THE OMATTA PTTXPAT BEE: JANUARY 81, 1915, J B What Women Are Doing in the World mm Clab falridw. SI'NPAT Tonne; Wonmi'i Christian as sociation veeper service at 4 SO o'cloric. llo Study club. Miss Mildred Rubel hostess, f MONDAY -Open program by art depart ment, following business meeting of Omaha Woman's club. Dundee tMroio, ChIM Conservation league, Mrs. K. 8. Martin hostess. Tennyson study circle, M ra. V. 1a . L.ylo hostess. T IT EKDAT Omaha chapter, Daughters of the Ameriran Revolution, Mra. George B. Iarr hostess, literature de partment, 8outh Omaha Woman's club, library hall. Oratory department. Woman's club 10 o'clock, fienson circle, Mra. William Urquhart hostess. U. S. tlrant Woman's Relief Corps, Memorial hall. Sermo club, Youna Women's Christian association, Mrs. George Ge hardt. hostess. WKDNE-SPAY Mil Sigma club. Mrs. Ti. W. Gunther hostess. Story tellers' sertion, Association of Collegiate Alumnae, Mlas Helen Nason hostess. Clio club, lira. K. McEachron hostess. Literature department, Mrs. K. M. Syfert leader. Katharine Oliver McCoy, reading under auapires Woman's club, :1R o'clock. South Side circle, Castellar school. Book club, public library. Omaha Snffrsa-e association, BarlKht hall. South Omaha Woman's club, mustcalH at high school. Young Women's Christian association, election of officers. THl'KSiDAY "maha Story Tellers leaKue, public library. Dramatic sec don. Association of Collegiate Alumnae, Mid. Victor Parrlsh hoateas. French department. Woman's club. !him) economics department. Woman's club, Kmma Hoaglitnd Flower mlaalon. FRIDAY North Side circle. Child Con servation league. Monmouth Park school. Bemis Park circle, Mrs. J. V. Nli-holas hostnus. Mrs. N. H. Nelson, president of Woman's club, at home for club members. Omaha Seclety of Fine Arts, Young Women's Christian assocla ation. 8 o'clock. Dorcas club, Mrs. B. J. Hatch, hostess. SATfliDAY Major Isaac Sadler chapter. Daughters of American Revolution, Mrs. T. VV Burehmore hoatess. (Notices for this column should, be malted or telephoned to the club reporter befoxe Friday noon.) HE red letter flay on the club P"W" I woman's calendar comes In I I the middle of March, when the lean Revolution convention will be held In Omaha, at the new Forrtenelle hotel. Tills will be the first convention to be held In this hotel. A number of special affairs are planned In connection with the meeting, one of which will be a large tea, to be given at the home oC Mrs. Donald Macrae In Coun cil Bluffs, Friday afternoon, March 19, following tho adjournment of the conven tion. A barwiuet will also be arranged for Thursday evening, March' 18, at the hotel.' It is probable, that an Invitation will be extended - to .the. Sons of the American Revolution for this affair also. Among the distinguished guests at the meeting will be Mrs. George Thatcher Guernsey of Independence, Kan., state regent and a candidate for the office of national regent; Mrs. Charles Bassett, historian general, and Mrs. Drayton W. Uushncll of Council Bluffs, honorary vice nrAalitnnt snnnrol , Mrs. Warren Perry, state regent, and Mrs. Charles II. Aull, vice state regent, are In charge of the program. They are being assisted in the arrangements by the presidents of the two local chapters, Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm of the Omaha, and Mrs. R. E. McKelvy of the Major Isaao Sadler chapter. . Members of -these two chapters .have sent out cards announcing tnar they present the name of Mrs. Aull for the office of state regent. The members of chapters In the eastern part of the state feci that the oCfloe should be tilled here as the regents for the last nine years have been from, the central or western part of the state. Mra. Aull and Mrs. Guernsey, candidate for the national of fice, are slaters. i i Mrs. Katharine Oliver MoCoy of Ken ton, O., the noted Scotch reader, comes to Omaha Wednesday evening;, to give a reading of Percy MacK aye's "Tomorrow" tinder the auspices of the Omaha Woman's club. The reading will be given at the Metropolitan hall. An Invitation has been extended to ail mothers' clubs of the city. Miss McCoy, who Is known as the dean of Scotch readers, appeared In Omaha two years ago under the auspices of the Young Women's Christian association, at which time she gave a reading of "Bunty Pulls the Strings." "Tomorrow" Beats with the much-discussed eugenics prob lem. . 