Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily
"WKLOOME" emblasong OrruW
signal arch. The IWn advertis
ing columns lire the channel for
TO a to signal the, visitor.
Wires on All Sides Are Broken by
the Weight of the Ice
- Bad Storm to the
1 West
- m . . , .
Train, Are Operated by the Block
System as Their Telegraph
Wires Are Also Down.
. T
Omaha and surrounding territory
was practically cut off from com-
tnunicatlon with the outside vorld
. . . ....
for several hours after 3 o clock
yesterday afternoon, the consequence
of rain and elect f reeling on tele-
graph and telephone wires,
i Liu n caici u luivu uau 11 j " 1 1 v o
west at all until nearly 8
and could get word from Chicago !
only by relaying messages over a
circuitous route. The Associated
Press and railroads were practically
ln the same condition.
The trouble aone, aa farm a could be
ascertained, extended for about sixty
live miles on all sides of Omaha. -
The rain of Saturday and moisture in
th.e air of Sunday, freetlng on the wires,
pulled them down -by sheer force ol
Inrle Sam Hear Nothing.
The weather bureau could get no re
port as to the extent of the storm.
Union Parlfic wires to the west all went
down at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, so
that Omaha could Get nor Information
from any paint west of North Bend. A
traveling jnan who came into North Bend
reported that the storm was . raging
around Grand Island so fiercely that it
was Impossible to see across the street.
The Union Pacific kept its traina rqov
Ing, although it was Impossible to make
time because the wires were down and
the trainmen had to rely entirely on the
block sUnal system.
From the Burlington reports It was evi
dent that the storm was much worse ln
the northern part of the state than in the
southern, as the line to Denver was kept
open The worst Burlington trouble was
to the northwest, and officials were not
able to hear from any point beyond Al
liance. It was sleeting hard at Ravenna.
In Omaha pedestrians experienced
trouble in getting about on slippery pave
ments and wa!ks. The frozen moisture
gave the walks a veneer of ice that made
travel, an exceedingly ticklish aa well as
, a dangerous proposition.
Tells What Belgian
- Notes Legal Tender
AMSTERDAM (via London). Jan. SI - !
The German military governor' of Bel-I UNIOKTOWN. ra.', Jan.' 31. Following
Klum, General von Biasing, has Issued a ! the closing 'twelve days-ago of the Fir.'t
proclamation In. which he defines what j National bank of Unlontown by Its dl
Belgian bank notes are legal tender. He ! rectors the county court Judges have ap
approves the issues by the 8ociete Gen-! pointed receivers for J. V. , Thompson,
erale, by the Banque Natlonalc prior to j widely-known coal land operator and
November and by certain Belgian banks ! president of the bank, and eleven other
which have been -organized by the Ger-!coal land dealers, all residents qf Fayette
man commissioner.
"This proclamation." General von Bla
ming says, "annuls the decision of the
Belgian king of August 20, and the above
notes are valid until three months afteV
the conclusion of peace."
PEKING, Jan. 31. The Japanese minis
tcr of China. M. Hlokl, was questioned
today concerning the political demand,
made by Japan upon China following the
occupation by Japanese troops of the
Klao Chow territory, demands which are
now under . discussion between the two
countries. '
He denied that Japan had demanded
the cesKloA of any territory of China. He
explained that his government was
pledged by 1U alliance with Great Britain
to maintain the territorial Integrity of
China and he said further that the de-
mands made by Japan did not interfeiw ms al many pam" m conlu"'n- -In
an way with the rights enjoyed by j tle of Importance are reported from the
thV?..i I Caucamia.
A performance iu Yiddish will be pre
sented at the Brandela theater about the
middle of February, for the benefit of
Jewish sufferers from the war. accord
ing to announcement made public yester
day by Arthur Marowltx, secretary of the
Jewish relief committee here. Local
talent, which piented the same before
a small audience several weeks ago, sur
prised their friends with the excellence
of their dramatic ability.
Several prominent business men are
lending their efforts to the project.
The Weather
For Nebraska and lows Probably fair.
