2-B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 31, '1915. i I i i i. ! : ? .5 1 " SOCIETY IS READY FOR LENT Many Affairs for Charity Are Be ing Arranged Preparing for Fontenelle Opening. MUSICAL AFFAIRS NUMEROUS orta ( aleadar. Hl'NPAT-R Nal Ami dancing party t .Mi tropnllwn club. .WON I iAT-1 . K. club, with Mr. and Mr. J. J. lierry; Mrs. C 11. Rhesrev brtrtpn r i arty lor Mrs. Harry Purvis; Original Morula v BrWsc chili. Tl' r SI - Y Tm'sday Hriscle clul: Corn iiB')') club dancing party Kt Chambers' arailcmy; Tupmy -Morning Mnnlc.il. Mr j. Louis Nash, hostess; Mrs. J M. Mrtralf. dinner. Mr W. R ovfrmire. briilKP luncheon lor .vr. Harry t-iirvis. Wo rcn'ii auxiliary of All Saints' Hunch, with Mrs. Frank A. Manioc; sir. K. II. SroM, tea (or Mis Arnolfl; r'Rctl club naming party. chambers" urn emv. WKI XESOAY BubHTlntlon ' club dan iln. in at Turpln'a academy; Wednesday bridge club; Social 8ottle .mni benefit musical at th home of .Ml. :. Jessie Millard; Clnnsam club party a" Scottish 1 lt cathedral ; Parish Aid soct ty or Trinttv estertral. Kensing ton at hnm of Mm. tioora-e K. Heraer; Mr Alvln Johnson, ftrnoon brlilne; Card.-, club, with Mr. J. I'cForeat R. hards . , TH("R.-PAT Orl'nal Cooking club. Mr Mnslier Colpotser, hosiess: Palsy HlKh Five club, Mrs. J. W. Hoon. hostess; iHtfvrMII club, Mrs A. Arthur Harri son, hostess: Miss Rdlth I WaSRiwier. plan' recital at 4 p. m.; Mrs. Kdward. IVck. luncheon for Mlsa Blanche Iiiel; Mrs. .lohn W. Grlf'lth, brldae rarty for Mrs. Walter Orlftlth: St. Hilda's guild, entertainment. .. . . FlIIDAV Mr. John I Webster, luncheon- Qui Vive club. I'-inrln party at t tinmbers' academy; Tlvoll club. Mr. B. Mansfield, hostess; La Itasoma club, danrtnu prtv. Harte hall. HATCROA Y Wee Knd club at harn rer' academy; Harmony rlub, with Mr. and Mrs. Ueorir H, Kelly. Int will be with u In o short-a, time now-a nice, quiet Mill Interval to de vote to lialr treatments, chiropodists and people like that. I know one dear llttls person In near by state who has her fsce skinned every Ient and come out with a wonderful gorgeous complexion at F.aetcr lime "Blushing- and sweet each Easter morn." It must be an awful pro cesn she govs through swathed In woolen shawls for weeks and ah admits It Is mot painful. Society is anticipating th sack and ashes days and taking on a Tlou turn if mind this week, to the extent that almost all affairs with the exception of the Subscription club's dance are for th benefit of something or other or aom church sowing: or Belgian relief gathering. Next Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Jhe home of Miss Jeail -.Millard fens muslcale for th benefit of the Social Settlement will b tven. Ths program Is t" be particularly ntlractlv. with Mrs. A. I. Root and Miss Harriet Met a vocal soloists, Mrs. Crofoot at the piano and M!s Helen Pomers as violinist Mr. Edfrar cott. Mrs. W. F. Baxter and Mrs. Harold Clifford ha charge, with Mis Harriet Met, Mlsa Eugsnl Pat terson. Mis Kuhn, Ml Oretchen Mc Connell and Mis Lewlsnd assisting them. Miss Tstterson I chairman of th com inittee of arrangement and ha not left a ilohe unturned for it socce. Fontenelle Opening. . Now that 'the opening of tha Fon- . tenclle hotel I announced definitely for Thurday, February SK, many