1 Mrs. Thomas W. Burehmore will be nosiem lor a meeting or Major Isaac readier chapter. Daughters of the Amerl can Revolution, at her home, 211 South Thirty-third street. Saturday afternoon. Miss Cassis Reys will read, a paper on "Martha Washington." Election of dele gates to the state convention to be held in oraana in Murcn and also of delegates to the national convention to be held in Washington, D. C, a month later will tane place. Omaha chapter, Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, will be entertained at tho home of Mrs;- George B. Darr Tues day alternoon. Mrs. Sarah Sanborne 'will read a paper, one of a series that are be ing prepared for each meeting, on "The Story of the Revolutlou." Election of delegates to the state convention will be held. Jha Omaha Story Tellers' league meets Thursday afternoon at 4:115 o'clock In the lecture room of the nubile llhrarv. stnriea rom Italian literature will be the subject of the afternoon's program, under the leadership of Mra. G. D. Rice. A story of Italian folklore, "Patient Griselda," by Boceacclo, will be told by Mrs. G. H. Payne, "Plnocchlr," an Italian fairy tale by C. Collodi, will be told by Miss Rosicky and a hero story, "Boyhood of Garibaldi," by Mrs. E. G. Hampton. The Woman's Relief Corps Memory Day association. Including ropreserJtatives from each of the three relief corps. Grant, Crook and Custer, held Its annual meet ing Thursday afternoon at Memorial hall. The officers are as follows: President, Mrs. George U. Eddy; vice president, Mrs. G. II. Schleh; secretaryj Mrs. Anna.E. lloiifih; treasurer, Wins Clara Feenan; chaplain, Mrs. .4. Stevens; press reporter, Mrs. W. MacMsrray. The committees are: Monument, Miss Fsenan, Mra Helen J. Shields, Mra B. A. Diffenbacher- flower. Mcsdamea Perry Wheeler, Anna Long. J. W. Foley; program. Me dame a Nellie Toney, Beulab Davis, Mattle Mc Crumra; finance, Mesdames Helens Thlem, M. Pennant, Stebblns. The next meeting will be held thee last Thursday In February. V. 8. Giant Woman's Relief corps No. K'l will hold its regular business meeting Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Me morial hall. T1k home economics department of Jlid' Woman's duo Is arranging a par ticularly interesting program for the TO GIVE READING BEFORE THE OMAHA WOMAN'S CLUB. I - J - ' v AVr s - -. '-! V .'-". N- .s .' ' " ' 1 y, v;'--"' -1 - ''' ' - r ' a 1 1 , rsvw V I Mrs. Themaneon on "Sanitation In Our City and the Portal Iuty of rienllncs." An open dlscuaalon, '1s the Boycott Good?" will be held and the music selec tions will be from Orlet;. Following the program a social hour will be enjoyed and tea will be served. The Tennyson chapter of the Chautau qua Literary circle will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. W. C. I-ylc, Park avenue. ' The lejwon In "Among Kngllah Hedgerows." will he led by Mrs. W. Halterman. and tlint In "Democratic England" by Mrs. J. R. Wcbaler. The history lesson will be in charge of Mrs. T. O. Putnsm. sH Katharine OlwvrTX'Coy PRESIDENT OF Y.' W. C. A. IS SLATED FOE RE-ELECTION. A) if Ilrjr.Jn.-Aiktn. meeting Thursday morning, at which time members of the PapUllon Woman's club will be guests of honor; The last program on "Labor Saving "Devices," which, was postponed on account ' of Inclement weather, will be given under the direc tion of Mrs. W. R. Blrney and there will be a display from one of the local stores. There will also be a' number of food dem onstrations. The members' of the depart ment will bring' sandwiches and luncheon will be served, tho meeting contlnulg utll about I o'clock.' An-invitation has been extended to all club members to be pres ent ' The Omaha Suffrage "- association will hold Its regular business meeting Wednes day aftA-nodn at'Baiight hall.'Mrs. Jo seph Duffy will. read. an article, . "Wom an's Vote Has Helped Colorado,", written by George Eliot Howard, professor, of po litical science in the - University of Ne braska. Mrs. 