Teaaperatarra at Oasks Yesterday.
Hour. I)eg.
6 a. m 31
a. m 32
1 a. m ji
S a. m j
S a. m ji
10 a. m ai
" a. m 32 I
12 m 32
1 P- m ji
J P- m t ... 31
P. m 3o
J f- m i)
p. in
P. m
7 P- na
" 2
tairatlT Larai Beeard,
W1S. lm. 1913. 1912.
X2 Mi r.-
Highest yesterday
1.owtst yesterday 2H 314 Ji
Wean temperatuiw 30 3i jo ao
. mitiuiuun io .uu
leiniieraiure and precipitation
tures from the normal:
Aornml temperature , (
Kites for the day , "" i
Total excess since March 1, 1911 lln
Normal precipitation (.J Inch
Kxcesa for the day n ,.
rotal rainfall since March 1 27 .51 inches
Deft. ,.n, y ,ni March 1 2 8 Inches
IH-l ency for cor. pr..d. ISIS.. iM Inches
Lefklency for tor. period, imj.. til inches
After Being Saved by Police Sur
geons She Sets Her Clothing on
Eire at the City Jail.
"Fainting Bcitlia" l.irbecke twice at
tempted suicide In a coll at the city Jail
I Sunday. In the morning she swallowed
ten l. prain tablets of strychnine, but iry uia prompt appnca' ion or
j Ptom.,.h pu ln ; mtltmwin she
j' her eiothim?- on fire ami i badiy
!,,rnPd ' obout ",e ""V" brf,,rp
flames were extinguished.
j Bertha was arrested Saturday night
j for snatching a purse Containing S'lt.t.
i from Mm. Gus Long, 2H11 Monroe, street,'
South Omaha, a the inter was shop-1.
P" ' Omuha.
A" nBl,, rth k" n i.ioner
awake with her hysterical demorstra-
t,ong but out s
o'clock alio became
suddenly 4ot, and a few momenta
later , Turnkey ' Brady war summoned to
!the cel1 b colore! mn, who saw
, nrr bwhiiuw me in? uDiiteiiis vi mtimii
K.. , , i tr . n.. -1 ..1,..
oiiocs,iwll tni for n,j .(,,, pioniHcli
Immediately applied. Mrychnine In a
' onsiderabie quantity was dUovcred,
wniie norma nerscit declared sue nuu
taken the amount above mentlone.l.
W rites Farewell Mote.
A note, Inscribed on n Yaper bap, ad
dressed to her slater, Mrs. Anna Arher
man, . 4(M4 Redman ave.n-e. was picked
up by Tatniflea and ti.rncd over to- the
police. Its contents was as follows:
"Dearest Sister Anna 1 Imve ended ItJ
ail, as i have told you 1 would. Kiss
the children goodbye and nsk my pre
cious mamma tt fonslve me. In my
pacRnge here I have 7 and my watch,
which I want you to i:eep; also a chain
which I bought at a Jewelry store.
I don't want to bp burled, so sell ny
body to the ' Crelghton Medical college.
Farewell, dear mamma, sisters and
brothers, and forgive me, all of you."
After bringing her out of danger and
to a sttae somewhere, rear the normal,
she wa sagain taken 'o iter ceil op her
promise to do herself no further harm.
In the early hours of the afternoon
she once again became hysterical, and
about 3 o'clock Brady was called to find
the woman's clothing .a'olar.e. Her limbs
were badly scorched and blistered.
Following this episode she wa slaken
to the matron's department, put to bed
and a guard stationed nearby., to tec that
she did no further damage to'hersrlf.
Rev. C. V. Savidge, when told of the
affair, declared that since she had for
saken Uod the last time she had fallen
more deeply than ever into the ways of.
"I will not attempt to aid her again,
as I consider her case- Impossible." he
declared. Bertha early In the morning,
when asked if she wanted to sea Rev.
Mr. Bavidge, replied very emphatically
Uhat she did not
The police tre at a '
loss what to do with her.
