Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1915, Page 16, Image 16

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no, ill 15
Unites? SUtet Stel Again it the
rirot Around Which Things
KEVf TOnK. Jan. . InltM Watas
PlMl as limn the Hvot anmnd whlrh
the took marhel revolved today. Tli
fommon Mock was very extensively
traded In. mostly at o. Its new mini
mum, a, few thousand shares beins; sold
t a fraction above that prloe. IJcviM
lion In that inane was on so latue a seals
aa to renreeent 40 per cent of the first
hour1 entire business. The preferred
Mock also fielded part of Its recent re
covery. New Haven waa another weak Issue,
KelllniT off 4Vk points to 4S, Ita minimum.
JnrtdenUlly the loweat price in the hts
lorr of the company. The decline coin
rtdcd with rumora that the eompany'a
application to Issue preferred Block had
rcn denied r the) Massachusetts author-
Canadian Pacific wss heaviest of all
the hlmh-prired 'Issues, losing; over
jioints on persistent eIllns;. much or
which waa ascribed to Huropean aourcea.
The company's statement of earnings for
Iecember. Indicating a net loia of over
U.sno.lKlO, was In Itself regarded as suri
itent cause for dlst"Ouraement on the
pert of holders of the stock. Ieollne to
lowest prices all around occurred In the
final hour, renewed liquidation In Reart
1ns;. I'tiion rartflc and otiier speculative
favorites producing a wea close.
Id addition to the foreign offer of
Canadian Pacific, sales for European In
terests were probably the largest of any
went day. Abrogation of the rule pro
hibiting salra. escept for cash, has re
sulted In a heavy movement of our se
curities from abroad. "This is eapeclally
applicable to bonds of speculative charac-
"ijocel banks are expected t ke fur
ther caah movements from the Interior,
but supplies of cash st all reaerve cen
ters are now so abundant aa to make
quoted rates virtually nesiirne. iwm
t learinns show a decrease from the pre
vloua week, the loss being grester In the
Interior than at New Tork and New En.
. land points. . . ,
London reported an expansion of busl
r. that market being assisted by the
removal of our "cash" restrictions. The
J,onh.n exchange continued, however. Jo
isnore the successive price reductions In
Honda m a whole were affected by the
weakness of the stock list. Total si lies,
s-sr value, aggregated ll.iW. 1 nlled
Hates 2 advanced V4 and Panama 2s
i per cent on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
a stocks were:
salM. !Uh. 1bw. Clwe.
... IK ! S7"4 snH
AlMki OnH
Asilgaroated Copper .,
tirl.n Poet Hukv...
tiier1mtt CB '
rrl.M t. a n......
America g. R. '
Am. Hucar Rilnlir ...
n:'loii Tel. Tel..
mart' an Tohswro
ni .da Mlolni
I-lllrtirs Ohl
)neklrn Itl1 Tr ,
ollfnnile Peiroleam ..
fB4i"i P"'"'0
... .() K
... T" T
... l.TS 7
... l.MS tl
mi in'
1 mm in
n ru
i mot rr
14.7W 1M
IK "
I. Oil 41
(Vrtial lther
riiaii4ii4 a Obis
hl-w O. W..
atilMgo N. Yf
'!i!n CVipiwr
i4ar4n Kwl Ihis....
Cnlnratla l4illrn
Iwinr A III Ucsnds...
lriner a 1I 0. pM
lH.dllfrV Securitwe a,.
I!l,erl Klw.lrle
liU Nonliers r'
Km. Ur t'
.i.Knhim Knplorstloa..
li:tiui ntrl ...
lTlrbnreusa M4. M...
InaT'lrvilon t'oew
lntrniloil Hai'Tsstar..
KiJtM 'itr aouthera....
Jhlii Vallr
Ml 0
KM 117 127
ana V, J IV.
ft M',4
,.... .....
t. AM IS. M.
HI Hit I4H" 13
4(i llKVa J"' H4
I, km M
m !
t 1
I, ! MH
SI J"1
1 f
. i$
11 Vi
I.WS 131
a . . a t
Mlin Petrolsum j 14.10S
1414 CMpv
Mlwaurl. K. St T.
