Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    Till) IJKK:" OMAHA, KATCKDAV. JANl'AKY :;t, 1!K
t-n Ui dlstrlna. Brorrny. "
H n, m. Merldlth of 8aunirs-rro-hlhlts
nntnrlra ptiblli" who are stock
holders, offlfers or etnflojF8 of hanks or
othor corporations from taking ai.knwl
ensaments of Instruments affctlnt such
H. R. 8iS, Merldlth of Hharmsn Pr
sons who die of sevrljr rontaalntia lle
ars muat he burlod In air and evstpr
tlght vaults.
H. R. Jesry of !nra(er-T)f-
away with laanam-a of 01 dr of attach
ment whr original petition with court
Jiiricmrnta are filed with the clerk, ol
M. n. 3, Jaarv of 1 -n eal.r-Klim-Insies
flxlna: of bond In attachment raara
hv 1llr1na nf lilrta nf rrord.
I 'll. P.. KH. Rurilsill of Pundee Voter
! for bmda or afMMlnl ta In counties
1JNCOL.W Jan. 29. ?peclal An act to and lsrr subdivisions must be toxpajr-
tompel bull mooee elector
republican ticket to vote for
of the party and to make the Haltttviore elonara for counties of more mm i After
l latform of the democratic party one to inhanitanta and leea man
, ...... . u. i.liKW or more senmre mlloa of terrilon.
aland on Inatrad of Ret In on might make j R matiser of Jef feraon Pro-
a pood title for a bill Introduced by Rep. vtd'a for the election In p'a e of appoln'-
RUhmond oflment of aster rnmmisnoner in
owning tneir own anu m... ......
I Mania in cltlea of .nc to i WO. Kmr
sency, H. R. KKt, Reynolds of l.lncoln-Art pro
viding for creation and Incorpotatlon or
I water power dixtriota and defining powera
Meature of Dougla County Member
Compel Candidates for Elector
to Subscribe to Plain Policy.
. - ( r i-
(From a staff Corrrnpondftiit.)
Home Member Fail to Support the
Proposition of Jerry Howard
of Douglas.
elected On the1'"" 'no bold receipt for taxes paid ' '
elec ted on me( M R W(K,rthllrai of Lincoln- notes on
or the nominee rftana:ea compensation of county commix- j onn vot
reaentative Henry Clay
Douglas county. Whnn asked about (he
Mil, Colonel Richmond cocked hla head to
one side In that characteristic way, placed
one ham) on one hip. croased one foot
-tr the other. thoBh he did not rosat,n government,
hla finger, and Raid:
bafarrea Mnalc Term Idea.
"The moat ealiant feature of thla b II la
that seeking to make the alngle term
plank of the Baltimore platform effective.
The aim of the law la to cure noma radi
cal defect In our present loose law with
regard to electors. We all remember how
six republican electors . two years ngo
regularly nominated In tho primaries
bolted the rVsrular republican nominee at
Chicago. They can iwrver do It except as
perjurer under this act.
"Under the; provision a of my law no one
can file aa a candidate far prertriential
elector unless he makes oath that be will
vote for tho nominee of the party cmvea
tlon with which the candidate affiliates.
There U no question of the right of the
state to prevent persons running for office
unless the person deelrlng to become a
'candidate compile with the provision of
the statute. ......
Xr4m Ka Aaaaadaaea t.
"Mr anderslandlng Is that no constitu
tional amendment is necessary In order
to make a, slngja term for president bind
ing? and affective. A presidential elector
is a atat officer, and the state can pre
acrlba the conditions under which a par
son can become a candidate. In my bill
eitery candidal for presidential elector,
efor ha can have his name printed ea
the ballot, mi'rt make affidavit In favor
of the principle of tho single term, and
also, swear that 'If elected he will not
vote for any person for the office, of
president who has served a terra orny
part thereof.
, "Of course, thla will eliminate the dis
coverer of the River of toubt bj a presi
dential possibility. It will also make ef
fective the proposition of Mr. Bryan ths
moment he received his first nomination
for the presidency In 1898."
