Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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r a
New Lin. Established nn Tarn.m
j Street So Thriving Business
! . at the Start.
TVhen Jitney bus twice waa wturtM
yesterday on Farnam street with two
regular antos, all nut two of the people
going down town at 7 a. m. took street
cara rather than try the Innovation on
its first jaunt
However, F. r. Anderson, promoter of
Ithe ba scheme, declared that his two
busea had averaged $1.55 per hour on
three round trips, that the Idea was prov
ing a. big success, tlint since starting the
two buses they had not been able to
haul all the patrons who wanted to ride,
and that four autos wiU be put on the
Farnam line Monday, with eight other
buses running in other parts of the elty.
from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Although everybody was discussing the
"Jitneys," public opinion seemed to be
ivinefi nn inn anmrr Mnm nniAren
dissatisfaction with the- atreet car com
pany: others averred that they preferred
the street cara to the Jitneys.
Par Attention to Jitney.
"We are busy running our street cars
to give continued good service,'' declared
General Manager Leuaslrr of the traction
company, when asked about the Jitney
bust business. "Wo are paying no atten
tion to the jitneys; they don't bother us."
Concerning the rumor that the street
car company might interpose legal ob
starls to the opening of the bus service,
Attorney John L. Webster, of the com
pany, said:
f"We don't give a whoop. The rumor Is
. Jig Joke.. If tho public wants to pay
av nickel to ride in an open, unhealed
automobile,' rather than a warm street
car, let 'em do It. We should worry.
"But when the. publlo treats the Jitney
bus people fairly and ob' an equality
with the street railway company, re
quiring them to get a. franchise, pave
their routes, pay occupation taxes and
so forth, as our company Is doing, the
Jitney bus business will experience a big
"Tho insufficiency of the scheme is
shown by the fact that the buses run
only along the( street railway tracks.
Patrons of the 'bus line will have no re
4 course in case- of accident, for the pro.
f motors are liable to prove Irresponsible,
whereas the street car company is a
responsible corporation' and offers re
course in case of any accident"
General offices of the Jitney promoters
have been opened In the rooms of their
' attorneys, Morrison tt Crow, room 406
I State Bank building. Anderson an-
nounces. He says he believes the people
4 are for the idea and that it will be a
great success.
Lang Joins Anderson.
F. O. Long, who started out to be an
forces with Anderson, the latter says.
A. Schaffer drives his five-passenger car.
The other Jitney running is a seven"
passenger machine, operated by Ernest
Bernstein. Both ran between 'Fortieth
and Sixteenth or Fourteenth on Farnam
street, making a round trip every twenty
Mra.J. Turney Haines is operating an
independent Jitney car cm Farnam street,
and says she will donate the proceeds to
. the City Mission.
Omaha Men Speak on
Hiver Barge Line at
St. Joseph Meeting
St. Joseph business men are buckling
right Into the work of planning a Mis
rourl river barge line, according to J. W.
Gamble, T. B. Coleman and Robert H,
Manley, who were at- St. Joseph Friday
night, attending a big meeting of busi
ness men there to talk over the' pro
The three Omaha men were called
upon to express their opinions of river
lavlgatlon, and they responded with
speeches that reflected the enthusiasm
of Omaha in the Missouri river naviga
tion project. St. Joseph has placed the
matter practically, in the hands of . the
Commercial club of that city, which Is
to go ahead with whatever plans are
made In the future.
In Omaha, the commtftee appointed at
Omaha's . mass meeting a few weeks ago
Is steadily working up data regarding
some details that must be considered be
fore the project can be gene ahead with.
The committee is collecting all the avail
able Information regarding the amount
of tonnage Omaha ehlppera would care
to handle on the river. Thla Information
will be reported back to the trade ex
tension committee of the Commercial
Bridge Schedule
Across River May
Be Changed Some
Rearrangement of train schedules over
local and nearby bridges across the Mis
souri river is rumored as a probability,
because of the present enforcement of
rigid safety regulations on the Union
, Paclflo bridge. Trsfflc men of the rail
roads are said to be planning to make a
protest against the new rules, which are
alleged to seriously delay train service
In Vand out of Omaha. When the pas
senger rush to the California exposition
comes through Omaha, it Is said that
"something wiU have to be done," either
in changing the bridge rules or bringing
the Illinois Central bridge at Omaha aud
the Burlington bridge at Pacific Junction
into more general use.
