fran cisco and asserts that th buildings are complete and 60 per cent of, the exhibit installed. The Union Pacific exhibit, Tellowstone National park, in miniature, he says Is 85 per cent finished. ' While In Bars Francisco Quinn noted the jitneys and asserts that there they have become so numerous that they have grown to be a nuisance. CITY GRANTS PENSION TO WIDOW 0FF1RE CAPTAIN The city council decided to erant Mrs. 8usle Henderson, widow of Fire Captain Joseph II. Henderson, a pension of J-'j psr month dating bauk from March, 1814. Mrs. Henderson has five children, it Is stated that Henderson caught cold at th Allen Bros, fire Thanksgiving morn ing of 103 snd that he died trout the ef fects of that exposure. Ths ci has been In the courts for several years. t.eod for Mck lleaaackra. Constipation causes sick headache an-1 Dr. King's New Life Pills ili cine it. Take a dose tonight. 2ic. All druasisu. Advertisement. ( J.