The Wtl la known' aa II. K. No. 361.
ll. R Ml. Iloffmelater and ftcarna-
8late Inatead t rountles to pay expenaea
ami eompciwatlon of commissioner "f
water district.
H. R. 332, committee on Flh .ultur
Prohibits unnaturallted forrlKn-born res
ident from hunting In the stale or from
owning firearms or having same In p
aesslon. . ,
II. R SSI. Mutton snd Jcaiy vi
penalty for fraudulent
r., r t fnlfri
If. R. 84. I'almer Ot UOIHias v nan
.r.!.Kr.. in Hut and llahllltV Of an
officer in replevin casea snd provides for
giving of a re-delivery oona ny onrira-
snts. ....
11. R. Mil, Hunter ot I'ousnn-n"m
Word domestic In section 7W7. civil code.
H. It. 2M. Palmer of Iotigla Regu
tntea the aale of cotton duck or canvas
swnlnss. tenta. etc.. and require uie
marking of seme as to weight. "" e
H, r. :W, Palmer of Dougla -llm-Inatea
the provision lhat county as
sessors shall make up the assessment
books In -counties of over W.W popula
R .TM. tancaater Tountv Delegation
-Authorise Lincoln authorlllea to re
quire lot owners to keep properly Ith
abutting ajtreeta and alleys free from
WHd"'a t. Incasur ''t,",0
make more specific the power of the tllr
to comtiel property owners to connect up
with aanltary aewers. -WrJ-
H. ft. SW, Renter of VlZk'mJ!
' ... . . ir.nd Army of the Ite-
Howell Has Bill to
Provide 'for'Eecall;
of Water Directors
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. .-(Bpocla Telegram.)
The board 'of directors "of tho metro
pollUn water district of Omaha are made
subject to a .recall by the; voter of that
city In 8. P.,3., Introduced by Howcir of
The bill iprovldes s'lntply tlTSt uuon a
petition of . per cent 'of the "Voters of
the district special election shall be
called within thirty to sixty day for the
rtrioe of electing a successor to any
member for whom the recall la aimed,
and that any person protsnflng eaalnat
tne aurripiency of tho names upon the
petition has a rlht to appeal, to the. au
preme court wherein the district Is sit
uated by filing ft petition within five" days
of the finding of the official whose duty
It Is to examine the petition and report
upon Its sufficiency, 1
. Paunders of Douglas also comes In with
a like bill, except that he Inclines in the
recall the cltr council of Omaha and
makes the percentage of voters upon the
petition 39 per cent Instead of 10 per cent
as provided In tho Howell Jm.
(From a Htaff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. Jan. 3 (Special.) Jerry
Howard's mlnmum wage bill lost out In
the flnsl round this afternoon, when It
came up for third reading In the house.
jThe Mil. . R. 27. mustered Just fifty
the initial roll call, lac king Just
vote of a conatitutlonal majority.
a rail of the houae had been
ordered, four members who had voted
for the bill changed to the negative. Kf-
forta were made to wesr out the op-1
position by continuing the call of the
houre, but after consuming half an hour s
time In this msnner the friends of the
bill gave tip the fight.
The final vote announced by the speaker
wss: For the hill, 4; sgainst, 46; absent
snd not voting, 8.
Those who first voted for the hill and
afterward changed over were Messrs.
Taylor. Mears, Reynolds and Richmond.
Air. Richmond declared that sentiment In
Douglas county was divided on ths bill.
Jerry Not IHacoairaaed.
"I'll stick to the ship it I go down with
11," retorted Howard.
Before the bill was voted upon Mr. Tib
'octal moved to. lay It over until next Tues
day, as he thought there was some doubt
of Its constitutionality. He declared him
self In fsvor of the principle, but did not
want a bill passed which would afterward
be knocked out In the courts.