OIIMtourl rucirin
KlUMIll li-ilt lil
e Vnck Ontral
Jj. Y . N. II. K
Jv-.M-tulk A Wani
Nartham Paoltl
l'plHi Mall
Vaolfln Tel. 4k Tal
J'ullmasi lalr4 Car...
3lr to. Oppsr......c
Hieallns ,
Riavutilla Ima a bWI..,
J?iwi4 lian1 '
ttork llaai . M...
rH. U 4. H. K. 4 Pl4-
t-ouih-ra Paolfln
Poiitharn Ttnllwar
1'annaaMea Cnear
"ra oinnanr
Vnion PaHfln
H'Moa Pail" p!4...k..
'I nlleil Mulea Utaal.
V s. H-eal pt
Vtdh VIr
ahii'fh p4
WMrtont l:nltm
tA inA !"
J0Vt 10
144 144
'! "
' 't.'lins 't74
, tl.MD )S
.7W i
.n 17
l,; itt
, W.imrt 120
, S M 4"
, .7" liX1
t.OU (1
1J0 Ml
iih ni4
im Mt
40 4
1B 10
43 ' M
-dlin4. ,n-4Me4 ssd rlftita.
Total salas tot tka 4iT. 4M.4W khsras,
Pen4llni at TrWa gwlaglag la Dl
reetieK f Improvenaeat ttlll.
NHTVV YORK. Jan. SO.-Bradstrcet'a
Veekly Review will ssy tomorrow!
The pendulum of trade rontlnues to
llnr In the Urautlon of Intprovecnant.
Parting at a very alow paoa ttirea weeks
ago. It la nuw moving at a more aatta
factoiy rate, though even yet the move
ment la hut conservatively ateady.
Almost -Everywhere the disposition Is to
J.Mjk on the bnsht aide, spring buying
repcclally of textllea, fxintlnura to multi
.); the labor situation, while far from
iHMinal. la aui h that idieness is decreas
ing; winter weather over a wide area
),h helped reduce stocks of heavy goo.!;
money is cheaper; eomnuxllty prinea are
Matter, funds are Plentiful In the oeroal
icruwing regtoaa: winter wheat la In good
tapc: copper Is hlKlier, anil steel mill
operations are being Increased. ,
Hnk clearings for the wm were 2.
",S H17.000. a decrees of 21. pr cent from
laet year. t
Wheat exporta argregatnl 8,61.ft
rniehola agulnst !.T17,v,i Uushsls a year
' trn. -
Failures In the t'ntted Ptatea were KS
tompared with 4fS In 1S14, In Otnadit.
fift-4uur cumpaitid with sivty-oue in
New Yerk MaMey Market.
t'Al'KH V1i-t per rent.
HTr.Hi.lxi it e;asy: sixty
lay bills, M Mli, fur cables. 4.0i for
HibV'tH Uar. ioi - Mexican dollars.
VioNt'S Government, strong; railroad.
Mi)NCT-Tlm loans, steady; sixty
rlnys, Pr cent; ninety days, Ziif
I per cent; six months. ?ia4 per cent,
. ttn ralL steady; high, t per cent: low
J pr rent; ruling rate, I per rent; last
loan. J per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent;
.ff-.vf1 att 1 it.r cent.
Ijo.MxjN. Jan. .-FIL.VETt-Bar. 2d
t ounce.
wnNKY-1 ter cent
ljit.uINT ft AT Krt Short and thrct
riiuclha. 1'yQl -' IT cent.
Germans Arrest
British Colonials
r '
RKRLJN. Jan. 29. Vla Ixindon.) A
(lliatrh ivachjng liera from Hamburg
as that all Untlsa colonials In that
city, with the exception for the time
being of the Australians, have been ar-
rctad and trnsrted la Ruhleben,
where they are to be Interned In the con
centration caunp along with other British
civilians, iiomcthlng like sixty Canadians
are lit this new draft of prisoners. Tho
arrest uf the coloulala In Uerniany
will be continued. Colonials were orig
inally left st liberty hrn knglluhmea
were litternttf, but now they are to be
fiHthtrtd up and sent to concentration
4 snips.