organisa tions are making plank (or oalng tha bait room of tha hotel and a number of date are already decided upon. The F1n Arts society ha engaged th ball room for ten days, beginning: Saturday. March . tor Us an dual -exhibition ( plcUre. rnd on Tuesday, March 18, th Tuesday Morning MuHleal club will ivo an ven ing muslcale there, followed on the 18th and 181 h by th state conference of th I a tighter of th American Revolution. whl'-h include a banquet on tha evening of the 18th. Later, probably on April 7, the Subscription Pane club bag decided to io It regular rtano at tha Fon tenelle. and tha Junior club I talking of a danc there after Easter. Mr. W. II. Eurbaok. manager ot th Fontenelte. announce that tha opening will constat of a banquet for tha stock holder and director of tha Doug'.a Hotel como&ny and their families. A there arn something over 800 tockholder and director, moat of whooi live in Omaha, It will be necessary to limit the dining room service that evening- to them, but too rest of th hotel will b open to inspection by th public then and during th rest of th week. Society Right at Auto Show. Without th usual unction attending, th management ot the Omaha Auto how has quietly announced that Thurs-, day. February 111, wttl be society night this year. - ' Last year Kicloty blsht was proclaimed . , with heralding accompaniment and It wna asserted that soc.loty was synonymous with tango, a far aa automobile abowa go. Whereupon aoveral member of th association put in liberal complaints and dissension ensued, Tbua tha manage ment abandoned tango and this year th offtlUdf answer all qUerle a to society nltfht la a meek and modest ton. . Kewi of the Army. t'aptaln and Mrs. Nathan Post are. Bursts of Mrs. Post' parents, Mr. and .Mrs. It. C. Jordan, having Just returned from two year and a halt at Fago-ragO, Hainoa, where Captain Post was la com mand of th naval station. They cam home by way of Australia and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Coffey at Sydney for nine days. Captain Post Is ordered to Kansas City for recruiting duty and leaves today, but Mrs. Post remain her for a while longer. Captain Clarence Richmond Day ha leen transferred from the Fifth cavalry at Fort Myers. Va., to the Fourth cav alry stationed at cho!leid barrack. Honolulu, but the transfer doe not take ffrrt until the first day of May. Cap tain ' and Mrs. bay have been stationed at Honolulu before, their small son hav ing been born there. Mrs. Day was for merly Edith. 8inith of this city. liriaadler General K. N. Crowder has Wen reappointed Judge advocate general for four years, hi present detail expir ing next month. t'aputln Willi Coleman, who h been spending two Month leave at Fort Crook, returns to Glvton today, accompanied ly hi wife and children. Seek Warmer Climei. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Punn left Baturday rvenlng (or sst. Augustine and . Miami, Fla., and will go from there for a sojourn at Nassau In tb Bahama Island. Mr. Uui.n, who has been taking th rest cure for four week at Clarksoa hospital, re lumed to his apaj-ttnent at th Knlcker-Vx-krr yesterday quite restored I health. 1'Uiiop MefJovern of Cheyenne, Wyo., trrifcd the first of the week and i th lucst, of P4. Rev. Msliop Scanned. Bishop l Cibferu and lUshop bvnnrl are plan ning a trip to the sulfcosst- and -expert l i-ave io a few days. l" .. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Malchien and Three Engagements Announced I JMIm Anna Gteenbe daughter, Margaret and Helen, plan to leav th middle of February for Cali fornia, wher they will spend several months. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towle, who wsnt to-Artsona shortly after New Year', are not expected homo for another week or so. Mr. and Mr. R. P. Pollard are sojourn ing at Terraeeia, Fla., and enjoying th balmy breexe from the' Gulf ot Mexico. Mr. and Mr. Vf. tl. Buchola expect to tear within the next week or -ten day lor San Xlego, 'Ca!., , .4 i Mrs. Harry Cummlng expect todeave about February I for six week In Cali fornia. Mrs. W. C. Bunderland left last week for th Isle of Pine to be gon a month. Judg and Mr. W. A. Iledlck contem plate a trip to Florida In th near future. Mr. and Mr. L. O. Poup are In Cali fornia; also Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Foster. Ta Attend Cornell Prom. Mlsa Mellora Davis and Mis Allc Jaqulth leav today for Ithaca, N. Y., where they will be guests at two fra ternity house partle during prom week , at Cornell college. Both young women , will remain east for a month or mor - vlaittnf friend in various place. . Mlsa Marlon Howa will attend tha Cornell prom at Ithaca next Tuesday, chaperoned by Mr. Thoma of New York ! City. This Is the second time that Mis ; How ha been honored with an invita- tlon to th prom, having been obliged to decline two year ago. , Recent Affair. Th Ttvoll club waa entertained at th horn ot Mrs. W. F. White Friday after noon. Hlh flv waa played and prise won by Mesdamea F. W. Wick, Charles Oetsschmann, W. Brandt and F. Finney. Th next meeting will be held Friday at the home of Mr. B. Mansfield. Mra. George F. Blmaneck gav a ken slhVton Thursday afternoon In honor of her slater. Miss Viola Klrchman. An In formal luncheon preceded th kenslngton, when cover were placed for nine grujeats. Mrs. Henry Maxwell entertained at bridge Thursday afternoon, when prise were won by Mr. J. C. Slater and Mrs. E. A. Benaon. Tha guests were: Mesdnmes Mesdames Kugene Coffeen, J C. rHater. V.. V.. Brand. 4 Bessie Brink. Henry i'o, U. M. l.dgerly. r. a. lienaon, Mlases tflsses Fthel Fullawav. Margaret tjtlrllng. Florem-e Woolley Jane Canan, Mabel Alllauu. Mlsa Alfia- Ahlstrom entertained the II. Q. L. R." club at her horn Friday evening. 1 'rices were won by Mlsse Clara Karnett and Myrtle phkett. Tli next meeting will bo held at th horn ot Mis Ague Da v lea. Council Bluffs, la. The member are: Mlxees Misses Carrie Vrana, l lnla Ahlstrom, Myrtle Pu-kvlt, V.pery, Ruth Neelv. ( lara ..aruett. Agnes Uavle or Kjtlier Nee.ly VI Council U'uffl, Hi'len veiii M eg. Mae Karnett, Alf.a Ahlstrom. Mlsa Mary Goldberg entertained at a surprise party at her horn Friday even ing in honor of Mlsa Bcssl Harris. Th evening was spent at cards. Twenfy guest were present " Mr. and Mrs. Adolph 61011 entertained Informally at dinner last evening. Cover were placed tor fourteen guests. The members of th Friday Evening Dancing- class gav a theater party at th Brandel last evening, followed by supper at th Omaha club, when Mr. and Mr. Walter T. Pae were