The safety precaution which is rumor l
to be making the traffic men uneasy. Is
that only one train shall be allowed on
the Union Pacific bridge at a time, be
cause of the great weight of the modern
trains, especially double-header freight
drawn ty the new mogul engines. The
result complained of is thst the precau
tion delaya all trains crossing the river,
and even now sometimes causes conges
tion at each end of the bridge.
Suffrage Women
of State to Meet
Here on Monday
The executive board of the Nebraska
Woman Suffrage association will hold
Its first meeting since the state conven
tion. In Omaha Monday The Lincoln
members will arrive at 10 o'clock Monday
morning and will have Ijncheon at the
Toung Women's Christian association,
following which the meeting will be held
to formulate plans for work for the com
ing year. In the Lincoln delegation will
be Meedames H. II. Wheeler, W. K.
Hardy, F. A. Harrison, W. E. Berkley.
W. 8. Jay and Dr. Ines 1'hllbrlrk. Mrs.
Draper Smith and Miss Daisy Doane are
the local members of the board.
Notice of an appeal from the decision
of District Judge Sutton, Issuing an order
of mandamua compelling the city council
to issue a saloon license to the John F.
Rousar company, said to represent the
I-elsy Brewing company, ha been filed'
b5' Attorney W. J. Connell, who repre
sents Mike Shapiro, the original Protestant.
Are Police Badges
Good on Jitneys?
Sergeant Tstsy Havey and Detective
Jim Donohoe of the police department
were In the superintendent's office dis
cussing jitney buses and the weather.
"What I want to know ts whether our
badges will be good on the Jitneys," re
marked Havey.
The matter has been referred to Chief
H. V. Dunn. '
Auto Drivers Must
,, Wear Their Badges
Announcement is made at the office of
the superintendent of police that arrests
will be made unless delinquent drivers of
motor-driven vehicles take out their li
censes according to the new ordinance.
A prominent cltlsen Is quoted as having
said he would not have his chauffeur's
uniform marred by a badge.
General Villa is
Wounded by One
of His Bodyguard
EI. PASO. Jan. 10. General Villa was
shot and wounded three times last night
by Colonel Rndolfo Fierro. his personal
bodygusrd. according to semi-official ad
vices received here today. The report was
denied by Jtisrea officials.
It was Colonel Flcrro alio killed Wll
llam S. Benton, a British subject. In
Juares last winter, who fired on General
VHIa. Commissions appointed to report
on the murder were never able to obtain
definite results, but they t'.ld obtain of
ficial admissions fixing Flcrro'e respon
sibility. The letter's ferocity gained for
him among Mexican soldiers the name
of butcher."
Of eight boys who appeared In Juvenile
court to answer charges of stealing from
box cars, four were saved from sentences
t? the Kearney Industrial achool by rela
tives and friends who agreed to become
responsible for their future actions. Nich
ols Lorknvlc, li years old, was paroled
to his teacher at Pacific school; Joseph
Fculls. 11. t his sister, and Karl Man
tells. 14, and F.dwsrd Syeer, 15, to their
parents. Tony Senile, I; Lawrence Spa
vin, lp, Joe t'ardella, 1 and Victor Bag
llo. 15, were sentenced to the Industrial
Manufacturers to
Name New Directors
New directors of tho Omaha Manufac
turers' association ore to be elected Feb
ruary S at a meeting at the Commercial
club rooms. Six directors are to be elected
for two-year terms, and one for a term
of one year, to fill the vacancy ac
rasioned by the death of Frank I. Klllck.
The nominating committee has prepared
tho following list from which the seven
directors are to be chosen: F. S. Knapp,
A. N. Baton, J. V. Oamble, TV. J. Mona
han. A. C. Scott, T. B. Coloman. TV. II.
Clark, Frank Freeman, loane Arnold. R.
A. Leussler. Oeorge Swingling. J. 0,8I
ford. C. J, Lee, Sum Rees, Jr.; Emery O,
Crying Boysf Cases
to Be Investigated
Complaints that a number of small
boys have mad a practice of crying on
the downtown streets and of imposing on
the sympathies of klnd-hesrted passersby
have caused Probation Officer Miller to
suggest thst "crying hoys" on the streets
be turned over to the nesrest traffic
"The officer will know whether the
boy Is sn 'old-timer.' " said Mr. Miller.
"Of course If a worthy case Is found we
would like to know of It."