Hr 1'kraat aa4 ( aril.
Q;iiKly relieved by r. lk-11'a I'iua-Tar-liui.t.
It eisvs the throat, soothes the
1 irt, loeiu phlegm. Only I'm-. drug
I .-,t AdveitlBeiiiiut.
From Our Near Neighbors
Hrrplat Water.
Mra ,t. v. Amlck 1lted In Imlsvllle
the first f the week.
Kd Fpetry hss pone to Fsrrsgut, la.,
for a short visit with his sisters.
Mrs. William Lambert visited Ksturday
at the Jacob Miller home In Manley.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Witt went to
Greenwood Wednesday for a Visit with
A. H. Smith of Punhar. who resided
here forty yenrs ago. wss In town a brief
time Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chrlsteneen have
gone to Murray where Mr. Chrlstenrcn
hss a position In a garage.
Mrs. rarr.ucl O. Smith of Plattsmouth
returnee" home Wednesdav after a visit
at the home of her son, Kay.
Mrs. Fred e-erage has returned to
her home at South Omsha after several
days' visit at the home of her mother.
Mrs. M. B. Jones.
K. Ji Everett, a former resident here,
now of Scott's Uluff, Neh., returned to
his homo the first of the week after sev
eral days' visit In loan.
Last Friday evening about thirty-five
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rich
gathered at their home to help celebrate
their thirtieth wedding anniversary.
Members of fhe local chapter Daush
ters of the American Hevglutlon, enjoyed
a o'clock dinner Friday evening of last
week. The event was In commemoration
of the first anniversary of the organiza
tion of the chapter.
Reaalaatoa, '
A bJb boy. w" to" " Mr- Mn.
Otto He hnerkloth last week.
Iurence and Tad Merman of Fremont
sient Saturday and Purrtey at the C. W.
Olandt home.
..Ll",.M"'ru',rU8 Klrschner la still at
the Methodist hoapital, Omaha, where she
was operated on for abscess of the ear.
llev. and Mrs. Ahrena mil Mr ti-ji.
returned Monday to their home at Csmp-
bell. Neb., after a visit with friends here.
linns Oft and family leave soon to mska
i..r om,on, reenlly purchased farm
near Ontario, Ore.
Miss Mable Fuller left Wednesdav for
California, where she will make her home
grles fher, who Uvea at Los An-
The Royal Neighbors Installed officers
wi-i.yr .on J"""rT a. Miss Mina
Witte Is orarle and Mis. Alice Wilt re
corder. W.i-n h -ri.-to Mr'. ."nd Mr"' William
Orfindma Orau. who .tu
IHriMi wc'ctm' hr first great-grand-
A. K. Orau.
a i;' muier oi air. ana Mrs.
The following South Hakotnns are visit
t.I!'alle ,!" Vicinity: Mrsf Chru
redde. Mr. mmt M
Tlmiwley and Mr.
iint wilt. Albert
and Mrs. Sherman
n-J i11' ""n1" "il femlly have left for
Os.ol, Mo., where they will reside. ,
ilL"t? v.Ml"Ly ?hl Olive Bchryn
ware Nebraska aty vJsltora this week.
Mrs. F. W. Rnhge and Mrs. William
t"e weetf mah V,"loI'
P. H. Hanger Is at Oiltner. where he
r"cn;,orhebrr ,he l,,neM "nd aih "
Mrs. Louise Qillen of Council Rluff,.
JSlstlve. JTZ the week wK
t n.1l!tJnn"on' ,,on n' J-"ghter. of
Lexington, were vlaltlnrf at the! Samuel
Johnson horns the first of the week .
