- THE OMAHA (SUNDAY- JtKK: JAXUAHY .11. 191'). 0-B v m. Mi m rm t .- v - -"i ei A r s . a , ;! v J Qy- C .T . . fo at the onrtiui'M next wkek r... .t alii '. B ' T'B f ' . , , 5 V - -I H IE O At 1 1 fit en e Grpheum Dohba HE GREATEST production of tlio decade In the way of varied thrills and etartling stage ef fects is "The Whip." the Drury Lano sensation which comes to the Brandcis theater tomorrow night for the entire week with matinees on Wednesday aiid Saturday. This new entertainment by Cecil Raleigh and Henry Hamilton comes after ter for three days, beidnninir Sun (lav s uio aecaoe in me way or varied February 14. is the third woman to write I thrills and startling stage ef- an Olcott play. Rlda Johnson Tounx f ur- nwnea Mr. uicott with Bau a doken ve hicles, and Mrs. Olcott, wife of the star, was part author of one of the most Suc cessful, "Ragged Robin." Miss Oothers' play la said to be far different from any thing the -Irish player has evep had. It is bachelor's romance, with Its scenes two years' run In London and a sea-1 lld In Ireland during the fompart of the on's stay at the Manhattan opera'house, nineteenth century. The new' songs which New York. It comprises four acts and Mr. Olcott introduces are sejld to be tho thirteen scenes and the roaasivenesa of most charmlpg he has had In many sea- iiio piuuuciiun may oe gauged noin taeiDulla- fact that five special trains are neces sary to carry the scenery, not taking Into consideration tha company of 100, and the horses and dogs used during the perform ance. " The story of "The Whip" is based upon a race horse bearing that name who has been bred by a titled nobleman. It shares his affections with his daughter who In sists, horn-ever, upon sharing .her affec tions with ' a certain lordllng! Various things happen to interrupt the course of true , love. An adventuress who loves him gees so far as to make a captain,, a disappointed suitor for the hand of tho heroine, marry ber, pretending he Is "the lordling In order that there may be no marriage with the daughter of the titled sportsman. Their engagement Is an nounced, but the adventures here brings forward her proofs of marriage and they are therefore separated. The ruined suitor for the heroine's hand is Interested In what horto will win the great race at Newmarket. In the mean time the heroine gives the hero a tip that "The 'Whip" will win and he plunges heavily with the -bookmakera. . The villain now seea that the only thing to do is to render it impossible for the horse to win this race. So he plots to have the car In which the animal la to be taken, to Newmarket uncoupled from the train and wrecked. The faithful trainer, of the horse gets wind of he plot,. uui ioo iaie io lane immediate action. But the train is pursued by an automo bile and the horse is rescued Just as the following express comes along and smashes tha box car into splinters. The .villain then decides to have the jockey who will ride "The 'Whip-' ar rested just as the race ls about to start. Jie does this, but' tho sporting spirit of tho crowd at Newmarket stands In the way, and the Jockey is dragged away from the detectives and thrown on the horso. He wins the race and makes a rich man out of the young lord who as pire' to the heroine's hand. Now only the fraudulent marrlase stands between him snd the !rl of hi choice. The cler gyman who performed that feremony confesses his guilt and everything 'ends happily. "A Fair Of Sixes," the sensational farce hit of New York and Chicago, which will be the attraction at the Brandeis theater Sunday and Monday, February 7 and 8, with matinee Monday, is decidedly .Amer ican In story, characters and treatment. which means that Its fun and humor has the element of Vpontanelty and is ex pressed with unhesitating swiftness.' The characterizations re In the hands of capable players, the principal male comedy part .of T. Boggs Johns being presented by Harry O. Stubbs, who will be remembered by Omaha theater-goers as one of the funny "Charley's Aunts" In Frohman'a production of that name. The part of Coddles, the EnglUh slavey, which stands pre-eminent amon the rest of the cast, is played by Hita Carlyle, English actress of considerable note. Miss Car lyle was tha original MUs Hazy In "Mrs. AViggs of the Cabbage 1'aUh." Kat hel Crothers. author of ' The Heart of Paddy Whack,'' In which Chauacey Olcott will be seen at the Ilrandels thta- The attractions at the Brandeis theater February 21, 23 and 23. will be "Under Cover," a new.' melodrama ef modern American life, tajf Roi Oooper Megrue, pre sented -under tho direction of Selwyn & Co., the firm' which rave "Within the Law" to the stage. ."Under Cover" In described as an exciting .up-to-the-minute detective play that abounds in thrills, laughs and surprises. , tlh ThauleighmnJ ileznt Al- ttltt Empress hers, along with tie shrewdness that makes tha store a "go." As; she quietly, but surely helps Holbrook to realise the be'st that Is In him, and as she also re organises the lives of several other peo ple, the heroine of the play wins a warm spot In the heart of the audience. ' Maggie Pepper will be- played by Miss McHenry, whose ability as an actress will be augmented by the charm of her personality In the role. -Edward Lynch, v Coming to tha 3rS2idi as young Holbrook, will also have splen did opportunity to add to his popularity, the character being one that will give him a chance for his best work. Mario Palmer, Grace Belle Dale and Flora Kramer are new members of the com pany V appear this week. Director Bliss has given the piece his usual care and skill In production. . Matinees will be played today, Wednesday and Saturday, and on Tuesday evening the special so clety night feature will be concert num bers between the four acts by Miss Hasel Silver. Al Reeves' "Beauty Show" will begin Give Uniaue Program of Old English Songs For the Orpheum's headline act this week the vividly colored muslcul comedy. "The Red Heads," with James B. Carson as 'funster-lnfchlef, will be brought to Omaha Newspaper , reviewers In cities I over the Orpheum circuit have declared that the offtrlng Is the mosl lavishly pro-' duced of sy act in vaudeville. William ' La Barea is responsible for the book, and tha music waa composed by Robert Hood sowers. . a ne cast is a large one ana is augmented by an attractive chorua Mr. Carson, is a character comedian, who was last seen In Omaha with Oaby Deslys. "Behind the Grandstand" Is the title of the clever skit to be presented by Harry and Emma Sharrocks. The act glvea a fine idea of the life of the Nomads. Known as 'the Three Rubes." Bowers, Walters and Crocker have a most unique comedy act Music and aerial antics are conspicuous in their lauf h-eompelllng nonsense. One of the recent teams to score em phatically in vaudeville Is Tony Hunting and Corjnne Francis. Their offering is cabled "A. Love Lozenger." Their work i of a sort to create an abundance of fan. ' ' One. of the most diverting novelties scheduled for -the week is to be contrib uted by Herbert Dyer, assisted-by Peter Alyin. who make this their first visit to the Orpheum In Omaha. Original songs and amusing patter are' features of the act to be contributed by Mildred Orover. It is said that as a comedienne she compares most favorably with Irene Franklin. Described as two musiral wizards, Al Lewis and D. H. Bunnell play a varied assortment of instruments, including cello, mandolin, harp and banjo. Vocally, too, the act they offer is said to be very pleasing. Once again this week the Orpheum Travel Weekly will project interesting views of ctraage places the world over. The Misses Dorothy, Rosalind and Charles Klein's engaging play. "Maggie I Cynthia Fuller of Sturmineter Newton, Pepper," written for Rose Stahl and In Dorset, England, will give a recital of which she starred for some time, is the English, Scottish and Irish folk songs at offering' by Manager Burgess at the th Boyd theater Tuesday afternoon, Feb Boyd all this week, commencing with