Mr. llowsid vehemently objected, say
ing that he wsnted to put every member
on record "whether lie Is In favor of a
living wage or stsrvstlon." The motion
to Isy over was ruled out of order.
Meaars. Barker, Barrett. Fuller, Negley,
Palmer, rkott and Tlbbeta, voting against
the bill, explained why they did so. Some
of them believed the bill would not hotd
water, and others that It would Injure
rather than benefit the' laboring man.
Report Annexation
Bill for Passage
(From a Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN, Jan. .-48peclai.r-Fc41ow-Itig
the publlo hearing on senate file No. 2,
the annexation hill, in the aeaate cham
ber yesterday afternoon, the oommlttea
on municipal affairs, of which Senator
Howell of Douglas la chairman, reported
the bill out this morning, recommending
It for passage. The corrtmlUee; however,
tacked an amendment onto the original
Mil, providing that the proposed merger
shall not Invalidate any frnnchlars now
In effect or extend any franchises In one
portloTi of the territory, either the an
nexed or the annexing parts, to th
other portions.
Jacob Levy Registers
In Role of Lobbyist
t From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN". Jan. . (Special.) Jacob
Levy of Bouth Omaha waa the only one
of the whole delegation of W) that came
down from tho Omahas yesterday to at
tend the annexation hearing, who had the
grace to register ss a lobbyist.
Mr. Ijevy was wsltiog at the door of the
secretary of state before K wss opened
at the noon hour. He registered Immedi
ately, saying that he did not want to
speak td a soul until he had obeyed tho
(iewernl tieorare Mee.
KAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Jan. 2.-Oen-
eral George Stone, a notable figure tn
the political history of California and an
active participant In public affairs, died
at hla home here shortly before mid
night last 'night, after a lingering Illness.
He was TJ years old. At different time
he served aa adjutant general of the stste
militia, receiver for tha United States
land office and chairman of the repub
lican atat central committee.
Texas fop 'Frisco.
The 5an Francisco club of the Coast
league announces that It haa secured Out
fielder Ruddy Baerwald, last year with
Galveston In the Texaa leaue and for
several years Before that with Memphis
In the Southern league. With Baerwald
and Meloan the Seals have seven 'out
fielders, and It Is announced that three
of them are on tha market.
bubllc posts from taxation. , .
y t, d ui i..n nf Lancaster Ortgina
petitions with attached court J""""'"'
removed from tlat of grounds for "Hach-
civil actions for recovery vi
er Re.
supreme court derisions to bo re
wlth aa much brevity as P"""'
L M7. Peterson ot Umncr-nxu
Improvement or pro-
streets., and alleys,
New Bills at Lincoln
ate Bills.
.. 1M. Heal of CusterHcavenger f lah
auch at carp and auckcrs may e taken
at any tlma In (ha vur
S. I J. tfandall of York Abolishes of-
,rvnw "i nuuies sheriff coroner.
n. r. it. Bunnell of Yvrk Provides for
"""""ni vi coroners ouiiee by sheriff;
tomvanion bll llo (&
.J ?. ,n,1i of York-Abolishes
the office of register of deeds In. counties
of leas than 1K.O0 population.
8. K. If, rlandail of York-Abolishes the
office of county assessor In counttws of
less than 1V.UH) and provides for perform
ance of his duties by the oountv clrl.
H. F . lbS, Sandall of York-Provides that
the county clerk ahull perform the duties
of register of demia In counties of less
than population.
H, K. I, Howl f Douglas Applies
he recall to members of the Metropolitan
Water I dstrtct of Omaha.
a. P. Wl. Saunders of louglas-Provtdes
that all iroperty shall he valued for pur-
poors ui taxation ami at lta actual value
nut that the lew aiiall h made on JO
yrr trni ni ivirn actual value.
H. F. Uatca. Xl.rL.M
Ruden an Shumway Keincofporates the
irand IxhIks of Free, and Accepted
jhhu oi veorasKa unner tne act now I
S. F. 1J. Qulnhy of Dotiglas Provides
for a stale Ulxir and einuloyineut bureau,
8. F. 164, Mitttea of Otoe Heoeala Uw
requiring Judsea of aunreme court to ma ineir opinions wiiian slkty
days after the deciktona.