Krnest Mnnn.n . . . .
hi. vicinity, w.,- herVf'rXmWa'kena
Kin,, this week. vUitm. t,V".u J
wjf0 -v.... wuncu ana
t0t'n."holi:,,f,r hr" "Siting
The Avoca. Wnman'a .li.l. .
their hu.lHtnds. ,st mambari ITTd new
n'T'V'1 dinT,p W.dfl.r evening
at the home of Mr. mid Mrs Kami i
Johnson. A short PayletTI "'go "of
Seven," wa. given later Th the evening
Harold Noyie of Creta la t i.iiin.
Mn and Mrs. M n r .... .. .
Omaha visitors Monday. """""r w"'i
y b.b,y a WM b,rn t Mr. and Mrs.
John Blelck Wednesday.
Mra. Jack Smith lert Monday for Buell.
Ia., to visit her parents.
..Mr' .Mr' Nels . Rasmussen visited
their daughter at Bennington Friday.
Mrs. Hannah Pamn. Mra ni. a...t
and Mrs. leln wero In Fremont Saturday.
miss lassie llasmussen of Herman Is
visiting at the home of her uncle. Nels
Carl Illbbard and .T.v rimiM t s...,u
Omaha, visited at the a. . Brewster
noma Saturday. .
A number of relativaa tmm
maha surprised Mr. and Mrs. Thomp
son Sunday evening.
James Mall Is the owner of lit, t-
headed pig. It has two motitha thM
yea, but only one throat. It oan eat
with either mouth and seems aa bealthy
aa any of the rest of tho litter.
Mrs. Weekly, who has been 111 with tha
rip, is able to be out again.
Miss Harriet Moon entertained Monday
evening at her-home the members of tha
O. 8. club and friends.
The monthly mnetlnv of tha wn.-
Missionary society waa hold at tho lift trie.
of Mra Murrman Wcdnesdsy. Mra Holds-
worm was iaut".
The regular meeting of the Valley Wo.
man club waa held at the home of Mrs.
Kopp Friday aftornoon. Mrs. Fred Whttr
more whs leader of the seaslon. '
The daughter of Mr. and Mra I'ruit
Ollmore, lone, dlod Wednesday from
pneumonia. She was I years of age.
Funeral services acre held Thursday
The funeral crvlces of Mrs. J. 1 Allte
McKlnnon Pollack, who died at her home
In TUdeo. Neb., were held from tho home
of Mrs. and Mrs. A. tlardlner Thursday
at I p. HI. Mrs. Pollack grew up In Val
ley ana was ueiovea ana respected by all,
Among the out-of-town people who at
tended Mrs. Pollack's funeral were Mrs
Jcnea of Fremont. Mra. t'emptieil of South
Omaha, Mliuiea Nelson and Fredolph Pol
lack of Omnha, Mrs. Ahlgren of felroms
burg. Miss Standen, Mr. and Mrs, Warn
of THden and the members uf the family,
ir. j-oiiai H and jlmhisih, Mrs. Hempstead,
Mr. and Mra. 1). T. McKlnnou, Mr. and
Mra Ocorae McDonald, Mr. and Mra.
Isaao -No ca and Vr. S. A. Campbell.
Bert Sating of Trace, Cal., la visiting
his parents.
The Congregational church will conduct
revival nivcliuga next week.
Carl Sturhm has advertised a sals and
will leave soon ruii' for Cvioiado.
The Woodmen of the "World will give
a dance at the oinsra house nat Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong of West
Point are visiting Mr. and Mra. U. Adsett.
Cyrus Russell of North Platte was a
vtaaor at the home of Mr. ana Mrs, M.
Uutorff this week.
''Mrs. Joseph Armstrong and children
spent last week In Lincoln with Mr. and
Mrs. David McCoull.
I A. Bates met with the executive com
mittee of the Historical Society at Lin
coln Tuesday evening.
The women of Springfield are making
bedding and C'Hlvcling food a4 tuvney
to and with the Nebraska sltlp to 'us
A party waa glvea to DrW. C. Bates
at the boaie of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oldorog
Wednesday evaning. rr. Bates will more
to Kunhville, Neb., next week.