a ruary t, at i p. m. The entertainment will matinee today. It Is the Interesting story I be under the auspices of the alumnae of of a shop girl, who has worked up to a ' th9 Sacred Heart academy. The singers prominent position in an old and badly I w111 appear in early Victorian costumes 1 run down department store. She almost I and the songs will have an Irish harp sen aiacnarged lor frankly expressing , accompaniment, wnicn is supplied ny mis her opinions about the store management, Cynthia, the youngest of the fair trio, but is saved by the young man who has Their srt Is lovely and unusual, and Just inherited the buaineea He makes hardly any other muslrsl entertainment her the 'virtual manager and through her ' ' o Intimately and quaintly delightful, business acumen and enterprise, the store No one who has heard the singers need Is reorganised and continued as a treat be told of their personal charm or f the success. The best part of the story Is beauty of their speaking as well as their the love affair that gradually springs up ' singing voice Indeed, their mellow In between Maggie, the shopwomsn, and tonatlon and rrlsply-aeccnted enunciation young. Hollirook, her boss. Delightful convey to flie American ear more of the humor and lovable womanly (races are rich beauty of our lansuage than It I by ' ) . V' v (SZ I V ? Hisses , Isn enrajtenvent of a wrok at tha HTulnr !yety theater this afternoon. And fnM the advance annnunoenirut It locks a though many fnaturee (ircldeilly new In this form of entertainment have been provided by tho ropulur comedian. In the first place, the name In h rust Hive mirnni'd of a rattling goi.1 pcr-frinnti-e. Anions: I hem. Iieslilra .Mr. !tyves himself. Rre such fsoi:0ily re garded performers a Wilbur Dotiba and 'amnile Wrlpht, who 'or Several nrawms were ("tars of their own rompanv; Fred 4'olltns, who ,1'i"t nattrslly a. funnv entertainer and singer, alo a pl-iycr of character part, who hsn a lonx list of successes to his credit. Then tliero Is Irfiule nice, the famous nrfct talented per former who has made a host of admir ers, especially among tho Inii'lemiue lov ing public, all over I he country; Martfn Austin and Mabel Blake, two Sprightly and exceedingly clever comediennes; Helen Western and Tnxlrt Avers, who combine graceful dancing with conspicu ous ability as entertainers. Thlrly-slx stunningly pretty girls aro said to have been secured, and the Roeves tttandard In the matter of costumo equipment for them, It Is reasonable to assume, has been fully maintained. The musical nunv bera for this season s rhow have been very carefully chosen, and It Is Mr. Reeves' good fortune to have secured the authority of Ueorge M. Cohan to IneJude. the popular author and composer a stir ring "American Itagtlme." for tho list. Starting tomorrow there will be a ladles' dime matinee dally. Headlining the vaudeville b!?l at the populnr Empress this week Is Mmlo Moore's latest production entitled, "The Enchanted Forest." This Is a fantastic fancy from nursery land and a musical playlet that will please both the old and young boys and girls. In the cast are seven popular musical remedy actors and they render six musical hits. Frawley and Hunt offer a new line of gymnastics. These comedy and sensa tional aeriallsta draw a laugh at every turn and have caused delay lit every bill in which they take part due to the largo number of bows they were forced to take. Ernie Forrest, the xylophone expert, of fers a rapid fire line of ballads and popu lar hits. Mr. Forrest has a list of num bers at the nd of -his 'fingers. Closing the vaudeville bill Is Copeland, Draper, & , Co.,. In ' a ' highly humorous comedy . sketch entitled. "Two Rooms Full of Fun." The comedy all trans pires outside of rooms number 44 and 45, in which the Janitor, the landlord and the roomer all tako part - ' f , The picture attraction for the week Is Wildfire," In which America's ' moet beautiful woman, LUHan Russell, takes the leading part.' This photo-dram, la