Aftermath of Big ,
' Bank' Suspension
. - . !
county. The assets of these twelve men
total 3S.i:,300, while their liabilities, ac
cording to the court records, are $12,144,
775, approximately one-third of which is
The receivers for J. V. Thompson have
$21,000,000 worth of assets and $7,000,000 of
liabilities. . Among the others, whose as
sets reach more than $1,000,000 are I. W.
Seaman, Jasper Augustine, Fuller Hog
ett and W. M. Thompson. 'All have been
active associates of J V. Thompson in
i puhmaln and sale of coal and coal
lands in this and adjoining counties.
BERLIN.-Jan. 31.-(By Wireless to Bay.
ville.) Vienna advices say that the A us-
! trlan" re ""t'nuln their clearing opera
. llon ,n the Carpathian mountains, whera ,
: reported to be retreat, j
i The weather In both the western and
eastern arenas of the war continues
wintry. En In northern France and ln
Flanders the temperature Is below the
Ireetlntr point, while in the Argonne forest
and In the Vosges mountains, where there
have been heavy falls of snow, the tem
perature is 14 degrees above sero.
VIENNA (via Iondon), Jan. 31. An
official statement issued here today says: j glory of the twentieth century' will be
"On the Poltsh-Gallclan front general's scheme whereby every man and every
quiet prevails excriit for some brief jttuman, too, shall enjoy the usufruct of
artillery duels. bis own labor and to prevent one greedy
"The result of recent vigorous ' bat- j soul from monopolising the toll and
quiet prevails except, for some brief ' sweat and lives of-the thousands."
reconquest of the passes. In severe ac-'
tions lastiiiK a week, the Austrian troops
despite unfavorable weather conditions,
fought with the greatest perseverence t
and stubbornness. Although often fight- j
lng in kcp snow, they have won great j
successes and we have raptured total
of 10,000 prisoners and six machine guns.
" UCJ t" ' IwCO
ATANTA, Oa.. Jan.
ruici oi
not guilty was returned by
Jury here,
.... .... j . .,
TL'I ' .:rV h r,.,
u barged with subornation of rerjury in ,
connection with the Leo SI. Fran' rase.
Lehon Is southern manager of tti.Bunis
detective agency. Tedder formerly was
employed by the agency and Thurmsn
is a lawyer.
f mmm-mm '
Id rntlMUn DULLLI If
PARIS, Jnn. 31. The 'following offlciul
tulletin was Issued touli;bt:
"There is nJtliing nsw tj report "
STRANGE SIGN erected at Southgate, England, on some
building lots offering inducements of bomb-proof cellars
against German raids
f "V,. -;.. - v'.V'-'V - : : !
' ', n ' .
to Lay our as
j wkrfc.rv ire u
Ut.i final
I.OiiiU W '. I t (( f
Work Damage in Ssctors of Arras,
Roye, Soissons, Rheims
-and Perthes.
PARI", Jan. .10. The French war office
this afternoon Issued the following state
ment of the progress of the war:
"The struggle during the day of the 30th
was confined on almost every front to
artillery combats. The cannonading waa
very intense on one side or the other at
numerous points. Our artillery has every
where secured the advantage. '
"Before La Basseo, the British army re
took all - the trenches which it momen
tarily lost. The Germans have can
nonade! the , belfry and church of
Fonquevillcm (to ihe souttw)f Arras).
"In the sectors ot Arras, Roye, Sols-
sons, Rheims and Perthes, our batteries
have destroyed two o the .enemy's piers,
several: field works, a certain number of
lance bombs and dispersed aevvral con-
ns of troops, bivouacs and con-
, "In the Argonne, . In the woods of La
Grurle, where our troops were obliged on
tho 9th to retreat slightly as already
reported,' the"' Germans yesterday de
livered near Fontaine Madame three new
attacks which were repulsed.
"From the Argonne to the t Vosges,
there ' has " been no change. We hold,
nrtably. near Badonylller, the village of
Angemont, which the Germans pretended
to have occupied."
Uermana Take Trenches.