the guests of honor. This little group have met all winter at th horn of Mr. and Mra. Pag- on Friday evening for dancing. Th guest included: . Mesars. and Mesdamea' Walter T. ) as. C. M. WllheUn. Jowph II. Kaldrise. Mia. Chat lee Offutt Mr. Charles Ogden. MSsers. Missis Frank J. Hurtle), l.utius S aUl-v. Muts D0C4 Alexander, supiania. i-trrk of th Woodmen circle, entertained the Dora Alexander guards of W. A. Fraser grove, het Flu Happy hary 71 ariin RETURNS FROM TWO YEARS ON THE SAMOAN ISLANDS. No. 1. at o'clock dinner Saturday. Th room were tastefully decorated with lav ender and whit. Tha guest were seated at two long table, which had for a cen terplec a Urge basket of vlolots. The places of the ruests were 'marked by ribbon, which lead to different place through th room, and after following their winding album were found filled with favorite picture. After the din- tier Mr. O. II. Hennlng toasted Ml Alexander. t Th Thursday Afternoon Bowling club met at the Farnam alleys for It weekly game. Tho absence of anveral of the member prevented th club from play ng i team. Htgh cora waa won by jn,, Carrie Luttberg. Those present were: Misses Misses ' Mollis Corby. Fannie Prodsky. Bes Adler, Kvelyn Lovj', M rs. tsainuel uiancicr. With the Visitor. Mrs. J. C. Vaughan of Chicago la th guest of Dr. and Mrs. John P. Lord. Mr. Vaughan ' will join Mr. Vaughan and pend Sunday In Omaha. Mrs. leorge Paul Thompson of Denver arrived Monday to visit her mother, Mrs. Alexander McOavoc.k. Mrs. Thomp son was formerly mis torantha Mcr Oavock. , '. Mrs. Laura Bine of Fremont Is spend ing the week-end with her on. City At torney John A. Itlne. Mrs. Rln cam down to attend the WarfleM perform ance at the Brandel theater. Mrs. Harry Purvis of Des Moines Is th guest of Mrs. L. M. Holllday. Many af fair are planned In her honor. Mis Helen Breams of Chicago I th guest of Dr. and Mra. W. K. Foot and will spend a month In th city. Mrs. Herman Oleson of Kansas City is spending two week her with her mother. Mr. David Crowell. at th Colonial. Mrs. Oleson baa been In Chi cago visiting her brothers. Mra. F. M. Wilkin of Detroit is the guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Phlllppl. v , . Newi from the Wayfarer. Mr. and Mr.' Clifford Wolfe, w.o are on their wedding trip, are In Boston at th Touralne. They will visit Washington before coming home. Mr. and Mra O. W. Wattles, who have been In New York City tor the last ten day, are expected horn Tuesday morn ing. Fine Art Exhibit Th annual exhibit of th Fin Arts society this year will Include fifty pic tures by contemporary American artists, taken from th Carnegie inajitut collec tion. Th exhibit, aa usual, will be open from 10 a. m. until 14 p. nv, with sertaln day free and a special day for school children. Coma Club to Entertain. Tb Coma club will glv a dancing party In th new ball room of tha Roma hotel February g. Trios In charge of tli arrangement re: Messrs. Messrs. Harry Collins. Frank MrKeen. J Collins. . Ja. k McCsrthy, Ueurg Koch. Albert Maher. Garden Club Plant Bazaar. , Mr, c. B. Ituatln. president of the Garden club, has callcj a meeting ot th club for Wednesday morning at the ( M: V - . " j I aglllgalgggt9 homo of Mr. J. V Forest Richards, to discuss plan for the seed basaar to be