In five parts and It Is asserted that It Is more complete than the original legiti mate production. An all star cast sup. ports Miss Russell and the picture has been pronounced as a great sued see by the big picture houses of the east. A notable selection of motion picture mssterpleces has been booked .for this week at the Hipp theater by Manager Schlank. Famous stars of the stage will be seen In feature film productions of well known and successful plays by load ing playwrights. As a special attraction for Sunday only, George Klein's gripping drama, "The Gamblers," will be shown In five reels, with Ethel Clayton and George Soule Spenoer in the chief roles. Clara Kimball Young, supported by Mil ton Sills and a strong cast, will be seen Monday and Tuesday In a five-part Llobler produotlon of "The Deep Purple,' the thrilling drama that created such a stir not long ago and gave Paul Arm strong and Wilson Mlxner much of the fame they enjoy as playwrights. Harold McOrath's most famous romantlo novel, "The Qoose Girl." has been produced In pictures by arrangement with the publishers, the Bobba-Merrlll com pany. Jesse 1m Lesky has Just brought It out as a Paramount picture, with the dainty Broadway star, Marguerite dark, In the title role. It will -be shown at the Hipp Wednesday and Thursday. For Friday and Saturday, the amazing series of comedy complications, "After Five." written by Cecil B. and William C. De Mllle, will be tho attraction. Edward Abeles, who played Brewster so well, Is the laugh dispenser In "After Five." Theodore Roberts, who played the villain In " Jim the Penman," Is also In the cast. AMI eiCMKST. AMKF.MKm often privileged to bear at home. They come to sing, not to speak, how ever, and the material In which their voices are heurd Is taken from tho wealth of folk songs that the British people have produced. Much ran be said In praise of these folk songs. The beautiful songs of England are dying rapidly from the Hps of the people, Happily, patient collectors have rescued them when they were on the point of extinction. Homo of these sung by tho Misses Fuller have barely been rescued, and sometimes only one old peasant could be found who remembered the words Mrs. Fuller, In Iter little English village, sang them and brought up her daughters to sing them. Theso girls are natural artists, their methods fit their songH en tirely, they sing as simply as the peas ants sing. They have youth, freshness and Joy in their work . MUSICALE FOR SOCIAL SETTLEMENT WEDNESDAY At the Social Settlement concert, which will he given February 3 at 4 o'clock at the residence of Miss Jessie Millard, 600 South Thirtieth street, the following pro gram will be given; Pastorale Scarlottl Tausla Impromptu. Chopin Mrs. croroot, Im Wunderschoenen Monat Mai A us Melnentraneu gpreiascn 7.. .Robert Schuman Wenn Ich In Doine Augen sen Jtonert Hchuman Ich Grolle Nlcht itobert buhum&n Mrs Root. Kol Nldre Max Bruch Miss Burners. 1 st Parting James H. Rogers Will o' the Wisp .Charlea Gilbert Sproas Miss .Mats. Preludes Nocturne e flat; Nocturne f sharp Chopin Mrs. Crofoot. On the Shore W. H. Neldllnger Because Ouy d' Hardelot Mrs. Root. Adoration Felix Borowskl Hungarian Dance Drdla Miss Homers. Mhl Cough Believed. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey eases your cough, soothes the lungs and Invites sleep. Only 2Gc. All druggists. Advertisement. AMI N Week of Sunday, Jan. 81 fl A 'A BCXaTLO MOOKX'g ENCHANTED FOREST g antes tie Vorsery Bhrmes (,'aiieland, Draper ct (H. Presenting- Koom. 44 aad . 45 KH.MK FOKKKHT gymphony Xylopapnlst - KRAWLEY & HUXT Comedy Aeriallsts. America's Kost Beautiful Weuiaa LILLIAN RUSSELL WILDFIRE A Sbubert restore la Tire Tarts 10c -ADMISSION. B starved sets 100 Xatra 10c 4 BRANDEIS THEATRE CRAWFORD, PH1LLEY L ZEHRUNG. Mgrs. Tnnnnnnn and all this week I wif Iwtlllw i J MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY , . ...,.., , SSJJM JtkUmmnV.,r i.i .. 