'I. Conner will' give a review of suffrage work' all over the: world. The Bemla' Park circle ' of the Child Conservation . league will ' be entertained at the home of Mrs.' J." V. Nicholas, 8511 Lafayette avenue; Friday afternoon. Mrs. H. J. Holmes will lead the, parliamentary drill, following which there will be a program on "Self .Control." Papers will' be read by Mrs. L. B. BeUiards, Mrs. II. Flrcke and Mrs. Q. IL Lutkhart, presi dent of the circle. . A"qul" on the same subject will be led by Mrs. Nicholas. The Book club Is continuing Its meet ings each Wednesday morning under the leadership of Mrs. Hanchett at the pub lic library. The members are completing their work on ancient Japanese history and are taking on Egyptian history on alternate weeks. - The Benson circle' of the Child Con servation League of America .will meet Tuesday, afternoon at the home of Mrs. William' Urquhart., 8413. Military avenue. The program will be on "Domqatlc Science." Mrs. J. Paugh will read a paper on "Malnutrition as a Factor In Degeneracy;" Mrs. B. M. Babcock, a paper on "Chlldren's Diet In Schools," and Mrs. John Christiansen will talk on "The Problem of Supplying a Weil Balanced Diet."' The; raualo will be In charge of Mrs. .Henry Stahl. The art department will have charge of the open day program of the Omaha Woman's cluB, following the business meeting Monday, afternoon. Edward T. Pitch will give, an illustrated talk on "Spain, Its ' Architecture and History," and Mr. W. E. Shafer will sing D'Her delot's "Because." The art department has been studying' 'Spanish Art" this year Under the leadership of Mrs. C. J Roberts. The Dundee circle of. the Child Con' servatlon league of America will meet Monday at tho home of Mrs. Fred Elliott, Jr. Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy will address the members on "Civics." Mrs. C. B. Moser will read' a paper oh "How the Kate of Louisiana Cleaned Houae." There will 1e a reading by Mrs. Walter Dale frum "Peer. Gynt," 'and a paper by The next meeting of the Monmouth Park Mothers' Welfare club will be held in the school auditorium Tuesday after noon. February . Arnold Bennett's "The Great Adven ture" will be read at the meeting of tho oratory department of the 'Omaha Woman's club Tuesday morntng at 10 o'clock. Mrs. F. N. High will real the first and second acta and Mrs. F. A. Howard tho third and fourth acts. The French department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Thursday morn tng at 10 o'clock at the residence studio of the Instructor, Mlas Mae Mahoney, 918 South Thirty-sixth street The board of directors of the Touns Women's Christian association and all ths women Interested In Its work are busily engaged these days helping to raleo the 112,000 maintenance fund for the year. The workers are out morning and after noon, and a luncheon Is given for them each noon at. the association building. At the annual meeting Monday evening these directors were elected: Three-year terms. Mrs. J. M. Aikln. Mrs. J. P. Ixrd. Mrs. Emerson Benedict, Mrs. Samuel Uees, jr., and Miss Gcorga Trimble; three- year to lll vacancy, Mrs. W. K. Rhoades and Mrs. D. E. Jenkins; two-year to fill vacancy, Mrs. T. F. Stroud. Reports of the different departments were also given. Mrs. J. M. Aikln, president, has called a meeting of the board for, Wednesday to elect officers tor the coming year. Few changes In the administration are an tlclpated this year. The Dundee Woman's club will present Percy Mackaye'a "A Thousand Years Ago" at the Young Women's Christian association auditorium Tuesday evening, February 18. Mrs- W. L. Selby has the play in charge, and It is an event looked forward to with much pleasurable an ticipation by the club members and those who are to be their guests at this per formance. Rehearsals have been held three times a week for the. last few weeks. The next meeting of the club will be February 10 at the home of Mrs. W(. 