H. F. 15, Hhuinwsy f Dixou-Author-xs
and rerulatea the practlee of i htro-T-ractlcs.
I'lK- ti.g the aame uiiilrr author
iiv of te tlnto board of Oaioupatliy.
S V. W, (irnce of HiirMn and Hu.lifce
of Kimball Provides for the develnnmont
and MorMiio of any uiuppiriated floo
ot unueeii watera.
S. F. 17. Kaimders of lKjualaa For the
recall of councllmen In Oinalia and of he
xiard ot oirectuia of the AletropoltUn
W.r l'lalrtct.
. F. l'-i. lod of Douulit Gives rlht
to guardians and adininUtiatuis to niort-
real estate nf minora. Insane, vie,
tr1s J -
p5. F. 1R. i'aDorv of Bov Mtte For
elvn lorn liUr-u who haa failed to lake
it final pxpera within tim speii'l hy
fedeial statute aliall be diaoua'iflrd as
alwtnr in tha state until he again,
lke o"l first papers.
a. F. I7. K'.hl of M avn Provldea
n ) axr.lyll-ifl saa pUnt shall be oona'ruct -d
"r twenty-live fet to a bualucsa
Itouae or rvetVnce. .
H F. III. Home. I of Duuclaa Another
public Warehouse sill.
8. F. 172. KWchel of fmU-ReUtlllg
lo the nit''e.'tian of italrv itod"eta.
M. 9. 173. Howell of I wueiee Kinoowars
drainaae dlntilct boards to do auy work
Ml dv tabor.
Ha atltla.
IT. R. IU. Howard of tulas Amend,
loenta to emplovors' liability and work
men's compenaailun law.
II. R. Jill. ilo. kett. Jonry and Multon
A ll-year-iound leaUtratlou at tba office
o' city irk lo Lincvin. City comiuU
aoncra' hill.
If. R. Jjo. Jcary Repeals law soln
riuntaga acliui.s to brouatit aasinst
uilruidi to any n.unty wt.ere service f
s"nunona can be had.
H. R. 'CI. Tiuiobaii nf Hhernin Co'intv
al.all colx-rt th tax for tr hiali a. h'.ol
M-rvice and pv .ver to dia"ic eatu'ng
ment In
"iT'li. MI. Peterson of Incaster-Pro-vldes
for a Jury commlrsloner In eacn
county of the atate. . .i, .v-l
11. IL . Crlnklsw and VaTltt Abol
lahea Junior normal schools real "t
by the county aasessor and ''J?
of assessment, lnstesd of the precinct
iTu. MS. Rolfenrath of KnOT-iUto for
railway trcn acaies at '-"""- "
r..rt or more care In a year.
Enforcement by railway commlaa on
11. R, M. 1'cterson of Incsster
f-r'Vi-'.Me .h. clerk to the
r 7..d; of Lancaater may receive
a boost In salary, omeraency.
o vAt i nf Johnson Repeal
law" compelling county tf Vrr!h .'re
warrants la tlio order In which they are
registered. - JohnTOnAllows
atate treaaurer to Invest 60 per cent oi
his cash funds In state or 7unvh war-
V"o taTamberrSi Thurston and
Talby of Gae-erlnlts oountlea. cna
and Vlllagea. to asoulro real estate by
Mulnetit clomaia ror i
lei'tinn , ot roaaa.
II R Kl, Nsff of Knox-rVteel plate,
goods muat he atenclled wUb guage num-
M'lH " of Kn-Allowa
oc.'nty .fgea n countlea wore than
2II.W Inhabltahts, : to navo-a clerk and
dors away wtMv allowance of clerk hire
as optional wiUi the rpunty board,
tr x.v MiukeU of !.ancaater LogiU-
ls' exeoutlons and 1"n"w'','",,
affeclUig the title of real eatate now on
fl o In ..hllc offices, rrgtmllea. of any
V,xi.tlna therelng does not apply
to tax deds' or pending "')' -ll!