Four New Cases of
Diphtheria at Creche
Four more cases of nnsal diphtheria
have, broken out at the Creche, making
elsht during the last two weel.s. The
patients are being attended at the
Emergency hospital. Health Commis
sioner R. TV. Connell hss ordered that
no children shall be received or sent from
the Creche tir.tll the epidemic has disap
pear I. There are sixteen children now
at the Institution.
Little Girl Given
Permission to Help
Support Family
A girl, 14 years of ase, residing li.
Pheelytown. was made hsppy when At
tendance Officer Carver arranged that
she might leave school snd rngsge Ir
household work t help her mother snu
father snd five brothers and sisters.
Tho father has had one or two d;M s
work a week this winter and the children
hn bad barely enough to eat. An Omaha
woman has taken sn Interest In the girl
and has given her $6 a week, which at the
present time Is maintaining the girl's
mother snd father and the five children,
who are younger than the girl who has
gone to work.
This little worker says she Is happy
to think that she can alleviate In part
the distress of her family.
Have Rrsnlar Bowel Movement.
Take Dr. King's New Llfo Pills and
have a dally easy movement of the bow
els. Cure constipation. Only 26c. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
The city commissioners have postponed
their trip to the northwest part of the
city until next Monday morning, when
tbey expect that members of the Doug
las county legislative delegation will ac
company them. The purpose of the trip
is to investigate the needs of storm wster
sewer facilities in the northwest precincts.
A legislative bill has been introduced to
increase the annual sewer bond letue from
IHW.OU) to UU0.OJ0
Sunday, Jan. 31, 1915-
-Doug. 137
Will Bring Buying Opportunities of Interest to Everyone
ON MONDAY of last week we advertised for
Tuesday's selling a lot of fancy rag nigs at
the very special price of 5c.
We stated that they were "very attractive for
bathrooms or sleeping porch; size 27x54 Inch, va
riety of colors and strictly fast." '"',
The quantity, as stated, something over, 200,
was sold before t0:30 Tuesday morning and three
times the quantity could have been disposed of if
we had had them.
We believed the colors were strictly fast, as
that was the way they were represented to us, but
since the sale we have learned that in one or two
instances the colors have shown signs of running.
To keep faith with the public to live up to
our motto "You find everything here exactly as
represented" we request those who bought the
rugs in question and feel that they are
not as represented, to return them to
us at once, and we will refund the
amount of the purchase or give credit
for them.
r--jc ;""ir'":V
SPECIAL price reductions is the order of the day, and in most instances the saving advantages are ex
treme. The furniture is the product of several of the foremost manufacturers and every piece is backed
by our guarantee of satisfaction. If you have need of an odd piece or two, a new bedroom or dining room suite
or a complete outfit, you should not fail to take advantage of this sale Monday.
Here's, a Big- Special -.Table of For-:
irierly $1.25 to $2.00 SILKS at 98c
WONDERFUL values, consisting of plain and fancy silks,
including 42-inch silk poplins, 40-inch suiting silks, 42
inch crepe de chine, 36-inch stripe taffeta, 32-inch satin stripe
wash silks, 36-inch stripe messalines, 36-inch flowered taf
fetas, 42-inch silk stripe marquisettes, etc. Every favored
shade, also plenty of black and white included.
Flowered Crepe de Chine, 79c
Pretty flowered crepe de chines in all the pretty light shades with
neat designs, 88 Inches wide.
Soft Chiffon Taffeta, 88c
Black chiffon taffetas, soft finish, one of the smartest weaves for
the coming season, SB-Inch.
Black Duchess Satin at 98c
S-inch heavy satin Duchess, beautiful finish rich lustrous black.
Black Faille Sillu at $1.69
36-inch black faille silk, especially desirable for suits and coats
very special.
Barsreaa-k'aak Co. Molo Fl.or.
$2.00 Down Then $1.00 Per Week
ASK especially to be shown the new SET STRAIGHT central needle
feature. This idea permits one to stt in a perfectly comfortable'
position when sewing. Special sale price, $38.00.
No greater machine values are offered than these WHITE.
STANDARD. FREE and HOWE, at about half or less than
half the usual agency prices the bargains represent an Im
portant item. . .
The Fr Sewing Machine (uasd)
special sale price Monday..,..