BERLIN, Jan. 31. (By Wireless Tele
giaphy to Sayvllle, N. Y.)-The following
statement was Issued today at army head
quarters: "In Flandera, yesterday there were
artillery duels only. '
"At Oulnchy south of the high road
between La Bassee and Bethune and near
Carcncy, northwest of Arrss, the Ger
mans took some French trenches.
"On the East Prussian frontier, there
were no events of Importance.
"In Poland, nearBor.limow; to the east
of I-ods, a Russian attack was repulsed."
Champ Clrrk Wants
Wealth Distributed
CHICAGO, Jan. ' SO. The phenomenal
growth of the United States was tho
. . . . . t-ui
by Champ Clark, shaker of the hou,
of representative. .7 a banquet of th.
Chicago Dental ..xlety. He said: .
"In 113 years our total wealth multiplied
125 old and is now rated at the enor-
"mous sum of $140,000,000,000, . which, if
equally distributed, would give $1,812 to
every man, woman and child between the
two qceans
But there Wlhe rub. for while a fewl1" your nni and In the hands of your
are rich beyond the dream of avarice.
many have not the wherewithal to feed
and clothe themselves.
"I am fain to believe ' the
::Jury Urges Illinois
PflrnlP l.nVJ KPnPalPn
j CHICAGO, Jsn. 31. -Tho Cook county
j Brand Jury recommended today that the
i Illinois parole law be repealed.
Its report recltvd that the J.irors, fronvSabath today. "To many a trip to the
' thelr XD,?r'n'durlng thiir service for '
! the county, aero of the opinion that a'
, . .
i majority of the crimes wcr4 committed
Dv former convlrts.
Tfl TIIRWPR RIRI i niwrc
w i viuiuii mii ihw lniiy u ' i
; Dainty Vslentlne invitations lisve been '
: Issued by tbe Tuner Girls' aoUely for I TFNWFFP PRIMPS 1 Ofl
itl eir annual Valentine dancing pa-ty, to' -llllt.dOt.C CnilVUd I ,U JU
' be held next Saturday evening at Turner REFUGF FROM JAFFA
'tall. A committee. Including the Misses I
ill"e HuofCfk, M.yn Krnwmt nnd kv ' w.iSHIMiTOX. J..i,. 31.-The ,ul,er
P11'" OUn, wo,,,e"; ,, b'sy !T-.rcse s.r.v.d st l-xsndi ia. Ksyot
for some tlmf, fianning and inuklng ! tnr v with 1 it ) r f'ii?-cs fi..m Jgff-.
eiaDoraie oecorauojia ror me na.l sna
arranging for the sffa!r. which Is slways
one of the big social events of the year
in their larc circle of lricn-Js.
frrf rit,,SUhttimrMmtstl ;
Vessel Laden with Eleven Thousand
Bales of Cotton Starts on Jour
ney from Galveston.
GALVESTON, Tex., Jan. 31. The
steamship Uacla departed at noon
today from Galveston for Rotterdam
with 11,000 bales of cotton to .be
transhipped to Bremen.
Telegraphic orders to get under way
were received by Captain George McDon
ald from Ii N. Brcltlng of New York,
the oner. In two hours the versel had
taken on a pilot and was outside the har
bor. , s
The Dacia cleared January Its de
lay here Is yet unexplained t Its agent
and master said they did not r.iow why It
was waiting. The Dacla's cotton cargo
Is .valued by the shipper at-fxsO.OOO, or 18
cents a. pound laid down In Bremen.
McCombs Predicts a
Dem. Victory in 1916
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31.Chalrman
McComba of the democratic national
committer - today discussed with Presi
dent Wilson the political situation ami
feeling throughout the country toward
legislation pending In congress. He is
attending an Informal meeting here of
committeemen from nearby states.
, Mr. "McCombs said he planned to call
a meeting of the national committee
v. Ithln .the next two months and that
probably a dinner would be held to 'cele
brate two years of democratic admin
istration. He added that plans for the
11 campaign were under way and that
he predicted a sweeping democratic vic
tory. President Wilson, himself, Mr. McCombs
declared, would have to ssy whether
he would be a candidate, but he added
that plans of the national committee In
clude laying particular stress on the per
sonal record of the president.