On Thursday of last week Miss rena
Van Haltams, a sister of Nick Van Hslt-
sma, wss united in msrriage wun Armur
. bggers of Avon, B. l.
Mrs. lllaley Is on a shorplng expedition
In Omaha.
Mrs. feore Ingerweren ns very crlt
Icslly ill with cancer.
J. T. Royer has gone to Hannibal, Mo.,
for an extended visit. t
Mrs. Ills'ev entertslned tha German
club Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Duy Rood has gone to Burr to visit
her friends and relatives.
Henry Krabe msde a business trip to
Nebraska City on Tuesday.
Mrs J. A. nrey of Lincoln Is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. J. I. Iing.
Miss Kate Norc.len was visiting friends
In Nebraska City on Monday.
Mrs. William Hlsck of Nehrsska City
Is visiting her father. Peter Opp.
Chsrlie Pltmsn of Oklahoma Is visit
ing Ills numerous relatives this week.
Win Ort wss taken to an Omsha hoe
pltsl to be operated on for appendicitis.
Mrs. John Wunderllcht spent a part of
this week In Plattsmouth on business.
Mrs. Samuel Humphrey has returned!
from a visit with her sister at Spring! leld.
Mrs. Witbrow and Mrs. Riddle of Char
iton, la., are visiting Mrs. Charles Duck
worth. K. M. Pollard spent part of last week
In Lincoln attending the horticultural
meeting. '.
Andrew Pitman has been siik.
John Htefflns spent Sundny with friends j
at i-orton.
Miss I'hebe Page, who hss been spend
ing a few days here, has returned to ber
home la Omaha.
Mr., and Mra Qtvoree J. Ppahn of Lin
coln are here visiting Mrs. Spahn'a
moiner ana nrotner, Andrew Slurm.
Mr. H. K. Westcott of llattsmouth
came out Tuesday evening to address tne
Booster club. Hn aastaccompanied by Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling of Mississippi
have returned to their home after a
visit of several months with their daugh
ter. Mrs. Ed lladlry.
Frank Rnbb has resigned his position
and gone to his farm home in Iowa to
care for his mother, who Is quite sick.
Rev. Charles K. Baskervllle Is In the
east on business.
Mrs. P. W. Kvsns Is slowly recovering
from a severe attack of neuritis.
Special service for the week of prsver
are being planned at the I'resbvtsrian
Ouy Reed's baby bov. 8 months old. has
been very 111 with pneumonia. The mother
died In the hospital two weeks ago.
The Ladles' .Aid society of the Presbv-
terlan church met Wednesday afternoon
at tne noma or Mrs. A. A. Tyler.
The Presbyterian I-adles' Aid society
gave a chicken pie dinner at' Flaherty's
Thnrsdsy evening. There was a large
and well-satisfied crowd.
Mike Oeerllne of Broadwater, Neb.. Is
visiting Sarpy county relatives this wefk.
Eugene Iowd of Pender, waa the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Lesleur, Saturday and
J. i . Simpson or winrer.xS. n., was
a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Chase, tha
nrsi or tne wmk. .
MIhs IMlllan Empey was very pleassntly
surprinei last rsinrosy arternon, by
crowd 'of friends from South Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Rdward McEvoy and Mr.
and Mrs. Ieslesir, were guests of Mr.
snd Mrs. Phil McEvoy In South Omaha,
Mrs. L. A. Thompso.i entertained the
Presbyterian Ladles' Aid society, Thurs-
aay arternoon, at per noma in Morth
tlkhora.. "
Mra. Harry Clark and daughter Maxlne
were Omaha visitors Thursday.
Mrs. P. G, Hofeldt entertained the
isuics' Kensington Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Dale, Neb.,
vi. nan meir aaugnier, airs. A. otte, on
n eunesaay.
Mr. and Mrs. Bachaus of Nellgh. Neb.
wnu whit rvraniiy marrien. viairj.ii a
i-uupie or nays at tne Jtoieiot nume.
jsc Mccormick has gone to eastern
Montana to look at a homestesd relin
quishment, with a vlnw of moving there.