held March 27. The proceeds are to go toward beautifying- the- grounds of the city's charitable institutions and toward the Red Crosa society. The basaar will be held at some private house. Rajah Club Dance. The iiajali ciuft entertained at an in formal dancing party at Turpln's, Thurs. day evening. Those present were: Misses Misses Marnaret Yocum, Clara Tracy, Mildred Hauth. Jennete Keenan. Father Muvahlll, . Clair Mot'alfrey. Florem Tucker, K. Drumrny, Hettv Trwior. Mvrtle! llayden. Urace Vocllcka, Ksther "onneliy, Marie Martini, 1 Oesock, Sylvia Hoover, Paulina livan, Marie Hell. Nora -McCarthy, Jcanette Jaeger, F.dlth Murray. Kleanoro ilroeger, Ituth Norman, JVe Sullivan, Martraret Garrick, Frances Lldell. Hazel Carmello, Hessle Warren, Mary Laslovlca, l.'atherine Hale. Madeline Klrlney, Agnes Oentleman, Mnrgareta Oroen ous;h, Helen O'Brien, Klia Nash, (lertruln Oerrick, Opal t rombus, Kdnk Riley, Ruth Oentleman, Kva Nelson, I. Langan, flara Morrison, Orace Maloy, Mnrgaret welach, Alice Johnson, Mary Pjerrou, Allen Manning. Marie eiwoboda, K. Swoboda, e (it.'.-trnvlck, Irene O'Neill. I l- thel Martis, natniyn walsh, Ilecn Fa wards. Marie Klchards, Vlra Unrrey, Mario Holland. 0. Hall. Marion Coulter, Milan Rolph. Nora Roasiter, Rose Whalen, Helen Kroner. Isabel Fmnlley, T. F'lannaaan, Fitter Dugher, Mary Drumrny, 1. rlevearlnger, Oladys Crooke, Geneva Irose, Maude Mulvahlll, Helen Johnson, Martha Mathews, iJorothy Mertsn, !ora McHenry, Hulda Armbrust, Ruth Casstdy, Iona Fo;g, Marie N'icdman, Iorothy Flemmlng, Maude Parker, Leota Pwlnney, Irene Walker, r.mma lung, Margaret Morrison. Nora Parllng, Mary Khirlrls. Margaret Hoffman, trances waterman, (ieru-udn Craig, Annabel! Sinclair, Rettv Trcsler. Ada Black, M. Rylan. Kathertne F-ngllsh, Helen McCaffrey, K.ls'e Pjerrou. Madeline Mulvahlll, Tanny Roller, Rita Carpenter, Abide Howes, Mndfre Msloy. ' Florence Nash, Lilian Lind, Messrs.- Tx-o Bulllvan. tHenry Howes, J. E. Hsrdlng. K. Strlckler, Chsrles Brttt, Kdward O'Neill, William Btitt, A. Maher. George Hlrons, Kmmet Omelia, 'harles Kilns, R. C. Ryn, Percy Bell, fFrank Cummlnia, K. Nygaard, R. C. Camp, Henry Iee, Krnest Johnson, Al Bradley. James Cullen, Ralph Dunn, W. B. Wolfe, Kugene O'Malley, Frank Lastovica, Jack McCarthy, .1. Nygaard, Flmer Thomas, f. Noulln, 1-eta Carter, Martha Gaines, Msry Wis, Hilda Tooter, K. Donovan, Htella Leach, Mary Clare Swift, Meesrs. Fmil Hoffman, Cyril Flanagan, J. Mm ah ill. B. McCaffrey, Charles Asanian, Jams O" Conner, Harvey Miller, Wayne Moore. O. W. Boyden, J. B. Offerman, Boyd Carrey, Adrian Lund, O. 8. Lovejoy, K. Dougherty, Dr. J. G. Kelly, F. L. McCabe, lyoyd, Jensen, John Borghoff, Kd Welsh. K. C. Parks, Carl J. Kane, Karl Moore, James Muldoon, Ralph Ma honey, Bernard Isslt, George Boland. Martin Holhrook Martin P. Kane, uoctor Mct.ann, T. Israel, Lawrencn Growney, -Burton Trexler, R. Howell, J. Unnahnn. W. A. Nelson, H. Beverldge. Anton Johnson, William Kelley, Harry Begley, h. Ressmusen. Paul Boland, Htevn Mulvahlll. Harry McNamara, or. Kubltschek, William Ranee, o. Kubltschek. Char lee German, George Carroll, Ted Henck, Justin Young, Ran son Fowler, Pe Lvck. Jack Huchart. Harry Weinberg, Thomas Roach, Wtll'am Rogers, Denxll Walter, t,, Flvnn, J. M. Parllng. w. Williams, Harold Bell, mr. Kgan. Oscar Rolph, Habenatrit. Ray Tierney, Jay Collins. Joseph McCarthy, art Krucer. Karl Onnelly, " a. Von Dolan. 