R.r4. IMuaaer of Jef rson-For-
elunors, who rati w n "
within tn leorai -; ;
be disqualified to vow until they .start
II over attain to gei n.r.r i..,-. -.
H. It! Rf.7. Nelaon of York-Makae Xlf-
een years or inoursoio iiiiuii
It. K. oi '"--7, r-. ,-
wages exemption iaw o.i "-'""" I.., '
actions for debt, debtor must file schedule
of liabilities, creditors must appear and
list claims. triHt to iouw,
to decide portion of debtors wages to
be applied on debts, the Hroportlon to
he not rs than W per cent f Pt
roperty. ajreauy rxeinpi ...
amines. Such Judgment applies against
wagea until jiiaiiiiii.
ll. R. Hw, Merenttn oi ominm-i - ' '
landowners compoiieo to rr
trees and like oltructlons from water-
courses on his property, no matter where
ll! R. Nichols of Madison Appropri
ates W.ouo for purchase ei iu v -folk
11. K. Jlicnmonn vi ,
' ...i....iui .i..tnra to vote from party
nnmlneea for president arid makes them
.k. oath that they will vote for no
7 . . ...-I., mmmiI aa
one W HO nas iim'ii ' - -
Barrett Has Bill.
Mr. Rarrett . declared that he had
worked on the floor of a packing house
and also os a clerk and traveling man
before he became a lawyer, but he could
not bring himself to favor a ball which
would not stand the test of the courts,
lie announced that he had a bill of his
own on the same subject, II. R. 131
State Rail Board
Lacks Money for
'Blue Sky Duties
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 29. (Special Telegram.)
The State Railway commission faces a
proposition od administering the affairs
ot a department and then not . being en
titled to the fees. When the blue sky law
waa pasted it provided that the same
should he under tho Jurisdiction of the
Htate Railway commission and tha fees
should be appropriated back to the com
mission after being turned over to the
state. Jt Is now discovered that such an
act Is unconstitutional and that the com
mission will not be able to' use the fl.tOO
which has accumulated In fees. It will
therefore bo necessary ' for tha commis
sion to go to the legislature for an emer
gency appropriation.
Wants Veterinarian
To Control Serum
" (From a Staff Correspondent.) .
LINCOLN. Jan. . (Special.) The live
stock sanitary board has some Ideas of
Its own In connection with the hog chol
era serum situation In the state. It has
embodied them In a bin that wilt bs In
troduced in the legislature very soon.
The board proposes to place the aale
of the serum wholly under the supervision
of the state veterinarian, and require any
dealer selling the serum to take out a
bond and to have hla product duly Inspected.
Beaton's Saturday
Bargain Bulletin
40c Kondon'a Catarrh.
11.00 Mother'a
11.00 King's Discovery for C.
Consumption UlU
25c Westmal'g Kof 14.
Ramsdy '
too Kodal Dyapepsta 9 Km
15o DeWUfa Early 14.
toe Make Man, , 9 Aft
S5o Woodbury's Ilulr
0o Woodbury1 Bcalp Qflft
aa as w
Druggists, refund money If Pa-o Oint
ment falls to cure Itching. UlJnd. Bleed
ing or Protruding Files. First application
r'vea relief U reuta.
Reduced Fron $25
1HQ Suits Rtduced h $22.50
A similar reduction on all
Our bly stock raduclny sale
cuts tha price nearly la half.
We use good lintnii, good
workmanship and ' tugrmote
fit and style.
324-33S Seal!) ISIS St. .
Cream .'
tOo Bell's
too Herplclde Cream for 9 1 C
the Complexion . . . i ft w
too and Tto Lot Tollst OQn
Waters 1.1.