Speaks for Navy
Big Enough to Aid
NEW YORK, Jan. jtl.-Tha necessity for
an adequate navy kept at a high point
Sl 1 . ...
"i'wnT wm argued ny rranklin D.
cu , ' th6
"d l'" von Meyer, former
f '"' ' ' navy, the principal
', ml m 'un"M the Republican
ii.nj linn yriirrtlljr.
"There Is do harm
In saying that our
pavy Is third largest today, and that
France and Japan are progressing," said
Mr. Roosevelt. "The future of the navv
! congressmen, but, unfortunately, .many
' Pople do no, know who are our con
gressmen. If we had not an adequate
'. " "" mean tne loss of Hawaii,
American Samoa. Porto Rico, the Pan
ama canal and the Philippines."
Domestic Relations .
' Court Held Nights
ClUi'AUO. Jan. 31 Xnght sessions of
lthe rhlro ourt at domestic relations
1 ai'C
to .be held once every two weeks be
ginning next Thursday.
"I am creating this court for the benefit
of the many men on probation to the
I court of domestic relations," said Judge
court house means a loss of a day's work
I have known cases where men lost their
- - . .. " ... . a,.,-,, ivBi iiiirir
I lobs because tliv ,i i .
' in muri
-w.,' ... .,
" tor iiieiiiscives
.-nd their children bv working may come
i IO ('our, " nl,llt ,,,lu" "i") ikt
epoi Is on the conduct, of their hus
the Myrlxii cosht i r rep, r'rd lo the
Navy department. , Th irulrep North
j Can-Una rnn'nl 't Beirut to guar!
jAiiicriian Inteients there.
Muscovite Millions Battle Against
Foes from Tilsit, in East
Prussia, to Tabrix, in
All Going Well with Immense
Armies of Crar, According
to His Chiefs.
LONDON, Jan. 31. hTe end of
the sixth month of Europe's great
war finds the armies of the belli
gerent nations completing prepara
tions for a new series of operations
or actually engaged in campaigns the
extent of which hardly was antici
pated when the declarations of hosti
lities were made.
In Flanders, France and central Poland
a deadlock still exists, but largely be
cause of Russia's tremendous resources
and the action of Turkey the sphere of
operations have been widely extende.l.
Runsln alone is engaged In fighting
hostile' armies from Tilsit, far In the
north of East Prussia, to Tabrla. In Persia,
a distance oi over miirs. vmjr umi
portion of Its territory bordering on
Roumanla la free from menace, hut ac
cording to Pctrogind reports, all Is going
well with Its Immense armies. The Rus
sian outflanking movement In northern
East Prussia is said to be gaining
momentum. (
Cat t.erntaa Railway.
The armies on each side of Tilsit have
cut the German railway between that city
and Memel on the Baltic.
On the 'southern front in F.asl Prussia
another army la advancing t sward the
German fortress of Thorn, while i still
another is holding a line of entrench
ments which protect Warsaw and which
General von Hlndenburg has been trying
to bstler through for three months. Other
srmles are sRsIn preparing to meet a
big Austro-German force which is at
tempting to regain Gallcla and ltukowlna.
thereby turning Grand Duke NIcholssT
left wing.
To the eastward the Muscovite troops
are battling sgtlnst the Turks In the
Caucasus and Persia, They apparently
have Inflicted another . defeat on the
Turkish forces, for the Russian official
report says their opponents vare retreat
ing to Tabrla, while unofficial dispatches
state uhat the Russians have rrorcupled
that city. ' ,
C'aritathtaa Operatloas.
WJiat is regarded as the most Import
ant campaign, however.' Is that which
is developing In the Carpathians, brought
about by the Austro-German .offensive,
designed to drive the. Russians from
Ualicia anJ Bukowlna, therehy removing
the menace of an Invasion of Hungary.