Dandruff causes a feverish Irritation of
tha scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen
and then the hslr comes out fast ToJ
stop railing nalr at one and rid tha
calp of every particle of dandruff, get
a ZS-eent bottle of Danderina at any
drug atore, pour a little In your hand
and Into tha scalp. After a few
applications the hair stops coming out
and you can't find any dandruff. Advertisement.
At Cat
Jnst a fsw of ear maay kladsi
Oeauiaa kaad-soreeaea -IE
per ton , I U
grKroAi.rT x.uma a , 7
and ant, tier torn I 0
VOTUIOXB rsaoy Zttuap. C tn
head picked, per torn .... WWiwU
APIaal T B ssl rraak. ftt CA
lta Co. coat per ton UuU
oV"rkr..,...:.:... $7.00
ir4D-w Ooat for fnraaee
TtobxvX Dallvsry.
laaa mcheias.
Tel. Bonir. 630.
ask Your
Omaha. Naaa.
1502 8. 10th Ct
Fhon D. TZZi ,
Offers Men's and Women's
High Grade FOOTWEAR at
About Hal! Price
Ijilrd Schober'a M.00 Patent Colt
lniM Calf and Import
ed Blac k Buckskin,
J. A T. Cousins' MOO Blsrk Satin
srk Satin
Button, Cuban. Iiuls
heel, bench made,
Lounsbury A Mathewson'a ta.Bn
i'a 5.e
.tent Colt,
Kid,. 15ull
Black. Brown and Gray fluedet.
xiuls, f uhan and Mili
tary heels, go- now
Wright It Petera' .i.00 Patent Colt,
Dull Calf and Satin De
lain leather and Louis,
Cuban heels, at
H. Ht Oray'a 14.60 Dull Kid,. Dull
Calf. Pstents and Suedea
Ix)ula. Cuban and Mili
tary heels, now...
Lindner Shoe Co'a 14.50 and- 14 00
inif 14 OS
hin Metal
l.liO siloes,
Patent Colt. Oun Metal
-alf and Tan Russia
Button, now
H. H. Oray'a Son $4.00 Oun Metal
Button, liw, Walking
and Opera Heels,. .
(1 lines, all good makes, I3.fi0 shoes,
some higher; Patents,
Dulla snd Kids, light
snd heavy soles, at
20 Per Cent Off All Misses'
Youths' Hlgh-Top Footwear,
CDV QUf.17
JflWatMalHHt's'llM1 1
I Grand
Iof tho new
nnnnn cnniTARynnnrrrcT
. 512 South 16th. 500 Block.
Saturday, January 30
This market will carry a full line of the very best
quality of meats, groceries, fruits and provisions, at the
lowest possible prices.
Courteous attention to
the high cost of living, is our
Pig Pork Loins,
114 Milk Fed Spring Cli tokens at
cheaper tlisn the wholesale price.
Choice Bteer Pot Koast. . .13Ho-llHe
Pig Pork Roast , S,9
Pig Pork Butts lixa
Choice Young Veal Roast 13He-llU
Choirs Young Veal Chops. . . lSe-ltHe
I.amb Legs lao
Mutton Chops ...lBo-iaHo
Choice Mutton Roast . 7V
Cudahy's Diamond C and ' Armouij
E3I IRB If TT A Off ITT 1810 Harney Ot
WIBsatBW 1 al ar,
Pig Pork Loins, 6 to 8 Lb.
1914 Forequartcrs of Lamb
1914 Hindquarters of Lamb
Choice Pler Pot Rosst. . .1 JH-U Vie
Choice Young Veal Koaat 130-11 Vie
Choice Young Veal Chops. .. 18o-18Ho
Pig Pork Koaat So
Pig Pork Kutts 1140
Choice Mutton Cliops 13o-iaHo
Opr. Woolworth Be and tOc Store. Hjj South 16th St. Tel. D. 2307.