8, Curtis, instead of Mrs. W. U. Selby. Prof. Rled wlU give a half-hour talk, and the remainder of the afternoon will be spent socially. Mrs. E. J. Hatch will entertain the members of the Dorcas club at her home Friday afternoon. The afternoon will be spent in sewing for needy families, The annual meeting of the Omahi Woman's Missionary federation will be held at the Young Women's Christian as sociation Tuesday, February 23. The pro gram will ,be announced later. Mrs. George G. Gerhardt will entertain the members of the. Sermo club at lunch eon at the Young Women's Christian as sociation Tuesday noon, following which there will be a program on "Famous Women of Sacred and Profane History, Mrs. Paul A. Tbemanson will read a paper on "Queen Louise of Prussia;" Mrs. J. B. Goodrich on "Pocahontas," and Mrs. D. R. Hawley on "Delilah." The Kensington club of Vesta chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, was enter tained at the home of Mrs. J. ,E. Simp son Thursday afternoon. Seventy-five guests were present. Mrs. A. J. Pierson was elected president; Mrs. Robin, vice president; Miss Mlleheath, secretary, and Mrs. Brady, treasurer. Mrs. E. M. Syfert's program on Mrs. Ella Peattle's "The Precipice" will be substituted for Mrs. John O. Yelser's pro gram or.' the Galsworthy's: "The Dark Flower," at the next meeting of the lit erature department of the Omaha Woman's club, Wednesday morning. The change was made because Mrs. Yelser la actively Interested In the production of the masque, "A Thousand Years Ago," which the Dundee Woman's club is to give In February. . Miss Margaret Guth rie will talk on "The Feminist Problem;" Mrs. John W. GUI will read excerpts from the book,, and Mrs. Syfert will tell of the author, who was a charter member and one of the early presidents of the Omaha .Woman's club. . "Industries of the United 'sutes- will be the subject for the CUo club's pro gram, Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Edward McEachron. Mrs. D. W. Marrow will be leader of the program, and . rpU call response will . be business maxima Mrs. F. C. Newcomb wUl read a paper on "Making of Pins;" Mrs. A. N. Eaton, on "Wool Industries;" Mrs. M. E. Lease, "Paper Pulp and Its Many Uses." and Mrs. F. M. Clark, a paper on "Radium." The story teller's section of the Asso ciation of Collegiate Alumnae will meet at the home of Miss Helen Nason, Wednesday afternoon. The program will be on "Russia;" Miss Pauline Rosenberg will tell a folk story. Miss Blanche Coff man, a modern short story, and Miss Margaret Guthrie, a selected story. Browning's "In a Balcony" will be studied by the Mul Sigma club Wednes day morning, at the home of Mrs. E. W. Gunther. Tbe program Is In charge of Mrs. George Damon and will consist In a reading or the poem. Mrs. Norton. Mra. Hots and Miss May Riale will read the parts of Constance, Norbert and the queen. Following the program, there will be a discussion of the poem. ORKIN KU 11 nSLK CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Relief from UcAd-Colds. It's SplAutidl R 319 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET emoval Sale Announcement! s J s Beginning Monday at 8:30 A. M. An event that will vitally interest and command the attention of every woman .within shopping distance of the city of Omaha With all eyes closed to the inevitable tremendous loss that must be accepted, our pres ent all new stock of Women's Apparel that measures up to Orkin Bros., high standard in style, character, exclusivencsM and quality, mutt be closed out in the entirely, preparatory to launching our magnificent new store in the New United States National Bank Bwlding. . This announcement, forerunning the most tre mendously sensational sacrifice sale Omaha has known, paves the way to a new store of feminine apparel, that will thrill all Omaha with pride a store that every woman within hundreds of mile 3 will take pleasure in accepting as her own. This sale is made absolutely imperative by the fact that we have secured new quarters in the magnificent new United States National Bank Building, and under no circumstances will we move one single dollar's worth of present stocks into our new location. v WHAT MAKES THI$ SALE ALL THE MORE REMARKABLE is the fact that this en tire stock is all new and includes only the newest, most fashionable and exclusive mid-winter styles and no matter what you buy, you have a positive assurance that it comes from the world's best makers and designers. 1, Never before has such an entire high class stock of apparel been offered in Omaha at such a great sacrifice. Be here early for first choice. These few prices will help you to realize the mighty importance of this sale. All Our High Class Tailored Suits at a Great Loss Tailored Suits sold d rr at $25.00, -$27.50 JSl TnUU ana sszy.