The Austro-German allies are said to
have Concentrated no less., thsn twenty
eight army corps for this venture. So far
ss can be gathered from 'contradictory
reports, the- Russians have won prelimi
nary skirmishes in the western passes
from Dukla to Wlsidow. while to the
j east they have been forced to retire before
superior forces. The battles which are
belmt fought In the snow are Just com
mcnclni;. however, and many days must
pass before a definite decision Is reached.'
Battles ln the west still consist of local
engagements, although the OejTnsns, who
apparently are preparing for an exten
sive offensive before the allies get their
full strength Into the field, occasionally
deliver rather more serious attacks.
Gal near Attacked.
These are scattered all along the front
from the sea to the fiwlss frontier,' but
always come back to that portion of the
allies' line which lies between the Ger
mans and the French coast towns
Oulnchy, for example, which the Brit
ish now hold after driving back the Ger
man.), who captured It on Monday, was
attacked again yesterday and according
to a British report tho Germans were
repulsed leaving SOD dead ln front of the
The Argonne, too, iias been tha scene
of another attack and. In, this case, ac
cording to a German report, success fell
to Emperor William's forces, who claim
to have taken over 700 prisoners and
counted between 400 and 6O0 dead.
There has been mure outpost fighting
in the vicinity of the Sues canal, but
the latest reports say the Turks are
withdrawing their advance posts. There
still is some doubt whether they hsve
definitely committed themselves to the
march they must mak acrots tho desert
to tpvade Egypt.
Relief Commission
For Begium Would
Buy Wilhelmina Load
LONDON. Jsn. 31. -The oCmmlsslon
for the Relief of Belgium announced to'
nlkht it bad made an offer tor the cargo
to tho Amerlcsn steamer Wilhelmina,
whii h ssiled from New York for Ham
burg. JitrwJary ZZ, with food supplies for
Germany. ,
Tlie comiiilsHluit ri an arrangement
with varinua governments which enables
It to take charge of any ship at any
stagx of Its voyage and to give It safe
conduct to Rotterdam. The members of
tho commission hope that the offer will
i be accepted as t'ue Wilhelmina'a cargo
mould tide over what promises to be a
serious sbortace nf the commission's or
dinary Influx of supplies.
The Wilholmina carries 10s) tons of
grain. Dour and general food products,
allied by the owners ut U'O.CCil. Tliey
are Intended f' r the consumption of
civilians In ermany.
The su-amslilp was chartered from the
Ku'ill.ern 1'rodui ts Trading company of
Nev Vol k. by the W. T. Greeu
Com -
miss on l oniiiiiiy of St. Louis, and Ihe
curiiii la ri-nsigned t J the firm's brain li
I cilice in t.uniiuirg. ) lie HrltUh gov-
en, ii, ci, t. It is understood, ass not n.
uli.i with retard to the vneue of the
V ilhelir na, and it Is gtiiMally liellevrd
in slilPi'lnv irilf, that tin- vessel will
be seised by Hrltiidi warships before
It icuihcs a Uunii.ii hjiL
Great Meeting in Washington De
clares Against "Subservience
to Foreign Powers."
WASHINGTON. Jan. SI. Citizens
from nearly every section of the
country, some representing German-
American societies, churches of dif
ferent denominations or other or
ganisations and others acting indi
vidually, held a conference last
night and resolved to form a national
organization to "re-establish genu
ine American neutrality and to up
hold It free from commercial, finan
cial and political subservience to
foreign powers."
Representative Bartholdt of Missouri,
hoi presided at the conference, was
chosen to head the organisation commit
tee, and Horace I- Brand of Chicago,
was e'ected secretary.
The S'aeakrra.
Speakers Included: Dr. C. J. Uexamer,
president of the German-American Na
tional alliance; Rev. Thomas C. Hall, of
the Union Theological Hemlnary, New
York; Dr. Kurt II. Hlchter. of the Ger
man Historical society; Prof. William R.
Shepperd of Columbia university; Prof.
James T. Hatfield of Chicago; Prof. A.
B. Faust of Cornell; Rev. O. C. Berk-
inetyer, of the Evangelical Lutheran
church of North America; Joseph Frey,
I resident of the German Roman Catholic
Central union; Dr. Edmund von Mach of
Harvard, and representat'ves Porter and
Barchfeldt of Pennsylvania and l-obeck
of Nebraska.