'J'V This is Not a Piclurt, But tha Gnalcst Sensation Ever Seen in Omaha Two year in llrury ljuie Tlientro, London, Mix month In Chlcajro; one jpur in Xew York. , rtlieti-a JM.oO; N row Balcony $1.00, Uniaindcr J T.Vj Hiilconv (He.serveil) ROc. 1 llK(JAI .MATIN KK VK!IAY Kent Seal 1. PRICES I wx. FEBRUARY 7TH and 8TII Vliii?fE rEr' "A PAIR OF SIXES" SLS Funny Fares Matinee .Monday llest Heats tl.OO Tomorrow lCvenlntr 2 V to flJiO ' ff2Smmmm' mi j MBlHIPP Advanced Vaudeville Week Sit ti f Sun. Mil, Jan. 11 Bally Katlnee. ills KUnts, 1:19 THE RED HEADS with JAS. B. CARSON A TlrliUy Colored Kasloal Comedy Harry SHARROCKS Emma "Belli nd the Orandstand". THE THREE RUBES Bowers, Walters and . Croaker. Tomr ooBiirtTB HUNTING AND FRANCIS ; " Love Losnfer." HUBERT DYER ASSBTSD BT BXTXB AX.TIBT A LaiiRll a Krcond. MILDRED GROYER Exulunlve Honira and fisytnsa. AI.LEWIS&RUSSELL--D,H, Tile Mualcal Wtxarda. ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY The World at Work and nay. Around the world with the Or. rlieiim Circuit's Motion l'lcture IMiotosTupliers. t rrloes, Katlaee, rallery, lOe. Best seats (eaoept Raturday and na day), B So. Bleats, 100, 850, 600 ana 7Bo. THEATER SoaTlaa tftt ISth&Harnay -SPECIAL TOSAY OKLY- liUMn ft-part Materpioc , "The Gambler's" Hy niAIiLKrl KLEIV 1 MONDAY AND TUESDAY XAK KIMIlAMi YOUNG In a lilebler l'Vntnre "The Deep Purple" . P.U'Ij AHMSTIIOXCH FAMOl'H PliAY' y WEDNESDAY 4V THURSDAY li.SKY rUKSKNTS DAINTY MARGUERITE CLARK "The Goose Girl" Hy llAIUlM) McCJRATIt ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Paramount Laura "After Five" With Edward Abeles ef "Brewsters acillonsi" Theodore Boberts of "fim tbs reamaa.' aad ether stars "OKABA'S TV9 CBBTXB" Dally Mat, IS-SB-BOs Xrfs., lB-ao-o-7s Tikrrinu in,- vmm ru n ir AL. REEVES mi Big Beauty Show Wilbur IinblM. Helon Wml.rn. Hmml Wrlxht. Al. IUmvi. diftmoudliJ lulr Rlc, Auitln A 1 lllMke, Krrd CoHlin, Mlr A flmliK. Al. 1U' tii-ui-iiHsrt tim u very pvnormaac. we twK Hwiutr CThom this mv n. Xadies' Blme Katlnee Ersry Week Say. Y. W. C. A. THURSDAY, FEUIIUAUY 4 Le Baron-Wheatly Operatic Recital Louise Ia Baron, Kssso Contralto. Walter Whoatley, Teaor. Moes eiO Ml 60c. Beats on sale at Ilayden's Mualo Dept. BOYD DOUG. 19 19 Arnold Daly as Oralr Keaaedy la THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE Craia Kennedy has lield millions of read ers of the Oonmopolltan inaaaxlne spell, bound for years. Written by Arthur B. Iteeves, tbe best detective flotlon writer f toilay. BMsodes 1 aad TndiT. Il.tlnu a,aA. LOTHROP THEATER, 24th & Lothrop What Chane Haa a ft Clrl In Bualnaaa g ' BEGIKKING MATIREE TODAY Tonight and All Week ROSE STAHL'S BIQ SUCCESS MAGGIE PEPPER the Htruxgle of a Shop Girl in BJjc atr TUE8., FEB. 2 80CIETY NIGHT Miss HAZEL GILVER Xiyrlo BopTaao Between Acta Mat. Wd., Sat. X5o Nlghta X5o and 60o Beat Week the threat BboW BIQ JIM CinSITY 11 A vT isTIW Ii f WWVWVWlIi I ra -a m i m Bvi,iBifBB mi ram imi .. ... - i i "Si I iWU. B I ! II ill I I Wi I SM xi Mid- Winter SALE lleautlful IMumonds, brilliant, spark ling unniH, any style solid sold mount ing rinxa, atuda, acaj f pins, ear screws, l.a VallierM, liroo:iirn. lokats. Wrist iM.t'hfs. In m-oletn. ladles' and men's soli sold and aold filled watrliea. Also a com- Ijlete line of s;old Jewelry, hand bates, vanity cusos. Solid silverware and fine plated ware, rut alass. clocks, toilet articles la sets and sinicle pieces, and a full stuck of novelties. ALL OR OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS SOLID GOLD WRIST WATCH M'lth rkUd Gold Kxteptiion Kracelet, 10 Wrist Watch ease and bracelet are botli fine solid irolit Lever aet, full nickel Jeweled, either white or (old fJOl 1r diaL Guaranteed 9&4ll3 Call or write for Illustrated Jewelry Catalog No. yul. Hione IHjukUs 1444 aiKt our salesman will call. Opes 2aUy TU1 Saturday Till t:30 LOFTIS BROS. (SI CO. The Old Itellable Original Diamond and Vath 4 rtnlit Houji KAZB n.OOB, CITT batzobai babx block, 409 Bo. 16th St.. Cor. 16th and Barney Bts.. Omaha. Opposite Bnrress-Bash Co. Deuemneat Store. 89