&u; closing out price li II ti Tailored Suits sold at $32.50, $35.00 Jh and $37.50; closing j out price ........ Jt Tailored Suits sold (t, at $40.00, $45.00 h and $50.00; closing out price Tailored Suits sold at $55, $65 and $69.50; . clos ing out price.... $ 3- 19a 242 Closing Out All Our Stylish COATS Goats, sold at $15.00, $19.50 and $22.50; closing out price r 0 0 a t s sold at (J $25.00, $27.50 andP $29.50; closing out price 0 o a t s $35.00, $40.00 price 0 0 a t s sold at $45.00, $49.50 and $69.50; closing out price ........ $95 IP sold atrfs-. rf nr , $37.50 and J) T IO ;' closing out 1 i ROM $275 Closing Out All Our Beautiful Dresses at a Great Loss Dresses sold at $15.00, $17.50 and $19.50; closing out price Dresses sold at G $25.00, $29.50 and p $32.50; closing out price Dresses sold at (f $35.00, $37.50 and $39.50; closing out price , Dresses sold at (t $45.00, $49.59 and 3) $59.50; closing" out price $95 0 IP 22 ' . Remember the Address. 319 South Sixteenth Street 5 In una niinule your clogged nokinis will open, tha alt passages of your bad will clear and you can breathe freely. No mora hawking, snuffling, blowing, head ache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Oet a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through very air passage of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous mem brane and relief conies Instantly. It's just fine. I:n't stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh Relli-f comes so quickly. HOTELS. I fWI eat sHroel Test rra. paid anywhere la Amerloa anon reoelnt of 15o, below eonpon and Jo extra foe post, acre aad paokiag. THIS WEEK-add the KANSAS SPOON, to your collection-get a new State Seal Spoon each week only tf An opportunity of a life , time to make a collec tion of handsome genu ine "Wallingford Silver State Spoons made by tho groat Waliingford factories at Walling ford, Conn., Est. 1835. Each spoon is fully ataraped and ruaranted. A full written guarantee goes with each spoon. You can not buy spoons of this character anywhere under three times this price. It Is only through a special ar rangement with these factories that we can supply you with these fine State Seal Spoons hut you must' cut out tbe below coupon and do It now. To the Readers of THE OMAHA BEE If you did not take advantage of last week's offer, be sure to send for two spoons today we will Issue an entire collection of 48 handsome State Seal Spoons the finest and most magnificent designs on record. You will find them In the best homes In Walllngfprd and Sterling Sliver. It is a liberal education to save these spoons nearly everybody is doing It the de mand for our 'first spoon In this state broke all records so don't delay cut out the below coupon and mall It today. . STATE SPOON COUPON Federal State KllverwarCo., 117 N. Deaborn St., Chlraso, Ill Gentlemen: I'lfRse send me, parcel poaf paid, as per your oner in ins iJinana dm, inn roiiowing spoons: Marie jl in square to in- Actual Slr.o dtcale spoons wanted. I enclose lio for eaxh spoon and So extra for mailing and Dacklne of each spoon. (Bend coins, stamps or money order). Nam Address ,, City I KANSAS I I NEBRASKA Actual Size fffi IAddres ' J city " ' JJS ' ' Clip this Coupon and mall direct to the Federal State Kllverwaxe Co., 11T N. Dearborn St. Chicago. No or ders filled without coupon. W-a t c h the Omaha Be each Kundsy for our an n o u n o e-nients. Drofcdtmy tvt 29$ St. "Aa Hotel Where Cuosts are Mads to Foel at Homo" INfbt too larxe, yet large enough to afford the maximum of value at minimum expense Exceptionally Accessible 500 itessw JtfesVrstt Jtsstsaraiaf GUrffS Sisals Rooms with Running Water Sl.OOte 12.00 paras Sloile Roe Das vltk Tab or Shever $1.60toS.00prdr Double Rooms with Ronnlni Water 12.00 to ti.OO per day Double Rooms with Teb er 8bower 13.00 to 10.00 per day EDWARD C FOCG. Afamsfe' IMracSsv ROT L. 3ROWN. JteaMen MuMr Special Rental Bargain In Apartment Must rent a vacant 6-room apartment. New and best lo-i tated in city. Large conces eions to right party. Addresa M-555,Bee. As well be out of the world as out of stylo. The advertising columns of Tha Bee constitute a continuous style show. ; ojr"