1 Frank Williams, ,aq Traynor. . Joseph Cassidy, Sidney Hchall. K. Peters, Frank Dineen, George Richards. h. cummings, Earl Wise, Robert Burns, lAwrence Braun, Victor Black, Charles Flood, Mr. and Mrs. Deis Muffet, Mr. and Mr. E. 11. Oak. Pagalco Club Dance. Th Pagalco club entertained at a dancing- party at the Metropolitan Thursday evening, those attending were: Misses Misses- Theresa Dobs Bertha Nerf Fmy layman Minnie Brook FTanons Mulholland Beulah Parker Ixla Marsh Claire McKenna Florence Chambers Genevieve Cal lahan Reims Swanberg Lillian Hwanberg: Carrie Edwarda Kthel Larson Happy Mulholland Rose Dlxnn Jane Shaffer Mercedes Farrell Ruth Hudson Marjorie Trlpn Mary Maher Aaatha Oswold Resale Antony I rene Baker Fnhel Jorgenson Alma Hroderdorp Cliira Brolerdorp Oertrude Beck Anna J. Maher Km ma Martlsan Margaret McDonald Meta Brook Mary McGrath Lillian B. Jellnek Bertha Petersen iKvaMay Miss At I. 'kelson Hi race Shaffer Shlriey Folden Helen Shaffer II axel Osburn Gertrude Wilson Eva Nolan Alberta MarCrone Mary Manning Hsxrtet Dean Grace Sumner A Hoe Curtis Mabel Marshall Messrs. I,. J. Bvrne W. C. Melles O. K. Penner J. A Swsnaon T. M. Carlisle John Stelnert J. K. Penry K. K. Hughes Harry Larson Ray Forensen P. L. Kelley , -J. I. Martin Morgan J. Doyle Joseph Jaak Clifford Sterling J. B. Vaughn C P. Stevens A. W. Johnson John Wtlkenson Harry J. Meredith H. M. Bonner J. C. Bowman J. P. O'Brien Harold Cooper Jess Conners T. C. McNally iDelbert Reynolds A. B. Duke Chauncy B. Ooode Birdie Rentschlear Korrlnne raunders F.leanor Walatrom Emma Walatrom Edith Banan Mesars. J. A. McQrath J. M. Wallace A. Volney Bass W. X. Roche J. J. White re. J. Col berg Harry Vnltt Kusene atay A. T. Dow-nlnc R. I DoVoe O. A. Llndft-rov. Kansas City, Mo. W. Jones George. A. Goodman A. t'. ITS" P. H: MaeGrona K. V. Kelley J. H. Jaske ' J. N. Ruther J. A. Buglowiex H. D. Hammond Frank Wallace F. W. Beleroe W. J. Flynn 11. B. Ru-ftner 'Ivlmer Patton I V. W. Otenger Charles H. Verity John Broderdorp St'le L. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seal. Mr. aud Mra, C C, btrph, Harrlsburg, renn. Church Guild Entertaini. St. Hilda's guild will aiv a dancing party Thursday evening The patroneese are: Mesdames John Wailis. Theodora Vols, J. ii. Martin. A. W. Tags. W. 6. Kin. Meadame R. P. Falkner. K. 1 D Lanney, Frey Getty. Walter Nltache, Klla M. Sloans, Leave for New York. Mr. and Mra.. George Brandel leav this evening for New York City to be gon for several weeks. Engagements Announced. Mr. and Mrs. It. Bernstein announca th engagement to. their daughter, Stella Ruth, to Mr. Ben Isaacson. No plan been made tor tha wedding. Mr. Fannls Oreenberg announce th engagement of her daughter, Anna, and Mr. Samuel II.'Ferster. formerly of Den ver. No data ha been set for th wed ding. In honor of th young people, Mrs. Green berg will give a supper party this evening. Mrs. Katharine Martin announce th engagement of her daughter. Mis Happy Mary Martin, to Mr. Warren Innu&nuel NEXT TUESDAY MUSICAL. c ' s r 1 v ;v ,ysyyi-yy i . v c ' 1 : Oehrle. The wedding will be celebrated In April at tho homo of the bride's uncle. Dr. A. A. Crandell. Alsocia