I Landladies ! - Jm,
Have you a pleasant room reached by tho
sunlight vrhicltyou would like to rent T
Advertise it tomorrow in
The Bee'f classification of
anl the chance are that you won't
b ablo tf haudlo all tha applicants.
lc per
each Insertion it your ad rung a week and you
pay cash.
s . TtUphonm Tyler 1000
Cold weather has 1-4n no barrier to the hun
dreds of people who hare already taken advan
tage of this opportunity to aeenre the world's
hewt makes of shoes at extremely low prices.
, Saturday will ho the biff day of the aale. rian
Tiow to shoe tne enure family at aooui nan vuc
regular price. Mease not the low prices at
t ached to these famous makes of footwear.
Johnston Murphy's
Calf and Tan Iluasia,
button and laces,
f.60 French
is Ttussla.
Slater Morrell's 16.00 Ta Ttussla.
Knglish last, double
soles to heel, go now
MacDonald Klley'a 15.00 Tan Rus
Tan Rus-
sia Calf and Patent
Colt, button, go now
at ,
87 pairs, our S.B0 Genuine Kangsro
Cushion soles, douDie
to heel, now
Howard A Foster's 15.00 Oun Metsl
un Metsi
Blucher, double sole to
heel, go now.
Howard Foster 14.50 Tan Russia
Calf and Oun Metal, '
button and biuch'er.
now t
Jt lines 14 EO knd 4.00 values.
L'.Y,1 1141 fal I
good makes Tuns,
Dulls and Patents,
go at ,
llnea tl.BO shoes.
some higher, button
and blucher, go at.
and lldren'g. All Boys' and
During This Cltjan-Vp Sale.
Cd Corner 16th
Opening v
customers and a reduction of
motto. r
6 to 8 lbs,, 10ic
Btar Hams ISHo
Cutlahy's Hiinllght Bsoon.; 194o
Hugar Cursd Bacon ......1440
H'isar Cured Hams 10 lie '
3-1 b. Pall Pure Ird. regular price
46o; Saturday special .....40o
From P. M. to P. M. Lamb
' Chops Be
From 9 P. M. to 10 P. M. Pork
Chops . . 100
a laas I Phons Doufrla. S7B3
. 8 3-4c
I Cudahy's Diamond
8tar Hams ;
I Cudahy'a Sunlight
I Sugar Curenl Paion.
C and Armnur'i
........ w...IBo
Bacon.. M...1IM
...... Xa 4 a
I Mitr cured llama
Oysters, per quart
' e are glad , to say that notwithstanding the un
settled condition of the world's market, we find ourJ)rug
Stock at this moment in prime condition, both as to quan
tity and quality. Buying aa we do in almost all cases from
manufacturer or importer we obtain best prices and
first supply.
Pegrg' unscented
cake, Satur
day Soap. pr
... lOcJ
50c Charles' Flesh Food. . -2 It
EOc Doan'a Kidney rilU...34
25a Allen's Foot Ease St
AUcook's Porous Plasters. . J2t
50c Uromo 'Seltzer 29
3c Cgstoria, genuine. .. .'.21
25c Cutlcura Soap 17
50c Carmen Face Powder,.
(4 shades) .21)
EOc ' Canthrox 29e
50c Derma. Viva ... . . . .205
25c Espey's Fragrant Cream
for 14
$1.00 Fellow's Syrup.'.'.'. .84i
tl.25 Gude's Peptomangan. J)8t
$1 Horllckr's Malted Milk, GOd
25c Houbigant's Rice Powder
for 17
25c Peroxide Cream 14
Strictly pure Peroxide of Hydro
gen 14 19e n 29
$1 Hoetetter's Bitters H4
75c Jad Liver Salts. .... .49
$1 Listerlne,' Lambert's. . . .59c4
25c Laxative Bromo Quinine '
(E. W. Groves') , 14a
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder. .14V
Best treatment for frost bites and chilblains.' The first
application relieves. Price ........... -. .25
lierman &
r-a r".