Standard Arrow Sewing Machine, spe
cial sale price Monday
The Howe No. 170 Sewing Machine,
special sale price Monday
1 New Home Sewing Machine, special
sale price Monday
White Sewing Machine (used), spa- frO
clal sale price Monday.. , . . . . y&0. I O
$25.00 Mahogany Finish Settee, $18.00
Mahogany finish, seat and back, upholstered
with No. 1 Spanish leather, was in rf
$25.00, Sale price $ lO.UU
$20.00 Mahogany Finish Chair, $15.00
The chair is to match settee de- Air nn
scribed above. Waa 20, sale price.) 1 d.UU
$18.00 Parlor Chair for $13.00
Mahogany finish, to match settee dj nn
described above.. was 118, for )lvU
$11.50 Fumed Rocker for $6.50
Fumed oak rocker, upholstered with genuine
Spanish leather seat. 16-coll j-v
Bprlngs, was 811.50, sale price, .....Jpv.vU'
$5.00 Solid Oak Rocker, $2.95
Weathered solid oak rocker with saddle seat,
an extra value at $5.00. Sale 0 jr
price . f Z.lfd
$6.00 Sewing Rocker for $4.25
Sewing rocker, mahogany or golden oak fin
ish with drawer under seat for j )r
thread, etc. Was $8.00, for O
4-Piece Bedroom Suite
enamel chiffonier,
sale prtce.
White enamel dresser, was $68.50.
Sale Price...'.
White enamel dressing table, waa
$32.50. Sale price ,
White enamel bad, was $30.75.
Sale price
$40.00 Circassian Bed, $35.00
Circassian walnut bed. full size. Napoleon
style, beautifully matched, waa doc An
$40.00. Sale price... ..pOJ.UU
i ' Bare Co. Thlr4 Floor.
$22.50 Parlor Settee for $15.00
Mahogany finish, upholstered with genuine
Spanish leather back and seat.
$70.00 Grcassian Dresser, $52.00
Circassian walnut dresaer, 24x52 top, swell
front, French beveled plate mlr-
ror, waa $70.00,
$40.00 Circassian Dresser, $30.00.
Circassian walnut dresner, 24x45 .top, two
small and two large drawers, was f nn nn
$40.00. Sale price )JU.UU
$65.00 Dressing Table for $49.00
Circassian walnut dressing table, top 22x48,
triple mirror, was $66.00. Sale ia A A
price $4y.UU
$80.00 Circassian Dresser, $60.00
Circassian' walnut dresser, 24x52-inrh top,
heavy beveled plate mirror, was n nn
$80.00. Sale prloe OU.UU
This Sale of BRASS and IRON BEDS Will Appeal to You
THEY are floor samples, onlv one of a kind, and in some instances they have become slightly scratched and marred. But
in every instance we consider them values of unusual importance to every home provider. Every one represents the very
best make:
Verms Martin 3-4 bed, waa $4.50, now reduced to. . .-. . .$2.95
Vernia Mrtin full sixc bed, waa $6.25 now for $4775
Vernis Martin 3-4 size bed, waa $8jQ0, now for .$5.50
White Enamel fulF size bed, was $12.50, now for $8.00
White Enamel full size bedwaa $12.50, now for. ... . .$7750
Brass Bed, full size, waa $10.50, now reduced to $7750
Brass Bed,fuTl size, waa $18.00, now reduced to $12.50
Brasa Bed, full size, was $49.00, now reduced to .
Brasa Bed, full size, waa $25700, now reduced to.
Braaa Bed, full aize, waa $35.00, now reduced to. .... .
Brass Bed, fuinilze, was $35.00, now reducecTto.
Braaa Bed, full aize, was $21.00, now reduced to :
Brass Bed, full size, was $30.00, now reduced to
Brasa Bed, full' sue, was $38.00, now reduced to
Bnrsf -.h p. Third floor.
These MATTRESS Values Offered
1 8 1
For Monday Are Most Unusual
THE reason: They- we're slightly soiled or torn in trans
portation and the railroad company made good the loss
to us. We have mended the torn places and the values are
really most remarkable. This idea:
45-Ib. all felt. mattress, was $6.75, special for Monday. .$4.50
Extra quality felt mattress, was $7.50, special Monday. .$4.50
Heavy roll edge felt mattress, was $10.75, special for. .$6.50
Felt mattress, art tick covering, was $6.50, special for . . $4.25
Combination mattress, 3-6, was $5.25, special Monday. .$2.95
Heavy roll edge felt mattress, was $14.50, special for. .$10.00
Extra quality felt mattress, was $16.75, special for. .$12.00
Joppa heavy roll edge mattress, waa $12.00, special. .$7.50
Joppa felt mattress, was $15.00, special Monday, for. .$10.00
Harc.aa-Naali C ThlrS Floor.