Club Dance. The Alsocia club gave their semi monthly dance at Prairie Park club house Friday evening. Those present were: Mlsoes XT l.te. r.ua uarentsen, Grace Jones, Muriel Jeffries, Grace Barber, Helen Loftman, Petera Nelson. Winifred Lores, Hasel Lusk, Klsle Housman, Hasel Osborn, Kllrabeth Jorgensen, Olartva tCllla Alma Peterson, ' Carrie Mortenson, Una Pliant, Ann O. Bock, Vera Hu stead, Kmma Kavan, Marie Sistek, Bee Phelan. Violet Vanderford, Wllhelmena . . Armbrust, Mildred Kller, Sarah Woodhall, Katherlne Drummy, lotilse Klbert, Danny Hansen Gladys Van Sant mesars Fav C. Powell, J. I Beecroft, Mark Schwerln, IT I" Kwanam Atessra David Torrell, Jack Johnson, W. M. Vaughn, KImer V. Swan'son, George C. Bauer, John A. Vols, iiuiiik diuruiiiun, Kit i. iiauprman Robert Travis. C AnHn,nn C. I.. Bwaneutt . H,rr, J. O. Weeks. ' P. S. Danlela. J. A. Swanson. H. R. Brx-k, George NelHon. C. K. Kddv. Hugh Armstrong, 0. V. Johnson, Georare Omm. w Rm.ri Walter Palmer, W, O. Shr'um. Entertain for Daughter. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Barger enter tained Informally at their horn -Thursday evening; for tlje'r daughter.. Mlsa Caroline Bargerv who leaves shortly for her now home near Loveland. Ia. Music and games furnished the enter tainment for the evening. Those present Included: Mr. and Mr. William Barger. Misses Misses- Mabel Carlson. Anna Sins. Vlo'et Carlson, Messrs. T. 1 Davis, Fred Carlson. Elizabeth Neber. Caroline Barger. Messrs. Dr James O'Nell. William Wurcester. Out-of-Town Engagement An out-of-town engagement which is" of Interest to Omaha was announced this week in De Moines. ,. It I that of Miss Mary Denman, daugh- of Living Is th housewife's problem today. You will hear many wives say: 'I could do ail tbs housework aud save coat of a maid if I only had A Whirpool Sanitary Washer I simply will not drudar with Idirty ut '" three times a day. Only seven minutes' time Is required to wash linae sterllse and dry your dlahea after each meal if you us a Whirlpool Dish Washer. There ia a luster and finish to th china tn;it you cannot ' possibly bwurt by tb use of un-sajnuu-y dish towels. Demonatretloa Bally. Brlas this a4 10 Blaoouat. , Writ for aooklet, B. GRUNWALD, Vhoa Doug-, mi. 1110 Faraam at. HOSTESS OF THE MORNING 1 es ill ., 'i High Cost ter of Mr. and Mr. C. 8. Denman, to John Cavanaugh of that city, which will take place February 1 at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Denman has visited at the home of Mlrs Louise Dinning many time and also been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mosher Colpetser upon several occasions. Miss Dinnlns: will ho one of her brldsl attendants. Miss Denman will spend a few days with Miss Dinnlns the. first of next week. ' Presented in Recital. Edith L. Wagoner will be presented In a piano recital by the Omaha Conserva-" tory of Music and Fine Arts Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock In the conservatory auditorium. Among the .patronesses are Mcsdsme-i C. T.' Knuntze N. H. Nelson N. P. DodKe Thomas Kiipatrlck Misses . Clara Howley ' Carrie Millard Mesdames William Baxter R. B. Howell W. S. Poppleton Misses' Mary McShane For New Social Worker. Mis Jessie Powell Arnold arrives Mon day from New Haven, Onn.,- to take