Hffjfjf jiiiijm)!!! .. mmiujji.iiiuMj
Unseen Dili 'Kfflilk
"It is true that the most dangerous dirt 5s un
seen; that is, it cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Especially is this true of milk. : In order to have
clean milk, there must be icare and iratchfulness all
the way along, the line, from the dairy farm clear
into the city homes. . Milk is easily spoiled. It ab
sorbs filth and impurities when exposed to the open
' air." From Chicago Department of Health Bulletin,
. . i
" When cities like Chicago and every other progressive
city in the country are spending thousands of dollars a year
in maintaining health departments under the direction of
the most capable physicians to be found, and these physi
cians constantly warn against the danger of disease germs
found in raw milk, isn't it best for you to be guided by
their expert opinion?
You can protect yourself against disease-laden milk.
.. . . '
Cottage Evaporated Milk answers the question. For
evaporated milk is not merely a question of convenience
and economy it is a question of health. ; v-
-Haaa -TUP W V. I
' ju Jr.
is die milk that overcomes all danger of the transmission
of disease in milk. It is perfectly sterilized and never
exposed to the air until you open it. . y, , -
It is made from fresh cows milk, carefully' inspected, with no
preservatives and nothing added only part of the water taken out by
evaporation. Made fresh every day in sanitary, spotless condenseries ia
the best dairying districts of the country. .Delivered direct to your grocer.
? . --....... , t. . .....-
Cottage Evaporated Milk ia good for any purpose where you are
now using raw milk or cream. .
the food value of bottla milk.
v The mk
Without tne coofted i a$te
At all tood IKasaersv'-.
In Two Sizes,: 5
American Milk Company,
for our Busy Bee Boys
"i.'a..iiiiBiM, j,im m, mm aw wnuaww
.... . ' t .
.'.--.' J .
Barney Barry. JHnsrleaa CUuh, Nlcksl Plated.' Tstnpsrad
WtUlad Steal Blades, Slsas to fit.- , v .
This picture of on ot the Skates will be in Tha Bee
very day this week. - ' -
Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pic
tures in their paper for you. too. See how many 'pictures
you can get and bring them to The Bee office next Saturday.
The Skatea will be given Free to the boy that sends us
the most pictures before 4 P. M. Saturday, January 80.
F.J. 1
laal as M
OR. C. Re TARRY - - 240 Deo Dldg.Omaha. Neb.
50c La Blache Face Powder
(4 shades) ...30
EOc Malvlna Cream for.. 29
f 1 Pierce's Far. Preec. . .Vi&lt
$1.00 Peruna;.rV..;.... 84
$1 Pinkham's Compound. .64
s. s. s. 04t. 31.34
Scotts Emulsion.. 39t. G9
$1 Wine of Card u I . . . .59
60c Williams Pink Pitl8..34J
25c Larell's Massatta Talcum
for 12
Mentholatum . . . .14. 344
$1.60 Oriental Cream, Oouraud's,
for a . . a a . -98
50c Pape's tMapepsln. ,..29
2 6c Packer's Tar 8oap..,.14
26c Pond's Vegetable Cream
for ...... 14?
$1 Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal. . 50
60c Pozzont's Face Powder
(4 shades), for ......34
25c Rogers & Gallet Perfumed
Rice Powder for ......IT
Sal Hepatica. 19. 34, 69
50c California Syrup of Figs,
(original), for ...34t
EOc 8empre Glovin ..... .293
50c Tourjour Jeutie ..... .29
25c Tis, for tender feet..l4
25c 4711 White Rose Soap, 12
! MeSoiioell
...,.t'-':,. a
Ji).iii.iiiyiij!jnji.! i....-,-.- J 1 - " '"'''nM!!,?"
w w ax n a. a.
t -rs-..v
It baa- snore than twioa
Buy a can. Try a can.
i and. 10c
J l
M- a4
aa ss4U Maaaaa ami
tlss fealia. F(iuawt ewa
nunnkii. SSfvlmA tarn Sm 1 i I
kapk as slal fciismi aaa taattatoa
imB af kaaaraaa ( earaa pauaals ts
MrCtllsLlllJllSaVM ',r. ,
v v