The Resolutions.
Resolutions adopted by the con Terence
declared In favor of:
"An American cable controlled fcy the
United Htates government, to assure pos
session of an Ipdependeut news service;
a free and open sea for American com
merce and unrestricted traffic In non
contraband goods; immediate enactment
of legislation (as a strictly) American
policy), prohibiting the expbrt of muni
tions of war; etnlilsliment of an Amer
ican merchant marine."
The concluding section of the reso
lutions: "We pledge ourselves Individually snd
collectively to support only such persons.
Irrespective of party, who will place
American Interests above those of any
other country, and those who will aid In
eliminating all foreign Influence from
American life." .
Socialists and Jews
Feel. Heavy Hand of
; Russian Autocracy
"BERLIN. Jsn. JI. (By Wireless to Say
Vllle, 1 I.) The Overseas News aegncy
today gave out the following statement:
"The Vosslsche Zeltung publishes dis
patch' from Copenhsgen, saying that
there has been received at that city a
communication from socialist members of
the Russian duma, who were to have
attended the socialist centre's recently
held there.
"The authors of this communication
.were unable to attend the congress, be
cause they were arrested by the Russian
"Their report states that at the be
ginning of tha war, ' wholesale arrests
were made of socialist leaders In Rus
sia,' and that later all socialist organiza
tions were suppressed by the police. The
government later altered the report of
the sessions of the duma so as to con
ceal tha protest of the socialist party
against additional war ci edits.
"Tha Russian government is now seek
lng to re-establish the autocracy as it
existed before the granting of tha con
stitution. Jews are being prosecuted
officially and demonstrations against
them are being organised by the govern
ment. Aecret organisations are being
Russians Repulse
German Attacks in
. Eastern Prussia
PETROGRAD, Jsn. 31. -The Russian
general staff today gave out the follow
ing statement:
"ln the region of the forests north of
Plllkallen and Gumblnnen East Prussia,
the battles continue. Hera In the region
! of tn" village of Lebegalen, we repulsed
the Germans
by a
counter attack
"On the left bank of the Vistula, at the
approaches to Horjlmow, the Germans
during the hlglit cf Jsnuary 29 and the
next day, repeated their attacks upon our
positions, but were everywhere thrown
back, with great losses except at one
trench which remained In the ban Is of
the enemy. In the region of the village
cf Jldoinltxe, two German attempts to
take the offensive during the day of the
th failed.
"On the Carpathian front, In the passes
of. Dukla and Vyszkow, the fighting Is
gradually assuming the character of a
general battle. In this region, the Aus
trians having concentrated contingents
from some of their adjoining sectors and
from other fronts, have attempted to
deliver, an offensive through Ihe valley
of the lower fan and the roads leading
acroas the passes to Bam bo r and Stry."
Urges Majority of
Madison Cops Canned
MADISON, Wis-, Jan. SI.-Dlsmls-al of
a majority of the members of the Madi
son police force was recommended today
by a special grand Jury tailed to Investl-
' gate sn alleged crime here.
The grand Jury found that the police
department larked harmony snd dis
cipline. It also suggested In Its report thst
young wuni'n students of the t'nlverslty
of Wisconsin , kliould not be allowed on
the university farm giounds after 9
o'clock at n'lfhtv thin to avoid susplclua
of improprr conduct.
English in Terror as They See Von
Til-pits' Menace Fulfilled
in Blow at Sea
Empire. 1 '
Two Merchant Vessels at Least and
Probably Third Torpedoed
Off Fleetwood.
The Day War News
UF.nMA HBMASnB sinks wares
Hrlla vessels aft Fleetwood ssi
Rrltlsh he Here thla la healaalaar
af lirrmai a-laa fa carry oat threat
flag; Trher-eree fonnd.
NAT ION d WAR has now lasted als
months wlthoat either aide st.