$27.50 Extra Heavy Seamless Ax
minster RUGS, Monday at $18.50
C ULL room slxe, 9x12 feet, extra heavy axmtnster In a variety of
splendid new colors and dealgns.
$20.00 Axminster Rugs for $12.50
9x12 feet else, new line of colors and attractive designs.
$18.50 Velvet Rugs for $13.50
s Seamless velvet rugs, size 9x12 feet, good selection of new patterns.
$4.50 Axminster Rugs, $3.95
Axminster rugs, size 3x6 feet, good selection. .
$3.75 Axminster Rugs, $1.95
36x63 Inches, floral and oriental design, very special.
$1.35 Mat Rugs, $1.00
Mats, site 18x36 inches, very desirable patterns and colors. '
$2.25 Velvet Rugs, $1.10 i
Size 27x64 Inches, assortment of patterns. i
$2.50 Axminster Rugs, $1.95
' Size 27x54 Inches, new line of colors and designs.
Burs.aa-Na.h toTBlrd floor.
Thousands of Pieces of the Famous POLAR BLUE and POLAR
79c J?
THERE are ten groups, every piece strictly first quality, guaranteed to be perfect,
eludes practically every piece of enamelware you could fliink of and at a price
half" the regujar. An opportunity every thrifty housewife will take advantage of.
. Worth to 17c, at
including milk pans, drink
ing cups, pot covers and
araall kettles, worth to 17c,
choice Be
Worth to 49c, at
Covered buckets, Berlin
kettles, large preserving
kettles, large milk pans,
sauc pana and preserving
kettles, worth to 49c, your
choice at 25c
Worth to 25c, at
Including sauce pans, pud
ding pans, .custard cups,
milk pans, pie plates, etc.,
worth to 25c, choice... 10o
Worth to 35c, at
Including wash basins, fry.
lng pans, sauce pans, pre
serving kettles, pudding
pans, dippers, largo milk
pans, worth to 35c, choice
at 19c
Worth to 65c, at
Coffee pots, tea pots, col
lenders, pitchers, Berlin
kettles, dish pans, sauce
pans, large preserving ket
tles, worth to 65c, at.. 39c
Worth to 89c, at
Including roasting , pani,
large Berlin kettles, dish
pans, coffee and tea pota,
aauce pans, regularly sell
to 89c, choice st 49o
loreooo-Naak Co. !!.
Worth to $1.00, at
Water palls, rice boilers,
dish pans, coffo. and tea
pots, pitchers, Berlin ket
tles, worth to 11.00; your
choice at 59c
Worth to $1.15, at
Oval dish pans, tea kettles,
rice boilers, coffee ppts,
water palls, sauce pans,
etc., worth to $1.15; your
choice at 69o
The assortment in
that averages about
' ' Enamelware
.Worth to $1.35, at
Including dint) pans, wster
palls, rice boilers, coffee
pots, tea kettles, sauce
pans, worth to $1.35; your
choice at 79c
Worth to $1.65, at
Tea kettles, stove pots,
water palls, oval dish pana,
Berlin kettles, rice boilers,
sauc pans, worth to $1.65;
choice at lac
Women's 50c Hose, 25c
Black Imported lisle thread hose, em
broidered Instep. Were 50c, of
Monday , ...PC
Rors.M-.aak Co Mala Floor-I.
"everybody's store"
25c and 35c Lorraine
Tissues at 12 Vic
HIRU, are the highest
grade sheer wash fab
rics made in this country.
Admirably adapted for mak
ing all kinds of good (wash
able garments for women,
miesea and children. The allk
embroidered tissues are worth
35c the yard. New Ideas in
checks, stripes 'and plaids; are
worth 25c the yard. Remember,
all I.orraine tissues sold here
during this special sale are guar
anteed to be absolutely fast in
color. 2jc and 25c,
values. From the
bolt Monday at, per
New Seersucker Ginghams'
at 9c Yard.
K most desirable wash fabric,
makes delightful house dresses,
children's wear. etc. All the
new patterna, light and de
sirable colore, will wash n
and wear well; at, yard ,. JC
Muslin at 3Vsc
Bleached and unbeached yard-wide
muslin. Thousands of yards to buy
from desirable lengths, at. n 1
yard ... OiC
Boraraa-.Vaak Co Baarat.ot.