11.00 Plvefa Vegetal (all "JgQ
Me Eggml . 7C
Shampoo " "
Its Orangtne, C
too CanVhro 29 C
10c Vebeco Tooth - 29 C
1 5c Bealon'a Tooth
Stc Perox Hydrogen,
at . .'.
;5c ixWltt's Arnica
tixx, J. A. T. Rice
3Jo Caatorla,
at ,
S&e Mentholatuni,
6c Kptol Masaage -
tOo Uiapepala. .
at ;
too UeMar'a Phampoo of
Liquid Oreen Soap
11.00 Coke Uandrurf
A sample of Beaton's
Cold Cream to Every
Customer, Saturday.
ISlh md Frnem Sis.
We Have Prepared a Great - Number of Truly Unusual
Bargains for Saturday, the Last Day of the
January Clearing Sale
Final Clearance of Apparel
77 Garments left from our Winter stock, in
cluding everything; these go on sale
Saturday, 8:30 A.M., Your Choice $1.95
irrespective of former price.
Coats Greatly Predominate
We show no winter apparel after Saturday; hence this
clean-up sale. Any coat, suit or dress of our winter stock.
77 garments in all.
Saturday $1.98
No Returns From Cash or Credit Customers.
Final Clean-Up Sale of Linens
Saturday being the last day of our
January Linen Sale, we will ma te a final
clearance of all odds and ends of Table
Damasks, Crashes, Table Cloths, and Nap
kins, at prices that will effect a speedy
All Slightly Soiled Table Cloths, Napkins
and anything left in Fancy Linens,
will be sold
Saturday at Just One-Half Price
35c Hosiery for Women
An unusually fine hose
made of an indestructible
yarn, wide garter tops,
double soles, and a special
top. These 35c hose are of
silk lisle and. we recommend
them because of their lasting
qualities and consequent sat-isfactionj
V- . Special
'ArbntusVTdcum ,-"; .19c
Hair Brushes, rubber cush-' '
ion . ; v.' : . . 49c
Orange Flowers Skin Food,,
at ..... . . . '. ... 25c
to it. zt ooodii xatbt noos.
Underwear Reduced
Women's Cotton ' Corset
Covers, regularly 50c and
'65c . 39c
Women's Wool Union Suits,
. $1.75 , quality, Saturday,
at ... $L25
Children's Swiss Ribbed
Wool Vests and Pants,
at . Vs-Price
$1.50, $2.00 and $3.00
Men's Shirts for 79 Cent
- In order to make room for our new spring line of men's
shirts, we are going to put on sale Saturday such well
known brands as Cluett-Pea-
body, Lion, and Thompson,
Belden & Co's. own makes of
high grade coat shirts. They
are made with the soft or
laundered cuff and with soft
or pleated fronts. They come
in - fine percale, madras,
basket weave, and silk and
linen mixtures.
Values up to $3.00
Saturday 79c
Watch Sunday's paper
for an interesting an
nouncement in regard to
Spring Styles.
Important Glove Specials
, Saturday
65c and 7 So Leatherette Gloves
for woman and children. La col
ors and white); we are closing
: aU ot them oat for 60c a pair.
Kayser'a all-wool, ailk-lined,
cashmere gloves; a fine line,
eepecUtUjr good when market
ing, 23c and 60c a pair.
close of the Great January
Sale will be followed by
the most important sale
of Dress Goods and Silk
Remnants we have ever
had. See goods in Six.
teenth Street Windows,
and Sunday's papers for
Gelj Into
Money-Making Company
into the atmosphere of success coming into contact with people of
unceasing activities, who get service out of Bee Want Ads in a score
of ways !
Your Wants in
: Sunday Bee
Learn how and where to advertise and you will discover that an ad
costing a few cents will accomplish wonders, literally speaking.
Call before 7:30 this evening or ,
Children's Winter
Coats f
Sues, 2 to 12 years, all
Children's getlo fair noes.
"Everybody Reads Bee "Want Ads"
It la p. are if direct uetutiatious bs