Ins; won material sdristai. Aa
aeveath month of straaale heains
aew armies are beta at rscaalsed
PARIS CLAIMS that the Germans
left "a street namber of dead" an
the field to the aorth of Loaf
haertsyde and also before the
Kngllsh llaea aear La Bassee.
French troops la tha Artosat la
admitted by Parla.
clares a German attack near
ttalachy was easily repalsed.
VIKNNA ASSK.RTS Anstrlaaa bsts
scored Importaat sacresa in tho
aaow-fllled passes of the Car pa
Another daring raid on British
commerce has been carried out suc
cessfully by a German warship. This
exploit was accomplished by a sub
marine which sunk at least two
steamers off the west coast of Eng- '
land not far from Liverpool.
England now believes that Germany
has decided to make good the threat of
Admiral von Tirplts that submarines
might be used to sink merchant vessels
flying the British flag. Tho attack by
the submarine far from its base and only
a short distance off the coast has caused
a sensation In shipping circles because
of the fact that steamers have already
been sunk off the French and Belgian
Three Ships Lost.
PARIS, Jan. .H.-Two British vessels
wers torpoJoed by a German submarine
In addition to th Ren Crust-hen and tha
Linda Blanche, whose sinking was re
ported Inst nluht. This was made known
In the following statement given out by
the ministry of marine:
"The UrlUsli steamship Tokomaru ha
been sunk by a torpedo from a German
submarine. The Kngllsh vessel Icarla
also was torpedoed In the same locality
In the Irish sea In which the English
steamers Linda Rlanche and Ben Crua
chen were torpedoed.
"Hitherto the Germans before attack
ing a merchant vessel always allowed tho
crews mfflclent time to embark In the
ship's boats. That custom has now been
abandoned aa is shown by tha bombard
ment of the Admiral Gantheume. which
was filled with Belgium women and chil
dren refugees. The German marine has
decided to violate systematically Interna
tional law."
LONDON, Jan. Sl.-The crew of the
British rtesmer Kllcone has been landed
on the Isle of Man In tha Irish sea by tha c
ooasting steaming Gladys. The crew re- "
run mu ins jvncone was struck by a
submarine. The Kllcono waa a small -steamer
of H tons. v
(Make Ben Craaehen.
FLEETWOOD (via London). Jan. St.
Th German submarine Kb. 1 today
torpedoed the North Shielda steamer Ben
Cruachen. off this port. The entire crew,
numbering twenty, waa landed here.
The captain of the steamer says h wag
overtaken by the submarine this morn
ing and ordered to -leave his ship within
ten minutes. Hardly had the crew got
into th hna t whpn a t nt wn i.t
and the steamer went down.
Boaad for LlTcrpool,
Tba Ben Cruachen. which was of 1,378
tons register snd belonged to the Morrison
Shipping company, was on a voyage from
the Orkney Islands to Liverpool with a
general cargo.
Fleetwood Is one of- th principal fish
ing and shipping porta and watering
places on the west cosst.
The same German submarine Is reported
to have sunk two other vessels tn the
vicinity where the Ben Cruachen went
The Ben Cruachen left Cardiff, Tues
day, with 5,000 tons of coal and was on
its wsy to this city, according to the
Liverpool Post, when It met the subma
rine. The rfteamer Graphic with passeagers.
Belfast to Liverpool, the paper says.
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Criminals Must Not
-Be Coddled, He Says
CHICAGO. Jan. 31. -'-Criminals should
not be coddled; reform work, to be ef
fective, must be stern, malefactors should
he allowed to feel that scorn Is felt by
others toward their conduct," Dr. Charlca
R. Henderson, professor of sociology in
the University of Chicago, asserted to
day in sn address before tha Young
Men's Associated Jewish Cheilites.
"if we look upon the criminal as hav,
lng a disease we do him the worst pos
sible service." he said.
"If I shew the criminal that I bate
and detest bis conduct I have more hope
of reforming him. We should not coddla
nor protect him, but should let Mm
know that because of his conduct he has
been placed in prison to protect society.
Reform work in stern, austere, rigorous
Dr. Henderson said h wai oppcaed to
short sentences for confirmed offender!.