up her duties as the new head of tho Social Settlement here. Mrs. E. It. Scott will give a tea for Mlsa Arnold Tuesday, when the Settlement board, the member ship committee and the class teachers are to meet her. Taira Club Entertained. . Miss Martha 'clark entertained th members of the Tarla club at her home Friday evening. The rooms were deco rated with red butterflle and the club' coat-of-arms. Mis Emma Snyder of Terre Haute, Ind., waa the guest ot the club. The member present were: Mlsse-. Fthcl Morran. Madeline Metz, lone Tralge. Martha Kdward. Frances Watt, Misses , Ruth Norris. Louise CrstKhead, Marian Stroud, Irfirena Travis, Martha Clark. SPECIAL 10 DISCOUNT ON DAMASCUS BRASS LAMPS Our New Location 211-12 City National Bank Bldf. s 4I I N i 1 HPHE Woods Worm Gear Drive is different from all others. The worm is located below the -gear wheel so it always runs in a bath of oil. Call or write for our new catalog jnst issued. . It shows ; . our hew models, gives full descriptions, and tells about many other mechanical refinements which make the Woods the easiest running, most enduring electric car. DRUMMOND MOTOR CO. 2368-70-72 Farnam St., Omaha. . Teiephon HOSPE'S GREAT 40 to 60 REDUCTION SALE EXCHANGE PIANOS Many of these are less than one year old and as good as the day they left the factory. STEINWAY EVERETT w MEHLIN O0! mow 9oo Baafnl ma- Jlow be told S7ft : Beauttrol Bow horany ease m9W from nsw paai cf Walau Ma(. orj p wtthoat mar .onQ ' X,ara-a alia P D ' or seratoh. IOaIUo WHEELER & y ?Vo .oli 9 1 fnil Orurlaal ' JLL. B KIMBALL K" SCHUMANN W OsVAs) Wit at 4J0 vba Boston faU S10F Beautiful Mow BUgbtlr n4. JJ board;. Still OImJ Waiaa mm rise Oak ease; swlni must V ?rV ml",-n S170 V1 th9 S150 rack. ! Bargain V11 v tmproTmnta. V iCSlur WEGMAN JERAMER "7 'Qiou. . rood an now. c'o V si ssss is i i mi i - i . i i , -aasssxassBSBBsBsres TERMS TO SUIT EVERY PURCHASER. We are Western distributors (or th Mason-Hamlin, Kranich ft Bach, Bush & Lane, Kimball, Cable-Nelson, Hospo and many other well-known makes. . A. H0SPE C0. Our 41 it Year Mrs. T. E. Brady & Co. Exclusive MILLINERY and FURS 304 South 18th St Phone Douclat 1848 r IT IS OUR BUSINESS TO PLEASE EVERYONE This holds good In every department of our store and especially in our Special Order department. You can have anything) of gpecial design In jew elry made up at our store to your absolute satlsfac " tlon. 25 years of continu ously satisfying Omaha people is conclusive evi dence of our reliability. M CSTASLISrieD HIT IMtSUSV xJLeweixrs 13: IUO SOUSLAt T OMAMA ARTISTIC PORTRAITS REMBRANDT STUDIO aoth and Farnanu rhoa 9. 3548. Boom a. Baldrics Bldsj r NiiinHiiiiNni!sWMtiniiiiiitiiiifiMiitiim4RMnMintm,ilftntT;!'iPi1 : i imiii itf.,.Trs 1 inn m : 1 -SBSSSBSBSBSBMSBSWll . 1 ! Iffii.j iroNjbWAPtttsaio: THerHfAiTr"C.r?Ar:. OF , COMMRaALmiING The hour-glass shape of the worm keeps three teeth always in contact with the wheel. This reduces tooth pressure, allow ing a thicker film of oil between teeth, and thua insures '.perfect .lubrication. That is the ecret of the efficiency of the Woods Worm Gear Drive. The oil drains away from the motor by gravity. Large bearings assure perfect alignment with practically no friction. Harney 409. - 1513 Dorjf las Street tll TOtSUSV 1 a 1